Dropped: Project Origin | Complete Season | Survival Show

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there we go there's the [Music] gear [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's it 15 in a hopper it's one thing we definitely don't want to use but if we got it for a hey bear moment we got [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] no it's kind of crazy though I mean I'm sitting here 10 years later on the exact same Runway looking at this thing and it's just like memories are just flooding back but I just can't believe we're doing it again well I'm out time to get dropped I love you and I'll I'll see you soon okay I'll be in touch bye the time has finally come the last few moments spent on Solid Ground carry with them mixed emotions the hesitation of leaving everything and everyone behind and the Allure of reconnecting with the wild which in turn is reconnecting with myself settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds are pitting pictures of seasons change B's getting tired and short of the days I'm a weed man man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a we name just don't we [Music] name [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] it's been such a long time since I've been home can't seem to remember the day of GL I've seen the darkness with my two eyes burry me in the earth if I go blind cuz I'm a s Survivor yes I am a life somewhere here forever no I ain't going to die I'm so Survivor yes I am alive somewhere here forever know I going to [Music] die it's been 12 years since Cas and I first touch down on the Gravel Bar in Alaska's Brooks range and it's business as usual offloading in counting for each piece of gear is the final check in a long list the gravel feels good beneath my feet the if you want to see the then you got to go through some yeah our last link to the Civilized world is set to disappear no more sights no more sounds and no more smells of the man-made World from here on out we're face to face with the wild yes I am alive somewhere here forever no I ain't going to [Music] die no I ain't going to [Music] die yeah yeah [Music] yeah back in Alaska [Music] baby so we learned over the years come up a little bit higher where this Valley comes through and now we're kind of in this Corridor where the first time we were down below because of water levels and when we chased Maniac we had to come up but we had to hike like miles to get up there so now we're at the top cuz water levels are up and it's worth it we're in the travel Corridor right here the highway sometimes you just know when things are right from the moment I first laid my eyes on this section of River from the air I could feel its energy it felt palpable it felt alive this bowl just came out of velvet just getting ready to set Camp absolute Hammer of a mov watching Caribou got a Grizzly calling him Grizzly pouches he's up here on the hillside Caribou everywhere and then a giant moose just showed up white paddles look at the paddles on that got big old Bull Moose right here we just touched down like not that long ago and we got Caribou all around us Grizzle Bears now we got a big old Bowl we're just going to see if we can get some eyeballs on them he's just right behind that thing one p it's over the years case's always shot first and he has a big Caribou Maniac so this year I'm going to go for the Caribou Casey's going to go for the Moose we're swapping on this one and good news is there's both within literally 200 yard of each other we are back on dropped we are back the Brooks range 10 years later project origin started right here and here we go Alaska's same day Airborne restrictions prevent Chris and I from engaging in an actual hunt until 3:00 a.m. on the day following the day we have flown it's a very effective and much needed restriction for us there's plenty of work to be done and it all starts with picking out just the right spot for Camp often times we can get caught up in the end game the carrot at the end of the stick but for Casey and I it's always been about the process more so than the reward we've set Camp hundreds of times together in all sorts of conditions but after a yearl long Hiatus this go round feels noticeably good most years it can take days even weeks to encounter a big Alaskan moose if at all I can't help but feel the excitement that comes with spotting animals cruising through this Valley he's well well past means 60in Bowl [Music] plus this feels good the Wood Boss is back on duty [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay we are back I am back I am back in the Brooks range of Alaska which is where I belong wow wow wow wow we are back back where we belong in the Wilds of Alaska unbelievable I'm here and I am speechless it has been just way too long you know I uh I actually did one of these the last one I did a journal entry like this I said I was done I said I would never do another one um and it's been a while and I got to tell you was I wrong Noah there's no way you're going to keep us from this there's just no way you know you lie to yourself about kind of who you are a little bit and you realize or at least I realize that this is who I am this is what I need right here the bottom line is we forgot how to have fun while we're doing it and it took two years of us regrouping it's crazy to think that after all this time I'm right back on the very same river where it all started for me it's uh I don't know the first time I came through this area of the Brooks I was just a young pup you know we set out to do dropped as a challenge each year and every year that challenge became easier and easier and easier it's like anything the more you do it the more it becomes easier and we needed to take that time to go down and reflect and understand what it's like to be out here in the wild and what we miss this river is where I kind of just took a chance on a wild and crazy hairbrain idea that we had to come up here and spend a month get out in the middle of nowhere and just have a ball and uh it changed the game for me it changed my life we are here to completely disconnect to reconnect and I cannot wait we're right into it the amount of animals we saw coming in here the Caribou I mean just everything everything that we saw coming in here we're hoping to be right into it we're going to go on this adventure and we are going to have fun we are going to have fun we are going to take it all in you know getting dropped is all about having fun of course we want to be successful we want to get meat we want to have a ball but at the end of it man we just want to have fun with each other enjoy each other enjoy this place for every single thing that it's worth because the fact of the matter is that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come I mean we have a mantra that we literally live every single day that is be alive and it's about the moments that matter because those those moments are so important in your life and when you live for that moment that's when you are being alive and for us every moment is different but it's this it's this challenge you know people always say when you come out of the Bush and you get back to the real world I say screw the real world I say this is the real world where we're sitting right here right now this place is the real world when I leave here I don't go back to the real world I go back to whatever is that we created and whatever it is that the confines that we put around ourselves this is the real world and you can bet your ass that I'm about to spend the next couple of weeks having fun right here in the real [Music] world [Music] [Music] [Music] as day breaks fresh Mountain Air fills my lungs for the first time in years its effects are calming and comforting even with a Grizzly off in the distance the crisp morning offers a satisfying still [Music] the Mountain Air mixes with hints of cowboy coffee and sets me right back into Old form it's hard to explain how much I've missed [Music] [Music] this well we decided we're going to waiter up and head across and uh while we sitting here at the fire Casey spotted a couple Caribou already Crossing and for some reason they were running across so there might be a bear up in there but we saw them running then they turned and ran straight down the hill so they're not far over there so it's definitely worth waitering up we got to get across this little creek here and then across the big main river and up and it's going to give us some [Music] elevation [Music] crossing the river allows Chris and I to gain elevation and while it's not a lot it's high enough to give us clear views of the riverbed the tundra and the mountain sides it's a perfect spot to get on the [Music] glass [Music] the only thing that sucks is there it's open between the river and where they're at I said it's pretty open between the river and where they're at yeah well the wind's not exactly no the wind's going this way you'd like to see see him come down that edge to get down here and wait for him and we can do both they're going to do it they're [Music] Ming here yeah on the first full day of our return to the Brooks Casey and I find ourselves just a few hundred yards away from where Alaska provided us with our first caribou all those years ago and though we've changed the world out here Remains the [Music] Same the I'm with his head down it's the one with his head down yeah one with his head down yep 142 Y how far 142 yards okay all kinds of [Music] time [Music] go the one with his head down it's the one with his head down yeah one with his head down yeah 142 Y how far 142 y okay all kinds of time he's walking right oh he's he's get head down right yeah okay he's walking there he's looking at us right there okay you guys ready yeah settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds of pitting pictures of seasons change B is getting tired and short of the days I'm a weathered man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a we name just a we [Music] name we're getting ready to head up here right now we got a moose in front of us those other carou are on their feet and old maniac's still laying up there we got quarter of a mile half mile of open ground that we got to get across and we got to get across it fast or else we're going to be spotted it's about a mile and a half and we are hauling got to get to this brush l maniac's still up here he dipped over the back side right there and we haven't seen him go left and we haven't seen him go right we're going to try and get up there as quick as we can we're going to sneak right up the front side of his face and see if he's over the top there and if he is I'm going to sink a bullet right into him you the bad side of this is we climbed 4,500 ft and he's not there there the good side is we get there and we eat back there there a big group of caribou right down there walking right through where we came this morning we're close he's right here okay it's right here not very far about 100 yard he's going to shoot him L down y That's okay are you guys ready plenty of notice you guys ready I'm ready you're rolling nice steady rest take your time kid nice yes SM on top of the world dud from down there oh my he's right there Maniac Crist dude yes Maniac oh my gosh look at that we started oh just drilled him that's surreal absolutely surreal I knew he was going to be up here I can't believe that just happened oh just crushed him too man man look at this I did not think we were going to make that happen I mean we came 419 5 hours almost he was laying down but his shoulder was exposed and perfect that is a caribo that we've been watching for 2 days and we we got to be at 3,000 plus 4,000 ft right now yeah we belly crawled the last 60 yards up this Rock Ledge right here dude that was awesome oh that's one for the ages great for the books not to mention today is my son's first birthday it's pretty sweet that's awesome that's for [Music] Ryder I can't believe we just did that worth every minute this has been one incredibly hard hard dou hunt what an awesome just personal like we did it you know what I mean yeah we did we pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and we did [Music] it he's walking right Oh's he's get head down right yeah okay he's walking there he's looking at us right okay you guys ready yeah let's d hit him hit him he's humped yeah come on baby come should have smok him he's down and he's [Music] down that's how we St there we go baby oh man I finally got a caribel that's restart Hammer oh smoked him man so much going on right now what is happening we got a Grizzly right there five Bulls whatever right here two bll move over here what is going on thanks man D I was like I don't want mess up the moves and then when I saw he was going to break and then I'm like what is going on I'm trying to pick out the hey trying to pick out the biggest one in there and I'm like you know what I like he he'll be fine dude that's neat wow what just happened in Alaska I mean we've been here right out of the gate into the end of the animal I mean you rewind all the way back to season 1 Maniac was right up there yeah right up on that ledge almost 10 years ago to the date right yeah I mean that was Ryder's first birthday yeah you just turned 12 you just turned 12 wow that's my first mountain caribou I shot all the Moose is it yes that's my first mountain caribou only other hell it is that's why I was like Hey shoot the Moose I want ter I didn't know that yes all right all right [Music] okay they say in life that some things are just meant to be call it Destiny or call it fate whatever you call it it's undeniable there's a reason it took me 11 years and hundreds of days combing the back country in search of a Mountain Caribou only to have it happen just a few hundred yards away from where it all started all those years [Music] ago who you do it with matters every bit as much as what you're doing for us as Hunters it's another day on the mountain but for us as brothers it's another chapter in a long story of chasing our dreams together life is is made up of moments big and small good and bad the culmination of these moments becomes our life story for me I try to make the most of every single one of these moments because moments matter [Music] why [Music] can you hear that rain that right there is the uh sound of yesterday breaking her promise started out awesome Sun was shining animals everywhere Caribou moose Grizzlies the whole nine yards and Chris smacked an awesome mountain caribou pretty cool when you sit back and just kind