Drought Reveals Lake Bottom is FULL of Treasures

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[Music] thank you [Music] well hey folks my name is Brad and as you can probably see behind me today I've brought my metal detector to this Lakeside beach now what's so special about this beach well just on the shore over here to my right are the ruins of an Old Farm that was abandoned well over a hundred years ago and since we haven't had any meaningful rain in the last two months all of this land is now exposed which you would normally need scuba gear to metal detect but not today if this is one of my first videos that you've seen I post one of these every single Friday so if you like what you see here today consider subscribing or just come on back next week super excited I'm gonna get my metal detector out see what we can find here all right I have a a very high tone it's over 90 on the metal detector was always a good sign maybe a big piece of copper maybe a piece of silver we're going to dig this up together it's right here the first thing I'm going to do is use my pin pointer to see how shallow it is appears to be very shallow right here see it's green whatever it is we ready to reveal what it is well we had to expect to find at least one of these fishing lore all right let's let's see if we can find something older well thus far today I haven't really found any really nice high tones on the metal detector that didn't end up being a fishing lure I always hope it's going to be a big copper coin or something silver fishing lure and that being said I have found a few coins already they were wheat pennies I didn't end up getting the cameras out for those I wanted to wait till I found something a little bit older that's what we have here we have another small scent but it's older than a wheat cent uh it is an Indian gonna be able to make out a date well this is the this is the reverse this is all I saw here's the face yeah it looks like 1902. which is about right for the occupants of this place you know they were here the end of the 1800s gone probably by 1910 or so and uh so this would have belonged to them in their pocket into the ground here we are over 100 years later finding it let's hope we find a few more of these and if I do find a really nice high tone I'll get the cameras out and we'll dig it together and just cross our fingers that it's not another fishing lure well moments ago I got a tone on the metal detector that's like low 80s it wasn't worth getting the camera out ahead of time and it ended up being a wheat cent can't make up the date early 1900s would be my guess and I filled in the hole rechecked another Target down there pull the plug back out and what do you know it a little coin spill two wheat cents some poor person lost all of the coins in their pocket filled in the hole rechecked it one last time before walking away there was still another Target this time a little bit higher stuck my pin pointer down in there and wouldn't you know it I believe that's a little silver coin this time we're gonna find out together [Music] oh right away we can see that it is in fact a barber diamond [Music] wow and it's actually in pretty nice shape make it out 19 11. so this has been underwater probably see there's a black crust on it yeah 1911 dime silver wasn't expecting that today incredible three coins in one hole one of them silver I will of course check one more time before I walk away but you know this is there's kind of a stone wall behind me here with a break people were traveling right here walking maybe probably every day multiple times who knows what could be in this Trail in this hole even awesome [Music] well I'm right here at the water's edge and I just found something that I have no idea what it is so this is today's mystery find and you know honestly I'm not sure it's even possible to know what it is but it's fun to speculate I invite you to go down in the comments below share your thoughts on what this might be so a moment ago I found this and it's just a very small fragment of something very pretty it had filigree and swoops and Swirls and flowers it's a bit caked with mud right now but hopefully you can make that out and when I first thought I thought it was like an Excursion behind a drawer pull but then I rechecked the hole and I found more so now hopefully you can really make out how pretty this thing was not exactly sure where this went or something like this no holes though if it was behind a drawer pull check the hole one last time and it just makes it even more of a mystery even more of it obviously but the back has these two posts never seen that before it's very lightweight it doesn't seem to be brass it's almost like a lead pewter so I'm wondering maybe a brooch maybe just like an adornment toe a pocketbook honestly the possibilities are endless but it's very pretty happy to have found it when I get home and get it cleaned up a little bit maybe we can try to rearrange it to figure out how it went maybe something like this I don't know let me know what you think my optimism leads me to believe it was a piece of jewelry but it could be a drawer pull too well the camera is set up on a stone wall it's sunken down into the mud but certainly was a fence at one point and I got a pretty nice Target dug it up there's so much mud maybe you can see the hole is just full of water now and I pulled it out and I said oh my God a bracelet it's not a bracelet does anybody know what that is this was a working farm when it was occupied and this would have gone in the nose of some livestock more than likely a cow or a bowl ox and this one looks like it was pulled on real hard and it came apart did a cow or a bowl pull so hard that they broke the ring is that common I can't imagine it is that's certainly what it looks like looks like it got pulled real hard right here and came apart interesting find tells a story I'm not sure what that story is but maybe some of you folks can help me speculate nose ring even fit me so I just found something I am incredibly excited about now I'm kind of in a junky area right here there is fragments of plates and Bottles all over the place you can see there's a piece here that's probably a plate here's a old medicine bottle bottom is purple from being in the