Dropped: Expedition South Pacific | Complete Season | Survival Show

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Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes now they face the punishing New Zealand wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their Journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing Amazing Grace [Music] [Music] the South Pacific a diverse group of islands stretching across the vast Pacific Waters with their own identities cultures and ecosystems each island offers an array of unknowns [Music] New Zealand is part of the South Pacific family perched on shifting tectonic plates the North and South Islands boast heavy volcanic activity and thousands of earthquakes each year because New Zealand is surrounded by water many of its flora and fauna were brought to the country by immigrants today New Zealand's punishing terrain pounding Rapids and volatile conditions create a torture test for two men traveling alone Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer will have to glean every resource they can in order to survive this South Pacific Expedition it's a race against the clock and a battle against the elements foreign crazy when you fly over uh rough water like this it looks so tame from up high then you get down into it you get the Roar of the water and everything else and it just you know it's all part of the adventure [Music] boy that's pretty look at that view yeah [Music] successfully made it to the dropped Zone The Brothers hit the ground with only the clothes on their back foreign with the helicopter's departure the brothers are now alone in the New Zealand wilderness they will have to rely on their wits and their limited gear to survive from here on out oh there it is that's it we're here made it undropped baby right here in New Zealand a little rainy yeah a little bit of weather but unbelievably gorgeous terrain like unbelievable so I mean I don't know what else to say the thing was it was like I was unbelievable I don't know how to took a helicopter ride through the Southern Alps you can't really complain about that much yeah we made it to the LZ we got our cash items we got to go through doesn't look like a very big pile I can tell you that much right now yeah but at least we've got them at least we know we have something to start with this time that's a little different yeah absolutely let's do it we don't have to look for it it's right here we're gonna go through that cash items we gotta figure out what's going on this river is absolutely gorgeous like that water is crystal clear crystal clear so all right well let's dive into this stuff drop New Zealand starts I know it is expecting that it's all over the place rain a little bit of sun it's all right challenging right out of the gate let's go see what we got in the cache okay buddy a little bit different getting gear out of the gate yes all right we're wrapped it's obvious we're on a river raft and rope is a good thing always helmet yes these are helmets we've never got a helmet before I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing so there's probably going to be this is a white water ahead of us apparently we're gonna get into some white water the helmet what do you think we're gonna need this huh I don't care I'll still look chances are if there's a helmet I'm Gonna Be Where chances are I'm gonna be needing it what are we needing a helmet for I don't know the river look fine we just flew all the way in I guess we did fly in upstream and we got to go that way dangerous Rapids are fatal when not handled properly so it's a little bit no I'm not gonna lie to you see if we got them we're using life jackets too so pfds and helmets raft which I'll take and hey bonus this time not just oars but two of them that's a ball okay they're wooden doors the oars are critical should they break the brothers could sustain serious injuries or death okay what else we got here's the pump okay Waiters Chris and Casey must protect themselves from the unpredictable elements the brothers Bare Bones equipment consists of several layers of thermal clothing designed to be adaptable for any situation an advanced pair of polarized sunglasses will protect their eyes from debris in the Sun's UV rays maintaining their range of vision the rafting kit includes a 12 by 6 foot raft designed to navigate New Zealand's treacherous Rivers along with a rope a nylon flip line and an air pump each brother also received a pair of waders made of tightly woven waterproof fabric and wooden oars to control the raft as they make their way down river several protective items have been supplied in the cache including a pair of helmets and personal flotation devices this is the first time Chris and Casey receives precautionary safety gear a sure sign that danger awaits them that's not a big pile of stuff but it's the essentials that we need right now which I'm okay with so that's what we got no weapons no anything else but we do have the essentials to what looks to be go down the river right now okay without a weapon the brothers food options are limited to what they can scavenge um helmet yeah I'm still thinking about these and it throws me for a little bit I'm not gonna lie yeah of all the rivers we've ever done never needed a helmet I've got a lot of rivers um yeah foreign with only a means of transportation Chris and Casey Kiefer must quickly come up with a plan of action before the sun dips below the horizon well we got the First Cash it's always exciting to see what you get in the first cache not a whole lot of stuff but stuff that's usable no doubt um Casey Nel kind of figure out what these helmets are for it's a little intimidating when you land and the first thing you see is helmets and pfds but uh that's where I'm at with it I'm excited I'm kind of like super adrenalized right now just coming in on a chopper and seeing all this beautiful land in New Zealand and uh just to know that uh we've got some good items right out of the gate that we can utilize to get down the rivers huge so I don't know a lot of work ahead of us but it's exciting all right let's do it [Music] is that the end range yeah it's right here in my boot the brothers are given a GPS Communicator for safety General directions and future cash validation just wear your helmet you okay welcome to the Southern Alps of New Zealand you have five miles to your first cash destination good luck and stay safe five miles five miles okay that's not that bad no that's not bad at all unless it's five miles with a helmet five miles with a helmet would be back yes Chris and Casey have 24 hours to reach their next cash destination the next five miles will test their skills as oarsmen like never before navigating the Rapids will prove difficult but the razor-sharp Rocks protruding From the Canyon walls could easily slice open their raft and leave them stranded if they can successfully navigate their way through the gauntlet of white water rapids they will reach the shores of their second Supply Cache knowing that we have five miles to get to the next cache I say we basically I mean we have to blow this up right yeah the weather is brutal and then good and then brutal and good on the way in so I mean it was totally spotty let's just kind of at least if we get it up and then we can make a decision of whether we go yeah yeah I mean we're already getting late in the evening if we can get this up in time we can make a decision whether we want to run five miles before dark or we want to just hold off and hit in the morning so but we got the essentials that we're going to need there's no weapon there's no anything for us to get food or eat or anything so let's hope in five miles they're a little kinder okay don't lose that no don't do that don't lose those I'm gonna take that you're gonna you're gonna have to wear this all the time during all the wrapping I got a helmet all right well let's blow this raft up there ready with only a few hours before dark Chris and Casey must quickly set to work inflating their raft the baron Shores offer little value and without a readily available supply of food the brothers will quickly burn through their limited amount of energy leaving them tired and hungry foreign Pump It Up this is terrible man yeah all right here is the chambers right there okay Chris and Casey Kiefer have spent the last hour inflating their only means of transportation the likelihood of finding food and shelter before dark shrinks with each passing minute as they tirelessly work toward completing the mind-numbing chore of that sun [Music] dropped is officially underway we actually got a cash where we landed this time which it's pretty sweet we uh got the essentials got the raft the oars one thing that's got me concerned a little bit please helmets of all the rivers I've ever rafted all across Alaska the Yukon North America stuff never needed a helmet before I didn't see water that looked dangerous at all but I mean hey I came in from upriver so who knows what's down it's definitely going to present his challenges but I'm excited I'm ready to rock and roll I mean we are in the Southern Alps of New Zealand it's gonna be an epic adventure one way or the other no matter how you slice it specially funny now you get that chamber good yeah she's she's checked out this is actually a pretty solid raft actually we got a bow line we got a star line you know what we should do with these is rather than chaining them yeah because we got those helmets chances are we're going to be into some serious White Water we may have to get out in the hurries let's just Loop them yep and then we can tuck them under this last rope right here like this oh and then just bring it through yeah so we'll just feed it through like that yeah and then if we have to bail out we can literally bail out and then one pull and just grab it and we got it and then we can let it out as we you know what I mean it'll be a heck of a lot easier to do it like that proper gear awareness is crucial when navigating treacherous waterways no that'll work I feel like that's good this has a flip line right here so I think we just acquaint ourselves quickly with it again pretty self-explanatory but normally one of us would carry this on us but since we're both pretty decent at what we're doing I say we just leave it attached right so we just know it's floating instead of one of us carrying the flip line and and having it on us let's just leave it attached so at the end of the day if the raft is flipped she goes over the object would be for one of us scrambling to get either bow or Stern right pull ourselves up onto the raft and then once we get up here you're going to search for that and find it this is where it's at the nice thing is we're already wet so don't have to worry about it and then basically from there anchor and then just pull it and she's going to come back over okay so so we'll do those ropes like that leave the flip line on it other than that we're good yeah it's a beautiful little wrap so it should work out great the 95 pound raft will serve as Chris and Casey's key method of transportation it's 12 feet long and six feet wide and can support over one thousand pounds of cargo thanks to heavy duty polyurethane construction a self-bailing floor allows water to freely flow in and out of the raft preventing excess water weight from sinking it five interior Chambers are inflated to 3 PSI to keep the raft buoyant should one chamber get punctured by the Rocky River Bottom the remaining four chambers can keep the raft afloat but if too many of its Chambers become damaged or deflated Chris and Casey will be stranded and unable to navigate the Russian waterways you want to get up there yeah go up maybe on the top up here and just see if we can't see what's ahead of us before we decide whether or not we want to hit the river yeah that's fine we should be able to get high enough to get a good look at what's out there anyway yeah that'll work all right all right I'll leave this here for now let's get to let's get some eyeballs on it I like that little raft though it's a cool rafter it's a short but it's got the width to it after spending much of the afternoon inflating their raft Chris and Casey must now gain elevation to analyze the surrounding topography doing so will reward them with valuable information required to make the best decision moving forward wow this opens up huh yeah I'll say you can't really see much of the river though no sweet it's Majestic Chris and Casey Kiefer are stranded in the middle of the New Zealand Wilderness dropped with basic gear and only a means of transportation the brothers must quickly and accurately assess the surrounding topography and build a plan of action before dark no but she's some pretty country it's actually starting to come down pretty tight he doesn't look like it goes there yeah that's what I was thinking is it doesn't go up that gut right there as hunters and survivors Chris and Casey have spent countless hours interpreting Geographic formations in situations like this the brother's deep well of personal experience helps them analyze the surrounding mountain range accurately predicting what's ahead of them is vital to the brother's survival one wrong move could put their lives in danger you know it probably wraps and when you got this this one coming down so I'm gonna imagine that it kind of wraps around here and heads that direction right there it's gonna get steep it is going to get steep by the by the looks of it but just ease around based on a light that we have right now as far as daylight I don't want to necessarily rush it so I mean the raft is as good as any plop down for this evening well if we had like six or eight hours left it'd be one thing we could hit the river but without that no it's going to be dark in two hours so hour and a half yeah so I say we hit the raft crashing that tonight yep hope and pray that the weather stays like it does right now and then let's hit the river in the morning yep okay another night in a raft hey that raft is pretty comfortable at least it's not nine degrees in the Arctic [Music] the Southern Alps is an intimidating mountain range that covers over two-thirds of New Zealand's South Island because the region is surrounded by vast areas of ocean strong Westerly winds Race Across the small land mass bringing rain and frequent changes in the weather the Mountain's high elevation traps moisture brought in from the ocean on the Western Front creating a lush green environment the winds that make it over the Peaks dry out the Eastern region in what is commonly known as a rain shadow the Northern parts of the island are closer to the Equator and features subtropical climates while the south is much more violent with fluctuating temperatures the brothers trip will force them to crisscross multiple regions and the varying conditions will create new opportunities and challenges along the way with the sun below the Horizon the brothers settle down for their first night in a foreign land first night in New Zealand we thinking in a raft it's actually not too bad rash pretty comfortable it's getting a little chilly out there I know right it could use a fire and a blanket but I'll take it for now it's getting uh it's getting cold there's no doubt about it there's snow at the top of the Peaks listen to that so weird laying here at night listening to Canada geese fly over it's kind of unique in the way that I keep thinking about us being in Alaska in the Yukon for so many years you're looking for like caribou and moose up on the hills and yeah it's really weird I don't know it's different it's hard to explain well we got a long day tomorrow we got we got to get to that cash we don't know what's up ahead of us we're gonna try and get some rest all I know is if it starts raining or snowing we're gonna flip this thing so be prepared to wake up because I'm gonna shake you we should be good we got clear skies I'm staring at the Southern Cross up there right now should be fun all right well long day tomorrow hopefully the cash has some good stuff in it but for now time to check out go to sleep I'm out that's it [Music] it's four o'clock in the morning I'm wide awake it's freezing cold and our raft is losing air Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] face the punishing New Zealand Wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their Journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing [Music] song whitewater rapids possess the strength and unpredictability to cause life-threatening injuries Rapids are categorized based on speed size and danger levels classes one through three are slower in speed but they're irregular waves and sharp rocks require quick thinking to maneuver through class 4 Rapids are longer and more dangerous with turbulent waves and constricted passages even the most experienced of Whitewater Rafters can have difficulties class 5 the most extreme are violent and nearly impossible to navigate Chris and Casey must always be ready to react and adapt to the changing waterways if the brothers are thrown from the raft they could face serious bodily harm or even death [Music] thank you [Music] cult Frozen [Music] brutal man unprotected from the freezing cold the Brother's first night has left them exhausted and sore [Music] yeah we got a major problem eh you know oh entire raft is losing away a punctured raft could spell disaster for the brothers that's called free up most of the night yeah 10 minutes 15 minutes and then this right here is losing air and it's losing it in every chamber including the center sections and the floor so why would it be losing air in everyone that's why they're chamber I don't know but that's not good at all you know I mean if it's losing air sitting still yeah What's it gonna do when we're going down the river and pressures you know what I mean yeah I know we're gonna have to watch that because that could be bad if the raft is damaged the brothers will have no choice but to cross the mountain