Dumbest Reasons for Divorce (Reddit Compilation)

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lawyers of reddit what is the nastiest craziest divorce case that you've handled i worked for a judge two prominent local news people had a divorce they filed mutual restraining orders against each other for violence the filings were vague on details but still somehow conveyed a sense of shiloh or antietam levels of blood when it came time for the hearing it turned out the violence was spitting more specifically during a heated argument flex of spittle managed to touch the other party judge denied the restraining orders and both parties attorneys probably bought new yachts such as justice man if they were both on tv at this time you think their lawyers would have advised this is a bad idea you were on screen the next day with no visible injuries it's not going to go your way here's a story of a potential thwarter divorce case told to me by our closing attorney the man and his fiancee are buying a house together they get to the paper where you sign off on all your aliases the woman has a full page of former names the guy asks what is this the woman nonchalantly says oh i've been married five times before the guy gets up and walks out needless to say they did not buy the house or stay together you'd think that had come up before the setting down hundreds of thousands of dollars together phase of a relationship i'm a child who dealt with parents getting divorced when i was seven i was forced to go to therapists to play games with them my mother was trying to get custody and insisted it it was a board game it seemed innocent enough i roll the dice and the therapist picks up a card from his deck and asks me a question when he rolled i picked a card and asked him a question my questions were simple for a 7 year old what's your favorite color and whatnot his questions were smart tricky how do you feel when mommy does this and what do you think of daddy when this happens so i sat there for an hour seven years old playing this game at the end we left the room and met with my parents and he said i would do better living with my mother i specifically remember looking at the man and saying but i don't want to just live with mom i want to live with dad too like i'm doing now one week had moms one week at dads i'll never forget the way that the therapist basically ignored me and said that the game discussions showed that i'm happier with my mom the look on my father's face was heartbreaking and he started to tear up i remember as we were walking out of the place my parents stopped in the parking lot to discuss things and i stood there waiting for them to finish arguing i remember getting so frustrated because they were talking about me in front of me i stopped them and said why didn't you just ask me what i wanted my mother looked quite stunned and my dad seemed so relieved i wound up doing one week at moms and one week at dad's until i was 17 and went into college mondays i got on the bus at one house and off the bus at the other parents don't be dongs just ask your kid we might actually have something to say i had a few one guy had his wife served with the divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment she had no idea he wanted a divorce one guy wanted a provision in his divorce that said his sons couldn't watch nascar because the wife's new boyfriend was in to nascar in the same case the property division was so contentious that the judge had the parties list every piece of furniture in the house and try to work through who would get what the guy made sure that he wanted everything she did down to things like lace doilies her grandma made and some trophy she won in a women's shooting competition i bought her the gun so it's pretty much my trophy another guy wanted no custody and no visitation with his four sons until he learned how much child support would be then he wanted full custody with no visitation for the wife and the hope that she'd have to pay him child support i only did divorces for about a year before i moved on to mortgage foreclosures those are far less depressing i was a secretary for an attorney i think the most entertaining one was when a guy had to divorce his wife via newspaper because she wouldn't leave the house or answer the door for the process server my parents divorced was finalized september of 2014 but the separation of assets is still opened the short of it is that my dad has always been really jealous about two years ago my dad got it in his head that my mom was cheating with a baker police officer in our hometown mexico he hired two guys to watch a 24 stroke seven they confirmed that she was cheating and said they had a video well eight dollars k and my dad's sanity later there's no video and my dad is mentally ill he hired someone else to kill this baker police officer thankfully they too just took his money and did not kill him he started going to brothels and sexually harassing women he said he would leave my mom on the streets and has attempted to pay off judges my dad was always a good hard-working man now he is someone i don't know some say it's a mid-life crisis but the guy is 65 years old i feel if it was a crisis it should have happened years ago etl dr my dad thinks he lives in a colombian novella that's terrible and i feel awful for you but it's possible your dad needs medical help i'm no expert but i've heard stories of people with family members around his age who underwent sudden personality changes and it turned out to be early onset dementia a tumor or some other issue the hard part is convincing him he needs care i didn't handle the divorce but i was working in a legal clinic and had a client seeking a protective order from her ex-husband we had an initial interview and i got paperwork filed between filing and the scheduled hearing she called me she started rambling and when she calmed down she told me her ex had been arrested for murdering his brother even with bigger fish to fry he insisted on attending the protective order hearing while in custody which is his right but a terrible idea because anything he says on the record can be used by prosecutors he shows up in his prison jumpsuit and handcuffs and takes every opportunity to talk about how my client would get drunk and start fights with him and he had to give her a slap to shut her up he's currently serving a life sentence after being convicted of second-degree murder and several other felonies divorce attorney here the standard comment i make is that i represent good people in their worst moments however some cases seem like representing the worst people in their worst moments i have a bunch of anecdotes but the truly surreal case for me was a post-decree case was a husband sought reduction of his unallocated family support obligation after he was fired from a six-figure salary as a public school principal he was jerking off in his car while driving and was observed by most of the people in a school bus that was much higher than his car the legal issue was whether his change in employment was in bad faith after a three-hour hearing it caught felt that it was he was jerking off in his car while driving and was observed by most of the people in a school bus that was much higher than his car the legal issue was whether his change in employment was in bad faith after a three-hour hearing it caught felt that it was i agree most people know not to have a wank on school property unless they are a student of course my grandparents divorce i refuse to help them with it or get involved i think my only advice was to burn all of their possessions it was truly awful it went on for at least four years my grandfather was a shopping addict and hoarder and step-grandmother left the minute that they ran out of cash and they then proceeded to fight about every object in their horde all while both being in the middle of dying she was dying of cancer and alzheimer's and her diabetes and kidney failure so it wasn't like they had some grand plan about how someone was going to use any of these objects they owned basically nothing of actual value my grandfather was just awful and wouldn't let her go did she know she was leaving not sure and wrote her nasty letters weekly after my grandfather died my family threw away or donated virtually every last hammer hat and book they fought over what a waste of time and energy their whole divorce fiasco was i'm sure they greatly annoyed their respective attorneys greatly far back andre did i saw thread where the guy lost his house in the divorce but kept few land around it via some loophole first he had all the trees logged and sold then he had the stumps ground and mulched then he sold the topsoil the e sold off the gravel then he sold off the clay until the house was left on a hill surrounded by rock if someone knows the thread please link it it's great i just had lunch with a lawyer friend of mine and he told me this crazy story when he was an intern there was this divorce case where the woman was demanding her husband for child support it was in a small city in bolivia's highlands and both the husband and wife were shepherds anyways the husband asked the judge for a medical examination of his genitalia turns out the husband was actually a woman she was raised by her grandparents and they respected her preferences for the rest of the community she was a boy after her grandparents died she inherited the land and after some time the neighbor offered her to marry his daughter without knowing the guy was actually a girl she accepted and once she was married she came to an agreement with her wife they will be married but they won't have sex after a while the wife got a lover and had three kids the husband took them as is her own some years passed and the relationship got really deteriorated so the husband asked for a divorce things got ugly and she ended up telling the true in order to avoid paying child support that was a ride my mum and dad's case was a giant head frick for me the custody battle was just bad i'm pretty sure my mum has a mental illness she accused my dad of molesting me not true so when they split the court gave her custody she had two other kids both with different fathers living with their fathers for a reason she was a druggie alcoholic prostitute i got to visit my dad sometimes but he had to always have a witness with him and my mom would never be home half the time for him to pick me up to this day i have no idea where she would have taken me i suspect a dealer's place or a so-called boyfriend's place so one day dad was going to take me to the zoo we met at the train station and my mum then decided to argue and say i wasn't allowed to go so four-year-old me must have thought nafrikubi and i spat in her face dad was so proud but he sorta told me off because he was actually a responsible parent eventually the court realized that this woman was in fact not capable of raising any of her children and was a train wreak so the tables turned and dad had custody and i was to see her every so often any visitations were monitored by a social worker she kinda disappeared for a few years though and i eventually forgot what she looked like a lot of my childhood memories have mostly been suppressed and forgotten eventually i asked if i could see my mum again court order was to see her every second weekend started off all right but history began to repeat itself and i was exposed to a lot of violence during my teens not quite a divorce case but it was close to being so my dad did love my mum and was going to ask her to marry him lucky he didn't before that all happened oh oh not strictly divorces but my family law professor had some good stories story one client calls hi can i kick my pregnant girlfriend out of the house you really shouldn't do that but can i legally speaking since you never married and the home is in your name yes you can legally exclude her but you really freaking shouldn't thanks i need you to explain that to someone client opens door where police are getting ready with a ram hand cell phone to police officer story 2 unmarried mum comes in and asks so what do i have to do to get his house um you really shouldn't be getting married if you're already planning to end the relationship yeah but what do i have to do well if you're married and live in the home it become a matrimonial home and you have an equal right to possession upon divorce thanks client calls again he wants me to sign a pronup well this would limit what you would be able to get in a divorce and it doesn't really give you anything why are you getting married if both you and he know that you're only in it to get his house okay so i should sign it client calls again okay we are married now but he won't let me move in family law is crazy a guest speaker in that course was beating up by thugs for a ruling he made in a high-profile arbitration case a man came into the family law firm my friend was working in and says his wife was cheating on him he's extremely rich and wants to get divorced the lawyer proceeds to ask him about his assets and what he wants to keep he says that she can have the house the car the boat the kids etc the lawyer asks him what he wants to keep then given that he doesn't seem to want anything the man angrily responds that bee only loves her dog i want her to suffer so i want the court to order that the dog be taken away from her and cremated she can have 50 of the ashes and i'll have the other 50 percent somehow this prince among men is getting divorced and despite the crazy somehow i'm still interested in practicing in family law not a lawyer but saw what happened to my cousin he got married at the start one year during the year ended up needing surgery gets home and wife has left and taken all the stuff including the dog they both owned a house each but his was worth slightly more so she made him pay her the difference in the settlement but as a happy end to the story he is now married to a lovely woman and they have two kids together someone in my family holds the state record for longest divorce proceedings 30 plus years of unrelenting fighting that divided the family into who talks to which parent complete with long periods of not speaking to one another and family members not speaking to the people who won't speak to the family members that they like the reverse too some people talk to the mom and some talk to the dad but you can't talk to them both not allowed god forbid you ever mention one to the other it's a war and it totally freaked their kids my mom and dad's uncles up it won't end until both parties are dead and in the ground getting my counseling license and taking legal ethics classes one crazy story is while a lady is in her counseling session her husband comes in and says to the receptionist that he's her husband and he won't be able to pick up the kids because he has to go into work right then and could the receptionist let the client know when she gets out of the appointment the receptionist says yes when the client comes out of her appointment the receptionist passes a long he message and the client says are you serious he isn't supposed to know i'm here we're in the middle of a divorce and he's crazy tl dr train receptionists to say i can neither confirm or deny that person is a client not an attorney but i do title research and including divorce cases and reports is part of my job i came across a case in ohio from the early 1900s in which the wife jabbed her husband in the rectum with a hot poker made him sleep in the barn for several months had his sons beat the crap out of him and she still got the farm in the divorce her defense was that he was a drunk which was enough for the judge apparently before you testify to crap in any civil suit bear in mind that it's public record and some butthole like me is gonna come along a hundred years later and laugh at your butt so to speak i know that was 115 years ago but that abuse sounds horrific and i hope he is safe in heaven i work in civil litigation so not divorce but i had a case where part of the issue was the previous dangerous behavior of plaintiff's dogs my client believed that part of plaintiff's divorce involved not allowing the dogs around plaintiff's kids so we filed to unseal the divorce settlement agreement the divorce was between two lawyers and it was a doozy of a settlement they had two single space pages dedicated to splitting up family stuffed animals it was pretty heartbreaking to read who would be getting things like boots the bear oh dear god i can't even begin to imagine i've seen theater couples try to act together i've seen tech couples try to program together but holy crap two lawyers trying to rip their respective lives back apart i'd imagine there have been multinational wars with less collateral damage my sister works at a family law firm some lady was divorcing her husband and after the mediation he called back the next day saying he was going to kill her and everyone at the firm so i'd say he handled it well he sounds like a catch i wonder why she wanted to divorce him yes finally my moments to shine a mother us citizen who took her child from argentina and ran back to the u.s child born in ar i represented the argentine father husband federal court argentine govt got involved made the news in buenos aires we won and her child returned to father in argentina also represented a woman who was convinced that her husband had implanted micro robots into her brain and was trying to control her she would bring us all these nano tech articles trying to convince us that it was possible she dragged the case out for four years convinced that he has done all kinds of illegal stuff like destroyed her car breaks so she would crash and putting poison into her tap water she was nuts we almost had to get a conservator for her estate my first divorce case was the most memorable my client was a nice-looking 50-ish waitress who was breaking hearts at the local small town cafe she was on divorce number five i had a little lawyer kit of things she should do clean out the joint accounts change the car title etc she had done all of them plus a few things neither i know the professional list maker had thought of husband number five came into my office to cry and concede everything now that was a guy who needed a lawyer with a list no such luck she freaked him over gently professionally i thought didn't overreach too much but got everything she was or might have been entitled to plus a little more it was easy peasy for me helps if your first time is with an experienced woman i learned a lot helps if your first time is with an experienced woman i learned a lot i find this is true about a lot of things day 58 of the 60 days it took for my parents divorce to be final my dad called my mom at work and begged her to call it off and take him back she said no he went from sad and crying to pee saying so this is how you want things about an hour and a half later my mom got another phone call from someone letting her know that our house was on fire it was arson of course i wish that's the worst i could say about their divorce sounds like she was right to divorce him my sister is a divorce lawyer and i remember she once told me about a case she handled where the wife kept cheating on the husband with younger dudes and one day the husband had enough and decided to beat her repeatedly and sent her to the hospital what a story mark not a lawyer but i'm sure the divorce lawyers for my parents could write a lot both my parents are stubborn and often irrational for example my dad accused my mom of being a negligent parent for giving me chocolate chip cookies my mom accused my dad of breaking into her house to replace my antidepressants with sugar pills i had a weird childhood i wonder why you were taking antidepressants it sounds like such a wonderful childhood i worked on a case where the other party's statement of property listed every individual food item in the house at the date of separation campbell's condensed tomato soup 0.59 i was a family law attorney for years it is nasty all the time which is why i finally switched to a different area nasty one parental alienation cases just make you want to hurt someone