of reflect on all of it all these years later we come back to the same river this whole thing started on for us and uh and he kills his first mountain caribou literally like maybe a mile from where I killed mine I mean the action was incredible yesterday beautiful sunny I mean so many animals in this Valley it was unbelievable and then Bo Welcome to Alaska it's the next morning and it's pouring down rain right now we're sof locked in um just glad we were able to get that boo off the mountain yesterday and get it stashed in a meat cache keep the dry that was so important but to have meet on day one to have all the encounters that we did to know there's a big moose in the area I mean it's definitely energizing one of the things that's really cool to see about being back here is just how little has changed with the mountains and everything else but to think about how much we've changed you know coming into this trip being able to to get a caribou down early is awesome but listen we've been doing this for a decade now we're in it for the long haul we kind of know what to expect yeah we're always hopeful that everything's going to be you know beautiful and sunny and and easy going but the reality is that's just not how it happens and the temperature's dropping I mean there's snow on the tops of these mountains right now and uh it's it's definitely changing a lot earlier than it has in the past so we got to be prepared for that September the 10th 1980 it's when my wife was brought into this world Happy Birthday Le sorry I missed another one I seem to miss her birthday every year and I know I'm smiling and laughing and I I just hate the feeling um that's one of the tough Parts about being out here in September usually I miss Ryder's birthday season one when he turned Oney old I killed maniac right back here on this mountain and now 10 years later I'm missing my wife's birthday so I love you happy Birthday sorry I missed it [Music] again while we may not have been acclimated to the constant and wild weather swings that come with life in the back country the animals sure don't seem to mind for Casey and I we just have to stay focused and ready for whatever comes [Music] next just making myself some coffee in a jet boil and uh just trying to wash this stuff we've got a grizzly bear down here we've apply named him Grizzly pouches and he's down here hanging out I can see him as long as I can see him I feel good and then we got a band of caribou up on this Ridge up here so there's a bunch of big Shooters in there but they're about a mile and a half away right now so I'm just watching hoping a Big Moose sticks his head out the whole thing of Alaska is you've got to adapt to what it throws you you can't like just sit in the tent and be like oh it's raining well it's Alaska it's going to so what we're trying to do is basically adapt to it that's why they make this Festival sit in it so far it's been [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] just riding it out in the tent on days like today so early in the trip we don't want to risk ruining any gear and the real nice thing about these in reaches nowadays is that we can actually get somewhat of a forecast through the satellite device so I'm looking right now it looks like we got rain set in at least until 7:00 it's been been progressively getting worse since yesterday the wind's picking up right now so I don't know if we're on the tail end and it's kind of pushing this low pressure out and bringing high pressure in but I hope that's the case looks like 700 p.m. we clearing [Music] out Cas so you ought to see pouches right now he's just digging and [Music] digging look at him you see him what is he doing the Raven is trying to get in on whatever he's got going right there in that Berry that kill pile that's awes unreal look at him look there he goes oh he's going after him man he is quick huh he looks so non-threatening from over a mile yeah but that was my man's got some skills look Raven's just mad sitting there look at him you know he's calling to him right now the Raven is that's unreal that guy seriously it's comical to watch from a distance oh yeah until he decides to get close and rip your ass to pieces yeah if he comes up here it's not going to be as comical but look at this thing that's so [Music] funny it's he's big man he's got a heavy sniffer action going right now he's got a really really cool color too our wind is blowing directly at him oh I know it's that's why I said like it looks awesome from a distance like if he were just to stay there for the rest of the time that we're here that's fine by me well every time I check I just look and say oh he's right there and then I'm good it's the time when you come out here and he's not there yeah that we got to worry about yeah he's uh he's quite something I mean he literally so far he's buried it fed on it slept on it laid on it rolled around on I mean it's just like he doesn't want to leave it every Raven That's come over there he just chases it is he's so proud of it look at him that's awesome and back to [Music] sleep [Music] anytime there's a break in the weather it's wise to take advantage of it the water's rising and there's no telling how much rain fell up River what's weighable now may not be come this evening it's time to split up and make up for lost [Music] time [Applause] [Music] there's something so freeing and relaxing about Camp life especially after coming off a successful [Music] hunt so much of our time in the wild has been spent in search of food but not this time I've secured plenty of meat for us and I may even have found some [Music] butter so far this Valley and this River feel like home it's welcomed Us in with open arms as life in the valley carries on each day I'm just thankful to watch it unfold and to be a small part of it the time to close in will come but not [Music] yet [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got a wolf I just looked over and it was so weird it was running so fast and he was right on the oh here he comes he's coming out on the on the gravel oh that's awesome he is right on the edge of the river it's like he's trying to figure out he knows there's something cuz he keeps nosing smelling it's a big dog man we just got up top here to the knob and Chris spotted a big wolf right over here kind of in that territory where that Grizz has been I don't know if he smells where pouches has been coming down to the river to get a drink and then going back I feel like that's what he's got a whiff of cuz the wind's not for him to smell the carcass but I feel like he can smell his tracks so we got all day to sit up here clouds broke sun's out hoping for a good day it's a hell of a good start over the past decade I've spent hundreds of days in remote Alaska and I can count on one hand how many wolves I've seen without a doubt their Keen intellect and weary ways alert them to my presence and they slip back into the distance without ever exposing themselves a true apex predator he two tone God he's cool he's got like he's almost got like black down his [Music] back settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds are pitting pictures of Seasons changeed B is getting tired and short are the days I'm always weed man I'm a weathered man broken down and we I'm a WEA name just a WEA [Music] name just taking the time to uh Cape out the head on this Caribou I am going to eurom mount this guy just cuz I love the way that looks and it look good in the barn so I don't need to keep the hide but um the hide will start to rot so Cape him off the head I've caped thousands literally thousands of animals um off the head so just a perfect spot to do it while we're uh waiting and glassing up here in case he's glassing so now I just try to get as much meat off the actual skull as I can and later on I'll take it down to the river and wash it off and it'll hold a lot [Music] better caping off the skull tends to bring out some sense of finality to the hunt it's the last task I take in the process of caping and quartering I find it a peaceful time for me to relax and [Music] relive [Music] so as non-residence here in Alaska we actually cannot hunt grizzly bears it'd be awesome if we could cuz he's a goodl looking bear but we can't so now the question becomes all right so how do we coexist in this Valley with a Grizzly that is you know I don't know from here gosh he's probably only 5 600 yards from us we're just going to try to give him his space hopefully he gives us [Music] ours be we got we got a Grizzly chasing a wolf off of the Caribou car right here and I mean it's like it's unbelievable this is so awesome dude this is so awesome look at that wolf man wow this entire flat offers me an elevated position over the Grizz and the Wolf but the lay of the land forces me to change my angle of approach in order to get into the [Music] action keeps coming right up out of there as as a lone wolf stealing a Kill from underneath a Grizzly could prove to be a tall task but this cunning wolf seems hellbent on making it happen after all winter is just around the corner more often than not it's Grizzlies stealing carcasses from wolves he's 400 yard I'll let him yeah we just got to chill here I'm not worried about the distance I'm worried about you guys can't get Grizzly off hold them I know that's what I don't want at all he's coming this way slowly here he comes I think he's going to make his way over here yeah let's just be patient grab that Rangefinder where is he he's going up the dunder right there 362 how far 362 right now 362 so he's hold on where is he okay he's coming he actually stays on that angle 344 339 right now oh my God Dam room I could just Hammer him he's at 344 right now me I got him but again it's like pouches is over there he just laid down laid down yeah dude he just laid down 340 yard 340 yards giant ass wolf and he just laid down he's too close to a Grizzly I'd never be able to get in there to get him there's the grizzly right there see him I see down to the [Music] left [Music] [Music] all right let's run through what we got we got a wolf we got a giant wolf right down here in front of us 340 yard and about probably 250 300 yd past that wolf we got a grizzly bear I can shoot the wolf I cannot shoot the grizzly the problem is is if I shoot the wolf right now chances are I'm going to have a run in with that Grizzly and trying to get the wolf which would be not very responsible of me so we're just waiting it out I don't want to be in a position at all that would jeopardize that grizzly bear I don't want to put that bear into a position where he's just defending his Turf and his territory and I happen to be in the way because I do not I do not want to have a run in with him for his sake more than mine so we're just going to sit here and ride it out and if we don't get a shot at the wolf so be it that's how it goes you got to see him anyway rare so cool so awesome after hours of an intense game of Zig and zag I never fired a shot in all honesty I'm completely fine with that watching that wolf defeated but not down Trot back into the abyss it's a feeling I'll never [Music] forget [Music] that right there is exactly why I didn't pull the trigger that Grizzly just came right up out of that bottom off of that kill and walked within 150 yard of where that wolf was he's still over there right now so [Music] [Music] awesome good news is we're on the side of the river that has the meat cache so with our jet boil in hand when we get a little Rumble just go down to the meat cache grab a nice clean back strap cleaned it all up and now we're slicing it super thin going to have a little meal up on top of the null here today look how tender that is that is a beautiful looking pan of caribou right there and whatever you don't eat just take it for later so much of our time spent in the wild over the years has been focused on what and when the next meal will be but this time around those worries couldn't be further in the back of my mind firing up a quick Caribou cook on the knob Keeps Us in the game and warms the belly [Music] how's this little lunch I knew knew you I knew you were up to something over there caribo oh my gosh dude never gets old don't make them like that in [Music] restaur [Music] made it through another night which is always an accomplishment out here you go 24 hours at a time it's incredible how you start to stop look at your phone you stop thinking about things other than just you got to go from point A to point B I got to make it all the way to the end of the day day and then I got to make it through the night and then I start over again and that's what happens in your body and mentality starts to change and it's it's just something that uh I forgot about Alaska is a really really really big hay stack and usually we're looking for a really tiny needle in that hay stack and for whatever reason I'm pretty sure I know why but we have hit the jackpot in this Valley I mean the amount of game and the amount amount of animals that we have seen so far not just off in the distance but uptight huntable in a huntable scenario is just crazy so when you're low and you're down in the river bottoms you're glassing from the river bottoms you're like okay I can see everything around you but the minute you get up and you get elevation there's a wolf and a grizzly bear no less than 500 yd from Camp that's how important elevation is but I got to be honest with you seeing the wol wolf and the grizzly bear together interacting in the wild was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen on all of my Adventures watching them be them together that was unbelievable to be able to sit there and just watch Mother Nature play out and watch those two animals literally battle each other for what could be this their survival um God it's special I mean just to just to be part of it as an observer was amazing as much as Casey had that wolf in the scope I got to tell you there was a sense and I know it I sensed it from him he sensed it for me could he have shot that wolf yes absolutely could have did he do the right thing yeah he did and we can both lay our heads down the pillow and sleep at night and know that we did I do have a wolf tag uh in my pocket and I still have that wolf tag and that doesn't bother me one bit I mean just the appreciation that I have for the animals that live out here year round and how they do it and the [ __ ] they go through and survive and not just survive they Thrive I mean it's just it's it's awesome I wouldn't have it any other way you know we couldn't get