Broken relationship 2024 #LMN Movies New Release - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based on a true story

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got to go to New York today for a minute honey I should be back by thenner you need me to drop you off at the airport you know I still got to go that way to drop Sam off to school no that's okay I have William taking me besides I need to discuss a few things with him is everything okay yeah everything's fine but we're going public next week and I need everybody to be on the same page you're going where in public we're making it so that people can buy stock into our company son stock yes stock now you got to explain the stock market to an 11y old good luck Mom I'm not dumb nobody's calling you dumb baby I'm just saying even I don't understand the ins and outs of the stock market wait so you telling me if you go to the supermarket you can go there to buy our company see what you started look you two better get going before you be late mom you know I can't be late I have to beat sea there because he's going to try to sit by himim and he knows that's my girlfriend young man you do not have a girlfriend hold on is she cute I don't give a damn if she's cute he's too young for a girlfriend really she has to be my girlfriend she brings me candy every day and she only brings candy to her boyfriend and she brings candy hey you better hurry up and get him to school before sean gets there my son will always have the cute girl besides I got the cute girl what am I going to do with you to just L us come onom okay kiddo look let me know when you make it to the airport I'll text you when I leave the DM okay love you love you what is that smell cologne where did you get that from from your room how much did you use not a lot Sammy baby you use the whole bottle well I smell good don't I you do but you use too much good because I really do like her well if you like her she must be a really good girl she's a woman oh okay a woman wait is that her yes oh she's pretty I know because she's my girl okay I love you Sam I love you too hey Sam hey what am I going to do with that kid great new trainer this is not how I imagine my day going but you know what I'm not about to use this as an excuse for me not to go to the gym you got two meetings soon as you touchdown in New York who's the first meeting with you ready for this Fox Business that's funny they the ones who said live talk wouldn't be around that long and that Facebook was going to kill us yeah well they're kissing your ass now singing all your Praises Adam what are you doing we got to prep you for this man I'm fine I can talk about this in my sleep what's more important than this it's a lot of things more important mainly my wife I had to sent us some flowers thanes I get it I apologize take a look at this they say we should make a little bit over 17 billion in the first quarter now them Facebook numbers you sir are going to be businessman of the year I appreciate that man but what's the team you put the team together Adam it's got everything to do with you well I appreciate that look I'll be back later on the night so I'll see you tomorrow see you then have a safe trip sir appreciate that Caron go excuse me my trainer canceled on me she said I was supposed to be meeting her brother here oh you mean Lisa okay that's her brother over there Malle Mal can you come over here she's looking for you hey how you doing must be Jack yeah nice to meet you um my sister told me to put you on the bags the bags yeah oh you'll love the bags he's actually the best at the bags I don't know about the best but I appreciate it you ready if I'm not ready I better get ready oh do you have any more tickets for your show yeah I got a few o okay can I have like two more I have some friends who want to come I got you let me get through her first okay okay you ever boxed before I've never even been in a fight it's all right I'm going be instructor if I'm done with you you be the baddest girl in the park okay I trust you [Music] goodev you never wi if you it's game [Music] oh that's what I need right there I feel like I worked out my whole body you got a show you a singer no I'm an artist artist what type of artist you know paint draw I love to see some of your work sometime so do mean you want to come to my show tonight I can't my husband is out of time understandable maybe next time yeah but I still want to support how much are your tickets look I don't want your support hold on to these no I can't do that I want to pay how much are the tickets look just hold on to them now enough things might switch up um I'll see you in a couple of days is Lisa coming back no she's taking a break is everything okay with her she's good she just need to take care of business she said so you're going to be my my new personal dinker it's cool with me if it's cool with you it's cool with me I got to stay in shape right yeah you do I'll see you in a couple of days yeah I see you in a couple of days this looks solid you should be very pleased I know that's a secure bright future for my wife and my son how are they doing anyway you know my wife was just asking about jacking this morning she wanted me to tell you sure will are you sure which well f is looking into one of my top people which one William do investigating William McConnell for what trying to get my top competitors inside trade information so they could take my company away from me that's son of a [ __ ] I got to get on this right now I'mma handle this come on R let's go waab Adam it's my job I'm supposed to protect you like I said I'm going handle this all of this Adam please if you need anything call me okay I appreciate that but I got this thanks though but I just knew something wasn't right with him look I need you to stop all his access to my company already done leave I trusted him I a't even see this [ __ ] come this has been one hell of a day yeah well let's get back to the airport don't forget to carry the one okay look at this I think you got it good job Sammy good job Sam looks like somebody's going to be in accountant when they get older I don't want to be in account I want to run Daddy's company well you know what I think that'll be very possible today at playground gallery of Detroit artist Malik Brown will have his work on display Brown is viewed as one of the hottest upand cominging artists of his generation let's take a look you think you can watch him for me tonight yeah that's not going to be a problem I was going to stop by my mom house but I call and let her know I'm going straight home from here okay can you tell Miss I said