Love is Tainted 2024 #LMN Movies New Release - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based on a true story

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fck B and Liam what is I told you about leaving your toys everywhere come here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no Buzzy it's duck say duck but you said [ __ ] I want to say [ __ ] I know that I said it but you two can get in trouble for using that kind of language so please don't say it anymore okay but sounds better coming from me Buzzy go sit down give me a heart attack I swear to God B te hey what's up what up though what your ass I'm working what do you want why you AC like talk I don't whatever guess who was at Posh last night who y murder CH Tony F ass okay well that's nice I don't care last time I saw his lying cheating ass I was coming out a Happy Hour Bar and Girl he had the big sweetie looking [ __ ] in his car you know I got to go these kids are repeating everything I say I'm about to [ __ ] around and get fired what so make sure that ready that's okay all right bye I'll see youall later hey T talking on the phone watching my [Music] kids you were late today I swear to God I to call one of my kids joking on its way while you're talking on the phone I was watching them the whole time I sure you you might want to go look in the mirror you have something on your shirt one of my employees wants to got too close when they hug me goodbye right one of your co-workers okay I don't know what you're insinuating but you're treading on thin ice here I'm treading on thin ice you're the one playing with fire I'm doing my job a job that can be taken away with one phone call you got two strikes on you at the agency right one phone call to your [Music] wife it's your word against mine okay hey you know what I'll tell you what this is what we're going to do you're going to go home all right you're going to sit down think about what you just said what just happened how it'll never happen again okay I'm okay busy Liam say goodbye to Scotland Scot hug goodbye bye guys be good okay I see you [Music] tomorrow R is not sufficient so send us somewhere else so we can get better and be better suited to this multitude because as we is not enough it has always been the tactic of the enemy to get us to think that we are not enough as we currently are that means that youit I'm so you mind your room in my car ma'am listen ma'am sweetheart I'm nobody's ma'am okay it's Lennon Whitmore you got that what the hell were you thinking sling into my car like that it it was an accident I am sorry okay I'm sorry look I got to work late it wouldn't even start this morning and then I got sorry are you crying I don't have time for this save the drama for your mama Bonquisha or Al or whatever your little Hood name is I'm calling the police no please do not call the police please don't call the police let me guess you don't have insurance do you do you typical you know what I'll do you a little favor call my fiance and ought to straighten all this out he knows how to deal with ghetto trash like you who the [ __ ] are you talking to num who are you talking to three numbers sweetie and you're in a jumpsuit an FYI orange is really not your color sweetie or then again maybe it is yo what's up bab better not be busy right now because I can really use your help the GTO piece of [ __ ] just ran into my car and she doesn't have insurance all right send me a location I'm on my [Music] way bab you all right it's all right baby are you all right look do you want my help or not cuz I can go yes babe I do I'm sorry just God this whole ordeal has just been so draining I am going to need a full day at the spa and acupuncture after this little Lisha here doesn't have insurance and of course her Plates and tags are expired I was going to call the police I should have called the police I just God she's so pathetic I figur she'd be my little good deed for today but baby she ruined my car look at my car it is ruined damn let me go talk to her what's her name again I don't know I think Hennessy I'm n can you step out for a second so I can talk to you it's Scotland not Hennessy and your fiance is a rude ass [ __ ] but I'm sure you already know that chill with all the [ __ ] I'm not here for that I'm just here to solve the situation without the police getting involved okay let's what's up I can pay her $50 a month for the damages what's so funny what's so funny oh you know what my bad I'm sorry you two Rich ass [ __ ] don't notice like the struggle do you so you know I'll do you one better call the police call them be my guest you done that was real cute then come haul your little pretty ass off the jail for all out care or we can handle this like adults exchange information and set up your little payment plan whatever where's your phone we done here I have a late lunch with Mommy and Daddy in 30 minutes soon as I call the tow truck back well I'm going to go too because I have a late lunch with The Wendy Williams Show and a pack of raymen noodles that I just can't miss so bye fake ass Kim and Kanye fny me that lighter ooo I'm tired as hell for what [ __ ] you did [ __ ] all day your lazy ass sweetheart I'm booked and busy okay matter of fact I'm tired cuz your man came through last night and blew my back out yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you wish I'm just playing I was up all night cuz I had to braid Taylor hair y'all know she got all that hair Why Y'all [ __ ] really playing about getting your backs blew out last night [ __ ] I got my [ __ ] cracked you hear me okay thenit get Romo who else bch I know your ass Ain back there bragging about getting [ __ ] by crusty Dusty oh my God first off he only come around to [ __ ] he never give you no money he don't help you with your son and I know you ain't get that $300 back that he stole from your ass first of all he just got a job [ __ ] thank you and we don't know for sure it was him that took that $300 yeah there was several other people in my house that day [ __ ] don't play with me [ __ ] your kids still every day [ __ ] you tripping girl he got you gone either way you go your baby daddy is a thief with is th ass he's actually working on becoming a family together thank you very much I'm ser and [ __ ] why you so quiet with these hating ass hoes in the background you had long ass day I [ __ ] my car up and then I don't got no money to fix it and I don't got money to fix her car just so like a lot and then she just gets out the car like designer head to toe not a hair out of place and then my broke asses is like okay all I can do is give you $50 a month so then I just look stupid and broke but guess what I bet you that [ __ ] [ __ ] sank shanky girl [ __ ] her little lemon head ass [ __ ] cuz I can go to Somerset right now and boot you some Gucci [ __ ] what you think all these titties is for matter of fact matter of fact I got you right here right now okay stop playing your girl got you okay she got me this because you never know when you going to need some Gucci professional okay it's not about it's deeper than that okay I'm about to be 30 years old and I have never left Detroit okay it's just ridiculous I I want more out of my life I just want to do something else other than same stuff every day I want to be a writer like you want to write books and [ __ ] [ __ ] listen you daydreaming too much cuz you been