range on foot beautiful day we got that going for us I just need to get warm you know oh well let's get uh let's get warmed up get that baby's full of air and start moving on the river we'll warm up even more we got to get to that next cache oh oh I can feel it instantly yeah I know oh all right let's get air in that boat take me a minute to get going here in the morning I don't know I've always been like that kind of get my bearings ease into it take my time to get going [Music] Chris is always up and right at it motor's running right away kind of like to take my time a little bit it's a blue birthday in New Zealand I really want to see what she has to offer us I know it's going to be absolutely beautiful based on our flight in I'm ready I'm excited I'm charged up tired right now I wasn't tired earlier four o'clock this morning I was wide awake just walking this this uh edge here just trying to get warm oh I feel like uh as soon as I get the blood flowing again Casey and I can get that raffle of air and uh hit the river ain't just a combination of just the moisture in the air being so close to the ocean you know we lost Sun at like four o'clock yesterday maybe even earlier which is why we decided not to hit the river I'm ready to see what this River's got a little concerned about the helmets a little concerned about the air in the raft but it's Gotta Stay energized that's the plan right now give her all she got it's interesting to see what these temperature variances are going to do feels like it's probably going to get up into the 60s maybe even 70 today but then it drops down like that at night [Music] see what the river holds [Music] re-inflating the raft has eaten into the brother's limited daylight they must hurry or risk navigating white water rapids in the dark got a lot of river ahead of us okay he's cold it's beautiful good back there yeah I'm excited now all right let's stay left let's give her a whirl let's see what New Zealand has to offer so do you think we need to put these helmets on Chris and Casey Kiefer are making their way down river toward their second cash only an hour into their trip the brothers are already beginning to see and hear warning signs of the dangers that lie ahead right in the middle of the river with that you gotta talk a little loud with these Rapids right in the middle of the river yeah that's a big rock man I can see it right there I say we pull over and check it before we hit the chute yeah we need to look at it because that's definitely a wrap Clipper or even a wrap Ripper take a look at it I'd rather see it before we actually try to do it before we run into it large Boulders are commonplace in New Zealand's Rivers due to the Collision of the Pacific and indo-australian plates buried beneath the island known as the Alpine fault the grinding of these two plates causes earthquakes landslides and erupting volcanoes sharp rocks and debris loosened by frequent earthquakes litter the Waterway Chris and Casey must stay alert and react quickly in order to maneuver the raft around dangerous obstacles lining the riverbed one wrong move could result in life-threatening consequences problem is is there's two currents right here that split see them yeah it's like right there it's going directly into the side of that rock get that water hitting the side of that rock right there just Hammer that's where you don't want to be because that's where you list so maybe this is why we got the helmet I'd say this would be a start of the helmets looks fairly clean yeah well that stuff over there does look sharp looks like it's new from that earthquake coming down out of there last thing we need to do is peel a wrap we set up high enough up here you got one rock up top you got that second Rock right there and then you got the Third Rock but if we can get left after that one cut it we'll try to get ready and then let them go I mean this Gorge is closing in on us I'd rather walk it out check the line letterbox yeah fine by me if we do go into that get on the oars I will try my pack Chris and Casey must be smart in order to safely maneuver around the boulder the obstacle marks the start of the most dangerous section of Rapids multiple rocks are directing the water's flow right into the heart of the boulder Chris and Casey must use speed strength and timing to escape the Raging current and steer the raft to the left of the rock a head-on collusion would pin them to the boulder the overwhelming force of the river would flood the raft forcing it to list and sink leaving the brothers helpless and at the mercy of the Raging Rapids hitting the proper line is crucial to the brother's survival trying to correct course mid-river will be almost impossible the brothers have made it past the rock but it was just a precursor for the dangers that lie ahead okay oh nice line oh so check that out right there that is what we just came through I mean just a Gorge beyond all gorgeous I mean so gnarly and Crags and rocks and white water I mean it just it had everything man that was awesome and then it's like we spit out the end and here it is nice and calm getting back into the Sun but it's getting chilly hey what do you got yeah it's getting cold had to pull over get changed here for a second I took some water in the front that was a little bit of a challenge I see now why we got the helmets and pfds and uh they're definitely strapped up but it's not over we still got little little bit of ways to go before we get to that cash and that sun is going down so as much as I want to stand here and enjoy everything I also want to make sure we get there tonight hopefully get through this next section but incredible absolutely incredible [Applause] there it is time is slipping away as the sun dips towards the horizon the brothers have less than an hour to find and validate the cash before they lose its contents to the ticking clock it seems to be the most logical place right just Beach it in here somewhere and look for it look at this wrap just losing so much air look at that I know I mean it's just dropping drastically we're right at the five mile marker is that what it said I'll check it again but the only Willows we've seen the entire way down the valley so this has got to be it yep five miles that's it yeah let's start looking yeah if you see it okay let me know all right It's gotta be here somewhere the cache is located somewhere in the dense Grove of Willow the brothers must hurry but also use caution hastily overlooking an area may prove to be a critical mistake it's so nice to Camp up in these Willow what's that I found it yeah I got it it's over here all right yeah baby [Music] what do you got right now we got a bow we got a PSE and a Bloodsport which is one of those and then we've got a pack and I haven't gotten that far yet one Arrow one Arrow I guess it's better than no arrows we got the pack there's a hammocks okay so we've got those plenty of trees obviously I was really hoping to be in these Willows okay here's the release for the ball we got some rope with that I mean that's it right now there's nothing else in the pack goal fishing gear that's all the fishing gear that's everything everything we got reels we got rods oh that's awesome this Willow cash provides Chris and Casey with the tools to gain necessary food resources a compound bow and arrows afford the brothers the opportunity to harvest Wild game but they must be wise and accurate with their aim one lone Broadhead means the brothers must ensure their shot is on the Mark or risk going hungry the fishing kit includes a five-weight fly rod and a large Arbor reel along with multiple lures and flies New Zealand is well known for its trout and salmon fishing a resource the brothers hope to take full advantage of the addition of a day pack allows them to transport gear long distances and keeps their hands free while traversing the rugged New Zealand Wilderness inside the pack was a pair of hammocks which will keep the brothers up off the ground and protect it from New Zealand's Relentless insects okay so let's back up for a second The Hammocks I'm excited about well that's gonna be better than that raft tell you that much we got all this wood but no way to start a fire no fire means even if they were to take down an animal they would have no means of cooking it okay um check in so that we are good to go here if the brothers had forgotten to validate the cash the gear would have become void and ineligible for them to use we found it does it send me it works we got fishing gear yeah let's just figure it out man go from here having found their second cash Chris and Casey now survey the surrounding area for resources and Intel while Chris gets elevation Casey searches the lowlands for a possible food source there's no mistaking what the game does in here massive Trail be really nice to get under a canopy too these Willows are awesome so helpful staying warm dry wood gotta be careful walking through here with my waders on back in here this might be a massive patch of blackberries yeah these are all blackberries as far as I can see these are all blackberries look at that yep I mean we've got a bow now which is good because we can start hunting still don't have a real legit way to start a fire but these are huge I have not eaten since I touched down oh that is so good it's just a pick-me-up I mean it just brings you around gives you some flavor gives you a little bit of energy a lot of sugar and Berry so it kind of gives you a little pep in your step and there's nothing better than seeing an endless amount of berries so I'm gonna get these loaded up actually load up my hat and uh take a bunch of these back to camp as Casey collects berries Chris finally reaches the plateau overlooking the river and the valley Beyond oh this is sweet having this kind of elevation right out of Camp is really huge because we're able to get up here and see all of the land and then looking at it there's three valleys that come together right here in a creek that kind of goes up and it looks like it cuts up through there and that's got to be full of game in there so that's what I definitely want to look at now that we have a weapon opens up everything we've got you know goats pigs and rabbits I mean it's all fair game right now and I'm excited about it I wish I had time right now but the light is just dropping there's no way we're gonna be able to get over there in time so I gotta get back to that camp before dark kind of get a game plan for tomorrow morning start early but that's got to be explored over there I gotta go see what else he's found [Music] oh good idea huh it's a good idea to weigh her down what'd you find berries berries berries blackberries big blackberries too and they're fresh yeah they're everywhere literally all across this flat right here I stayed on this bottom flat and kind of just went that way really yeah they're everywhere yeah those are just a bunch of them back there yeah I mean more than a bunch I pretty much gorged as many as I could eat so they're good too they're actually like ripe yeah boom so that's a good source of food yep well I just went up and got elevation the river obviously it does like a big uh horseshoe comes back yep three big ridges come together as a creek okay I mean if we're gonna go hunting that'd be a great spot to go all right wait for morning we're losing light I say we just weighed her down put them up huh I'm kind of excited to sleep in the hammock I know I threw this jacket on I'm getting a little nippy that'll be fun after surviving an arduous day of white water rafting and finding their most recent cash the brothers are in High Spirits with light quickly fading all they can do now is try and get some well-earned sleep before tomorrow's challenges or hunger awakens them [Music] [Music] okay look at this setup huh I like it a lot better than sleeping in the raft way better than sleeping in the raft long day on the river so crazy because you get you get dropped you get the adrenaline going to get moving you get grooving and then all of a sudden it just hits you like bam I'm tired yeah we're feeling pretty good about the cash I mean we got a weapon now we got a fishing rod so I mean at least we have means to go hunting which is what I'm ready to do right now stuff man another good day in New Zealand feeling pretty good about it any day in New Zealand's a good day yeah exactly now all we need is that pepperoni pizza that you ordered oh with that'd be so good right now okay that's it [Music] Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] face the punishing New Zealand wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing happens [Music] [Applause] early settlers introduced several invasive species to New Zealand's Wilderness which have ruthlessly disrupted the Island's ecosystem the native flora and fauna have been unable to adapt to the introduction of invasive pests such as pigs goats stoves and rats who compete for limited resources the once thriving native ecosystem has been decimated by these unwelcome species and will limit the brothers opportunities to find adequate food resources foreign [Music] hot dog I'll tell you what when we lose son we lose on for a long time I know I mean it's not like we're in a Range that runs east to west it rises behind the mountains and sets behind them out we have it like a brief window it's still not all the way up I'm gonna get soul in here or what or at least try to oh it's an image I was wondering what that was what we because we didn't get our thing I didn't get it last night we should get it when we validate and we didn't get it [Music] yeah hold on a second here is it confusing or says we have two caches ahead but we have to pick one take the high Hard Road and be rewarded or wrap the river and find luxury we have to be at the next cash today yeah okay we'll be rewarded I'd like to be rewarded with luxury how does that happen we have to pick one we can't split and go to both of them no we have to pick one are they both the same distance away yeah it says we've got one mile and one mile a one by foot one by water Chris and Casey's third cash will test the brother's ability to cooperate the Hard Road cash is tucked away high in the Foothills above the brother's current location while the river cache is located a mile down river buried deep in a gravel bar with only six hours to find either the brothers must choose one quickly or risk losing both if we go by foot we come back here if we go by water we're moving again we have no idea what we're going to get into I said we stick with the plan that we had I would rather stay in this camp and hunt this Valley go up and hard and see if we can't find it they have a luxury I mean what could be luxury Chris's frustration mounts with each passing second as Casey weighs the options that ticking right now right now we have to choose so I say we grab our gear and let's hoof it high Hard Road on our way there if we take the river we can fish yeah but we got rabbits along the way and You're Gonna Let The Fur fish go anyway true true I mean let's be true we're gonna find a fish and you're gonna let them go anyway so I say we just forget that entire situation and let's go this way for rabbits food and reward with luxury I mean I know I'd have to assume that's going to be a pretty nice okay well that's my vote I'm gonna throw that out there we just don't want to leave I don't want to hit the water I don't want to get in the raft and if we go this way we can hunt our way we never take the low road let's go the longer the brothers take to decide the less time they have to find the cash and Casey Kiefer have been given six hours to find and validate one of two equipment caches the longer it takes for them to come to a decision the less time they have to find either all right well this is the first time that uh Casey and I have had to kind of make a decision you know we've got the option right now to either raft or hike we have a bow and I want to use it you need to set limitations and you need to have realistic expectations I'm kind of more let's rock and roll let's go do it right now in case he's more of a let's sit back and think about it for a second and then let's assess the situation and I don't think we have time to do that and if there's one thing that I've learned in all of my time out here it's don't be a hero don't get five six seven miles off the river I want to go hunting you know he's thinking hey let's just fish down there I know that put in the extra effort let's crush it if we don't have to bust ourselves by trying to go hike up top climb and rip our way through you know who knows what why would we do it because the reality of the situation is we don't know what's in idle cash maybe it won't pay off maybe the reward is going to be nothing it's going to be something silly but I'm willing to risk that we're on the same page if we're going to bust it up there and we're going to hike it I'll be right there busting it hiking with Chris but again I think that's what makes this a great team because I can think ahead and he can think in the here and now and there's a time for both and there's a time where you need both and it's just a different approach so I'm in New Zealand I'm here to hunt I'm here to gather food and I'm here to be on this adventure test our skills that is testing our skills the luxury way doesn't really sit well with me with no time to spare the brothers finally agree to take the high Hard Road toward the mountain cash with hopes of finding food along the way they don't make it uh we'll make it easy here hopefully we're making the right decision although right now luxury would be good finding the cash and of food source is imperative as the brothers head up the mountain the Trek will burn large amounts of energy if they were to come back empty-handed it could dramatically impact their chances of survival [Music] Gods goats right here see them down the bottom a pile of them the brothers have found a band of wild goats but they