sun and there's a ton of iron in the ground Nails more than likely so I'm going through real slow and just taking chances on targets I would normally pass by just because there's so much stuff so much potential cool things being in this ground a minute ago I found an object which I felt like I recognized it but I just couldn't put my finger on it has a loop down here and there's a little maybe it was a tube of some kind I don't know into my junk bag rechecked the hole and I heard another little squeak down there I dug some more and I found something I did recognize and what I'm so excited about does anybody recognize that maybe you do if you're from the Northeast or Canada this is a maple sugaring spout now I know from reading the comments below my videos some folks they don't know what maple syrup is and they don't understand the process so here's the really quick overview now we have trees here in Vermont in the Northeast and Canada and elsewhere and they're called sugar maple trees folks would drill a hole Hammer one of these into it and the sap would drip out into a bucket that would hang below that sap would then be boiled down typically not to syrup back in the 17 18 and early 1900s they would usually boil it down straight to sugar and they would use that as their sugar sugar was expensive you had honey and maple syrup and this was used for that as was this I believe this is an older variety this was a hook you'd be able to hang a bucket underneath it and this would go into the tree these are something I've never found before unbelievably here in Vermont in the mountains surrounded by sugar maple trees I've never found taps but here are two within a span of five minutes can't believe it this for me is the find of the day no matter what else we find here quintessential Vermont I'm gonna guess these are late 1800s early 1900s and these are without a doubt going in a prominent place in my display case so excited sugar maple taps [Music] well earlier today I found that broken little piece of filigree and speculated what it might be and said all right that's going to be the mystery find for today for this video but then I just found whatever this thing is and I have some ideas but it is bizarre looking it's a piece of brass all twisted up it's clearly broken at first when I saw this I thought it was a key but uh it's definitely not I have found something very similar to this before in the past which was horse tack but it did not have whatever this thing is now that I'm looking at it I think I may have solved the mystery there is a very specific piece of horse tack that goes I believe it goes on the bridal strap or maybe closer to the saddle that has this shape of a small Loop and then in a 90 degree angle we have a big loop but now that I'm looking at this we can see that this looks melted and then it dripped down like this maybe there was thrown into a campfire I have no idea but that's what it looks like to me this looks like a drip from being melted bizarre not everything and we find metal detecting is easily identifiable but I think that uh I think I figured this one out I didn't know what I had I first pulled this thing out cool find got a nice Target here it's a 93 thus far today these have been uh bottle caps fishing lures but we'll find out together here basically just blood here oh oh my God it's a big silver coin unbelievable I was not expecting that at all can you see this right here oh it's a barber quarter it's a barber quarter are you kidding me unbelievable I can see my filled in holes all around me I don't know how I missed this it was a beautiful sounding Target hopefully you heard it in my headphones man you ready [Music] looks like 1902. look at that coin that's such a surprise so excited big old silver coin silver quarter they would have really really been upset when they discovered that they lost this I'm sure of it 25 cents went a long way in 1902. incredible I can't believe that it just happened uh well I'm going to check this area again just to be sure and then I think this is a pretty good note to end the day on we'll get all the stuff I found today out take a look at it all right folks I'm going to call it a day I stayed as long as I possibly could it's actually going to be dark in about 30 minutes so I need to get a move on but I was so excited about those silver coins I found I completely forgot about the maple Taps I actually found quite a few other things which I did not show the camera got it all laid out on a rock here let's take a look all right starting in the back we have our melted piece of horse stack which really confused me when I first found it but I think I figured it out a whole pile of fishing lures which makes sense they're all modern as far as I can tell we have a piece of a clock this is a reed to probably a small accordion piece of a spoon I've only found three buttons today of course our bull nose ring a little uh mystery filigree piece our pocket knife which I do believe is period with in the rest of this stuff this wasn't dropped out of a boat or from a swimmer in the last 100 years I wouldn't guess and of course my favorite find of the day I think a pair of maple tap spouts and then the coins so I found one two three four five six wheat cents two Indian Head pennies I think I messed up when I said the date when I first found this one it's actually 1892. we have an 1899 Indian Head Penny and then of course the two silver Barber coins a dime and a quarter absolutely unbelievable what a surprise fantastic day what else can I say well I hope you enjoyed today's video I certainly had a blast and hopefully I'll see you next week for another new adventure out here in the mountains of Vermont [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 484,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, aquachigger, archeology, arkeolog, dallmyd, discovery, exploration, exploring, found treasure, game, gaming, history, hoover boys, Metal detecting, metal detector, nugget noggin, old coins, outdoor, quarter hoarder, river treasure, terra Germania, treasure, treasure hunt, treasure hunter, valuable, vermont, abandoned, mudlarking, roblox, bedwars
Id: I00-o3wKaRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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