hey mhm I'm about to go upstairs and get dressed I'm going to order y'all a pizza I want all the meats on it [Music] okay hello hey you sound like you're in a good mood I wouldn't say that I'm just getting dressed about to head to this art show well that sounds cool whose is it uh Malik Brown Lisa gave me a ticket to go well I just landed I can meet you up there well she really only gave me one ticket I can wait for you though when you get here and then we can go together no that's okay we goe have fun I'm going just grab something to eat on the way home I order s the pizza with all the meats on it oh okay I can have that I'll see you when you get home yes you will I love you I love you with all of my heart I know you always show me and I'm supposed to besides I had a bad day and you're the only one that make my days better and that's what I'm supposed to do you do I see you tonight all right Mom yeah baby why did you name me Samuel and not Cameron I like Cameron because you're named after my father I wish my name was Cameron well when you get older and you decide you want people to call you Cameron you can do that I'm going to start now that's fine Sam my name is Cameron okay Sam Cameron all right okay Cameron I'mma see you later okay okay make sure you save your dad in Pizza okay I will Adam is on his way back can you make sure he save him some pizza okay I will okay thank you [Music] just trying to bring so hey see hopefully it's going to continue to grow but um let's go get start excuse me everyone uh if I can get your attention um first off I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight uh today's a very big day for me um because uh honestly I never thought I would be selling something that people actually wonder by um it's the first piece I painted after losing my brother uh so for me this is a very special piece um but I'm actually ready to see it in a home that's going to love it um because uh every time I look at it I just get emotional so with that being said Mike can we start the bidding all right thank you all for coming are we ready to bid big yes yes all right we're going to get the bid started at $5,000 we have $5,000 5,000 5,500 $5,500 6,000 6,500 okay I'm I'm going to go ahead and say 10,000 we have 10,000 15,000 do we have $16,000 $50,000 $50,000 do we have $60,000 anyone $100,000 $100,000 $110,000 anyone going once going twice sold to the lady in the black leather jacket congratulations [Applause] what are you doing buying a painting I know that but you got $100,000 yeah I think you're worth it thank you here's the check thank you and what address would you like us the super to the one on a check is fine thank you so much Miss thank you Zach where you going I'm about to go home thank you for the tickets though I really appreciated it look I know I thanked you already hey how was it how was what the art show oh it was good you know what ended up being an auction mhm and I bought her something okay well I can't wait to see it and I can't wait for you to see it I'm about to take a bath all right well I should be finished by the time you get out [Music] m [Music] what are you doing you have a good husband hey what's wrong nothing then why are you crying is everything okay as long as I got you everything will always be okay [Music] [Music] God what did I just do [Music] so you really telling me I can't fire him no it's better if you let the feds handle him so how long do I got to act like I like just long enough for the government to do their job in the meantime I'll have a man on him 24 hours a day can't believe he had put my company in Jeopardy like this he was really going to try and take my company from me that was a damn good boss to him everything's going to work out right I promise excuse me hey hey wait Deb isn't it your birthday yes it is Ione did you get what we discussed you talking about the birthday gift yes the gift of course I did Sam yes Mom give Miss her birthday gift no way no y'all bought me a house why would y'all do this oh my God cuz you love me baby I love you too but y'all I can't take this yes you can you can and you will look you've been with us for a long time now your daughter's been like a big sister to Sam y'all practically helped us raise him look we would have went crazy without the two of you so you going to take that house and you going to love it because it's yours y'all are the best I don't know how I ever repay y'all house oh I sure am I love this well I forgot about um there's a m Washington here to see you send her in okay come on baby why you didn't tell me call me house where you going looking like a supermel well I'm going shopping and then me and Kelly are going to go to lunch mhm but I won't be gone long you smell good what's that you got on Kimberly New York well it smells amazing thank you I can come back I'm sorry my husband never misses a chance to show me how I'm fortnite to him yeah I'm sorry I just never wanted to leave me sometimes I'm sorry are you married I was but um my husband died from cancer 6 months ago I'm sorry to hear that I am too but this is good always show her that you love her and tell her as often as you can if I have any regret is that I didn't tell my husband more often that I love him well he does a great job at that but I'm not going to hold y'all up I got to get going cuz I don't want have wa what see you L well I am Adam hu and this is my associate Rich Fe got a seat I am Maria Washington it's nice to meet you boss I'm going to go take care of that okay Havey seat well I am glad to finally meet you in person you are the talk of the Tech Community thank you and you did it all without any Silicone Valley money yeah well I took my buyout that I made from my last job and I developed live talk I knew that if I bet on me the world would love it but why didn't you take the Google and Facebook money when they came with an open unlimited checkbook simple if they wanted it that bad why shouldn't I keep it can you explain that look I came from nothing my mother had me and my brother and we basically had to share clothes we knew nothing about generational wealth we knew check to check so when they came to me with what most people might consider enough I knew that it wasn't and it was at that moment that I realized that somebody had to come to them with that same offer they making me and they said no and now they're the ones that's making the offers would you want to be the ones making the offers Miss Washington that is powerful so tell me how the name live talk came about well I got my ideas [Music] from who is it it's me jck I mean Jack I didn't think he was going to really come