dropped up this high before because of water levels and I'm sitting here now looking at this and understanding so much more about Alaska and how game move through these different valleys and through these different cuts from one range to another and I'm realizing that we are in a pinch Point we've seen multiple different bull mov we've seen multiple different cow moose we've seen caves we've seen hundreds of caribou we've seen Grizzlies we've seen wolves our intentions were when we were looking at a map planning this trip out together together it was to land spend a night glass and hit the river because we know it's below us that's the advantage of this one see in in all the years past we have no idea what's ahead of us in this one we know exactly what's ahead of us and we remember certain parts of this River and what's about to come into and you start thinking about it and going well we have game right here in this Valley if we put our time in right here whether we row or walk or run it doesn't matter would would you ever leave a spot where there's game and the answer is no this Valley is alive there are animals right here in this Valley we came here to gut it out and survive for an extended period of time hitting that river is awesome and I love floating as much as the next guy and it's an incredible journey but if in order to be successful we have to stay right here I'm all for that every year that we're UND dropped we're here on 911 and I got to say we have to pay tribute to those folks those First Responders those people that were part of 9911 we have to pay tribute to them we can never ever forget oh there's been a lot said about it there's been a lot done about it um I just want to touch on it use this opportunity once again just to thank all of our military the family members of our military First Responders every morning on 911 when Casey and I wake up here we always have coffee and we cheers and we just talk about it because it's something that we can't forget I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your bravery for your sacrifice for your service um I know I certainly wouldn't be able to do what I do out here had all those people not been able to make the sacrifices over time that they have so to each and every one of you thank you let's not forget not 911 let's never forget thank you it's it's 100% a bull moose I saw I saw his entire paddle go like this and then I saw it turn back like that I can see it about about the way it but if you look at distance wise like 50 yards up yep right in the middle of the basically elevation is where that Avalanche slide is that bottom of it comes straight over to the right it's like that same elevation yep I think that's the big guy I can't get a good look at his brows yet but man he's got really really white paddles I got him case I got him this bull is in a perfect position if it's a big bull we can absolutely make a move on like 100% make a [Music] move it's it's 100% a bull moose I saw I saw his entire paddle go like this and then I saw it turn back like that all right my angles [Music] changed trying to just get the right angle on him all right go to the dead trees hold on we going to be more right I'm just trying to find the slide okay his paddle not showing there's a dead tree in there [Music] not our wind is not very good for that setup right now unless we're on this this downside of him I think that's the big guy I can't get a good look at his brows yet but man he's got really really white paddles he's got pretty decent de spread as if we get across and just hug the river tight yeah to to almost make it so that he's got to approach to keep him from kind of going down and catching the wind I bet if we call it he'd pop himself out through there where I'm at like maybe if we just got in the Middle Island here and just started calling beating [Laughter] brush [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's him dude I think we can get him to come to the river yeah I think we need to I think we go across there right now get over there and let's wait till he gets I just don't want him to go up and over I don't think he's going up he's coming down oh he's coming right at us 90% sure he's coming right down right at us oh he is one he is walking right this way I think we get on this other side in this little shoot right here somewhere we we got to be able to still see I know without him seeing us or you wait for him to step out then go across like let him come down through that and then when he comes out in that opening we get over there yeah settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds are pitting pictures of seasons change body is getting tired and short all the days I'm on weed man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a WEA man just a weather [Music] man oh it's him Casey no it's not it's a different Bowl hey it's a different Bowl Casey this is a bigger bowl he's got a split left uh paddle on his on his I think he got six brow times on his left side I just I was going off paddle length and super white yeah but I mean I got the one that we saw the other night it kind of had that four four out like it kind of did that this guy looked like he went out and split like he had and then he had a right side too nice we either get up closer so he can hear us even like we're getting closer and he comes to investigate you know what I mean yeah like I this shoot down we've been there once already I know I just he's got Advantage right now if we do Cross I'd like to get at least where we're like in that stuff where we can get across without him seeing us I think we go right across and hit this gut we know that creek bottom goes up right there well if we can get it to where we we we want to suck him down yeah without giving him the ability to go downwind and then if he goes high on us yeah we get tight to that tree line yeah and cut him off yeah right there at that yeah he has to go that way if he's even a legal bull I don't he's a legal bull legal legal beagle he's legal I've trusted you [Music] before there's one bowl up in the that we can spot the other one's going to be so tucked in the trees it's not going to B I think we're too exposed if we go out there right now yeah I we're going to get them to come to where we need to get I want to avoid giving him the option to go down down wind like I'd rather him just I mean he he's going to try and go downwind no matter yeah but still I think if we're up this more he's angle wise before he gets to our wind versus straight down they could come around us yeah let's get up in here and just I'll stay out the edge and see if I can see either of them you got to get eyes out there I'll stay in here it's G and rake Chris don't call just start busted brush we got the gun and your bow so who knows what'll happen I've learned over the years that even encountering one bll moose in Alaska can be virtually impossible coming face to face with two at the same time that's something I never thought would happen dude that Bol looks like a behemoth that bow looks like a behemoth I don't know if it's just the angle I'm looking at him at or what a cow and the right to breed is on the line it's all beginning to make sense it's the second week of September and the intensity of the rut should be growing day by [Music] day [Music] oh okay [Music] just going to back out of here these Bulls bed down we can actually see the one up high really good we can't see the one down low and we have a better vantage point from back towards camp this is a great spot to call them into and hunt them but we can see them if they're on the move from back there so starting to sprinkle a little bit but we're actually while they're beded up we're just going to back out be able to see up in here no problems from a distance they start moving we'll start moving we've been seeing a lot of action back and forth so we got about 2 hours and probably a better vantage point from back at Camp so we'll head back there there little system moving in right now got the vestibule get underneath that get a good glass on them watch them now that we know this terrain if they move we can move just as [Music] fast [Music] well made it another night the sun is just cracking here I wanted to get up and see if we can uh locate those moves from last night because you always run the risk you're going to bed they could wake up they're gone well we got a little better luck than that cuz we woke up and they're closer they're all three right exactly where they were 8 hours [Music] ago [Music] meat care is the most critical and essential part of our everyday together Casey and I spend hours each day tending to the me cach to preserve every ounce of meat that we've been provided the keys to keeping meat for long periods of time are simple keep it clean keep it cool and keep it [Music] dry citric acid is an amazing tool in the back country Hunters meat care Arsenal because it has the ability to stall the development of bacteria on game meat by balancing the pH but it's not an excuse to be lazy [Music] so right now what I'm doing is is checking the meat temperature right now it's been a couple days it looks really good we've been keeping it in the bags up off the ground protected from the weather meets at 38 looks like 40 and dropping so meat's at good temperature right now and then uh the last thing I have is uh we brought a spray bottle you can buy citric acid I got citric acid in the bottle of this mixed up with water and we just spray this down and what it does is it cooks that top layer once it cooks that whole top layer it basically protects it from flies and everything else so just going to spray this down it's going to make it super black but that's okay um you just peel that part off it's just like aged beef at that point doesn't take [Music] much and then what I did is I I took off a hind quarter right here I'm going to bring this back to camp for Casey and I because this hind quarter has got flank staks two on each side and it's got a roast in the middle so we can just kind of use this and chip away at it over the next several days um which will be great so I'm bring that back to camp now we can get to the rest of it spray it down and she looks good [Music] monitoring the meat is an involved process that is worth every second it takes to do it properly spoilage begins immediately when an animal expires from that minute on it becomes a constant battle to Stave off meat spoilage from bone sour to bacteria if the conditions are right it can occur in a split second usually by the time it's detected it's too [Music] late [Music] well this morning was uh was good took some time with the sun being out the temperatures Rising have to uh have to make sure that meat is good that is number one priority out here is is the meat making sure that we keep it good good news all of it looks great those game bags are incredible they Wick that moisture right off that meat dried it out we've got it in a great spot where there's wind coming through um check the temperature on it perfect temperature sprayed it down with some citric acid we have a hell of a lot going on all at one time we've now seen I think eight different Bull Moose come through here or still be close by and around here as a matter of fact there's four of them right over there I mean it's just like it is wild in here this is a big decision right now the Moose is far probably a mile and a half could be 2 miles by the time we're all said and done that is a long way to pack a moose however what I don't want to do is lose out on a situation because it requires a bit of hard work we have to be able to set that aside and understand that if we are going to stay here in one location we have the time if it takes 3 days if it takes 4 days to pack that moose out I'm trying to be super patient that's kind of how we always roll I'm I feel like I'm a little more patient and what I'm going to do and when and why uh you know Chris is a little more let let's go let's go which I get I understand it's just two different styles um but at the same time man you smack a bull way up in there on that side Hill you know that's a mile off the river and that's a80 lb you know hind quarter I'm going to respect whatever decision he has whatever decision he makes but if it was me and I was hunting this is the difference between us and why I love him so much is he's going to logistically look at every single solitary thing he will then make a decision we will will then go do what is right when it comes to me I'm going to blow a Cris size hole right through the door we're going to go get it done and figure it out when we get there maybe not the best but it's worked so far for me the decision is going to have to be made okay do we get up there and go after him or do we hang tight and try to pull him down to the river I know this the biggest bull in this group of four right here is on the cow and I don't see him leaving that cow anytime soon so I don't think he's coming to the river unless his cow comes to the river and if she does he will outside of that I'm not calling him off that cow so we got to create a scenario we've got a giant bull we know he's got a cow he's not moving he's given us one more day he may not give us another one you know we got two decisions that are still lingering whether to go after the moose or to stay and try and bring them to us or to go down river and Float this River out or to stay right here um and those two decisions they kind of play into one another I don't know that we're set on either of them yet but those are the two that we're [Music] facing that's unbelievable I just looked out I thought the giant bear was coming had a big hump on it and I'm like oh here comes the Big Bear and then I looked up and he has horns it's some [Music] muss that is a big old bull that is incredible I mean that thing is ancient what's he doing all by himself I don't know and he came out of the river like he came up out of the river I was sitting there and I just happened to look over and I'm like what is I thought it was the I I honestly thought it was a giant bear just because of the way he's colored that is so cool and then to my surprise he had bosses I'm like that's not a bear he's going to wrap right around here oh he's going to come right around I think right past right through here God that'd be amazing he comes right past camp that is so cool well just just added something else to the list of species that we've seen up here in Alaska so far in this Valley you know when you get a musk ox that's the first one in 12 years