140 Year Old Map Led Us to a Jackpot at the Bottom of an 1870’s Well

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maybe about a bottom i'm probably 12 feet down it's a really colorful piece a drugstore bottle or okay it's another one of those humphreys now this piece i wonder if it's a okay i think i know this is rumford's wow [Music] we're off the back of where we figure prospects place once stood probed out a large ashy area farmer brought his tractor out here it is clearing it down for us you can see some gray stove ashes there not sure if there's much else in it but it's good to find out so here we are down in the prospect place ash dump looks promising some cut nails it's good edge also a round nail there's definitely some depth here see it almost looks like it was in a circle pattern i wonder if this could be a old cistern or something they filled in yeah drops in i'm guessing this was an old well or cistern it could be an original outhouse pit but i find some metal fragments and i hit glass at about seven feet down from here so that would be almost 10 feet from ground level solid ashes got chop house bone very well deteriorated part to a lock set another piece of iron stone a couple cut nails and a top to a coin purse i think this is brass we also pulled up this big chunk of lime i don't know what this thing's doing here could it be chalk rock of some sort maybe leaves a residue i'll jump back down there have it looks like to be maybe a soda all right looks like a broken crown top beer okay a b company that's good age though probably 1905 1910 part of a lantern iron stone part of a plate let's see oh wow it's intact now the base was broken off but that's how it's made oh getting down there jake has some kind of piece on the way out there looks like a whiskey jug [Music] my handle's broken off but that's a cool piece have any uh writing on it sometimes they'll stamp those okay i think they call that brown glaze we're getting down there to the point where we need to widen it out take some of this overburden off i want to stay safe about it and it doesn't seem to end anytime soon have to get some buckets out i got the overburden off it continues we're down about eight feet while clearing that out got this really ornate plate fragment that's cool nice tool top beer bottle baby company and a chamber pot lid intact iron stone down almost nine feet now no end in sight ooh what do you got there let's see uh base to a lamp possibly it's ground down late 1800s ooh what's that wow wow that's some kind of sponge pattern you can find the rest of the pieces to that that's something crazed craziness this line pattern gets in it it's from uh glazing crackling and getting debris dirt and rust in it or this ornate piece and this family who lived here seemed to be well off so that explains this really nice patterned dinnerware and stuff so sweet buy and buy herman japan perfect we're in a major trash later what do you got there a horse on it humphreys homeopathic veterinary specifics wow wow it seems there's some kind of wood liner exposed here see rotted board remnant that kind of brown color on the sides we're getting into a major trash layer this really ornate pitcher came out it's iron stone and look at that design does that look all right that's the edges right there i guess should i widen this out so we can both get in here or what do you think okay roughly nine feet down have a few pieces on the way out we've cut some stairs some ledges to put buckets and to climb down on all right the first piece looks like a drugstore bottle part of a label illegible looks like it may be a beveled top good age 18 80s 1890s now the other ones right around here somewhere okay it looks like it's just a top tooled top of some sort this might be some kind of food jar vaseline a broken drinking glass mason's patent jar november 30th 1858 the other half to the drinking glass so we're getting back into a trash layer anyway some barrel hoops salt glazed pottery stoneware i guess broken windows departure salt or pepper shaker maybe a little lantern other half to the cup see here's the wood lining horseshoe bottom to a wine maybe a champagne bottle as an extract bottle maybe an oil bottle bowl iron stone dropping into some rusty cans here there's a bottle dr price's delicious flavoring extract some more iron stone fragments i took down this corner and saw the corner of a bottle looks like a drugstore bottle here somewhere there we go that's an early one i think a philadelphia oval style 1880s 90s iron stone plate oh nice that's intact both looks like it's cracked that's why they threw it down no markings good crazing oh broken drugstore bottle looks like the chip at the top prying the cork out philadelphia oval top to a chemical bottle of some sort it looks like we have a chamber pot on the way up and that has some good iridescence on it some kind of ointment bottle broken wine here's a big it's more iron stone fragments utilitarian type bottle late 1800s that's some really fancy pottery pieces on the way out okay oh there's a drugstore bottle inside of it but yeah this thing's cracked chamber pot so iron stone wouldn't be in this jug look at the tops knocked out right there jug top to a bluing bottle knocked off many years ago it's an oldie though let's see what else do we have this big thing here it should be bottoms knocked out some kind of food bottle looks like a tooled top or an applied top let's see looks like maybe an applied top on that thing so we're getting better aid okay broken and bromo seltzer probably yeah moving on to this corner broken mason jar a piece of that blue bottle here's an extract or something ooh that's early that's got a key mold wow this great age oh yeah it's a crude top for this part of the country that's about as early as it gets in general anyway there is part uh the flower planter is part two of stove possibly another flower pot and so it's getting older broken wine bottle look at that plate wow we're getting some really good age in