I didn't think I would be here until I got here it's crazy man I really couldn't um sleep without thinking about you last night I know the feeling I couldn't sleep last night either thought about you too so how long have you been married I don't want to talk about my husband so can we talk about something else man I think it's important we talk about him and I don't so let's just change the subject why because I love my husband and he's a good man and I love my son but it's just something missing and it's something about you what about me I'm just comfortable when I'm with you like when we was at the gym you had your hands all on me I didn't want you to stop touching me I really wanted you to kiss me right there in the middle of that gym why didn't you kiss me because I'm married and I'm wrong for being here I got to go wait where you going home you right where you should be but all you have to do is what I say do nothing more nothing less I want you to be mine go with your words to say make me fall you say you put me [Music] first Hearts been be fast cuz I know what I should do and it isn't be with you know it isn't be with [Music] you not going to let you steal this moment so don't ask me what I mean cross trying to hold it you're not coming home with me she's still not answering [Music] huh hey hey I've been calling you I know me and Kelly went we got massages and facials well that was a little worried it's not like you to not answer your phone Adam I said I went and got a massage is everything okay yeah I'm all right I'll see you when I get home okay yeah okay Jack yeah I love you yeah me too where you going I'm going home you right where you supposed to be man lay down no I should be at home with my family you know I've been married to my husband for 12 years and I've never cheated on him you tell me that for because I'm not some hoe who you trying to convince me or yourself [ __ ] you wait I don't even mean it like that no [ __ ] you and I mean that calm down man I don't even mean it like that Jack Jack [ __ ] damn I can't believe thisen the [ __ ] like what do you doing look God hello hey is that you what what you talking about on the street is that you oh girl yeah I done caught a flat on my tire okay we got you we about to pull up on you all right with Jack and SP and Trump yep all right give about five minutes I got you girl why you looking so stressed it's just a flat tire girl I wish it was just the flat tire what's going on can I ask you a question yeah what's up how long y'all two been married God 15 long hard stressful but beautiful years you never thought you made a mistake like you married the wrong person yeah three days a week but the other four show me that I made the right choice why why what's up you ever thought about cheating on him thought about I did I know I just at that moment the other guy may feel like he was giving me something that I needed but girl he wasn't [ __ ] what you mean I mean any man that messes with a married woman does not want you and the moment you leave your husband you realize you didn't have [ __ ] in common with this guy other than sex but what happens when everything just get boring like when you want your husband to [ __ ] you then [ __ ] him girl put on a porno and tell his ass to do what he sees girl I guess look ja we all have these phases where we want something new where we feel like we can do better than what we have but girl you don't want to make that mistake when Mark found out I cheated on him it killed him it took me years to prove to him he was all I needed you hear me you don't want to hurt the man you love like that if this is something you're seriously thinking about don't okay all right ja I'm serious okay all right all done you good thank you look I owe both of y'all dinner you know he can eat oh I know but what about you well I have this little two-piece I'm trying to squeeze into so I'm going to take a r CH girl I hear you but look TR I really really really appreciate you girl stop thanking me you know your family cut it out you just tell that little sexy F of yours I want my favorite the pasta no ain't sexy babe you know you're all I want I just want his food and I want your maybe you a freak you're freak I see y'all too later bye girl thank you these are really pretty thank you I'm just looking for something small little keychain how much is this you're in luck that's only $3 can I get it absolutely girl pick up the phone I hello hey baby what's up what you doing nothing I just had a flat tire but it's fixed now what's up with you m how's daddy well not much and you know your dad he's just being your dad acting like a old man ma can I ask you something and you not judge me you okay yeah I'm good I just need some advice all right I'm listening you ever felt like you and Daddy's relationship just reach should speak all the time but then I find another way to take it to another level so you never thought about leaving him even after all the times he cheated and feel short on the bills you never just wanted to just leave now I didn't say that I wanted to leave a thousand times but I realized there nothing out there and before I start a relationship with somebody knew I might as well work on this one you know what you right I need to work on fixing my relationship before I do something I'm going to regret I think that would be a good idea and like I said I just called a check on you hey Mom I'm thankful that I still got you in my life I really love you I love you more baby now you go and you make your marriage better okay I promise my I will that's all I can ask and baby remember remember don't nothing beat a failure but a try I'll talk to you later bye what are you over there thinking about Adam Adam sorry what's on your mind man nothing really Mr healer you got a package coming down now you got have them Tak it in there for him okay come with me why that look my wife bought a paint for $10000 000 $100,000 Jesus Christ thanks a lot take care okay appreciate that oh thanks my baby oh that's a nice tip hey Rich how you doing I'm good how are you I'm good I'm good so are you going to stay for dinner no actually I have something to take care of but take a rain check for you Deborah are you stand for dinner and I'm not taking a rain chip from you you going to have to because I want to go see my new house in person I'll see y'all later well I guess it's is going to be the three of us well Sammy just left to go stay at Chucks Chucks his mom lets them eat junk food all night he'll be fine well I guess it's just the two of us then I guess so so you get a chance to see sami's little girlfriend jck I'm sorry