Dropping a 40 lb Bouncy Ball

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in today's video we're going to see if we can combine over 1000 bouncy balls and several pounds of bouncing ball powder to make one enormous bouncy ball [Music] hey Nate where did George Washington get his hatchet the shopping mall guys new shirts available now look for more info unlike that joke these shirts are amazing guys not too long ago we took a bunch of this bouncy ball powder that combines with water and we tried a few different things with it we tried making bouncy shoes we tried making a bouncy chicken and we had some mixed results with that but it was a lot of fun and we wanted to try something else so today we're going to take a lot of this along with a lot of already made bouncy balls and we're gonna see if we can make one giant bouncy ball over a foot in diameter okay so along with the bouncy balls that were just poured onto my head we've got about a thousand more we've also got a 1 foot hamster ball and we're gonna try putting all of these bouncy balls and all of that powder to sort of bind it all together inside that mold and we're going to see if we can make a bouncy ball that's over a foot in diameter it should be a lot of fun however before we do that good before we get to that there are a couple other things we want to try because you know we've got a thousand bouncy balls here's the basic idea we have over 1,100 normal sized bouncy balls and we've got a lot of this powder that can turn into a bouncy ball we want to put all of it together inside of a spherical mold to see if we can make one bouncy ball that's over a foot in diameter alright we've got our 1,000 valancy balls right here now seeing all of these reminded me of an old commercial in 2000 I think it was 5 sony bravia had a commercial for their new television which they dropped about 250 thousand bouncy balls down a street or two of San Francisco there's a really cool video and the vid it was quite nice and so we don't have 250,000 of them but we do have a thousand and so we wanted to recreate that on a small scale we've got some stairs going down into the courtyard and we're just going to pour all of our bouncy balls down there and hopefully Cali won't be too injured because she has decided she wants to stand down there guys I've been dreaming about this since I saw that video so you know yeah okay ready go three two one [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we have to clean up for the next couple hours so love gathering bouncy balls well here is how we're planning to make our over 1 foot diameter bouncy ball this is uh this is a hamster ball or I guess probably bigger than this is a guinea pig ball rabbit if you ever needed to put those in a ball don't put your rabbit rounds and goal please don't consult a pet expert before doing anything I say hopping and ball probably wouldn't work too well alright beep beep beep be alright and then we've got several pounds we bought 10 boxes each box has 25 bags so we've got 250 of these bags hopefully that'll be enough to fill all the gaps between the bouncy balls and then we've got this tub that we're gonna use to soak it in water so we have so this is at 250 packets we have 1100 bouncy balls I think we're gonna be good here's hope now I don't want to end up with like the top inch of our balls is missing but worst case that's still pretty round and bouncy and then pretty soon after we start pouring on the powder we're gonna want to add some water to get it all to stick together because otherwise it'll just run out of the holes in the ball [Music] we actually still have mini bouncy balls left over several it's not perfect you can see that there are some gaps and some spots don't think it's gonna be okay I think it's pretty good yeah clearly see it's hard to get power to flow into this especially when it's wet but let's take this out let's just kind of let that chill right here yeah I'm gonna play soccer with it good luck hey okay now I'm not gonna play saw Ali broke her foot all right so our bouncy ball is completed but it is gonna take quite a long time to drive because that that is big bouncy ball so we're gonna come back in a couple of days and we are going to have to de Mol bit see what happens it actually might be fine right now but we don't want to risk it falling apart as we do you mold it so we really want to make sure that it has time to sort of settle and set and become a solid ball before we accidentally tear it in half by taking the mold off of it so we'll see you then well yeah this has been sitting for a day or two Oh interesting where the water like with a side that was sitting down like water clearly drained through we got some very like gooey slimy bits so I don't know how even the consistency through the whole thing will be but oh I wanted to wait who I was guessing 40 we got 40 2.6 it's over a 40 pound bouncy ball all right I haven't actually tried to lift this thing I got a try okay it's not exactly an atlas stone but it's not like oh well let's see if we can get the hamster ball part off of it we don't want to break the ball inside we want to break the plastic on the outside if I break the ball doing this then it was it deserved to be broken that might be true let's see start with little bricks all right cool hey remember how we put rubber in this