I Haven't Cleaned My House In 14 Years | The Hoarder Next Door S3 Ep6 | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] the everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] all across britain people are keeping a shocking secret this was my study and their numbers are growing this is what it feels like inside my head over a million people are now living amongst mountains of clutter and rubbish what's in here there's probably a couple of dead rats in there but you know at the end of the day it's a functional kitchen and when a horde takes over please leave me alone i can't cope it can affect everyone who lies in its path i don't know how you can live like this it's just crazy one way traffic psychotherapist stelios kiosis wow has treated hundreds of hoarders over the last 20 years what do you do with the food that's out of date eat it it's dangerous compulsive hoarding does not discriminate it can happen to anyone i'm king of the mountain of newspapers together with a team of professional declutterers we leave no stone unturned stelios believes he can help kick-start the process of de-cluttering their homes this has become your armor so nobody can hurt you again but we're going to change that [Music] tonight stelios meets extreme hoarder doreen one of his toughest cases yet i'll stop this all together or we carry on and i have my own way and visits two former patients that's being overwhelmed again in urgent need of some extra help oh no oh no i've lost the ability to do it on my own bexley southeast london home to 76 year old doreen a much-loved member of her close-knit community for 25 years doreen's been knocking on her neighbor's doors and taking orders for a mail order catalogue hello how are you i'm fine thank you the patel family are some of doreen's oldest customers she's been a catalogue lady for basically most of my life she's come around every two weeks to pick up a catalogue then we'll check with it how old is your little one he'll be two in march march 25th she's always a happy lady when i ever see her which one do you think is best neighbor jill has also been a regular customer for over 20 years she's the better wear lady and everybody knows her as that and and all the kids know her and it's a shame that they grow up so fast she just likes people i think but the neighborhood pensioner everyone loves has a secret doreen is an extreme compulsive hoarder and every inch of her three-bedroom home is overflowing with clutter and clothing she's so ashamed of her hoard that she hasn't let her friends or family into her home for over 14 years i've stopped them coming in because i don't want to see the clutter doreen has been married twice but since the death of both of her husbands she has been hoarding on an epic scale a lot of stuff is replacing loved ones with material possessions but it doesn't work day-to-day living is now extremely hazardous i looked out for my bed to grab something and then i missed and landed on the floor frightened of suffering further injury doreen made the difficult decision to reveal her secret she just came clean one day and just knocked on the door and and said could she come in and just told me son harvey was equally shocked by the news how she became what she is i have very little idea of family and friends are very worried for dorian's safety and worse still she now requires a hip replacement for her to get around her house i can only imagine must be a nightmare with her hip problems he's getting elderly on her own in a house with stuff all over the place that she could fall over so i think it's quite urgent i think she needs to get it sorted if doreen doesn't make her house safe her horde could cause her serious injury [Music] dorian has asked for help from psychotherapist stelios keosus an expert in the treatment of hoarding disorder in just six weeks he believes he can help hoarders modify their behavior i'm here to see doreen today who is in her 70s and in my experience compulsive photos at that age tend to be a higher risk of getting injured so it's important today in my assessment to really understand at what level of risk she's in and what we can do about it hello hello doreen hello i'm stelio hello can i come in you could just please do thank you yes how long have you lived in this house about 28 years has it always been like this oh no my husband was very very minimalistic you only had the things that you needed well what about your your compulsive forwarding when did that start then i was untidy for a while while i was nursing him because he had cancer he died 14 years ago yes after he died i started looking after my ex-husband because he'd had a stroke and then a very good friend of mine evelyn unfortunately she passed away but i wonder in all of this who took care of you nobody took care of me nobody [Music] dorian inherited evelyn's large collection of clothes but has been unable to throw any away and it's not just clothes she's hung on to um in the corner there are drinks for my husband's funeral they've not been moved wow i've just tried to blank it out of my mind well you know this is what this feels like this feels like a blanking wall so why have you done this it was blanked out the bad memories if you can't see them you're not reminded you can't live like this why that has to change isn't it you're at risk you're lucky to be alive what do you feel when you look at all this worry shame because there's so so much yeah i think what would people think for me the eye opener was downstairs how she really purposely unconsciously though built this wall of clothes in a way that's how her mind is you know it's got that wall blocking out the trauma of the past [Music] this is pretty full as well [Music] her house is a death trap and really there's a sense of urgency in helping a declutter not just mentally but actually physically as well i hope so this can make me into a more rational