baby were you saying something are you happy what is happy I mean like really what is it we got a lot of money we have nice cars our son is healthy and extremely happy but what are we doing well I live for you and S I mean what else you want me to do J because for you I would do anything I got you something you did yeah it's not nothing really big it's just something to tell you that I'm sorry and I love it and I love you [Music] [Music] weak good yeah I'm [Music] okay yeah I know babe I'll be on soon yeah I miss both of y'all all right bab kiss the baby for me love y'all all right I'll talk to you soon [ __ ] what you about to do got a few ER par to run oh yeah that picture you bought came really mhm great what did you think didn't look at it why I bought it for you really so you spent $100,000 on a picture for me from an artist I never even heard of well nobody knew who van go was before he became van go good point well do you want to see it sure all right just give me a second I'll come back and show you all [Music] right so what you think actually I think I see why you bought it I like this what's the artist's name you really like it yes I like this um Malik Brown what else do he got I think I want to meet him meet him I really don't know how to get in contact with him but I can get his info for you but I know you like it that's because you know me very well you know I love you on say right and we love you too very much but I got to hurry up I got how get ready to go so right now I have the power to let you buy 30% of the shares of liveo after that you can buy the ones from 15 other investors who have between 21 and 25 % putting you at roughly 51 to 55% and complete control of the company are you sure you can make this happen it just seemed like a lot of moving Parts with this deal moving Parts is what I do best yes I'm sure I'm willing to bet my life on it how much are you talking exactly how much would you need from me well now we're talking $10 million and I will make you the most powerful woman of your time [ __ ] excuse me sorry sorry I see a friend of mine's wife in here he's not here she's doing the things she should be doing with him with another guy I see I was about to say well it doesn't seem like she's a good Good Wife to your friend loyalty is everything I agree are you loyal yes I am loyal to the most important person in the world and who would that be your wife cander I like your style myself I'm loyal to me you see I understand the one thing you can bet on is that a person will always do what's best for them and is that why you're doing this deal you're doing what's best for you I'm doing what any good businessman would do to feed his family okay I'm in what would you like for me to send the money I will send that to you in an hour thank you sounds good by the way are you going to tell your friend about his wife like I said a person's always going to do what's best for them she's just doing what's best for her I hear that but we'll be talking soon thank you you won't regret this I hope not Remember You Bet Your Life you could get this done right right this is Rich deed hey it's Cassandra here's the deal I'm supposed to send him $10 million when he texts me where to send it okay perfect let me know when he sends you the wire information he's our first meeting this morning and I'm on my way to pick up ad him right now he's really a self-righteous son of a [ __ ] yes that he is is just keep me posted about the wire information all right okay thanks I'll wait for your text to send it how you doing Rich good sir how you doing this morning cool I guess can I ask you so yeah go ahead you believe in love at first sight I don't know about that one why you ask me that cuz felt like second I saw you I knew you was going for me no I really didn't sleep that well last night no how come what's been going on with you man you should be happy company's about to go public literally making you one of the richest people on the planet yeah well money isn't everything Rich the more that I live the more I realize that Sammy and Jacks Are the reason I smile not the money how many women are you sleeping with why you ask me that cuz we're having unprotected sex and I don't want to take nothing home with my husband you the one cheating on your husband you s up here asking me about how many people I'm with so be asking you about how many people you with I ain't mean it like that what you mean it like that I'm just saying I really like you and I know I can't ask you not to see other women but but I just wish you would [Music] not talk about other people when we together I'm not going to ask you about your husband and I would love it if you just don't ask me about other let's just enjoy each other time okay I play by your rules I'm scared that I like you too much I promise not to break your heart you promise not to break m and I promise to protect yours with everything and me [Music] good listen uh back to business here Sandra met with William this morning okay and told her 10 million really all of my life's work is only worth $10 million thing wow well he's your first meeting this morning she's not going to send them anything until we tell her to good I'll take it from there just sent the wire information okay let her know we going to be with him in 20 minutes and you going to let her know when to send a money all right you got it you know I can't help but wonder why a man that is getting everything would cross the person that has done everything to make their lives better because men don't want to say another man helped them but real men know that you won't get nowhere in life without the help from another person I learned so much from the people before me and I have no problem with giving people that credit excuse me Adam William is here cend a man hey text her and tell her to send her money got it hey hey hey how you doing good and you I'm well thank you how's Jacqueline and Sam doing they're good great great glad you and the family are well are you yes yes I am rich can you take yourself in your line to early lunch I'd rather not leave [Music] now so do you really care how my family is doing yeah of course why would you even ask that because I saw the way you smile when you just got that text message okay to share sh what what made you smile so much in your text no I'd rather not why because it's my phone and it's private come on man it's not that damn private Adam it was a text from my wife really I never thought your wife was that damn funny what the hell is that supposed to mean it means you a lying ass [ __ ] who the [ __ ] are you talking to a lying ass [ __ ] I would