and now we're trying to hit it with something it was cracked when I bought it here there we go could we pry it apart not used to don't really need to if you're gonna start getting pieces off yeah oh good well I was worried it was gonna adhere to the bouncy ball doesn't look like no problem Oh sticky parts oh I'll give this one section a lot of exposed bouncy ball that's okay okay oh my gosh here wait hang on let's just let's just put the hose back there we go thank you chard out the perfect distribution I'm rubber powder but impressed with what we've done here yeah some of this feels like a perfect bouncy ball some of this you put your hand on you sort it I'm pretty happy with this though this is it's it's not perfect but it's great awesome I'm gonna bounce it at you ready ready hit the shrapnel grenade grenade I am covered in it now that's throwing intact tiny bounce balls out of it I think that's enough for the small-scale test I think we got to go straight to the the full-scale guys what bouncy balls launched out of this we got something really special for today something that we wanted to play with for a while and I think it's time I think its main voyage should be our bouncy ball shall we I like it that's all right okay night what do we have here that looks like a beach ball that's not what I'm talking about oh we have a boom lift that goes up 35 feet and a 40 pound bouncy ball I am thrilled we also have as you said a beach ball just as comparison they're about the same size so you can see how a beach ball would respond being dropped from 35 feet and then of 40 2.6 pound bouncy ball this is gonna float down this is gonna plummet down all right you ready hand me that I'm heading up I'm to hide so this this is about as high as we were able to get just throwing it out the second-story window and that way yeah we decided that wasn't high enough so there we go that's probably 30 feet off the ground and then add another four or five for the rail here that's a goodly high goodly high goodly high good alright something you'll start with the beach ball uh-huh I don't think it's even gonna land in our landing zone there's a slight breeze and it is a beach ball so I think it's gonna travel all right you guys ready for this yes well drop in three two one Wow that stayed in our landing zone pretty good okay all right so that was how a normal ball would bounce also a plain bouncy ball one bouncy ball I got it all right I'm just gonna set it on the edge here and then roll it off three two one that was great oh yeah [Music] well how much did that bounce negative none none bounce kind of just splatted and sent little bit about crying so one thing one thing we've learned is the bouncy ball powder doesn't really stick to the pre-made bouncy balls how looks like opening a weird feeling egg or a pomegranate gone terribly wrong Wow just like a kid it's kind of like a pomegranate it didn't bounce I'm a little sad about that but it was extremely satisfying to just watch it like that was amazing yeah forty pound bouncy balls not as bouncy as regular bouncy balls nope even when there's a thousand of them however when it splats all of the little bouncy balls inside do bounds dad sent bouncy balls everywhere thankfully be finding bouncy balls for the rest of our lives there will be an Easter egg hunt in this yard five years from now and people will be like hey I found a bouncy ball you're like cool I love this yeah I know it's kind of weird don't my my problem is that it's yeah it's it's the inside it's still kind of like gel however this is like a giant pomegranate it's really fun to just kind of pull apart and like pull them out as you go if you've ever pulled the part of pomegranate this is almost exactly what looks like just on a massive scale check this out they're just in there everywhere I mean I know cuz we put them there but still gets to try a piece I think this bouncy ball powder is really this supposed to be made into small single bouncy balls our chicken didn't bounce too well supposed to be nearly forty three pound Bansi ball however really cool I'm making the mess worse yes I know you really want to meet here alright guys most of our bouncy balls were saved they weren't destroyed I'm sure we've lost a few but we've got a lot more if there's stuff you'd like to see us do with a lot of bouncing balls let us know down in the comments we'll be sure to check those out and you've got anything cool we'll try it out we're good we're good I hate this I hate this I hate this a lot I hate this a lot guys click that box up the top check out our most recent video and we will see you in the next one talk to you then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 2,255,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bouncy ball material, diy bouncy balls, bouncy shoes, moon boots, 90s toys, 90s nostalgia, tkor, thekingofrandom, random happens, grant thompson, nate, calli, bouncy ball, get 15 bounces in a single throw with the bouncy ball toy, make your own, diy super bouncy balls, moon boots shoes, bounce shoes, silicone chicken, interesting science experiment, drop test, how high will it bouncy, bouncy house, rubber experiments, casting with unique material, how ridiculous
Id: VDPnCakbpyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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