of being in the wild in the bush and knowing that they're here in these different areas of Alaska that is the first musko we've ever seen I wonder what the hell he's doing all by himself it doesn't make sense because they are herd animals so it shouldn't he shouldn't be by himself this look like a big long blll by himself which is very very odd yeah just maybe I don't know going off to die in peace you know what I mean like who knows he just got behind the tops of those Willows right there in the river bottom I can't see him but he should he should wrap right around here if he sticks to the river bottom God what an awesome animal [Music] [Music] [Music] such a badass animal such a tough animal man there he [Music] goes [Music] got a ticket in [Music] my w more and next in [Music] life where you going are you living the K right I say yes ma'am I'm going home I say yes Ma I'm going [Applause] on spend five years on the CH so Chris is over taking care of some meat right now this rain's finally moved out of here this morning we still got a visual on some of these Bulls from yesterday I'm just going to try and get down here on this Gravel Bar kind of plop the spotting scope down and just keep an eye on them while he's over there doing that he's checking the temperature making sure everything's clean and dry citric acid all that stuff so that we know for a fact our meat's good we got to check that stuff daily multiple times a day really but it's kind of a oneman job right now because we don't want to lose sight of these Bulls so we did the split I'm going to keep an eye on it here and we're going to have to decide whether or not we want to make a move here at some point I mean we've got time but these bowls are not that far off the river but they're definitely up off the river so we're just going to take it all in we'll see where the where these bowls end up if they get in the spot we can make a move maybe we make a move I'll pray [Music] soon [Music] settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds pitting pictures of seasons change B's getting tired and short of the days I'm a wethered man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a weathered man just don't so if he's at the bottom of the Avalanche if we can get across right here and hit these Willows and then ride the low Willows down as far as we can yeah then pop through somebody stay there to at least have eyeballs on them and then I'll Boogie across and try to get to the other Pine brce or Spruce line there I'm going to go y for yes mhm we good with that mhm big why for yes I see him you're good yep we'll do the full-blown like shut it down like he's gone which is just waving right yeah and then coming I'm going to do the full on like like this like all ready that sure it's like that see that means he's coming get ready okay let's hope I see that how you do that one more time like this just like this okay I got I those are the three signs the hell is he right now after watching from a distance for days it feels great knowing we're about to make a move I see her I see him I can see him he's done down to the right of her if I'm in the glass and be your eyes I can't go much further in here because I'll lose elevation then I won't be able to see her yeah no I agree but I got to try and get over there what if you went down here and on the back side of that that's what I'm going to have to do and then I can tuck in right here this one this one you'll be able to mark Me by this and I can watch and then if they do move right where we can I can come across and come up there with you yeah all right well they're on their feet so I want to kind of get scoot down here cut up and then go on the back side of those Willows that's why I'm going to come from that way as much as I can all right rock and roll D get it done I believe in you one of the first rules of moose hunting I learned years ago is simple don't be a hero heading off the riverbed and up into the hillsides puts me at a dist disadvantage but the conditions are as good as they're going to get for a stock well I can see the the bull and the cow Casey is on his way around the way the elevation changes Here If he if he comes in downwind without me spotting he's blind completely and we can use hand motions to basically move move where he needs to be so we'll see what happens right now they're May Casey's making his way up this point and I can see both as long as I see the cow we're going to be in good [Music] shape [Music] oh just right there where where there the right chis if he's legal kill him [Music] slow oh he's looking right at this keep [Music] calling [Music] yeah [Music] okay what I the camp baby yes oh my god dude out of Camp dude sit there after I called and I just and I turned around and here he go through the trees dude all day long crushed him sitting here okay listen we're going to go for the bow but we're out of meat he was coming but you know what we got a bull down right there on the other side of the river we don't have to pack him he's right there we took him 300 short mag on the ground baby he's a beautiful moose to Illegal oh absolutely beautiful I can't believe that just happened drinking coffee hanging out coffee hanging out you know what that's why you do it all day we've been sitting here just calling and raking calling and raking we just pick this spot and Casey just goes bow like big bow literally sitting drinking coffee and he just got done calling and he goes bll and there's a bull nice job nice job brother nice [Music] shot [Music] dude look at the body size over here that my friends is a giant Alaskan bow look at that shovel at the size of that bow man oh dude he's way bigger bigger than I thought he was he is huge way bigger huge 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 six that is a big big bow oh my God so much work ahead of us oh man but every worth every second that is unbelievable dude he is huge huge huge oh my God drop project Alaska we are 18 days in I got the Alaskan Yukon Bull on the ground this has been an unbelievable Adventure in some of the most absolute crazy terrain we have done it from start to finish this was a personal goal it was a group goal and we succeeded right here in Alaska in the Brooks range UND dropped man man oh man this moose means more than just a trophy on the wall no question about [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can't [Music] see 570 five to the furthest Pine that I can rain we it try calls another 100 [Music] yards he's coming down right to the end of the lane right now got a good visual on him still if he stays at that level I can see both of them he's closing case he's closing screw it let's ride this up a little higher not much just a little sometimes it seems each new Step changes my visibility drastically the further I get off the river the more dense the spruce trees become knowing how territorial this bull was last night I'm hoping that case he can get in there and start to rake the idea is not cow call cuz he's with a cow so start beating up Rush start grunting and I think he was territorial enough where he's going to answer back back and start coming down the hill I'm getting closer to the bulll by the second and I can't risk him hearing me raking my way into the thick stuff provides a cover sound that can drive an old bull [Music] [Music] wild rifle's hot so am I we got up in here as far as I'm willing to go we probably got about 350 400 yard to where he is at least where I suspect he is and this wind is still kind of quaring I'm not willing to push it any further than this so I'm going to sit here I'm going to see if I can bring him up out of there we'll find out I got the boat and the rifle [Music] [Music] the bull right now is directly in the middle of the Avalanche so there's this Avalanche light is what we're calling it I don't know what it is just a slash but he's back out so I can see the bull now he's in a comfortable he's not spooked in any way shape or form Casey is now moving in on him he's within I mean the way the crow flies is within 300 yards but where the land is he's got to try and pull that bull off that cow by being a bigger Bull and yesterday we saw this happen we saw a bull come from the right and as soon as he started breaking brush and making noise that bull just left and came right at him just like I figured it would it got Tighter and bark on a tree up in there so I mean we're not that far away from where we last saw the bull but I can't see more than 25 yards in here I knew it was going to be like this too I just kept pushing it little by little by little there is some serious bear [ __ ] up here there a giant pile right there there's a fresh pile over there it's still got flies on it so I'm most likely just going to back out from here I had her sit here and beat this tree for a little bit see what happen damn it it's hard to be the armchair quarterback there's no question because I don't know what that terrain's like up there you can only assume what it is which is not good so I'm guessing there's got to be some sort of terrain or maybe it's too tall in there and then he's trying to get around it the bull is still in eyesight but I don't know I feel like not for long I mean we got up here and it's just it's nasty can't see hardly anything we got about 400 yard from the face and he is down below there somewhere but the reality is is I just even if I got him to come in here I I couldn't get a shot so we're going to slide back down just kind of ease our way back hopefully he's still in here we didn't check anything up [Music] you know as September progresses here um you know what should be happening is the Moose should be coming to the river a little bit more and more now yesterday we did see last night our very first moose on the actual River itself we had a bulll walk literally right through Camp because of the time frame it's earlier in the month now we're getting to the point where they are starting to drop down out of the mountains and they are coming to the river we had a moose last night at 7:00 walk directly into Camp he was not illegal uh so obviously we didn't shoot but uh it was good to see the bulls actually coming down to the river for the most part they've just been up on these side Hills um and you know I I'm not really sure why that is I'm certainly not a moose expert um but they've been up on the side Hills kind of off the river a little bit I think ultimately that's what led to me kind of going up in there you know I glassed that bull Bull Durham there glassed that thing for two days I mean he moved like I don't know a 100 yards or 150 yards over the course of like 48 hours so I think that was just one of those like maybe a little bit of impatience on my part to get up in there uh to see if I could make something happen so now we're at a time where I can start call in from right here in Camp and start just using these points for glassing and see what's coming but right now they're responding so instead of going after them for a mile and a half to 2 miles you can get them to come to you that is a major difference and it's a difference of 3 days this should be the start of what becomes a pretty damn intense rut right here on the river [Music] h [Music] I don't mind them separate the way they are I just don't like it on the other side of the river just has to be brought over so whether we put it close or we put it at the on our same Rock Bar whatever we do I Tred to stay out of trouble but sometimes I lose my mind okay you ready I got us you ready yes I tried to stay on the straight and narrow but every down there I'll walk this down here I go again I'll walk it down going down [Music] again [Music] down [Music] [Music] I tried to stay out of trouble okay disassemble and then get everything packed down packed around get it across yes I try to stay on the straight and narrow but every down [Music] there here I again he's going up now down again settle up the horses where's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds pitting pictures of seasons change B's getting tired and short are the days I'm a weathered man I'm a weathered man broken down and we I'm a wear the name just don't wear the name that's what we want if he goes up he's going to get up in there which is our best scenario because at that point he'll leave us alone now that doesn't mean he's not the bigger we did see a big bear could be patches could be a big bear could be we don't know but it's either way it's a Grizz and he's headed up that way so hopefully it keeps going catches the wind and stays up there so if that's not pouches and pouches could still be that other Grizzlies around here somewhere I obviously it's really hard to tell but I can tell you that's a big bear so and I'm going to get rolling here the time has come to move the meat cach a bit closer to camp in order to maintain [Music] visibility I feel like with each new day a new Grizzly enters this Valley most likely for the same reason we're here they know where the game is for Chris and I being able to keep our meat cash close is imperative we do not want to lose a cash to a big old Grizzly if any of these Bears decide to take it over there's nothing we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] do I think he walked all the way up in [Music] there [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hope this is [Music] here [Music] go up on the [Music] sticks riverbottom caches often end up up being built in the Willows which are less than ideal it took me a bit of extra time to get a proper cach built that would support hanging the meat instead of stacking it but anytime I can hang the meat I [Music] will building it close to the river gives the cash a Non-Stop draft of cool air that's created by the flow of water that draft is perfect for keeping the meat dry I like to burn this end of this paracord it's got individual cordage inside of paracord so I like to burn the ends that way it preserves all that stuff inside oh I got a lace cut it's pretty bad holding pressure on it right now I tripped on one of those Willows the buck knife went right into my palm let me I have uh paracord if we want to tie it to keep pressure on it yeah or figure it out it'll be fine it'll stop bleeding at some point or not through the water got St go with the cut ready yep a little tighter tighter yeah missed my wrist by about 2 in tight enough yeah keep going good go on this side it's good come across yeah like that that's fine yes for a second you can keep it go ahead ready pull it okay now all right it's right on it