say son of a [ __ ] but your parents ain't got nothing to do with this do you even you know what I did before I got into computers no why because I think if you did know you wouldn't be trying to [ __ ] play me see it's [ __ ] like you that go to those fancy schools and get your degrees they will never understand me what the hell are you talking about you think you better than me and that's sad because I had your back I'm the one that gave you your chance and you crossed me I never crossed what are you talking to I don't work for you now what the hell was so funny that made you smiling your text message Jesus Adam my wife sent me a naked picture [ __ ] stop lying your white body ain't even that goddamn bad watch it be honest it was that $10 million that Cassandra just sent you wasn't [Music] it I can I can explain that all right I'm you you a [ __ ] a lying ass [ __ ] man I hate the fact that I even trusted you so was that $10 million worth it no it's not about the money Adam it's about the power and I wanted it now I let me go I can't breathe oh you want to [ __ ] breathe you a't care my [ __ ] kids a I should [ __ ] beat the life out you right now but you ain't even work speak done so I'm going ask you again was that $1 million worth it no of course not but it was when you thought it was going to help her take my company away from me what I said take your wife I'll give her the money back I swear to God I don't want you to do [ __ ] but to get the [ __ ] out of my building before I kill your weak ass but listen I can get back get the [ __ ] out now so this is it wait William just know I'm not going to rest until I make your life hell so matter of fact I think I'm going to rest real good tonight what's that supposed to mean Adam check your accounts you doing check all three of your accounts what are you even talking about where's all my money Adam where's all my money your money oh that 10 million is back in my account and that 300,000 and change oh that's going to cassand you and you you going to jail your wife is going to leave you and your kids are going to hate you leave my kids I don't give a [ __ ] at them little [ __ ] starve and you lucky I don't want your ugly ass wife or that [ __ ] will belong to me too wake up your own wife don't even belong to you your boss has lost his damn mind really from where I'm standing looks like you're the one that's lost their mind oh just in time what the hell Two Gentlemen would love that what the hell is going on Rich Insider training [ __ ] [ __ ] is there anything you want me to do yeah have Williams office cleaned up you have reached the voicemail box of you okay yeah yeah I'd be fine I got to grab my jacket I'll be back remember you have a meeting in an hour with the lawyers hey how you doing sir hey I'm going to drive myself you goe out to the office I know I can't do that you got to have me and Rich with you the all time look Carlton is security is not for me it's for the people that think they might do something to me all right I'm good go ahead please boss Caron I said I'm good go ahead all right [Music] baby baby Malik where you at what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] who the [ __ ] are you Malik who is this woman Malik who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] who is this woman I'm his wife [ __ ] your wife yeah look it's like it's like what it looks like oh it's not what it looks like it looks like you and here not giving a [ __ ] about our family Malik yes really J J don't touch me Jasmine what are you doing don't touch me what am I doing what are you doing and where is you going I'm going home to our two kids you know the ones that look just like you the ones that you haven't spent any time with because you're busy working yeah babe D let me talk to you babe dance dance yeah I got bad thoughts that make my mind scared hold me hostage and they don't fight fair who going to pray for me and wipe on my tears who going to save me if you not right here move this darkness and make my sight clear take me your way cuz I don't like here ghost of my past they feeling the night air wake me up I'm trapped in my nightmares [Music] uh wake me up I'm trapped in my [Music] nightmares was it worth it what don't look so surprised um what my wife you covering up for I already seen you naked I'm not was it worth it no why D I don't know why did you do it cuz cuz I'm a damn fool I'm glad you know you a goddamn fool Ain nobody going to ever love you the way I do what am about saying what about the last past 10 years you going to throw that away over a piece of dick it wasn't like that this where you was [ __ ] that's where you been meeting him that's where you was sucking his dick you did suck his dick right answer me did you suck his dick yes of all my demons all my thoughts are commit treason all alone who going to hear me manifestations of my fears regrets that stretched out for light years can almost Touch the Light hom it's right there my nightmares [Music] hey man what the [ __ ] is you doing in my career man hey don't I know you no you don't know me man I do know you what the [ __ ] is you doing in my house man you like [ __ ] men's wives what you got a lost for words [Music] baby wake up please baby wake up please bab wake up this just had mean for this [ __ ] to happen please wake up put your hands up I said put your hands up I didn't do this [ __ ] man I didn't do this I said put your hands up I didn't do this man I didn't do this I do this I won't lie awake one day I won't see your face one day I won't hear your name you just do what was you thinking what you going to tell Sam why did you have to make me do this why did you mess around on me I wasn't good enough hello boss you missed your meeting is everything all right meet me at the house well what about the meeting just meet me at the house please okay okay I'll be there so you really going to sit there and act like you a kill that woman I didn't I told you I didn't touch her so why in the hell your neighbors tell us they heard you to arguing huh they heard you say you were kill her I would never say that man I'm a AR I don't hurt people wait so you don't kill people no so dead people just tend to find their way into your home I'm going to assume that that's not her blood on you too right look it is but I didn't put it there look her partner doesn't believe you because you were the only person there a lie no I wasn't it was a man it was a man there a man you got to give us more than that otherwise you [ __ ] yourself how did he look like a man just admit that you did this [ __ ] so I can go home to to my husband look he had to be