are a long ways off and in the opposite direction of the cache in the process of searching for their third Supply Cache Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer spotted a band of wild goats off in the distance with the clock counting down to validation the brothers must quickly come up with a plan of action or risk missing out on the valuable equipment gotta be up on this Ridge up here somewhere what if we split what if I went for meat and he went and got the cash yeah let me go after them try and see if I can get something okay and let's plan on like two hours I'll come find something about back by dark just wait longer all right hey be careful find that cash I only got one Arrow so I gotta Make It Count as Chris heads back down the mountain to stalk the goats Casey continues his Trek upward in search of the cash both brothers must move quickly and cautiously if either hopes to succeed oh how do I let him talk me into this stuff I'm trying to decide what to do here this toxic and this broom so thick going through it I mean with all the Briars and everything just trying to see if I can get higher because I want to be able to go on the other side and come down on them versus kind of skirting it and walking the bottom so we're at the bottom I'm walking right at him with my wind going in there I just assume come down on top of them so I have the advantage all this broom everywhere is so high it looks like it's nothing but it's thick oh yeah there's a path bingo [Music] all right take a breather here [Music] the mountain steep elevation is taking its toll on Casey with nothing solid to eat in the last two days he's running on fumes with time quickly running out he must trudge forward or forfeit the valuable supply of equipment let's keep looking around definitely a mile a New Zealand mile which is a lot longer [Music] well I came up here on the top got a bird's eye view from what I can tell like a 14 wild goats down in front of me when I got up here I thought I was gonna be able to use this broom to my favor problem is I've got the advantage to see him but when I came around this Ridge I run into a rock face looks like it's a recent earthquake slide it's just kind of grown in or something I have no cover so I got to figure out and watch them where they go and then I'll make a plan if I can get down and get level with them I've got one arrow in my PSE things are complete pests in New Zealand this builds a stink I can't explain the smell you can smell them from a mile away it's unbelievable the wind just come in this direction actually smell them over 14 percent of New Zealand is inhabited by feral goats this adaptable species was brought to New Zealand by earlier settlers as a food source and has since grown to uncontrollable numbers they've devoured native vegetation to the point of endangerment and trampled Landscapes leading to soil deterioration and erosion these agile creatures have excellent balance and are able to take shelter in tough terrain if Chris wants to take one down he'll need to be extra cautious moving forward to the last Ridge it's got to be up here somewhere it is with a rifle oh my gosh okay I got the rifle that's huge it's got a pack what else we got in here we got Finos always a bonus we got here we got a knife Flint perfect now we got a way to start fire that is awesome very bottom ammunition boy that's a game changer oh I got a water bottle too awesome I got everything I need to be as effective as possible out here now [Music] the high Hard Road has paid off and justly rewarded the brothers with a model 70 270 short magnum rifle a full box of ammunition and a rifle scope this equipment allows the brothers to take big game from a distance and increases their chance of success inside a day packed was a set of 10 by 42 binoculars that should prove useful for trying to locate games and provide a better look at what's ahead the binoculars are tucked into a soft harness with an elastic strap for quick carrying rounding out the critical cash items is a fire starting kit that contains a sharp knife with a sheath that holds a flint Striker these items allow the brothers to quickly build a fire to cook food and keep warm during Long Cold Nights as Casey validates the cash Chris is on the opposite side of the mountain making his way down into the valley in Hot Pursuit of a lone Billy I have no idea [Music] that's only four there's 20. the tall brush hides the goat's movement if a lone goat were to spot Chris prematurely it could panic and send the whole herd right I'd like to get closer so that I know for a fact I got one arrow and I don't Miss animal I want to make sure it's clean kill I know to get as close as I can just make sure that this is in as Chris closes in on the billy he stumbles upon another looking directly at it feral goat has spotted Chris from only 15 yards having gone almost 36 hours without a solid meal losing this opportunity now could put the brothers in a dire situation the startled goat has alerted the rest of the herd and sent them running we just came out of here with nothing I don't even know what to say or do right now I'm just feeling a little defeated right now [Music] that is brutal that was such a long stock I had one was laying down and I'm not going to take a shot with one Arrow it's unethical to shoot him laying down when he stood up he just bounced I'm gonna keep pushing up the river but most of them started to scatter pretty good there was a lot of them in here though so I'm not real sure well the best thing to do is not give up I'm gonna keep searching all this stuff until I am positive they're not in here as of right now I'm looking at nothing I gotta keep pushing no way Louie another Billy has surprised Chris by stepping out of a high brush at only 15 yards but with only one Arrow this may be Chris's last opportunity [Music] oh yes I got one down I hope oh okay I got blood right here blood and I saw him caught up in the top up here well I thought I was busted there I thought there was no way I was going to get another one one stepped out goat or not I gotta eat there he is I'm gonna have to uh get this thing sort of caked out and I just realized I don't have a knife I gotta get to work okay I gotta think about this I gotta find a way to get some back straps off this and everything taken care of okay without a knife Chris must tap into his Ingenuity if he wants to process the goat hide and meet removing an animal's hide is a tedious process with only a Broadhead to skin the goat Chris must utilize a two inch blade to slice through the goat's hair fat and layers of muscle to reach the meat Chris must carefully handle the half inch thick Blade the goats hide in meat is tough and riddled with bacteria a simple cut could easily become infected and turn into something far more critical [Music] let me cut this up here they're just dirty the happy creatures [Music] is that a rifle that's a rifle oh I was wondering when you're gonna see that oh you find a winter too oh you got so much stuff I got so much you have a Pack it's got a pack it's got ammo got a rifle oh you really were got a knife just got a flint really how nice that'd have been nice just get them with a product yes did you really yes cut myself a couple times but it works you set up ah I grabbed as much meat as I possibly could get so you do have meat in there I do have meat it's not too stinky he's in the pack it's a trick he stinks I haven't eaten goat so we'll see neither have I it's better than nothing but right now hopefully it's bad oh we still got a ways to go I know we got to get back before dark so let's head it up over the top oh that double back Ridge all right let's roll yeah I'm good let's go can't believe you got a rifle and a knife with a successful hunt and cash retrieval behind them the brothers must now make their way back to camp with light quickly fading an exhaustion setting in the brothers are in High Spirits knowing they now have a solid source of food and New Gear to Aid them in their Journey [Applause] well we just got back to Camp I uh just got done hanging up this guy it's too late to uh really get into too much plus we're just whooped from that hike there's a lot of calories burned today big hike up there I think we'll tuck in the hammocks start our day tomorrow I can't tell you what the cash just did for my confidence level gave us a rifle some ammo some binos we got meat we took the high Hard Road and it paid off and I feel like now now we're in the chips I'm feeling good all in all I'm a little tired I'm starting to slow down a little bit but I'm feeling good the weather's nice I mean all in all not a whole lot to complain about stare up at the stars in the sky and fade off to sleep tomorrow is another day is an outdoor Channel original production [Music] Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] face the punishing New Zealand wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] New Zealand is known for being one of the best fly fishing destinations in the world several introduced species such as salmon perch and trout have flourished here a lack of competition and an abundance of food have allowed the fish found here to grow to Giant proportions however these waters are also known for being some of the toughest fly fishing on the planet the deep pools of crystal clear water found along the river allow the ancient fish to spot an angler from far away pulling a fish from this River could offer days worth of meat but will also prove exceedingly difficult should the brothers need an alternative supply of food foreign [Music] [Music] oh Lord Can You Hear Me Lord tell me crazy for being crazy [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] so you got that thing going or what no no no oh come on having gone over 72 hours without a proper meal Chris is struggling with even the most basic of tasks like starting a fire but with food in Camp from yesterday's kill the brothers can finally fill their empty stomachs it's gonna be interesting smells ability well the only thing we need is something to cook it with so if you can maybe get some sticks or some stuff that we can spit it up with and I'll just keep working on this because right now not having success I'll leave these right here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] looking for some good green trees we got a plethora of dead stuff in here which is a good thing but I need some green stuff that I can use we're gonna make a good old-fashioned Bush fit look around here try to find some of these smaller green Willows live wood contains large amounts of water which will extend the Branch's burn time and prevent the valuable food from becoming lost in the Flames so basically the idea of making a bushfit is not very hard find two good green sticks that you can get with good y's at the top you can come up and get a good y out of you want them green so they don't catch fire you're gonna put those on either end of the fire then you got to find a good Branch to go across the middle and act as basically the spit it's got to be big enough in diameter that can hold the weight of what you're trying to put on it spear the meat right through that run it all the way across the fire and cooking meat right there over the heat it's really not rocket science there's a million ways to cook when you're out here but it's a good old-fashioned Bush spit is basically the easiest one of all so we're gonna break that one off that's it that's as simple as it gets right there today there we go yes we have four Casey I got fire for now the fire breathes new life into Chris with the promise of a hot meal huh I got sticks thank goodness oh yeah I see the smoke took forever why is that just couldn't get it to hit and then it just got that perfectly working it she's still teetering I know we're getting there I got a couple of Y sticks here let's start carving them okay I'm just gonna really try and get it going going I have to use this for the spit having rafted several miles through raging Rapids hiked up and over a mountain and battled long sleepless nights the brothers desperately need a solid meal soon but they must be patient attempting to eat improperly prepared food in the wild can prove to be a fatal mistake Come to Papa yes okay A little air to it I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little nervous about this meat yeah it stinks Chris and Casey are preparing to have their first meal in almost three days with a long journey still ahead the brothers need the goat meat from Chris's kill to replenish their depleted energy yo Bango okay here we are Fire's gonna be rolling foreign male goats also known as Billy's produce excessive amounts of testosterone and adrenaline during their running phase large amounts of adrenaline released by stress limits the production of lactic acid postmortem which can turn the meat dark firm and dry this purplish tough meat will be high in PH giving off a metallic flavor and is highly susceptible to spoilage with daily temperatures in the 70s bacteria could taint the meat in hours and make the meat inedible what do you think here they're pretty dumb right yeah they're done oh gotta looks so good here I'll let you do the honors really your goat okay and a low top a little chewy tasteless taste wise I'm having better every now and then I'm getting a hint of gold no lighter Bab oh my Lord tastes like iron the rancid meat is almost too much for Casey to handle but it's cooked all the way through there's no doubt well we may just have to like towards it I don't know almost gonna power through it right now I do not careful from the Arctic I can tell you that much okay here we go nice and warm all the way to the belly oh my Lord I'm so chewy the goat meat has quickly turned against the brothers so bad that's all we got right now well we do have other means of oh a heavy chew oh well oh that's my first goat probably gonna be my last goat on some power through it listen it's meat in our bellies he's got to eat it it's got to go for it we're gonna split up well I saw those rabbits up top checked out fly rod let's see if you can get some wow that's not good see if we can oh a little goaty I'll go fishing okay that piece was Goldie that's an aftertaste like I've never had before okay wow oh there you go hey now there's bab oh my God I can't live on this there's no way let's find a pig let's find some rabbit and let's find some trout oh keep it in I've got to go fishing I gotta do something let's just leave this here and see if we can split up okay oh I'm gonna get my fishing gear ready I'm gonna try and eat as much as I possibly can because longer having spent a large amount of energy hunting down the goat they must search for a more viable food source quickly or be forced to choke down the goat meat foreign that is the worst thing I've ever had to eat in my life oh come on no way we gotta get something else Chris and Casey Kiefer have been dropped into New Zealand's Wilderness with limited gear and no food their current supply of meat from yesterday's kill is inducing at best with only a few hours of daylight the brothers must find a new food source or be forced to choke down another helping of goat foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] this right here has been on my list for a long time come over to New Zealand these fish over here are just dinosaurs I've been fortunate enough to grow up and live on some of the holiest of holy waters for brown trout fishing in the U.S and the 30-inch brown trout we're just not even speaking the same language I mean what a 30 plus inch brown trout I mean it's more like hunting than fishing which I think is what makes me so addicted to it but it's it's 10 times the difficulty over here that it is back home definitely gonna have to work for them definitely gonna have to try to find them but I just can't tell you what it's like to sit up here on this point overlooking a gin clear New Zealand river searching for a brown trout it's one of those moments for me that it's been a long time coming whether I catch a fish or not isn't the point it's the fact that I'm here and I'm doing it and that alone is enough for me [Music] as Casey glasses for fish from his vantage point on the bluff Chris is stalking the plateau in search of small game well taking this time to get up here on this flat yesterday when I was walking through I was running to saw a couple rabbits that ran through even though we were successful yesterday it's not exactly the best meat I've ever had so Casey's out we split up he's gonna go get some trout hopefully he can land a few it's going to be tough tough fishing but I know he's uh he's pretty skilled at it so hopefully he can do that I'm gonna come up here use the bow try to put a working on some of these rabbits or anything else that I run into up here it's a good area hopefully he can come back fruitful and so can I and then we'd be in good shape Brown hairs and rabbits thrive in open grasslands and pastures across the North and South islands of New Zealand introduced to the region by English settlers in the 1800s their High birth rate adaptability and lack of natural Predators have increased their population size to plague proportions several times just short of an ecological disaster vegetation in drier areas of the south island has never recovered due to their influence with such high numbers it should only be a matter of time before Chris is able to take one down climbed up this Ridge here from Camp trying to get a beat on what's going on I got to figure out this water but it's just so deep and it's so deep down through the gut right here figured if I could get a little bit of elevation I'd be able to look out over here first off see if I can see any fish and second off see if I can see any hatches or anything like that going off you'll have to battle the fly fishing is just being able to read the water read what the fish are doing and then read what they're feeding on they're feeding on bugs what kind of bugs