Drum Teacher Reacts: Megadeth Drummer Hears "Mr. Brightside" For The First Time | DIRK VERBEUREN

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hey hey what is up Andrew it is YouTube here once again we are back with another dromeo video where a famous incredible drummer Hears A Song For The First Time and plays it without ever hearing the drum part mind you always interesting stuff now remember guys as a subscriber of my channel you get access to a full and free 30-day trial over at dromeo so you can go get that and actually at the end of this video I will walk you through some of the benefits of uh just taking that trial or becoming a fully fledged member of the site and uh there are a lot of advantages do not miss it hang around to the end for that but for now I'm going to go get a coffee cuz oh bro that's not good bro we're got to sort that out and then we're going to check out Mega drummer Durk vertin hearing Mr bright side for the first time and doing a one time listen and playthrough let's check it out 5 minutes later all right headphones check coffee check just before we hit play wait a minute wait a minute it's a good vintage let's do it this is excuse me a damn fine cup of coffee you would know by [Music] please do you know that song no I don't I just have to say this is this is blowing my mind right now I'm so glad you don't know this let me put my gloves on for [Music] [Applause] this that actually sounded a lot like one of the fills in the song I'll stop it here original video link in the description of all my videos now I get critiqued a lot on the channel and it's okay I can handle the critiques that how you call yourself a drum teacher you've never heard of this song so here's the reverse right here here we are checking out a drummer who hasn't heard heard or played a song that I know extremely well I was in a corporate covers band for 16 years a band that I began I started that band myself and this was one of the Highlight songs of the night played at it I think we must have just about played this at every gig it always brought the house down anyway just just something that I thought i' better add uh let's keep it going I'm during foran from Mega Death mostly throughout my life I have been playing all sorts of metal music I listen to all kinds of different things I grew up listening to a lot of pop and rap/hip-hop and electronic music uh nowadays I also listen to a lot of jazz infusion rock and roll punk you name it you know all kinds of different things drumming wise what I mostly do is at least somewhat rock related so as much as I have studied Jazz and enjoyed uh I don't feel like I'm quite ready to be in a jazz Trio so if you if you guys are going to play me a jazz song I'm I'm going to run away yeah we'll load up the track I love the humility of These Guys these guys are so self-aware another thing that always comes through is to be a teacher I'm I'm getting really selfish on this video I'm thinking a lot about myself here for some reason I don't know why but people say how can you be a teacher you don't do Blass PS you can't play middle you don't have a double C there's way too much going on all these genres to play everything no one can play everything and before you hit me in the comments with insert Dr ha can play everything they can't I'm just gonna hey I don't know why but I'm getting a bit spicy today so be careful out there and yeah you ready let's do it yeah it's amazing you won't know this please so he's not hearing those [Music] drums DRS only kiss it was try to imagine trying to compose a drum part for a drumless track quick real quick Engineers watching you you're on Dro and you've got to come up with something I've said it before I'll say it again it's a scary concept I would be terrified your it's just price itin is so most of them do take notes Ked it this is a great part of [Music] the tricky ending endings when you're doing things this quick that can be tricky to just get that in exactly the right place but it could be the cherry on top of the recording I just have to ask do you know that song no I don't but I now have the song structure one listen wow cool I just have to say this is this is blowing my mind right now what what is that I'm so glad you don't know this song no yeah I don't I yeah it's it's uh I wouldn't even know what band it is to be honest so I have no idea I might have heard it before I don't know cuz it's like something I might have heard before but I definitely don't listen to this band or know this band very well so well we won't tell you what it is until the end so don't you know this might be fun for people to know so I do this when I do session work in the studio which I've done tons of I've developed a method to just you know when you listen to a song the first time just count you know name the parts H I cannot stress enough how important it is to have some type of system even if you're not hugely musically uh literate and you are do need to make up your own system you need something if you're going in the studio you need something um you need to have a bit of a concept I think of at least bars and numbers of bars how long a section is mostly because things can change I've been in the studio many a time where things have changed on the Fly and they expect you to get it you know they want well they at least want you to get on the next take and if you can make a little note that this four bar section is now a two bar section you can see it you got a visual on it you connect that to your um body and how you feel the song and then the next play through you can nail it without that it can be very tricky I mean you can do it I'm not going to say you can't do it you can do it it's just it's very handy tools I count the bars and then at least if anything you have a structure so in this case that's all you need since there's