12 Awesome Toys You Totally Forgot About

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- We have a pile of presents here full of awesome toys that you probably forgot about. - Let's open 'em up and see which ones are all that and a bag of chips. (ding sound) - I wanna go small. - I want that green one. - Okay. (poof sound) - Hoo! - I'm excited. - Pop that open. - Oh! - Oh yeah! Love it! This is a Retroviewer, but not just any Retroviewer. This is the custom Retroviewer. If you're wondering what makes this one special, check out this video. - [Narrator] The 3D Viewer you remember from childhood-- - Wow! The Arch! - [Narrator] Can now be personalized just for you. - [Man] Wow! Our trip to the Arch! - [Narrator] With the Retroviewer Custom Reel. The Retroviewer projects images from a slide reel, only this disc is customized with your own pictures. Each disc reel holds seven images of your choosing, so you can have fun reliving memories in vivid stereoscopic display. The charming Retroviewer is a great keepsake from past adventures, a fun piece of interactive decor at your special events, and a way to show off your favorite moments. - (laughing) Oh, you gotta see this one! See, I had just whacked this guy, and there was this beautiful sunset... Oh, but there's a law that says that nostalgia can't be used as evidence though, right? No. - [Narrator] No matter what you want to display, the Retroviewer site helps you edit your images, and overlay 3D text to capture a moment that really pops. Get your own Retroviewer Custom Reel and see hundreds of other gifts we've discovered for you at http://www.vat19.com. - Ben, didn't you have a Retroviewer when you were growing up? - I did not, but my friends always did. - Really? - I would use theirs and I would look at Mount Rushmore. - Yeah! - Dinosaurs, and space. - So you can put any kind of images in here. - But it's a cool way to remember cool events in your life. - Yeah. - All right, Kara. What do you want to get? - Let's do the pink one. - Mermaid-pink one, please. (poof sound) - (gasping) - Is this what I think it is? - It is! - Gack! - It's Gack! This is a Gack Furt bucket. (wet farting noise) This is what it does, it stretches, it kind of like flops. It smells. - It's still got that smell. Smells exactly like Gack, - It smells like Gack. can't describe that. - Yeah, it farts. (sloppy farting noise) (sharting noise) That's what it does. (stretched out farting noise) Oh, when you put the lid on it's a real good furt. - I didn't like that face you made with it. This is like the original, slime. - The original slime, OG slime. We didn't make our own slime, this is what we had. - I still think its fun. - Oh yeah, it feels good. - This thing is the bomb dot com. - Okay, I'm eyeing this rainbow one Adam. - Go for it. - Let's go for it. - Yeah. (poof sound) - Oh I want to open this one, ooh, made a sound. - Yeah. - Ooooh. - Ooooh. - The Furby - Nooo. (laughing) - Ha, it comes alive! - Ahhh! - Ahhhh! - Eeeeh. - Boom. - Ahhh, God every time. - Have fun. - Sometimes though, they'll go to sleep, but you can wake them up. - Shhhhh. - There you go. - This was also a huge craze, these were everywhere for a while. People loved these, it was a hot toy. - Yeah, this is like late '90s era I believe. - Uh-huh, so I guess you kind of like befriend it. (electronic mumbling) - Let's open the one that looks like that and kind of like a trash can. - Okay. (poof sound) - What do you think it is? - I don't know, I just like to get in and get to it. And stop shaking it. - It's soft. (gasping) - This is a Cabbage Patch Doll. - This is, a Cabbage Patch Doll. - I had one of these. - I had a little boy Cabbage Patch Doll. - So all of the authentic ones, do you remember this? - I don't. - They're signed on the butt. - Oh, yep, here you go. - You know if it's a real one or not because its got the signature. - Yeah, they had these really rock solid heads. (look of disbelief) - And squishy little bodies. - Some of them have accessories, you can put the pacifier in and out. - Look at the little dimply mouth on them. - I know. - And the story behind them was they grew, in a cabbage patch. Like these babies were born from cabbage. It looks exactly like I remember. It doesn't really do much other than be a Cabbage Patch doll. - It loves you and you love it. - Okay, well you can imagine that it loves you. - I'm going with the blue and the yellow or gold-ish polka dots. - Okay. (poof sound) - All right you ready? - Yeah. This is classic pin art. - Very cool, what you got to do is you kind of set it like that. - Uh-huh? - You can set it down, and then. - Ow. - I'ma make some very cool artwork. Its got all of these little metal, basically nails or pins, that are not sharp. I'm going to do a face. You can kind of see the face in there. - Adam do your real face. - You want me to do my real face? - I want you to do your real face. - Okay, like I said, these nails are not super sharp, so they should, Oh aaahhhh ahhhhhw. Aww oe. - I would like the yellow polka dots please. - Ooooh. (Poof sound) - Oh yes! (gasping) - Yes! - Oh yeah! - Ahhhg, I hope there's a slammer. Okay, so these are pogs, it was game. Do you remember how to play? - I don't think I played the game, I just collected them. - Yeah, they were collectibles and the thing was is it was you could win your friends' pogs was kind of the thing. You would all put your pogs in a pile, and they all had different things on them. - They're kind of just like cardboard tokens. - Yeah, and I think what you did is like (dropping sound) and any you knocked over, you kept. - Really? - Yeah. So like these would be all mine. - Yeah and they were different slammers. - I had a thick one. - Yeah. - I had a real thick one that was clear. It was cool, it was probably illegal in the pog. - Oh my gosh. - The pog league. - We called ourselves poggers. - Are you