and why and a million different things you can get into with that so there's really no water here that's obvious at you right now that just jumps out and screams like hey trout land here so we're gonna have to work a little bit see what I can find but hopefully I can make it happen because I do not want to have to eat goat again with only four hours till the sun dips behind the mountains Casey must quickly put his plan into action if he hopes to be successful Chris and Casey Kiefer are searching for a more viable food option as Chris searches for rabbits Casey is gearing up to fish for giant brown trout in a New Zealand River for the first time foreign times and I've seen rabbits on it I know there's rabbits we're in New Zealand there's rabbits absolutely everywhere I love to be able to come back with a couple because that I know tastes good oh come on [Music] man coming through that brush that brown is just obnoxious get everything rigged up here I did see a rise or two down here so I think I'll start with something that's a dry fly because of the time of day getting into the afternoon we got good brakes on so if there's any hatches they should be coming off here fairly quick judging by the amount of bugs that are flying around my face that'll be happening Casey has spent countless hours honing his skills on some of the world's most famous fly fishing rivers over the years this important skill set has become the brother's primary method of obtaining a viable food source New Zealand's Rivers however pose a whole new set of challenges he must utilize all of his knowledge and tactics if he wants to be successful but his opportunities continue to slip away with the sun and another long hungry night draws ever closer the best method for me right now is to sit back because they are pretty sketchy I just gotta sit back and watch but I've been sitting here for a long time nothing moving I know that they've been here because I've seen them right here in this little section they've got holes dug in both of these little mounds of dirt right here so I know they're coming in and out of it I think I'm gonna check one more spot then I'm just going to work my way back on my way back towards camp all right sunlight's doing well the fishing here is going to be a lot harder than I figured it's going to be one of those deals where I'm going to have to see a fish in order to catch them I just hope Chris got something he's up there chasing around small game Rabbits mainly and hopefully he can find something because I do not want to eat golden if he's not able to that just means that tonight is more goat not cool well worked over by the river in New Zealand there not exactly go the way that I planned it to I couldn't find a single fish but it is what it is can't get discouraged by it you just gotta fish where the fish are that's the number one rule fish for the fish are you couldn't see any fish so it's not like I was sight fishing form I was just kind of blind fishing all the spots that look likely to hold fish and it didn't work so it's pretty much a wrap I get ready to head back to Camp you'll see what Chris did my plan didn't work so hopefully his did please tell me you had some success uh no nothing like nothing nothing really yeah nothing no not a fish no I didn't even surprising I went down I pushed this whole thing right here I tried wets and woolly buggers I mean I tried everything and I had absolutely not not even a sniff like nothing literally to catch a fish I'm gonna have to see a fish God I was hoping to come back to some trout okay you didn't see anything at all where did those rabbits were all over I know they're up on that flat I sat up there forever I hiked to try to get some elevations looking at the flats nothing I'm not eating gold again like I'm dead serious I'm not eating it again I can't even swallow it I've never puked off of anything like that ever in my life it's all we have at this point but I don't know that we even stay here to be honest I was hoping that you had something rabbits or a pig or there's other means of food we just gotta find it yeah but we spent nearing the end of their fourth date without food Chris and Casey's frustration is running high now I mean what do we have here that's worth anything we have wood and trees for a little bit of shelter yep we got fire we got shelter not gonna get us here we're just hangry right now I'm not happy not you just gotta sleep it off I'm not angry get a good night's sleep we'll go after him again and figure it out till then you'll be fine I don't have any figuring out to do you can be mad all you want get a good night's sleep tuck in has nothing to do with that man an Old Guard holding right now for garhold hunger and fatigue are driving a wedge between the brothers you're going to bed already no I'm just relaxing and then you calm down take time think it over get a good night's sleep you'll be better in the morning just frustrated forced to face another long night with an empty stomach the brothers are at an impasse with the river calling Casey the brothers must come together before they can move forward hey Pig right there right there is a pig Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] now they face the punishing New Zealand wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their Journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing [Music] [Music] please [Music] New Zealand South Island is home to various big game species due to its extreme shifts and Terrain tar and shamis Patrol the Steep Cliffs of the Southern Alps while Red Stag fellow deer and feral pigs straddled the Open Fields and Woodlands Edge feral goats can be found throughout the dense scrub brush and open planes but the brother's previous experience with Goten left much to be desired Chris and Casey will need to capitalize on one of these options soon or continue to go hungry foreign coming down here is a flat raft get all this stuff out here and see if I can find out where this leak is well judging by the looks of it though it's multiple leaks but like everything look at that can't hear it even if Casey is able to find the leak he has no means to repair it the raft will need to be re-inflated prior to being used but if the damage continues to escalate it could put the brothers lives at risk last thing you want when you're out here traveling by a river is a leaky raft and this thing's not just losing air it's losing air bad the entire thing's losing air just doesn't make any sense and the only explanation is all four chambers have a leak in it having gone over 72 hours without a solid meal Casey's patience is non-existent as he sets to work re-inflating the raft again what are you doing huh I said what are you doing trying to figure this raft out okay and if we're gonna hit the river we don't want it low what do you mean hit the river like you want to hit the river now like today yeah we don't have to hit it like right now but I figured we'd push out here I mean we haven't even got our instructions like where to go next without knowing where their next cash location is the brothers could easily float past the valuable equipment should they leave I mean at this point I'm over it I mean if I figure if we can hit the river we can get down scoot down around there and find out I mean what do we have here we've got a canopy over our head and wood that's it some pretty big factors in keeping warm at night and everything else but too bad at night it's been all right I just say we hit the river I mean I I know when we're wasting time and I feel like we're wasting time right now I mean I can tell you this fishing's done like not going to happen I'm at the I'm at the point I'm done let's roll all right fine so that's what you want to do you want to grab everything up there do your thing whatever I'm just I'm gonna keep messing with this and try to get it figured out so we can get on on the water well I mean I I don't know whatever I mean if that's what we want to do which I want to do you want to move let's move we'll go I'm moving so well I would assume if I'm moving you're coming with me not really much choice so you pump and I'll pack I guess I think it's the best idea Casey's unilateral decision leaves Chris in a foul move as he's forced to pack cam believe it I guess he may not eat it but I'm gonna choke it down because at this point we have no choice and at some point he's not gonna have choice oh I got this wrap pretty well inflated and I'm hitting the river one way or the other I mean a little frustrating I don't think we've given this spot enough time I mean I know we've seen rabbits up here we fish for a little bit I feel like we're in a box here it's just I hate feeling like I'm in a box the goat was horrible no doubt okay but that's what we have you know you've spent some time there you've looked around you've glassed you've exhausted all your options we've got pigs we've got hairs we've got deer we've got Red Deer we've got fallow deer we don't know what's out here we're down in a hole we've got gnats all over us they're literally annoying the hell out of me we're in a spot right now when we come back we got wood I don't know what's around the next Bend this is New Zealand I just can't help but feel like there's better things ahead um you know of course that's a wild guess but what's the point in leaving right now especially because we haven't got our next orders we don't know where our next cash is there's just too many what-ifs it is what it is you know saddle up get your stuff packed and get in the raft because we're moving I'll follow them I don't have a choice he's leaving I'm getting on the raft we'll rock and roll but say that I'm not actually going to leave him here but I need him to realize that I'm ready to get going I'm just done I'm done and ready to roll so I need to get this packed and get on the river Casey has unilaterally decided it's time to search for a new camp and his frustration even without knowing their next cash location Casey sets to work preparing the raft for departure while Chris begrudgingly packs what little equipment they have well yes let's go for the record this is a bad idea I don't care let's bail yeah we don't have our next cash location but I'm over it whatever you want to move let's move we gotta find a hobby I know that I mean I'm with you as far as finding other animals it's just I don't know in desperate need of new surroundings Casey has decided to leave the willow Camp behind giving Chris no option but to follow they will need to find a new campsite where fish and game are prevalent but that also offers basic amenities like dry wood and cover the brothers know all too well that their next Camp may be several miles Downriver leaving their current site behind is a Gamble and they risk floating past their next cash and missing out on the valuable equipment good back there what's that I said are you good back there you got to talk a little loud with these Rapids there's another creek bottom that comes in right here see yeah this is what we're looking for I know nice creek like this and we can use there's some more Willows over there does it look flat it looks like it you want to check it yeah we might as well check it out all right looks pretty good still got Sun that Creek's coming in right here so get camped out then we can use the creek to slip up and you know what I mean yeah this will work right here this is what I've been looking for so many tracks right here holy crap yeah they're everywhere in here having floated all day the brothers may have found the perfect campsite while the creek shows signs of potential the chance of missing out on equipment makes their decision a risky one yeah that's not a very big Willow patch but it'll work we can do it yeah I think we can do it I mean I mean I don't know about The Hammocks but we'll find shelters I'll figure out how to get them in here we'll get them in we can get creative with it nope I am excited about this because this is the first time that we've seen a creek bottom there's nowhere else for these animals to go except up these guts so I am excited about that but we'll just use it as a highway we'll use it to get in and out stay in the creek bottom and then if we have to get elevation when we get up in there if we're going to have a prayer of getting something else on the ground besides a goat we got to get boots on the ground and we got to get up that gut because this entire thing is sheer face that's the only way for them to go and I'd rather walk up from the bottom and stay on the bottom than have to go up and over something so oh that's just and burn all those extra calories so I say you got everything we need we got dry wood right there we got a spot let's see if we can get the hammocks in right here be interesting we're good we're fine I'm telling you all right we're fine if you're feeling better about it we're good then I'm good I feel better about it I like it I like it now we just got to get some more hunting in which is going to be up the gut after a long day of rowing on empty stomachs Chris and Casey are both ready to call it a day the small patch of Willow near the Creek's Edge is the Olive Branch the brothers needed to settle their differences with sunlight quickly fading all they can do now is make a game plan for tomorrow morning the trip up the mountain will be taxing but necessary if they are to be successful hummus of New Opportunities is a comforting thought but their constant hunger will plague them long into the night [Music] going on five days without a solid meal Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer desperately need food but with a new campsite comes rejuvenated hope a long night on an empty stomach has persuaded Casey to tackle the river early in the morning with hopes that this stretch of river will prove more fruitful than the last in his quest to land one of New Zealand's Infamous brown trout no luck so far trying to hit these likely areas that look like they'd be holding trout the problem is I think some of these Eddies are just so deep like I have absolutely no way to get down that beat so I'm stuck just trying to feel it out foreign the fly line is a key component in fly fishing the right one can make the difference for the fly fisherman its density is determined by the coating and allows the line to float or sink micro bubbles for floating microparticles for sinking there are three main types of line the weight forward type is the most common and has the greatest power transfer which helps the angler cast farther the double taper allows the bulk of the weight to sit in the middle of the line and creates a more subtle presentation level lines are the least common and have no taper to them but are the most cost effective the fly line is attached to a nearly invisible tapered strand of monofilament known as a leader the leader attaches to an even smaller monofilament known as a tippet which is attached to the fly Casey has a floating line so his options for deeper water are limited which can make it difficult for him to land one of New Zealand's Infamous brown trout pretty much fish and wine just looking at likely spots and trying to get a good drift down through there and hopefully get lucky you know these trout in New Zealand are notoriously picky I mean they're just dinosaurs and any little thing that's wrong with your drift slightest bit of drag on the Fly leader shy I mean there's so many things that these fish out here can pick up on just because the water is just so clear you know you got to use the thinnest possible tip that you feel you can get away with I'm sure there's trout in here it's just I haven't found them yet for one reason or another whether it's me or I don't know maybe there's not fish in here but never know as the sun peeks in the sky Casey is forced to admit defeat and abandon the river the brothers must now Head Up the Creek in search of larger game you want to hit The High Ground yeah you can take that Ridge you know check on top yeah let's just get up there won't be a long hot hike let's go this way gaining elevation will allow the brothers a better vantage point to spot game but it will cost them time and a great deal of energy thank you made it to the top man seem like a large drop in elevation but it is a big change it's about a 2 000 foot vertical from the bottom so not a ton but enough to get the blood flowing for sure I feel good about it right now though I press on [Music] the brothers have spotted a feral pig but he is a long ways off and surrounded by dense scrub brush I gotta get this gun loaded it's definitely a pig or it could come out on the other side that's a long ways oh that's a poke 350 at least he could come back across there or he could come out to the left oh man he definitely went in that little section right there there he is right there see him there he is yeah he's coming back out okay I'd say 350 for sure yep okay good yeah I'm ready this may be the brother's only opportunity Casey must take the shot or risk losing sight of him in the thick cover Chris and Casey Kiefer have spotted a pig on a nearby Mountain they need to act fast or risk letting days worth of meat disappear into the dense scrub brush anyway oh I couldn't tell no it went it went just over top of them did it yeah yeah he like did a little shimmy like yeah right over top I saw him scoot forward and there he goes through that opening right there he's gone oh come on yeah no he's not here that happens so fast oh you were just over top of them that's a long ways up there yeah I mean it's got to be every bit of 350 or more or should I add like another 20 seconds the way you was coming back across there I didn't get a shot until he was almost through it already well I blew that one no you didn't blow it the missed opportunity is a punch to the gut and leaves both brothers reeling I found our Pig yeah missed our Pig but we found our Pig he's so high up in there like I can expect him in the Trap but look how high he