around 35 to 40 years okay and how tall was this mystery man I don't know like 5 10 511 I don't know get the [ __ ] out of here it was just confirmed do you realize you just murdered one of Michigan's most wealthiest people really what are you talking about me here the day dead woman is Jacqueline Huer get the hell out of here did you know you were banging one of the richest women in Michigan yeah I guess you guess you guess I'll be right back Johnson come with me maybe Mr Brown here can come up with the truth by the time we come back look I am telling the truth okay I loved her me and her me and her didn't have no problems you loved her oh you loved her you had a wife so like I said you let us know when you ready to tell me the truth let's go then I don't believe anything that I don't believe anything he's saying he killed that woman in Cold Blood now we got to find out why what if he didn't do it what you must be off your meds again so if he didn't do it why is all that blood on him huh if he didn't do it why was there so many calls about the fight between them two come on Johnson please explain all of this to me you're my partner if I had all the answers you would have him as well my gut is telling me that man did not kill that woman yeah well I think your gut is wrong he said another man was there right right all I'm saying is maybe we should look into that see if there's any truth to it okay well let's go question him about the hood need nobody give me six feet this is my party ain't got no feelings we Harless take a p us out of Darkness blow up the spot that we running ready or not here we coming officer Williams how's it going today Rich I'm okay how's that New Daughter of yours beautiful man the white couldn't be happy that's could have used the boy though that couldn't we all now you know what they say though it is never too early to start a college I can't argue with that have yourself a good night with me too look around this place is a mess but what's one thing you don't see I don't know what fingerprints all this blood not a fingerprint a bootprint anywhere you are absolutely right he killed her and he thinks he's getting away with it he had to make a mistake there is no perfect murder look I'm telling you I didn't do it all right it's the dude that's on TV all right he was coming out of my building shirt bloody his eyes had fire in it man he was going to kill me the only reason he had let that gun off cuz he knew would have been a rap everybody would have seen him so are there any cameras in the building hey I need you to go over to Malik take a look around the building and tell me if there are any cameras that would have caught the other D going [Music] in police we have a war to search the home in [Music] next can I help you you have War to search the home do the miss Mr [Music] healer like [Music] around don't to [Music] me where is Adam Huer he's upstairs Mr Huer what's going on and why the hell are y'all in my house I'm detective Reed this is my partner detective Johnson can we talk somewhere private what's going on let's talk please yeah okay in here Dad is everything okay yeah everything is okay son deor can you take him upstairs for a minute yes sir come on baby make this work cuz my truck is my heart [Music] I just to [Music] feel so what's going on you got all these police in my house scaring the hell out of my son I hope y'all got a hell of an explanation for this where's your wife I don't know she should be here soon why when and where did you last see her I don't know why what's going on I'm the one asking the questions no you in my house so youall needed tell me what's going on sorry to inform you your wife's body was fine she was murdered what that's not true Mr y going to need you to get off your phone I'm calling my wife sir I just told you she's dead baby pick up baby pick up it's yours she's dead no my [ __ ] wife is not dead shut the hell up yes H what's what's going on Mr H what's wrong up Mr H I told you she's dead no she's not I'm sorry Mr hu what the Mr hu [Music] M Mr hu it's going to be okay just breathe God got you covered what am I going to tell Sam you going to tell him that his mother loved him and that she's in heaven okay come on we got to get back to the police okay [Music] who did this to my wife well right now we have someone in custody who you can't give me that information however this person said you were there what what and also said you were the one who killed your wife man that's crazy how's that even possible where were you this afternoon I don't know when you talking about why don't you write down everywhere you've been today how about I call my lawyer and y'all could deal with them how about we arrest your ass for the murder of your wife are you crazy I wouldn't kill my wife I love my wife she's my everything but did you know that your everything was seeing another man yes we had an open relationship do you have a girlfriend yes he does and Mrs hu knew about it so why would he kill her are you the one seeing them goodness no what are they doing with my clothes Detective we're taking them now what car did you drive today the Tahoe why take the Tahoe too yes ma'am thanks look I don't think I should say anything else to y'all until my lawyer gets here am I under arrest cuz if not I'm done talking to y'all you're not under arrest but we are taking all of them cars out there I don't care about none of that I just want my wife back I hear you we all good here I think so okay let's wrap it up Mr hure we will be in touch yeah okay you did it didn't you excuse me you killed your wife didn't you it's all over you you murdered your wife and I'm going to prove it I don't got nothing else to say to you until my lawyer gets here I wouldn't expect anything less I'll see you [Music] soon you in touch with my wife yes I did and to say that she's angry is an understatement I'm sitting here facing murder why the woman I really love and talk to her time slowly look I get it and I understand but I got to ask did you do it really I really got to answer that question yes because I need you to assure me that I'm fighting for the life of an innocent man that son of a [ __ ] did it I just know it now you see what I mean the gut Never Lie how do we prove it we have to see if the clothes come back clean along with the vehicle if you really did it he would have had time to clean everything up and get rid of his clothes you do know one of them murdered it but we have the wrong one the other one is going to have appful enough time to clean up all this mistakes let's go excuse me excuse me is that one of the hero cars yes why because if it