Destiny 2 Outbreak Perfected Secrets! Get All The Puzzles And Switches In One Go!

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hello my marvelous sausages now this is the Complete Guide to Everything zero hour so that means I'm going to show you how to complete all of the three puzzles to get you the ship and you can do this All in One run as well but I will put time stamps in the bottom and then we're going to flick to the legend mode and I'm going to show you the location of all of the switches as well there's three sets of switches this is your One-Stop shop for absolutely everything to do with the outbreak perfected Zero Hour missions so first of all we're going to go through it on normal to get all the puzzle elements done so you can get yourself your lovely verman junker ship and you can do this All in One run as well you don't have to do it in bits and Bobs so here we are on the normal mode we got 40 minutes to do this the first set of puzzles is in the tower Courtyard area so just make sure you fight your way through this area here and then we go through the double doors kill all the gits in the second area Ark comes in very useful in the second area and then we'll have the chance to do the puzzle right so now we got to find the symbol locations I'm chuckling because this is the first about the fifth time I've tried this cuz my memory's buggered right so here we are with the symbols we access the console it's going to show us the first one it's always the same one this day but it might change for you depending on when you're doing it it might sort of change the order per week so the first one is over here I've got to run down here and shoot it there where is it there it is look that's the first one and if you forget like I do there's a little reminder you don't have to go back to the video console that's a reminder of the next one we need to shoot which is that one which is this one there look so we'll shoot that and then finally we can shoot that one there and that's it that should be it lovely sorry there's a large pause there because uh it did look slightly different but what you're looking at with the reminder is all the symbols laid on top of each other so bear that in mind so there we go there's the first uh symbol sequence done next symbol sequence is in the kind of airport area I like to think of it so we have to go on now and do a bit more kick-ins and I'll show you where they are once we get there well done team thanks for the patience that took s in ages okay here we go uh second set of puzzles for the ship uh there's a little reminder there in the middle of which one to do but we do have to start it off by going here I can't uh see sometimes I got a skid my way in there right so here we go accessing the console there and that's the first one we need to find now I know this is up the top so uh we need to kind of get up there sharpish we can see there's a location of one there I'm just going to jump up the stairs here forget my Titan not my warlock there's another one here but that's not the one we need the one we need is right up the top you're still 36 seconds to go so we'll shoot that one and uh then we'll go on to the next one now if you don't know it'll be a reminder down here in the center there so that's the one we need to do next with the little arrows on the top so let's see if it's that one can't remember is it that one with the little arrows on top yeah yes it is there we go that's that one and then the final reminder let's go look to it well it doesn't really matter cuz we know there's only three so it's got to be this one down here so we just jump all the way down and voila that's the sequence accepted again lovely now the next set of sequences is with Trevor so we're going to go and see how we do getting those so you can join me next in the bit with Trev there nice remember as well with this you don't actually have to complete the mission you've just got to get all the switches and unlock the puzzle room uh consoles in the final room just before the boss room so we go she'll see you where Trevor is now yes right so here we are with Trev and we're going to find the uh locations of the symbols so let's see how we do now we need to drop down to uh trev's entrance which sounds a bit smelly but that's not what we mean and we're going to drop drop down here now we might just scream past like a complete idiot he does sometimes as no he's not coming forget let's jump down right so so the symbols are here in the Maze now we're going to see what where the symbols are so the first one we can see is in here here's the access console there you got to keep an eye out for the old boy as well and it's going to the first one's going to appear down there okay so so here we go accessing it again I've been teved yet again we're going to have a look at this one over here he may kick me in the face let's do this one let we know it's that one first of all here he comes this is not good let's hide in the little cubby ho here while he goes past go on go past you scumbag yes right okay the next one is here on the left where the first switch is or this is the first advice yeah so we need to look for those arrows there but it's just up here where the big Corridor opens to jump over to the other side of the puzzle look so there's that one there and then by LW of deduction we know the one back down here is the third and final one that we need to shoot to access the dudas there it is there there we go excellent sequence accepted and now we're going to carry on to the room uh at the very end where we can open things up in the uh different chambers yes right so here we are in the final room now we've done it all in one go so we've got to do all three of these puzzles in one