was like he could be anywhere he wants to be and he's up there hopefully there's more usually where there's one Pig there's more we're so close that's just ridiculous it went just over top of them I saw him right at the end there like just and well I'll just sit here and maybe catch another glimpse of them maybe pops out in this bottom somewhere he doesn't know what happened that's the good part there is a good part we could split at the top so one of us can see the backside maybe drop on the back side where you can see around and see all that tough sticking up that gut and I'll kind of stay where I can see this face a little bit and down into this bottom yeah yeah splitting up will increase the brothers chances of spotting the pig and hopefully reward them with another opportunity you still there somewhere though not that we'll ever see him again but he's still there somewhere all right I'm gonna go up there yeah let's split Blood by those yeah it goes down here foreign [Music] often referred to as Captain cookers feral pigs were introduced to New Zealand by Captain James Cook in the 1700s as a gift to the native Maori people their adaptability and lack of natural Predators quickly turned them into a dangerous pest as their population grew into mobs that covered the South Island the voracious appetite has decimated New Zealand native plants and even wildlife and spotting a pig here is a good sign that more may be in the immediate area but there's no telling if Chris or Casey will find another before dark help me nothing nothing man one pig at like 5 000 yeah at the top yeah yeah I didn't even I didn't even signal to you because that was not even an option no my thought was go busting through these trees in this bush right here who knows what comes out you know what I mean with that big up all the way at the top the one you shot at in here I thought they just kind of come into one of these openings like you did earlier my stomach thought the same thing oh I was tasting Sweet Pork you know but didn't make it happen well the decision was right to get elevation well that sun dips down behind that mountain though she got nippy yeah she got nippy fast well took me two hours to get here I know I'd rather get off these Cliffs before dark yeah because there's some sketchy stuff down here I'd rather get off of before it's too dark let's go got a little light-headed right there as another day comes to a close Chris and Casey are learning the hard way that they must expect the unexpected adapting to New Zealand's Wilderness has a steep learning curve but sooner or later the brothers will have to learn to play the cards that they are dealt I'm getting hungry you know what where there's one Pig there's more so Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] the punishing New Zealand Wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of surviving was to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gun that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing [Music] was lost but now I'm proud [Music] New Zealand's location in the southern hemisphere puts it very close to the ozone hole that forms over the South Pole this area of depleted ozone allows for massive temperature fluctuations scorching 80 degree days can turn into freezing 20 degree nights in the course of a few hours these dramatic shifts wreak havoc on Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer who have been dropped into New Zealand's back country with limited gear having missed a shot at a feral pig the day before the brothers will be forced to hike up the mountain again in search of game but the Rising Sun threatens another long hot hike in full camo as they continue to search for their next meal ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] guys right there on the moon foreign goats how many is there one two three four Five release five out of five a band of wild goats has come down off the mountain but the aftertaste of the brothers previous experience with goat meat sours the encounter that's so excited it's fun movement on the hillside and you look up and it's goats I mean these things are everywhere it's unreal at this point we both know what they taste like oh that's not easy so I'm in no rush to shoot another goat no so all right close I mean we're only up in this Valley a couple hundred yards and we know I mean we know that our tactics working right there's animals up in these guts yeah I say we keep moving and get to that next point up there I mean if we get up there deep we can spend the afternoon looking for some Hogs and some other stuff if not we have to come back by these goats to get back to camp we don't get anything meat is meat what do you think yeah I mean I will do everything in my power to avoid having to eat a goat all right so I got my eye out for berries for Hogs Red Deer be awesome to try to find even like a hind you know what I mean yeah you can find a height or any sign of Red Deer even Well for now they get the pass let's keep moving yeah yeah I would say so okay let's try and slip by him without them seeing us let's get to that next point up there that big one looks like we can see all the way up the gut if we do that we'll try and get to that knob up there the brothers will have to proceed with caution if they want to avoid spooking the herd all right let's keep moving that's a good sign though animals are here Mercury Rises as Chris and Casey head up the creek with each sweat-soaked step they're reminded that Comfort takes a back seat to concealment as the midday Sun bakes the bare Earth this is exactly what I was afraid of man another Ridge yes yep total false front exactly what I was hoping it wouldn't be it's Bridge after Ridge holy smokes did that Sun ever come out yeah it got hot if you look up in there looking to see how tight that is right there oh it just Narrows right down yeah man I was hoping that was going to be open all the way to the end right there but it's pretty much what we got the brothers are at a dead end the dense broom will take far too much time and energy to forge through I'm not going to see anything in these bottoms I mean look how thick that is all we're going to be left to do nothing but bushwhack our way through that broom the other thing we could do is instead of going there and look how tight it gets maybe we jump up here we get to that next level elevation right there I'd rather get elevation than go to another false Ridge forget the bottom floor you can't even see the bottom floor that's not even worth it and this is unbelievably I mean that's just great drop off yeah that's a straight vertical that right there is why people don't hunt New Zealand on foot yeah you can see why they don't want it on foot I mean shammy up there in those you know guts up there you don't have any way to get to them from down here it's it's literally virtually impossible and that's the reality of it no it's about as free range and wide open as it gets well let's give it some time here and just do some glassing from here mess around see what we can see and then and then if we have to it's just bust up there and get up on that flat and hopefully can see something climbing the mountain once again will burn precious calories the brothers do not have it's hot Chris and Casey Kiefer are searching for big game in the mountains of New Zealand thick brush has blocked their approach Upstream forcing them to gain elevation once again as they search for a viable food source [Music] [Applause] whoa starting to push a lot of rock down here I know be careful the shale's starting to break up pretty good and there's just bigger Boulders up ahead I know you might want to pick a different line and wait for me yeah I'll pick a different line if you like head that way then I can head up through here you know what I mean yeah I can go up this direction right here and just stay off to your side that way if we get a rock slide we're on each other's sides yeah that's fine I'll let you get up there a little ways too because at least that way I can see it coming you know what I mean it's not right on me all right be careful this Shale is I mean it's it's loose New Zealand's mountainous terrain creates a tiring and unstable Trek the heavy packs weigh on the brother's backs adding weight and difficulty to the upward climb Chris and Casey must assess the Mountain's surface and steepness in order to cover ground without losing balance or momentum switching between long and short strides and alternating pressure on the front toes and back heels can help minimize muscle tension the brothers must be tactical in their climbing approach or risk expending even more vital energy okay so look at this oh yeah it's all Pig rooting right here this entire thing you're just tearing it up I mean I actually look at all this all the way out through here yeah just destroyed it look at the holes there actually holes see how they like get down in and they dig yep fresh signs of rooting means yesterday's Pig may still be in the immediate area well good news is this is a sign we got pigs in the valley bad news is they're not actually standing right here which means there's only one spot home to do yeah so while we keep running across Pig room like this hopefully we're in good shape this is fresh I mean the tops of this dirt isn't even dry yet yeah it's over here too yeah gee I mean big holes where's he at so let's keep moving up let's find the find the pig that did this right here after a grueling hike in midday heat the brothers have finally reached the site of yesterday's missed opportunity back at the scene of the crime here where I missed the pig yesterday foreign hoping to catch a glimpse of uh that pig or something anything except for a goat going across the side of this hill so far we haven't seen anything but climb back up here this morning and uh it's interesting because about three quarters of the way up we got our next in reach just kind of puts us against the gun a little bit we have until dark tomorrow to get to our next cash but I'm willing to sit here and wait this wait this out and hopefully see a pig what do you think [Applause] decisions are coming rapidly the clock is ticking right now I Don't Want to Miss a cash but at the same time I want to walk out here with pork so we're willing to push the clock having spent the day glossing the surrounding Mountainside in search of Game Chris and Casey Kiefer are quickly running out of time and options as the sun dips toward the horizon foreign that Sun is going to go behind those mountains sooner than later we're going to lose all sunlight in this Valley yeah I know I was really hoping to see something up here but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen at some point we got a bail and we got to go try and shoot a nanny on the way something different because this isn't working right now and the clock is ticking and I do not want to miss that cash or it's going to be way too late by the time we get down to the end of this thing I mean it took us two hours to get up here and that was just moving that was without hunting so we're gonna hunt on our way back and take longer well and it's not a guarantee that those goats are going to be in there but it's just a matter of finding a nanny in there and see if we can't get on it but if it took us that long to just walk solid we still got some hunting to do I'm not excited about it I can tell you that I mean I'll I'll I agree we need to try to do something because it's better than no food whatsoever but I'll try my best to eat it but if I'm puking while I'm eating there's nothing I can do about that no I get it I'll try to choke it down all I can say is that I'd like to get a good source of food before we hit the river that way if something goes down we've got our food with us and with the clock ticking I do not want to miss the next gash actually we go out on our way out towards Camp hopefully run into something there end on a good night we need it right now we need a good hot meal forced to admit defeat the brothers must now make their way back down the mountain to hunt the goats before Darkness blankets the valley it would have been so nice to pick up another shot of the pig up here wow oh my knee don't get up too fast you'll go down I gotta take a second light-headed oh dizzy really really dizzy thank you have better experiences I'm coming down off a Shale face like this take a second here [Music] oh there's a whole pile of goats way over on that face over the far Ridge yeah they're like a mile away but the good thing is is they're still between here and Camp yeah I know that's good I could see at least five of them any man is in the group yeah it looks like there's a couple there's one Billy in there all right well they're in that thick stuff so it might be pretty hard to find like if we can just oh there comes another group from the right yeah I'd say we get a move on it yeah so over top of the Willows on the point of that Ridge there's two standing there too all right so well Sun's already down behind this mountain so let's rock himself luckily for the brothers the goats are still in the valley however they are still a long ways off and surrounded by Acres of dense thorny scrub brush foreign Casey Kiefer are stalking a band of wild goats with no Alternatives the brothers must quickly kill and process one before what little light they have left slips out of the range leaving them in total darkness they're all in and out of that bush right there you know what I mean and they go down and they come they get down on the bottom on us that's going to be tough she's right there which one white one to the right of that oh yeah right there I see her yep okay all right you ready yep go ahead oh yeah nice job nice yep hey that's it nice got some meat oh try your theory about the nanny and see if it tastes better than the building nice shot a little Redemption there a little feel a little Redemption Redemption I'm good about that a little bit of redemption close to Camp yep oh that works let's pray that this one's not 200 years old and tastes like a good deer exactly look at them all coming up on her you'd have never known there's that many of them in there look at that it's just unreal all right let's do it let's go over there we gotta get down out of here I know the work is far from over very deep in the surrounding scrub brush the goat will prove difficult to reach let alone locate ah holy cow this stuff makes it impossible come on so many thorns oh downward curving Thorns clusters of pink rose flowers and strong Apple like scent Sweetbriar was first introduced to New Zealand by settlers as a decorative plant around homesteads the plant's high tolerance to varying climate and soil conditions has allowed it to overtake much of New Zealand's South Island growing up to 10 feet tall the plant's rapid growth and long lifespan has choked out native vegetation and Wildlife even altering the landscape by clogging Rivers the deceased goat is buried somewhere in the dense scrambling mess of thorns making the brothers search all the more difficult and painful well better be worth it yeah that's pretty nasty stuff you got the knife all right [Music] after an arduous day of hiking and sweltering hate the brothers finally have food on the ground exhaustion hunger and the fear of what this food may or may not provide deadens the joy in this moment for now all they can think about is getting back to camp and resting their weary feet for another potentially long day ahead of them all right I got the back straps you got the behind the water yeah I got everything else okay [Music] okay let's get down off of here and get back to Camp try and get a fire going and get this baby on the Fire let's do it let's go in here now we got to get out of here oh this Thorns hurt so bad [Music] foreign [Music] to a long two days yeah me too this I have high hopes for it didn't didn't smell anywhere near like the other one it's got a different texture to it tender we gotta hit the river first thing in the morning wow [Music] it's done insurance give her a whirl what do you got not goatee at all really at all oh it's actually really good that's a game changer no it's really not Goldie [Music] yeah baby that right there I can do yep so much better I'll take it I wouldn't say I like it but I can tolerate it I got I got no problem with that that I can do now we know yeah now we know Nanny's the ticket now we can look for nannies along the way we need it because we got to get up early and hit the river yeah we got quite a ways to go no idea what's in front of us water wise but we got to get there before dark but you know what we're gonna do we're doing it on a full belly actual meal it's huge what is that Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] is the punishing New Zealand Wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing Amazing Grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] New Zealand offers a beautiful yet dangerously wavering backdrop for those who make a life here volcanoes active fault lines glaciers sheer Granite Cliffs geysers and snow-capped Peaks dominate this ancient landscape despite its beauty the obstacles it presents are very real for brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer the demanding terrain is proved challenging but the promise of new equipment in their upcoming cash motivates them to drive down river even as the New Zealand landscape continues to shift with each passing mile foreign got to get to our next cash feels so much better today how about you a meal last night energy levels way up that meat was surprisingly good last night a little bit of frost on us this morning it was a little cold a little chilly in the sleeping department but all in all I mean it brought me back I feel great right now totally different than what I felt two days before it was like epic failure into awesome success that's about what I got eight seconds any day on the river is a good day on the river especially if