Classic WoW: Druid Leveling Guide (Talents, Form Rotations, Addons, Tips & Tricks)

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[Music] greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another world of warcraft classic guide my name is cargoes and today I'd like to share with you this comprehensive druid leveling guide for world of warcraft 1.12 i'm gonna start off just by sharing my general impressions of druid leveling talk about the pros and cons strengths and weaknesses then we're gonna move into quality of life and rotation at the different leveling brackets so 1 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 so on and so forth then we're going to move into talent builds because Druids are a hybrid class there are a ton of options on the table for you and what you choose is going to depend on kind of your goals in the game whether you want to maybe do a little more healing on the way to 60 or if you're just trying to you know speed level as hyper efficiently as possible I've also included some noteworthy pieces of gear you might want to keep consider as you level druids overall are very gear independent but it's stuff that you might want to keep in mind we're gonna go over tips and tricks lots of really interesting stuff in this one so let's get going I got to quickly shout out the people that helped make this guide it possible for those of you who don't know druids are one of the most underrepresented and underestimated classes in the game they are subject to a lot of stigma the whole you know jack of all trades master of none comes to mind also the whole hybrid tax they're made to feel like they're not viable and people have rallied around this underdog mentality and there's a lot of really passionate druid enthusiasts in the community people like mo BIA Silla skeptic on unusual keffe tank tail spinner Serendipity's Tala drill and of course shadow and these some of these people that you're seeing right here were invaluable to helping create this guide the whole you know druid classic discord was really fantastic and you know these are people that you know actually crunch the numbers and try and push druids to the absolute maximum potential and they've really come up with some some really valuable information so let's get started class overview I'm gonna read this little thing that I wrote for you so druids are hyper efficient Tier one levelers with low gear dependence and the highest movement speed in the druids have excellent starting area progression in a fresh realm environment due to the reduced congestion of both mole gore and teldrassil at level 10 druids get a big power spike through bear form allowing them to kill faster and with higher sustain druids get cat form at level 20 and soon after to add a to improved cat form or feline swiftness is the the actual name giving them an astounding 30 percent static movement speed increase when outdoors this speed is incredibly valuable early on and when paired with the ability to self-heal and prowl and go into bear form unnecessary it just offers druids so many advantages that no other class have druids are capable of competently performing as a tank DPS or healer throughout the entirety of the leveling process bear tanks have easy on-demand high AoE threat in the form of swipe and also a threat table that's multiplicative as opposed to additive like a warrior cat dps is quite strong during the leveling stages you know gear independent they offer great group utility in the form of a combat res off heels off tanking and so on and so forth as healers druids are best utilized alongside another member of the party that can freely resurrect as they are restricted to a resurrection on a cool-down called rebirth it's the combat res that requires a reagent so you can't just rez whenever you want which is just kind of a bummer but you know if you're paired alongside maybe a paladin or a shaman that can resurrect druids are fantastic dungeon healers so let's move on to the pros and cons so tier 1 leveling speed the reason why their tier 1 and they're right up there with hunters are due to a couple different reasons and we've seen this you know we've seen this through all through some of the private servers in the past how faster is kin level you know we've seen druids for days played you know even even server first thing beating out hunters server first true is it's a very real thing so not only do they have the highest movement speed in the game and it comes online really early they have that really good starting area progression now everybody is you know running around like headless chickens in the valley of trials in Elwynn forest they're able to get ahead of the pack starting at you know starting on pre level ten and then their movement speed comes online so early with the cats with me with the feline swiftness that they're able to continue that snowball and if you really know what you're doing when it comes to questing this movement speed is gonna translate into a lot of value and the other main thing is that their gear independent so weapons for druids are just stat sticks the top end the damage range the dps it doesn't really matter for druids because you have these animal forms and your damage is going to be you know based on your animal form so you know this is this is very different from classes like rogues paladin's shamans warriors these melee classes that it's a big priority for them to keep their what their weapon relevant and while what Warriors are trying to find groups to go get their whirlwind acts or rogues or trying to get cruel barbed or or whatever these classes are doing druids are just going they're going they're going