all right do that there you go all right good news is the bleeding's actually under control okay go this way with it and I'm going to put a glove on good yeah all you want a roll glove man happens that fast Jesus been tripped man I know I just I drag I dragged my I dragged my foot we're in you still for your fingers and everything I still have movement in my thumb at the moment I can absolutely tell you that in about an hour chances are pretty slim see how it goes but I have ligaments so we're good I missed my wrist so that's good and I hit the Meat part I was just getting in there too tight and um I went to move and actually just got caught in a willow when I did I went forward and I don't know just one of those things let you know how fast it can turn on here One Direction and either way and uh that's a really bad situation so I got a lot of time left out here and I don't want any sepsis or anything setting in so especially with all the meat that I was touching so I got to go get it clean sanitized other than [Music] that as the days Press On just about everything starts to get a bit [Music] tougher today is a good day so far the Sun is out and uh I'm just in the process and moving all this around it's amazing what a Grizzly will do it'll really change how you operate out here we're going to push it up here where we can see it around the edge and that way we can guard it now how much you can guard it from a Grizzly we'll find out but I'm getting a little bit weak I had to sit down for a second I can definitely tell right now my body is starting to burn calories it does not have that's for sure there's the sickness that I'm getting over and there's this guy I got him protected right now but I don't know I don't know I don't know what I'm going to find when I open that glass love up it's aaska for [Music] you day by day hour by hour the daily tasks associated with life in the back country start to get a bit more difficult at this stage of the trip the mind and body begin to show signs of fatigue but Mother Nature isn't showing us any signs of slowing [Music] [Music] down one of these job tied out one of the core tenants for meat care is keeping the meat dry tarps are must have tools in the back country and they serve multiple functions from emergency shelter water collection and makeshift meat hauling sleds to Bush smokers and cash roofs a hunter can do a lot with a solid tarp perfect [Music] okay [Music] well problems continue to build up I was uh glossing for moose and a giant gzz came out of the Timber I have a very sneaky suspicion that he's going to end up right here in front of us which is the last thing we want just trying to stay vigilant you know we've got the cash visible from Camp which is kind of like the first line of defense I guess is being able to have it visible you know I just really hoping that that this bear stays away hoping he doesn't come in here I certainly don't want to put him in a position of do defensive life and I got to tell you that's a big Grizz Le up there in the muskegg and the tundra you can kind of see them they get down in these low Willows on this on the river itself that's when things start to get a little hairy Winter's closing in and everything in Alaska can feel it yeah he's coming here he's coming right towards us right towards the River from what I see out here the Predators that call this place home are on their final push for food before a long cold and dark winter sets in see oh yeah can't miss him [Music] that is a deep wound the risk of infection out here is all too real being properly equipped is a must while things like spagna moss are naturally sterile and could provide protection for the infection I came prepared with a first aid kid as we always say prepare for the worst and hope for the best keeping a wound from getting infected is basically identical to keeping meat from spoiling triple antibiotic keep it clean keep it dry it's also just one more thing to add to the list all right there we go the dressing has been applied now I don't know let's hope it doesn't get infected well the decision has been made it uh uh I knew it was coming down to a go or no go moment and we've decided to not go um several things factored into that as Casey and I had a conversation about it I mean one why would you leave game in Search of more game uh everything that we have is right here uh which is a little bit different than my expectation coming in I think my expectation coming in was to float this entire River again uh and see the whole thing and all of it Glory um and that's not going to happen we're going to hang tight right here it's so incredible that I don't want it to be known how incredible it is but I can't help but share it with you because it's just something I've never seen every single species in Alaska from caribo to Moose to lyx to wolf bear um we just haven't seen a wolverine we even saw a musox an actual musox by himself walking up the riverbank I mean when do you see a musox I really wanted to get down to some of those spots that we found the old cabin and you know just prayer point and all these different areas that you know it's been a decade or more since I've been on this River so I really really wanted to see that again but listen every trip is unique I could do this trip 10 times in the exact same spot and every single year would be totally different so it is definitely different um there's just something about it that is incredibly adventurous by getting out and get going and there's also something incredibly adventurous about staying and watching and living in an area in and amongst these animals for a long period of time and I don't know I don't know but it's been interesting you know there's a saying in sheep country that you don't leave sheep to find sheep and I think that applies everywhere I think that applies down here in the valley in the river bottom as well why leave animals to find animals like we've got what we're looking for right here let's just see if if we can ride it out and make it happen um the positive is yeah I think we can do that the negative is damn it I really wanted to see this River again I mean sitting in Camp and glassing bands of sheep 9 10 15 sheep all over the place um it's just incredible and that part I can't complain about now what is coming is Alaska and she's rearing her head and I don't like it I was sending an inre earlier uh to my wife and she sent me a note back that literally said it's not a storm that's coming it's a hurricane um and that state of Alaska is declared I guess a state of emergency right now so um I don't know it's just weird it's weird and it's Eerie so weather is number one um I mean we've got our equipment we've got our gear we've got our tent and our stove but you know holy hell what what comes with a hurricane in in Alaska I don't know never been in one but sure as hell don't want to find out so what does that mean for us well that means that we've got a few good days of weather and then it could get really ugly really fast which really makes us start to contemplate how to get out of here safely what else is pressing uh Chris's hand he still got that giant laceration across his hand um that's obviously not really getting any better by the day I mean it it it looks okay but it's definitely not getting the care that it needs so um we got that to contend with and uh now we' also got a mega Grizzly uh that showed up here in the valley so yeah it's uh it's definitely all culminating right now I know that there's Wheels in Motion between the weather and the grizzly bears I mean we've got this giant Grizzly walk by again today and it's just a matter of time before He makes himself uh friendly with that meat cash and we're just kind of watching it and protecting it and guiding it cuz we're trying to you know not let him get into it but at the end of the day there's nothing we can do about it so between the Grizzlies and the weather bearing down this might have to be some sort of early extraction but I don't get my hopes up because it's Alaska we're working through it we'll take it one minute at a time one hour at a time one day at a time and you know keep doing what we need to do in order to uh to get out of here [Music] safely good [Music] Alaska is beginning to Bear Down it chips away at you one minute at a time while we may feel the effects of that the wildlife that call this place home certainly do not [Music] temperatures dropping Big Time skies are clearing yeah baby it's the Moose [Music] r where this world going to take me heaven Only Knows sure as hell going to break me down to the bone going to open it I'm going to swallow me oh I'll be standing out to ey with my soul I will pleas allone over time I turn the stone yes I will be all along all the time I will turn stor [Music] withered Warn and tired I'm far from where I came this Lonely Road of travel has left me not the same some say it's gy said blood that travels through my veins where I rather be the wild one than the one that wears the rain I will bleed all alone all the time I turn the stone yes I will play allone all the [Music] time I will will turn [Music] stor settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the cold [Music] clouds pitting pictures of seasons change B is getting tired and short are the days I'm on weed man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a WEA man just a WEA man [Music] weathered worn and tired we are weeks into our return to the Brooks range and winter is hot on our heels it seems to me that in this area of the world there's such a small small window of opportunity to hit things just right and as quickly as that window opens it closes each day each hour each minute are more unpredictable than the last the lunch well brunch lunch brunch whatever breakfast little smoke action it's so tender right now just because it's been sitting for so long dry aged I don't know just keeps getting better and better and better and better I know well we got some serious thinking to do here brother I mean at the end of the day we really got to put our minds together and figure out what we're going to do see that up there that's not good just been today and even part of yesterday just had a different it's like winter had a different feeling like the cold has a whole different feeling it is brisk I think we got a massive storm coming in according to the in reach right over the next several days now it just becomes a safety factor and probably worth calling a pilot and having a discussion plan on I don't want to get stuck in here because the storm hat next thing you know you know I don't know I think we got a lot of factors we got meat that's got to get out of here we've got weather rolling in at some point I would like to get some antibiotics for this laceration if you will Y and then uh we'll just see see where it takes us still hunting still pushing forward until we can talk to one of the pilots or talk to somebody that actually has a good weather report but I know whether we get out 3 days early or we get out you know 4 days early for us it was about the adventure we came we saw we conquered you have to be prepared to Y walk away without shooting a moose or shooting a moose I mean if we get one down here close great if we don't but we've always said Alaska doesn't ask you to leave she tells you to leave and I feel like right now she's telling us to leave I mean look at that up there that snow is getting further and further and further down the mountain yeah I believe whatever storm is about to hit Alaska is going to be nasty so we just got to be heads up talk to our pilot yep talk to the right people see what we can do you know the last part of that whole thing is you need a shower you can smell me from there I'm going to throw that out there I do you need a shower how go I'm going to go call Pilot I do need a [Music] shower [Music] a momentary break in the weather offers up an opportunity to catch up on what else but some meat care [Music] tasks I swapped out the uh dirty meat bags for clean game bag bags and then I put these in the river yesterday to rinse and wash them let them soak overnight and so now I'm just getting them up and out of the water hands are just Frozen but getting them up out so I can get them laid out here and get them d off in order to keep the meat in Peak condition I prefer to wash dry and swap out game bags frequently constantly rotating fresh bags helps Dave off [Music] spoilage hey hey get out of here we got a problem it's not good not good at all that Grizzly just popped out of the brush here in front of us just another day in Alaska Grizzly coming into Camp definitely was coming to the cash so he knows it's here this could be a problem so the issue right now is our wind's going that way he came out at first off the right side now he's downwind and he circling our meat cash is over to the left over there in those Willows and the reason we separated from Camp is for things just like this there he goes across that flat right there a meat Hall can be a great pressure valve for a Backcountry Hunter but like anything in the middle of nowhere it's a balancing act heading this far into the mountains is not a daily task for the pilots of the North country and grizzly bears have nothing but time we're going to have to make a a run maybe I don't know what to think about this yeah I guess I going to try to figure this out and think about it I'm trying to get a meat run out of here and get this meat flown out because the Grizzly's in here yeah I got to think about this these are the things in Alaska that come at you really fast and you got to under got to really take time to think you can't make any jerk reactions you got to think it through see what happens we'll come up for the right choice at some [Music] point recognizing how quickly things change out here is a never ending process pressures come from all over between the weather and the wildlife our window of opportunity is simply closing faster than we would [Music] [Music] like Bush Pilots are a great resource for accurate weather while our garment inreach provides us with updates Ates Pilots generally have an intimate knowledge of weather patterns and predictions Mountain weather's anything but stable and we can get locked in here for the long term in a matter of no [Music] time [Music] we got a moose coming in right now I just heard him for the first time he just called he's in there grunting he's a Goodall a good [Music] [Music] talking [Music] oh three three four you [Applause] ready right through yes get up there get up there