the raft is holding air which started but it seems like it's in there we are trying to get an early start this morning [Music] oh in case you saw fish 30 or 40 of them they were little fish I don't know what they were not we're not stopping We're Gonna Roll we got we gotta go clock's ticking I'm excited to get to our next cash we're gonna try and make some ground on this River today but we are about to hit the faces which is steep on one side kind of eliminates our hunting but unless they're way up there which they could be because these are high elevation pigs and red deer so okay off to the river totally recharged and ready to rock today get to the next cash okay now watch those rocks oh wow you feel like this thing's losing air we're dragging pretty hard when we come into the shallows my left leg is like completely in the water we're gonna have to stop at some point to see how much it's bowed up on the sides I get the mode bad it's riding really low let's try to get out fix it hold on get to the side and then I'm like because I'm taking on water too yeah look at this I know I'm like literally in the water yeah look at this that is brutal look at that the raft has failed the brothers once again stopping to re-inflate their primary means of transportation will eat into the brother's limited daylight and with a cash just on the horizon they have no time to waste well not tonight when we hit the boulder like I actually hit yeah well we're not far from the cache yeah I mean the inreach is reading just about a mile you gotta pump one choice and that's to pump it rafting down a Rock strong River with a deflated raft is an injury waiting to happen you know if you uh if you want to pump it I can get elevation right here yeah please give us a bird's eye view of what we got ahead of us yeah go ahead take the rifle if you go I'll pump this up I mean one of us can pump at a time I'll be right back I'll be here pumping with little over an hour and a half left to validate the cash Chris and Casey will have to move quickly the cash in its contents will be locked from the brothers once the sun sets if they fail to inflate the raft and make their way down river in time they will sorely regret missing out on the opportunities this once in a lifetime cash has to offer what is that what is that Chris and Casey Kiefer find themselves stuck re-inflating their raft once again with the clock ticking down to validation the damaged raft could mean missing out on a much needed Supply Cache as Casey sets to work reinflating their primary means of transportation Chris climbs a nearby Ridge and spots something on the horizon ah what is that is that a house that could be a hot let me see here hold on okay that's it right there it's one mile right to there that could be a game changer right there because that could be huge all right I gotta tell case I gotta get to him right now New Zealand's Department of Conservation manages over 950 Huts across the island also called bivvies these small Huts were mainly built by the New Zealand Forest Service to use for animal control in the 50s 60s and 70s these hunts have proven invaluable to Hunters and Survivors by providing the bare minimum amenities for those who get lost caught in unpredictable weather or need a safe place to stay for the evening use of the Hut would allow the brothers to recharge as well as take full advantage of the surrounding Terrain in the pursuit of big game that is if they can make it there on time case I found it what get it pumped up yeah I got it I mean as much air as it's gonna hold anyway it's not holding like completely but it's got air okay well I found something glorious up top did you find a red deer no not a red deer I found down the river just around the bend what looks to be a mile I checked it in the inreach it's a man-made structure like a Hut like a government Hut yes like a government Hut our cash is reading one mile and it's about a mile down there so and it's clean River all the way through we get through these little rocks right here we shoot out we're gonna be right on the back side of it we just it's just around the bend we can't see it from down here and all I can see is like the side of it it's sitting out on a little ledge that could be full-blown shelter that would be awesome yeah that's awesome because the clock is still ticking but at the same time okay I know this isn't having a real firm but I hope it's holding enough excited over the prospect of shelter Chris and Casey can only hope that the failing raft holds out long enough to get them there in time all right well let's get out of here okay we got the inreach yeah I got it you sure yep I got the inreach do this oh way better it's a little better huh yep wait do you see this hot I'm excited now down around the bend it looks like a house like we got to get around this big Bender it actually looks like a house yeah we gotta go around that bench stay right here watch those rocks on the left I don't know if it is a house I hope it's not I didn't have some food in the house [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Veronica [Music] oh don't you go [Music] days ago [Music] I Won't Go Back Home and doesn't go look at this wood tons of dry wood that's collecting rain water you can see it coming right down off the top right there see that yeah look at this shelter oh I'll kick it in look at this the wow yo look at this place this is phenomenal oh that we have under there look at that spaghetti coffee coffee yes what kind of coffee is that oh oh good a little bit it'll pick me up all right I gotta validate this because we're at the location is this our cash like this is the cash I would assume so you said we're where we need to be right we're here I'm going to validate okay I just sent validation right there okay cash validated you can use anything in the cabin and the rest must stay okay okay yeah Chris and Casey have been afforded the use of a basic hunt for a limited time period this 20 by 20 foot building offers protection from the Relentless climate and temperature variances the brothers have endured thus far connected to the building is a reservoir that will collect rain water for the brothers to drink and a wood shed with a few dry logs in kindling inside the hut are four wooden bunk beds a table and a wood burner these items offer a small level of comfort and allow the brothers to more productively study their surrounding area even into the long night rounding out the cash critical is an assortment of basic amenities a small ration of canned food coffee soap matches and a jet boil lifts their spirits and offers them a taste of comfort and home however all items must remain within the Hut prior to the brother's departure leaving with any items outside of the immediate area will terminate the brother's access to the Hut this is it if this is our cash this is the best cash that we have ever received there's so much stuff here this is huge wood stove there's candles look behind you oh dude You're Gonna Wanna You're Gonna Wanna You're Gonna Wanna use that while we're here there's another one coming [Music] okay and then it says you have two days enjoy tall task that's huge and there's a lot of you does not suck this is a great spot to go hunting for you got this flat rate here you know we've got this Creek back up this way you got the hills up behind us the big flat down below us I mean there's we can put some time in anything that's here we can use but everything must stay that's awesome it's a game changer dude yeah it's a game changer I can't believe it so let's wait her down get our gear bunk beds I call Top out on real cash [Music] right look at this View words cannot explain how happy I am right now so check this out back behind me here this is what I am most excited about you know sometimes you just gotta sit back and reflect for a hot second hey the hot don't get me wrong the Hut is fantastic but the water in front of the Hut looks like it's some prime trout water I'm on an amazing journey with my brother I'm so blessed to do this so blessed to have this adventure it is my mission to catch a New Zealand Brown while I'm over here and so far it hasn't happened it's eluded me you're at the rush of it and you're in the heart of it and things are going bad and unsuccessful haunt you know don't get to kill the pig it's not the end of the world because just when you think you're down you receive blessings like this hunt fish the back countries in New Zealand on a raft I'm hell-bent on finding a big New Zealand Brown and that piece of water back behind me right there looks like a pretty good place to make it happen could it get any better I don't think so and it's absolutely driving me crazy I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna be fishing sooner than later [Music] [Music] eat my coffee I'm brand new day [Music] oh give me a spot five five dinner is serve man piping hot too dude this book is so cool what is it oh it's like everybody it's like a visitor log so everybody that's ever gone through here really yeah they put notes in the book like dates and weather through their pack rafting or what a few Hunters go through here really yeah super cool you should read some of these it's just there's one no pigs or deer scene shot six goats two rabbits and a goose oh man won't you partake in that for a hot second though how is that so good oh yeah this is crazy man look at all this it's cool get a warm meal sleep in a bunk just it's a serious turn of events and this Hut is here for a reason the fact that we got to use it just makes it even better but you're in the middle of nowhere that's why they make these things right now it feels like it's saving owners because I thoroughly enjoying this I mean it's spaghetti from a can you heard it might as well be filet many owner I know it's so good oh good I'm just savoring every bite it's going to be a good night crank up that stove get a good night's sleep under a roof enjoy tomorrow and all that New Zealand brings [Music] come on why is this fish not Rising come on come my trout Endeavor continues got up bright and early this morning and came down here Chris is up there in the cabin I don't know if he's still snoozing or what haven't really seen him wrestling around up there yet I saw one trout rise down at the bottom of this pool last night just one rise so I started out first thing chucking some dry flies down there no go so I switched my setup a little bit to a streamer so now I'm basically just going to start at the top of this pool and try to work my way all the way down see if I can check off the box and catching a big New Zealand Brown tried a little bit of everything so far but it's been all for naught [Music] y I'm not gonna lie that was an awesome night being able to get a roof over our heads being able to get a hot meal even if it was canned spaghetti for that matter doesn't matter it's still a roof over our heads and it's still a hot meal getting a good night's sleep under shelter it's little things it's the little things that you appreciate and that book that I found in there being able to dive into that book and read through it and read about some of the other people's Adventures that have gone through here because for us that's really what it is I mean we're dropped in the middle of nowhere on a river that we've never seen never stepped foot on in the back country of New Zealand like how cool is that and just take it in for what it is and this is just part of our story we've been getting our tail handed to us in terms of Red Deer and Chamois and like traditional hunting stuff I mean at this point I don't care I'm excited about the area we're in I don't care if it's goats if it's pigs whether I catch a fish or not I just want to get out there and experience this adventure for everything it is New Zealand has so much much more to offer we have a long way to go and I'm ready to take it head on this have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] they face the punishing New Zealand Wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their Journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] about God [Music] stalking wild animals on foot in New Zealand Southern Alps is a daunting task searching the wide river Flats is the usual starting point but many animals are found at higher elevations where they can smell and hear danger coming finding fresh sign or tracks entering or exiting the clearing prior to trekking up into the mountains is imperative to success Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer must have strength of Mind Body and the patience to accurately survey their surroundings and hunt in this environment time spent climbing the wrong Mountain could waste limited energy and opportunities the brothers have very little of as they attempt to survive in some of the world's toughest Terrain [Music] foreign [Music] feeling fresh and clean this morning or what feeling so good got a cup of java yeah coffee this morning I'm feeling good man you want to go do some hunting yeah I might as well yeah I mean I just was trying to kill some time doing this but yeah we might as well I'm down it's early enough let's hit it we're gonna take a couple weeks yeah maybe just pack up everything I'm gonna have to regroup because HUD Joe's drying like I just laid everything out yeah all right this stuff is so dry it's so nice it's gonna burn good tonight all right I have to stop everywhere and I see that let's take over the need which is pretty much everything so yeah not that I have a lot but I just have now I have stuff scattered from drying do you have the keep this you keep your stuff I'll keep mine that's the only way we can make sure nothing gets lost all right all right just fill the canteen before we leave ammo's in there all right I got the canteen right here really yeah there it is I've been dreading all right all righty here we go [Music] yep we have to be at our extraction by Sunday morning so not tomorrow but the next day do we still have time for one last hunt we gotta go hunt because you know the minute we leave here making the push to get out then that means that we're gonna have a hunt today and then we gotta push we're gonna have to move and groove in the morning yep I'm willing to risk it I want to go hunt I want to get one last good on that little eye so let's just pack our stuff and bust up that Creek and see what we see okay I'll keep this with me all right all right well at least we know it's coming to an end it's all right all good things must come to an end at some point throwing caution to the wind the brothers opt to spend one more day hunting rather than make their way towards extraction a successful hunt will reward them with the food necessary to make the final push but coming back empty-handed once again means they will have sacrificed their limited energy supply for nothing and will be forced to make the long Trek on empty stuff yeah I'm good okay ready all right hit this Creek yeah go up the creek yeah and cut off the gut right there The Creeks have been good to us before I think it'll be all right again [Music] Brothers Grayson Casey Kiefer are trekking through the New Zealand Wilderness with limited gear and no food with only a little more than 48 hours to reach their extraction site the brothers need to capitalize on today's hunt or tackle the grueling Journey on empty stomachs this is just Barren ground there's just nothing right here looks like we're gonna get some serious terrain the further up we push it's actually starting to come down pretty tight man that wind is coming in hard huh just comes down through this Valley it just skirts and hammers right through yeah dude there's not even a goat coming up through there I know like nothing I didn't see anything at all when you stop walking you start to get really sweaty I know I gotta start layering up here there's a jacket on there's my glass up in there for a minute I mean it dropped in temperature for sure at least it feels like it with that wind cutting through you I could use a little bit of agua as the temperature drops our bodies redirect blood to the internal organs which increases pressure the kidneys actively produce urine to relieve the excess pressure but this expedited process can quickly lead to dehydration which directly affects a hunter's cognitive and physical performance Tough Country man [Music] tough and how it looks it's tough and how it lays it's tough and how it hunts you think about Alaska at least all the places that we planted you've got that solid like half mile off the river before the faces start you know I mean this is just some of the stuff that you just can't even get up at seeing the animals is only half the battle getting to the animals is the other half of the battle Yeah so and this at least has a you know a creek that still follows we might be able to get up and check these back bowls and stuff yeah get off the creek there's Red Deer Tracks I saw it down in the bottom but no animals to speak of well that's nothing for these animals to just I mean they can be out on the face and the tussock a little bit and then they scoot into that bush and they're gone gone especially trying to come at them from underneath yeah I mean they got the advantage the whole way I think today they're going to be tucked off the backside of this wind would just have to get after it as winter descends over New Zealand's Southern Alps it brings sudden increases in wind and colder temperatures these drastic changes in weather evoke a shift in the patterns and habitats of New Zealand's Wildlife many high elevation animals will migrate to lower terrain to escape the cold Westerly winds and Snow by taking shelter in the deep valleys where food is more plentiful the high winds are a clear sign that changes on the horizon the brothers will need to act quickly before this transition renders their current knowledge of animal habits irrelevant we can only go so far with the time we have left now that we know there's