person i'm not mad i've just been very misguided stelios has been treating hoarders for 20 years but even those who respond positively to treatment can sometimes stray off course [Music] god's sake the compulsion to hold the compulsion to accumulate things is very difficult to break and it could be a life-long battle relapses do happen but it is important to intervene before it is out of control in beijing stoke allison one of his former patients has begun to see the warning signs seeing stelios was life-changing for me so i really thought i was still going somewhere but gradually things have actually sort of started to get out of hand again twelve months ago stelios helped allison hello with her overwhelming compulsion to buy anything and everything ladybird related ladybird hats can't help it's got a ladybird on this lampshade the hoarding got so bad it took over every aspect of her life and home all my ladybird bras if i buy the lot at least i know nobody else will have them and even led to a breakup with her boyfriend i've explained to sam that if he moves out it makes it easier it makes it easier for me to heal and to sort myself out but with the help of stelios and professional declutterers i have never seen so many ladybirds allison was given the tools to keep her ladybird fetish in check and clear space to live this is just the beginning rest is for me to do one year on from her therapy with stelios allison's compulsion has taken an unfortunate new turn and it's nothing to do with ladybirds oh oh no oh no these are my favorite biscuits and now they're only a pound she's now obsessively buying and hoarding biscuits sweets and cakes maybe one more one more no more i'm buying all this stuff and i'm stockpiling all this food the feeling is so strong to do this tried to hide it but i'm sure that everyone's thinking oh no she's buying cakes like they're going out of fashion [Music] it says raspberry flaky i realize now i've got a problem and it's starting to make me feel pretty bad mouth bars buttons two three four five six selection boxes thought i could get this sorted but i've lost the ability to do it on my own just makes me feel sick i think i'm for god's sake desperate to get back on track alison's asked elias for more expert help i want to see stelios again but i feel nervous about seeing him i feel worried that i have let him down stelios wants to find out what has triggered allison's re-hoarding so why do you think really things are difficult um there's been so many setbacks has it really i had a really terrible situation to separate from sam it was very hard and then i had a robbery and then following that my father's death are you overwhelmed i'm really overwhelmed you don't have to be embarrassed or be ashamed or anything like that setbacks are part of the normal process of healing i do feel like ah you know one thing i might have been able to overcome but whole series you're human all right would you like to go upstairs before stelios can help alison he needs her to let go of the past he starts with the bedroom she shared with her ex-boyfriend this is the bedroom lots of clothes it's good a little bit busy a bit of an issue oh wow one of the things that will help you is to really in a way bring closure to all the bad memories you have about your relationship and how things were in here and so really all the stuff you know needs to go you need to organize your bedroom and give it a new fresh lease of life for a new beginning yes a new you a new bedroom exactly what you mean get rid of all the things the reminders all the things that are unnecessary everything out correct and start again fresh my room yeah really assert it as much of life but the biggest concern for stelios is allison's new obsession quite a lot of sweets and chocolates yeah there is quite a bit of chaos at the moment it's just too much oh my goodness i love caramel it's best to have a binge on it because then at least i can leave it alone for a while so if i like caramac eat hundreds then i won't touch them for a few years do you think you're comfort eating it's not so much about the eating it's more to do with the fact that i like to have it in reserve and i like to make sure i'll never run out it sounds like you're trying to make sense of your life and control your life by securing your future [Music] what is it then about the future are afraid of that you don't want to explore as soon as i think that nothing worse can happen something does it always raises its head and never ceases to surprise me you can't control the future you can't control other people all you can control is yourself and at the moment you're out of control [Music] the warning signs are there the alarm bells are there alison's hoard is not extreme now but in my experience if it's not tackled it will become extreme to the point where you're not going to be able to move in the house so we need to do something right now like any mental health condition the compulsion to horde can be a lifelong battle to control even after therapy relapses can happen but when they do it is important to intervene before they are out of hand in west london 45 year old tina lives in the house she grew up in an only child it's the home she shared with her parents when they were alive this is my old bedroom again tina's holding on to the past by hoarding her parents things and her own childhood toys my first proper teddy bear had a long long long long time but just 12 months ago stelios helped tina overcome this very compulsion this was my bedroom for the first 25 years of my life i've kept the door closed most of the time you just block it out don't you yeah after six weeks of therapy tina was able to finally move on by clearing out a lot of her clutter and putting her childhood home up for sale we've been excited for the first time in ages good for you you should be excited i should move on [Music] now the property has been