Dropped: Land of the Living Skies | Complete Season | Survival Show

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as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn to the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live Mission dropped with very little to rely on but each other each new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges together the Kiefer Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped Amazing Grace [Music] [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrender to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the Kiefer Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the game enriched Northern Northern to Kiefer Brothers hold tags for a moose and a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] as Chris in case you make their final descent reality sets in with a bird's eye view they take one final look at the donning task ahead it's a familiar feeling excitement anticipation the realization that when the drop happens survival mode begins all right well then I think we're good here I think I've gone through a pretty much think we have everything we'll know once we start passing it in there but we should have just about everything so okay well let me check with this and see if we can get this motor started yep that's a key component to what we're doing here yeah if we can't get the motorcycle we're kind of screwed over a bad spot out of the gate all right let's hold the fires see oh yeah yeah electric start too boy that's nice huh a little electric start better than the old ore setup man wow that is so nice okay start getting the rest of this gear in there make sure we have it as we go through but I think everything's here our motor is locked and loaded all right let's hope that we don't need these the brothers are allowed just 40 pounds of personal gear each they will carry compound bows each with a quiver equipped with three arrows a Cabela's Instinct Outfitter tent will provide shelter and warmth for the purpose of safety they're bringing with them just one rifle but are lacking the security afforded by sidearms due to local game losses the brothers begin with a limited supply of fuel reserves they're forced to pack efficiently and conserved fuel as they navigate the northern Saskatchewan Wilderness okay so we got two Jerry cans for the motor and two spares [Music] liquor yes and every day [Music] are you ready oh like a glove it's just hours after the drop and brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer have their gear loaded and have set out on their Journey the large interior Lake will be the Kiefer Brothers playground as long as they're able to keep their transportation in working order running North and South the lake carves through the scores of dense forest miles the long winding Shoreline is peppered with small Bays allowing the brothers access to thousands of acres of land to Scout and hunt for the coming weeks the lake will act as the brothers Backwoods Highway offering a means of transportation and what they hope to be a reliable source of food their first task is to find a location worthy of building a base camp to call home [Music] all right let's go find see if we can get a spot you just want to spread out and see what we find yeah that's fine [Music] I'm traveling by way of water Vantage points are few and far between the brothers are searching for a base camp that offers both security from the elements and predators promise of hunting success the thing is you can penetrate like that first layer of Spruce a lot of times you can get back in here and you find some openings there's just nothing back in here this is all just wet muskeg and big rocks black Spruce tight together [Music] a lot thicker from the edge of the water I don't think this is gonna work out good news is there's a lot of Labrador tea around here what do you got you seeing anything anything useful unbelievable I thought it would open up you know I think we got to get off the mainland I think that's the issue I think if we stick to one of those islands where it should be a little more high and dry yeah well the thing too if we stick with an island yeah I'm gonna minimize our footprint on the mainland for hunting yeah and also hopefully give us a little bit of buffer from the Bears well the the big thing is if we go with an island let's try to find one that's like tucked in because I don't want to be out in the middle of the big water either because then we're just going to get pounded with weather I know but there's all those little islands that were like back here yeah before we got to this main main section I don't know it's just wheel over there and look at one of those because they're tucked I mean they're in there tight this is the first spot we tried and it's a giant lake so I say we just keep moving and checking but this is not going to work so all right we're burning daylight let's find another spot [Music] there's another Island right here so I mean this is an actual Island but I like how like back in here it is you know like it's still an island but it's back in here I mean the reality is if a bear is going to swim to the island he's going to swim to the island but at least we try to minimize it you know what I mean peace of mind let's see if we can find an open spot after hours of searching and a failed attempt scouting the mainland the brothers have located a promising group of islands protected from the brunt of the big water dude this opens up sweet up in here check this out way better yeah this opens up nice look at this oh yeah this is what we want look at there's so many different little flat spots up here I love it already it's high the water is like right there we have that first buffer from wind and of course the nice thing about Northern Saskatchewan is lots of wood we got all kinds of lots of wood lots of dead dry wood some old man's beard we got all kinds of good fire starters so oh this is good this is it this is what we need I love it see we could put the camp right here yeah and we're on an island yeah the tent will be just just right in here all right let's