those poor kids are brainwashed it is beyond cruel had one where the little kid was so brainwashed she would scream at the top of her lungs if she even saw a picture of the other parent everyone knew she was brainwashed but the options are few when the kid is so fricked up are you really going to force the kid to live with a parent they hate these cases freak you up two had several where dad didn't give a freak about ever seeing his kids but grandmother wanted him to get some custody out of principal and was bankrolling to destroy her three so much child abuse silly one had a 10-hour mediation over who a few dirty pants that originally came from walmart by the end i almost waived the fee to buy my client new pans to end the pain everyone else had to endure two had a divorce where they still lived together because neither wanted to move i believe they still live together several years later they hated each other so i don't understand but their choice three most clients destroy their own case make the judge hate them by being terrible i have had to tell them shut up more times than i can count the husband in the case broke into the wife's our client home poisoned some of her food and left she went to the hospital and ended up being perfectly okay thankfully i interned for a small family law firm in virginia last summer and had two really odd stories one this attractive lady came in seeking a divorce before divorcing she and her husband moved into a house in the virginia mountains with her parents as they were relocating to from florida to virginia to start their relationship over and had not found a new place to live yet she had found his personal classified ads on craigslist if i remember correctly well crap keeps hitting the fan and he kicks her out of her parents house you read that correctly too another crazy story was surrounding a mid-40s couple that got remarried all of their children from their respective first marriages were grown up anyways they decide to adopt three kids from some african county at first they think the two girls and one boy are brother sister but end up being two sisters and a cousin the kids had apparently seen some awful crap back in africa all their parents were dead or drug addicts etc anyways they all have terrible manners that they won't fix eating with their hands at the table bad hygiene obnoxious etc however the really sad part was the older girl around 11 12 years old she was sexually assaulted raped in africa and she had become sexually reactive this means she was masturbating all the time in public and even once made her sister perform moral sex on her which the mother found them doing in the bathtub a really sad story told this one before but it bears repeating and is also pretty crazy at least in my opinion i'm a land use and real estate lawyer but a friend's friend is or at least was a divorce family lawyer my friend once told me a story wherein my friend's divorce lawyer friend was attacked by a client's former spouse while doing his grocery shopping at a local supermarket with his wife and kids the former spouse attacker has blamed the divorce attorney for taking him to the cleaners and for the downward spiral that followed the divorce last i heard the lawyer who was assaulted in the grocery store decided to change practice areas i've said it before and i'll say it again criminal lawyers often work with the worst people on their best behavior family lawyers often work with the best people on their worst behavior divorce lawyers of reddit what is the most insane evil funny dumb way a spouse has tried to screw the other ian albert work in the court system once case that came in was a couple divorcing on mutual terms the husband had one child with her and the wife had a child from the previous marriage he agreed to pay child support for both children i guess he really cared about this other enough to support her even though it isn't his obligation the judge signs the order they go to set up the child support account and it gets kicked back saying you can't have two accounts for one child turns out she's been collecting child support from the biological father the entire time and never told him she basically tried to milk two fathers for one child and the other attorney knew about it here in canada a kid can legally have up to four to individuals responsible for paying his or her child support there was a court case a few years ago where a lady tried to change that law and have the number up to five my case but during my first year of law school lawyers from different practices came to give us a peek behind the curtain of different areas the divorce lawyer told the story of rather well to do couple that spent months and months and many tens of thousands of dollars fighting over absolutely everything all the way down to a single ceramic ash tray he couldn't remember the significance but somehow it had come through the husband's family even after everything else had been decided they spend many more months and nearly 100 000 fighting over justice ashtray then after a court hearing the wife finally won the ashtray she promptly strode out to the white courthouse steps and smashed the ceramic ashtray left the pieces all over for the husband to see on his way out decided that day i would not be a divorce lawyer tl dr spent 100 k to win an ashtray only to smash it in spite i think you made a good decision after reading all these answers once had a boss who had to leave his house for six hours while his ex-wife grabbed all the belongings she was legally entitled to when he returned home every knob and handle was gone door knobs cabinet handles drawer handles anything that was screwed onto something and used to open it she had taken every day for the next week he would occasionally yell out she took the freaking knobs my friend's mom did this when she found out her husband was cheating in addition all the light bulbs and toilet paper even the light bulb in the fridge she knew he would come home from work in the evening and have to figure out what was going on i am an interpreter who works frequently with police and lawyers the most out there thing i ever interpreted in court went like this ms so and so we know each other for a long time correct yes as a matter of fact we have known each other for five years correct yes and at the end of each and every meeting we had during the past five years we always agreed on one thing correct yes please tell the judge what we agree on it's not okay to break in my ex's apartment and lick all his cutlery yet here we are miz so and so i died this made me giggle and is a welcome respite from all the dog killing and child molestation accusations thank you i didn't handle the divorce i handled parts of the aftermath in the divorce she went awol was living in a truck somewhere and just couldn't handle it mentally he gave her five of his nine companies they were the ones that owed seven figures in payroll taxes he had made her the bookkeeper on paper she spent decades trying to shake the irs for the results i'm a lawyer but have had a very limited amount of experience in divorce cases the first case i ever worked the husband shaved waxed every single hair off his body in an attempt to avoid a court-mandated drug test we had a guy at work do this shaved his whole body razor burn on the back of his neck cut up his elbows he was a hairy dude then he failed the urine test i asked him why he went to all that trouble and he said i don't know i was high till when you're about to go through a divorce don't clean out the accounts and hide the money grab your pets and put them in a safe place where nobody will ever find them until the divorce is all long over a soon-to-be ex-husband left his wife's prized coy to die on the doorstep of their house apparently the value of these fish six in total was over one hundred thousand dollars she was according to her lawyer so distraught that she couldn't be in court only in la article that a family law firm thankfully moved on since worst i saw was a decades-long case husband had been in a motorcycle accident suffered brain damage has severely limited capacity going forward got a huge settlement afterwards wife spent the next several years stealing the entirety of the guy's money and property variously by forging his signature or putting documents in front of him that he couldn't understand and telling him they were something benign so he'd sign it she then forged a bunch of letters from a tax authority and convinced him he was about to go to jail and further convinced him to flee the country he finally came back several years later to find out everything he owned was in her name and one of the documents he was told to sign were divorce papers a dude got left with nothing i moved on before i found out how the story ended hopefully it ends with her dying a slow painful death not my divorce but my divorce lawyer told me about a case she was involved in where both clients were so petty that they had to all meet to argue over literally every single scrap of everything the final object that neither would settle on was a ceramic rabbit statue a really generic one from home depot or whatever zero sentimental value but since it was the final item neither side wanted to lose the last thing and they dragged it out over three separate meetings for this one thing i don't remember which ended up getting it but once they settled it and signed everything the winning party stuck it on their lawyer's desk as a gift and walked out they must have felt so cool yet looked so stupid friend was going through divorce from insane husband he had been texting her pics of the gun he bought and threatening her police were called nothing they could do because it was only a picture he was staying with a secret girlfriend at this point she allowed him to go get his stuff from the house she was scared to go back in the house alone i went with her first red flag was he had changed the locks so we waited for locksmith to open the house and change the locks again well when the door opens we noticed all of the furniture was gone so we carefully went upstairs in search of her cats the entire second floor was empty no cats no furniture even her clothes were gone come to find out he hired a moving company to pack and take everything even the food in the fridge finally found the cats he had taken them to another vet in town and put them up for boarding under his sister's name thinking she would not be able to find them he was finally forced to disclose what happened to her possessions he had them taken to a storage unit far away from the home i can't believe i'm saying this but relative to the amount of animal abuse in the rest of this thread i'm glad he didn't try to kill the cats divorce lawyer here spouse had been out of the house for weeks she waited until he was on a business trip came into the house turned on all of the faucets plugged the drains turned off the furnace and left it was minus 10 degrees he came back five days later the house was ruined the water froze and cracked the foundation i'm guessing no insurance or insurance didn't cover a deliberate act of damage or something i'm not a divorce lawyer but my parents got divorced about a year ago my mum didn't want my dad to show up in court because he would contest and then they'd have to split the assets she phoned me and told me to put laxatives in his food so he wouldn't be able to make it there had a client whose wife wanted him out of the house i told him not to leave just moved to a different bedroom for the time being because once he was out the chances of him ever getting back in was slim he texted his wife and told her he was staying in the house she called back and left a vm that she wanted him out and if he wasn't out soon she would start taking out her unhappiness on the children and would remind the children that mommy was being mean to them because daddy wouldn't leave 101 on how to lose custody i don't practice divorce law but i did an internship with a family law judge in law school that involved me sitting in on a lot of stuff one divorced couple came in because the ex-husband wanted to lower his spousal support payments due to his lower income great financial responsibilities and the fact that his ex-wife was declining to seek paid employment all of which sounds reasonable on the face it turned out that while his income had been lower due to cuts his new wife who technically worked as his assistant and had done so prior to the divorce was now making quadruple her salary more than he ever had he claimed that his ex wife hadn't paid renters living with her and could have money to survive if she charged them rent it turned out they were the couple's shared 18 year old twins who were living at home having just graduating high school and were going to keep living at home while starting college in the fall it also later turned out that he allowed his stepdaughter and her two children to live with him and his wife rent free and paid for her college his ex-wife produced evidence that he told his own kids to figure out paying for college themselves he claimed that his ex-wife worked as a nanny for free by choice and should be getting paid for work elsewhere the kids she watched for free were their three joint grandchildren from their eldest child two of which were severely disabled he claimed that when he married his new wife he gained over 15 new dependents which was technically true but those dependents were all in mexico and included his new wife's grown siblings and their families none of whom he had ever met this dude was shocked when spousal support wasn't decreased he's trying to bleed his ex-wife dry not realizing he's being bled dry by the new one lol my dad is a divorce attorney his clients couldn't decide who would get the labrador puppies from a new litter they just breed the pups are worth one thousand dollars a pop well they also hadn't been up to date on their payments so dad brought a litter of eight floppy puppies home as collateral for us to have until they could negotiate the settlement so much fun for us kids tl dr my client's spouse accused him of giving his deceased wife cancer i represented a guy who was on his second marriage his first wife passed away from cancer he and his kids were obviously devastated my client was a pretty sensitive guy with a big heart his second wife could be very charming which was why he fell for her but it was all a facade anyway to make a long story about a lengthy divorce short my client met a very kind and affectionate woman during his case they really hit it off and were basically engaged even though his divorce was far from over the fiance started having health problems and was diagnosed with a form of terminal cancer somehow the second wife found out about this and tried to use the cancer diagnosis against my client in court she developed this crazy theory that my client had killed his first wife by giving her cancer and that he was doing the same thing to his fiancee the second wife's attorney who was quite good refused to be a party to it the attorney never addressed the argument in court and didn't even ask the second wife any questions about it during testimony rather the attorney informed the judge that the second wife wished to address the court directly about an issue the judge allowed her to do so in a highly irregular move the second wife told her crazy conspiracy theory to the judge adding that she was certain my client had tried to give her cancer at some point as well i wish i had an artist's rendering of the scene capturing the second wife's crazy eyes her attorney's look of shame embarrassment the judge's look of confusion on we and my look of or inspired disgust a poor guy though having two loved ones get terminal cancer i was an assistant for a family law practice not a lawyer so it was already a disaster of a divorce because the ex-husband was a dong but it got so much worse when the wife started dating someone new with a severe cat allergy like a year after they split up her psycho ex bought a cat on his time with the kids except he's not allowed pets at his apartment he sends the kids back to their mom's house with a cat and all its stuff mom is pee because she didn't want a cat at all plus her boyfriend is crazy allergic she calls us asking what to do because her kids are balling saying that she can't get rid of their new sibling and she has the cat in the garage x told kids if mommy loves you she'll let you keep the cat since daddy has not allowed cats at his house paralegal for divorce lawyer this one is morbid we represented a guy who believed vehemently that his wife was assaulting the children the authorities were involved child services was involved it was never clear what the truth was or if anything at all was going on but our client was sure he shot his wife dead at a custody exchange in front of the children he then sat down and waited for the authorities we visited him in jail with his criminal defense attorney as we were leaving he told me well i guess the divorce is over now and he laughed this was the first time i had ever been speechless i can't really reveal details or context here but i can safely say that defending this action is heroic or understandable is an incorrect takeaway there are no heroes here the trauma this man put the children through is incredibly selfish regardless of his intentions there are so many other options that could have been explored many of which were being explored when this happened he abruptly put an end to all of them making the truth forever impossible to discern where are they now the children are in the custody of a family member they are safe and well although will no doubt need extensive therapy as they get older guy is in jail i'm unsure of his final sentence however i doubt he will ever leave what did the kids say forensic interviews are super confidential and this case didn't have the chance to go to a hearing however after multiple interviews with both children and the parents neither the police child services guardian ad litem or child advocate recommended that the mother lose custody or visitation nor did they require it to be supervised all of these matters were ongoing when the mother died frick i should have stopped reading this thread once i got to the parents who were saving alimony money for the other in case of emergency she accused her ex-husband of physically shaming their children while under the watchful eye of the nationally endorsed social workers who oversaw his contact with them which was only required because he didn't have his own private accommodation at the time she also said that his indian flatmates were inherently dirty after the obviously false child physically smelling suggestion i warned her of the consequences of being caught lying about that that is permanent loss of custody she fired me but kept calling back using fake names to try and obtain free advice which contradicted my advice but everyone she called immediately spotted her this was a long time ago and now i specialize in insurance litigation which is far less ugly do you know what happened afterwards did she lose custody paralegal for a divorce lawyer here our client told us he didn't clear out the marital account after the parties filed which technically is true because while he removed forty five thousand dollars he left about three dollars and fifty cents in there disappointed that i didn't see any reference to the loch ness monster yet i worked at a computer repair store as a sales technician had a guy come in with a desktop that he wanted windows reinstalled i asked him if he wanted me to back up all of his data first and he told me that he had everything he wanted and just do the wipe i put it in the queue and he paid and left i started it about an hour later since an xp install was only about 45 minutes off the network i didn't bother doing anything else except deleting the original partition and making a new one and installing windows about an hour after that his wife came running and asking if we had a computer with smith as the last name i told her i did and she showed me her it and said that her husband brought it in to try and destroy all the proof of