nothing on these ridges nothing on these faces you want to push on yeah let's go let's see what the creek provides I can tell you this much I am done walking through this that's not it's that broom and those Thorns make it so difficult to walk through I'm done with it yeah so I'm side hilling on this right here I'm good with that looks like there's a little goat path that goes along there yeah I can see one right there all right okie dokie it's gonna get steep there's no doubt I mean look at all this rock in this shale having spent the last two hours hiking Chris Kiefer is finally closing in on a band of feral pigs the Steep terrain and thick cover makes it nearly impossible to track the pigs without guidance from his brother Casey who is perched on an adjacent Mountain having spent large amounts of energy trekking this far into the New Zealand Wilderness the brothers desperately need this hunt to be successful good good he's going left at least he understood me like Chris is making pretty good time he's pretty well even with us already heading up there and I can still see the pigs up there back in the same spot so he's cruising up that Ridge pretty good he's never answered the ranch now this is not fun okay I can see him they just moved and it just moved down to the left I think I can make it to the next Ridge okay I'm going for it [Music] he says they're straight down they gotta be in this Valley somewhere I'm gonna get set up right here they're in here somewhere I just don't know because I'm here Chris is still sitting back up on that rock right there glassing down in there through the scope it's just I just don't think he can see him and that's what it comes down to is I just don't think he can see through that stuff I'm kind of left helpless with the sit here and watch with no real way to communicate the two of the three pegs have disappeared right here's it radiator look at the trees right here just stay on the bush oh there he has a big black one coming out okay ready what what is going on are you kidding me completely wrapped up in the hunt Chris forgot to load a bullet into the chamber is he gone he's gone what the oh my gosh I did I not load one where I could just see brush down at the bottom are you kidding me right now as realization sets in Casey can only watch as their last opportunity at Food slots away come on ah never Reloaded The Gun that's such a miserable fail unbelievable okay I saw that grass moving I clicked back down took the safety off pulled the trigger and I forgot to reload the gun the hog took off to the left I only got it for a second and the other two skirted and went down off the cliff off the top right there and we just came out of here with nothing with absolutely nothing and it's because I jacked it up I failed miserably that is unbelievable I know better it's going to be the worst hike back to camp Camp ever and I had it and I missed it and I jacked it up on myself I pissed off this sucks oh my God I huh I couldn't see him couldn't see him no I figured you couldn't see him I couldn't see him in the brush and it was like playing whack-a-mole it was like rush and then brushing I was kind of all over then all of a sudden I just saw black move to the left I came up on it click and I never lowered another shell oh and then I just frazzled and it took me a second to figure out like okay like what happened and then by the time I beat on it and fumbled it and everything else black one was gone off to the left and that gray one walked up on the right side when you were probably looking at the black one yeah she walked up on the right side stood in the jail for like 30 seconds I mean just standing there and then she kind of went down towards the bottom went right out and around the big one I never saw the light gray one they started moving out of nowhere you got to the knob and then it was like all at once and it wasn't you they just moved up and over there and went to the next one and that's when I'm like oh because I was expecting for you to walk up there and me go like this and then bam and we're done yeah shows you how quickly things can change nothing's a guarantee nothing's ever a guarantee well okay sorry man hey I had this taste of sweet pork Oh that's twice they've eluded us what are you gonna do what are you gonna do [Music] we should hunt our way back I mean we're still far from camps yeah that's on our way back and we got a lot of grounding we're getting on evening so that's good maybe some more stuff out yeah it's just on back and we got to leave bright and early we're gonna have any prayer making extraction there's no telling if we're gonna make it on time I've always been the weather driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes [Music] publishing New Zealand wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of surviving was to locate Supply yielding cashews placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gun that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing Amazing Grace [Music] [Applause] late please surviving across vast expanses of unknown Wilderness is not for the faint of heart over the years Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer have proven time and time again they are willing to face these challenges head on they've battled hunger how to eat as many as we possibly can fatigue oh my gosh predators he's coming right at us freezing cold I'm not prepared for 11 degrees man and wicked terrain throughout Alaska the Yukon and now New Zealand South Island each new experience mistake or success etches itself into their memory we got a long ways to go the final day is spent in these ancient corners of the world is always a challenge as the land calls for them to stay but they must actively work toward extraction the brothers must once again put their Journey behind them and set their sights on their final destination [Music] [Music] okay well firefill you just open up and build one in case somebody has to come in quick yeah well that's ready all they got to do is light it so a little Java there I do I'm sucking down the last little bit of black coffee shall we sign the book yeah sign the book and then we hit the road [Music] there we go [Music] this weather's changing man you see that water right there definitely higher it's got a little bit of color to it too it's got to be some significant weather it's definitely bringing something different in because these Peaks are completely snow-covered winter is here as long as we can stay out ahead of it with water like that being a little bit higher should be moving us down river pretty decent which is going to be great High fast flowing Waters will help Propel the brothers Downstream but with a damaged raft The increased speed can also make the trip more dangerous okay you ready ready let's do this let's go only problem is I'll bet you 10 bucks that that raft is flat as a pancake oh yeah she probably is gonna be flat I could pose an issue especially in this flood water with less than 24 hours left and even less sunlight to navigate by the brothers must make their way over 38 miles down river toward their extraction site with such a limited time window and the threat of an early winter storm on the horizon the brothers can't afford any setbacks if they hope to make it to the LZ on time look at that thing dude oh glad you didn't take the bat this looks demoralizing to reinflate the raft would take time the brothers don't have just a constant battle look at this thing it's got to be all the scenes everything's leaking now man definitely flat I don't know why I expected anything different you know that right there might slow us down a little bit yeah I don't have a one Joy just to get it pumped up Pump It Up see how long it lasts we're not riding anywhere like this giraffe is literally the bane of my existence Chris and Casey Kiefer are trying to reach their extraction site located several miles Downriver forced to stop and reinflate their primary means of transportation time and time again they're quickly failing raft is proving more of a hindrance than a benefit with only a few hours of sunlight left their current pace is not a sustainable one if they hope to reach the LZ if all these seams are leaking and so there's nothing to fit at this point ridiculous come on well I'm not feeling too good about this right now we thought this was actually gonna speed us up with this River flow but right now I mean we're just sinking and it's just constant you know like crazy flat back here I'm actually taking on water and I'm in water up to my waist yeah so I'm over and I'm just freaking pulling over and blowing this thing up it's just burning time we're wasting a ton of time right now we're not drafting it's just it's not a good situation we gotta pull over and discuss this this is not good I can pull over right here try no I can pull off here oh yeah dude I can hear this thing literally just leaking all over the place I'm just getting soaked back here let's get it up there okay slowing us down big time I'm done frustrating right now let's I'm done with it like when I say done with it I mean I'm done with it so what are you suggested when you walk leave it sit right here mark it we if we keep stopping every half mile to try and blow this thing up there's no telling if we're gonna make it on time my right arm is literally like I could probably ring water out of my shirt my jacket I'm completely soaked so if we did make it I'd be swimming the rest of the way and I'm not doing that it's stupid be freaking hypothermic by the time I get there okay so what do you suggest we just pillaged the boat for stuff that we can take and then hit the ground leave it right here pillage it for what we can get I mean probably take the Rope take the bow and the stern ropes here that way if we got a cross somewhere or something at least we can tether maybe that Carabiner shouldn't leave that behind the Carabiner in the flip line everything else I mean the rafts are wrapped leave it sit here mark it on the GPS we'll figure it out we got a chopper can fly in and pick it up I'm over it I don't know I'm sketchy about the whole situation because as soon as we leave the raft we get into a situation down there we're gonna need it and I don't know I'm just we leave this we're on foot we're committed to being on foot and that's miles and miles of walking right now which again I'm not opposed to doing I mean I literally have zero leverage no because the thing is it's not holding there dude I'm all for walking because right now I'm swimming we have time right now if we decide pillage and Bale go on foot we have time right now we can push we got miles to go but we'll just bury our heads and go with Rising water levels should the brothers choose to leave the rat behind they may inadvertently trap themselves on the wrong side of the river I'll come over Folly to the death of Babylon on this one I guess I just want to make sure that we think it through that if we leave it here it's done it's gone we'll come back for it but right now our main objective is get to extraction and if we got to make ground at least on foot we can make grounds leaving the raft is a risky move there would be no time to turn back should they suddenly need it start pillaging wow take the bow and the stern lines yeah God I'm so wet just pissed me right off course they'd knot this rather than hitch it FYI this Knot's gonna take a while to get undone Chris and Casey Kiefer have decided to discard their unreliable raft and make the rest of their journey toward extraction on foot the Brazen decision could prove problematic down river should the water levels continue to rise but with no means of fixing the crippled raft it would continuously cost them time and energy they don't have got it I'm good and get that raft up if that River Rises we don't want it Downstream when we have to come back for it not that it would float anyway we'll pull on me there yeah that River Rises that much in one day we're in trouble like what I can tell we've got bigger issues it's like a lot to peace that's what I got for that oh okay now we gotta assess this man I mean we're gonna find somewhere to cross figure it out you got the inreach yep I got it all in my pack piece raft as afternoon gives way to evening Chris and Casey are making up for lost time the decision to make a Trek on foot has been the correct one so far but the river has yet to offer a viable Crossing joint [Music] thank you well well That's All She Wrote for this Gravel Bar huh this could pose a little bit of an issue yeah if you just stopped boom great Cliff down this Edge this is a Deep Eddy too that's deep right there guaranteed all right well we got a couple options here when you get when you run out of gravel we could in fact use the Rope if we wanted to rope up one of us could anchor we could try to cross right here like back in this flat somewhere yep yeah we could definitely do that only thing I worry about with that is that this kind of level of water I don't know how deep that channel is out there and it could be disastrous quickly oh yeah you can't tell how deep it is at all plus that's moving pretty Swift yeah even though we're roped up if one of us was out there and let's say we did go down the other one's anchored not good enough we're both in yeah and we're too close to extraction to try to risk that I think well you know how River Crossings go yeah to the untrained eye water depth and speed can be dangerously deceiving friction created by soil Rock and debris slows the water along the riverbed and Shoreline the these differing water surfaces called laminar flows mean your feet can have good traction on the river bottom but your knees will take the full brunt of the force of the current which could knock you over forging a river becomes an extreme balancing act with each step equipment and clothing increases surface area and makes the struggle to stay upright even more difficult the brothers won't risk crossing the river until their safety is guaranteed which could be miles Downriver well you know what option b is option b is to get up elevation up and around yeah well that's option hey the smart move is often a we can't walk the side anymore we're out of room yeah so let's get up top and see if we can't see down it looks like it's a valley yep on these valleys like if you look at it you know see how it opens up usually when they open up at least there's some braids you know generally they braid out so we bust up top there get some elevation maybe find either another spot to Cross or hopefully it actually braids out and we can get a scoot across it okay get up here we're getting closer oh yeah that's it right there man yeah that'll work let's burn out a little bit Yeah much better decision to get up here and take a look at it than trying to cross that oh that would have been a disaster yeah would have that's extraction way down there but we can make it master and so we're making pretty good time so far keep rolling let's get there before dark yeah don't want to be walking across rivers in the dark all right well the decision to bail on the rafts is paid off so far we're making good time we're actually going a lot faster than we were in the rats walking's not too bad a little bit of gravel a little bit of broom but overall not bad eh no so far so good I'm in it's not exactly the nice comfy ride of a boat but it wasn't a comfy ride anyway it's comfy shouldn't be doing it let's be cruising down this thing we'll be out of here in no time let's get to extraction get set up settle in for the night wait on the chopper and we are almost out of here you good good okay we're good let's roll [Music] looking back on it man that's the worst thing I ever had in my life I puked from eating a billy goat I literally have an iron stomach and I puke like it was a billy it was so bad and Nanny was good though the nanny was Daddy was good Danny was great I'm glad we had that that got us through we were able to stomach that no problem but surprised you to kill the nanny the first go around huh I wasn't I wasn't up on my New Zealand yet I had to learn the hard way oh so bad that's it man this is our flat this is basically right here somewhere land a chopper anywhere in here oh this is a nice little thing here huh yeah man why don't we just Camp right here absolutely there's plenty of dead wood for a fire yep ah so it's just fine I gotta say your decision was good we made it before dark yeah we did on foot too okay let's double check this let them know we're here yeah you ready for pickup yup we're right here we are on the line the end of our journey man that's it we did it end of the journey oh still got a little bit of light to burn too get a fire going but I plan on sleeping right here it's gonna be perfect like this man it's been an amazing trip quite the adventure huh so different New Zealand is so different but I love it I was thinking the exact same thing you know it's just different all around feels different being here in the spring for us you know I know fall for New Zealand obviously it's turkey season when we get back I know that's different shot out of a cannon shower first or eat first oh shower shower I stank shot out of the cannon what are you gonna eat first oh see I always crave buffalo wings and pizza every single time wings and pizza I don't know what it is I know T-minus 13 hours Wings and Pizza well I'm glad it's not goat [Music] dropped in New Zealand is coming to a wrap comes to an end on a bright sunny morning a better way to get extracted on a day like today it's this day is always bittersweet because when you're in the heart of it it's going so fast you don't really realize how fast it's going it's been a long journey since we got started in here but it's been worth it you know if there's one way I could sum this trip up it's basically the unknown this terrain has proven to be the most difficult terrain I've ever had to hunt some of the steepest Canyons some of the sharpest Rock but we thrust