hanging around them white people for too long okay this right here this is our reality okay we ain't never going to be no millionaires we ain't never going to have no million dollar houses unless we either [ __ ] a millionaire and have his baby or hit the Mega Millions that's just what the [ __ ] it is well I'm just kidding it's it was like a thought whatever damn sis it's like this right I'm not saying that you cannot have like dreams and aspirations right but I just want you to be realistic okay we ain't [ __ ] before pretty [ __ ] from Detroit and that's all the [ __ ] we ever going to be [ __ ] you from Korea is from Korea okay yall the [ __ ] I'm saying anyway you get it thisy what is that what is the cat is going to drink the Pea who you guys are so disgusting oh my God Mrs frer do you need help Scotty how many times have I told you to call me Maggie okay no look we're cool and all but you're still my boss so we're not about to play that game you're so silly where is Mr Frasier oh I think he's caught that bug that's been going around for things so he's going to be here with me all day well yes I think he'll be in bed all day okay so tell me how do I look have a very important meeting with a potential business client this morning oh you look great Tin Tins tins I love it thank you he do we have any cold medicine this a medicine C I was talking to my wife you know what I'm not even going to play with you today I'm going to make the kids breakfast before I get fired or go to jail I can't bye my loves be good for Scotty okay okay bye bye hey you trying to kiss me I'm sick okay I was just trying to say [Music] goodbye I'm feeling better now that you call I miss you too baby I love when you talk dirty to me so nasty I wish you could come over why don't you come over here and take my pants off the kids spilled some milk and I could find any paper toong do you know where I can find any hold on one second Andy my incessant nink poop of a nanny can't solve problems on her own here hey figure it out okay okay sure yeah what tell Andy I said hello and hurry up and get well cuz I don't want you to miss sorry about [Music] that oh really yeah I doubt that no no you know that I can't no I won't what's up baby you you scared me my bad uh Tinsley have those files in my desk for me when I come in okay thanks bye m j yeah um I have a lot of work to do when I go into the office today yeah me too why don't you wake me up I went to the gym shower him and just work already I know babe but you've been working really hard lately so I figured I'd let you sleep in plus our wedding is right around the corner start taking care of yourself I wedding is in 3 months I know and there's still so much that needs to be done going baby I have to go to work what you just do bab night night you're getting spit all over me baby damn babe come on man I'm hard as a [ __ ] one I'm not having sex with you on our kitchen counter that's disgusting what do you think I'm one of those little [ __ ] hoes from your old neighborhood well I'm not I'm a lady and I'll be treated as such got it you RI my stockings really and who the [ __ ] wears stockings anyway Rich [ __ ] the [ __ ] does that me [Music] wake your punk ass up girl what the hell do you want murder you still call yourself being mad at a [ __ ] well nobody mad at you that's not the first [ __ ] I caught you and it's not going to be the last so well come open this [ __ ] door for the police drop by and think a [ __ ] up to something around here [ __ ] you real B just popping up on the no like that how you know how they have a whole [ __ ] up in here [ __ ] Ain't crazy and neither as you now let meend this [ __ ] for the police they come on some [ __ ] I know you miss me yeah let me show you how much I missed you T yeah I can definitely tell after that you feel me better not ever forget how good I am I got you but um what we watching this [ __ ] on tv for what's up with ESPN the bet or something cuz I was running around all day paying the bills I could afford to pay and the cable was not one of them so how much you owe $197 hey oops ouch okay baby yourself something extra with that so hello can I speak the murder who is this Skyland who is this this is Misha his girlfriend oh wait let me guess you must be some [ __ ] [ __ ] huh no not anymore not anymore oh I can't stand that [ __ ] [ __ ] Ain't [ __ ] swear to [Music] God so night how does it feel to be the big three5 you know to be honest doesn't feel like anything special feels like a normal dayed honey how can you say that look at where we are look at how far you've come years ago this would have just been a dream for you you're absolutely right and that's the problem and why the [ __ ] away baby language I'm sorry someone's feeling cranky well you know M keep pulling these aless clients man I see a corner office in in your future I'm try sir mommy daddy I have great news so I was finally able to book the wedding venue so I'm going to take Dy Mitsy to get for I'm s's meeting um about that I was thinking my brighter party would consist of DNE MSY Jalisa Carla and Beth I haven't HED for a lot I really want my sisters to be a part of this wedding honey I know it's just these ladies are my best friends and to be honest you're not really close with your sisters but you want your brothers to be my girls that's different H it just is now drop the subject and finish your food before it gets cold Mr and Mrs whma it's been a pleasure peace honey go after him this is not the way to start out a marriage go fine mother [Music] have you losted your goddamn mind now is not the time to be throwing one of your little temper tantrums okay come back inside and finish your dinner my parents are waiting on us man who the [ __ ] do you think you're talking to I'm not one of your servants are you really that upset fine your sisters can be in my wedding are you happy now you just don't get it dude night night fine [Music] [ __ ] y this club is we as [ __ ] okay because I'm trying to find out where to pay them full [ __ ] at I wanted meet a boss and all I see is workers what the [ __ ] do you got us at this she silly as she so irritating it's a nice place it's her birthday let her than you so much whatever so sis you telling me that you really like it here like for real like it's a VI feeling yes listen we're not going to get shot stabbed killed robbed it's different it's a change of pace and it's much needed right now so your weird ass W like you he [ __ ] what the I'll be back I'm about to go get a drink okay okay watch my birthday like yes give me and you a triple shop 1942 um you going to have to come get it see uhuh I don't like when y'all be acting like that are you [ __ ] kid I knew I should not have spent a rent money on this dress and I still Haven to pay my cable bill and then I can't even have a good [ __ ] birthday why would you do that why why did you spend the you know what just breathe just breathe just go out there and have a good time and have fun and don't even worry about this it's fine I look like a complete dumbass but it's fine hey and I just want to apologize about your dress you still look beautiful it's cool I'm know I'm done me start over Hi friend who's your new friend um toti this is night night this is my night is in night like it's dark outside or night is in a [ __ ] whose car you H fiance yes him that one that's her fiance oh um well we ready to