go in order to unlock the ship okay so what we're looking at here are these uh shapes we've got a square a diamond and a trapezoid type thing whatever it's called they all refer to the patterns of the consoles in the room so Square refers to this pattern here which is this room there uh diamond is this pattern here which is this room just up there and then finally the last one is the trapazoid type Affair which is that one there which is this one just over here so we need to shoot them in an order so what we've got to shoot is uh there you can see there the empty arrows and you got red arrows empty arrows refer to the consoles inside the room and the Red Arrows refer to the consoles here on the outside so let me just show easiest way is for me to show you really so we need to look at the room there and we got to do the top right and the bottom right console so it's always as you look at it so we know it's that room there you can just follow me doing it as well so we got the top right console which is this one here I'll activate that one and then the bottom right console which is this one here so I've done that one and then we go out and then let's have a little look and the next one is bottom left in the main chamber which is this console down here so we'll do that and then we'll go back and check and then we've got uh so it's a bottom left and top left back in the room so we've got bottom left which is this one and then top left which is this one so top left was the last one and then finally we'll have a little luck here what have we got uh we need to do the uh top left in the room which is this one right the way the furthest one up here there's only three up each side so we'll do that and then that should be the square done okay it says sequence accepted I've already uh collected that set of schematics so was not shown for me but you saw it at sequence accepted next we want to do the Diamond Room which is not this room cuz that said that room is offline it's this room up here okay so let's have a quick look at the sequence there and try and remember so we've got um we've got the right the bottom and the left right bottom left yes so let's go and have a little look in here now these are all around the central consoles so looking at it the right one is this one so it's right and then it's bottom great TV series and then left we can activate that one from here that's good so we've done right bottom left let's go back and look at the TV screen again and we got a couple of outside ones to do now so we got bottom right and middle right so bottom right is this one here I can see you hiding and uh and middle right is this one over here so that's those two and there's one more to do with the diamonds which is uh uh the top one there only one left there in the room so we go back to the room so we've done that one we've done that one we've done that one up there cuz it's all the way up there that one is if you're wondering and this is the last one to do there it should say now sequence accepted there we go normally I grab my schematics there but I've already claimed them but this is the set I haven't done yet so I should get my third and final set of schematics great to do this all in one run it saves a lot of time right slight cut there I'm going to try the Trap zard again so here we go uh we've got the middle left one to do okay so we'll do this one at a time so we got middle left there we go we'll activate that sequence and then we got top right uh maybe I did this one wrong top right which is all the way up here okay that's good and then let's go back and we've got uh bottom right and then top right so by using the logic really of the first thing I went into the wrong room maybe cuz look look that's the room there and it's supposed to be in a trap as I so we've got bottom right I think I said was it I'm going to double check again cuz I don't want to get it wrong we got plenty of time so yeah bottom right top right so let's have a look at that so we got bottom right down there top right there and then finally we've got top then bottom so we know this is top there and bottom there sequence accepted there we go I think what happened was I did it out of order in the first run so there we go there's all the ship schematics done for you there lovely lovely lovely so in one run of the normal you've got the complete set of ship schematics and then you can claim your vanman junker something that's worth noting as well is that my fire team also got the ship schematic the same time that I did even though they didn't do the switches individually if you see what I mean so you whole fire team should be able to get that but with the legend switches it seems that you have to do them individually so that's what I'm going to show you next the places where the legend switches are right so before you do the legend missions you need to actually pick up the correct stuff from a one and do make sure you come and do this cuz otherwise this happens so we're going to jump over to the right for this first switch look and it's on that very is that small enough yes there we go activate that switch there now for some reason I can't activate this either why is that oh my god I've done it again I forgot to get the [Music] quest did again yes so you want to come to ad to one and pick up outbreak perfected uh outbreak refined rather there's one two and three number three is the only and I haven't done uh but make sure you pick up one and two as well number one sees you killing uh gits I believe it's fallen in the cosmodrome so you can go to The Exodus Garden 2 a lost sector to do that that's really easy the second one is going to The Exodus Garden 2 a lost sector to get extra kills and then this week's or rather the