sold and tina has to move out in a matter of weeks once i've cleared up then i have to leave and i don't really want to leave so it's getting a catch-22 situation the reality of saying goodbye to her childhood home has sent her in a downward spiral and she started to hoard again when stegos left this room was a semblance of order but certainly none of the clutter i'm back to being overwhelmed again knowing she cannot avoid moving any longer tina's turned to stelios for help when i saw her laugh one of the biggest problems tina had was to detach herself from that house you need to move out of that house physically and emotionally in order for her to move forwards [Music] hi hello [Music] is this stuff making you happy look at it no definitely not what made you happy in the previous process getting rid of the stuff getting a little stuff wonderful so but in that process of therapy what do you feel was the turning point there are things in the past i suppose yeah i know mum and dad by letting go it doesn't mean you are forgetting who they are who they were just finding a bit more difficult than i thought it would be if stelios is going to have any success okay he needs to help tina disassociate her emotional memories from her physical home this is always my sanctuary my bolts hole and i might not find that again i guess what you're saying is where you're going yeah there will be nothing there will be no attachment exactly yeah it's like you holding on to a dead corpse yeah you're not burying it yeah yeah does it feel like that to me in a way stelios believes that tina's inability to let go is intrinsically linked with her parents and childhood and an unresolved sense of loss where is your mother buried towards what's happened to you okay and she's getting to switzerland okay and uh my dad's still under the stairs ah okay so the ashes are downstairs yes so why have you not been able to scatter his ashes i suppose there's another bit of letting go nice little bit would it help if we both try and do that let go of your dad what you call your dad's ashes yeah i think we're gonna be crying again most important thing at this moment in time is to look at the last part of an emotional attachment to things bringing a healthy closure to the father's ashes will also have a knock-on effect to the closure of this house in bexley extreme hoarder doreen is also struggling to let go of the past a lot of stuff is replacing friendships and loved ones but it doesn't work she too has asked delis for help you're at risk you're lucky to be alive after their first meeting dory now feels able to invite her son harvey round for the first time in 14 years i never thought a great deal of the fact that we weren't allowed in she's got a very untidy house she doesn't want people in it that's her business i guess that's how what i've been telling myself for all these years hello hi your mum how are you you look well oh thank you thank you so do you you're looking mom [Music] it's quite noticeable that it's difficult to walk having no space to do anything does it not drive you up the wall it would drive me bonkers it's trying to decide what to get get rid of and what not to get ready it drives me balmy sometimes only thinking what am i gonna do with it all yeah yeah now he's seen the enormity of the horde harvey wants to help his mum start decluttering immediately there's no room to work it's uh it's a huge task to tackle this and there's a dried flower here past its best i'll save that for the seeds for poppy it's kind of hard i must say the weird things that mum won't let go of have you got a key for that padlock it seems like a lot of energy with very little happening and a padlock man goes over here i mean my collection of padlocks oh you've got a collection i'm a bit concerned mum that i'm gonna find that you've got a reason for keeping everything i picked up just makes you realise mum's got some sort of unhappiness inside her that is causing her to have a self-destructive behavior and yeah obviously it's not pleasant to [Music] see stelios wants doreen to confront the psychological reasons behind her compulsion to hoard so he's invited her to birmingham for a one-to-one therapy session why do you feel your home is extreme because i've had so many knocks in life okay the most recent one is my best friend dying and how did that affect you well felt lonely started [Music] my life was empty i was going out to the hospital with her weekly because i like looking after the people i love i think what's happening is i feel let down by people life in general [Music] it must have been really difficult for you living like this for such a long time [Music] because i've lost such a lot contact with human people intelligent conversation fun having laughs with people it's all gone you want people nothing people of things [Music] the horde is a time capsule of trauma once we're able to reprocess that in her mind then it will have a knock on effect on the physical surrounding i think i've got a what happens and go forward otherwise i'm wasting my life back in basingstoke alison has lost control of her life too so stelios is helping her tackle a new compulsion to stockpile sweets the feeling is so strong to do this and i know that it is a symptom of something wrong to help break her obsessive habit stelios has asked allison to accompany him to her local supermarket i want to see your compulsive buying in action i want to see what you think and how you behave so if you show me first your normal route what i would do what would you do and then when you're doing it i want you to tell me what you think right okay probably thinking these are new i haven't had these before i'm a little bit tempted by these stelios believes alison's stockpiling is a symptom of her need to fill an emotional void these ones here when i came in here the other day i was fighting for a while one or two one or two and i