How To Drysuit Dive Like A Pro

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hi this is David for magma dive were here at thing vet Levitan Iceland's greatest lake we have a beautiful sunset and I think it's the perfect time for me to show you how I get ready just before a dive so let's dive right in sorry but I'm going to put on my under suit first and this is going to keep my body very very warm underwater and the way it works is that it traps a layer of warm air close to your skin and then the cold water stops taking the heat away from your body so you can stay essentially underwater much longer than if you weren't wearing this okay it's like a sleeping bag with arms and legs keeps you very warm and cozy inside the dry suit let's go put that on now all right this is my dry suit this is a modified waterproof dry suit and I've had this for about four years it's a like a battle tank it's had about 2,000 dives on it but it has not let me down yet and I will always continue to dive in it until it gives up on me so when we put the dry suit on we make sure that it's pulled up all the way on to your body make sure that you've got thick socks on before you put your dry suit on because you don't want to get cold toes when you're underwater and what happens usually is the braces get stuck somewhere deep up inside no man's land so you need to untangle those extend the straps over the shoulders on pulling the slack make sure it's nice and tight the same with the other one pull in the slack make sure it's nice and tight and then put away the free ends there tuck them away the next stage is always if you're using dry gloves like me okay they're already attached to the suit you're going to want to put on some under gloves so you put your gloves on like so alright and that's going to stop my hands from getting wet cold and horrible miserable underwater I'm not really a fan of wet Bloods I've always liked dry gloves and since crossing over to the dikes that to the dark side of dry gloves I've really enjoyed the experience and I'm never going back so this is how we put on the under gloves and now we're going to put on the dry suit like so extend your fingers all the way into the gloves and then just slowly work the gloves onto the hand like that make sure that you push your fingertips all the way inside if you're wearing thick gloves like me it is a bit of a squeeze but obviously we're going to be diving very very cold water so we have to bulk up on our thermal protection to make it very very cozy and nice inside take my hats off now I'm going to show you how I get into my next seal when you put your next seal on don't just put your neck your head into there and push through like you're about to give birth you want to take your hands inside take a nice grip of your next seal and then let gravity do the work for you okay so stretch it over the head and then push your head gently through taking the seal over your ears and then letting it wrap around your neck all right like so over the head like that nice and gently through let it finish off beautifully and then it should be in place okay now what we need to do is make sure that the next seal is not doubled up cameraman can you just do that for me using one hand just check it's okay on here here here here check the next seal is good it's good it's good yeah sure honey percent yeah uh-huh okay good understand that's nice now I need you to zip the suit up for me can you do that okay just zip it up and then can you do that or not really okay and look at this you can see it's pulled all the way over and then you can just give it a double check there at the end never assumed ever that your dry suit is closed a hundred percent never rely on someone else's judgment always give yourself a visual check there and make sure you are locked tight ready for the water okay now we are going to put on our weight belt next okay this is about ten kilograms here I have and that's about just enough for me to submerge comfortably under water without sinking like the Bismark down to the bottom very very important guys never overweight yourself in dry suit diving because you're going to need to compensate for that by adding loads of air your dry suit then you just blow up like a balloon and up you go like the Rocket Man it's very very uncomfortable and it doesn't look good okay so that's always something to think about now what we're going to do is also vent some of the air from the suit by putting a couple of fingers inside the suit and just bending down like that and what that does that takes out all of the excess air from your suit and then you're much more prepared to descend under the water without all of this excess air in the suit last minute check make sure your dry suit is all the way open I like to dive with my dry suit open the reason being is that I never need to compromise my and safety because I'm touching the valve all the time okay a lot of underwater photographers cave divers Tech divers they dive with it fully open so that they can concentrate on what they're doing and that's very important for you okay safety first always now we're running out of time we need to move forward let's put our hood on okay this is a standard hood for my dry suit goes over the head there's no correct way to put it on just yank it on like that that's good get into position like that and then cameraman I need you to tuck that in for me if you have a time or just can't do that quickly for me back onto the rope now we have the hood in place we've secured the thermal protection at the neck line as well so that keeps you a little bit warmer we're also going to get our mask into position what I do is I like to wear it on my head like this and when I'm ready to get into the water it's always there okay I think that's everything now we're going to get into the rig okay so the best way to do this is just if you can cameraman hold this one hand on here hold one hand on here like that that's good now we're gonna just get this very good and now we're just going to put everything into place this goes under the arm connect that ink make sure you're on okay make sure this is working make sure your regulators are working and forget your alternate air very good 200 bar very nice this is my torch that will go into position right about there and bring you into the light here put this in place okay that thing there just undo that there we go this is not a dress rehearsal okay just like life let's talk about what you do how to video pins on clean the mask into the water giant strides off the lava make sure you don't hit it make sure you pull your hood out from your mask this is one of the biggest mistakes people make okay get the right into position okay fully inflate your BCD okay ragged you
Channel: Magmadive Iceland
Views: 426,450
Rating: 4.6446819 out of 5
Keywords: Drysuit Diving, How to wear a drysuit, Silfra, Iceland, Cold water, Adventure sports, extreme sports, Divers, Scuba Diving, Arctic
Id: iPm3ig0fCL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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