third one is getting kills within the devil's L strike you got to kill fallen in there as well that didn't take too long I got to the part where you activate your ghost and all the waves have fallen and how you've come in you should get the 20 pieces done nice and easily you don't have to complete the strike once you've done the 20 you can just come straight back out so you've grabbed all your sier and now you've got to get the switch locations so I'm going to go through all three switch locations here now in the legendary Mission you can't kill him cuz uh boss's face likes to kill him what's he called again mythrax that's one yes so we're going to play through now until we get to the first part uh where we deviate from uh it's the little airport bit where all the ships are parked so just fight through as normal until we get to that part I shall join you there in a moment so this part is where the legend takes a turn in the covert passage I usually we go left and underneath the spaceship but here we're going to be going into some vents okay so this is where we deviate for the legend path I call it the airport yes I don't know why I do cuz it looks like an airport obviously an airport in the middle of a war zone but still so here we go we're going to go into the ventage sh drop down uh and then we're running out here we're going to shoot through here and then we got a Gantry with two um captains on it here so you want to take these guys out they can be quite annoying if they kill me you do have to you do have to apologize no I have to apologize see they're shooting me in the face all the time here let's let's have him first yes there we go get spun around a little bit you see sometimes well oh like I told you the bloody killed me right I'm going to do them in this time I hate their guts I'm going to do them in I will do them are they they do me in you could run around here though and hide see for just for a brief second while you get your health back up ah there we go good thinking and then sort them out there we go excellent thank you team for peppering them but there we are that's good I mean there's no reason why that took that long with me at all right anyway here we are Legend switch set number one uh that's the switch you have to flick first and there's another one out that way there but we have to open a certain Doorway to do it so I'll jump on here and we need to flick this switch which will open up uh a missile silo and then I'm jumping on over here then we flick this switch here but I can't do it because I've already done it yes good so there we are so we've done that one there uh we'll come straight across down here and run through here now the switch you're going to have 30 seconds to do this if you're doing it for the first time the switch is just up the top here okay so just keep on go dear dear that's not good mantling at all there rubbish mantling in fact but we still we're going the right way so there's that one here this one here keep on pushing forwards into these because otherwise they'll push you off you should be able to do this just in the 30 seconds just make sure you don't fall Any Which Way but Loose there we go second switch done there so that's the first set of Legend switches second set of Legend switches isn't too far it's just out here so we'll go this way around here now and uh here now we need to go across and flick a switch up there you don't necessarily have to but it does make things a little bit easier particularly if You' got teammates in here with you as well cuz if I was you I wouldn't be doing this uh and then expect to complete the legend run at the same time so there's the first switch you need to flick right okay but of course I'm not going to bother doing that I'm going to show you uh where the part is to help you for your teammates God I hate those slow mines bager off slow mines right we're going to go up here and then we got another Fallen fellow here who we shall uh shoot in the head like that and then we got another Captain there as well he's right up on the end look and we've also got another Fallen get there so we'll be sort him out pretty much right away and then here's the captain see how we do make sure you're not shooting the wall like I am there we go should I have him good good good good and he's falling off that's good right okay next part once the slowing goes away go away slowing we'll jump over here this switch isn't necessary but it's the helpful one where the platforms would extend looks I'll wait for them to come out they come out one at a time up the corridor so we'll see this one going next and then this one here so all we need to do is just jump right down to the bottom back down to kind of where DK is there really so I'm going to go down here and it's the next one there there we go so once you do this you got 30 seconds you flick that one which I've already done turn around run like buggery back up here you can jump on the platforms on the interim if you want but I think I can just make it there there we are that's good and the second switch is through this little vent on the left your ghost will kick in and we'll do this and we'll drop down here and the second switch is there so that's the second set of switches done that'll give you the second extra trait upgrade right so the third set of switches is outside on the dam it's a little bit jumpy and frightening and PP your pansy but don't worry about it we'll manage so you want to go uh right you want to go through here bear in mind you got a t liit I've tried this once I failed miserably so you're going to have to be a bit Bolder with your jumping if you want to do it properly so there's the switch so we want to flick this one first okay uh let's get there there come