bought two packets i know i'm safe because i've got two of these why are you saying with having two packs of chocolates i just think that they might sell out of these and i might not see these again but why safe where do you where did that come from think about it what i'm trying to make you understand is how you use the notion of things to feel emotionally safe you don't have to have two bars of chocolate to feel safe [Music] to help alison break the link between her emotions and her compulsive behavior stelius wants to employ a form of therapy known as walk and resist technique whenever you're faced with a compulsion to buy something i like the caramac yeah look at the caramel one very simple question you can ask yourself is does it help or hinder me thinking like this and why it hinders me why because i'm never gonna manage to eat all of these correct what is the next logical step i know i need to put them back put them then well done the purpose of the exercise with the walking and resisting is for her to start getting some internal control so she controls the items not the items controlling her excellent how good is that that does feel good because i know i've got enough sweets at home and the last thing you need to put down the next step is for alison to face up to all aspects of her hoarding compulsion you've got a few goals to do so the first one is obviously to come once or twice a week here walk around and resist and resist the second is obviously to start decluttering your bedroom you know what to do yeah you've got all the tools and now you have the confidence back i can't deny i'm feeling a little bit frightened about the goals that he set me but he sent me those tasks because he knows i need to do it i've mucked around i've messed around it's not negotiable i have to sort it [Music] in bexley stelios has been treating extreme hoarder 76 year old doreen i'm not mad i've just been very misguided after a six-week course of therapy dorian has come to terms with the psychological reasons behind her compulsion you want people not things people not things stelios believes she may now be ready to let some of her horde go he's called in declutterers alison and zoe to help let's see what we can achieve today no promises hello hello hi dory there's a mammoth task ahead zoe and allison's main priority is to make the house safe for doreen to live in we want to give you the best result we're going to try and make this more manageable for you and safer because of your hip operation so the only thing we can do sergeant major we're going to be i'm going to be tough with you because i have to be yeah but even before the decluttering has begun dorian attempts to take control we need to add that over there so to the light tops and we we can keep to the system yeah but no we can't doreen i'm going to say that works for now but in our way that we work it will not work for us because we need more space [Music] the clutter is split into categories keep sell and throw away but doreen has the final say you're never a size eight will you put it back in there please yeah you want to keep that one all right tape tape tape okay oh yes i've got to keep that same dooring we've not got one for you cash yet honey i can't care a frog's fat ass i'm having what i want dooring cannot let anything go i have to say dorian is one of the most difficult we've ever ever worked with and it's not long before there's another obstacle to overcome tell me what's wrong hannah she found a letter the golden road to her oh dory please don't don't come on i don't know come come come here doreen found a letter that her husband had written to her and it was very upsetting for dory and he just brought back all those memories you're right honey yeah i'll be alright despite her tears dorian decides to continue good night when it's all done and her son harvey comes around to lend his support i'm not just keeping it for the sake of keeping it dorian basically has got more clothes than marks and spencers and we really need to shift more clothes no i can't oh come on daughter no i calm she's getting stressed now i'll stop this all together or we carry on and i have my own way let's go forward and forget that and and say that i'm keeping them i don't want to upset you i want to get this sorted but i don't want us to fall out and we will no i don't want to fall out no but i've got i have to i've got to stick to my guns if i really want something and so you've got to respect my issues what really needed to have happened was for lots of stuff to get chucked away and that's there's not nearly enough stuff being chucked away not by a massive factor [Music] back in beijing stoke allison needs to start letting go of some of her clutter too she's preparing to tackle the homework steli or set her clearing her bedroom of a mountain of clothes i'm thinking to myself have i got the strength because i know that i have already gone through my clothes and so the ones that i've got there now i am very attached to so that is for me a really daunting task that is absolutely terrifying alison has agreed to sell some of her horde at a local car boot sale but first she has to decide which items she can bear to part with oh this is hard this is hard and there's clothes here and they've got labels on they have never been worn it does seem extremely wasteful knowing alison will find the sale hard stelios has suggested she invites her childhood friend lorna to help she has had a pretty tough year the last year so i do sympathise with what she's been through big time but she needs to be helped otherwise it's going to be ongoing and it's just going to be a vicious circle i don't really normally sell my jelly cats so you need to get rid yes i know i know but let's try and do it really high to start with you can't overprice things allison otherwise you're not going to sell them you over price you've got to start high and battle