Drum Teacher Reacts: MIKE PORTNOY Hears "Burn It To The Ground" For The First Time

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hey hey what is up YouTube andreww Rooney here full-time drummer and drum teacher based right here in Oakland New Zealand first video in the new studio a hope you like it I mean it's all right like I can already hear what some people are saying I prefer the old one it was like I was having a coffee with you on the kitchen table give it some time but in the meantime let me know what you think in the comments so we are back with another dromeo video the people have spoken and said I've got a check out this video and it is Mike pnoy hearing Burns it to the ground for the first time now this is a Nickelback song I don't know the song I thought you know I could check out the song first but I'm going to go into it like Mike porno is going into it and just going cold that's what she said and see what he comes up with guys before we hit play on the video please do remember I'm a proud partner with dromeo and I can offer you a free 30-day trial to go and check out the site now if you have been living under a rock Dro is the world's largest resource for online drum learning it is absolutely fantastic and actually take my 30day trial you can check out Singo help with the singing guitario help with guitaring and pianote to help with your piano plane now if you've been living under another rock a bigger Rock a big rock and you're not sure who Mike portno is he is one of the world's super drummers what I'd call cover of modern drummer type drummer just a a super drummer with that said I'm going to top up my coffee now's a good time to go top up your drink and you can lay back possibly recline with me too soon oh right let's check out Mike ptoy hearing Burn It To The Ground for the first time let's go all right let me hear this hell yeah I don't want to play that you know like I don't want to do that of course everybody in the world knows these songs but I don't and now here I am going to be looking like a 56-year-old Santa Claus playing nickel b the things that you never wanted to ever see or here dromeo is making them happen for you I just did an intro and now I feel like a fool because Mike py has done the best intro I can't even speak cuz this intro is so good Mike Port noi has done the best drum intro you could ever dream of I mean I get critiqued on this channel for not having heard this song this drummer this album and he's just said it everybody knows nickel Beck except him or everybody knows the song except him I don't know the song so I'm on the same boat as Mike team Mike let's keep it [Music] going sound I'm bailing if I don't hear something in the next 10 seconds I'm out of here all right man it's uh it's your turn oh man I'm scared waited a long time for this one you're a hard one to pick some songs for because you listen to a lot of new music that comes out and you've toured with a lot of people we have to dig deep Jose your drum Tech may have given us a few pointers oh boy yeah Jose's been taking a beating for me for 30 years like literally he's been abused so yeah this is his his revenge hose Revenge all right so we'll load up the song I wonder if I'm going to know it we got a bunch prepped so just give me the thumbs up if you know the song Oh if I know it I'm doing it what a great idea I'd rather do something I know bad by m oh my God no I know I'm like the Prague metal guy but I don't want to play that [ __ ] you know like I don't want to do that well then why did you come here oh when he said that on the intro he was actually referring to bed by mugar I think that's well that's the way I'm understanding that anyway interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I think it's really important at this point um a lot of people uh potentially non- drummers or people not used to this kind of amazing technology that's available in Dro where can select drum list tracks and everything so what they what they just put on the screen is is 100% correct Mike is hearing the whole track minus the drums so think about that you know you can test your self like this you can go into the dro database pick a song pick a song at random and just hit drumless uh have a listen through and then do a playr and record it key word being record it's a lot different when that red light comes on it's a lot different just ask roxan let's keep it [Music] going is this Nickelback This a Nickelback yeah okay wait I have to tell the do I I have to tell the story right please tell the story oh God okay well at first I heard it I I I was like wait is this uh Wolf Gang I thought it might have been Mammoth then I thought it might have been extreme there's a song on the new extreme album that has a bit of that Vibe then I was like is this God Smack but full full disclosure I told you guys earlier but the world doesn't know this where am I looking which camera that one the world doesn't know this and I hope Chad and the band doesn't mind me disclosing this I got a call from Nickelback in Spring of 22 uh their drummer I guess was having surgery and they asked me to to play a show with them and I said yeah yeah nickel yeah that would be a fun gig so I was all set to play this gig with Nickelback it was for a festival and the festival ended up getting cancelled so I never played this gig but I was this close to playing a gig with Nickelback but now here's the story and this is why Jose's me of course everybody in the world knows these songs but I don't I don't listen to the radio so I don't know guilty I'm the same exactly the same people find it weird that I've never heard like all of the 65 million songs that on Spotify no I mean I've got a decent CD collection that's only I mean you're seen like a 100th of it I listen to a lot of music I haven't listened to everything though any Nickelback songs so I I don't know what this song is I mean part of me just wants to get you to play it all right let's let's uh let's just have Mike ptoy Jam he's going to sound amazing on this he's an amazing drum what the the world almost experienced this Mike Porto playing drums for Nickelback it never happened but here is Dro making your dreams come true or should I say your nightmares the things that you never wanted to ever see or here dromeo is making them happen for you I'm I'm living for this moment all right all right let me let me I'll start with just the arrangement absolutely