oh he's going down he's going down right there let him get back to shore dude he's down K him oh I don't even see him like I I was behind you calling oh man oh with the bow he's going to get caught up on these Rapids eventually he's going to get caught on those those rocks right there I'm hoping we got to see what the hell is gonna happen to him here he's rapidly floating down the river right now have to get on that quick like we got to get on it and get the get the stuff and we got to go oh boy my concern there he is there he is he's right there he washed up he washed up he washed out buddy thank God there he is right there we finally washed up we're not all that far from Camp actually yeah is thank God nice job dude congratulations man I thought he was long gone in that heavy current deep [Applause] water [Music] [Music] and just like that it's over the the first official snowstorm of winter has hit overnight and there's a brief break in the storm but it won't last long well it's time again it's that Bittersweet moment of extraction woke up this morning in Alaska she said time to go it's time to go winter has set in up here in the Brooks the snow has hit just as we anticipated and uh this is the Bittersweet day closing are out one final Journal here in Alaska back in the Brooks range for this trip and what a hell of a trip it's been what a wild and crazy trip it's been now looking back when we landed on this thing so many odd weeks ago uh I had such a different vision in mind um and that's what I love about this is you just don't know what's going to happen I had visions of rowing and going visiting places that uh you know we saw 12 years ago and just kind of you know Rush in back memories all these great things that we did and that's not what Alaska had in store for us and I got to tell you I'm happy with the decision um I think it was the right call at the end of the day and this Valley has absolutely provided everything every single day you know every single dropped has got plenty of highs plenty of lows some of the highs are crazy high some of the lows are crazy low um I think ultimately that's why we do this um is to feel those big ass pendulum swings in life right so this trip was no different I still have uh a Moose tag in my pocket and I don't know if it's just my age or just my experience I don't know but I'm okay with it like I'm totally at peace with it because it's not about taking home a moose it's about what we just did extraction day is always the most Bittersweet day I've always said that a little PC remains behind and uh I think that's the case with this place as well I will miss it when I leave but I will be back and if there's one thing that I can leave you with it's you may die in this lifetime but you can't [Music] unlive [Music] life in the wild is hard to explain we can show you what our version of Life out here looks like but until you get out and do it yourself you'll never truly know the [Music] feeling [Music] we're a small part of this great big world but we play an important role take care of these places and take care of each other after all that's all we have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e back in Alaska [Music] [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we have a mantra that we literally live every single day that is be alive and it's about the moments that matter because those moments are so important in your life enjoy this place for every single thing in the worth because the fact of the matter is that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will [Applause] come welcome to a pretty unique episode of dro obviously as you can see I am not in the middle of the mountains I am not in the back country I'm actually sitting in a really comfortable leather chair in JB's basement at the moment but this episode I'm going to dive into some of my favorite moments have dropped over the years we've been to a lot of places I've seen some crazy things out there in the wild we spent probably over a year off grid just filming dropped and the things that we run across are pretty special I've tried to narrow them down as best I can for this episode this is my favorite moments of dropped settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the cold clouds pitting pictures of seasons change bodies getting tired and short are the days I'm on weed man I'm a weather man broken down and weary I'm a WEA name just don't we name I'll be honest with you it was really hard for this episode for me to kind of narrow things down just because I get to see so much cool and crazy stuff when I'm out there but I've got to bring this one back all the way to season 1 this is probably one of the most unique things that I've ever experienced while I'm out there uh hunting you know going into season 1 we had no idea what to expect as the trip evolved and things went went on we ended up pushing through miles of probably what was supposed to be some of the best Moose Country on the entire journey and we ended up at a spot we called prayer Point um we called it prayer point because we had a wing in a prayer we had no idea what what the area held but we knew we had to stop so we stopped and just as dropped normally does when you're at your lowest of lows it brings you your highest of highs Chris ended up taking an absolute Mammoth of a moose for the first moose of the trip and shortly thereafter another bull shows up we went from having no moose to having two moose all of a sudden and what took place after that second Bull showed up is something I will never ever ever forget Chris just shot his bull not even 10 15 minutes ago I looked up and I had a second Bull coming in if he crossed the river from us right now he's actually standing over top of Chris's [Music] ball it's incredible just like he's possessed he's drol and his eyes are rolling back in his head [Music] well there you have it but that has got to be one of the coolest encounters I've ever had obviously I didn't end up taking that moose it wasn't a legal bull but just the way that whole thing played out you know not only did I use it as an opportunity to learn about moose and kind of how they behave but I just had to soak it all in because it was incredible it's a close encounter like I've never had before let's fast forward to season two for this next memory and talk a little bit about horses because uh a I'm allergic to them and B I had never hunted from horseback up until we went to the Yukon um and they make things really interesting you know WPS are awesome because you can control WS they don't have a mind they can't really think for themselves but a horse that's a whole different ball game you don't know what's going to happen when as long as you're going uphill you love them every other time I feel like I can't stand them and that's the case with this next clip I'm going to show you here uh you know we had two moose up on a Hillside Middle of the Yukon the ruts starting to kick in these two moose were glassing them they're fighting they're doing their thing they're preoccupied with one another so we decideed hey maybe we can make a move we jump on the horses we start to head out and lo would beh home the horse blows up I've never experienced a blow up before but this is what it looks [Music] like okay chalk went up for Rodeo Cowboy apparently he hit the tree I tried holding on as long as I could on it but his halter actually snapped off his face he got L now we got a problem cuz all the weight slid underneath them and we can't get it off cuz all the weight's pulling down so we're going to have to do something here pretty quick quick to get this horse free we got the halter back on him just a matter of I leash him now I got to tie up my horse and help you guys he's a good horse he kind of freaked out a little bit but once he got his balance here on the hillside he kind of settled down stopped a little bit it's life in the [Applause] [Music] bush as you can imagine that hunt was over the minute that horse blew up basically everything about the hunt was off so we had no choice but to get everything packed up and head out we actually spent 2 days straight traveling from one location to another on Horseback during that whole ordeal uh and when we finally got to camp we thought we were going to get some rest sit down chill out for a little bit but damn it these horses are just it's always something with horses hey get over here dude this horse is just freaking out what I got to cut this thing if I don't cut it he's going to hang himself well cut it just use your knife cut it just cut it easy bu wo wo wo wo wo look out look out look out hey hey hey hey easy easy easy easy easy easy easy good boy rip his leg open did he yeah big time pretty bad yeah bad real bad easy B oh yeah easy you okay cut his legs you okay you okay yeah easy there we're uh sitting over there Casey and I just cooked up some sheep all of a sudden we heard one of the horse is just going crazy and uh we came over here and sure enough he was kicking like crazy he was Tangled in this halter shank and he was getting hung on his neck was he was going to choke he was going to die cuz the Rope was around his neck and he was hanging in case he took his knife out and cut the Cut the Rope and he's fine he's got a bag cut inside but man that was freaky part of having horses again that's like four times today these horses you just don't know what's going to happen I don't know it's crazy just got a little freaked out on here but he's eating now he seems to be doing better he's got a little wound on his leg but we're going to get that taken care of we got some some Sav and stuff with us some balb so good take taking care of he's all right though old Brewster's a snap show all the way up until the point where I saved his life that horse was crazy that horse would snarl at you he wouldn't trust you when you walked anywhere near him he was just jumpy I felt like he was always going to kick me um but you know I ended up cutting him loose and I feel like that horse was my best friend for the rest of the trip he calmed right down uh it was just a wild and crazy or deal um almost as wild and crazy as my brother hooking me in the face with a fly where is it it's in my lip you're bleeding now second time what who who takes all the line out and Tangles it around in here well I'm tying a fly [Music] on no [Music] mhm there you should be able to slide it out now is it pinched yeah go ahead and try and slide it out there you go she's out it's not that bad I mean it could have been a trouble hook man survived severe wind storm and snow storm in the Yukon dies of metal poisoning from a fish hook to the lip you always have them in your lip every time I go to walk by one of the rivers that we floated it was uh we ended up getting yanked out quite a bit early because of uh an impending storm that was coming in I would love to have another crack at that River from a moose hunting perspective as well as from a caribou man was there Caribou on that River um you know I'll never forget we just came out of the High Country we started to kind of get into where we had some spruce trees starting to to get down a little bit lower and uh normally when we see Caribou on dropped it can be real onesie toosy it's a couple of here a couple there um but this time ended up being like one of those Nat Geo type moments where there were just Caribou everywhere we cannot have 200 caribou and not walk away with one of these man when we came up we were literally right on top of them [Music] down here wind's perfect right now right now you're going to have to just wait when you're ready take them nice shot Nice Shot Hammer Hammer oh yeah High shoulder oh yeah hammered perfect he's going to go down right now he's down we got food look at this look at that P the carer right there look at that we got food boys there he is Nice Shot man check that out what a beautiful way that is awesome look at that not a bad rack either no oh man that was so awesome to play out that was crazy one of those things where once we saw them from up high they seem so far away oh I know but by the time we crossed the river and got up it was like there here that fast right on top of them man yeah dude that is an awesome awesome animal of all the animals that I've been able to you know glass and eventually hopefully Harvest UND dropped there's one that is probably more unique than the rest for me and that's my ram in the Yukon being able to take a sheep is probably one of the Pinnacles of my time in the field as a hunter that hunt was so much hard work and so much effort and it's the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and it's a mental battle every second of the way with every step you ask yourself why am I doing this why am I doing this what am I doing and then the moment it happens you literally say I would do it all over again right now if I could it's an incredible hunt it's so hard to explain it just gets into your it gets into your mind it gets into your soul and it's an unbelievable experience 37 372 I want to rack one hey I'm racking [Music] one [Music] Cas can you see him on the side of that green hill yeah he's right there na again yeah shoot him again coming this way come up on that little knob okay right where he's bed yeah I don't think he's going to make it up there him 300 you Dro [Laughter] man nice shot oh you hit them both how did we work for him he took a tumble didn't he he he did check that out hold the machine look at that look at that that's a big old Ram man old holy 12 and A2 12 and 1/2 easy to count 12 and 1/2 that's an old Ram Logan nice word dude s Sweet what a ram bro nice job brother nice shooting thanks that first one popped him that first one hit him congratulations case that's awesome man guys that's a heck of a ramp look at that you guys put a lot of work in for this [ __ ] look he didn't even break his tips off at 12 and A2 old bugger drop project UK that's right project Yukon right there project Yukon kicking off dropped lived in the mountains that was awesome man camping overnight horses sleeping in the mountains tonight we sleep right here we sleep she hunting's a whole another ball game I can't believe we did that that was that was awesome that made it all worthwhile right there some teeth yeah so happy what a beautiful round to take boy just feels good man feels good man it feels great [Music] that is one of the most special hunts that I've ever been on the way that it went down how hard we fought as a team myself my brother JB Jameson all of us I mean we all pushed