down no because some people just walk away well we've got to kind of judge it judge it we we can't give these people too much you know as the first customers start to browse allison's anxiety levels skyrocket if the lady wants blades how about doing both for 10 pounds no no no no no you know that they're a bargain that lady knows she could easily put that on the internet and it'd be snapped up sold to the lady in red yep she's for sure sure i'm so traumatized i hope you really enjoyed them right you got to be you just got to remember you know we don't want to ruin this friendship lorna was forcing me over the edge she just doesn't muck about i didn't know she had zero tolerance she was never like that at school they've done a deal on that today we've done the two long dresses and the spotty top for six pounds no no no no these are ten pounds oh these these are ten pounds each yeah today's been a real eye opener seeing her really you know squirm getting rid of things 12 pound for the she has found it hard six pounds fine determined to move forward with her therapy allison finds the strength to keep selling that's excellent thank you very much you got back in after four hours of bartering alison has let go of two racks of clothes and a box of clutter now the challenge will be tackling her sweet obsession and the substantial horde that still remains at home [Music] back in west london it's a red letter day for tina she has to move out of her childhood home but is struggling to let go of the past her father died 12 years ago and she's been keeping his ashes under the stairs ever since but today she'll finally be laying him to rest one of the things i'm hoping to achieve today is to bring closure in tina's heart about her father's death and give her the motivation to move on by letting go something so significant so symbolic it will be easier for her to let go of the house the ashes today i'm looking forward to it in a way as if my dad's been here for the last 12 years so and say he's leaving [Music] so it's time for me to leave as well my dad used to take me down here have a picnic now and again my dad would watch the crickets he loved cricket and also we've got the river here which so i want to put you guys dashes how do you feel about this today it's about time i've got to do it it's okay yes stelios has asked tina to read a few words she's chosen the lyrics to a song that was played at her father's funeral i can't do a thing with ashes but throw them to the wind that his heart may be in pieces now you know they'll stop again and i'll come back stronger than i ever did before just turn around when you walk out that door i told you i'd cry well done it's really beautiful are you ready to start the results yeah yeah right love and bones bye daddy look after the dogs for me i'm a mum [Music] okay [Music] i know a few days ago i was still sticking my head in the sand barricading myself in with everything and now it just seems as though another little switch has been clicked feels like everything that should be in the past is in the past now so it's the last push i think i'll be okay [Music] now that tina's dealt with the emotional ties that bind her to a child at home stelios thinks it's time to deal with the physical ones again there's still so much stuff in here which has to go and i don't know where to start to be able to move house tina needs to let go of her hoard the next day professional declutterers zoe and alison arrive to help and they find a newly motivated tina okay charity charity rubbish okay that's rubbish okay well done it's really nice to see tina motivated do you have a charity can go to charity i mean it's absolutely amazing the last time i saw tina she isn't the woman she is now i don't need it anymore it's got to go it's going fast decisions fast and furious i couldn't even keep up with her at times skip skip yeah rather start passing boxes to you both guys it's strange but i haven't touched the room in so long and now it's just cleared already and it's only early in the morning so it's a great feeling that seems so much bigger when i was six years old [Music] i've packed up my childhood it does feel as if the house is letting go of me yes or maybe i'm letting go of the house bit of both i suppose [Music] just 10 days later tina has some exciting news she's had an offer accepted on a two-bedroom flat close by it's my living room let's get her fantastic yes so what was it about this place it's clean it's clear it's bright it's spacious it's the opposite of the where you're living now exactly it's my place i've never had my own little place it's always been either my parents place and what is it that's changed in you that you're now able to say i cannot go i think a lot of had to do with listen girth the ashes now i can finally let go of everything this time around i think you just need that gentle push to say come on it's okay you can fly yes just go for it and you've done you've done that now yeah certainly feeling a lot lighter and happier these days it's a new beginning to have this to look forward to moving in it's just yay and i couldn't have done this a few weeks ago i really couldn't in beijing stoke allison's been trying to bring her compulsion to hold sweets and biscuits into check i think that i was spiraling out of control quite fast just before stelios came and i think he caught me in the nick of time allison's been practicing stelios walk and resist technique initially when i pick it up i just think oh i need this i need this rather than just doing it on autopilot i'm actually stopping before i actually put it in the basket i'm thinking to myself right you can live without that but that is tempting since doing her homework alison successfully resisted buying any more sweets it can go back it actually makes me feel happier to leave it behind and give it a miss a few weeks after he began treating allison's re-hoarding stelios