they're going with high movement speed and no downtime and the other aspect of why they have no downtime which we'll talk more about in a second is your mana continues to regenerate while you're in animal form even though you're using animal form abilities and the reason is you're using either energy based abilities and cat form or rage based abilities in bear form so we'll talk about the flow of combat but you know because your man is regenerating and you still get to use abilities you you're just able to continue the infinite value loop and heal yourself go back to animal form but I'll talk about that in a second so amazin Questers low gear dependence high sustain strong self healing decent crowd control tanky DPS or heal and stealth the different forms and skills you have offer a very fun rewarding dynamic gameplay hard to kill out in open world PvP druids are the de facto flag carriers and more song Gulch they're very hard to lock down and kill the cons is they have a slowest start from 1 to 10 media to the kill speed single target tends to slow down and and I think it slows down for pretty much every class though but I definitely felt it more on a druid and the subpart grinding efficiency this is not to say that druids are by any means bad at grinding they have that they didn't really sustained indefinitely but if I were to compare druids to the other kind of Tier one tier two Levellers when it comes to pure grinding efficiency they are gonna fall behind so you know warlocks are able to juggle three four three four mobs at the same time dot and stuff you know making your pet transition to the next target you know just being really proactive and lining up your next kill before the first one's even dead intrudes are still very much single target killers same thing with hunters so if I had to you know grind for three hours straight a warlock or a hunter is gonna pull ahead of a druid and even a mage with AoE grinding so but druids when it comes to questing that ass alright so no regular resurrection general leveling tips I'm not going to talk about this so much I got some feedback that this is kind of boring I talk about this in every class leveling guide there is a link to the presentation down in the description below and pinned in the comments so feel free to come in here and take a look at this type of stuff the only one I guess I'll talk about is push the limits of your combat efficiency this is going to be very important with druids because you're gonna have to manage your health and mana and you're gonna have stuff like power shifting and you're going to we'll talk about it in a second but um you know take a look at these general leveling tips leveling speed equation you know you're leveling speeds gonna be the sum total of your in combat time out of combat time travel time so view all three of these equally okay so druid combat let me kind of just go through the general flow of druid combat so you're in caste reform you know you buffed yourself up and you wanna you want to kill some mobs efficiently right so the first thing you do is you spend your mana and a burst you know front-loading your spell's you know instead of staggering them out and you're gonna spend your man on something productive now that could be you know direct damage in the form of a wrath followed by a moon fire something like that that could be rolling a couple hots on yourself like using regrowth and rejuvenation that could just be rebuffing yourself if your thorns is about to fall off spend your mana so that when you swap into animal form you're gonna continue to get value from your mana regeneration and it's not just gonna you're not going to be sitting at full full resources right so you're if if these add-ons are avail become classic it's pretty mandatory to get druid Bart druid bar or I think Luna has a way to track it there's a couple of the different frame type things that allow you to track your caster for mana even while you're in a shape-shifted animal form now so you're gonna spend your mana and let's say you you you you spent your man you're like 65% mana right then you pop in a cat form a bear form and you start engaging targets you're gonna kill maybe two three and then your mana is going to be approaching 100% 100% again now you don't want to be sitting there with a hundred percent resources right so at this point even if you're not low it's ideal to pop back out to cast your form and then again spend that man on something productive translated into more aggressive damage on the next mob or healing yourself or whatever and you're gonna kind of rinse and repeat so you're just shifting in and out of animal forms keeping that infinite value loop going so we talked about the highest movement speed in the game with druids right you have travel form you have cat form with feline swiftness so that's you know how 30% increased movement speed in one form forty percent in another one and then at level 40 you get apprentice riding this is the this is where you get your 60 percent speed mount so when is it going to be more efficient to ride your 60 percent amount to your next objective versus using travel form or cat form now this is something that you know it is interesting you know because you're dealing with you know thirty percent versus sixty percent forty percent versus sixty percent the answer might surprise you so there's a three second cast time when you decide to mount up right and then you get this increased movement speed so if you plan to ride for twenty seconds twenty-one seconds or longer upon finishing your three second mounted cast time you should you should use your mount but that's a long time guys that's a long