do this let's go get the tent let's get that thing put up let's do it all right all right oh we finally got a spot right here feel good about it lots of stuff that we're looking for right now we got kind of a wind barrier out here which is perfect and I'm super high up in the middle I love this that way we don't have to worry about any type of flooding or rain anything like that and we're on an island which is even better I mean I know Bears can cross it and everything else but it's just a sense of comfort but it feels good lots of dead wood lots of dry I mean just tons of this stuff all over the place so we'll have firewood all the time which is great and uh yeah I'm excited we uh we had to look around a little bit so I think we kind of lucked out on this one all right now the hard work begins at a setup base camp can't wait [Music] well there's definitely a sense of comfort and finding Camp here on day one that's uh that's a big step in this process anytime you get dropped out here I want to try to find where you're going to spend some time almost immediately and I really really like the spot of this island we kind of got this Island that's kind of tucked in here we got a little cold we got some of these little Bays like back in here some of these little Bays that are shallow that hopefully we can find some fish in but overall I kind of like the spot in terms of just ease of access we've got areas to the north that we can get to quickly and easily we've got areas to the South we can get to quickly and easily and from what I could tell from the air we're almost kind of dead center if anything maybe a little further to the north of the lake so I like the spot overall it's a good spot we've got good protection up in there so now it's just a matter about taking camp and kind of getting Camp dialed you know let's get back in there let's get everything set up and then let's get this process kicked off so it feels good to be back in the bush up north where I belong having chosen a worthy base camp the Kiefer Brothers immediately begin their task of turning this cold chunk of ground into home they begin by clearing the area of brush and debris in an effort to protect their only means of shelter and maximize the few Comforts they have to look forward to as the tent takes shape the brothers earn a small sense of security knowing they'll have a shelter for the first night in the bush they have chosen an island position near the Lake's geographical halfway point this Middle Ground allows them to Branch out in every direction in search of pockets of fish and desirable hunting grounds without burning excessive amounts of fuel and causing unnecessary wear on their only means of transportation the threat of bears is always front of mind but having a 360 degree water buffer will help the brothers sleep a little easier tonight [Music] I'll finish this steak here if you want to go get the rest of the stuff on the boat yeah I can grab the stuff out of the boat start hauling it up all right I'll just keep staking this okay [Music] foreign [Music] well we got camp set up here we uh we've actually got it tucked back in in this good little spot we actually chose this tent it's a little bit bigger but we chose it because it's got stove capabilities in it we know it's going to get cold it's already cold but we're getting her in and getting her set up we got we got Camp right now got the weapons out all properly positioned so excited I've never had a base camp like this this is going to be amazing what a great spot it worked out perfectly and it's actually in a pretty good spot but we got a lot of work left to do so basically uh this is Step number one shelter is always kind of the first priority so now that this is up we'll turn the Wood Boss loose I'll go get some wood go to go do the Wood Boss thing it's my favorite thing to do let me guess you're gonna go fishing yes I'm going fishing good that's the plan great I'll get what you fish have fun [Applause] [Music] for this evening to divide and conquer playing to their strengths Casey heads North in search of fish there's a lot of Uncharted water to cover and not much light left to secure supper on their first night of seclusion meanwhile Chris's task is to gather as much dry firewood as possible ensuring the warmth and security that fire provides is always an option even if the weather turns ugly on them he immediately goes to work on the abundance of dead Spruce near base camp so I've gathered a bunch of wood and I have found a great spot to set a camp looking at the lake right behind me and what's amazing out here in the north is there's so much tender right this one here is affectionately called old man's beer maybe that's why I like it so much but it's super dry it grows in the bottom of all these different Pines that are up here jackpine Spruce all the stuff and it grows on it so it's super easy and the bonus is usually there's dry Twigs in with it so it makes a great little Tinder ball now the other thing that's around here is this Caribou Moss Caribou moss grows all over the ground I mean this entire Island on top of the Rocks is covered with it so the top of it is super dry and tender but the bottom is soaking wet so what you got to do is separate it get the wet stuff gone and use the dry stuff now what I got to do here is it grows so much on the ground you've got to clear out the area last thing you want to do is light a fire on top of the Caribou mosque so this is the perfect spot I got a great view of the lake I might even just clear out some of these dead trees so we have a perfect spot here but in the meantime first things first I gotta clear this ground [Music] foreign [Music] Casey's fishing tool kit is limited consisting of two spinning rod and reel setups and just four one ounce Daredevil spoons oh I'm out here doing a little bit of test fishing basically just found kind of this tight little spot here between two islands a lot of times it doesn't get crazy deep in here it gets kind of Rocky you never really know but I've never fished up here in September so done all the way through August but never actually in