him cheating and stealing money from their business when she asked if i had wiped everything yet i told her i just did a windows install and didn't actually really wipe anything i called her husband and told him the situation i told him his wife was here to get the computer he asked me if i reinstalled windows like we spoke about and i told him i had he told me i don't give a crap give her the computer there isn't anything left on it anyway i said all right and hung up i told her that he said i could give it to her and then explain to her how reinstalling windows doesn't magically delete everything and explain to her how i could recover all of her files in a couple of hours i ended up staying late that night and she bought me pizza and mountain dew i ended up recovering every file he tried to have me destroy and made multiple copies for her she ended up calling him from the store and reading off some of the messages he had tried to delete from his emails i was worried that he might try to come back in and confront me but nothing else ever came of it very cute of her to bring you pizza and mountain dew husband and wife divorce after husband finds out wife is sending obscene texts to other guys he goes into a deep depression they didn't have much lots of debt and two dogs one was a dog he had had since before the marriage he got her the other dog was only about three years old and was bought to keep the older seven-year-old dog company while they worked his wife demanded that since he got his dog that she got the other he is depressed and just wants to move on so he agrees she gets the dog and has it put down the next day she didn't want the dog she just wanted to hurt him this one hits close to home because it happened between my parents we had a family friend who was a lawyer and my parents agreed that he would be the lawyer for both of them as a mediator so as the assets were being divided my dad got absolutely slammed she was going to get the house cars half his retirement and an insane amount of alimony to the tune of like 2 500 a month for the rest of her life my dad has a good job as a municipal employee but that was probably 70 ish of his paycheck turns out that my mom and the family friend actually conspired to rip my dad off and make it seem like that's what a divorce settlement looks like and she was going kick back more money under the table after the dust had settled dad just didn't know how these things worked so after some convincing he finally went out and got his own lawyer he got a very fair divorce settlement after that mom still to this day can't understand why we don't talk to her much that other attorney could be disbarred for that personal experience unbeknownst to me my ex was having an affair i worked a lot of hours so i didn't pick up on it we had always dreamed of buying a house on a huge local lake to retire in we literally started shopping for houses and even to radiate a dozen or so we found too well within our budget but would need to sell our house first my wife convinced me to take out a couple loans in my name and get a couple credit cards again in my name most of the bills were in hers and the mortgage was in hers so i did i spent about 25 k in ccn loans to fully update our house and get it ready for market as soon as the work was done she told me she was leaving me and wanted to sell the house dang did she get the house or is it still ongoing most malicious thing i know of personally involved a co-worker of mine he was sleeping with a married woman and ultimately the husband found out she was having an affair really ugly divorce ensues during which they fought over a lot of assets but the real point of contention was their dog lovely gsd named orion eventually husband gets custody of the dog and in under a month has the dog put down just to hurt her back for the affair when i posted this i thought this situation was a rarity and have shock and or value from the cruelty at work after reading the responses in this thread not only am i saddened by how many pets get caught in the crossfire but i am genuinely shocked by the length some people will go for petty vengeance there must be rules on vets putting down healthy pets my uncle's ex tried to work it in that she would get half of whatever my grandmother would leave him when she passes jokes on her my grandmother is passing over her kids not maliciously my uncle is very well often so is my mom and leaving everything to my brother and me oh also tried to get soul custody of both of their children who are in their 20s i'm going to school to be a vet assistant my teacher is a veterinarian she told us on monday she's had clients bring their animals in to be euthanized so their spouse couldn't have them smdh not a divorce lawyer but worked 4-1 back in the 90s a woman and her kids went on vacation and came back home to find that the soon-to-be ex-husband had broken into their house with his attorney thrown a party and microwaved the kid's kitten husband's attorney got disbarred i believe but that was about it and microwave the kids kitten what the actual frick is wrong with people i'm not a lawyer but i work as a legal assistant for a family lawyer the ex-husband was getting remarried one his ex-wife sent him and his new fiance a dozen black roses before their wedding two his ex-wife then had a plane fly across during their wedding dragging a sign that read name of ex-husband likes it up the butt you can't make this stuff up the sad part is she was not well and had been in and out of psych wards over the years i hope she's getting the help she needs now i'm not a divorce lawyer but my prior employer once was served with an obviously forged garnishment order from an employee's ex-wife directing garnishment of his wages in an amount that far exceeded his actual wages we reported it to the police department employer here who has had to garnish wages from time to time i don't know how it is there but here when there's any sort of garnishment we pay the money to a state county and they send the money to the person or company the ex wouldn't have gotten it anyway i had one client who was controlling their spouse by keeping them addicted to him i fired them my boss had a client who well after we fired them set themselves and their child on fire rather than give up custody here's my funny story on the stand my client and the other lawyer's client each spent about an hour saying i'm not lying they're lying then calling the other a bee butthole goof you name it often using that phrase exactly at one point one of them was cautioned by the judge for swearing and said frick sorry the judge decided they were both not credible lawyers of reddit what is the pettiest reason you've ever seen for divorce a client and his wife came in regarding a real estate transaction at the end of the consultation the client casually stated that he would like to divorce his wife i was stunned the wife started crying the client started rubbing his wife's shoulder and told her that everything would be okay that was an awkward few minutes the weirdest i've ever seen is a co-worker of mine his wife saw a picture of him at a pool when he was in high school and really athletic toned muscular tan and so on over the 10 year after high school he stopped lifting and lost his muscle tone and just became skinny she told him she wanted him to get back to working out because she really liked the way he once looked and he said it was something he missed doing and agreed to get a gym membership he was going to the gym four days a week but was only really working out for two of them on the days he didn't work out he would sit in the sauna to get sweaty watch netflix and then go home when she asked about him going to the gym and accidentally let it slip that he was fudging workouts twice a week she apparently found that to be a deal breaker and filed for divorce weird feeling to have your wife attracted more to her past version of yourself she never met than you it would give me some serious depression my father-in-law and mother-in-law's breaking point was when he threw a breadcrumb at her from across the kitchen the divorce took four years to settle the breadcrumb heard around the house i had a client who with his wife were into a computer game like the sims only more x-rated i think it was called second life where you have an avatar and can interact with other people's avatars he suspected his wife of through her avatar hi jinx and made his own avatar to stalk her in the game sure enough her avatar was doing the dirty with some dude's avatar that was it for my client wife wanted divorce like two months into marriage because the husband would squeeze the toothpaste from the top and not bottom she claims to have told him a million times over to stop would have been easier to get two toothpastes i thought definitely the fridge story a woman filed for divorce because her husband would eat everything he can find in their fridge whenever the wife was out for work so she came back to and basically empty fridge each night he also cheated on her but she was less angry about that the fridge was what pushed her to the point she wanted a divorce honestly i understand my younger sister stole my m and ms once and i was pee can't imagine if it was someone i was married to eating everything in the fridge i'm far too hungry to take such a thing rationally i'm a lawyer but not that kind however my brother's fourth wife divorced him because she found out the ring he'd used was originally his third wife's they deserved each other i think once you get up to a fourth wife maybe you should rethink your life choices in general nobody ever believes me about this one but it's true a man wanted a divorce from his wife because and he gave this example as the last straw his wife ate those nasty pumpkin halloween candies like candy corn but pumpkin shaped he had been looking forward to them all day and when he got home she had eaten them all he snapped swear on my life this story is true should have been in their marriage vows to have him to hold from this day forward as long as you don't eat all the pumpkin candies i once had clients who got a divorce because she wanted to buy a condo in naples fl the petty part of the story is that combined their lawyer fees would have bought a very nice condo on the water in naples ethel merman divorced ernest borgne after about a month because he often would dutch oven her she wrote a biography the chapter about her marriage to him is a single blank page lawyer but not a family law lawyer by trade not sure if pettiness was attached but one contributing reason to a divorce i saw was that mom wanted her son to play soccer and dad didn't probably had fundamental differences in how they believe their children should be raised and this was just a symptom of it not me but a family member who is an attorney had someone call her day four of the lockdowns saying i have been stuck with my wife for four days and i need a divorce i'm sorry but compared to the others i've read here this is one of the most hilarious in my eyes not a lawyer but apparently my brother divorced his wife when mcdonald's forgot to put bbq sauce in with her chicken nuggets at the drive-through and she asked him to go back and get some he didn't and then i guess she started smashing up food and throwing it at him out the window so yeah mcdonald's how could you ruin a marriage dandruff wife didn't like that the husband's dandruff would flow into her face when riding a bike they make bicycles built for one now i know but my dad divorced my mom because she didn't throw enough parties now he lives alone he neither throws nor goes to parties not a lawyer my mom's co-worker divorced over dishes in the dishwasher the wife would get so frustrated over the husband co-worker not rinsing dishes before he loads them in the dishwasher to compromise they bought a super nice top-of-the-line dishwasher solves the problem right she yelled about the dishes that night he filed for divorce the next day i rinse dishes but the manual for my sweet meal dishwasher says don't the food particles are detected as part of the rinse cycles as far as i know my first internship in law school was at a family law firm did work on one case where a couple divorced after 48 years of marriage the guy said he finally got sick of her cooking not a lawyer paralegal someone came in for a divorce because their soon to be exchanged the password on their phone the plaintiff had always had the code to get in but now they didn't divorce time not a lawyer but this happened to my wife's cousin her husband came home one day asking her to give a higher financial contribution on the groceries because she as a lady was using more toilet paper than him she took it as a joke and had a good laugh he got mad and asked for divorce worth mentioning that his salary was three times higher than her one almost every freaking guy i've lived closely with seems to wrap the paper 20 times around the hand then wipe once and do it again if the waste paper basket is there yes i did not ask you to fill it i remember one episode of a tv show here in my country similar to jerry springer the woman didn't know her husband used dentures until marrying and living together she said she couldn't handle anymore she was disgusted they both cried she said a lot of i'm sorry but she couldn't go on they were married for a few months don't know if it was true though it's like the legend of the chinese couple he found out after they got married that she had gotten work done before meeting him he sued her for misrepresenting herself my aunt used to work as a divorce lawyer the worst one was the couple fighting over a hamster of which took so long the thing died before they were settled she said it was a bargaining ship to win favor from their children at that rate just by another hamster my ex was like this basically gave him everything just so i could leave him he took most of the money and assets but i got away from him yay then he blew all his money and abandoned the kids seriously struggled to cope with 100 care and cost but wouldn't change at bc i have my kids and they have me it still was very hard to come to terms with the injustice sigh my dad was a lawyer not me he once told me that a divorce came in because the wife would just scream at the top of her lungs randomly maybe she'll stop screaming after when married no no that wasn't it luckily it was not a marriage yet but a friend broke off a five-year relationship and an engagement in an argument over panda express their relationship had been strained and he had just moved to a new city for work during his lunch break she calls him and asked where he was eating he says panda express and she's like eww panda express you eat that every day oh no i don't i might have it once a week no you eat there like every day then he hangs up on her and they never spoke again wtf lol honestly i know a couple that divorced arnold after less than six months married because a guy started farting around her not like at her but just not holding it in around her anymore the first time my husband farted in front of me was a few months into dating it was the worst smell to this day that i've ever experienced he was so ashamed that i had to forgive him but i was so mad at the time turns out he does a lot of terrible farts because he has ibes if they're really bad he sleeps on the couch idk i just really love him even when he farts a woman came in wanting to divorce her husband he had just gotten a new job and a pretty big raise it turned out that this new job of his also required that he work from home but he was working in an office before she was having an affair with their next-door neighbor and him being home more meant that she couldn't cheat on her husband easily that was definitely a twist i was expecting something like him being the one having the affair but nope i left my husband because he now babe i got it had me constantly but would never do it last straw was him letting our power go out in july when we had a heat wave and our my sick dog was stuck in the heat i decided to divorce my first husband when he complained about me buying lunch at mcdonald's he had called me at my office asked what my lunch plans were and i said i was meeting my friend kelly at mcdonald's he started complaining about spending money for restaurant food and that i should have packed a lunch from home we had just that past weekend bought him a new pair of ski boots that cost over 100 it was the final straw i was unhappy about a few things that i could have overlooked but to be lectured about spending six dollars on a burger and fries was just too much i let him be for a few minutes gently hung up the phone walked into my manager's office to quit went home and started packing friend's wife is a marriage counselor she had this couple coming in trying to work things out before a divorce the husband went non-stop on why he wanted the divorce she said two incidents really stuck with her the first was the husband was doing some yard work and asked the wife to carry some twigs he trimmed from some bushes he grabs a huge stack and lugs them over the pile he was going to mulch wife just grabs a couple of sticks he asked if she could carry more than that and she picked up a couple of more sticks she said the husband emphasized the word couple the second was the wife told her husband that they had finally gotten to a point in finances where they could buy a new vehicle the husband said he was excited and sat down with his wife to price vehicles the husband said everyone he showed her was out of their budget he became extremely frustrated and asked what the budget was she replied two thousand dollars that was the tipping point for the divorce not a lawyer but worked in education had a father that informed me kevin's mom was no longer in the picture since she couldn't learn how to squeeze the top paste properly he wasn't joking confirmed by the son the father is serious about things like that yikes i know a guy whose fiance nearly called off their wedding because he forgot to disinvite his attractive single female friend they eventually got divorced over it said friend was a part of a larger co-ed friend group apparently the guy in the story was designated driver one evening out when his fiancee was out of town and dropped everyone off at home one by one he apparently dropped this particular friend off last logistically it made sense on the route he took she lived closest to his house but that meant that they were alone together in the car for eight minutes they have zero romantic history together nothing happened and they barely interact save for when they are gathered as a group his fiance became highly suspicious of him and she was convinced something happened between him and the friend despite him calling as they left the bar and 30 minutes later when he arrived home alone they have a doorbell camera which she was watching she asked a bunch of questions about what they talked about at the bar when they were in the car and what to have said when the two of them were alone she then casually said she doesn't want her to come to their wedding he agreed to disinvite her billy forgot to and just thought the whole thing would blow over well wedding day arrives and she shows up in another xl with four or five members of the friend group the fiance can see guests arriving from the bridal suite and throws a full-on tantrum when the friend arrives the wedding planner locked the bride groom best man and maid of honor in their hotel room and told them to work it out they did not work it out the bride wanted the groom to tell her to leave and he tried to point out that would cause way more of a disturbance than if they just let it be and pretend she didn't exist for the day wrong answer the best man eventually got a hold of the groom's phone and called the friend and explained the situation she left the wedding and hasn't spoken to the groom since the wedding took place 45 minutes late while the make-up person was called back to fix the bride's makeup they eventually split after the groom realized that the accusations would never end everyone was suspect his co-workers his friends wives her