no drums I can make up my own which thank you guys very generous of you so me having at least the structure you know I'm not saying I'm going to maybe read this perfectly but at least I'll have some idea of where I am and I have a few of the accents on there you know a few a few little things I noticed on the base and like the ending of the song and stuff and so yeah let's try this I'm excited to try it let me put my gloves on for this it's getting serious [Music] that's where the drums on the [Music] track started out with a kiss like this it was only a kiss it was only a kiss now I'm falling asleep [Music] half sick and it's all in my head but she's touching it t now he takes off okay tidy chops very very [Music] tidy I just can't look car me this is the Tom part in the [Music] original Jing on your is just [Music] the me me open up my [Music] eyes that is what happens in the song crash or crash ride in the spot this is very close I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just got to be down because I completely nailed [Music] the falling asleep and she's calling a c while he having a smoke and she's taking the track now they going to bed my stomach is sick and it's all in my head but sheing CH now oh come [Music] on I just it's car me and [Music] takol so this is the meter of the song This is the feel s all Jing on your the Destin is open up [Applause] my so this pattern song is a bill snare [Music] and then to the fresh okay never [Music] never miss the ending damn it you're hired that was sick I was like I know those three hits are coming somewhere and yeah I got a little sidetracked in my uh in my thing but yeah anyway yeah that was fun that was great man thanks clearly your chart worked yeah one one listen and one playthrough yeah I mean but but one listen one playthrough and then hit record so you can emulate that kind of real world pressure at home you can go up to Dro they've got every song in the database we we'll get to this at the end but they got every song in the database just select drumless pick a song you don't even know pick an easy one you can go through levels uh begin a sort of level druming uh choose drumless and just listen to it write out a chart play it record it give it a go I mean it's it is such a powerful learning tool that's the thing you know that that's like it's like I mean I compare it to to to the instrument like learning to pick up music quickly if you can do that if you can practice that it it can become a really useful tool if you want to be a you know do this as a job because a lot of times there's no time like when you do session work uh sometimes when I have really complex stuff cuz I get asked to do some really crazy sometimes I have to do like detailed charts you know and really work at it before in general what I've learned is that there's usually not as much time to prepare as you'd like to so if you go into it with the mindset of like I'm just going to do the best I can do with with the time I have you know it's usually a a good place to start people would be surprised I think and shocked I remember having Adam toic one of the great local drummers on my podcast and I think I can't remember how we got onto it I think I might have asked something along the lines of what would you think you know drumers would find surprising about what you do as a session drummer around town um you know some of the surprising things about what you done and I think this is exactly what he said he said people will be amazed at how little time you get I've encountered it too you hear the same time as money well if you're in a studio time literally is money the more time you take to get a track the more the producer or the or the group who's hired you the more they got to pay I it's time you're paying by the hour a lot of the time or paying for a day um and it is you do feel that subtle pressure whenever I've been in the studio I always feel like damn you know like someone's paying for this like it's up to me to get my pre-production and my house in order and actually come in and do a good job otherwise you know it's not a very professional job but yeah people would be I think people would be very surprised at how little time was taken and was given even on probably some of your favorite songs or favorite albums often they they just got to get it done and sometimes you know they might get a first or a second tag I mean if it's a world-class drummer like this guy here then you know they they can do it in one or two takes want to hear the original yeah let's hear it what's this band tell me the band is the okay the song is Mr Brightside okay which is a a classic and this is Ronnie venucci on drums and we are definitely sending him your version of this once this is out and we'll we'll get Ronnie up here to play the original and maybe we can mash them all up all right sounds good Ron don't hate me I did my best man I I think he'll dig it okay cool nice okay here's the original version this is with the drum part in there 16th notes he's going to be surprised at the 16th note part two-handed coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine got I got to be down because I want it all he was really close on this part joking on your but it's just the pr I such a good song such a great [Music] drum this been so cool in the [Music] song yeah man badass I have to say I can see why it's a classic hearing it like now you know like the whole thing yeah it's a killer song I can Killer song Killer song you walked right into that one I did no I I can totally see how that would like rule on stage and how people would just go crazy and great drum part like very well you know very well balanced and uh yeah some I know I hit the crash can at the same time as him at one point I was like yeah I nailed one thing nice but uh no it was great great drumming and and