time so it's a twenty it's basically twenty four seconds total if you're gonna travel somewhere and it's likely gonna take less than twenty four seconds like 15 seconds or something it's actually more optimal to go from point A to point B in travel form and then the breaking point is a bit lower with cat but it's it's interesting too I think about and it was those values or courtesy of mobile and the Jude Classic discord very smart guide all right druid specific tips I'm not going to go through all of these just a couple pages of them but one that I'm gonna is teleport moonglade so mages contrary to many people's opinion aren't the only ones that can teleport in classic Wow druids actually have a spell called teleport moonglade you get very early on and it is really really such a nice amenity to have now it allows you to it kind of offers you a second hearthstone so what you can do is a druid is when you're out leveling you can set your hearthstone to wherever you're leveling out let's say you're in stonetalon you want to set it at that Lodge and then when you need to go back to a major city to go to a profession trainer or visit the auction house or transom skills you can use teleport moonglade train all your druid skills and win weight and then fly to the Thunder Bluff or whatever and and then visit that visit whoever you need to visit and then you know then you're good to go so that's that's really going to be valuable for you and another reason why druids can level so fast so we talked about the mana regen and cat form so shifting into a form counts as a spell which will affect your mana regeneration we're shifting out does not be sure to save any pieces with intellect or spirit it could be cloth it could be whatever as your leveling because it's always hidden it's always nice to have a healing set handy also you know this is more so the case with other classes that struggle with sustain but swapping back and forth into a spirit set can help boost that out of combat time let's see yeah that's pretty much it for the druid specific tips so useful add-ons druid bar that's what it looks like that blue bar up at the top left it's kind of a movable little mana bar that keeps track of your current mana then if you look down below there's an energy tracker this is gonna be important rogues use this you know Farrell's use this it's you know energy tix every two seconds right so knowing when your resources are going to regenerate is going to be valuable for you even stuff like getting value out of tigers fury you generally want to use it right before an energy tick it's very it's very valuable to track this information also xp for our tracker you can track you know your XP per minute XP per hour average XP per kill in sites like that are pretty useful and outfitter to swap back and forth gear pieces alright so life pre level 10 is it's kind of mediocre so let me take a sip of this coffee there's nothing to write home to mom about so you know it's uh you're gonna you're you're you're gonna front-load some spells it's gonna be you're gonna cast your ass pretty much until the mob closes the distance with you and then you can do a little trick here that will help squeeze out a little bit more damage you can melee the mob once it's up into your melee hit box melee it and as soon as your swing timer completes and the animation connects you can instantly cast an instant cast so moon fire or rejuve and this will only this will only delay your next your next Auto attack by like 0.1 or 0.2 seconds so it's really going to you know and not really have any downside at all so you're squeezing in an ability between the cooldown and your and your attack timer and then you're gonna just proceed to a melee them op the death with your staff or whatever and get some mana regeneration going again via the five second five second rule-- the multi target rotation one thing that might happen to you is you're out in the open world is let's say you're in mobile right and you got to go in that cave and kill those venture guys the ventricle guys they can be this pretty high mob density there right so you may pull too many mobs and the ultimate like maximum DPM damage per man a thing you can do to attrition out mobs and survive through that engagement is going to be to convert all your mana into heels and let Thorne's your reflect damage with thorns kill stuff in addition your melee attacks so what you're gonna do is if you have two three mobs on you you're gonna spend your mana in bursts you know to heal yourself you're gonna wait til you get a little bit low heal yourself get sufficient value out of your heels and then proceed to melee the mobs down trying to get a few more ticks maybe after the five seconds of your amana regeneration and then rinse and repeat and that's like the most efficient way to attrition out a mob now if you're pulling two targets at once one thing you can do is you can just cast that entangling roots on one there's no diminishing returns on entangling roots out on mobs in the open world so they're gonna be rooted in place the second one will probably start headed to you start heading to you you can cast a wrath and do the whole melee moon fire trick see you guys get the picture so then a little time you're gonna get access to your bare form quest now I've included two slides here one for alliance preform quest and one for a horde Qwest the the main thing I'd like to point out is that after you pick up the quest from caldo druid trainer in Dolan R or Guinea a rune totem go to Thunder Bluff or Darnassus and set your heart stone there because they're gonna make you go to moon blade to talk to this guide Endre you're gonna talk