friends he couldn't talk to any other woman no matter how harmless the conversation without her getting suspicious and yes we all thought she was cheating on him we made the mistake one time of bringing this up and he became belligerent and attempted to fight everyone so we left it alone and we'll never know yes she definitely was she was freaking other guys and for some reason he had a problem with that seriously she was genuinely mystified that it bothered him gaslighting man she knew the entire time he was wrong and that her husband should would have a major problem with it but attempting to make it seem like not a big deal she was hoping he'd second-guess his feelings and stay not a lawyer but i'd have to say my divorce was kind of petty she decided a year and a half after she kicked me out she should divorce me because i didn't come crawling back to her funny as she realized too late that when she kicked me out she didn't have any income from my experience if something petty is the stated reason there's usually a lot more to the story one of the pettiest reasons was when my female client believed that her husband loved his mother more than he'd ever love her now i'm going to answer a different question what was the craziest reason for a divorce glad you asked my client female was convinced her husband was having an affair he worked some construction job but always came home smelling great she finds texts from his work friend bob where they are planning some late night pipe repairs well this is the south there is no such thing as gay here so she believed that him and bob were just working late my client feels awful she thought her husband was cheating and clearly he wasn't he cared so much about her that he worked with bobble through the night he even cared so much about her sense of smell that he'd even shower so she wouldn't have to smell all the sex i mean pipe cleaning stuff she feels so bad she takes him to dinner he asks her if she wants a drink and she sees him walk off to the bar to get their drinks most thoughtful husband ever well a minute turns to five to ten finally she decides she has to find him she looks everywhere then realizes that she didn't check the men's room she's afraid her precious husband is sick she jiggles the door open her husband was on his knees but he wasn't sick she caught him giving a stranger a bj at the bar on their date to make up for the whole sorry i thought you were having an affair thing the reason i know this in such detail she wrote a seven page front and back letter detailing every sexual thing her husband ever did thought about or even looked like he thought about jesus that is wild lol any other married people sitting here wondering if some stupid little thing they did or said it gonna be on reddit next year lol babe if you're reading this i'm sorry i forgot the egg noodles i know i sometimes forget things at the grocery store even when i bring a list the look my wife gave me the last time i farted i'm not a lawyer but i've heard of a breakup between a couple because the gf said that their zodiac signs were not compatible and therefore they couldn't be together when i started dating my ex my mom totally freaked out because apparently our chinese zodiacs didn't match yet she believes in all that superstitious crap since that moment she was subtly trying to break us up grocery costs literally thought it was a joke or code for something turned out she came from a tight budget family and thought he was so wasteful with his paycheck when he bought ribs once a month not a lawyer but one of my philosopher professors now ex-professor and his wife got to divorce because he tried to exorcise her the christian school didn't take it well and he is no longer a professor there well actually the couple was getting a divorce due to the wife having a year-long affair with a professor of the rival school across the street the attempted exorcism didn't help matters though edit since several people seem interested the exorcism didn't work according to said professor the couple got a divorce the professor got some custody of the kids got screwed in the money matters and now his ex-wife and kids are moving to ohio i guess the thing with the rival schools professor didn't work out for the ex-wife while his oldest daughter is preparing to go to the school he used to teach at this fall poor girl has to pay her way now when she planned for most of her life ongoing for free the whole story was pretty big for a while at school the professor went to jail illegally for like a month without any accusation against him because he answered a phone call from one of his super young daughters his wife had filed a protection order for herself not the children and the campus police took him away even though he didn't answer the call on campus it was a whole scandal and the school was involved way more than it legally should have been super weird stuff according to this professor the president of the school was demon possessed and that accounted for the whole thing it gave a portion of the student body something to covertly argue over for a couple weeks not a divorce but a couple i know broke up after the woman had a dream that the guy was cheating on her apparently her reasoning was if it wasn't true i wouldn't dream about it she took it so seriously she left him i've known the guy for a very long time he maintains he's never been unfaithful to anybody and i believe him a teacher i had an hs got divorced because his wife didn't like how much sex he had before they had been married to put in context how petty of a reason that was they had been married for 12 years and had three kids together she had also met him a few years into his teaching career which didn't start till he was 32 but to say both sides of the argument he did have a staggering large amount of sex he was an olympian and had been going to the olympics to compete since he was 18. he was the best teacher to ever have as a home room teacher as the stories he could tell were just surreal not divorced but an old on their wedding day i've told the story a few times on reddit so long story short time she told him several hundred times that if he smashed the cake in her face at the reception it was over he did it she walked out and had it annulled the next day this was over 30 years ago btw my ex thinks i divorced him because my friends told me to what actually happened was i was bitching about him to a friend and she said you know he really is a passive aggressive piece of garbage he does this all the time and then i started thinking about how he really did pull that crap all the time and how i wasn't actually depressed i just hated living with him she opened my eyes but i divorced him because he treated me like crap not because my friend told me to good friends are amazing not a lawyer and this doesn't exactly fit but my dad told me he divorced my mom because she didn't do the dishes and keep the house clean i was 15 and a messy kid he wanted me to do all chores before he got home when i was 18 my mom informed me that he was supposed to watch me and my brother while my mom was in the hospital he decided to go to a bar instead left me unattended with a child molester to be babysat then got hella drunk and cheated on my mom she caught him cheating and divorced him then demanded full custody with supervised contact after finding out he'd been left with and molested by said people he was my mom's dad and she was under extreme pressure by her family to let him see me and my brother but she had been careful to make sure another adult was always there be it her a sibling or her mother my dad knew what he had done to my mom when she was a kid and still left me with him definitely not a petty reason hope you have a good relationship with your mom still my client's wife asked for a divorce after he refused to pay 52 000 per semester for their daughter to go to the private high school the wife had gone to as a child not a lawyer but met a mechanic at a bar in botswana who was apparently a superb fixer of broken vehicles.he seemed quite normal although a bit witchy after the 10th brandy and coke he then told me that he had loved his wife but couldn't handle the way she used to cross thread the lid of her contact lens holder i nearly killed her but was persuaded to leave her i'm currently reading a walk in the woods by bill bryson where he walks the appalachian trail he heard a good one from the hiker concierge that gave him a ride to the start point he dropped a guy off with the most expensive gear he'd seen who made it just three days to the first pay phone before calling for a ride and flew home it wasn't what i expected a week later he shows back up for a ride to the start his wife wouldn't let him quit after so much financial commitment again he calls for a ride from the pay phone but this time does not fly home so i got married at 18 same story as most crappy home life needed desperately to get out of the house so i married the first guy that came around and stayed with him until i was 22. i was working one day and he didn't answer any of my texts or calls eventually i got an answer and i before i could even say hey his response was what do you want i'm playing call of duty i left him a week later most of time the petty reasons are just the straw that breaks the back divorce lawyers of reddit what is the most insane evil funny dumb way a spouse has tried to screw the other i worked at a computer repair store as a sales technician had a guy come in with a desktop that he wanted windows reinstalled i asked him if he wanted me to back up all of his data first and he told me that he had everything he wanted and just do the wipe i put it in the queue and he paid and left i started it about an hour later since an xp install was only about 45 minutes off the network i didn't bother doing anything else except deleting the original partition and making a new one and installing windows about an hour after that his wife came running and asking if we had a computer with smith as the last name i told her i did and she showed me her it and said that her husband brought it in to try and destroy all the proof of him cheating and stealing money from their business when she asked if i had wiped everything yet i told her i just did a windows install and didn't actually really wipe anything i called her husband and told him the situation i told him his wife was here to get the computer he asked me if i reinstalled windows like we spoke about and i told him i had he told me i don't give a crap give her the computer there isn't anything left on it anyway i said all right and hung up i told her that he said i could give it to her and then explain to her how reinstalling windows doesn't magically delete everything and explain to her how i could recover all of her files in a couple of hours i ended up staying late that night and she bought me pizza and mountain dew i ended up recovering every file he tried to have me destroy and made multiple copies for her she ended up calling him from the store and reading off some of the messages he had tried to delete from his emails i was worried that he might try to come back in and confront me but nothing else ever came of it very cute of her to bring you pizza and mountain dew husband and wife divorce after husband finds out wife is sending obscene texts to other guys he goes into a deep depression they didn't have much lots of debt and two dogs one was a dog he had had since before the marriage he got her the other dog was only about three years old and was bought to keep the older seven-year-old dog company while they worked wife demanded that since he got his dog that she got the other he is depressed and just wants to move on so he agrees she gets the dog and has it put down the next day she didn't want the dog she just wanted to hurt him this one hits close to home because it happened between my parents we had a family friend who was a lawyer and my parents agreed that he would be the lawyer for both of them as a mediator so as the assets were being divided my dad got absolutely slammed she was going to get the house cars half his retirement and an insane amount of alimony but to the tune of like two thousand five hundred dollars a month for the rest of her life my dad has a good job as a municipal employee but that was probably 70 ish of his paycheck turns out that my mom and the family friend actually conspired to rip my dad off and make it seem like that's what a divorce settlement looks like and she was going kick back more money under the table after the dust had settled dad just didn't know how these things worked so after some convincing he finally went out and got his own lawyer he got a very fair divorce settlement after that mom still to this day can't understand why we don't talk to her much that other attorney could be disbarred for that personal experience unbeknownst to me my ex was having an affair i worked a lot of hours so i didn't pick up on it we had always dreamed of buying a house on a huge local lake to retire in we literally started shopping for houses and even to radiate a dozen or so we found too well within our budget but would need to sell our house first my wife convinced me to take out a couple loans in my name and get a couple credit cards again in my name most of the bills were in hers and the mortgage was in hers so i did i spent about 25 k in ccn loans to fully update our house and get it ready for market as soon as the work was done she told me she was leaving me and wanted to sell the house dang did she get the house or is it still ongoing most malicious thing i know of personally involved a co-worker of mine he was sleeping with a married woman and ultimately the husband found out she was having an affair really ugly divorce ensues during which they fought over a lot of assets but the real point of contention was their dog lovely gsd named orion eventually husband gets custody of the dog and in under a month has the dog put down just to hurt her back for the affair when i posted this i thought this situation was a rarity and of shock and or value from the cruelty at work after reading the responses in this thread not only am i saddened by how many pets get caught in the crossfire but i am genuinely shocked by the length some people will go for petty vengeance there must be rules on vets putting down healthy pets my uncle's ex tried to work it in that she would get half of whatever my grandmother would leave him when she passes jokes on her my grandmother is passing over her kids not maliciously my uncle is very well often so is my mom and leaving everything to my brother and me oh also tried to get soul custody of both of their children who are in their 20s i'm not a lawyer but i work as a legal assistant for a family lawyer the ex-husband was getting remarried one his ex-wife sent him and his new fiancee a dozen black roses before their wedding two his ex-wife then had a plane fly across during their wedding dragging a sign that read name of ex-husband likes it up the butt you can't make this stuff up sad part is she was not well and had been in and out of psych wards over the years i hope she's getting the help she needs now not a divorce lawyer but worked 4-1 back in the 90s a woman and her kids went on vacation and came back home to find that the soon-to-be ex-husband had broken into their house with his attorney thrown a party and microwaved the kid's kitten husband's attorney got disbarred i believe but that was about it and microwave the kid's kitten what the actual frick is wrong with people i'm going to school to be a vet assistant my teacher is a veterinarian she told us on monday she's had clients bring their animals in to be euthanized so their spouse couldn't have them smdh i'm not a divorce lawyer but my prior employer once was served with an obviously forged garnishment order from an employee's ex-wife directing garnishment of his wages in an amount that far exceeded his actual wages we reported it to the police department employer here who has had to garnish wages from time to time i don't know how it is there but here when there's any sort of garnishment we pay the money to a state county and they send the money to the person or company the ex wouldn't have gotten it anyway i was quite rightly reminded that posting about an active file even anonymously and on generic terms is bad practice so i removed that i had one client who was controlling their spouse by keeping them addicted to him i fired them my boss had a client who well after we fired them set themselves and their child on fire rather than give up custody anyone asking if the above was a specific case i am ethically prohibited from confirming or denying but this is sadly not a very unique event there are lots of reported and unreported instances none of these are that funny i apologize so here's my funny story on the stand my client and the other lawyer's client each spent about an hour saying i'm not lying they're lying then calling the other a bee butthole goof you name it often using that phrase exactly at one point one of them was cautioned by the judge for swearing and said frick sorry the judge decided they were both not credible former divorce lawyer not so much insane but unfortunately common accusing former spouse of molesting the children and domestic violence to retain full custody and get a restraining order to force spouse away of the marital home this sets the new status quo for custody which judges are reluctant to disrupt considerably down the road takes months if not years for accused spouse to prove his innocence and cps will often find evidence where none exists if accusing party is a good enough manipulator actor pretty horrendous long-term outcome for all parties kids are brainwashed against a strange parent when young later they often grow to resent the accusing parent for poisoning their relationship with a strange parent kids often grow up with multitude of mental health issues probably one of the worst things a person can do to their children all to win against their former spouse people who do this and are found out should be jailed i don't care how long after the fact it is this is just so absolutely fricked up i work for a divorce attorney now but the craziest thing came to my attention when i worked for the prosecuting attorney this couple was breaking up and mr left the house mrs went to work the next morning as usual when she returned home in the evening she found mr had been to the house and removed his clothing and belongings as she expected what she didn't expect was that he had also gorilla glued her belongings together he glued the tv remote to the table the phone to its cradle the couch pillows to the couch and even glued the vacuum cleaner to the carpet she called the police and reported this as property damage the police went with her through the house documenting dozens of items glued to various things but for days she was discovering random things and she would call to amend or update her report my gd oven mitts were glued to the wall or he glued the effing sheets together in the linen closet i've seen people do and say really awful things to each other but that was diabolical row that's creative smart of her to call the police oh documenting this up front helps not my story but one i read here a couple of years ago i really hope i don't butcher it as it's been a while but here goes there was a super wealthy guy that was a top exec at a fortune 500 company who was getting a divorce and it was rather nasty this guy was pretty much set for life he had a bunch of stock houses and assets in so many places the ex-wife wanted everything she could possibly get the husband came up with an idea that if she let him keep everything he would give her half of his paycheck for the rest of his life she quickly agreed because his checks were huge and this also included any bonuses which were in the millions as soon as the paperwork was finalized he quit his job and started to work part-time at a sporting goods store i can't remember which one this story was told by another employee they're not the actual guy that got divorced anyway he still had all of his assets so he will drive to work