go I'm going be in the car I took this bottle too so okay sorry was awkward yeah um but wait did he got a brother or a friend or something yeah I got a friend okay get okay all right I'll be out there in a minute um well I better get out of here but I'll call you when I have the money for um the first payment I'm be looking for bye night all right thank you one moment please Mr Young you have a call line one you not young speaking hi this is Scotland I'll take it you got my gift yes this is beautiful thank you so much and thank you for the money too but I can't accept any of it because I mean like you ruining my dress was an accident and to owe your girlfriend or fiance money for the first payment so look I can't accept that plus took me a long time to pick that dress out you did not pick this dress out so don't start lying how you know I gave my secretary a full description interesting are you free tomorrow afternoon because I'm off work so I was thinking that if you had time we could go get drinks I mean after all like you ruining my dress was an accident so the least I could do is buy you a drink um yeah cool s location okay cool this sounds good [Music] bye oh my guys I so [ __ ] sweet hi I'm so sorry thought you stood me in for a minute no no I'm just about that Uber and bus life right now I got it thankfully that will be done today because the repairs of my car are done so okay dope good full transparency you are a very very very handsome man leather is a very lucky woman leather huh yeah well thank you you're a very beautiful woman yourself thanks I mean I try but you took it from the hood to the boardroom like this is different this is serious well I'm a sports agent so but I'd love to tell you anything else you want to know about I take deliv us some drinks that's go I was going to get the drinks that was the whole point of us meetting here I know it's cool I got it seriously what so when the rain clears do you want to like take a walk or something it's cool I'm done with that whatever you like Cheers Cheers what's got your attention the houses like look at that one over there is always been my dream to own one of these houses I was like this B really yeah you know what house that I grew up in on the west side was so small it's like we barely can breathe that's why I work so hard in college got tired of feeling suffering you grew up on the west side I'm sorry but that's like the shockra I would have bet a million bucks you grew up with a Silver Sping your M but me my parents were killed when I was younger when I was three sorry to hit it it's okay so uh I grew up in foster care until I was like 10 years old and then I got adopted by my sister Yaya's family and currently I'm a nanny which is not what I want to do with my life but here's of bills what do you want to do well okay don't laugh though I want to be a writer but I'm not like you I didn't go to college I barely graduated high school so so write that [ __ ] like do not let your circumstances and surroundings Define You Queen better than write anything yet few chapters give it to me want to read really no really I do not like you why I'm trying to make you smile yeah and I don't like how well it's working you have a fianc remember yeah it's not hard to forget but just friends right I bra don't kiss maybe not always it pretend to be anything else for you I tried to be here but it's like you never my me way I need you do I do do do I do way [Music] youan mcnight what's up bro hey what's up man D play shirt man [ __ ] it's mud how you been all right I'm all right man than play how you liveing good man good hey well what is that on your please tell me you to not get that on my designer dress no no it's the mud from his shirt how did you get mud on you changing my tire honey we don't change tires that's what AAA is for why would I call triaa and I can do it myself whatever you want to act like the help instead of the boss that's on you father wants to see us in his conference well guys it's time to close this shoe deal between Nike and Basher man right now he's one of the biggest NBA players but I think this deal will make him the biggest so that's why we need to get this done so uh there's a couple of things that we need to work out with him so I'm going fly you two down Miami tomorrow all right it's cool um unfortunately I won't be able to go I have some meetings already set up with clients and I just can't res schedule night go by himself you good with that night I got him okay great all right so keep up the good work you're doing an excellent job man I really appreciate it but listen finalize this deal so that we can stay on top okay CU right done got you all right now get out of here hey what's up you miss me yet no I'm surprised you been calling me this soon well unlike you I'm not even going to lie you been on my mind I really enjoyed the time we spent this afternoon I got a question what are you doing tomorrow um no I just got a uh work but other than that what's up good cuz you taking off coming to Miami with me Miami got some business to take care of and I can use your company okay sure be ready at 8:00 a.m. okay every I see you soon oh my God Miami I gotta call Y this [ __ ] is not gonna believe this oh my God I wear oh my God hello [ __ ] guess where I'm going girl where is you going Miami [ __ ] I'm going to Miami I'm going to Mi [ __ ] you you really need to stop just showing up like this murder what do you want huh what one I came over here to check up on you last time I was here you would steep away from selling [ __ ] and had my girl you know the neighborhood broken hus around here nothing like that you feel me your girl is Misha that's who answered your phone right and as far as I'm concerned the two of you are doing well because I have not heard from you you ain't heard from me cuz I've been getting to it just in case you might need something again and uh Nisha that's just some [ __ ] [ __ ] was running she for everybody you for me though I'm not interested in being your numeral Uno or your number two as a matter of fact I'm not interested in us anymore so you and that fake ass concern can leave and Fu talking to [ __ ] M put your [ __ ] hands on me stupid ass you put your hands on females you look dumb as [ __ ] and as I was saying before what I'm doing is minding my business and freeing you so you can tend to yours now get the [ __ ] out of my house watch your [ __ ] mouth [ __ ] who the [ __ ] you talking to huh I ask you a [ __ ] question where the [ __ ] you going and who the [ __ ] you going with see that wasn't that [ __ ] [Music] I don't feel like that [ __ ] oh my God I think I just threw my back out okay I got to start playing with y' where's my suitcase I got to finish packing girl I can't believe night is taking you on a trip girl you about to get for City girl airlin but what I got to know did you [ __ ] him yet no girl you [ __ ] him no I did not I did not [ __ ] him but if he play his cards right then I might [ __ ] them I might suck [ __ ] as she shouldn't what you need to do is what that one [ __ ] uh n Le said keep your legs closed to married men cuz that [ __ ] ain't cute okay why are you always hating you know what [ __ ] you ain't nobody [ __ ] hating okay I'm just keeping it 100 just keeping it 100 per leave her alone don't Paran she just mad because nobody taking her bit hold on mad you [ __ ] sound delusional and