ourselves to the max to make that happen and it was just an incredible ride an incredible journey but that's what dropped is dropped is always a journey we set out to challenge ourselves for an extended period of time in the middle of nowhere and to just live life to get out there and live whatever that means we set out to be alive so thank you for watching and I hope you get your very own chance to be alive there we go [Music] baby [Music] oh [Music] [Music] back in Alaska [Music] baby [Music] [Music] on [Music] oh we have a mantra that we literally live every single day that is be alive and it's about the moments that matter because those moments are so important in your life enjoy this place for every single thing that it's worth because the fact of the matter is that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will [Applause] come hi everybody welcome to this special episode before we get started I just wanted to give everybody out there a big thank you thank you for watching thank you for all the support and the messages that we see on Facebook and social media uh after a 2-year Hiatus it really feels good to be back out there doing what we love and we wouldn't be able to do it without you so thank you so much for watching this is going to be a special episode we're going to take a trip down memory lane looking at all of my favorite moments settle up the hores is weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds are pitting pictures of seasons change B is getting tired and short of the days I'm on weathered man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a Weare the name just a [Music] Weare well as we kick off this special episode and we start thinking back at all the incredible memories we've had over the years I mean it's really hard to pick some of my favorite but there's one that stands out to me in a season where everything was different it was the first season that Casey and I and I ever decided to take somebody with us and we had this incredible Father and Son RL and Cade Panic who submitted a video and it was an extremely heartwarming video of the two of them wanting to get out there arell just come over some health issues and to get together and really be with us out there that was going to be something special but Alaska as usual was throwing everything at us the weather was horrendous and we were 5 days in this camp and after the fifth day of calling a moose finally stands up right there just stood up holy sh right there see him let's go get up top over 50 yeah hold on he standing up find his chest see his hamers okay hold yeah just wait he's trying to hear over that stream too they don't have good vision okay ready okay take him put him put one in him missed him take your [Music] time [Music] he's far man and he is not slowing down well that's the end of that story damn it had all the right cars in place I guess this wasn't meant to be gun's got to be off poor Kade that's sucks well obviously in the moment frustrations were high Cade was frustrated he thought he was doing something wrong I was frustrated because I had just come off 30 days already so I'm on my second leg I'm hungry um and emotions run High when you're out there but I'm happy to say that we went back and we shot the guns and we actually had to shoot it a lot uh it was shooting very high right the scope got bumped from the brutalness of Alaska and we ended up having to call a plan to air drop us ammunition because we were down to our last bullet in the middle of Alaska so uh we sighted the gun back in so that one is not on Cade that gun and that scope happen to be shooting way off we did get it dialed in for the rest of the hunt uh and I'm happy to say this after many many years Cade and his dad went back to Alaska and they totally redeemed themselves by going back and getting a giant Alaska moose we've been fortunate enough to do Dropped In in many locations but one of the locations that happened to be the most beautiful one for me was the South Pacific it was Expedition South Pacific in the New Zealand area we were on the south island that was incredible and one thing I really loved about this one is there was Zero Predator so I really got to sleep well at night now it comes with its pros and cons and a memory that stands out so much in my taste as well as in my mind is the day of the [Music] goat what do you think here pretty done hey yeah get one off oh yeah they're they're done here I'll let you do the honor really his goat okay and I've had better every now and then I'm getting a hint of goat no light it bab bad oh my Lord tastes like iron it's cooked all the way through there's no doubt I don't know it's all powered through it right now I do not care R from the Arctic I can tell you that much okay well here we go it's warm all the way to the belly oh my Lord so chewy that's all we got right now well we do have other means of oh heavy chew oh well woo that's my first goat probably going to be my last goat I some power through it listen it's got to go for it we're going to split up W I saw those rabbits up top Jed up fly rod and see if we can get some wow it's not good see if we can oh a little [ __ ] I'll go fishing okay that piece was [ __ ] that's an aftertaste like I've never had before okay wow oh there you go hey now there bab oh my God I'm you I can't live on this there's no way let's find a pig let's find some rabbit and let's find some trout oh keep it in I've got to go fishing I got to do something let's just leave this here and see if we can split up okay oh I'm going to get my fishing GE ready I'm going to try and eat as much as I possibly [Applause] can see oh that is the worst thing I've ever had to eaten in my life oh come on no way we got to get something else now we've eaten a lot of things that are random from dandelion salad to Yukon caviar to you know whatever we can get our hands on but I got to tell you having that goat I can't describe the taste to you but I can tell you this I will never in my life have goat again that was disgusting so in keeping a theme here with Expedition South Pacific and just having come off of having the worst meal of my life and looking for something else that we can get our hands on we turned our attention to the pigs uh we know that there's wild hogs out in New Zealand and we were looking for one and all I kept thinking about was the bacon uh the the pork tenderloin everything and I'm like I can't wait to get my hands on this I'm super hungry all we've had is this kind of stale goat the entire time well leave it up to me to completely mess this up and I've had some mess ups over the year some bad ones but I got to tell you I was so angry at myself on this hog okay got to be over the next R they're not here Jason I'm rich to R now this is not fun okay gotta go okay I can see them they just moved it just moved down to the left I think I can make it to the next Ridge okay I'm going for it I'm kind of left helpless but to sit here and watch with no real way to communicate that two of the three bags have disappeared they in here somewhere right here see it right here the look at the trees right here just stay on the bush oh there he is big black one coming out okay ready what what what is going on are you kidding me what the oh my gosh did I not load one where I can just see brush down at the bottom are you kidding me right now never Reloaded The Gun that's such a miserable fail unbelievable okay I saw that grass moving I clicked back down took the safety off pulled the trigger and I forgot to reload the gun the hog took off to the left I only got it for a second and the other two skirted and went down off the cliff off the top right there and we just came out of here with nothing with absolutely nothing and it's because I jacked it up and I had it and I missed it and I jacked it up on myself I pissed off this sucks when we first saw these Hogs they were about 1,000 foot up from where we are in elevation and they were all the way across the valley but that did not deter me at all I knew that we needed some food uh and I took off after them now one thing I do is I do not walk with a chamber ground I never hike with a chamber ground just don't know when accidents are going to happen but but in the adrenaline rush of getting up there and getting on that hog and it happened so fast I did a huge mistake I forgot to load the gun so when I pulled that trigger and I heard that click it wasn't a doubt in my mind I knew what happened I messed up this was not the gun's fault this was my fault and that let down just put my blood pressure through the roof and for the longest time I was just a different person I was angry that I could not provide in the moment because of a stupid mistake like that but then I look back on it and I say you know what it happens for this last memory I'm going to go back to season 2 in the Yukon season 2 of the Yukon was one of the hardest Seasons that we have ever done um between the elevation change and the amount of days we were out there I think it was 37 plus total days that we were out there um horses this is the first time that we introduce some sort of Transportation other than a raft um there was just a lot of unknowns that were flying at us the entire time and that was one of the hardest hunts I've ever been on um it was extremely rewarding in the beginning with Casey sheep but then it turned into one of the longest and most debilitating hunts I've ever been on so once we got flown back out and we were back in a place where we could look for some more moose to come up on one out of nowhere and then get an opportunity to take one down like that I was not missing regardless of how far it was cows are getting up right there cows are getting up how far is he way right there he's moving [Music] come okay all right ready here we [Applause] go hit him oh Crist him he's going to go down right there 390 yards 1 150 2 250 [Applause] 300 is he going down is he going down he's going down going down going down he's down that multier he's down hit him hit him the smoke pole there he is my Yukon bull wow what a change we had a divide and conquer Casey and I split up it's a Bittersweet moment I'm not going to lie to you I mean I've always got my brother with me when something goes down and I don't even know where he's at right now so it's uh I hope he's having just as much success as I am so not only was this a far shot but this moose was the first time that I couldn't turn around and give my brother a hug like I didn't have him with me on this one so it was kind of this Eerie feeling of I absolutely had a camera guy with me Jason Brown was with me our field producer and there was definitely emotion but I didn't have my brother so it was uh it's it's a Memory that I'll never forget uh and then to take him that far with a muzzle loader at the time uh it was just an amazing experience all the way around the Yukon was tough and this was a great way to end it well thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me over the years we've been blessed to do this across the globe uh many times in Alaska the Yukon New Zealand it's been an incredible journey we're looking forward to Bringing more stories to you and hopefully you're enjoying everything that we're showing you and all the memories that we share together and thank you again for being the best fans in the world and supporting us as we continue on with [Music] trop [Music] [Music] you know there's a there's a perceived danger element and there is a danger element when you're trying to capture great photography of a Grizz like this he's so preoccupied it's basically if you've ever fly fished or fished a stream with a lot of salmon and The Grizzlies are in there the brown bears are in there it's no different he's so preoccupied with that kill that everything around him's basically he's oblivious to so we've gotten to about 250 300 yards we want to give them space we don't want to push it but we're glassing about 200 yard behind us and uh this is just incredible footage and you know this is the element that that we've always wanted for dropped God look at that light on him right there God that's incredible [Music] man that's so cool got this wolf and we got the A1 hooked up to the digiscope TLs APO we just hooked up to 95 mm Soro spotting scope so you're able to get full frame 8K footage of this wolf here at the equivalent of like 3200 it's a 1200 to 3200 mm focal range equivalent stuff like this is just [Music] incredible welcome to this week's episode of dropped this one's a special one everybody sees what happens in a condensed 20 some minute version of what dropped is but what you don't see is all the incredible hard work that goes in behind the scenes the logistics of us trying to get out there with the camera guys that we have the field producers all the stuff that happens behind the scenes settle up the horses weather's coming in need to find some shelter from the [Music] cold clouds are pitting pictures of see seasons change B is getting tired and short all the days I'm a weathered man I'm a weathered man broken down and weary I'm a weather man just a WEA planning of dropped is a process let's put it that way um you know anybody that's ever planned a Backcountry hunt especially one in the middle of Alaska had knows the kind of challenges that come with that the kind of research and time that's involved in trying to figure that out bring in the production side of what it is that we do and that opens up a whole new can of worms because now we're not just worried about the hunt and the travel and the tags and the animals and the units and the zones and the dates and the weather and the water flows etc etc we're worried about the cameras and the bats and the cards and the charging and the lenses and all of these things that go into actually making a story when we're out there oh and by the way we have to figure out how to do all of this stuff for an extended period of time with no power so you know it's just it's so much and there's so much planning that goes into this thankfully I don't have to do it all myself usually I stick to the hunt side of the planning and then Jason and Jameson end up doing a lot of the planning when it comes to the production side we run a skeleton crew when we're out there we've been doing this together for a long time we only go out there with four of us we have two guys that have been with us for the longest time and they are trusted that's why they're there with us they're incredible behind the camera and they do everything they do all of those jobs and it's