in a super expensive car and one day the employee asked how he could possibly afford that car the guy said he was set for life and didn't even need to work at all but every friday when he got his paycheck it made everything so worth it knowing his ex-wife would only be getting about 150 dollars per check i remember that one i think when the ex-wife tried to sue for more money he just said the emotional toll of the divorce was too great and he just couldn't handle the stress at his old high-paying job anymore i'm in a different area of law but my co-worker had a client in a messy divorce where the parties were required to split up some antique pots when the husband delivered the wife's share of the pots to our office he took a crap in each one of them it was a whole big incident i just saw this on a youtube video the husband gave the wife everything material house cars etc in the divorce except his magic the gathering collection when he went to collect it he found his wife had broken the seal on his mtg alpha starter deck this was worth about 20k usd at the time and currently for sale on various sites for around 50k for context as soon as you break the seal the deck becomes worthless and unless you get some of the insanely priced cards like black lotus you will lose a significant amount of money so she literally got all the assets they accrued over the marriage and killed the only thing of value this guy got out of total spite comma magic the gathering collection i know of a guy who had these really rare playing card decks that he managed to win in a divorce settlement and his wife did the same thing he ended up suing and she had to pay over a quarter of a million because that would have been the insurance payout if they were stolen i read one where in the settlement there was shared custody of a parrot neither were allowed to teach the parrot to swear at the other one i hope the parrot is going through some counselling how about a wholesome insane one eonal but this was told to me by my mom regarding the divorce she got from my dad they couldn't settle on an alimony amount mom and her lawyer came in with a number dad counted with a number they couldn't agree because my dad thought my mom should get twice the amount in alimony she was asking for and my mom didn't want my dad to give her that much money for month it took months for them to settle on a figure that appeased both of them even then my mom puts aside the extra above what she wanted in case my dad ever has a financial emergency and my dad puts aside the extra she didn't want in case my mom ever has a financial emergency the funny thing is they don't know the other is putting the money aside for the other my mom told me about her emergency stash and my dad told my brother about his emergency stash bro and i discussed it while talking about what nut jobs our parents are their divorce was perfect it wasn't there were still some hurt feelings and resentment from all parties involved however my parents for all their flaws both accepted their own responsibilities for the falling apart i think it helps that they still loved each other deeply they just weren't in love anymore they have been friends since my mom was two and my dad was three started dating when mom was 12 and dad was 13. they separated at the ages of 49 and 50. it makes sense that they grew apart i've had a few people ask why they divorced in the first place my dad had had a girlfriend for at least 15 years possibly longer my mom knew but they agreed to not divorce until my younger brother had graduated high school my dad got remarried to his girlfriend my mom has also since remarried all four of them get along famously now the separation and divorce happened about 10 years ago i'm very lucky to have four parents who care about me and who absolutely adore my own little dudes not a lawyer but my partner has a mate who was going through a messy divorce he registered as a gambling addict and went to some gambling anonymous or whatever it's called and proceeded to go to the casino every day taking wads of cash with him pretending to gamble it all away while he was secretly squirreling it all away in that way when it came to the divorce and he was questioned where all his money went he could prove that he lost it all through his gambling addiction and never had to pay her a penny if your ex-spouse wants your pet and they intend harm to it and it's not chipped give the dog away to a friend they can chip the animal and there you go they have verified ownership not a lawyer i worked at staples for six months in college i only ever sold one chair mat because the cheapest one was crap and the nice one was 120 ish one day a guy walks in who looks homeless he looks distraught i give him my normal doing all right today sir and he tells me that he needs a chair mat so i walk him back to show him the options i told him that no one had ever bought one because the 30 mat is flimsy and the nice mat is over 100 he looks deeply into my eyes and says my wife left me today she cheated on me and she's going to take everything give me the most expensive mat you have if she wants it i'll cut it down the middle so she can have her half freaking b i didn't really know what to say but i came back with well we do sell protection plans for 9.99 if anything happens to it he interrupted with frickit add it on there every dollar spent is one she can't have i hope he's all right i probably caught him on the worst day of his life got props from the bosses for not only selling a chimed but also for the protection plan i'm half cringing at the boss's reaction and half wondering what would have happened if you'd shown the customer your entire store catalogue i see a lot of unsubstantiated accusations of child abuse and or molestation to deteriorate the relationship between dad and the kids and we'll hire experts and therapists and there will be an investigation we'll have depositions and a trial and after a year has passed without dad being allowed to see his children and thousands and thousands of dollars have been spent it will come out that nothing happened this happens in my practice about once or twice a year very common the moment a parent is caught doing that they should be jailed and or banned from from guardianship sick fricks have a friend who went through a nasty divorce and his ex was vengeful as heck despite him having done nothing wrong like cheating lying etc basically he got laid off from good job and the loss of status embarrassed her especially as he took to being stay-at-home dad and their kids adored him never mind she had mba and six-figure job herself she would buy expensive crap on credit cards to show high expenses then return it for cash or store credit so that the refund didn't go back on card so that she could try to get more support to just get a job he took one at home depot he'd been an engineer at a tech company later on he landed an i.t consulting position that was part-time but paid about what he made at hd working full-time she petitioned the court to try and force him to have a full-time job basically wanting to force him to spend 30 more hours to learn same the part of his custody granted him dinner one night week with the kids id 5 7 p.m he asked for it to be school pick up to 7 pm instead and she refused that even though from 3-5 they were at home with a nanny who had to be paid for that time while mom was at work [Music] worked at an airport big burly guy brings an ugly boss dog in a crate to the counter he is clearly misty-eyed turns out wife got the dog in the divorce and he has to send it to her and she told him as soon as she gets it she is putting it down he asks if he can have some time with the dog before the flight so they go out in the grass and they both roll around in the grass dog's tail just wagging away not knowing anything about his future the guy puts him back in the crate drops him off the counter says thanks and then just walked out here down and just looking crushed that was 30 years ago and i still remember it like it was yesterday i worked in family courts when first starting out the most memorable case i saw was the woman took literally everything out of the house she ripped out the carpets even not a divorce lawyer but about 15 years ago i handled two insurance claims for a man in his 40s or 50s who was getting divorced from his wife who was in her mid-20s first she filed a claim on his auto policy he was wealthy but had to have a high risk auto policy due to many speeding tickets she was not on his policy saying that he crashed into her car on purpose the claim was denied because there is no coverage for intentional acts a couple of weeks later she files a claim on his homeowners policy saying that he stole her engagement ring which was specifically insured at a high amount like 10 k plus again she is not the policy holder and the ring wasn't stolen he just had possession of it so there was no claim to be made i wonder whatever happened with that guy sounds like it's not his first rodeo i knew a guy that got out of the military at 19 years so his ex wouldn't get half his pension he would rather get nothing than give half the pension to his ex if he stayed in one more year a friend's ex-wife and he settled their divorce with her getting the house a hefty chunk of retirement all the gifted jewelry and his holly she had gifted him for his birthday a few weeks later a robbery occurred and the only thing that was stolen was the jewelry that he had gifted her which was intended for their daughter she tried to file an insurance claim on the jewelry but forgot to get appraisals and add his riders so the max insurance paid was one thousand five hundred dollars for over twenty thousand dollars of jewelry suspicion as she staged it but is now stuck with stolen jewelry she can't legally sell nor wear nor give to the daughter without tipping the dad off to the scam divorce lawyer accusing their former spouse of forcing them into prostitution text messages revealed they were actually just swingers she also admitted to lying in order to make him burn i can't wait to leave my practice area first this is not the most evil thing i have seen so far in practice it's just one of the things that sticks out in recent memory second in my experience women don't have an unfair advantage or get away with things more than men the reason this individual was not held in contempt was because judges have an incredible amount of discretion and they tend to exercise their discretion sparingly unless someone is making a fuss in the media or publicly lying in order to ruin someone's life the court avoids exercising their discretion to punish individuals in a divorce context the reason courts are hesitant to impose penalties or hold someone in contempt is because the majority of lying that happens in my experience comes from victims who shield their abuses lots of men women and children say things and then recant their testimony in order to stay in abusive relationships or save themselves and their families from threats of violence or retaliation victims need to feel safe to tell the truth having penalties gives the court a stick and having discretion gives the court a carrot ultimately we all want the truth and holding someone in contempt or threatening to hold someone on contempt is one mechanism that helps us uncover the truth finally women men judges commissioners and lawyers are all human beings i've met humans who act like monsters and i've met angels dressed as humans my sincerest hope is that we treat others the way we would want to be treated and remember that we all make mistakes yes i charge for my services and my duty is to serve my clients to the best of my ability some clients just want it all to end while others want to fight over the keychain they bought at walmart five years ago if that keychain means a lot to my client i explain how much that keychain will actually cost them in the end and let them decide if it's worth it i have met attorneys who drag out litigation to run-up fees however any attorney worth their salt is consulting with their client and actively trying to bring about a speedy fair resolution that i seems like a super illegal accusation not a divorce lawyer but my grandma sucker her divorce lawyer before she served her husband the papers got pregnant and then convinced her husband it was his he paid child support for 18 years and never had a clue pretty crappy the lawyer had a family of his own they have no idea my mom and my family exist 18 years 18 years and on her 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his divorced redditors what is the craziest thing you or your former spouse did after divorce my ex stole a car and did 18 months in state prison based on what i was able to find online at the time he approached a car dealership and showed interest in buying a vehicle they allowed him to take it home for a 24-hour demo he never returned it they reported it stolen after they attempted multiple times to contact him to return it they then contacted the state police who put a bolo out they found him driving the vehicle on the other side of the state where he thought he wouldn't be found i found out when i got an unexpected phone call from the sheriff's office i asked why they were calling me about this they said my ex i told them i would vouch for him as a character witness i told the officer over the phone that my ex was a lying sack of crap and shouldn't be trusted the officer laughed thanked me for my time and hung up that mother somehow cancelled my costco membership that i was still letting him mooch off of for the gas discount frick that guy holy frick they are unhinged this is the most egregious one you don't frick with my costco membership here's a more wholesome and true one he had sunday dinners with my mom for many years after our divorce he never had a real mom long story so i didn't mind sharing mine as long as i didn't have to be there laundry list but my favorite was his sister sent a facebook message to all of his contacts the day of our separation including my family before we announced anything her message stated everyone should immediately delete me and if i said anything about why we separated i was lying and not to listen basically this created a lot of curious questions and a lot of laughs did you ever get her version and how did it compare to reality my ex-wife told me i could leave my stuff in our house while i found somewhere else to stay i assumed this was a good effort to keep things as amicable as possible between us when i went to get my crap she had burned it all so that was rough if you were legally married judges tend to take a pretty dim view of that kind of behavior she would stalk myra did account and angrily text me if she didn't like my posts talking about her cheating on me i came home from seeing my grandmother on her death bed and found she had cheated she also texted me accusing me of sabotaging her attempts to get a job that requires a security clearance apparently it was my fault and not the fact she had already been denied a security clearance for mental instability i hope you've changed your number by now she removed the retaining clips for my windshield wipers but put the wipers back on the arms first storm after i got my car back from her driver side wiper flew off the car on interstate 40 good times her nickname is now rain x kidnapped the kids during their weekend visit and move to a small town in the next state over it took me two years to get them back i did get them back she eventually burned all her bridges in the town she moved to and went home to her parents house since her parents were not pleased with her choices and were on my side during the whole deal they called me to let me know where she was i went and got them this was over 20 years ago and they have both grown up just fine i've since remarried and my second wife has been a wonderful mother to them it took a lot of work to fix all the damage but it's mostly okay the biggest scars that lasted was that my son has a distrust of women with authority that he has worked really hard to get over and my daughter was afraid to start her own family because she worries she would turn out just like her mom she finally got over that and is expecting our first grandbaby this fall she called my company talked her way up the chain to the president of the company still don't know how she managed that but she's smart and told him i was suicidal and had threatened to do something drastic at work later i learned that she thought this would be a roundabout way of getting my address which i didn't share with her after i moved out because she's batshit crazy this was from even i was a kid and my parents were going through a divorce my dad was a total sociopath manipulative physically and emotionally abusive drug dealing the whole nine yards even my mom was finally able to get out he still had visitation rights his family kept on bugging my sister and me still under 10 years old to try to convince my mom to talk to him she finally did try to talk to him when she came to pick us up at the police station from where it was agreed to meet when he had his time with us they immediately got into an argument he started throwing one of his temper tantrum grabbed my mom in front on a cop from the lapd trying to beat her then the cop grabbed him he let go of my mom with a look of pure terror on his face i think that was the day i realized he was sociopathic and didn't want anything else to do with him and his crazy butt bible thumping family when i told my ex-husband i wanted a divorce the next day after i went to work he packed our entire house into a u-haul and put it in storage even with a court order he refused to give my stuff back i left my marriage with the clothes on my back years later he decided he was above the courts because he got away with that and took our son across country telling me he was moving with one day notice and told me i couldn't do anything about it of course i promptly hired a lawyer and we went back to court and he lost joint custody but it took a year of fighting chasing him down and not seeing my son there are more stories but those are probably the worst mum's friend was getting divorced white was staying in the house bit left so the husband could gather his things without her there as he moved out while packing he gave the dog a laxative and locked her in the master bedroom poor girl had explosive malamute diarrhea everywhere she was so upset about her accident that she tried to dig through the door that dog was such a good girl it broke my heart luckily the wife kept the dog and the husband was convicted of animal abuse charges which helped the wife keep custody of the kids row after he realized i was never going back he told his mom that i had been stealing from the family the whole time we were together then he literally put it in writing that i had a key to his parents home and would sneak in and take his dad's guns and his grandmother's jewelry and that he had been powerless to stop me it was always his druggy sister always anyone with eyes could see it but no one in the family wanted to believe it it's mind-boggling how far people will stretch their own reality for plausible deniability for someone they love who is obviously a [ __ ] chow called me and pretended he had been hit by a car while we were talking he even tried to voice the crowd that had gathered around his body god awful acting but pretty funny listening to him try to mimic a woman's voice or points for trying to be inclusive i guess i think he was trying to get me to relive my trauma of being on the phone with a friend who actually had been hit by a car while we were talking too bad he didn't realize that hearing the real thing is worlds different than hearing a dumbass try to act it out my ex fake jumping from the roof cause i broke up he was dedicated though he actually dropped his dang phone and then was mad that i didn't fall for it completely ignored our three children for the last 10 years while living with a woman and her three children did i mention our oldest is his from a previous relationship who i was awarded custody of and he is her only living biological