stupid stupid as [ __ ] okay because the difference between you and me is that I can afford to take my own self to Miami I don't have to [ __ ] suck nobody for a [ __ ] trip so do what you want to do but all I'm saying is that when you get back he's still going to be engaged to that one [ __ ] okay and you're still going to be a hater I mean what do you do all the time sleep with other people man so anybody even taking advice from you so the [ __ ] hater now and [ __ ] both of y'all who sounds like the hater now because I'm just stating facts okay you're my sister and I don't want you out here looking [ __ ] stupid as hell that's the difference okay I'm happy that you actually found you somebody who got a couple dollars maybe he can help you get this ragged ass box you call a bed to get fixed wait or better yet maybe he can help you to get your mind off of Mur ho ass while his dick around here being for [ __ ] everybody [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] shade is one thing but [ __ ] that was a ho ass palm tree [ __ ] you know I'm telling the truth that's what the [ __ ] it is first of all I've been over murder and second of all if my bed is bothering you so much then get your miserable ass up off of it it's real simple [ __ ] I love his bed his bed is comfortable than a [ __ ] all I'm saying is be smart okay I hope you really done [ __ ] with murder because he does not deserve you now KN whoever the [ __ ] he is [ __ ] he got your nose wide open all right I ain't never seen you like this over murdered you love him don't you got you sprung talking about you ain't fued you about to I I it's something different about him okay and it's it's weird because we just have like this crazy connection and I know that he has a girl and y'all know that I don't even talk to people who like have a woman or nothing like that that's not even my personality but girl that's you thank thank you but everything about him just says that he's supposed to be M like I can I can honestly feel it okay but supposed to be and is are two different things like bro mommy and daddy will be so [ __ ] disappointed in you like do me a favor okay [ __ ] them suck them do whatever you got to do but leave your feelings here in Detroit okay you will thank me later she might have a point there friend I don't want to admit it but she do got a point that's what I'm saying see I speaks the truth y'all be acting [ __ ] mad BL first off the blind don't brush me [ __ ] this is my weed I still want to smoke [Music] [Music] thank [Music] you no I'm not getting on that no no [Music] made you fall in love girl it's my bad and now you don't know how to act [Music] I'm not trying to be a I'm just trying toide cover yeah I'm just only here for right now let's take a time right now right now girl I'm on don't make it right now to be [Music] yeah this is so beautiful my God yeah it is but we got to get dressed got to meet with my business associates are you sure that you want me to come and what should I wear well whatever makes you feel comfortable be yourself I don't know how but you always know like the right thing to say why didn't you tell me we going to a fancy restroom I thought you knew I said business in the hood areal [ __ ] with he's go to the club so we about to be around Bing people yeah something like that [Music] look just K like right this way sir your dinner guests are waiting gentlemen gentlemen man going on bro good good always good see man and YouTube bro hey gentlemen this my friend Scotland she's going to join us for dinner night you tell me you have friends look like her man come on I'm well connected I got pleas most beautiful friends your T where's Lenn I man she's wrapped up at work man so she sends her love man I see you already doing big things man come on man chill man like I said this is my front right yeah we're just friends just friends so let's get out of business hey tonight was a very productive meeting guys boss is going to be super pleased I told you man I'm locked in ready to get this money baby I already told you let's get it man but um Scotland I think me and you we should go celebrate I would love that I'm sure my friend here wouldn't mind actually I do we got an early morning tomorrow straight up y'all leaving early yeah yep no we're here for one more day right yeah no it's cool so how about you give me your phone I'll give you my number and you can pick me and we can go out yeah want you go ahead and uh put your number at my phone and we playing with five man F hey man no don't worry about that man we good just fresh free to do what you want so just call me in like an hour and I should be dressed and ready to go wherever you want to go show me a good time okay well listen I'm going have my driver pull up then oh driver that sounds expensive what the [ __ ] was that man you going to just get this [ __ ] your number in my face you have a whole fiance at home remember you forgot you for forgot already didn't she she ain't even got nothing to do with that all right you know what I'm talking about grinning in this [ __ ] face and [ __ ] you said we were just friends right that's what you said right we're just friends you know everybody at the table know I'm engaged to L you really think that they think we are just look at me really look at me I am serving pretty women realness right now you have me out here looking like a godamn hoe I could have very easily have worn this [ __ ] dress I could have just worn this you know what [ __ ] this trip [ __ ] your whack ass job [ __ ] bash hey check this out I'm not about to keep playing these [ __ ] games with you I don't give a [ __ ] what you do you can leave you can fly on your own [ __ ] way back home okay bye [ __ ] you [ __ ] me huh [ __ ] me that's what you want to do want to [ __ ] [Music] me what be what you was really really making me happy I feel the same way too but what are we going to do when we go back home no wor me figure something out right now I just want to enjoy the moment I'm sorry about flirting with Basher no I deserved it I was tripping no that was definitely me I was being super Petty you know since I've met you in this short amount of time you've honestly done a lot for me like just my confidence and I guess my self-esteem you're actually the only person who ever told me I could be a writer so I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate it and this thing is scaring the hell out of me that we're doing I mean this is got me bugging I wasn't expecting to see them but when I get home home I got a lot to handle you do too I know you got a man yeah he has messed around with me so many times I can't even keep count but I just thought like despite him being a ho that maybe he actually did love me so I just kind of stayed around I thought maybe that was what I deserved but you showed me that that's not true you know me and Lenny used to be so cool it's like I'm starting to realize more and more how uncompatible we are she doesn't respect me or where I'm from well then we came into each other's lives at the right time and maybe when we figure out all of our situations we can see where this thing [Music] goes I'm cool with up but right now just want to remember this moment sh where are you going you just got here I'll kick it with you later babe next time okay and the Mee to get to I'm already running late next time so that's how it's going to