this pit i found some more pieces of this plate and pulled up this barrel mustard this plate may actually be one of the oldest pieces of dinner where i've dug in the dakotas looks like it says omnia hannibal that's really something i barely did any scraping and a couple more pieces show themselves one right here one right here and a coffee cup iron stone china let's see this one seems loose looks like an extract really clean glass this one feels broken i really pulled on it hurt some crunching looks like a shoe fly bottle shoe fly whiskey so oh wow this has the label so i believe a barrel mustard i'll try to clean this off carefully imperial something company cleaned it off a little bit if someone knows what that is drop a comment got a ton of stuff on the way out there's a big piece here it's some kind of pottery another flower pot that thing's cool really nice design awesome pressed glass that is great extract awesome another utility bottle oh that was unexpected it says new york on it never seen one of these looks like some kind of big worcestershire sauce bottle or something shoe might actually have a pair now cleaned it down again you can really see the shape of this thing now it's actually somewhat rectangular anyway i've got something in this corner i actually saw it a while ago and continued cleaning an old lock set yeah there it is looks like a drugstore bottle there we go excelsior drugstore pretty imbrect yankton dakota territory mint this top i think the bottle's whole what do we have here wow wow that thing is amazing and early wow look at that crude top this thing is something there's a layer of gravel here an indication it could have collapsed at one point although there's some stuff underneath it i've taken some scoops and i felt some glass pulled some glass up i'll i'm just about through here i'll keep picking away at it yeah the lining keeps going so the well keeps going i'm just about through it though yeah it keeps going espy's fragrant cream i'm always down guessing this isn't errors yeah key mold bottom is that a tooled top must be an early one if it is there's got to be a ton of stuff down here yet on all sides the trash layer continues after that gravel layer i was clearing through and found a few more pieces shoe leather looks like there's one piece here i saw two others over here there's one and there's one looks like an ink so pull this one out first excelsior drugstore yankton i believe these are dakota territory i just don't say i earned peace ink bottle probably carter's nothing home on it and what's this humphreys veterinary specifics looks like there's a panel bottle or something it could be another frisbees or sp sps fragrant cream just about through this gravel layer there's some ashes underneath it look we might be getting into some wood ash oh there's another one shoulder's blown out prices special flavoring extract anything else in here let's scoop some of this gravel out of the way pipe bowl oh shoe shoe sole stem to that pipe the top's broken but that thing's free-blown oh there's a ton of stuff down here lid rusty can in the croc brown blaze homeopathic next to it another excelsior drugstore bottle from yankton it's got the eagle on it with the motor and pestle that is awesome maybe about a bottom i'm probably 12 feet down it's a really colorful piece a drugstore bottle or okay it's another one of those humphreys this piece i wonder if it's a okay i think i know this is rumford's and rumford's chemical works really nice color patented march 10 1868 the things we get ourselves into i actually have a piece on the way out down there from the well at prospect place try climbing in here these ledges came in handy so brown glazed iron stone some kind of cork top jar based on the rest of the stuff down here this has got to be 1880s just drop through either the second cap layer of gravel or about at bottom but this aqua bottle showed itself spaldings glue i'll keep clearing this level down and i might probe it feels soft it could just be the natural gravel layer we'll see how it goes this little quarter ounce bottle came out one of the smallest and best bottles i've seen another humphreys homeopathic company and another one here another humphreys popular product on this estate i guess the pit is finished up it was loaded with gravel on the bottom i sunk a seven foot rod down i think they backfilled it when they abandoned it and then filled the rest up with the trash here's the hall the sauna stuff came out there's those fragments from earlier some broken generator pieces utilitarian stoneware that really early plate piece a couple food bottles broken the iron stone all kinds of dinnerware pieces serving pieces mustard bottles free blown piece i don't know there's an ink bottle worcestershire sauce the rumfords a couple of ointments or something along those lines all those humphries this pipe actually have to look that up but this big bottle this thing's something here this amber one has got some great edge and applied top not exactly sure what was in it though i should look that up also possible food bottle cream bottle extracts a couple beers early medicine of some sort maybe an oil bottle heirs another medicine lantern broken lantern peas some utilitarian bottles jugs possible liquor jugs flower pots and some glassware including that chalice another flower pot and a doorknob more ornate pieces this one especially it's beautiful oh that concludes the well [Music] you
Channel: Below the Plains
Views: 1,268,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Askjem, Below the Plains, bottles, antique bottles, wild west, history, american history, archeology, old bottles, north, dakota, minnesota, south, crick, creek, bottle digging, digger, adventure, dig, vintage, antique, outhouse, privy, diggers, cistern, glass, collection, collectable, collector, train depot, midwest, hotel, saloon, trash, dump
Id: YGGCIjjcn_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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