Where Has Bob Hansler Been? Bad News

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hey group it has been a long time since i've made one of these videos and i know a lot of folks have been reaching out and wondering where i've been and how i've been doing and why why i've been absent to apologize for the rough state i probably look in my body unfortunately has been through a lot and this is the last video i ever wanted to make and it's taken me a couple weeks to get it done uh so here it is a few months ago when i started dropping off the map some of y'all had noticed that i was looking a little more tired and i just thought i was getting older i was tired i don't know i didn't know i got sick and then i got sicker and sicker and at the end of the week i had to go and get admitted into the emergency room in san antonio texas and from there icu blood transfusions and i nearly died several times i spent close to a month in the hospital i had gotten an autoimmune disease as a child and it wrecked my body y'all y'all know that i i live a clean lifestyle i don't smoke i don't drink i eat well i exercise but the damage had been done and come to find out a lot of the healthy foods that i ate were some of the worst things for this condition something i knew or rather didn't know what was happening was accumulating in my system so um i come to find out let me just show y'all so i've got tubes coming out of my body now out of my heart because i have end stage kidney failure now almost completely dead kidneys they have failed at the age of 30 8 37 my kidneys completely failed on me and i'm on dialysis three times a week which is nowhere close to where i am right now they filter my blood for the better part of a day [Music] to allow me to to kind of survive um so i've been recovering and i've i've gained on it a little bit i'm at least able to walk around and do stuff now but i am i've just finished up the last battery tests uh they're the transplant center is two hours away from me in san antonio which is fortunate it's an amazing transplant center and they've just greenlighted me for a transplant i am on the transplant list but for somebody with a positive blood that's five years and i'm almost completely unable to make videos in this condition there's a lot that goes along with it i did not know anything about kidney disease or or transplants or anything before this so i've been educating myself and i've gone ahead and gotten [Music] the transplanter kidney transplant wristband i'll be advocating for that i'll talk more about it on the side channel if y'all are interested but life has been not okay um i spent my entire life [Music] trying to do more favors and give more than i ever asked for and that's been something that my father taught me and that i've lived my life by but i've been thrown this this challenge that is too big for me just to take on and so i've got to make this video and tell everybody what's going on i shut down completely i most of my family doesn't even know i'm telling y'all right now i don't want anybody to see me this way especially when i was in the hospital insurance has taken care of most of it transportation costs i'm still starting to do the battle with the insurance company because that's just the way it's got to be but i've got i've got patreons i've got a paypal account started up i'm gonna go ahead and have the gofundme started up tonight because i'm gonna have to and i've got to reach out to the communities to my friends to the scouting community to folks you guys on youtube and i've got to ask for the biggest thing ever that i've [Music] i've got a positive blood and i need a kidney to be human again um [Music] what a thing to ask for i know a lot of folks are in different places in their lives if you just want to watch some of the videos and get me some ad revenue on that i appreciate it go back through all that all that footage i have so many more things to do out here i have so many things to show and i'm just not able to right now they tell me that [Music] once i get a match and what i do is is give out the information to do the lab work to those folks that are willing and able and have the correct blood type to go out and get tested and once they have a match they can schedule it for within four to six weeks get that done and then there's four to six weeks recovery after that and the insurance takes care of everything on both parts both sides of the treatment i want to be able to take care of anybody that that's willing to do that for me though so i know it's going to be a little bit of time out of work for them assuming that i can find somebody because i've never asked for anything like this never wanted to never but that's where i'm at right now i've got an amazing wife that's been going around with all this and [Music] just being in the hospital during kovid she wasn't even able to be up there very much she's just been going through all this a lot of times with her on her own and my puppy dog's been been doing okay with it he's been looking after me and my my girls and given the support that they can here and there but it's this is me telling the world so um if y'all know something that i don't about all this i'd love to i'm learning everything i can about it as fast as i can but it's been a lot just got some kind words for me and lately some days i've needed them but i wanted to tell y'all tell you i appreciate you and put this out there so links will be down in the description i'm so sorry i didn't have better news for this again this is this is the last video i ever wanted to make ever um ever tell me what you think i'm gonna try and do some videos and push through it i'll see where that goes and uh i'm also looking at opening up the property to camping [Music] and y'all tell me what you think about that just to kind of help with the funds but uh pastor family is kind of in a dark area right now dark place so to speak [Music] so thank you all for everything you'll do there will be a next time i've got too much to continue doing i've got too much left [Music] and i want to tell you how much i appreciate y'all for everything and that y'all been through and gone through with me but this is where i'm at right now hopefully i'll have good news to post on here here in the coming days thank you all for everything that you all can do and that you all have done and as always until next time
Channel: Bob Hansler
Views: 141,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Hansler, Survivalist, Wilderness survival, Outdoorsman, Texas Survival, Bob Hansler Kidney, Bob Hansler kidney transplant, Kidney failure, Kidney transplant, Kidney disease, Medical update, medical crisis
Id: qiz8iyUK1G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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