be I haven't seen you since we got back from Miami and that was a week ago come on babe chill out like this not a regular thing we do you know this is my first time coming over I just can't be here all day today okay I know that but I'm about to let you know right now I'm not going to be one of those hoes that you just [ __ ] on the side that's not happening no come on man get out your FS you tripping not them other [ __ ] all right and I'm not about to go back and forth with you I'll see you later you know you got be [ __ ] up this [ __ ] is a WRA how about that we can just call it quit now cuz what you're not about to do is sit up in here and hurt my feelings and use me look I got feelings for you just like you got feelings for me me you got to trust me just let me put things in play all right Miss oh my God and you have to try one of these they're delicious I'm sure they're fine can we go sit the table real quick the guests are going to be I want to make a good impr question [Music] sure um can I use your bathroom of course if you walk down the hall it's the second door on your way this food is absolutely delicious oh yes you have to give me your chef's name Chef Pier I'm sorry I didn't know you were you mean that you're sorry that you lied to me that you told me that you had a dinner me and you having a [ __ ] lunch with your fiance list man this was playn a long time ago you know you do not owe me an explanation I'm good because I already knew how this little thing between this was going to end what no you do not don't say um is there anything else you need me to do before I go there he is what's up man I thought you got lost what took so long but get down with get down with his dessert as you people say it huh [ __ ] is that supposed to mean oh honey stop he's just being playful stop being so sensitive it was a joke choke my ass don't play with me like I hey don't you calm down okay I didn't mean anything by it right of course you didn't night is just being a little sensitive he's been a little tense lately okay well we can all feel a little tension from time to time but hanging out with friends can help eliminate that so can we please just enjoy the rest of our dinner Scotty please have a seat there's plenty of food to go around hone uh this is for the guests only not to help Paul Scotty is family and we will treat her like [Music] family if she sits down I'm going to get up and go okay you know what got some check I know from working with Paul that he can be just as sensitive as night let me go talk to him okay I'll be right back [ __ ] night to do this you don't know how bad I really hope lenon can talk some sense into him and I'm sorry again for what he said he really didn't mean anything by at night Scotty knows how my husband can be sometimes her name is Scotland and doesn't take a rock asside to te your husband as a [ __ ] Scotland I'm sorry I hope I didn't you can call me Scotty Mrs Frasier but you need to understand that sometimes Mr Frasier can get out of line all now are CH order now we can all get along bright night why are you being rude I'm going to S here at this [ __ ] dinner and be fake you are a [ __ ] bird are you going to sit there with a smirk on your face and let her speak to me like this it's just a joke honey relax okay [ __ ] with meie of trash Scotland what are you [ __ ] oblivious you just see throw that [ __ ] at me why would you attack Our Guest you know what [ __ ] this dinner [ __ ] this job I quit and you try that [ __ ] again I will fit your [ __ ] throat try it [ __ ] your fine ass need to chill with that noise but uh if you want to wait at my house for Scotland I got something wet that'll put you on your [Music] back damn [ __ ] what happened to you girl you look like who did it and what the [ __ ] F and why you got this [ __ ] beating on your door like he the popo or something you know [ __ ] got shot for Less girl did he hit you no blink once for yes and twice for no Miss Lisa you just say the word and we will [ __ ] his fine ass up it it's fine okay can you go home please all right thank you you wanted to talk so talk man chill that tough [ __ ] out I I ain't L I fold your little ass up why you not answering the phone we playing games now you made it clear tonight that we not doing anything why are you even here now I'm here because I care I don't want to be any place else that's why I'm you now you care about me since we got back from Miami you haven't done anything but lied to me and keep me a secret you told me you had a business meeting D you had dinner with your [ __ ] fiance nothing about that looks like you care about me you are constantly lying to me what the [ __ ] you're doing and it's really messed up because it started as a lie so obviously it's destined to end as a lie it's obvious that I just don't fit into your world it's obvious that I'm just not good enough for you that's what this is about right she's good enough for you she fits into your world when you see me you see your past and you see her as your future you see your shitty fast and everything that you had to go through when you look at me that's why you didn't defend me earlier today all my life I've been waiting for somebody to save me I thought it was going to be Yaya I thought it was going to be my parents but I knew that it was going to be you I knew that it was going to be you and I doing is hurting me so I have to save myself look we got something special okay I do not believe that we met by coincidence I don't still hav't Lear people are hurting me so bad and I have to choose myself you should have been there for me earlier you should have been on my side can you come with me no I can't I'm supposed to be meeting up with my friends right now no what I got to show you can't [Music] [Music] wait wait where are we even going cuz I don't think that I locked my door [ __ ] that door just right well since you won't tell me where we're going I should probably say thank you cuz you just stopped me from making a huge mistake what was that you don't want to know trust me so what's going on I mean I need you to talk talk to me why are you with lenen if you're so unhappy like is this a work thing is it what is it don't worry about me and Lenard we not going to be together much longer I got an idea as far as work my real dream is just to be a chef right a sports agent only made sense financially because I was just trying to take care of my family like kids you have kids too no I don't have kids oh Jesus Christ I'm talking about my mom my sisters their kids I got a brother too but that [ __ ] think he Frank Lucas or something next drug kingpin I don't know wait what is his name I probably know him Amari but I don't [ __ ] with him like that put our mama through too much [ __ ] yeah I mean I know all about that though my sister is like that [ __ ] crazy swear to God but at the end of the day like you can't turn your back on your family cuz they're all you have and I'm sure that your brother will really benefit from having a man like you around because I have come on get out so you are just taking me to get your hair braided huh what you think about what the house yeah you like it I love it I swear to God if this is you and her house I will kill you right now today no I do not live here with ly but what man I would like to live in with you are you serious babe that is not funny oh oh my god look I'm dead serious