Final Coat on the Nasty Remodel

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is it filming we're filming it says record it says record awesome welcome back to vancouver carpenter today we are on the uh what is it second coat on the um nasty renault job so yeah we gotta sand these horrible bubbles down and pre-fill them with kwikset that's how you solve it and then we're gonna coat this place so it shouldn't be too long of a video and maybe i'll get to show you guys most of the process anyways we're starting off the day with the old festool sander we got this to take care of first so [Music] so let's take a look in this thing and see how much dust there is inside here i think it's such a cool system right so we got the auto clean filter here that um you know that's that banging noise it's this getting cleaned off and all that you know used to be mud in there all that powder and when this is done you know you just pull this out zip tie it get rid of it it's a pretty nice system all right this is the only spot to fill up water hopefully the water that's coming out of here isn't yellow this time again excuse me yeah that's not as yellow as the last time that's good that's good i think the first time i used this thing was the first time it had been turned on in like a year and a half just got to mix up a quick little bit of 20 minute here so that i don't even need that much water it's not much so we can get this job done and might even have time to skate today before i have to pick up my kids a little more maybe just in case sure and i'm making sure it's pretty thick because even kwikset will shrink a little bit as the moisture is pulled out of it this doesn't continuously shrink until it's dry that's good right there no need for glue or anything crazy like that because we're just going into these bubbles here you just want to make sure they're full so wipe one direction and then back the other oh man yeah if i went and just did a coat of regular mud over top of those then what would happen is they would just totally shrink and i'd have to coat it again before i could finish sand so quick set is a useful tool just scraping out the niblets and we got a big old silver fish hey there you don't get out you don't want to be there go hide they're fast forgot to sand this guy so i don't even sand these so much as i just kind of like go like that that's pretty good sand the corners real quick as soon as you start sanding things like this you start leaving lines so i really don't bother too much using actual like an actual sponge instead of just the knife actually flattens it out and smooths it out better it's just not as efficient and it's dusty i really should put my mask on i can't find it oh well i'm just holding my breath let's mix up some mud got some finished mud that i left in here last week probably need to make it nice and thin oh yeah i had this super thick last week i remember i remember that so we'll definitely thin it down [Applause] that's good get a fresh start on the tools nice and clean and because this place is pretty old and not the best everywhere i think we're gonna be able to get away with a tight skin instead of having to leave a bunch of fat on the wall so let's do that look at those bubbles right up into those corners okay and now the tight skin and we already know i'm gonna have to patch this at a later point so no need to go nuts here all right that's good and what else let's work our way over here do corners last inside corners last get a little bit more of this right in here there we go that looks mostly good okay work our way down i'll often use my knife when i get something intersecting like this because i can be a little more deft with it instead of mashing the trowel into the corner get my knife back up in that corner again there we go i'm not so chatty today am i guys guess mud bracelet i hate those i got a line in the mud i'm sure you can't see it but let's get rid of it there we go okay all right this side you haven't even had to reload yet okay we got this corner right up here okay now we're up back to here i think this will be all six inch skills okay we got screws here look at this funky corner and i don't know i don't think i can make this one beautiful you guys so maybe i'll fix the worst of it after paint or i don't know what so that's actually not going to look too bad once i sand it i'm gonna go with that okay now what do we have left here we've done all this this this just this and the corners should be enough clean off my trowel a little get that all nice and tidy okay [Music] so that'll have to do one line there i wouldn't mind dealing okay no almost out of mud but i don't want to get down so we'll just take it from here you all right just these inside corners left don't even need the trowel anymore this is a quickie i don't worry too much about the little lines left in the corner i get those out when i sand oh we got a couple of high spots one right here needs a little more mud and one right here needs a little more mud gather that edge feather that like button if they're really big sometimes i'll just take care of them because those big ones are easier to take care of when they're wet then then later okay maybe a little bit right there tune up that three-way and one last corner right here oh i hate it when this happens come take up close look let me know if you can see all this crunchy in the corner there yet yeah so sometimes you get that and that's from the mud wetting the um dry corner that's got a little bit of crusties and it usually just needs one more pass or you can just not worry about it paint it out it'll probably be fine focusing on it up close with not a lot of light yeah i may or may not even leave it out it's not that crucial okay we're done i think let me double check i didn't do these screws and this one i built up heavy didn't sand it either oh well that's okay it'll be gone by the time it gets painted okay done quick double check make sure i didn't miss anything good good good good good good yep done ready to sand tomorrow and um probably get trimmed next week because i only have two days a week that i get to work on this job which i don't mind helps me have time to edit videos anyways that's it that was uh sanding and skim coating the nasty renault with the big nasty bubbles so nothing you can't take care of if you don't know what to look for what to do um i don't think what i said just made sense but we'll just run with it anyways that's it i'm done time to go skate or something like that because i think i still have time so thanks for watching vancouver carpenter say thanks to adrianna for helping film this one and uh yeah till the next video guys i hope you're doing well out there see ya
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 51,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, repair, hole, wall, fix, corner, tape, mud, taping, tools, fast, crack, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, skim, coat, install, ceiling, corner bead, beed, screw, pop, nail, screw pop, nail pop, angle, taping and mudding, paint, sanding, home repair, painting, beginner, cut, cutting in, how to paint, brush
Id: h8GTi-vJnHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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