parent stalked me for five years would make fake social media profiles to try to follow me which i would block endlessly and would try to find where i worked so she could talk to me this lady cheated on me with seven different men two months after we were married i kicked her butt to the curb and made her sign the court papers when we had our day in court she cried in the judge's office while i just wanted to get this crap done after my dad was with me and he threw fifty dollars at her and told her to change your freaking last name good guy pops i haven't seen or heard from her in about five years thank goodness my ex-husband started dating his stepmom who has been in his life since he was 11 years old his stepmom and him are still together almost five years later his stepmom confessed her love of my ex to his dad a few years ago and they have since divorced the dad is now dating a 21 year old i know all of this because i'm still close friends with my ex-husband's sister it's so messed up and i'm so grateful i left him when i did dang i didn't know pornhub was setting up their own cinematic universe while we were still married she gets pregnant with the guy she was cheating on me with who is also married to someone else she has this idea that he's going to leave his wife and they're going to get married she got a lawyer and filed for divorce i get a lawyer too only thing is that he works for his wife's father who is setting him up to take over when daddy retires he realized that getting a divorce means his cushy career is over confesses everything to his wife and begs for her forgiveness his wife takes him back and he cuts off my wife seeing that her dreams of living with her bf are over she claims that i'm the father which is impossible because by that time we hadn't had sex for more than a year before conception this does not stop her from telling everyone who will listen that it's my kid she has her lawyer dropped the divorce proceedings i tell my lawyer to start them with me as the plaintiff and that i want to dispute paternity i move out she starts stalking me shows up at my job and tries to get in i work as a civilian in r d at a military base the mps do not take any of her crap and wind up detaining her when she tries to run past the gate she calls me at work to bail her out or something i tell her that whatever she's done it's not my problem and hang up i also was able to get a restraining order which she violated repeatedly she asked for everything both cars the entire house and contents savings my retirement account etc plus seven years of spousal support i offer no support and half of the assets if she wanted to house she'd have to buy me out and refinance in her name only when the kid was born she tried to put my name on the birth certificate anyway but i'd already successfully disputed paternity so that didn't go over well she had to go off to love a boy who was definitely less than happy to see her in the end we split the assets 50 stroke 50 sold the house and she got no spousal support i don't know if she was able to get money for the kid from lover boy or not she called me a few times after the divorce wanting to get together and talk the calls were in violation of the restraining order but i never reported it about six months after the divorce was final i was offered a new job on the other side of the country i took it and never told anyone outside of my family where i was going almost all of our friends believed her when she claimed the baby was mine and made me out to be the butthole so i didn't really feel the need to tell them anything life is better now glad to hear life is better dude you are a strong human all i wanted was custody of my son i gave her everything else except one of our cars she fought me through five hearings i won she never came to see him again sounds like you and your son got lucky i hope everything works out for you both not me but my grandparents got divorced when my mom was about 17. in their legal battle they worked out that they would each get 50 stroke 50 of the sale of specific shared assets there was an old junkie car and a fairly new rv my grandpa sold the rv and the car for one dollar each he handed my grandma a buck in court oh maybe those craigslist ads i see are legit then she got custody of our three kids got 70 of my take home pay for child support requiring me to move into the barracks i was in the usaf then she immediately moved out of state without telling me despite the divorce decree requiring my consent all but guaranteeing i would have no contact with my kids that's not the crazy part the crazy part is just a few years later she decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore so she signed up with a carnival i think she had the hearts for one of the ride operators and left the girls on their own without telling me or the girls beforehand she called my oldest daughter a few days after leaving to tell her to call me they hadn't called me before that because they had apparently grown accustomed to their mother disappearing for days at a time final straw that led to the divorce got drunk and drove her car into the middle of the desert sent her friend a picture of the gps and said i didn't love her so i wouldn't come and look for her she wouldn't answer my calls but kept calling her friend saying i didn't care i looked for two hours before going back home because i needed to work in the morning she came home and started banging things around and came into our room and threw her phone at me saying i didn't love her punched me in the face multiple times and went to jail after i filed for divorce she lost it cps wouldn't let her kids stay at the house because of the dv charge against her so they stayed at her parents she purposely stayed at the house so that i couldn't see my kids i refused to be alone with her after for fear that she would hurt herself and blame me so i always went to the house with someone if i needed anything she got tired of this and decided to just removed everything from the house while i was at work i mean everything that wasn't in my kids bedrooms she took out of the house curtains ceiling fans all of the furniture minus the dining table that i don't think she had room for i thought well this sucks but at least she's gone so i changed the locks she broke in and stole the locks the next day while i was at work left nothing but the holes in the doors to swing open in the wind took the window locks cut the power cord to the garage door opener took the blender that i borrowed from my mom and popped the air mattress that i borrowed to sleep on then she flipped off the main breaker to the house swore to the judge that someone else must have done it not me but my so his ex-wife got married a few days after receiving the court's final decision on the annulment of marriage case in our country we don't have divorce well okay he has moved on already now her new husband plans to have his marriage to her and out too edit hey this blew up yes we are in the philippines so freaking hard to get an annulment here i wish we could have divorce where parties can end their marriage in amicable terms killed or euthanized our dog then lied about that he died of natural causes given the dog was old and blind but b pleaded that she wanted a weekend with him and then the next night sent me a fake text that he passed away during the night at like 3 a.m because he coughed and then just stopped breathing that crap wasn't true i found out later after finding and calling the vet she brought him to that she bad-mouthed me about and that he was suffering and needed to be put to sleep because he was in agony and i was supposedly letting him suffer she had him out to sleep like the day she took him home like three hours afterwards never got to say goodbye due to that bee this is awful i'm so sorry you had to deal with that what a crap person kidnapped my three boys from my house when i went on my first post divorce date our loved and trusted babysitter was with them i left dinner ready and kids bathed and already in their jammies left for the movie theater when i got a text from my babysitter that she was sorry for not doing the dishes after dinner so i texted back that okay i can do dishes later but you've got a couple houses as well the movie hasn't started yet she was at home as my ex-husband had shown up lyden said he was supposed to have the boys at night and that i had said it was okay i was livid i knew he was a bit crazy but i had no idea he was capable of this i stepped out of the theater called him and he said if you are going to be dating strangers and endangering the lives of my kids i will take them wtf so i called the police they did the report we went to court and he was found in contempt for violating our parenting plan we remained on good terms and still celebrate holidays and birthdays as a family his two youngest kids with his current wife call me aunt and my youngest calls him uncle mad respect so many people go insane during after divorce it says a lot about you that you have handled it well and kept your relationships intact he had his law enforcement officer friends run my new boyfriend one of their wives told me when i called her to offer my support when i heard she and her husband were getting divorced as well this absolutely terrifies me he basically got everything house car furniture i just wanted out two years later he is broken homeless wanted to get back together sorry but heck no my ex has done a crap ton of weird stuff thankfully most of it not aimed at me while we were separated and working on our divorce he would come whine to me about relationship issues with my cousin with whom he'd had an affair and for whom he'd left me mind you he'd moved in with not just her but her common law husband and then was upset by how many other boyfriends she had this is my cousin who has more babadoodies than she has babies two of her offspring are simultaneously half-brothers and cousins she's never been known for her monogamy in other words billy claimed to have been in love with her since they were children and this was magically supposed to make her return his affections among the best witnessed from the distance bits of this nonsense were him getting jealous of her visiting her husband and running her off the road in his work van and generally hanging around screwing her instead of taking jobs to the extent that there were trainees making more money than he was after he'd been there more than a year and he was eventually invited to resign or be fired then there was the time he was doing on security and angry at how taking our children on a first stage to austin he expected to be allowed to stay over at this woman's apartment with his children and her children and she was rightly horrified at the whole thing didn't go over well had an argument with his girlfriend at the time not my cousin but the ex-wife of a different cousin and drove to her house in his work vehicle his work vehicle his work vehicle this resulted in a firing a restraining order and loss of his rights to carry a gun then there was the girlfriend who insisted that if he really loved her he'd move into the homeless shelter with her so he fabricated being kicked out of his parents house and spent the requisite month sleeping outside on the shelter's patio before intake then spent years longer than the relationship living in the shelter only finally leaving to move in with a woman he'd met a month earlier after ostentatiously asking our children's permission as you can imagine they felt they had no choice basically it's been 13 years of reeling from one relationship to the next all overlapping and the kids pulled into them from the very first second he's currently trying desperately to find another girlfriend to move in with as the current one is kicking him out to move to virginia with a new boyfriend of her own this after some time of subjecting the kids to loud arguments over his pee addiction and their dead sex life and naturally blaming me for the fact that his two oldest children both refused to talk to him at all two of my shortcomings as a wife by the way were being too classy he quoted confederate railroad to me and not providing the drama he felt requisite in a relationship whoa well i'm happy for him that he finally got the drama he needed but feel sorry for your kids and you my divorce was pretty amicable but a previous boyfriend took one of each pair of my pats and socks so i had no matching pairs wife cheated on me when i confronted her she grabbed a kitchen knife and threatened me i told her to go ahead she put it in my chest just deep enough to draw blood and cut down to my belly button i hit her on top of her head she fell to the ground i left and after signing papers never saw her again it's been 24 years now thank you for the awards peeps had no idea my idiot marriage at 20 years old would be the topic with the most upvotes those 12 months are full of good stories looking back we were living in a different state and she wanted to move back to her home state a year into our marriage i really had nothing tying me down in that state so i was down for moving if that's really what she wanted it had been about six months into the move and she cheats on me with a co-worker while i was working full-time and trying to finish up my bachelor's degree she tells me that she didn't feel the same way about me and that she needed to move out to do some thinking it's driving me insane trying to think about what could have gone wrong i had a suspicion about that co-worker but i didn't have any proof i checked our phone account online and sure enough they were talking every night after work while i was out working i followed her one time and sure enough she was going to this guy's house i confronted her about it and she finally fessed up so they continued dating after we finally divorced and i was able to move on with my life she ends up getting pregnant by this guy and he disappears before their baby was even born karma definitely came back to bite her after the heck she put me through all alone in a new state with no friends family around prior to divorce he established a pattern of asking me to sleep with someone else usually mff threesomes usually friends of his mine hours getting increasingly demanding moody until i conceded then reacting with extreme insecurity jealousy possessiveness and need for reassurance afterwards until it happened again it destroyed me as well as all of my in-person friendships and i still don't understand why he needed to go through that psychodrama over and over or why i didn't leave sooner to clarify there is nothing wrong with swinging polyamory or ethical non-monogamy but he really just wanted an on-demand p service and couldn't take no for an answer and could not stand the thought of me having feelings for anyone other than him yet consistently thought i was waiting to cheat on him or abandon him but shortly before i filled for divorce he broke into my apartment twice once because he wasn't done talking and then because the apartment complex director told him i couldn't legally kick him out of the apartment sexually assaulted me while i was sleeping called the cops and ecf because i blocked him on messenger after close to 24 hours of non-stop texting from him and chose to publicly throw a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple of punches a couple then he assaulted me in the backyard while refusing to leave and told the police i had attacked him i filled a restraining order in divorce on the same day four months after our divorce was finalized and he was granted full custody of our three kids for every school vacation he decided to move halfway across the country to live with his mother she's still taking care of him his kids aren't particularly interested in talking to him and haven't seen him in over a year i offered to pay for him to stay here over the summer so he could see them but he said nah this is a fair reflection of his level of engagement with his kids prior to divorce too i don't doubt that he loves them but he rarely chooses to spend time with them because it's stressful the cops lawyers officer child support employees and the judge have all responded the same way to his endless victim spiel a tired sigh a roll of the eyes he continues to think his situation is everyone else's fault and totally unique he follows me here and has quoted some of my posts in court hi brian eater thanks for the upvotes let me know if you've had a similar experience he's texted to call me a lying w yet again i've invited him to respond here or please quit stalking my social media as i've asked or accept that we have different ideas of how things went but we'll see stop stalking your ex and go get a life brian divorced men and women of reddit what was the final straw when she refused to go back to marriage counseling because he makes me feel wicked because i won't stop seeing the other guy there's pretty much nothing left to say i think pokemon go was the final straw we weren't married but together for eight years with a kid he had trouble keeping a job and hadn't had a full-time job in nine months he worked part-time and lost his job and had some bull crap story i think he was showing up late and tired from staying up all night playing pokemon go downtown all night she was three months pregnant and i was five months out to see man you've got some strong swimmers my father died in asia last minute i had to bowl to his funeral packing my bags she lay there in bed and said i feel like you're just going on vacation this was really upsetting after his funeral buddhist where i had to clean his weak old black and blue zombie face with palms and coconut oil watch him doused in gas from a jerry can and get set on fire with fireworks from a one she called me and started lighting me up about our credit card debt and told me i shouldn't care so much because he was a crap father anyway the next day i had to pick his bones out put them in an urn dress his ashes and clothes after shaping them into the shape of a body and drop his ashes into a hole in a trash ridden and marked grave in a small jungle wood area carrying his ashes to the jungle for some reason gave me enough of an existential jolt to think what the frick am i doing took a year of deliberation but i finally decided i deserved a more supportive partner when my apartment neighbor asked me how i was okay with all of that okay with what oh with being in an open marriage i'm sorry what now come again yeah she told us you guys were in an open marriage when we saw her bringing guys home to your house while you were working i'm sorry what now come again awkward silence welp thanks for letting me know or i'd still be in the dark about this whole open marriage thing i caught her emailing him real estate listings they were apparently shopping online for a house together when i realized that both my son spoke to me in the same unpleasant dismissive tone as my husband did when my 10 years old asked me why i told them every day that daddy was crossing to try to keep out of his way but when i saw how much better he treated one child than the other i hadn't realized all those things had become my normal somehow not having access to her money had become unremarkable being undermined and belittled in front of others was to be tolerated i had no idea how much i worked to keep the peace and placate i felt so guilty when it dawned me how much they were absorbing his behaviors and seeing them as normal i woke up and saw my life with my old single independent eyes and was both aghast and ashamed i never ever would have believed my life would become the mess it had the thing is mostly in other people didn't see it he never socialized with people i knew and his friends think he is great even my mum thinks i exaggerate and should put up and shut up i feel so isolated but i refuse to put up with this crap any longer my kids deserve an emotionally healthy example of relationships and love when one of my husband's many girlfriends actually came up to me apologized and said he told me that you knew about me and that you had an open marriage i was already planning on leaving him because of the infidelities