to the Great Bear spirit and then you're gonna have to go back the TBR Darnassus and you'll if you didn't set your heart there you're gonna you're in for a long flight so make sure to do that hearth back they'll send you to go kill a moon can the moon can Luna claw don't underestimate this thing don't just be like a sort of afk all tabby or something and just kind of leveling you know you know with with a few brain cells kind of turned it on for a second and realized that you can die and if you die can potentially despawn you may have to get the the thing to summon it again it could be a real nightmare so bring out your a-game try to you know cast entangling roots and get as much value as you can out of your out of your abilities at range and then once it does close that distance you know manager men and be able to heal yourself up but you know you should be fine but just don't don't don't sleep on that quest all right it's a 10 to 20 you're gonna have bear form you're gonna get a nice power spike it's a real juicy power spike because now you're able to start you know that infinite value loop with mana regeneration while you're in an animal form and you're still using bear abilities so the single target rotation is going to look like this you're gonna front-load chunk a mana like we said a couple spells that could be you know wrath moon fire or a wrath rejuve whatever is going to best fit the circumstances then you're gonna pop into bear form if it's single target you can use enrage it's gonna reduce your armor by 27% but it's gonna help you generate Ridge and then you're just gonna precede them all down the target now multi target it's not gonna be worth it to get that 27 base armor reduction 27% so I'd forgo using enrage and instead use demoralizing roar again you probably just wanna dump all your stuff into into mall mall is going to be the most efficient use of your rage but there will be situations where demo roar will be will be useful to you so make sure you keep you know buff to market the wild and thorns and then you can interrupt you get bash at this level stage so you can interrupt casters with bash all right so 22 31 you're gonna get cat form at level 20 but this is one thing I want to point out on one of my dreams at level recently you get the 20 right and you think like wow I get this new sexy form it's got to be more optimal to just you know stay in cat form right it's got to be more optimal no it's gonna be doing more damage you know but there are a lot of reasons why bear is gonna be superior to cat form before you get certain tools online before you get stuff like rake before you get stuff like shred Fuhrer comes online and the real thing is this because when you swap in a cat form you have zero energy and it's not like a bear you know you have zero rage but that's not really a downside that's all just the nature of rage you're not gonna be able to front-load your spell's or front load you know front load damage or front load healing as well where as opposed to a bear no downside you throw a couple spells on the target pop into bear you're good to go so yeah I generally stick in bear to like 22 and then shred comes online we're going to talk about front shredding I know you guys are gonna hate me for this but I'm gonna include multiple ways to levels so if front shredding is not a thing in classic there are going to be many other options on the table for you so once you get rake at 24 you're gonna start off by raking and then clawing stuff to death or front shredding if that's a thing and then the multi target rotation is a bit similar on longer fights you can go ahead and use rip this is going to be a bit longer bleed the thing about bleeds is they bypass armor right so they're kind of like pure damage you can use them on they really shine on high armor targets so it's something you want to keep in mind and then if you have excess energy it's not really that useful on the first on the first mob to use tiger's fury because you will be front-loading some spells or something like that but let's say you kill target one you're transitioning to target two and you have excess energy or energy right and your energy take us about to about to hit you might as well use Tiger fury and get the get the damage buff it's a six second buff and then you know there's really no downside to it so that's how use tiger's fury you get - you can use that on cooldown when you know you're gonna get full value from it and you get travel form at 30 so let's see so you can get five out of five fewer at at little twenty seven so fewer is really good we'll talk about in the town so I don't talk about it right now so thirty two to sixty you're gonna get ferocious bite at thirty two this is going to be one of the first things one of the first finishers that you're going to be started that you're gonna use on the average you know fifteen second encounter with a mob it's going to be able to translate your your combo points just into direct damage there's a couple of different considerations with ferocious bite though one thing is that it drains all your energy okay it's not like a static flat energy cost it will drain all of your energy and convert further energy into more damage but the general rule with ferocious bite is you use it only at five combo points and you use it when you have low energy so for whatever reason you have five combo points on the target and maybe it's PvP and the target you know get some distance between you and the target and and you and then you run up to it again you have full energy don't first bite dump a few more clause or shreds into it before you ferocious bite so thirty to sixty you're also gonna