just making things up? - Yip. - Okay, that's what I thought. - Ben which one do you want? - I want the pink-ish, hat box-ish present. - Bring in the pinkish hat box. (poof sound) - Wheeeew! - I hope it's Mark McGrath, okay. - Oh ho ho. - Oh skip it! - Oh yeah! - This is going to be kind of hard to demo. This is a jumping toy, so you put this on your leg, like an anklet, and then you spin it around. - I'll be your leg. - Yes. - Skip it. - Skip. - Oh you would have two legs so poom and you would jump and jump. - And then your friend comes over and they're like, - Oh! - That's skip it. This is so retro, it was even retro back in 2009. John and Jaime made the we do it jumbo music video. They have a shot where they use a skip it. Because it was funny, it's also retro. And ten years later, its gotten even funnier in my opinion. - Yeah. - What do you think Kara? A lot of good gifts left. - The little blue box. (poof sound) (gasping) - These are my favorite. - Ahhh troll dolls. - Troll dolls. - I love these things these are the ones with the jewels in the belly button. These were so fun because obviously they're all a little different, they'd be different colors, they have different clothes so you can dress them up, and they still hold up for me. Like we both got really happy when we opened that box. - I don't know why I like them so much? - I know they're just so fun. - Their faces are pretty cute with their little cheeks. Little chubby cheeks. - I know. - This is pretty much it, this is what it does. You are seeing it and kids in the '90s were very easily entertained, because we didn't have the internet. - All right pick a gift Adam. - Okay. I want to go with that polka dot mint box right there. - Yes, that sounds refreshing. - Yes. (poof sound) (exhales) - It's colorful, so it's got to be good. - It is. - Let's find out, oooh ho ooh yeah. It's none other than the classic slinky. - The slinky, this is such a classic toy, - These have been around for a really long time. - So if you're not familiar, you put them down stairs, or any sort of inclined surface, and it sort of like Gweeesh, - Slinky. gweeesh, - A slinky. gweeesh, - it's something magical toy, right? - This is what it does. - It just keeps doing this downstairs. - And that's a slinky. I appreciate the slinky, but it is kind of wild how much toys have progressed since the slinky hey-day. Like if you were to give this to a 10 year old now, they would just throw it in your face. - I want the tall hat box, that looks like something your grandma would have for a hat that she's wearing to the Kentucky Derby. - Okay. (poof sound) - Ngah, (gasping) - YES! - It's guess who. - They do have a newer version of this, but this is the I guess retro version if you will. - So we each get a card at random. - Need a card. - Okay, and that's who you are. - Is your person male? - I believe so. - What kind of answer is that? - Yes. - I'm just going to hide the ladies for now. - Does your person have black hair? - No. (flipping sound) So you're trying to pick questions that are going to eliminate as many people as you can. - But I think that's why I like it, you're a detective. - You're detecting. - Is yours female? - No. (flipping sound) - Does your person have cranial accessories? - What, you can ask that? - It's a good way to narrow it down. - Yes. - Oh yeah, that's going to knock down a lot of people. - Does your person have cranial accessories? - No, my person have cranial accessories. - Does your person have a hat? - No. (flipping sound) - Go ahead and try, you got one guess there. - I have to just guess? You can just guess at this point if you want to beat me. - Is your person Frans? - Dang it! (laughing) - Are you serious? (laughing) - It's freaking Frans. (chuckling) - Haaa. - That was fun! - That was fun. - I can't believe I guessed that. (laughing) - I want the weird diamonds. - Oooh (poof sound) - Ooooh I'm excited it's big. (rubbing box) - What is it? - What'd you get me Santa? - Oh it's an Aerobie. - Yeah. - This is like a Frisbee, but a little worse I think. So it's like a Frisbee but it's hollow, but its softer and it's like kind of a cooler thing. - It's cushy. - Yeah, it's big. - Yeah they throw, what, 13 000 feet or something? - They say it can throw 13 000 feet. - The fun game to play, and this was maybe not your favorite, definitely my favorite, you toss it, the other guy you try to use your head to catch it. - Oh lets do it right now, you ready? - Yup. - Oo huh, ahhhh! - Oooh! - I think this is cool stuff. - Let's do that big teal one with the pink sprinkle lid. (poof sound) (gasping) I was so jealous of my neighbor who had this. - I have never played this. - Do you remember it? - Not really. ♪ Crossfire ♪ ♪ You'll get caught up in the ♪ ♪ Crossfire ♪ ♪ Crossfire ♪ The whole point of this game is we get these little shooters and we're constantly shooting at each other, and the goal is, you get a point if you score these little spinners on the other side. Okay ready? - Three, two, one fire! - Three, two, one. ♪ You'll get caught up in the ♪ ♪ Crossfire ♪ Oh, oh get it! - My left hand is getting tired. - (chucking) I know. Go, go, go, get it! - Phew, I worked up a sweat dude. - Yeah? - I never played that. - Did you get caught up in it? - I did. - The crossfire. - Yeah, mm-hmm. - If you want to check out other awesome gifts like this, head over to Vat19.com to buy it yourself. Goodbye. - Yeah. It makes fart sounds. (fart sounds) ♪ VAT19.com ♪ (clicking)
Channel: Vat19
Views: 8,612,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vat19, vat 19, vat-19, retro, vintage, forgot, forgotten, awesome, toys, toy, gak, slime, furby, cabbage patch, pin art, pogs, game, games, skip it, troll dolls, slinky, guess who, aerobie, crossfire
Id: WDnCj1s3Qjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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