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hey guys so I propose is coming up if you don't know what to do I got you super easy stuff you can do for April Fool's so like you don't know what to do try these on your mom your dad your brother your dog your friend your teacher your your principal the president your local senator so you brother sister mom or dad or out of the house send them a picture of this be like sorry I spilled milk all over it gonna have to get yourself a new one but it's not milk it's glue dried-up glue so you make this little sploosh with glue and soap scratch some soap on some glass put some glue let it dry and then peel it off congratulations you have a splooge mark let's just say it doesn't have to be milk get creative serve a dessert grilled cheese oh look we got grilled cheese you take a bite it's not actually grilled cheese it's a cake it's a loaf of bread cake with frosting that looks like cheese it's like I haven't had this before but it'd be so confusing hmm look at that ice cream looks good Fool's is really mashed potato and gravy and a tomato on top me it could've fooled me it looks pretty good okay these are harmless all right they're gonna get worse also for your broke friends with anxiety you could print out a fake parking ticket you can download a PDF just print it out fold it up place it in their windshield it's so good if you have a lot of googly eyes you can stick them on everything in your fridge so that whoever opens the fridge is gonna be judged by every condiment bottle leftover in there you open the fridge you give you that look what you do it's funny because this is basically what you do when you open the fridge you just walk in there open it stare at everybody but guess what now they staring at you too how does it feel tell your friend oh I got you some brownies and they bill up oh my god then you give them a couple of brownies it's so punny cut up a brownie get it you cut up some brownies and then hand them out to everybody like I got brownies for the whole class except their brownies or if you have people over that you don't like you can make ice cubes with Mentos in them so when they put them in their soda it goes boom and explodes everywhere again if you're making something for your class or people you don't like get onions cover them with caramel sauce maybe even put nuts on them and make caramel apples I mean caramel onions you can make some apples too and just throw in some onions for the people that you don't like when they call you out on it be like oh I don't know how onion got in there everybody else got apples this is the good one if you know anybody that has a car at school put something on the back of it honk wave and yell hi Jason he doesn't know this is here happy April Fool's Day I'm not gonna lie I'd be so scared if people like started honking at me and saying hi Leah how do you know me why is everybody honking at me you have to pull over right away like severe anxiety attack if you have kids or know any small children stuff toilet paper in their shoes so they put them on they're like my my shoes don't fit you guys some big ol feet then you all have to go to school barefoot and they're gonna start crying April Fool's fries your kids morning cereal so get it ready the night before put the cereal put milk put it in the freezer and when the kids like mom put me a bowl of Cheerios and it's frozen mom was wrong with this the the cereal it don't work this is just evil so one of your kids sucks halfway closed so it's like they try to put it on go I what the hell like it's half sewed shut so they can't get it on and then they'll be like oh maybe I should stop and you know in your sock y'all nasty April Fool day cookies make some mashed potato and stir in some black beans not even chocolate chip damn black beans then dude really made mashed potato and bean cookies and like here you got chocolate chip cookies I know that's not gonna even smell like chocolate chip cookies mmmm why is more like potato that's actually a really good idea you could put a first sale sign in your front yard yes Billy we're selling the house but Bob I like it here me and dad are moving to Hawaii you're moving the foster-care down the street oh if I had a kid I would do that on April Fool's I'd be like Oh pack your bags Billy you're going to the foster home gonna live there forever you gonna get new parents oh if I was a kid and my parents pulled that [ __ ] I would never be bad again like that's the scariest thing to a kid April Fool's Day lollipops oh my god they're so cute and colorful that you I'm gonna go I don't care I like broccoli rabe broccoli I'll take that shits out of the bag either like chips you ever wonder why my skin so good is the broccoli not really but I like broccoli you could trick your friends into thinking you're floating so you pour water on the ground step away from the water like angle it real good and then BAM post it on Facebook caption them likes you tired on the people in your house watchin TV all day put it on your favorite Channel Cartoon Network ID then tape the sensor on the remote so that anybody that tries to like change the channel they can't oh if I knew this when I was a kid this would be perfect cuz every time me and my brothers will be watching cartoons my dad would be like I gotta use the TV I gotta watch the news I hated the news so much and now I'm an adult and I never watch the news hold up this is not an egg it is yogurt and a peach what a surprise mailbox what the hell is that when do I get one of those to put in the mailbox to scare somebody you open up your mailbox you see this where you do but a few die pellets under the cap of your faucet I know it has blue right here if you got a red food coloring and put under the cap with a faucet like do this at school or something and then anybody who goes to wash their hands it's like red and it looks like blood everybody would get like hella creeped out and best-case scenario school be canceled like they'll have no idea but you might get suspended so don't do it at school I mean I feel like it's harmless but I know somebody might get suspended for this so do it at your own risk do all of these at your own risk try the dollar in the book trick so like get a fake dollar or even a real dollar and just like cut a corner put it in a book in your local library let somebody pull it out problem yes there is a problem parents you can pack a surprising lunch empty out a water bottle put some spray in it the real joke is it's gonna be flat as [ __ ] ooh switch to the chips so you open up a bag of classic lanes oh my god it's actually Doritos I can't believe it's not Lay's if you have a lot of time and want to put in a lot of effort to mess with somebody you can get a bunch of shopping carts and make a circle around their car like how would you even get out of this hey good old paint a bar of soap with nail polish and leave it in the shower so they try to like lather it up they're like my soap is broken what's wrong with it it will not work if you got an iPad telling your friends I got an iPad for you congratulations you just bought an iPad and then literally give them this iPad like a pad for your eyes or the good ol here I got you a I phone somebody went through all the trouble to make a plastic mold of an iPhone because just gave my empty box or something a super glue a couple coins to the ground outside I would get quarters everybody picks up quarters guerilla glue that [ __ ] real good outside and then just like when people are trying to like pick it up this is a good one if you got a lot of time on your hands you'll need a cereal box Cool Whip sprinkles tape and a knife cut the box in half like this put a balloon in take the balloon down real good put Cool Whip on the whole thing and then give it to somebody like here I baked you a cake it's also just birthday's coming up and then ask them to cut it either when they cut it that balloon gonna pop and that Cool Whip is gonna go everywhere if you really want to gross people out make some yellow jello put it in a peak up I don't know this person dead-ass saved their peak up cleaned it out and made jello in it and they're eating the jello in public somebody graduated nursing school and they gave out jello shots and the pee cups whoa you could take the old toilet paper rolls and then cut eyes and then and then you put a glow stick in them and then put them in random bushes at night and freak people out oh my god this is so creepy imagine like opening your window at night and seeing this in your backyard hell no this is actually so cool I want to try this all right bye anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one you thought was the coolest and would you actually try any of these or if you've tried any of these let me know which ones and make sure you hit that like button in the face and subscribe during the wolfpack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 15,834,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, april fools, pranks, april fools pranks, prank, april, fools, funniest april fools pranks
Id: HiN2sIgSVWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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