very yeah very balanced and very tasteful and feels in the right place and uh super cool yeah I love it man love it it's this was fun so yeah that was uh my my best shot here on uh here's a song for the first time uh cesy of dro I hope I didn't let you guys down too much I had fun doing this and uh this is something that you know again if you want to if you want to have a gig playing an instrument it's a good idea to get really you know to get some kind of technique going for you to to learn songs fast and at least get the basic hang of a song structure obviously for us drummers like having the song structure together which I royally screwed up in the end when I missed the closing hits it's an important thing and also site reading whatever whatever notes you take or you know here's the thing a lot of times you're not going to have time to memorize everything you have to learn so you need to have some kind of tricks you know I've I've even had charts on stage sometimes and you know not not my favorite thing to do but I've I've been in that position and when you when that's what you need you do it so anyways this was great oh man didn't disappoint did not disappoint so what I'm going to do now uh there's every one of these Dro videos I'm left I mean it's just constant there's just ideas and there's things that I want to mention constantly throughout these videos but one thing I want to take you guys through cuz you can pick up you can get access to all of this for free follow my trial follow my 30-day trial and you can can check this out so if we go to songs down on the left hand side here and then I'm going to type in Mr bright side so as you can see straight away comes up Durk ven's uh version that we just watched and then the actual um song Mr bright side now if I click on this now check this out guys free free resources they got 6,000 plus songs in here by the way so they give you a level they're calling this intermediate it's you know it's a little bit here and there like levels you know it gives you an idea at least uh drums removed as an option as they're saying so let's click on Mr bright side if we go to resources PDF sheet music guys you can go ahead and download the PDF so that is awesome and you can see we got uh how many pages is this one four pages that you can just download and again it's free on my trial it's unbelievable now the other thing we can do here is let's click on this uh another cup of this another sip sorry of this lovely ventage now we can go through and learn the song along with the transcription so check this out I'll just set play I mean this is just crazy crazy that we got access to this of so you can see that it tracks along with the drum part you can follow along you can learn it now obviously this song is reasonably High Tempo and there's quite a bit going on there's a lot of 16th notes there's awkward open high hats on RS and ANS as you can see here in bar sex so let's say uh just for argument s you're having trouble getting those open high hats cuz that's going to be an open high hat on the left and then an open high hat on on the right so what we can do we just click drag we can Loop the section now if you were having trouble with that part not you not only can Loop the section you can slow it down let's slow it right down to 60% Che this out doing just fine got got be doing just fine one of the big tips uh for learning the drums is to play slow slow things down there's no shame in that at all and you know what as you pick it up you know you might want to speed up the tempo let's take it up to [Applause] seven day or two more on it you might have it up to 80 now we're getting closer right let's take it up to 90 that's what it sounds [Applause] like and don't don't tell me you're not interested in hearing Chipmunks version of Mr you know you are so yeah just absolutely crazy and without flogging a dead horse here guys I I think a lot of people don't understand a lot of the Educators out there like myself who just could not believe that this existed within the dro site 6,000 plus songs I got students asking to learn I don't 40 50 songs you know different students asking multiple different songs per week I can find it in dromeo I've got a bunch of my private students on dromeo as well and you know there's there's no turning back trust me there's no turning back once you see what is available over there so I think oh I mean where do you even start with this performance it is really surprising isn't it that someone a drummer a professional musician could not have heard this song and could not have known that this is The Killers I mean it is just such an iconic song as I said I played in a corporate covers band so I've been very exposed to it it is a huge song it is in the in the covers World in New Zealand at least this is in the stratosphere of like a Don't Stop Believing an eye of the tiger uh Sweet Child of Mine like Sweet Home Alabama uh browney girl it is it is in in that level if not above it it was probably I would I would say this was probably the biggest song every night that we did a gig the interesting thing with this song actually was that it was big with any crowd so I mean even if we were playing like a a sleepy gig with not a huge amount of people private wedding or something and everyone's been there since 9:00 and they're very very drunk and very sunburnt and you know they're like where's the cab play this and all of a sudden everyone's got their energy back up and they're just like losing their minds so it's it's just one of those songs it's just a it's a great song it's a great song and Ronnie vucci I mean what an absolute Legend uh one of my favorite drummers Ronnie vucci he's right up there for me his drum parts are just so brilliant uh the killers in general I'm a big fan of The Killers I just love the whole vibe the 80s New Wave