brilliant I recently did a podcast uh and video form as well on the channel and full length episode with Steven Taylor one of the great drum teachers online and we got into this whole chart transcribing we got on this whole thing check it out I'm just so excited and interested to hear what he comes up with having that road map of a chart now then you compare it to the Chad Smith approach on a previous video but anyway let's keep it going when I do charts when I'm doing sessions basically the left side is the arrangement Verse preor Chorus Bridge solo and then the right is what I want to play so I'll do one of my typical charts all right let me hear this thing I've actually never done that that way see I thought it was I thought it was Mammoth or extreme all right [Music] intro that sh four times on the [Music] verse that's twice as long as I would have expected for the first verse all right I'm going to do double base on the course there a triple [Music] field oh That's How It Ends wow so I take it this wasn't one of the ones that you uh reviewed on your set Chad Well Chad sent me to set list and my daughter and my wife are like oh you're going to know every one of these songs and I was like I've never heard any of these songs so I don't remember if this was on the set list or not but I swear I'm not cheating it's not like I know the song I don't I I'll oh let's give it a whirl but that ending was abrupt that was that was a premature evacuation it's funny too I during co uh my hair went completely gray as it is now and then when I got the call to do the Nickelback gig I I ended up dying it I was like I can't do a gig with Nickelback looking like a fat old 50-year-old Santa Claus so I ended up coloring my hair then the gig got cancelled never happened and now here I am going to be looking like a 56-year-old Santa Claus playing Nickelback you're back in Dream Theater so it's all good that's right Mike py does he have his own Radio Show podcast he needs his this guy is absolutely built for radio I don't mean that because of his face you know what I mean he is entertaining he is absolutely entertaining I don't know if Dream Theater would taken me back if I had done that Nickelback gig I don't know no I I know nothing about nickel Beck but I know that as as much as they are hated I know they they are just as loved even more and I know I know they were down with the panta guys too which is is good enough for me they're Canadian royalty so and they're local that's right the gig was supposed to have been here in Vancouver all right let's let's let's give it a shot I can't wait to hear this first take Mike pornoy Plays Nickelback oh my God so this is this is what could have been it's going to be amazing is [Music] wo oh okay [Music] hey oh yeah midn I got a fist full of whiskey the bottle just spit [Music] me that [ __ ] makes me that [ __ ] crazy we got no no [Music] Downs we're going keep got every we want everything we going down the [Music] world he's not looking at his chat though we're screaming like demons and swinging from the ceiling [Music] I got full of 50 the Kil just did me oh we got no grass no T no [ __ ] sh [Music] face we got led up shot down firing back straight [Music] ground going T keep we everything the world oh my God he see [Music] this oh [Music] baby time unbelievable last come my [Music] ass Ain no lock this train won't stop no [Music] no we're going on tonight to K in Rel light take anything we want take everything go the world stop turning while we bur through the ground in the we're going up tonight Ki every light take we want take everything F we going the world stop turning while we the ground [Music] night there was that premature evacuation that's a good song man it is a good song needed that Mike you know what like I could do I could fine-tune that and make a really cool drum part but I think it's bet I think it's better just the first impression are you sure you want to go back to Dream Theater that might be your new calling dude I'm I'm sure if I ended up touring doing shows or touring with them it would probably be the most fun shows I would ever play in my life so yeah I'm kind of kind of regret that that gig didn't happen but you know what we got a little taste of what it would have been right here on dromeo that's a good tune what's the name of that song that uh that was Burn It To The Ground Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback with Daniel aare on drums of course let's play the original so you can hear the part oh yeah yeah how how how off was I I think it's going to be way more stripped back way more strip back ah oh wow oh shoot I for for starters if I was a part of the riding it would the drums would to come on like uh with with an extra Odd bar like okay let me keep wow I'm completely way off musician these ideas flowing out of them and the music is dictating the ideas not the other way around not I've got this and I'm going to put it in the drums into the music I mean it's oh the music's doing that I want to say this I'm going to put this into it such a pure musician Mike portnite genius absolutely genius wow more of a PK way more stri back completely [Music] different wow this is why they're rich and famous and I'm just a prog guy oh man I love this guy W no double base it's all it's all that it's great I would have been fired immediately [Music] no come on where's the double [Music] base it's almost like pant's walk I missed that my notes weren't good enough [Music] wow so if those guys end up seeing this video they're going to be like thank God that gig didn't happen this guy would have all of our songs wow so it was like all pump and kick drum the whole time I mean I kind of dig the double Basse though in the chorus yeah pretty sick and actually yeah I mean I like that that's a great great input well that's why they are multiplatinum rock stars and I'm just a just a prog metal guy playing odd time signatures every song wow that's a good tune that is a good tune [Music] oh man so like every Dro first time listen record video that we check out or I check out share with you guys there is so much I needed to take notes there was so many things happening here so many things I wanted to cover so he I mean jokingly said that's why they're multiplatinum very wealthy rock stars and that's why I'm just a just a Prague middle guy so that's a really interesting topic now I don't want to minimize Mike btoy at all he is a