have access to feral fairy fire this is a it's a pretty significant damage increase you're able to use it in your animal form so you're gonna pull with feral fairy fire walk up engage your target with rake then a couple claws are shreds and then fresh spied it down at five combo points let's see here so you get pounds of thirty six offering you a two second stun lock opener in PvP it's kind of a PvP consideration you also have their feral charge at this in this and the situation and then feral charge is an interesting thing so a feral charge isn't like warrior charge where you can just charge out of combat and it generates a rage it costs rage in order to use feral charge and it really only starts to shine in my opinion once you get fear and fear is gonna generate you rage or energy as soon as you swap into that form and it's gonna kind of be like a little bit of an energy battery where you can convert mana into rage or energy kind of on demand and that's that's coming that's speaking towards power shifting with which we can talk about in a little bit all right so we're gonna talk about talent builds now so this first build I'm going to share with you guys is sort of my take on an optimal leveling build it's gonna bring your tools like furor and nature's grasp online in the in a really good timing window as well as like feral charge and it's not gonna have you have to respec at some point so this is going this is this is not a front shredding build this is going to be good for players of all skill levels new drew players old druid players it will 100% work on the classic servers so we're gonna start off with five points in ferocity these are your bread-and-butter abilities no surprise here and then the second tier is going to be the first point of contestant some Druids advocate for feral instincts is gonna reduce the chance enemies have to detect you while prowling as you guys know stealth is kind of weak early on and this will help you if you have that kind of more ninja play style I personally don't have that play style I like to go for peer grinding efficiency so it's not something that I that I take a brutal impact is not one of my favorites I very rarely use brutal impact is for interrupts and stuff so thick hide could potentially offer more value really early than feral aggression because you you are getting some sort of marginal benefit from the increased armor on every model you're gonna fight but I like to go with feral aggression here mainly because it's an investment for fur when ferocious bite comes online at thirty two or you get that fifteen percent increased damage and I also sit and bear form longer than most true it's probably do I pretty much haven't primarily in bear form until fear comes online so this is going to give your demoralizing roar an additional 40 percent attack power reduction so then we're all druids kind of come together is the agreement that feline swiftness is the first thing you really want to be line down to increasing the movement speed by a static thirty percent while our Taurus is just it's just what what can I say it's just really really good then at this point we are actually going to transition into restoration and put five points into furor some druids like to advocate and go for nature's grasp but first this is a good PvP tool it's gonna save you and be really relevant in PvP but in my in my view you're not going to be in these contested areas so much at this stage you may have some ganking going on in stonetalon but it's not going to be something strangled or something so I like to get fewer going ASAP once figure comes online I start to use cat form a lot more you're also sort of able to the pseudo power shift at this stage turning you know your mana into on-demand energy so after five to five year I put one point two nature's grasp your level twenty seven now it's kind of slightly more of an appropriate range to have this PvP tool at your disposal and then we're gonna go into sharpen claws three out of three followed by one into feral charge and then we're gonna go to attitude blood frenzy three out of three are to 2 into predatory strikes opening up feral fairy fires we're gonna rush down to feral fairy fire get this this is an amazing dps increase you can use this ability while in animal forms really really good stuff and then after feral fairy fire we're gonna go to into savage fury one more into predatory strikes we're going to put one into brutal impact because why not it's just increasing the the stun duration of your bash and pounce abilities by 0.5 since this is not a front shredding bill there's not it's not going to be as valuable to get something like an improved shred and then we're gonna go one two three four five into heart of the wild into leader of the pack so after a leader of the pack we're gonna proceed into the balance tree but four points in to improve nature's grasp when I put five points into natural weapons increasing the damage deal with physical attacks in all forms by ten percent and then picking omen of clarity and then our final three points is going to go into three out of three natural shapeshifter reducing the mana cost of all shape-shifting by thirty percent so this is a you know and then the last point is kind of inconsequential right because we're gonna be respecting at sixty so I'm now going to include a front shredding build here and I know a lot of you guys are gonna hate this and I got a lot of flack for including the front stabbing on the road guide but if this is a thing in classic on the official servers then this is absolutely going to be the fastest most efficient path to sixty so you might as well include it you're gonna