ourselves right into the middle of it it spit us out on the other end a couple of weeks later and we're better for it as I sit back and kind of think about things and how it has all come together we've seen absolutely everything that New Zealand has to offer from weather to mountains to White Water and we conquered foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] rock and roll man here we go my brother and I are blessed to do this together there's a lot of different things that happen during this trip the highs and lows and just like anything we fight through it try to figure it out and at the end of it you've got one awesome adventure and really that's what it's about you know it just all depends on what you measure success by you know for Chris and I both we measure it by what we learn and what we endure and what we go through when we're out here we did it New Zealand is a success I'm Gonna Miss This Place keep your eye out for brown trout I still can't believe we went that far for a pig yeah God is this place ever gorgeous not a bad place to spend a few weeks [Music] [Music] Hunters have always been the first to venture Into the Wilderness whether driven by necessity or a thirst for adventure Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer hit themselves as hunters and survivors in some of the world's most dangerous and unpredictable landscapes face the punishing New Zealand Wilderness dropped with only the clothes on their backs the brother's only chance of survival is to locate Supply yielding caches placed by The Producers throughout their journey to acquire them the brothers must beat the clock and survive the gauntlet that is the New Zealand Wilderness with virtually nothing is foreign this season on dropped Expedition South Pacific the Kiefer Brothers tackled challenges like never before as the height drafted and hunted their way through the rugged Wilderness of New Zealand's South Island for the first time since their return Chris and Casey Kiefer are sitting down to discuss the UPS downs and most pivotal moments from their New Zealand Adventure [Music] you're about to get dropped what do you think I gotta tell you the helicopter ride in ridiculous you wish the flight was longer I mean first of all you're just you're flying in a helicopter yeah which I mean in itself is unbelievable you hit the ground you've got all this excitement and you find helmets right away finding the helmets in the very first cash threw me for a big loop this year the hell do we have helmets for [Music] hitting the proper line is crucial to the brother's survival trying to correct course mid-river will be almost impossible we're push a lap the brothers have made it past the rock but it was just a precursor for the dangers that lie ahead okay stay right stay right stay right stay in the center stay in the center don't lose good got it oh nice line so what do you think should we put these helmets on once again what were your thoughts on some of the items that you received um I don't know maybe trying to divide us a little bit down there was was definitely interesting every cash is a decision I mean that's what it comes down to and for me I'm kind of torn on the caches half of me likes them because it's a real Challenge and that you know it tries to divide us a little bit we kind of have to work together to figure it out but the other half of me is like give me my stuff and let me go just let me do this you know every cache is interesting or at least try to oh it's an enrich I was wondering what that was what we because we didn't get our things we didn't get it last night when we validate and we didn't get it [Music] yeah it's just hold on a second here is it confusing or it says we have two caches ahead but we have to pick one take the high Hard Road and be rewarded or wrap the river and find luxury we have to be at the next cash today yeah okay we'll be rewarded I'd like to be rewarded with luxury how does that happen we have to pick one we can't split and go to both of them no we have to pick one are they both the same distance away yeah it says we've got one mile one by water Chris and Casey's third cash will test the brother's ability to cooperate the Hard Road cash is tucked away high in the Foothills above the brother's current location while the river cache is located a mile down river buried deep in a gravel bar with only six hours to find either the brothers must choose one quickly or risk losing both if we go by foot we come back here if we go by water we're moving again we have no idea what we're going to get into I say we stick with the plan that we had I would rather stay in this camp and hunt this Valley go up and hard and see if we can't find it I have a luxury I mean what could be luxury Chris's frustration mounts with each passing second as Casey weighs the options that ticking right now right now we have to choose so I say we grab our gear and let's off it High Hard Road on our way there if we take the river we can fish yeah but we got rabbits along the way and you're gonna let the first fish go anyway true true I mean let's be honest we're gonna find a fish and you're gonna let them go anyway so I say we just forget that entire situation and let's go this way for rabbits food and reward but luxury I mean I know I'd have to assume that's going to be a pretty nice okay well That's My Vault I'm gonna throw that out there we just don't want to leave I don't want to hit the water I don't want to get in the raft and if we go this way we can hunt our way and we never take the low road let's go forced to make a hard Choice the brothers find themselves at odds with one another what are some of the ways that you guys get through that have an argument or when you're not seeing eye to eye I think the most important thing when we're not seeing eye to eye is space I think anybody's got to have that I think you just got to separate you gotta let each other think about it let each other calm down give each other space and you know reconvene at a later time I would say no that's probably true him and I um you know we're brothers so what do you expect at the end of the day we're going to get after a little bit this year was better than most years I think temperature had a lot to do with that in previous Seasons when we're freezing that really does add to the fact that we're we're just ornery and if there was one time this year where you want it out you were out you were you were like I'm leaving not out in general just out of that particular spot and I knew you wanted out of it and it wasn't going to be the fact that I think you were actually going to leave me but at the end of the day the best thing to do is just agree because I knew you were at a breaking point I agree to disagree agree to disagree what do you mean hit the river like you want to hit the river now like today yeah we don't have to hit it like right now but I figured we'd push out here I mean we haven't even got our instructions like where to go next without knowing where their next cash location is the brothers could easily float past the valuable equipment should they leave I mean at this point I'm over it I mean if I figure if we can hit the river we can get down scoot down around there and find out I mean what do we have here we've got a canopy over our head and wood that's it some pretty big factors in keeping warm at night and everything else but too bad at night it's been all right I just say we hit the river I mean I I know when we're wasting time and I feel like we're wasting time right now I mean I can tell you this fishing's done like not gonna happen whatever I'm at the I'm at the point I'm done let's roll all right bye so that's what you want to do you want to grab everything up there do your thing whatever I'm just I'm gonna keep messing with this and try to get it figured out so we can get on on the water well I mean I I don't know whatever I mean if that's what we want to do with what we want to do you want to move let's move we'll go I'm moving so well I would assume if I'm moving you're coming with me not really much choice so you pump and I'll pack I guess the best thing yeah Casey's unilateral decision leaves Chris in a foul mood as he's forced to pack cam believe it I guess [Music] he may not eat it but I'm gonna choke it down because at this point we had no choice and at some point foreign dropped Expedition South Pacific so what did that feel like in the field when you wanted just something else to eat besides go to have two opportunities fall through how does that feel how do you bounce back from that well I can tell you how it feels is it feels terrible you feel like you've done something wrong when in you know in actuality it just happens you know I mean in the situation with Casey and and that that pig came out so fast for me I just felt horrible in the fact that I had my opportunity closer I I don't know what I didn't know what to do and it just it feel terrible in the time and in that moment but live and learn again you try to get over and you're stew in it for a while and then you realize that if you're going to get over it it's got to be now and you got to move on yeah all right here's somewhere right here's it right here look at the trains right here oh there he has a big black one coming out you ready what is going on are you kidding me completely wrapped up in the hunt Chris forgot to load a bullet into the chamber is he gone he's gone oh my gosh I load one I can just see brushed out at the bottom are you kidding me right now as realization sets in Casey can only watch as their last opportunity at Food Slips Away never Reloaded The Gun that's such a miserable fail unbelievable oh okay I saw that grass moving I clicked back down took the safety off pulled the trigger and I forgot to reload the gun the hog took off to the left I only got it for a second and the other two skirted and went down off the cliff off the top right there and we just came out of here with nothing with absolutely nothing and it's because I jacked it up have failed miserably that is unbelievable I know better it's going to be the worst hike back to camp ever I had it and I missed it and I jacked it up on myself and I pissed off this sucks can you guys tell us a little bit about what it was like to fight into that fresh goat meat right off the mat what that taste was like I'll tell you exactly what it was like goat sucks I mean that's just there's no if there's no there's no way around that one I mean if you could taste a mouthful of hot pennies soaked in blood you're eating goat and that's as accurate as I can I tried so hard to keep it in so hard can't do it can't do it smells like goats mark I'm just thinking about it right now people don't understand that you can smell a billy goat in New Zealand honestly from a quarter mile away without any doubt in my mind that it's a goat yeah so if you can smell that imagine what it tastes like [Music] what do you think here they're pretty dumb right yeah and done here I'll let you do the honors really just go okay and I've had better I've known that I'm getting a hint of gold no lighter bab oh my Lord tastes like iron the rancid meat is almost too much for Casey to handle but it's cooked all the way through there's no doubt I don't know almost all power through it right now I do not careful from the Arctic I can tell you that much okay well here we go it's warm all the way to the belly oh my Lord I'm so chewy the goat meat has quickly turned against the brothers so bad that's all we got right now well we do have other means of oh a heavy chew oh well that's my first goat probably gonna be my last goat on some power through it listen it's got to go for it we're gonna split up well I saw those rabbits up top fly rod let's see if you can get some wow that's not good see if we can oh a little gooey I'll go fishing okay that piece was going that's an aftertaste like I've never had before okay wow oh there you go hey now there's bab oh my God oh almost there I can't live on this there's no way let's find a pig let's find some rabbit and let's find some trout keep it in I've got to go fishing I gotta do something let's just leave this here and see if we can split up okay oh I'm gonna get my fishing gear ready I'm gonna try and eat as much as I possibly can because I'm hungry having spent a large amount of energy hunting down the goat they must search for a more viable food source quickly or be forced to choke down the goat meat see oh that is the worst thing I've ever had to eat in my life oh come on no way we gotta get something else talk about some of the things that happened that led you to that decision to leave that deflated raft behind and just charge forward on foot so when it comes to the raft a I was sick of sitting in water and B I was sick of it slowing us down more than anything I mean when you have to stop and constantly inflate it it just becomes a drag both mentally and physically we don't need it we can get there faster on foot leave it I mean that's literally what it was I'm done with it I'm over it wasn't like we had one hole that we could figure out how to patch all of the chambers were going flat and constantly having to stop it was slowing us down walking and taking advantage of that was definitely the right call and it got us to the LZ in time and you know looking back on it that raft was a giant pain but uh you know without it we wouldn't have covered the miles that we did can hear them down here I can hear him over here it's ridiculous come on yeah dude I can hear this thing literally just leaking all over the place I'm just getting soaked back here let's get it up there slowing us down big time I'm done frustrating right now let's I'm done with it like when I say done with it I mean I'm done with it so what do you suggested when you walk leave it sit right here mark it if we keep stopping every half mile to try and blow this thing up there's no telling if we're gonna make it on time my right arm is literally like I could probably ring water out of my shirt my jacket I'm completely soaked so if we did make it I'd be swimming the rest of the way and I'm not doing that it's stupid be freaking hypothermic by the time I get there okay so what do you suggest we just pillaged the boat for stuff that we can take and then hit the ground leave it right here Village it for what we can get I mean probably take the Rope take the bow and the stern ropes here that way if we got a cross somewhere or something at least we can tether maybe that Carabiner shouldn't leave that behind the Carabiner in the flip line everything else I mean the rafts are wrapped leave it sit here mark it on the GPS we'll figure it out we got a chopper can fly in and pick it up I'm over it I don't know we leave this we're on foot we're committed to being on foot and that's miles and miles of walking right now which again I'm not opposed to doing I mean I literally have zero leverage no because the thing is it's not holding there dude I'm all for walking because right now I'm swimming we have time right now if we decide pillage and Bale go on foot we have time right now we can push we got miles to go but we'll just bury our heads and go with Rising water levels should the brothers choose to leave the rat behind they may inadvertently trap themselves on the wrong side of the river I'll come over Folly to the depth of Babylon on this one I guess I just want to make sure that we think it through that if we leave it here it's done it's gone leaving the raft is a risky move there would be no time to turn back should they suddenly need it start pillaging take the bow on the stern lines yeah you can use that other than that let's drag it up if that River Rises we don't want it Downstream and we have to come back for it not that it would float anyway right here yeah yeah that River Rises that much in one day we're in trouble one foot we got bigger issues that's what I got for that oh okay now we gotta assess this man I mean we're gonna find somewhere to cross figure it out peace raft so this season had dropped really I mean it embodies what we set out to do we set out to challenge ourselves in any way possible it's not about the kill for us it's not about you know coming home with some giant animal to hang on the wall it's about going out there and pitting ourselves against mother nature in the wilderness and taking everything she can throw at us and trying to give just as much back so I think this season of New Zealand embodies that to a t well you know what we're blessed as brothers to be able to go do it and we just encourage more people to get off the couch and to get after it and go do something that you thought you couldn't do something that you want to challenge yourself with that's what it's been about for us as brothers we create a ton of memories while we're out there New Zealand will always have a special place for us because it was in a completely different country under different terrain we had to learn the hunting style along the way we got to navigate a completely different River than we used to so as we come back and we talk about it there's a lot of really amazing things that we get to take away from this journey in New Zealand and we're super appreciative to get that opportunity community and you know what I'm looking forward to the next time we get dropped where's that going to be what's that location we don't know but I'm certainly looking forward to it as long as we keep making it alive we'll keep doing it
Channel: FD Adventure
Views: 2,659,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Survival, survival show, survival documentary, full documentary, dropped, dropped full season, dropped all episodes, dropped season 6, new zealand, new zealand survival, new zealand survival challenge, new zealand documentary, survival challenge
Id: QijTTKU3a4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 35sec (12155 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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