I don't need you steady thinking I'm just trying to smash all right I just need you to be patient with me as I work through this stuff with lemens can you do that for me I mean yes yes oh my God how did you know this was my dream house I remember from my walk you know had a friend we it on the market took it off his hands look I'm really trying to start something with you I did serious I would love to live here with you oh my god thank you thank you thank you stupid [ __ ] this [ __ ] PL on the [ __ ] again would you chill out God I know I shouldn't even came over here all you want to do is talk about that [ __ ] [ __ ] her what's up with us is it in my package or something baby why you want to try to come on me like that baby damn you know I'm talking about us we [ __ ] my [ __ ] that's it so that's how you going to come on me that's what it is we [ __ ] that's it so that's how you really about to play me that's how it's been what you talking about I love you you [ __ ] stupid or something what how the [ __ ] is you going to propose to a [ __ ] who already got a man a man yeah he just bought him a fat ass crib so they could live happily ever after and you running around what the [ __ ] is you talking about and where's the house see you would like to know but I'm not telling you [ __ ] choke your dumb ass out his name n he like a rich Sports manager or something [ __ ] that's my m [ __ ] brother [ __ ] it's your brother [ __ ] lame as [ __ ] you wouldn't [ __ ] with no [ __ ] like that from the sex man [ __ ] you murder [ __ ] I'll be all right what is this going on another business trip no I'm leaving you leaving me some kind of joke I'm let him Whitmore I don't get left I do the leaving well your ass getting left today all right and I'll be back to pick up the rest of my [ __ ] okay can we cool it on The Dramatics I don't know what this is about but we have a goddamn wedding planned we have over 500 guests coming Caterers like what are you talking about right now see you got a wedding plan you don't get it you can't even see that I checked out of this relationship I'm done with you and your [ __ ] n you cannot do this to me I L Chanel whito cannot and will not let you embarrass me like this see there it is there it is you only worried about you this is a goddamn linen show M that's not true okay God I'm sorry okay I'm listening whatever I have to do you cannot leave me we can work on this I'm working on me and somebody else did you say someone else [ __ ] someone else who Jail from accounting or is it that gross Secretary of yours huh which one which [ __ ] one sorry to break it to you Scotland Scotland Scotland get the [ __ ] out get out need to pick your damn face up get out get the [ __ ] out you can keep that ghetto piece of [ __ ] I [ __ ] made you you want to be [ __ ] without me get out [Music] yes this is Beautiful Everything thank you a yes hey baby [ __ ] what's wrong with you I'm tired and my head hurt okay well pop a [ __ ] aspin and perk up [ __ ] wait a minute is that shoe over there I know this [ __ ] ain't dropped you a whip okay look I'm about this [ __ ] on all these hoes it going to be sick as H especially Mur week ass and that's why I been answering none of his phone calls very good why you bragging and talking that [ __ ] I would be careful if I was because the last time I saw murder he was acting [ __ ] crazy okay [ __ ] that's not news he been crazy anyway I don't even know I was in love with him he like weak as [ __ ] now anyway but look at my house we got to see this okay I need to see this nice oh my God than girl is this the goo you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about with the ear the man with the ear um vinc Bango that's cuz y'all don't know about art and stuff like that anyway how much something like this cause girl this is expensive okay I don't even know all I know is that it's all paid for and it's ours no that's is yours or is it his because like is your name even on the deed no right so it's not yours it's his see one day you going to learn I be trying to put you up on game but you don't never [ __ ] want to listen you know what don't even mind her okay she just mad because she don't have a good come up yet girl she still [ __ ] broke [ __ ] yeah speak for yourself and for your mama though no it's not about that okay it's not about his money I'm actually with him for who he is like I've fallen for him girl not about his money he real girl he must got some good good because ain't no way okay oh my God hi girl he is fine fine you got like an uncle or a cousin a brother a I got a brother CU I need but see this what I want to tell you when you do [ __ ] up we're going to be the ones that have her back you might got her nose open right now but I know you're eventually going to get tired of sluming and you're going to run right back to that rich beyonc of yours it's the truth look um I ain't going to disrespect your company cuz you need to handle that mhm so you know he only running because I'm telling the truth right I do not know what your problem is but all this negative energy needs to go like now so you're about to tell me you're about to pick this [ __ ] over me and you just met his ass I'm choosing my happiness over you this is not about that and no matter what I do you just can't be happy for me I'm sick of it I am sick of it you know what you're right and I'm wrong I'm just having a pissy ass day I'm irritated as [ __ ] and I shouldn't even be over here trying to take that [ __ ] out on you so my bad look I understand but you need to stop wilding out like this and just let me be there for you okay mhm thanks I I really appreciate that sis but this is just some [ __ ] I just got to handle on my own hey whatever it is life is too short to be dwelling over things that you can't change come on see but that's the problem I'm not going to be happy until I get the change that I deserve come on is y'all ready to go I got to go on a date we only came over here to see your house bye come on I have to go I don't know this house is beautiful though I'm so sick of her okay come on Dam bye friend but remember um if he got a brother well your home girls they cool and everything but that want with the mouth you going to have to watch her [Music] sorry oh she cute Scotland I am so glad I finally get to meet you my son talks about you all the time I've never seeing him this happy and seeing him like this makes me happy we are very very happy and he brags about you guys all the time I think it's really cool that you're so close because like me growing up in foster care this is a dream to me so thank you for having me over a I mean we really are a close family like with the exception of my brother I don't know if Knight told you about Omari but that boy ain't got it all like no he really ain't got it all she think I'm playing yeah we did invite him to dinner but because him and night don't get along he didn't want to come look that's on him I'm not saying I agree with everything you do but he's still family he should have been that's right he should have been y all my children are welcome in my home no matter what Scotland before you get serious with my brother I think you should see what your I love night but that is a face that only mom love that's we are yes come on man is this your brother right here y That's him that's Omari he was mad today cuz I bust his ass at basketball