have multiple talent builds on the table for you here so if this is not a thing then you can just you know happily ignore the section and just choose one of the other builds so what is front shredding front shredding refers to a clever manipulation of game mechanics which allow you to use for shred from the front now shred is a ability that you get at 22 and in creet does 225 percent damage plus 54 to the target target at Rank 1 that is a colossal amount of damage but it requires you to be behind the target so in order to front to front Revit to front shred it's pretty simple you want to get right on top of the mob as close as you can in this hit box as possible if you get too close it will back up on you so you know you've gone too far so get as close as you can basically hover right on top of it and then you're gonna begin a tight strafing pattern back and forth left and right using a EA and D or whatever it's comfortable for you and then you're gonna bind shred to something easily spammable I highly recommend scroll up or scroll down on the mouse wheel that went that way when you scroll up or down you're effectively hitting that bind like a freaking hundred times or something like that so while you're stripping back and forth the mob will kind of glitch out and look like it's turning direction slightly and you will have opportunities the skill will light up and will allow you to to use the ability as you're stripping back and forth really fast so it's a bit more APM intensive to do it this way but you get a massive damage damage boost as you can see so you're gonna stack it this is your rotation if you are French ready you're gonna stack up shreds to five and then you're going to dump with ferocious bite and ferocious bite cost significantly less it's like 35 energy so that makes it kind of worth it to use it on that so we're going to talk about serendipities front front shred speed leveling build this guy is a legendary druid speed leveler is a track record of success you know leveling and all the some of these past servers over the years I think as fastest time was four days eight hours on a druid and he shared a very very interesting build I had never seen or considered before with us as a group yesterday so before we get into the town calculator I want to just overview the kind of broad gameplan so from 10 to 19 you are going to start in balance as crazy as that seems but the reason why you're gonna start in balance is the course assumption that the 5 out of 5 natural weapons which will give you a static 10% damage increase is going to be more valuable than anything that the early feral talents are going to offer you and I think it's a fair assumption to make you know it's going to be more valuable than the the rage reduction in Maul that's really the only value you're going to get out of it at this stage or the attack power reduction in demoralizing or so that's kind of a fair assumption to make and then you're gonna respect at twenty so we're I'm gonna show you what the respec looks like and then we're gonna proceed in a town calculator so from ten to nineteen you're gonna go you know one in ten HS grass before in to improve nature's grasp and then five into natural weapons it's going to bring you to at level 19 so it twenty you're gonna respect and it's going to look something like this the order of operations doesn't matter so much because we are respecting it's going to be 5 into ferocity and then five into thick hide and one into feline swiftness so this is your level twenty point we're going to proceed through the tree like this you're gonna put one more point to feline swiftness and then we're going to go three into sharpen claws then we're gonna go to and to improve shred this is really important to just beeline it down to improve shred as fast as possible since we're using this every global and then after improve shred we're gonna go three into predatory strikes opening up ferry or feral ferry fire at level 30 now at this point the next assumption we're going to make is that these other talents aren't going to be that helpful if we are if we are doing a front shredding build increasing the damage caused by your claw rake maul swipe you're not using these of your front shredding you know you're not really no blood friends he's not gonna benefit you that much primal theory is kind of a non-factor what brutal impact you know what what is this stuff really gonna do for you if you're just shredding all the time so at this point we're actually gonna proceed back into the balance tree and beeline it down to natural weapons and omen of clarity which really shines with shred we're gonna go one internet nature's grass before in to improve nature's grass 500 natural weapons and one into omen of clarity now at this point we're going to transition into the restoration tree and we're gonna start to bring on our power shifting package online and it's going to be five points into furor followed by three points into natural shape shifter which have a lot of synergy with each other so you know you have fewer which is going to give you that 100 percent chance to gain 10 rage or 40 energy when you shift into animal form and you have something that's reducing the mana cost of your shape-shifting by 30% so it's gonna make it you know a better equation with your DP and DP m22 to power shift that power shifting is going to become stronger with this online so at this point we're gonna proceed back into the feral combat tree we're going to go two points into savage fury we're gonna go two points in a blood frenzy we're gonna go five points in the heart of the and one point to leader of the pack and the last point is gonna be