Drywall Mudding (first coat)

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welcome to vancouver carpenter today i'm going to show you guys how i coat drywall in my natural habitat so a lot of the time we're doing these videos where i'm explaining it the whole time but what i want you guys to see is just the process of coding kind of watch and learn so what we're going to do is i'm going to coat this wall and then i'm going to start coating the ceiling because most of the time the drywall videos are how to coat a butt joint or how to coat a flat joint or corner bead and the thing is if you're doing a whole house and you have drying time in between like so i coat all the butt joints and then they dry a little bit and then i come back and do all the flat joints that works but on a job of this size which is maybe about like a 15 to 20 sheeter you don't usually have time to coat everything individually so you've got to coat it all at once and that means sort of blending the joints into one another and there's a bit of an art to that to get it to not have some nasty lines and lift-offs so this is the first coat i'm going to get my stilts on no not stilts yet first we're going to coat this wall and we're also going to get into the mud a little bit and if you're wondering what's on my hand here we got a little heart from my my four-year-old put that on last night it has survived um dishes sleeping you know here it is and i told my wife i was gonna have to take it off and she was like no you can't so i live in a house with um four women well four females and two males and um so the house is ruled by women so i gotta do what she says that just the way it goes can't break your four-year-old's heart anyways let's get right to this wall so i'm starting with my 14 inch trowel um i've got the mud mixed fairly thick for loading coat you want it so that it kind of keeps its form you can see when you pass the knife over it or take a scoop out of it it keeps its form so there's two reasons for this one is so it keeps it formed the second is so it doesn't shrink very much and the third is it doesn't bubble as much when it's kind of thick all right so let's start on a basic flat here i'm putting it kind of at the top of the trowel and in order to not get it on the hinges i'm having to come back this way [Music] feather feather oh it's almost done if anything it's a bit thin but where it is it'll be okay all right happy enough with that one all right now on this next one i'm actually going to start on the corner bead so one side arcing up marking up i just want to make sure it's actually full that's better feather the edge and quick pass that's that done it's got a little bit of crusties in there i'm just gonna live with those now i actually even have this almost borderline too thin but it's okay i want to be careful not to mud all this stuff up too much so i'm just going to put it on like that right here and normally i would like it a little bit wider but it'll be okay now at this point we can build it up a little bit more all right what's going on here let's get that budget okay i'm actually going to carefully feather my edge by hand with all that right there you know you can't always run on automatic on these feather my edge so i haven't cleaned the nose of it off yet that's this top and oh that's a thinset down there i don't want that in my mud inset in the mud sucks the other thing that happens is when you start sanding and there's a little bit of grit it gets in between your sanding pole or the pad and the mud and starts leaving a whole bunch of nasty scratches so sand in the mud is no good i'm going a little bit wider down here because the baseboard flare it out of it let's feather that and fingers something in the mud right there yeah that's nasty but if it was easy everyone would do it [Music] all right that is going to be good enough and we just got this one big little trowel mark right there okay i'm happy with that it doesn't have to be perfect at this stage it just needs to be full so now i'm getting the tops i'm going to put my bench where i can hit both sides so that i'm not moving my bench around better finish fast feather finish pass so it's possible that you could even do like just load finish pass but the reason i don't like to do that is you have to push extra hard pull the material out and then you're leaving your beads a bit more hollow whereas when i do that quick feather it actually pushes more mud into the deepest part of the corner bead the deepest part of the fill and then when i do that next pass lightly just to clean off the nose it leaves it pretty nice and full so that's my method for that onto this side so feathering into the beads right we don't want to mess this up but it's pretty straightforward reorganize my mud pretty straight forward i'm gonna lift up there so i went most of the way in and now it's during the feather this is where you tune this part up so feather feather i'm lifting off right before i get into the bulk of that one finished pass lift up right there so there's a little bit of extra stuff there but we're just gonna leave that not gonna worry about that too much it'll fill in on the next coat let's see if we do a better job on this one though okay so i'm starting from here so i can work my way in if i start on the back side then i have to start in the middle of my finished joint to try and feather into there and another thing i actually forgot part of the reason that didn't work out nice is because i actually come from this side like this that's actually the way to get your mud all the way in so there i'm going to feather into there feather into there one finish pass lift up so those little lines those will sand right out and we've got a full bead and a full joint and do we have enough to finish this flap probably a little more there we go and you know you can you see it's not as wide back here so you can just take a bit of material just widen up your joints so it looks a little more consistent feather feather [Applause] finish pass okay that's good now on to the ceiling but that requires stilts and actually i want to see how long it takes me to do a ceiling of this size so that is all flats butts and screws we'll see how long it takes me i accidentally wiped my sticker off i thought it was some mud on my hand and i went like that really disappointed but i'm gonna time this ceiling so starting the timer right now see how long it takes to push the mud across this thing hopefully i don't have to get down and mix up more mud i think i have enough to coat this ceiling okay flat joint number one just i'm gonna check it real quick oh that's an easy one that one's that one's an innie it only needs one trowel with that's why it pays to check them [Applause] i basically treated that as a flat [Applause] so you can see as i feather i arc in and out pass starting where i left off feather look at those lines whenever you're using the side of the blade that hasn't been cleaned in a minute or two but it's only for the first one okay that needs a bit more oh sometimes i just use my pant leg to actually get that clean there we go live with that [Applause] um so it's just three basic passes on these [Applause] all right right here we are going to do these both at the same time i think i'm going to run out of mud let's check this one what's this one doing oh yeah that needs to trowel with that's where i've run out don't walk backwards on those stilts so it actually works better on your shoulder to always be pushing with your trowel and i've been pulling bad form feather feather that one needs a little extra help that's a lot of standing okay that's my one of my finished passes float that out pass here flip that out one more across the surface all right that looks great oh garbage i should have cleared it a bit better it's all right so again once i get more in the middle of the room i'm not going to be having to pull in such a non-ergonomic way but right now you know for the video facing the cameras in the right direction and all that sort of stuff this is what it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so we're gonna just start right here on this butt joint let's get turned around huh what's this one yeah i need two troll woods for sure i actually usually like to go a little bit past the flat like that and makes it look better in the long run okay feather [Music] a couple of finish passes one two one down the middle to flatten it out okay i'm happy with that this needs a little more love right there we here [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] more money okay so i think you guys are getting the idea about all the little nuances to feathering into and out of these joints [Music] [Applause] you know it's about which way you come at it with your trowel all right well i'm thinking you must be getting the point to how to coat uh a bunch of continuous joints there and tie stuff in so it ain't rocket surgery um yeah that video was like gonna be 45 minutes long so i think we'll end it there but what i was about to get into is uh for the next about 10 minutes of that video i talk about how i got into drywall so a lot of you guys might have wondered you know it's called vancouver carpenter um yeah i'm a carpenter and i talk about how i got into it in the following video so if you guys are interested let me know i'll post that follow-up video shortly thanks for watching hopefully you got something out of this and uh until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 144,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, tape, taping, tools, fast, repair, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, skim, coat, install
Id: HvlcVufGedg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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