on there we go uh we want to activate that there we are it's primed we got 29 seconds so I'm going to try and jump over to as many as I can so let's just do this one first this is the way you need to go and then we're going to go over here I think I'm going to make it over onto this last one here yes that's good and then we're jumping up onto this pipe here take your time don't panic like I'm sort of doing then go up here there we are 6 Seconds come on five 4 3 2 1 and have I done it there we go data collection completed outake refined three done so that's it it's a bit tight so what you can do with these switches a little hint with you you don't have to flick that one first you could come and do this one and then flick that one over there first but it depends on your jumping skills which a bit tricky to do so the last thing we need to do now is get you back onto the course to get round to the uh final bits and Bobs so we just need to keep on going this way for our jump NEOS so now remember some of these platforms appear and disappear so once you land on them it's going to disappear jumping around the corner here so we just want to so just touch on it that way and then we want to go up onto the pipe hang on a moment there we go and then we're just going to jump around onto this pipe here there we go now then these come up and down so is kind of really how you want to do it really so I think I can get onto this one as well I see like that's quite good that one cuz even if that one does drop down you've got a space you can jump on there look and then you can just carry on jumping up cuz this then is the way we need to go thanks very much jump out there don't look down you'll poo yourself we want to go up here it's always they Tim it so it's just kind of Out Of Reach which is quite irritating but never mind that's all right going to go on to the platform here and this little doorway is where we need to go jump through here watch out explod the shanks and then on our I believe it's on our right here isn't it it's the little shaft that we drop down careful not smash yourself in the face and we've kind of joined on to the bit now where the fans are and all you have to do now don't do that like I did jump off at the end let's do it again yes so beware of the jump at the end slidey down there we are that's good and here it comes look for the black and boom there we go and then we're just going to continue back up this way I believe isn't it yes going to go in here shoot vent off going in this way please ghost come alive and we're jumping up onto the pipes one pipe here one pipe here and then hang on going to land on this bit here turn around and that's the way we need to go and I believe we're much higher up now than we were before looking down at the fans cuz I think we came in a different area oh no slightly lower that's it same way so you want to be dropping down the fans and then it's all business as usual and complete it on Legend which can be a little bit tricky one final Thing Worth pointing out about the legend level is that you've got a different patterns on the burn room floor you know you got to walk on the tiles in a certain pattern well the actual threat dictates what pattern you can use so we've got the uh solar Arc and the void threat so it's three different patterns for the normal the patterns on the wall before you go in but here we go I'm just going to show you all the patterns for the normal and for the Legend So before you start running it to get the completion to get your outbreak perfected make sure you check and you've got the correct pattern ready so just check what burn it is and you got that ready so you don't fumble and waste valuable time trying to Traverse the burning floor cuz it can be very irritating as for the legend what it's pretty difficult to do in the time limit the entire key to it is just making sure you do the jumping puzzle as fast as possible the only advice I can give you is take a dragon's breath into the itself because one rocket will trash those really annoying Walkers cuz it's three parts to it really there's the part where you kill the large Captain he teleports four times around hit his health down low enough he'll disappear two big Walkers will drop in you can shoot those bang bang one with a dragon's breath each they'll be wiped out immediately and that's when the brig will drop in and just concentrate fire on the brig to get that face plate smashed off so there we go there's the complete guide for the outbreak perfected I've also done a complete guide for The Whisper of the worm as well both of these will be staying in rotation so they're well worth getting cuz they're excellent excellent weapons and I just want to give a shout out to DK and scribble who helped me through this thank you very much folks your help is always very much appreciated particularly at you laugh at me when I make stupid mistakes which isn't that often actually let me know in the comments how you found it and if you managed to do the legend level one and if you've got any hints and tips on completing it because we'd love to know anyway thanks you so much for watching and I shall speak to you all again very soon saage hurt
Channel: Time Sausages Gaming Channel
Views: 75,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: time sausages, time sausages gaming channel, destiny 2, destiny 2 shadowkeep ps4, witch queen, lightfall, forsaken, beyond light, zero hour compolete guide, zero hour puzzle week 3, outbreak perfected puzzles, outbreak perfected destiny 2 switches, outbreak perfected week 3, outbreak perfected guide, outbreak perfected secrets
Id: OlRoKxepya4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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