kind of inconsequential as we said before as we went to respec at sixty regardless so we're back to the fun power point now one of the key takeaways here is that no matter what spec you're gonna go if you really want to kind of min max out the leveling speed from 10 to 19 I'm sort of aligned with Serendipity's and going balance and then respecting at 20 now that's not gonna you know whatever this this is gonna apply to whatever direction you want to go if you want to get a slightly higher speed from 10 to 19 I probably would agree with them and going balance alright so now we're the next spec we're gonna talk about is Tala drills feral balanced spec this is going to be pretty similar to the spec that that I shared I'm not gonna go through the town calculator on all these builds because there are a bunch from the share but I want to point out some of the core differences so basically instead of going feral aggression which is going to reduce that demoralizing roar ap or increase the the reduction rather and that for respite investment he goes right into 5 5 out of 5 feral instinct after 5 out of 5 ferocity that's going to give you a better better stealth and allow you to have that more ninja type playstyle and then he goes nature's grasp followed by fewer so I go fewer into nature's grasp so that's another core difference and then it is it is pretty straightforward the other the other difference is that instead of going for natural shapeshifter towards the very tail end of the leveling experience he goes into 3 out of 3 improved thorns which is a line of reasoning I definitely can understand because it's just going to be more damage you're gonna get consistent value I have improved thorns because he his impression was that you don't really have too many many issues as a druid if you're playing correctly so that's the difference with Tala drills feral balance compared to compared to mine and then shadows feral balance this one I'm not gonna go through as well but I'll point out some of the noteworthy aspect so he goes 1 out of 1 nature's grasp first his very first talent points so he actually delays the feral cut the the feelin swiftness a little bit by a level and then he goes right into feral combat 5 but if I ferocity to into brutal impact as I was saying some druids do like the brutal impact increasing that stun duration 3 out of 5 feral instinct so again another druid that doesn't agree with going feral aggression then to a to feline swiftness and into feral charge then he goes Fuhrer goes back into feral tree goes back in the ferry proceeds all the way down the leader of the pack and then goes into balance at the end so the final build I'm going to share with you guys is something that I think will appeal to a lot of people it's a non front shredding build and it's going to be better for people that plan to heal and do more you know healing he'll play more of a healing role when it comes to leveling and doing maybe more dungeons and stuff like this and some of the key differences that you are gonna have access to a nature swiftness which is gonna really sort of increase your healing potential you're gonna get really core healing talents like reflection improved healing touch so we're gonna pop over to the talent calculator and go through it this is called feral into NS resto so we're gonna start off pretty similar to some of the other builds 5 into ferocity 5 and a feral aggression be lining it right down to feline swiftness now at this point we're gonna go pick up one point in nature's grasp is just one point you're bringing this bill you're bringing this this ability online definitely gonna be worth at one point followed by 5 into fear and restoration and then we're gonna bounce back to feral combat pick up feral charge goat 3 into sharpened claws 2 into blood frenzy 2 and accredits three strikes picking up Farrell Farrell fairy fire at level 36 then we're gonna go 2 points into savage fury one more point to predatory strikes and we're gonna go into restoration at this point we're going to do improve healing touch reducing the cast time of your healing touch fell by 0.5 seconds followed by reflection this is another bread-and-butter healing talent allowing 15% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting now at this point you have some options on the table you can choose improved enrage which will give you instant some instant 10 instant rage when fully ranked out in your bear form you will still be leveling and using bear form so this is definitely a worthy consideration this is where I'm proud where I would probably put the points but you could also consider maybe improve mark at the wild or or or reducing your threat generation as well that's actually pretty decent now at this point we're gonna go 5 in a tranquil spirit and right into nature swiftness if you don't know what nature swiftness does basically it's going to give you an on-demand burst heal you activate it and then your next nature spell will become an instant cast so after nature swiftness we can either go back into the feral tree right or we can get some more talents and restoration we can get improved rejuve maybe we can finish out the threat generation it's really just gonna depend on you and what what you decide to do I would personally go back into feral combat at this point so now that we're back here we would go one into embrittle impact opening up the last four points to be invested into a heart of the wild so that's going to be it for the feral NS resto build now let's get into leveling stat priorities so when you're out in the open world questing and doing dungeons and you're picking up pieces of gear left and right what