phenomenal phenomenal player and phenomenal musician as you saw in that video but he is self-aware enough to know his Lane his role his style of drumming and that you know what he could tone it down and of course cut the Nickelback gig and sound like a million bucks no doubt about that but but his natural inclination and let's remember he is on Dro drum EO so he's he's playing the drums he's having fun he's completely unhindered by anything he's just playing what he feels what he hears and what his training and background and vocab and language on the kit a telling him to play in the moment it was just so beautiful often I think all of these videos I'm just amazed and it's just so beautiful how there's no filter on any of these people there's a reason they're at this level they've been CAU up to Dro and they're you know world famous drummers for a reason they've just they're just pure musicians they don't they don't care they're not trying to be the Nickelback drummer he's Mike pornoy playing a Nickelback song and this is how I play it should have done double kicking the chorus and cuz that's what he feels now I again I will say that I've got no doubt no doubt at all zero doubt that Mike porno could dial it back and honor the drum parts for the Nickelback gig he he is of course he's that good that he can he's malleable and he would do the job for the band music comes first all of those things um couple of things that really stood out in this video and some of these things might be unusual or unexpected especially for people who know Mike pornoy who know the type of music he plays like he said himself Prague medal he's you know he's on that outer limit really complicated often and you know heavy heading and all that so question for you guys who watched this video did it look like Mike pornoy was hitting hard and when I say hitting hard hting harder than a normal drummer that You' expect on a rock sitting I don't think so did he look stressed or tense weird question potentially for you guys was his mouth open during that playback I think if you watch it back you'll find his mouth was open a lot I talk about this all the time relaxing the jaw relax your jaw when you play all of a sudden everything relaxes it's very very difficult to be tense and to stay tense if your teeth are not touching weird tip potentially a weird tip but if you are feeling tense I guess in general in life but particularly when we play drums a lot of people I teach every day and I'm working with students constantly teeth teeth ground together got to play this got to do that and this is so difficult in face contouring teeth together and we get a lot of tension in the jaw in the neck shoulders all your whole body you're done tense everywhere loose relaxed jaw is one of the biggest tips one of the strangest but one of the biggest tips I can give any drummer I feel like you'll you could literally improve your drum by 10% if you can play loose and relaxed there's no way you're going to sound or play better if you're tense so if we can if we've got a way if we've got a little hack of knowing how to release that tension in theory you've just improved your drumming anyway I'll leave it there cuz I have talked about this on multiple videos another thing that stood out here was just the accuracy the accuracy of his plane his chart was really good too he really just nailed sections and and uh did a great job there but the accuracy within that so there's chart accuracy and structural song accuracy but then there's chops accuracy and how quickly he landed this was a first take on a first listen well he must have listen to get the road map and then he it was a first take playthrough to be able to insert all of his chops into that song at that random Tempo that he's not used to he hasn't lived in that Tempo uh with that particular Groove and that particular feel it's all new to him to just land on the field like that it sounded amazing it sounded amazing and then you know you've got sub genres of all that now you've got to try and insert the chops over that feel and and all the various subdivisions and all the cool displacements he was doing and he had all these melodic time ideas honestly absolutely phenomenal guys I'm going to leave it there I hope you dug this video I hope you're digging the new studio a and remember you as a subscriber of my channel get access to a full and free 30-day trial over at Dro learn from the world's best drumers so many resources you can go and get for example this song as a downloadable PDF or a rolling transcription it is honestly it's amazing there's 6,000 plus songs in the song database that you can go over and you can just learn them you can Loop sections slow down anything you can think of and you're learning from people like Mike pornoy Gavin Harrison other you know drummers that were featured on the channel lell LS it goes on and on Jazz Latin Middle Blues funk hipop it's all there go check it out but guys until next time keep chopping wood ciao hey what is up Wood Choppers please do remember original video links as always in the description of each video please do go along check it out and support the artist if you enjoying my Channel please do consider hitting that subscribe button like button and leaving a comment down below with what you thought of this video and what you would like me to check out in the future if you would like to support my channel further I do have a patreon it's just $5 a month and you will get access to the block videos if you have a reaction request that you definitely want to get on the channel the only way I can guarantee that at this point is via the PayPal link and it supports the channel so thanks in advance and remember you as a subscriber of my channel you get access to a full and free 30-day trial over at dromeo learn from the world's best drummers and drum teachers and they've got over 6,000 songs in the database downloadable PDFs for those transcriptions or you can play along watch in the player slow down Loop sections it is truly awesome go check it out 30 days free on me guys until next time keep choing wood take it easy [Music] ciao
Channel: Andrew Rooney Drums
Views: 59,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum solo, drum, reaction, reacts, drum teacher, reaction video, drums(musical instrument), drummer, drumming, drums
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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