Drum Teacher Reacts: My first time EXPERIENCING Rush | 2112

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hey hey what is up Rush tube Andrew Rooney here full-time drummer and drum teacher based right here in Oakland New Zealand we are back with a PayPal request hey Andrew I don't know if you remember me but I used to be a patreon member a while ago and gave a few Neil P requests for you to watch I have another Neil pet request the song is called 2112 it's off their fourth studio album the song is pretty complex as it's all of ne's drumming so I was wondering if you could do a drum transcription Read Along on dromeo with this song it's easier for me personally when I read the drum chart while listening to it if not I've attached a live version from 1976 that is very good it is considered the song and record that put them on the map as an artist in the US it's my favorite song of theirs and I hope you enjoy it thank you again for making wonderful content respectfully Thomas babayan Thomas of course I remember you had some great chats about Neil Pet's drumming and Russia's music and I'm looking forward to this I do have this I can give this to you uh as a running transcription with the music over at Dro and guys remember you can get access to all these resources pick up my 30-day free trial at Dro I believe they've actually got every single Rush song ever recorded over there so if you're a rush fan and you want to know the intricacies of Neil P's drum Parts it is a no-brainer go get it with that said I am going to go top up a coffee because I can see that this is an incredibly long one that's what she said with that said I want you to top up your coffee join me for a nice cup of job and let's check out some [Music] Rush right Anonymous 2112 what is [Music] 2112 [Music] [Applause] a [Music] so already I mean how many time signatures have we had already we've gone from 64 54 44 34 back to 44 2 4 uh hold on 24 44 24 and we're not even through the intro so that's eight time signature changes before we've hit the um any type of GrooVe man they don't make him like this [Music] anymore black [Music] [Music] I [Music] s NE SLE TR [Music] four there it is again [Music] here we go I think half time [Music] oh [Music] it's double time field Here regular [Music] time [Music] the got a whole different movement of the song [Music] here Tak wow those vocals never cease to um amaze me and surprise me up here at bar 130 where we get this um 30 second notes added into the drum fill again I said before single stroke Falls a trademark Neil p l the fast bum sort of between the snare High Time floor to kick or just around the toms with the hands this is another trademark one doubling up on a 16th note fill adding in 30 seconds check it out [Music] [Music] again we taking care want you the you sh the pictur black you right [Music] it's never the Wonder we are the Prest of the temp [Music] ofing we are the priest of the temp theing all the gifts of light [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I around I the B we are [Music] open we are the Prest I'm the devies I will great [Music] Compu we are the that's quite a fast f there playing 16th notes at that speed um I wonder if he's doing a rudiment for those triplets if he's doing like an inverted six stroke rolling triplets [Music] there we are the of the temp ofies the of life in [Music] our of [Applause] this is a long section no drums coming up for a while waterfall sounds [Music] [Music] I wasn't following along with the vocal so I'm not up with the play on the whole [Music] theme behind all [Music] this [Music] [Music] nice to movement three in the song [Music] what can this strange device be when I touch it it gives forth the [Music] sound it's got wires that vibrate and give music what can this thing be that i' found okay we going to put the sh around here it's noted too the next B see how it seems like a sad heart and joyously screams out its pain sounds that build high like a mountain on notes that fall gently like [Music] R new temper waterfall sound's gone through this whole wait to share this wonder the people will all see it's light let them all make their own music the priest praise my name on this [Music] night G the 3 second [Music] months [Music] I know it's most unusual so come be for you so but I found an ancient miracle I thought that you should know listen to my music and hear what it can do something here as strong as life I know that it will reach you yes we know it's nothing new just a waste of time have no anent way so wor F I'm another Joy help destroy now the r man W get about your silly well it doesn't fit [Music] for I can't believe you're saying these things just can't be true my world could use this beauty just think what we might do listen to my music what it can do there something here IDE on the drums [Music] here we have all to do go think about the a what you have are you I'm another toy help destroy be the r of man get about your silly will it doesn't miss the [Music] [Music] love those situps since the anticipations [Music] [Music] fifth movement of the [Music] song so drumming wise that fourth section was definitely the most intense and the most note dense worth going back and having another look at that old section wasn't looking too bad drum wise up until there but then bit of a challenge streets and fell into a fitful s escape to Realms Beyond The Night Dream can't you show [Music] me I stand the top of SP St Ando confronts me there he leads me on night in is a away throughout through nights goodle good days I see the works of Gifted Hands that Grace the strange and wonderous land I see the hand of men rise with hungry mind and open [Music] eyes left our planets long ago the Elder race still Le and grow power go with purp strong to claim the home where they belong oh to down CH sixth section of the song oh my God fourth and fifth are really want to go back to and have another look at oh back to the waterfall hit me up in the comments with the story here I'm not paying any attention to the writings and the words that are coming up and focus on the music side of things the is still in my eyes the dream is still in my head I leave a sigh and sadly smile and lie a while in bed I wish that it might come to not fade like all my dreams just think of my life and oh like I have seen I don't think got the carry arm carry on this cold and empty [Music] life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great sit ups spr bills and [Applause] [Music] setups my spirit in the of my life blood SPS over Thomas what have you got me into here it's a whole universe of stuff to check out [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] w [Music] and in the Lo place FR can ATT plan solaration we have assume control we have assume control we have assume control okay now I can breathe well well well okay um let's take it back to the fourth section which I don't even know oh here we go yep landed right on it so um obviously there's a lot going on here you can make 20 videos probably about this one song um and breaking down Different Drum Parts what I want you to really think about and what I to think about on a second listen to some of these sections is band or Ensemble hits setting them up or filling into those hits and hitting them bang on it's one thing to know where the hit is and to hit it cleanly it's a whole other thing to musically set it up um and play something interesting and intricate that fits in the style then hidden it it's a whole other thing again to have