she just made me move all that much faster she told me she was pregnant with another man's baby pretty easy decision husband was out of town on a business trip i had a surgery scheduled for the same time had the surgery and there were complications it was supposed to be a day surgery and i should have been home that evening ended up in the iq for two days in the hospital for four more my friend called my now ex-husband and told him that i almost died and was an aiku and he needed to come home his reply well she didn't die so i'll be home when my business trip is over after he got home and i got home from the hospital he was nice enough to leave the hotel in voice on our dresser a room with two occupants she wanted to move back to her home country my visa was denied and that was that when i talked to his girlfriend on the phone and she didn't know he was married when she threatened divorce in a very sensitive argument i paused agreed and stuck to it there were two things that stuck in my mind i just couldn't get past but it was a lot of different things i guess these two were the nails in the coffin one birthday dinner for my father-in-law five minutes before we are leaving for dinner me ex tells me oh dinner is just for our immediate family i thought i was his family it was very heartbreaking too i spent a month caring for my dying grandmother one of the most treasured people in my life i was exhausted and devastated by the time she passed i don't even remember the conversation just his response of i really need your support right now your grandma's death really messed me up i realized i was alone in my marriage and that it wasn't ever going to change i had to walk away from my own health and sanity if your husband doesn't consider you immediate family then he doesn't understand what marriage is he tried to kill my eight-month-old kitten by throwing it through a wall in our apartment his reason the little butthole wouldn't stop meowing i hope your kitten is okay also you dodged a huge freaking bullet i was working night shift she cheated on me with five men that she met on tinder and freaking craigslist after i downloaded the contents of her phone i found she was talking to 18 and freaking five so yeah divorced picked up my ex-wife's cell phone and dialed the last number called it was her boyfriend which i knew she had i walked over to my ex and put the phone on speaker confronted him in front of her and they both just laughed i told her let's see if that guy comes to your rescue when you really need or if you're just a booty call i brought in 100 of our income which made it extra satisfying when i made the final exit out of the driveway i asked her how they were doing and she hadn't heard from him since that day i've related this story on reddit before but my ex and i had separated over her cheating and while i was considering options she shot the family dog she didn't take the dog out back and give it a bowl of food and put it down she was laying in the bed looked over at the dog and decided it needed to be dead so she shot it right there in the bed next to her after that she took everything she could out of the house but left the bloodstained mattress so my abusive husband never hit just accidentally stepped on my foot hard accidentally ran into me and i hit the wall accidentally pushed me down the stairs etc etc etc final straw was when he accidentally shoved my daughter not his child when i told him if he ever touched my child again i would kill him he got a restrainer order against me no problem but with no job all i had was a paid off car worth twenty thousand so i found an apartment got furniture and a job all the while he's begging me to come back not gonna happen with no one left to abuse the son of a bee jumped off a bridge and killed himself after a few years of horrible guilt and a ton of prozac i am finally doing super great when my ex started threatening me and physically assaulting me in front of my kid he also threatened to kill me if i left and i believed him fortunately i suppose he was also sleeping around and found the perfect woman so then he filed for divorce on the fast track and actually gave me a pretty decent deal on the property settlement custody agreement convincing our children to drink their own urine he decided to practice urine therapy and i was disgusted and started to prepare for divorce but when he got the kids involved i immediately knew it was over finding plane tickets and hotel reservations to go meet some dude she had been chatting with online turns out the guy wasn't the fishing boat owning a laskan adventurer he claimed he turned out to be a part-time fiata ticket taker for a movie theater living in his mom's basement he got blind drunk at his birthday party and was trying to start fights etc so i got him home had the presence of mind to hide the car keys in the dryer he wanted to go back out so tore the whole house apart looking for them threatened me with a kitchen knife when i wouldn't give up their location so yeah marriage good times i was going to get yelled at no matter what i did did the laundry get yelled for not folding the towels correctly let her do the laundry get yelled for not doing the laundry the final straw was i was sent to the grocery store for french cut green beans they had french style green beans and cut style green beans i spend more time than i care to admit scrutinizing the green bean aisle i finally realized that green beans are 40 cents and i'm not taking an ass chewing over 40 cents i bought both she threw my laptop on the floor which caused the screen to break i took the laptop into the bedroom to inspect it i brought it back out to show it to her she accused me of breaking the screen wasn't the first thing of mine she broke nor the first time she made a ridiculous accusation i was in a seriously neglectful and abusive verbal psychological not physical marriage for the better part of 10 years i tried everything that i could to try and fix it and even though i was the one with the complaints i still went into marriage counseling for two years and said i will do anything i can to try and change to make this better or to try and fix it she would go into marriage counseling every single week and say the same thing i want him to accept me as i am in other words she didn't want to change in any way she didn't want to compromise in any way she wanted me to accept being neglectful and abusive person that she had become i should mention here that she is a severe narcissist but the final straw i had never even considered divorce or separation it never even crossed my mind for me we were married for life and we just needed to figure out how to fix it but one day in marriage counseling when i was talking about something that she had done that was hurtful she blurted out i think we should just consider separating i was completely shocked and flawed by this i never even imagined it and in that moment i realized that it was always me chasing her for 10 years i've been chasing her she's always running away she never apologized ever for anything she would get away with the most heinous behavior and i would crawl back to her and apologize and keep the relationship going and i realized that moment that anytime things got tough she would scream separation or divorce or run away and that is no way to live a good relationship takes two people that genuinely want to be in a relationship and are both willing to put in the work for that relationship and both willing to compromise for each other this was not the case this was a one-sided relationship which is always going to be doomed and so i finally mustered up the courage after she said that and made the decision to walk away everyone deserves happiness and i just didn't want to live without the rest of my life like that anymore he married someone else while he was married to me final straw i think that straw is illegal she decided she loved her girlfriend who was also married more than she loved me and our new baby she left for the girlfriend who subsequently left her husband and kids too both families ended up divorced both women lost the kids they broke up a few months later shot adam fruit my mother-in-law left her husband after he bought her a compost bin for her birthday she didn't want to be married or a mom anymore she also wanted to see other people i showed her the door and she ran like a bat out of heck left me and the kids all i had to do to get custody was keep paying her cell phone bill and car payment this was pretty much all she cared about too dang bad that was not part of the divorce agreement i stopped paying the day after the divorce was final she filed for divorce and then fled to another state while temporarily separated from my dad my mom had to unexpectedly leave the city and left my brother and i with her elder sister super sweet lady with a heart of gold my mom had tried to contact my father but wasn't able to get a hold of him and left a message at his work and verbally told his parents my dad was mad that we weren't left in his care and filed for divorce that week he wanted a legal agreement that could be enforced in order to guarantee that he got the time with his kids that he felt he deserved so his reason to file for divorce despite my parents trying to work things out at the time was that he thought a divorce would give him more time with his kids and on his own terms that wasn't the long or short-term outcome the catch here is the reason my mom left town that week was in order to take care of my dad's sister and her kids my aunt was suffering from depression and her husband had to take a work trip and was worried about leaving her alone with the kids so my mom dropped everything and went there my dad knew all of this as it was communicated to his parents my aunt attempted suicide while my mom was there and luckily my mom was able to intervene and save her life so my mom was saving my dad's sister's life while my dad was filing for divorce this story has been corroborated by both my parents it wasn't the final straw but it was the first time divorce was mentioned and it was the first time we admitted openly that we both wanted out we were playing a d and d type board game and his character walked into a trap i'd set and took a massive amount of damage he tried to institute his own version of take backsies and when i refused because we were adults and he was cheating he knocked the game board over and yelled that's it that's the straw that broke the camel's back i want a divorce sadly we worked things out and continued on through more miserable years until i eventually called it quits due to his online dating and his controlling behavior that game still has a special place in my heart though i had just had my car repaired and repainted following his wrecking of the front end in a careless accident he took it for a middle of the night joyride with his pot supplier buddy while i slept unawares he managed to accomplish the following one double parked in front of known drug dealers house two caught the attention of a cop in a clearly marked suv three drove two miles with cop following with lights and siren on four finally noticed cop and engaged in high speed chase 5 totaled my car by crashing through a cornfield and into a freaking tractor six ran from the scene leaving an injured drug buddy behind seven concocted idiotic scheme whereby he would pretend to have been carjacked eight stabbed self in the chest with a goddamned pocket knife to lend credence to sit scheme 9 suffered collapsed lung requiring hospitalization followed by a rest 10 did not get visited in either hospital or jail by soon to be ex-wife i didn't give a dang what happened to him but i cried like a baby over the loss of my car for about three months already he would only be home for 10 minutes after i got home from work just long enough to say hi to me and our infant son before taking off to party with friends until god knows when the final straw went when he thought it was acceptable to disappear for the entire weekend and get mad at me when i went looking for him he had a seizure disorder and schizophrenia so when he went missing in the past happened multiple times i had to go looking for him to ensure he was safe oh but freak me for worrying good riddance when she set me on fire i still am dealing with trust issues and this is over six years ago you think your entire life together is going great just got a puppy new car and moving into an apartment we never dreamed we could get she's finishing up classes at a four-year college we've been high school sweetheart since ninth grade so over seven years together not even six months into being married we go out to dinner and all is going great not even 30 minutes into the meal she starts to get very emotional but won't say why concerned and worried for my wife i excuse us and head home mind you this entire time i had and everyone else thought things were going incredibly well i felt on top of the world with our lives i just don't find you attractive anymore when i walked down the aisle six months ago i kept repeating to myself don't do it don't do it but i couldn't let you down there's someone at my work who just gives me the attention i need and i'm really attracted to him we've spent some time together now this isn't one of those he didn't see the little things adding up or he's only telling one side of the story type situations the rug and earth was ripped out from beneath me her family and friends all tried to talk to her and her parents apologized profusely no one had a clue or believed it at first i crashed at a friend's place and continued to try and talk to her about it and about seeing a counselor she refused i told her that both of us need to see someone together as well as individually still refused and called me and butthole for suggesting it in retrospect it's the best thing that has happened to me i was able to focus on myself and i met my current amazing wife and i couldn't imagine being with anyone else and now we have started a family and have a little girl that fear of my entire world flipping upside down is still there and those trust issues have taken so long to work through many issues the final straw was when his mother criticized me yet again in front of the entire family when we were alone i pointed this out to my now ex-husband he told me you are just going to have to get used it and get over it we are married now there's nothing you can do about it he saw nothing wrong with how his family treated me and i refused to live the rest of my life being treated like that physical and emotional abuse loss of consortium and finally the painful punch to the gut when you finally need your spouse for the first time in a decade and find out she's not there for you at all in any context he got syphilis from a prostitute while i was working in the arctic when he told me that we were too young when we met 21 and that he never got to live a bachelor lifestyle he wanted to take a break so that he could date around and get it out of his system then we would get back together this happened about a month after we got married lived together nine years married for six months marriage only lasted so long because he realized that he wasn't attracting the dime pieces he thought he would and dragged his feet signing paperwork divorced lawyers over at it what's the most outrageous reason someone filed for divorce my aunt was dating an unemployed dude for a while he was staying in her house rent-free they got married and were getting ready to go on the honeymoon when the new husband tells her he's not going because he has to take care of his plants at the house big fight aunt goes on the honeymoon with her sisters instead she comes home and tries to kick him out of her house he refuses to leave she tries to get the police involved dude is live streaming on facebook how he is being trapped in his own home police tell my aunt there is basically nothing they can do can file for eviction after a divorce a dude gets to live in her house with his precious plants for like three months until everything legally gets worked out paralegal a couple got divorced over a cat wife called cat snowball because of white fur and only wanted the cat to eat wet food or chicken breast husband called cat lily again because of white fur and believed it should only eat dry food these two argued for a year over custody of the cat but did not give a crap about their human kids aged 15 months 4 years and 6 years old not a lawyer but i have been aching to tell this story for a while so this girl i went to school with marries this rich guy from ohio she moves in with him and they seem to get along well six months later she files for divorce up to that point all i've heard from her was how good it was going anyways it turns out our buddy had a fetish for urine he asked her to urinate on him in the tub at first she agrees to it as she thought it was a one-time thing but he kept asking for it more and more she tried to decline it respectfully but he wouldn't get any of the hints she finally used the tub being too small as a reason next day she comes home with two dozen construction guys and their heavy equipment tearing the bathroom walls a week or so later they finish up the bathroom she comes home to a sign left on the fridge with a note to drink up she got some watering to do i don't know what exactly she put down as the official reason in the paperwork but that was definitely her biggest reason to walk out of that relationship oh i forgot to add he also wanted to bring a horse to do the deed as well and at times asked her to make animal sounds while she stood on top of him my aunt had a case where the wife had glued all of the outdoor hoses together so he won't spend more time washing his vehicle anymore when the glue didn't work she just cut them all up when he bought new ones they filed for divorce my 90 year old client the husband and his son retained me to initiate divorce proceedings with his 88 year old wife they'd been married 60 years the wife had recently taken to beating him with his own cane because their daughter poisoned her into thinking he was hiding money from them the battle came down to husband and son versus wife and daughter at their first court appearance my client showed up in an old 1950s style pinstripe suit and fedora he was a farmer his whole life and this was clearly the only suit he owned he was such a meek and lovely old gentleman i had to pass my client onto a new lawyer midway through the proceedings because i accepted a job in a different country but i understand the divorce was eventually granted this one hurts imagine spending that much of your life with someone and then it breaks 60 years is no joke i would have been devastated colleague handled a case where money was not an issue but the kids were neither parent wanted them my mom worked in abuse and neglect counseling and juvenile justice there are a lot more cases like this than i'd care to admit parents divorce and neither side wants a kid some of them know that neither side wants one kid but will fight over another kid it ends up totally screwing them over because they have to live with the fact that their parents didn't want them i represented a p actress webcam model who filed for divorce from her husband who also did the p webcam model business he would do gay p on the side because the pay was better she was hesitant about it but dealt with it because the pay was decent both sides had an agreement that it wasn't cheating as long as it was for work one day she came home early and found her husband in bed with two men they were not filming that was too much for her needless to say the old conservative judge couldn't wrap his head around this one i'm imagining explaining the situation to my grandfather and i'm having a hard time because i think he would have a stroke before i finished explaining when i clerked for a judge we had a week-long divorce trial between a couple the husband was a wildlife photographer and the wife was a stay-at-home wife no kids who helped remodel the home anyway husband was mauled by a grizzly bear he was photographing spent several months in the hospital and rehab and