the two of them have always been at each other's neck I'm talking about each other's throat nonstop literally terrible what do you guys have such a beautiful family thanks babe but none of us would have really got this father who wasn't for this lady right here oh thank you Boo the queen we love you real oh you guys it was so nice having everybody here for Thanksgiving for sure I want to take a shot wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's not get carried away come on man and you kids you eating down there everybody's so good quiet nobody's fighting hey baby Eric helped me make those potatoes yes he did jaming down youing baby ER baby ER you got something on your mouth there man I cannot believe that night and murder are brothers like what's the odds of that that's [ __ ] up I don't know but I don't know what I'm supposed to do like am I supposed to tell them or and then murder he won't even stop calling me so then I just feel so guilty when I'm with night um are you dumb you better not say [ __ ] if you say anything you [ __ ] around and lose everything I'm telling you Knight don't seem like the type of guy who's about to keep messing with somebody who been [ __ ] his brother okay I didn't know that that was his brother and then murder put his hands on me like why would I even want want to be with somebody like that exactly my point so why do you give a [ __ ] don't say nothing [ __ ] murder he doesn't even deserve you that's a whole messy situation want to start paying more money man a't no secretary out there what's good look good man bet Mama real proud of you considering it took you extra long to get off her tipt yeah let you tell it what brings you by man can't to check on my brother man I'm take your shirt I that Mom she said it'd be a good idea if we chopped it up and had some things out you know I'm cool with that I mean I know we got our problems and our differences but uh end of the day we still family right yeah that's what he is for sure hey n oh I'm sorry man I didn't know you had a client no no it's all right it's my brother Mar oh your brother yeah it's fin nice to meet somebody from his family how you doing what's up [ __ ] how you doing okay I speak freely yeah it's all right Mar family okay as you know lenon is taking his break up pretty hard so as you know the company Christmas party is coming up and I just don't want a lot of people asking a lot of questions why you guys aren't together so I was just wondering if you could just do me a favor and her to the to the party you know I feel pretty bad for my baby girl you know she's going through it she's stressed and uh I just didn't want people asking questions about you know you or the wedding so I just felt like it save us all a lot of grief if you guys were there together sit done sir I'll be there thank you sir I appreciate it I really do bring your brother too drinks and skanks You Can Count Me In man you know I'm there for that right Hennessy and wings I got you well listen it's at uh Lucas Park grip all right all right see you all right damn homie what happened to you in light bright man when she leave you for a chubby [ __ ] no man I had to let her go lenon is all about lenen you know but um got me a new bag she's solid she really got my back she's different beautiful a yeah man she cool little rough around the edges but she look like somebody you chasing around she all mine though I hope you don't mind if I bug you for a minute I do if you came here to argue no I didn't come here for that I just I need to talk to you it's important come on hurry up listen I I want you to know that I I really did love you and I still do and I know I messed up things between us and obviously it's too late to men anything you damn right it is regardless we have to work and see each other every day and I just don't want there to be any unnecessary tension so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for everything I appreciate your apology I don't want any unnecessary attention around here either good especially since I'm pregnant with your child pregnant with what with your child and look I don't want anything from you except for you to be a good father I just came here because I thought you should know I mean I mean of course I'm going be a good father but lenon I don't trust you I'm going to need some proof I figured you'd ask here so how was your day I mean you haven't said two work since you've been home L is pregnant excuse me what did you say I just learned today that Lennon is three months pregnant so she got pregnant when we started [ __ ] around I mean how do you even know that it's yours is it yours here I can't do this no I got I got to get up no wait sit down look I'm not about to let you run from this we need to sit we need to talk mean you can get through this but I need to know how you feel I feel like I'm I feel like I'm dying and I'm hurt because I know me and I'm not going to be a play Mama to a baby that's not mine especially one by this [ __ ] linen it's mine's too that baby is a part of me can you learn to love that part of me too can you can you I will try I will [Music] try I just need a minute to PR assess it because it's a lot I think we can both agree that this is a lot and lenon is going to milk every opportunity with this to just throw it in my face [ __ ] lenon this is about me and you I know we can get through this together but I need you right now I don't need you to give up on me on us I love you I love you too how late are you working tonight I was thinking like maybe we could catch a movie not tonight babe it's going to be a long one look I know this baby thing is really bothering you and we got a lot to talk about but but I need you to believe me that you and the baby are my main priority all right talk to you [Music] later didn't I say stop calling me what do you want yeah you told me that but you also told me he was going to beet at the bar then you had my [ __ ] ass sitting up there like a lame hanging out with a bottle of Hennessy all night okay I should have said that I was not coming what you admitting that you was wrong [ __ ] the price of cocaine going to drop any second check it out though it's over it's over I respect that W you meet me for some drinks man let's hash it out chop it a little bit no no no no I'm not coming to your house no no don't nobody want you at my house so you can leave hairs around there for my new [ __ ] I know spot Luc Park Grill they got all andit like I will give you an hour it's all good pull up I should not be doing this [ __ ] well I'm glad I dressed up since you didn't tell me we're going to an upscale restaurant [ __ ] all that you look good come on bring it in qu act you want to see it [ __ ] fix your face it says private party we can't even get in here why you acting like I ain't VIP Everywhere I [Music] Go [Music] [ __ ] my big bro in this [ __ ] thinkk you know him right that's why you brought me here I knew that you were up to something that's why you brought me here brought you here so you get out that fantasy world you living in and put [ __ ] on Lane [ __ ] they got some other [ __ ] going on over there you know you don't really fit into their program you feel me you don't even know what you're talking about nigh and are in love look I think the Bride of be got something different to say about that c in his it's going to take it straight to the look