just the two of them the entire time that lay down all this incredible footage you know with Jason and Jameson these guys eat sleep and breathe production it's what they do they've got it down to a well oiled machine when it comes to the gear that we're going to need what lenses we want to shoot the conditions that we're going to be in these guys know every single aspect of producing in remote locations for an extended period of time and they've got a down [Music] pack [Music] so things happen extremely fast in Alaska and you have to be prepared now what happens next happened really fast I had just knocked down my first mountain caribou and we were actually walking back to get the packs and just as we were doing that randomly another giant Carib pops up over this little null now at this point Jason Brown's been with us since the beginning he actually has a caribou tag in his pocket he looks at Casey and he says do you want to shoot this Caribou there's a giant Caribou you have a tag in your pocket let's see if you can make this happen next thing I know they gone like boom he grabbed the gun Jameson grabbed the camera and [Music] off [Music] right there wrad [Music] side take your time J take your time buddy ready when you are [Music] yep We Ready first Caribou yes dude that happened fast huh Chris just shot a great Caribou Casey went across got a raft we had coffee messing around I have a tag and I'm going to use it on him yeah all right Naf got Jameson behind the camera we've been through a lot of drops together never had a tag never even thought we'd use one that didn't take long uh JB made it happen and he made it happen quick you know I'll never forget Chris and I literally sitting there like where did they go and how did they get so far away so fast he done you dumped it you y he Texas Tickler zip dude yes awesome Chris and I walk up there after we hear the shot thanks man thanks at that yeah I mean hey guy I'm hey you this Carib boot is just awesome has to be probably one of well not probably it is the coolest Caribou that I've ever seen uh in the years that we've been doing this this thing was just unreal had phenomenal bottoms it's a hell of a boo man congrats thanks man that's amazing dude it was really cool to see Jason take a caribou on the same Mountain that Casey has taken to Caribou and that I just took my first caribou and all of us were there for the original season it was truly a special moment it's cool very cool man now for some of our loyal viewers out there your eyes are really really good uh throughout the series you may have noticed that in the meat cach there was a lot more quarters than just mine and that's because Jason's Caribou was actually hanging in there as well and it just you know the story just kept unfolding so as we're on our way after the recovery we're kind of walking back towards camp we stumble across a muscock skull laying in the middle of the tundra I mean this kind of stuff is stuff that it might not seem like a big deal but man when you stumble across something like that in a natural setting it's just crazy that's a musk off holy SM look at that that's a bus Cox that's cool man look at that that is awesome what else does this Valley have to offer us unbelievable we had no idea that later in the series we would actually run into a live musx coming through but it was just a cool moment it's one of those things where you know you don't really have a lot to say it doesn't make the show but it's a Memory that we have from behind the scenes uh and it made for some great pictures and we just put it back and we kept walking but it was incredible to see a musos and to find it like that in the middle of [Music] nowhere the element of staying in one place brought some nuances with it this year that you know I've always thought about but you never really know for sure until you do it um one thing in particular I've always thought about is when we're floating how much game do we miss you know how many animals do we float right by and have absolutely no idea the animals are there um I can tell you it's probably a lot because this year you know where we're at out there in the Brooks range that's public land um so anybody that can get out there uh can can end up you know doing doing their thing on the river um we were set up glassing one day we had a moose and uh and a wolf and we were a bear actually we had I think we had like everything that we were staring at and all of a sudden from up River I look and here comes you know a couple of hunters you know floating down the river they obviously were aware to our presence because they could see our raft in our in our camp but as far as the animals I mean they floated right by and had absolutely no idea and I know they had no idea because where they went they couldn't see them they just flat out couldn't see them they went within a couple hundred yards of a bear and had no idea that that bear was even there and over the years Backcountry hunting DIY has become incredibly popular which is amazing to see um but some of the decisions that weighed into us getting in a raft and Rowing happened to do with some of the people that rode by us now what you didn't see in the series is we had a couple of different groups go by us and actually get below us and so although we didn't talk about it in the actual series it did w on us because we don't know now how far down they are and we didn't want to kind of get interrupted and we knew we had game right where we were at so public land has become a big thing and uh hunting in Alaska DIY there's a lot more people this time than I've ever seen DRFT is such a unique experience and a unique story and part of me wants that resource to maintain itself and be able to stay the way it is in perpetuity because that it's just an amazing Place unlike anywhere else on on Earth but that being said it also is public land and it belongs to all of us and it's there for us to utilize but we have to be smart about it we have to protect the resource and we have to do our job uh you know to make sure that it stays that way forever seeing hunters for the first time on Dro was definitely different but I get it and I understand it and I hope that those guys that were out there had one hell of a trip just like we did pressures from bears in this Valley are all over you know thankfully up until now they've been at a distance um but one wind gust and one wrong turn of the wind and they get a smell of our meat cash and you know who knows what ends up happening so Chris and I decide it's time to make a move we got to get the me cach from the other side we got to bring it closer to Camp where we can keep it visible and we can try to keep an eye on it so that's what we set out to do we head across we get to the cash you know and as we're kind of breaking the cash down looking around we realize like where in the hell did JB's caribo go he had a caribou sitting here and we were going to take it off the skull and now it's gone so something is obviously deciding to hit the vcash we got to make a plan obviously he took the old Cape one of these Bears I don't know if it was the the big boy or the smaller bear but drug it right over here just about a 100 yards off the back side of the null we've been glassing from for the first part of the hunt yep and this is about a 100 yard short of where Chris killed so we're just being real cautious we got be spray we got rifle we've all got sidearms we've still got a while left in this hunt so just being really careful man as we're kind of walking up the little Hill to get to the top of the tundra where we can actually see we can actually get some little bit of elevation to see across the tundra that was a pretty nerve-wracking moment you know Chris has a uh has a caribou carcass obviously it's been stripped of all the meat but the guts in the carcass is still sitting you know not too far away from where we are we ended up spotting the uh the antlers off in the distance kind of at the base of this little knob that was out there we got over there determined at least what I believe you know determined that it was a wolf that took the Caribou skull over there I don't think it was actually a bear I think it was if it was a bear we probably wouldn't have got it back um but it looked to me like a wolf had hit it so again just one of those like wild and crazy always got to be on high alert cuz you just never know what's going to [Music] happen so on this trip we were teaming with wildlife and I've got to give props where credits do do really because what I see with my eyes I get to take away it's in my memory and the guys that are running the camera Jason and Jameson their jobs are to capture that wildlife in a way that brings you in as a viewer in Alaska you have to realize that we're a really really small needle in a great big hay stack right and so is a moose and so is a Grizzly and so is a caribou I mean these animals when you're out there you don't you don't really know until you get there and you can't you can't really explain how vast Alaska really is but when you look out there and you see these animals they're so small often times we don't even have a chance to get them on camera because they're at such a far distance you can barely see them uh but having the right tool for the right job this year meant everything we were able to have the right equipment to be able to capture wildlife and men that this Valley provide [Music] the guys captured it in a way all of the wildlife that makes you feel like you're there and between the equipment and the techniques and how they built it it really is incredible to see this wildlife come to life on screen there is so much stuff that hits the Cutting Room floor because usually when we do our journals the guys will set up the gear Chris and I go over I'll sit down in front of the camera and I just start talking I just start emptying my brain and talking about anything and everything that's on my mind and a lot lot of that stuff makes uh perfect sense in context with what you see visually on the show but there's a lot of things that don't end up making the show and most of those things are actually pretty damn funny when I get back I want Buffalo Wild Wings with ranch and a salad I've been craving hot wings so bad hot wings and Sushi I got to tell you right now I smell I mean we all smell cuz when you don't sh shower for that period of time and as it gets colder you don't really recognize it but it's the luxuries that you miss like actually sitting on a toilet I just want to sit on a toilet it's so nice to sit on a to I got a bedet at my house I'm not kidding you installed it Miss it like I did it made it another 24 hours in Alaska the number one sign that daylight is arriving and that everybody is starting to kind of wake up is farts you just start to hear farts all through the tent and it's just I mean it's like it's like clockwork it's B it's literally an alarm [Laughter] clock all right I think that's good we good we out okay we're rolling there Big Buddy tell me about it how was it oh another dropped another drop is coming gone it's like I'm excited to get back and sleep in a actual bed and have a shower excited for food but at the same time it's one of those where it won't be 2 to 3 days back and it'll be like man I wish I was sitting back on the sandb bar we laid down everything we could as a production team we maximized our days out here I think of all the the the the seasons that have kind of stacked up that I've been a part of in the field this to me feels the best coming out I feel like every day was an adventure we didn't know um what was going to happen to be honest with you between bears and and the amount of game and some of the things that happened just from a storyline perspective it you know it's more more than we could ever asked for super happy with the camera setup uh the looks the batteries the solar everything worked out great the audio was good the lens selection was awesome for us this isn't it's not always about the production and really the production is the sow um for us it's being out here and and removing ourselves from the day-to-day grind and and you know recharging our batteries again it's a beautiful place my first time in the Brooks and uh good to be back with the crew this is where I started 11 years ago was with these guys and it's good to be back working together on a project so thankful for that thankful we all got out of here without any major injuries and uh praying that our flight go smooth and we get back and get to call the wives and get some pizza in us we come out here with a goal to lay down the best story we possibly can and on extraction day um you always want to feel like you did everything you could and uh you know what I think we did it's a hell of a year be live Origins back to where it all started couldn't be happier well we've been doing this for a long long time and we wanted to share with you an inside look and the behind the scenes of what goes on in the filming of a drop there's a lot of legistics that go into it there is so much that goes into it from the planning of the trip and the hunt to the planning of the production and then you get out there and all those plans go to hell in a handbag because Alaska is Alaska but we wanted to give everybody a little bit of a look at what goes on behind the Cur we really have the easy job we're there to just be us and go hunt and tell that story and they're there to capture it and bring you in and hopefully we've been doing that we'll continue to do that through storytelling and dropped I'm super proud of the crew I'm super proud of the story that comes out of this thing at the end of the day um and you know I've always said as long as I keep making it out alive I'll keep doing this thing because dropped is a unique experience all the way around go on the green gr side of the road on the green grass side of the road on the green grass side of the [Music] road
Channel: FD Adventure
Views: 853,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Survival, survival show, survival documentary, full documentary, FD Adventure, Adventure, Adventure Series, Adventure Show, Travel, dropped, dropped full season, dropped all episodes, dropped season 8, alaska survival, alaska survival challenge, alaska documentary, survival challenge, dropped project origin, dropped project origins, dropped 2023
Id: 9JdZgEQUdzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 1sec (12961 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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