was served papers shortly after getting out now without an eye and with severe scarring on his face and side she wanted half of everything the non-scarred half at least not a divorce lawyer but i had a friend whose parents divorced for irreconcilable differences over time spent playing everquest in my game design class it was referred to as a vercrac my dad was a divorce lawyer he had a client who wanted to divorce her husband for two reasons one he did not have enough hair on his chest two he did not drive fast enough keep in mind this was in the 70s when chest hair was a bit more important crap yeah it would have been embarrassing to show up late at a pool party and your man not having a decent chest bush my grandfather's brother was a judge who presided over state issue marriages from time to time one couple he married returned six months later to confirm the wedding and end their trial marriage when he thusly informed them that there was no such thing and that they had been married for six months they subsequently broke up that sounds nutty but if you believed you so when they told you trial marriages were a real thing the betrayal could very easily end a marriage i didn't like her anymore two days after being married in sickness and in heath till disinterest do you part she was kidnapped in mexico and he refused to pay ransom eventually her family managed to pay and she was left on the side of the road it is not outrageous as in petty but outrageous is how absurd that is honey i love you but we agreed to save up money so we can purchase a house your ransom would really set us back i'm an intern but the judge i work for used to do divorce work he has some crazy stories but this one is probably the most outrageous though the divorce was pretty justified every morning this couple would sit in the bathroom together while one of them had their morning dump one would sit on the toilet and the other on the rim of the bathtub this particular morning the wife was on the toilet and husband on the edge of the tub they started to argue about their relationship so the wife reaches down pulls her tampon out and flings it at husband i'm told the tampon stuck for a brief second to his forehead before sliding off he filed for divorce that same day or the next at first i read this as one shoots in the toilet while the other shoots into the bathtub as and they are both pooping simultaneously and rock paper scissors for who gets to use the toilet i was so concerned i knew a guy from a high school job who divorced his wife of two months because she would sleep with a nightlight but he could only sleep in total darkness as they apparently never lived together until after getting married he hated her nightlight so much that he would often sleep on the couch instead but sometimes he would claim the bed for himself and lock her out of the bedroom for the night this was an eccentric late 40s man working at a burger king who acted like all the other high school co-workers were his best chums and often told us these weird stories i'm glad i don't work with him anymore failed exorcisms client had an inner ear condition that caused chronic vertigo but symptoms could be treated with medication a husband was an evangelical who was convinced his wife won had become possessed and that her vertigo and general crankiness with his methods were evidence of demonic possession two the medication she was taking was enabling the devil to hide inside her and three the only proper of course was exorcism he would hide her meds until she got dizzy and then try various methods of exorcism this included sweating it out put under blankets while incapacitated and locked in a room full of space heater freezing it out pretty much the reverse with ac fans and bags of ice surprising it out he would jump out and scare her like it was the hiccups but instead of yelling boo he would recite the lord's prayer or psalms the final straw was that he tried to surprise it out of her by pushing her down the stairs when they were heading out for dinner note this guy was some type of executive and they still went out to dinner after the stairs incident she asked for the divorce at an applebee's at night i have often tried to picture that conversation as she was adamant that he was a total sweetheart and never acted out of malice or anger that one's just sad my uncle has schizophrenia and my grand aunt tried to convince my grandmother his mom to have an exorcist come instead of letting him stay on his medications it's probably one of the reasons my grandmother stopped talking to them much it pains me to think he could have gone through all of that if he'd been one of my grand aunt's son instead of my grandmother's he had an argument with the new in-laws during the wedding and moved out at around 5am during the first night i was a legal assistant when this case came in but this lady divorced her husband of two months because he got her an ipad case for her birthday instead of the expensive jewelry she wanted my client put his wife in an assisted living facility based on a misdiagnosis the medication of which caused the wife to be unable to care for herself while in the facility my client shocker started dating another woman and methinks began using hard drugs he used a lot of money on both of these things she eventually got off the medication and got better suffice to say she was not happy about what had transpired whilst the reason but did happen during the course of the divorce neither side would follow the court orders when they had to go back to court they were fighting over a pistol in the man's grandmother's bowls i assumed for weeks that these bowls were some sort of early more expensive china when they finally brought the balls into swap they were freaking tupperware my husband's first marriage lasted six months he found out she had been sleeping around with several of his friends and one of those friends finally felt so guilty that he fessed up husband actually wanted to work it out if he could but when he tried to talk to her about it she locked him out of the house and told him she wanted a divorce why did you marry me he finally asked her her response because he was the only one she was sleeping with who could afford her dream wedding yup b married him because she wanted a wedding and chose the person who could afford it mind you he wasn't wealthy by any means he just wishes his friend had felt guilty about say six months sooner i had some friends get divorced because she legit hated dale earnhardt and he legit hated jeff gordon my douche cousin told his wife she had three chances to give him a son daughter was born first strike one son was born second then they find out the boy can't eat gluten so my cousin divorced her and has made zero effort to see his kids who's your cousin henry viii my great-great-grandparents had an interesting case he was abusive like pimper out and then beat her for infidelity levels of abuse this was the 1910s though and in our state you couldn't initiate a divorce for cruelty in fact the only possible grounds for divorce was infidelity a few times she tried just leaving him anyway once he came home from work and she plus all eight of their kids were just gone but he always found them and since they were still married he had every right to grab the kids and go back home with them finally she moved out and went to live with another man she flaunted the new guy around town until her no-good husband got embarrassed enough to sue her for divorce on the grounds of infidelity although she couldn't read or write she put her ex on those papers the minute he served her it was a major local scandal very catholic community divorce was rare but she got what she needed to be safe my client was the outrageous one so my heart went out to his poor wife he had ocd which manifested primarily financially so he made their lives a penny pinching heck examples he was obsessed with avoiding unnecessary driving wear and tear on the car gas expenses so he cut the whole family's hair at home and never let them eat at a restaurant or go to the movies weirdest of all he kept one toilet paper roll on him at all times and you had to get one square from him before you could go to the bathroom he never gave more than one square wife finally got fed up and left him when won he gave her bangs during an in-home haircut and two their daughter was so traumatized by the toilet paper thing they couldn't potty train her also he hated paying his divorce lawyer bill he was also an old-fashioned mega catholic who considered divorce a deadly sin he viewed my whole job as an unnecessary and sinful expense not me but a friend my mum has divorced her husband because his mother still coddled him at age 40 with his consent they lived with his mother common in asia by coddle i mean that she would walk straight into their room after his shower and powder his back for him they couldn't lock their bedroom door because his mother would come in as and when she wanted if they locked the door she would knock repeatedly asking what they were doing i worked as a paralegal for a divorce lawyer case analysis was one of my main responsibilities i crap you not a recently married couple of two years broke it off because the husband would not stop feeding the dog the dog got outrageously fat apparently she saw connection between the dog and future children i am a lawyer that handles quite a few divorces among other things and i've seen all sorts of reasons for marriages ending the only thing that is consistently true is that it is never for just one reason and it is never one-sided when you hear about people divorcing over one stupid argument or mistake usually that's just the straw that broke the camel's back that said some of the lightest draws i've seen include a guy who is 100 convinced that his wife our client is actually a lesbian in love with his sister and just using him as a cover but he also claims she is hooking up with me to pay for her legal fees and with every mail whose phone number is in her call history a woman who is divorcing my client because he was too sad after his father died last year my client had to break down her door to get his father's ashes a few weeks after he left the house and she refused to let him back in or give them to him and a woman who claims my client was emotionally abusive towards her because he refused to yell at her and sat in silence ignoring her when she screamed at him he has this recorded time stamped for the dates and times she insists the incidents occurred and she's listened to them in his complete silence as she goes on tirades and insists this proves her point that he was emotionally distant and abusive a friend of mine got married when she was 19 so she could drink at a bar in wisconsin you can drink underage with a parent or a spouse then when she turned 21 she got a divorce since she was legal to drink without him seems like an easy in and out transaction but oh no the biggest item they fought over was the garage beer refrigerator go figure not the most outrageous but i had a client incur about 20 additional hours of billable out because he and his ex-wife were battling and went to trial over their star wars collection this was the only issue at trial they were able to work out custody child support the house but the star wars collection went to trial the judge ended up splitting it in the most arsoholish way possible basically giving each side half of what they wanted and then mixing and matching everything else and breaking up collections when speaking about it at a conference the judge admitted she did it because if they were going to act like children she would treat them like children the thing is the value of this collection was over 100 k so hardly kid stuff neither side had it in them to appeal nor was the case law on either side given judicial discretion in property distribution [Music] worked in matrimonial law for a year and a half before i had to leave bc it just overwhelmed me with how awful humanity is i'll never forget filing papers that described her soon-to-be ex-husband's behavior including master bates on the living room couch without closing the door and leaves sticky tissues everywhere with further description of their three young children potentially walking in on him i have a friend who used to work as a clerk for a family court judge the minute a new job opened up working for a criminal court judge she jumped on it because as she put it dealing with murderers all day is one heck of a lot easier than dealing with divorcing couples all day i do my student practice at my family's law firm young woman filed for a divorce because her husband drank one beer during weekdays after a day of work the guy wasn't violent doing drugs or anything like that he was just a normal polite guy who liked to have a cold one after a 10-hour shift they are very good couple and argue so rarely that this woman's friends told her to write down everything he did to upset her and reread it every day so she had reasons to be angry my mom lawyer set the woman straight told her he just doing what all guys do and to find herself new friends instead of ones ready to sabotage their marriage not necessarily the most outrageous reason but definitely some outrageous conduct the saddest divorce we were hired to do but ended up not doing for reasons that'll become apparent was a woman in her 50s whose husband had really just let himself go he was over 400 pounds just did his third triple bypass refused to do anything different just smoked and drank all day long while watching tv his doctors told him he was going to die in six months if he didn't change his behavior he told them they were all morons and could go to heck meanwhile his wife is this successful woman who makes over 10 k a month on her hobby while making six figures in her normal work she lost all respect for him all desire and all love for him by watching his decline for the past few years she can barely stand him it also sounded like there was some verbal abuse going on where he constantly accused her of cheating and gaslighting her while cheating himself throughout their marriage and spending all his money on coke the usual his accusations ramped up considerably once she lost about 200 pounds the good ole fashioned way we were working on her divorce and one of her provisions was that he keep her as the beneficiary on his life insurance for obvious reasons she assured us he would agree to everything she suggested in the paperwork if she talked him through it one day we get an email from her saying to hold the divorce not because they were reconciling but because he refused to keep her as the beneficiary on his life insurance if they divorced so she stopped the divorce so that she could get the benefits when he inevitably dies in a few months he got drunk at the wedding she did not like it and decided to divorce him right after the honeymoon which she went without him moreover this was all an elaborate scheme of divorce robbery because the guy was loaded and so was his entire family they were loaded because they were a family of excellent lawyers and he was a third generation lawyer with all the smarts and experience of his predecessors combined let's just say it did not go well for her i am not a lawyer but i am a court clerk the magistrate i used to work with got a petition for divorce and the reason the wife gave was he should have been more forthcoming about his shortcomings in the bedroom not a lawyer but my uncle's wife left him because he was spending most of the time at the hospital with my dying grandfather instead of spending time with her i work with a guy whose wife is currently peed because he hasn't been taking sufficient care of the lawn for the last few months he works weird night shift hours full time she's a teacher currently not working since its summer oh and his dad is terminally ill dying in a hospital bed right now but she still has the audacity to be about the lawn not getting mowed was a loud chewer at the dinner table he developed a complex and literally needed out as he couldn't bear to eat with her this sounds like a seinfeld bee plot now but my father's best friend divorced his wife over her cooking apparently every day he would come home to amazing cooked meals however she couldn't cook at all and was ordering food from different restaurants she even went as far as dirtying pots and pans to make it look like she cooked all day she got away with this for almost a year before he caught on this was back in the day before you could check your bank statements online and since she did all the billing he didn't notice how much money was missing that she was spending on takeout not a divorce lawyer but got out of my first marriage because shortly after we got married he decided he didn't like the way i talked and asked me not to talk when we were out in company unless i could talk straight i'm not a lawyer but i was once buying a computer from someone on craigslist and when i got to his house it was full of computers everywhere there were monitors laying on the floor and half built computers laying around full built computers all over the place and i'm talking expensive gaming computers not your everyday all-in-one computers we got to talking about why he had so many and the guy said he was just obsessed with them and he confessed that the reason his wife divorced him was because she said i was too obsessed with my computers i'm not a lawyer but i was once buying a computer from someone on craigslist good enough for me the dog he bought me peed on the carpet to be fair it really tied the room together taught the parakeet certain cuss words for his wife the parrot lives with the man now i thought about going towards family law and then i realized i'm gonna have to deal with things such as who's gonna get the parrot and grandma's vars nope divorce lawyer in london had a client who indulged in some recreational drug use his dealer lives in the same apartment building as him went down one day to pick up some of that sweet sweet coke when drug dealer female came to the door he could hear his wife in the background turns out that his wife also liked the high life and was getting her fix in with the neighborhood dealer but it doesn't end there because they all get on so well they start having parties and hanging out parties become drug fueled orgies and hey presto each week the husband and wife put their kids to bed and head downstairs to the dealer's flat for a feast of drugs and flesh a couple of months go by and the wife comes home and says she is leaving him to be in a full-time same-sex relationship with the dealer dude is now stressed af but he can't score no more from his dealer who stole his misses just a reminder nobody in this story is as attractive as what you are thinking it's not a ridiculous reason it's a ridiculous scenario happen to a friend girlfriend wanted a cat even though it was against rules in that building my friend caved and they got one then she brought another one home without asking what he thought about it didn't get that one fixed it had two different litters when it was all said and done they had 12 cats in a two-bedroom house and she didn't think it was a problem even though it drove him out of his mind now but the story of the couple in algeria always gets me groom sees his new wife the morning after the wedding without makeup takes her for an intruder and proceeds to sue for over 10 k for psychological trauma smelly feet though there's no divorce in my country only annulment my client can't stand the smell of his wife's feet lucky for him because incompatibility claws include smelly feet i was smelling the whole process and the judge laughed examining the evidence of his wife having a smelly feet if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 268,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reasons for divorce, top reasons for divorce, main reasons for divorce, dumbest reasons for divorce, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: fuX1rdqq3XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 24sec (9924 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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