at him right now have dancing for them white folks that's where he want to be at that [ __ ] thought he was good enough he to bring you over here he's just part time for that [ __ ] like he back to regular life over there baby uh strong are you here with my brother oh Brothers you ain't know it's my little late night heke man spanking that for years what are you doing here you said that you had to work like this does not look like work to me what are you doing with her oh [ __ ] that you been [ __ ] my brother this whole time you act like you ain't even know him you said that his name was Omari and I know him as M I did not know that that was your brother and I was going to tell you on Thanksgiving but do not sit here and act like I didn't just see you holding her hand wait a minute known since Thanksgiving wow guess you right little bro guess These Hoes Ain't Lawyer don't try to flip this [ __ ] on me and Lenny she a got [ __ ] to do with this [ __ ] you man you did this [ __ ] on purpose this why you came by my office the other day what in the Ling hip hop is going on here you are making a scene your little ghetto tribe needs to leave now yeah you need to leave I thought I told you not to bring us don't [ __ ] tell me we're all welcome you need to get your little ghetto [ __ ] and check this is utterly embarrassing and our baby doesn't need this stress you know what [ __ ] you and [ __ ] that bum ass baby too you know what [ __ ] you tonight [ __ ] you what are you doing huh don't ever say no [ __ ] like that about my unborn child yeah don't ever say nothing like that about his unborn child we ain't little no more [ __ ] chill man bro it's not that [ __ ] serious look man you can take it look man think about mama I ain't show been through enough look man take me take me man let her go it down drop your weapons get your hands out P weak she them put it down bro back me put it down bro El baby I swear to God I'm not going to let him hurt you no more swear I can't do this anymore come back L this right now please he it's a time it's a time it's over I love you well I love you too but I have to love myself more I have to love me we both knew that this wasn't going to work I'm so sorry [Music] y'all just please give me a minute to myself I can't even think with y'all here what are you crazy we wored sick about you speak for yourself okay cuz I told her dumb ass this was going to happen Okay okay [ __ ] you y [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Scotland silly ass what calm the [ __ ] down and look you cannot be cooped up in this dirty dingy ass motel room like this bro it smells in here I just need a minute to figure out what I'm gonna do that's it I just I don't know what I'm supposed to do and I just miss him so much and I keep thinking that if I would not have told him like you said none of this would have happened in the don't try to blame this [ __ ] on me all this [ __ ] is your [ __ ] messy ass for I mean you could have told him the truth when you first found off but who can say that things wouldn't have been different you can't blame that on her like I said blame I just thought that we could get through anything like in than this but life ain't no Disney movie [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up and show some compassion for your sister [ __ ] that because I've been saving her her whole [ __ ] life I always give this [ __ ] gang she don't never want to [ __ ] take it the only one to blame for your sorry ass life is you you a basic ass bum ass [ __ ] Scot so you told him I sure did and I just [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] get the [ __ ] [Music] out damn y'all happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Li happy birthday to [Music] you all right make a wish and blow out your candles good job on the Unicorn all right shf let's Cut the [Music] Cake hey how are you good how are you yeah I like you I really did think she was going to show up she did however call and wish Liam a happy birthday the other day and she told me she was okay yeah I really thought she'd be you I haven't seen her in months really missing you know you do with her being in Chicago there there's no way in telling when she's coming back Chicago yeah I got a book deal for her there I'm surprised she didn't tell you you know Paul's going to Chicago next week why don't you think about joining him I don't want to besides where is he like is his son's birthday party yeah he said he had some important business to do at the office the office now yeah I swear to God if she calls one more time I can't believe you missed your son's birthday you're such an [ __ ] oh come on I wasn't an [ __ ] a minute ago when I was [ __ ] you around this desk your Bump kept getting in the way that's heing well that's what happens when you're pregnant you better get on board and act like you're excited about this Paul I'm going to need your help hey Knight's the father remember God poor thing I mean he's going to be there for sure but this is your baby and you're definitely not going to do me like you do your wife got [Music] that him you're going to you're going to jaill you piece of shitab I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] both of y'all oh my God Paul are you okay oh my God are you okay call my wife are you serious mom can I call you back I'm a little busy baby I know you are always busy but I was just sitting here thinking about you and I want you to know how proud I am of you for pursuing your dreams it's funny how things work out I mean God has a way of clearing a path so you can answer your true calling yeah con school is everything I hoped it would be I even found the spot for my restaurant already I just wish there things into different between me and Scholar hell even me and Amari Amari has made his bed and he's going to have to lie in it in jail he'll be all right though I mean by the time he gets out hopefully he will be a better man and it is never too late for you in Scotland I bet she is probably somewhere just waiting on you to show up just like you are waiting on her thanks Mom I really need to hear [Music] that sorry St thank you thank you hey how you doing um am I too late for the books on yeah you actually just missed the author she was really sweet we had a wonderful time unfortunately we don't have any books left I got the last one but we should have some back in stock in a few days you can come back then or you can always order online no it's okay thank you I appreciate [Music] you so you came all that way just to give up that easily see the thing is I met this girl I wasn't looking for her what's the next she something special she said one thing I said another the next thing you knew I just want to be basking in her greatness for the rest of my life then I got scared I let other people get in between I thought maybe I should just let her go off and live my life the more I thought about it I realized I was on about my life didn't know my life and love really was [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh goodby okay [Music] [Music] [Music] spe for [Music] for Facebooks [Music] for
Channel: Rubel Hasan
Views: 56,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: lItlBXSLAuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 7sec (6247 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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