kind of thing and uh one other random one check out their cover of electric blue um that was something out of the blue and it was amazing anyway let's get back to this so I guess so many lessons but there's no need to ever feel status anxiety about not knowing a song like you guys might be out going Ah that's BS he's definitely heard that trust me trust me he's he's not lying I have played with world class musicians who are freakishly good and we'll do songs that are on a set list or on a on a in a show or whatever and they've never heard it and I'm like are you serious you've never heard Hotel California and they're like yeah and it goes on and on I've done I remember doing a show with a bass player who was easily easily the best bass player I've ever played with completely world class and he's doing world class gigs at the moment actually and um living on a was it Living on a Prayer or was it was a one of the big bonjo V hits and um it popped up on our set list and we we were site reading everything on this show and it came up and he's looking at it and he's like uh bonjo V Living on a Prayer I'm like you don't know Living on a Prayer bonjo V and he's like no it's like wow so status anxiety don't get this mixed up you do not need to know every song Nobody Knows every song 100,000 songs each day are uploaded to Spotify you have got no chance of knowing every song so just forget about that that's my first learning my first takeway from this I feel a bit more validated for not knowing a lot of the songs that you guys request so thanks for that Durk um I thought his drum part was excellent absolutely excellent there were times where it really really closely mirrored the part even with the even got one of those in there uh which he said he he did note down some of the accent the bass accents and stuff so maybe it was off that um Ensemble band figure but you know that is a figure that happens on the drums in the song so it's interesting he got that it's interesting he went to the crash or crash right in the same Parts halim in the verses wow I did not expect that and I would not it's hard to say I was going to say I would never hear that in the song but I'm completely biased because I know the song so well I played it so many times I just automatically think t two hand and 16th note beat for the verses which he didn't do at all he didn't do any twoand 16th note beats so really interesting that he was feeling that as a halftime now halim is a term I use a lot on this channel what is halim so there's different ways of feeling music there's different ways of feeling pulse 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Standard Time 2 3 4 half time 1 2 3 4 this hasn't changed how I'm feeling it and where I want to put my snare back beat 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 that is a really quick and rough explanation of halim so he was feeling that as a halftime which was cool cuz he could do a gear shift and take it up for the choruses and the pre choruses super awesome if you are at all a fan of The Killers I would suggest going into Dro and checking out the transcription for Mr bright side there is a lot going on in that song and there are some tricky handf fooot combos especially towards the end really cool Ronnie vucci is one of these drummers who is so slick and so well composed that on the surface you could think oh that's easy but then you actually have a look at what he is playing and you look at the energy that he plays with live oh my God The Killers live at Royal Albert Hall amazing if you haven't seen that concert oh my god um but yeah just so much stuff here and I love the how self-aware and how grounded how calm he was he's just just makes his chat makes his chat and he just says you know if it was a Jaz song I'd be out of my depth or it wouldn't be uh wouldn't feel comfortable at least sorry not probably not out of his de just wouldn't feel comfortable these guys are so cool man these guys and girls on Dro they're so cool they're so down to earth and that is what you getting if you do go over to Dro you're getting this honesty you're getting this integrity and in today's world the way things are online everybody gets a voice it's can we there's no lack of information there's there's too much information right TMI too much information out there how do you know what to go with how do you know who to study with how do you know what's right and [Music] wrong these guys are the best in the world and they are so honest so honest the best drummers in the world if it was a jazz song I wouldn't do it I I couldn't do that that transparency that Honesty that selfawareness that is what you want and that's what dromeo offers absolutely 100% legit no BS just the real deal which is what you want you want you want and you need honesty if you're learning the drums anyway rant over amazing video another 11 out of 10 video from Dro guys original video link in the description the video please do go along check it out head up my dro free 30-day trial it's right there it's it's free it's on me guys if you would like to request a reaction you can at my PayPal that is a direct line to me and I can guarantee your request if you would like to support the channel further I do have a patreon it's just $5 a month you get access to the blocked videos if you don't want to do either of those but you do enjoy the Channel please consider hitting that subscribe button that's always nice and um Guys Without further Ado until next time keep chopping wood [Music] ciao
Channel: Andrew Rooney Drums
Views: 46,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum solo, drum, reaction, reacts, drum teacher, reaction video, drums(musical instrument), drummer, drumming, drums
Id: e6O6-ZttlB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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