the head room and the improvability to change those fills and to change those setups I'm I'm saying the word setups instead of fills because that's sort of he's he's filling into a hit every time so I sort of think of that as like the setup um you know like a big ban sort of world so um let's find where he was hitting the crashes in this fourth section okay I think I found the spot where he starts crashing on the end of four going be [Music] right big fil set up four, [Music] appr set up all different too but it's still m in the [Music] air okay so those setups and fills were into the and of four which is um I mean try and do that at home jump on the kit if you're a drummer if you've got a drum kit um you know create a a loop with a or just Chuck on the click and just say right I'm going to hit I'm going to play three bars of GrooVe and then I'm going to do a fill on the fourth bar and hit the and try it record it listen back see if you see if you're nailing the and the interesting thing is on the next section he changed or the band changed where the hit was so there it was in the end four so you got to think of doing the setup and having the control to set up and logically hit the Ander four and the next section I was at the I think he's heading on the on the four not on the and four uh let's just find where it was this was a really interesting one as well no he was actually heading on the on the one on the downbeat so he's filling into the one of each bar now let's check this one out through lights good like the days I see the works of gifted hands that gra the strange and W land I see the of man with hungry mind and open [Music] eyes it's just a bit of a master class and being able to hit and connect the band and supply enough connective tissue to take the band solidly into that next part I mean in other words it would be like an easy thing to mess up or just not know what to do like how am I ever going to think of enough Fs in the moment to fill up all these sections without repeating myself too many times or um you know making it you know maybe I'm really comfortable hitting the one but not so comfortable hitting the end of four you know there's just a lot going on under the hood here and in this last section actually was it the last section or the six section there was another part where he's heading a different part of the beat let's just find it yeah this bit here is a wonderful display of it just following the accidents bur 68 Tim in and the other bit that I really just really stood out to me was this really sneaky 68 um the the bit before that this part here we're in 260 BPM U eighth note marking and just listen to how slimy and snaky and deceptive and mysterious the drumming is in this part here it's just wonderful [Applause] doubling up double time double time HP Tri did we get the buzz solo that's great start and then that takes us into the part we already looked at so look clearly a lot going on it's a really active drum part it's clearly a famous drum part you know I sort of feel like all of the rush songs you know famous drum Parts in their own rights um this one jeez I mean playing this live it's a it's a lot to do I mean you'd obviously have to break it down into chunks and um well I think you'd just have to break a down into chunks at least and sort of get each section um the comping side of it the impov side it would be very very hard if you weren't reading it will be very very hard to keep up with Neil and all the little change ups and a little bit where he goes into a double time and then he implies a double time breaks away from the implied double time uh displaces a note which makes you feel like you're back into like a halftime field but then he comes back in on the beat after that so there's a lot of deception there's a lot of change UPS and it catches your a and it C captures your interest cuz there's just so much going on you know and especially as everybody right this here with just three people you got this Unlimited um interaction and sort of especially in that 68 section it felt you know sort of chasing each other around and sort of having fun with it and well I'm saying that I I feel like the story here is is rather serious but I'll leave that for the comment section hit me up in the comments I know Neil wrote a lot if not all of the Rush lyrics did Neil write the lyrics for this one um what are the lyrics talk to me about that obviously I can Google it it's more fun talking to you guys about this stuff though hit me up with the I guess the lyrical content and the lyrical uh you know thematic sort of meanings behind the song i' be curious and how it all ties together through the was it six six sections with a a finale I think it was supposed say seven all together I think um yeah fascinating fascinating stuff um probably holds the record for the longest song I've featured on this channel as well so um really glad to sit down and critically listen that's just one of the wonderful things about doing these videos it's an excuse for me to sit down and critically listen and study although superficially with a onetime listen you know have a look at you know the the material that these wonderful famous drummers use and it's what makes them unique not only that it's how they play Neil is has got a almost like a Jeet picaro cleanliness about his sound he's very precise and very clean there's no sort of dirt or grease in there it's it's just very on and very clean and that's what gives him he sounds very Neil pit because that that's that's a sound um it's just yeah it is so precise like and when we had those hits he was just you know he was right on with the hits with band Ensemble hits super super impressive stuff again guys please do hit me up in the comments I read the comments hit me in the comments with any further thoughts whether you enjoyed following along with the transcription like I did um and remember you can pick up every single Rush song I would hate to think how many pages this would be if you printed it out as a PDF it would probably be 20 pages I mean it's 20 minutes maybe even more but you can go along you can use my trial um type in rush into the song section they've got every single Rush song I believe it's like 175 or somewhere in that vicinity every single you know Foo Fighter song every single uh lid Zep song it's all there you can follow along like this which is just a wonderful critical listening exercise or you can print it out in PDF form and uh turn a lot of pages while your site reading and jamming along and learning the different sections but it's good stuff going on up guys please do remember check out my Rush playlist I'll link to that in the description of the video and if you've got any other Rush requests if you want to guarantee they get on the channel the only way I can guarantee a request at the moment is through the PayPal link just cuz I'm always completely flooded with requests which is not complaining I'm just saying it's a just a way to reward those that want to support the channel I do have a patreon as well it's just $5 a month you get access to the block videos and please do be sure to subscribe guys until next time keep chopping wood take it easy ciao
Channel: Andrew Rooney Drums
Views: 34,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum solo, drum, reaction, reacts, drum teacher, reaction video, drums(musical instrument), drummer, drumming, drums
Id: SounMMRjgYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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