is we need to seize it no how about it nice catch let's go Captain's going to have our heads for this hey son can to talk to you for a minute yes what's wrong I really don't know how to tell you this tell me [Music] what what's about your mom dad you're scaring [Music] me yeah I'm scared to tell you tell me what goad called your mom home today wait what do you mean mom is in heaven son she died today what happened look I don't know but son I promise you everything is going to be okay and I promise you that I'm going to be here for you okay do I don't know what I'm going to do without her I'm going to miss [Music] her she still going to be here soon right here in your heart and whenever you need to talk to her you just talk she's in heaven son she going to hear you great now the whole world knows that you're here for murder my kids going to think Mom about throw a fit serious ly you're worried about your mommy having a fit Malik you got much bigger things to worry about than that right now this is your life I know that the hell are we even talking about look I'm just simply trying to say that we have to find some kind of proof that you didn't do this look ask my wife I was with her all right we got into an argument I chased her out of the building when I came back in jacal is already dead I keep telling all y'all the same story nobody listening I'm only guilty of two things here yeah and what's that cheating on my wife sleeping with a married woman me and my kids just watched the [ __ ] come please all right truck is clean everything is all good Fellas are you sure I mean I know there was a lot of blood I don't know what I'm going to do without her thinking you got to get yourself together boss everything is taken care of that's what we're here for protect you and the company look I appreciate that fellas but I seen all those crime shows and I know there's no such thing as a perfect murder ah but there is such thing as a perfect cover up H speaking of which how did you find her with share locations I always knew where she was Dam did you take any calls what did you take any calls or use the internet for any reason I use the map app [ __ ] man right all right give me your phone use your work phone all right if anybody asks Jack had your phone but I had my phone up until now what do I say when they ask me about that nothing nothing at all you say nothing to nobody won't that make me look guilty you already look guilty have you seen the news they said she was was messing around with her lover and all of a sudden she ended up dead now they trying to blame her billionaire husband get us Sam is going to hate me if he think I hurt his mother that's why we going to make sure that [ __ ] take the blame for it listen these charges that they have against Malik are serious so is there anything that you know that could help him I mean anything yes that man that was on the news he is the one that did this I seen him leaving Malik's studio with a blue shirt on and it was bloody and he had something in his hand and he was also he was crying and then I seen him hop into a black truck and now I'm being told that Malik is about to be charged for the murder of his wife I just I don't understand like Malik wouldn't kill anyone and are you willing to write this out in the statement hell yeah I am I love Malik and yes he hurt me but I still love my husband good you know what I'll be right back okay man I still can't believe she was really cheating on you are you okay no I'm not okay I'm [ __ ] up and the bad part is I love her so much well she mess around on me what was it about him look boss you don't need to be thinking about that kind of stuff right now all right go get yourself some rest we'll meet you in the morning okay let's go I'm going get no sleep tonight so you mean to tell me you saw Adam hu in a bloody outfit yes I seen that clown in a bloody outfit and he was crying you're Malik's wife why should we believe you why should you believe me because I have it on my phone show here the [ __ ] was that him yeah that's that [ __ ] damn I mean you know it's him but you can't really see his face damn told you it was a gut car that son of a [ __ ] took his wife's life Mrs Brown thank you thank me so yall going to let my husband out of that [ __ ] jail cell I can't but I am going to check the evidence to make sure none of her blood shows up but y'all see that it's not Malik but you don't see his face we can know it's him but with no concrete proof our hands are talk there's nothing we can do no what y'all can do is let my husband out now calm down calm down now you you want us to let him go right but he has her blood all over him so it's not that easy y'all too see this is clearly some [ __ ] n what some [ __ ] is he had a dead woman in his place that's the thing that's some [ __ ] furthermore I feel bad for him but we're doing our job we're doing everything we can to make sure the right person pays for this make sure you too do your [ __ ] job right do you hear me got in my way [Music] mom I'm so sorry M you son of a [ __ ] I know you killed my daughter and I'm going to prove it if it's the last thing I do [Music] can we come in look I told you to everything yesterday we just have a few more questions come in how can I help you you know Mr hu murdered his wife so why are you covering for him I'm not covering for anybody matter of fact I don't have a reason to lie to you looks to me like you're moving I am the hu was B me a home so I'm moving in and I'm packing look we know you're lying to us and you will go to jail for it is that what you really want do you really want to go to jail for a man who murdered his own wife in Cold Blood look I told you all I know and what I know is that man did not murder his wife so if you two can excuse me I got things to do how long have you worked for them why because is this him you know it's him cuz he murdered her he killed her and now there's an innocent man in jail right now worried that he's going to do time for her death I told you he was at home he murdered her now stop lying for him he was with my daughter your daughter yes yeah okay look she works for them and what's your daughter's name Nikki Sloan where is she now she's at the hu she's the nanny she's the woman he's been sleeping with and before you even asked yes Mrs H knew all about it matter of fact they've been together numerous of times you know what you the worst mother ever met in my life cuz you know he killed her and you covering for him it's time for you to go hello hey babe who who who you there with nobody ma what's going on listen baby Adam actually killed Jacqueline oh my God what