stats do you want to go for now I came full circle with this when I originally played my first druid ever I thought you know you're a feral druid right here you have used energy probably one agility is probably gonna be the best thing possible you're like a rogue right so I started off prioritizing agility and then the next stage of my thought process was when I realized that Wow druids actually gained two points of attack power purple per one point of strength strength has got to be the best right we got a stack strengths and then recently I spoke with shadow he is really the king of cat DPS you may have seen his videos of him top and the meters and BWL and he really just understands the class thoroughly inside and out he was he was sharing his insights and it really made a lot of sense to me so I've kind of come full circle and he was explaining why he thinks agility is better than strength as far as a stat to prioritize while leveling and here's the this little passage I'd like to read so while stacking strength at first glance might seem better than agility at low levels that ap gained from stats doesn't translate very well into faster kill speed the AP power curve is linear requiring substantial amounts of AP to go from let's say 12 hits to kill a mob to 11 hits so it's sort of that stair step power curve you know the the linear power curve doesn't really translate that well because it because a 15 second fight is it gonna have more of a stair-step power curve I hope that makes sense so at least by stacking crit you can sometimes get lucky and get the occasional high tempo burst damage which would potentially excel in the shorter fight so crit also becomes more significantly more valuable once the blood frenzy talent comes online that is the talent in the feral and the feral tree where when you crit in cat form you will get additional combo point so druids get to a peeper point of strength you know 14 AP is equivalent to seven strength which is equivalent to 14 agility which equals one DBS but then of course agility adds a crit and Dodge as well 20 AG is equivalent to one percent crit and 1% Dodge so yeah so it's gonna be agility is your number one priority followed by strength followed by stamina stamina sort of equal to intellect in some ways you can kind of view them equally just have a good balance between stamina and intellect and then a spirit so spirit does isn't really as beneficial in classes that can self heal and druids like you know they have that infinite value loop so it's not gonna be all that important for them but like you said before definitely if you see pieces that have intellect and spirit on them save them as a healing set right and there are there will be instances where you will be super low and if you haven't add on like outfitter and you can just swap over to your spirit set real quick that's gonna help boost your or reduce your out of combat you know regeneration time as you're moving from point A to point B so that's something that you might want to keep in mind anyway I've included a list of some noteworthy feral gear or leveling gear you know tunic of Westfall trip Runner dungarees Locke C's training stick iron shot bludgeon Masons fraternity ring wolf's head helm if you can get it amazing for power shifting that's kind of an iconic druid item there if you can think of more stuff definitely go ahead and comment on the presentation would like to make this a more robust list stuff that you find along the way that's really helpful for druids again this is kind of a living document guys so I hope we can all kind of come together and make this like the best resource it can be for the community you know if you do if you are gonna go you know feral DPS you're gonna go chase that cat form dream you can pick up devil sword gauntlets and leggings if you have the goal to support it first aid if you do decide to get first aid on druid it's not a super high priority here's a slide that shows where to get all your books and get up to 300 and that's it closing thoughts the only closing thoughts to come to mind is just the really extended big thank you to you guys you know I'm really starting to stream now and come out of my shell a bit and you guys have been nothing but super kind and supportive so I really really really appreciate it I never thought in a million years I could even you know have this limited amounts of success that I'm having right now so if you have any other questions feel free come in the Dischord ping me directly I'll try and get you an answer if I don't have an answer for you I'll try and get in contact with someone who can who does have an answer for you you guys excited for it for classic man the demo is coming out I'm not sure I'm excited maybe comment down below if you you know what class you want to see next follow up follow me on Twitch if you can I'm gonna start streaming the demo and streaming classic in general so I really appreciate a follow on to which if you can and that's all for now guys we'll see you in the next stream I'll see you in the next video take it easy I hope you have a wonderful day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kargoz
Views: 1,011,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, classic wow guides, vanilla wow, vanilla wow guide, vanilla wow pvp, classic wow server, wow music, warcraft, vanilla leveling guide, druid wow, druid class, druid leveling guide, druid pve, druid pvp, druid vanilla wow, druid classic wow, druid forms, druid bear form, druid cat form, druid talents, druid rotation, blizzcon 2018, druid quest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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