is back to see how she's been getting on hi alison hello [Music] so tell me what's changed about getting sweets because i know last time we went to this shop and we were able to look at how you think when you were buying something now when i go out and i think if i buy something it's going to sit here and then i'm going to potentially waste it because i'm not going to eat it i haven't bought any more stuff i've realized that i'm doing the same thing again i can see it and i'm aware of what i'm doing you've done fantastic through this process being able to control yourself is a great achievement so you've done really well stelios wants to see if alison's also managed to tackle the clutter in the bedroom she used to share with her ex-boyfriend ah okay much better yes she's got rid of 20 boxes of clothes and reclaimed the bedroom as her own so you are liberated from the stuff yes and you are liberated from the relationship yes i'm definitely i mean so you're free free on all levels basically i do i feel a lot better it's getting quite addictive i actually want to make a bit more space now why isn't it as important as before i've really started to live in the now for the first time in my life what a beautiful animal yeah stopped living the way i was living and i actually can enjoy daily what i'm doing re-hoarding was a big setback for alison but with her new found confidence stelios hopes she'll now be able to stay on track i thought i turned this corner last time we did the therapy but actually i still hadn't properly got rid of my problem i didn't realize how unhappy i was but i can clearly see it now and i won't be going there again anytime soon i'm really happy about alison because she's done the most important thing she has let go let go of the attachments let go of the things that keep her down and now she's able to fly she's able to move on and have a more positive life with less attachment [Music] alison may have finally moved on and let go of the past but for hoarder doreen decluttering her home has been a real struggle i'll stop this all together or we carry on and i have my own way however some progress is finally being made it must make you happy though darling seeing it i mean oh it's lovely [Music] but one problem remains outside the house a large fan is being used to store everything doreen wants to keep where are we going to put all these clothes we'll have to put them around the table here and unfortunately inspired appearance i think alice and i need to have a little bit i think you need to come and have a look and see what's out there see what's exactly going to come back in i think you'll be shocked boring by revealing the number of bags in the van the hope is that dorian will feel compelled to let some of them go my drawing this is what's got to come back in it's a shame but it has to be down that doesn't make you want to think will you say just let it go let it go i've got so much do i really need this you can see that you don't need this stuff can't you well i would never ever let you pack it up if you wouldn't shine persuaded me to part with it no no we were first place we were never it's down to you to make that decision dory knowing the work that's gone into it all i have to say i feel kind of heartbroken to know that that that's how long it's going to last dorian refuses to let go of her horde and everything comes back in i couldn't just say take the whole lot not in my nature seeing this believing and i think the realisation of how much was actually in there i think was a shock to her doreen can't let go and i don't think dory never will be happy doreen i hope goes well for you thank you okay and you know wherever you are okay let us know take care right yes take care now thank you [Music] bye-bye the following day stelios makes his final house call to dorian [Music] hello hello nice to see you nice to see you too you're in the pink today i'm in the paint guest i'm celebrating today how's it going probably your success thorin's lounge was a death trap piled dangerously high with mountains of clutter now the room is once again safe to live in the clutter is gone and the bags of clothes dorian refused to part with have been stored neatly away we can now sit and say in the chairs big difference in here so listen to it oh it's not just a lot better it's amazing it's a big difference upstairs her bedroom is now a tranquil place where she can safely spend time you seem happier i'm i am i'm much happier much more relaxed you've got some friends coming over to celebrate you know your success your new life yes a new lease of life you know i'm really happy today i'm leaving doreen and i feel confident that she's going to be saving her own house and she's met a tremendous progress in terms of decluttering letting go of some emotional stuff and she's still got a long way to go but the start has been made and it's a positive start i've had so many people in my house for a long long time wow that's good thank you dorian can now invite friends and neighbors into her home something she hasn't done in over 14 years it must be lovely for doreen to have us in here and her not feel ashamed and hopefully she'll let us get rid of a few more bits in the future so yeah good good all round i'm very pleased the result was a real joy and pleasure just to have people into my house and i'm going to continue to let them in i've always cared for other people so i get a little bit back now this time [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 308,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), cartoons, stelios kiosses, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, purchase, shopping, collectibles, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes, the hoarder next door season 3, the hoarder next door season 3 episode 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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