the [ __ ] he's downstairs talking to his lawyer right now you want me to take Sammy and go to the police no I want you to [ __ ] him what matter of fact I need you to make him your man are you crazy I'm not doing that oh yes you are going to do it baby that man is about to be a billionaire baby he could change our lives forever and we will never have another opportunity like this I'm hungry can you make me something to eat mama I am not doing that baby we will lose everything we have okay if that man goes to jail now he just may beat this case but he may go to jail Nikki we know how much that man loved his wife he was the best husband to her we talked about it all the time but baby we will never have another opportunity for this man to change our world okay look I got to make him something to eat real quick I'll call you back in a minute Nikki you don't want that baby growing up without his parents right and besides you can't even have kids why would you bring that up right now because we would never have this chance to and this is your opportunity to have the world baby a good man a beautiful home and a son that you can raise to be great mom I got to go I'll call you back in a [Music] minute [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] [Music] did you kill her no looking at the three of you guys I think you're lying I think you did and I have to have complete honesty I can't help you in fact I won't help you if you lie to me look he's one of the only lawyers I trust in this area right yeah did all right now we're talking we got to get you an airtight alibi what did you tell the detectives when you talked to them I didn't good here's the thing the police have to charge somebody with murdering your wife right now the news is going crazy I mean it's a top story in the country from here on out you don't say anything to anyone especially the police and that goes for all of you I'm the only one that I have any contact with now that's going to cost you about $500,000 if this goes to trial we hopefully we don't even have to go to trial right exactly so just let us know whatever you need us to do and I'll take care of I will come with [Music] me just a minute hello can I help you we're here to Mr hu well he's actually in a meeting right now I don't give a damn you tell him we here what the hell is going on now this starting to be harass me I'm representing Mr you right now anything you say to him has to be done in my presence understood yes sir but you here now so I just need one thing answer Mr Huer where were you when your wife was murdered you don't have to answer that look he was with me at my place making love that's where we always at so you just going to lie for him your mother put you up to this didn't she no I would never do that I actually love him on your way they come back let me know we'll do thank you no don't thank me thank my mama and most of all thank your son cuz I do anything for that little boy look I swear I'm going to do right by him no you're going to do right by all of us and you bet not hurt me said it done you know she's lying right there's nothing we can do about it we have to let it go all the evidence is pointing at Mr Brown I guess that's Karma his punishment for sleeping with that man's wife still not right Malik Brown you have been accused of the murder of jacqulyn hu how do you plead I didn't do it I didn't kill her Miss Gat please get your client under control my apologies your honor my client pleads not guilty people of the state how were you on Bill Mr Brown beat his mistress to death because she was leaving him and telling his wife that [ __ ] SL I do that Mrs gats please inform your client he is not at a backyard barbecue at his mama's house this is a courtroom my courtroom and if he doesn't get himself under control I will have him hog tied and muzzle again my apologies your honor Mrs Fields please continue thank you your honor we're asking for bail of $1 million that is crazy your honor Mr Brown does not have that kind of money that's the point Mr Brown your bill is set at $1 million [ __ ] you well that's something you won't be doing for a while at least not with women cour the J yeah I did it all right now we go we got to get you an airtight Albi 911 youry I know who killed my mother Jacqueline Huer this is her son Samuel Huer I have video evidence I you I never let you close to me I'm in the cut like I'm supposed to be the ones that betray me had love for me so they told me they making it hard taking it back to the old me don't play with the reaper me b b all you watch movies just don't CR the cuz get mood my loot my time find out me put money on my head I feel like it happens to be if it happens to me then the tragedy feels much worse and I passionately believe that these reason one day be my I casually see I'm a casualty and I promise I feel like I'm cursed don't let them see I was bringing you down you got to act like it don't hurt it's so hard not to act Reckless so young but I'm feeling restless yeah it's so hard not to act Reckless but I'm young and I'm feeling restless yeah wor coming back for you going in TR to hit your line but no I should hold you I should hold you going in try to hit your line but no answer I you I hold you i' been riding by myself got me feeling like a ghost I never need your help I just feel you do the most friends get enemies why they wasting all my energy they got to act so fake me and now they talk about his loyalty I ain't got time for it cuz this is where I draw the line find peace on the seat there's a piece out of sight out of mind I'mma take what's m put it all on yourself and I can't blame no one else your fig but now watch who I move with the smaller the circle the better it's easy there's no more problems to settle I'm looking down on you now no different levels it's so hard not to act Reckless so young but I'm feeling restless yeah it's so hard not to act Reckless but I'm young and I'm feeling restless yeah yeah com wor is coming back for you going in a try to hit your line for no answer I should hold you for I should hold you [Music] for try to hit your but no answer I hold you I you [Music] spee forign speech [Music] speech fore spee [Music] [Music] foreign fore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] number reaction for [Music] for [Music] for for [Music] spee spee [Music] for [Music] [Music] for for
Channel: Rubel Hasan
Views: 68,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: LZBpWSfavlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 26sec (5606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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