September going with trolling just because it's a safe way to try to find fish if I don't catch anything on the troll then maybe I'll do some casting let's see what happens I can't go wrong test fishing I don't know if that's bottom or a fish it sure feels like a fish come on hit it again oh boy what a fish for the first fish of the trip this is what dropped is about right here success on the first outing is a great sign that the lake will be a reliable food source but Casey honors tradition the first fish caught is never the first fish eaten Chris is not going to be happy because I always let the first fish go but this is a fish that is worthy of Letting Go holy there we go man oh that doesn't happen too often when you come out for an exploratory test fish and you end up putting a monster Laker in the boat look at this fish look at that that's an incredible fish [Music] and just like always [Music] I gotta let him go [Music] if I get back Mother Nature will give back to me all right buddy all right I can hear the boat coming right now which means Casey's on his way back I was getting you know a little bit worried but not too much I know he's going to be dialed in the big question is did he catch any fish for us to eat I got a fire going right now we're dialed beautiful view behind us wood stack for days if we're going to be out here for a month we got to have wood stacked I can hear him rolling in right now so you know what occurred to me afterwards why do I always let him go fish first because he always lets one go so let's hope he caught two because if not he's gonna have to deal with me all right hopefully you got one well you made it back to Camp huh there's a hell of a front porch you got set up right now look at that I mean that is a gorgeous view right there it's incredible and you nailed it yeah so you're not carrying any protein is it in the boat [Music] no no [Music] no I knew it I had to I always do I know but listen it wasn't hoping you'd catch two it wasn't an eater anyway why not oh big one it was like a 20 pound like really yeah giant Lake it was a I mean a giant Laker all right well I can forgive that because I wouldn't need to eat that anyway that's an awesome thing so well there's definitely fish in here so that's a good thing I was thinking while we're out there we're in a pretty good spot like base camp wise like North End of the lake looks good looks like there's Bays South obviously we'll have to go down there and adventure and explore but I think overall to have base camp and be able to break out spike out if we have to for a day or two and then just use this as much as we can we got to conserve fuel so base camping here spike out when and if we have to I'm good with that 100 percent [Music] the Kiefer brothers first full day in the Saskatchewan Wilderness is a day of exploration while crafting a game plan and learning the lay of the land they've identified an area on the map that appears to be ideal moose habitat with no time wasted the brothers embark on their first moose mission of the journey [Music] foreign would be to actually get down into it yeah on the edge of it somewhere the wind is perfect in our face right now all back up these rocks I like kind of have a look at if we sat right here called you gonna hear them coming and he should plus I really don't want to go just barreling in there now and it's a pinch boys let's just hang back sit here and cold for a bit okay we got time the brothers decide to take full advantage of a rare rise in elevation in a landscape where high spots are few and far between their calls will carry through the timber while their eyes stay peeled for a moose moving through the muskeg before barreling through the thickets they'll attempt to bring a bull moose out of the bush [Music] just hours into their first hunt the Kiefer Brothers have completed a series of bellowing cow calls from a promising vantage point when the calls go unanswered Chris and Casey begin to reconsider their game plan from the water baby call from the water see if we can pull something out and if we think like it looks like it's good get out next floor but I mean until we can actually find our spot where we know then let's just keep on exploring visibility like getting up in here it's tough It's going to be limited no matter where we go yeah that's thick ass Bush right here it's almost like we kind of draw them out you know what I mean try to get them to come to us yeah just start putting the base and go on yeah I'm good with that fish our way along and call cover some ground yeah all right let's do that until we find a good spot yeah leading up to the drop the brothers poured over maps of the area arming themselves with Vital Information on the landscape and the moose that call it home the thick cover of the North Woods creates Rich big game habitat but it also gives resident moose the home field advantage making it tough on any hunter who enters their territory they decide to switch gears initiating Plan B in their pursuit of Saskatchewan's purest red meat the game plan is to set course for a new bay that the brother suspect is surrounded by Prime Moose Country the new location will allow Chris and Casey to call from the shoreline with hopes to lure a bull into shot range by sticking close to Camp the brothers hope to preserve precious Fuel and fading daylight all right we've changed places we're just trying to hit these Bays right now trying to call him to water trying to hunt smarter not harder we don't know the land right now they're gone yeah he calls out let them Fellers see if we can draw something out at least get their attention in these Bays pay number one let's try it and see what happens you can't hurt and I uh I really like them coming to us and not have them go to them I don't feel like packing a giant moves out more than we have to but I'll take it either way or tactics on day one hopefully it works [Music] [Music] [Music] oh capacity such a Bellar Big Win bag it's actually Beller like it sounded like a cow moose the brothers are utilizing an age-old method of calling to lure and entice a dominant wandering Bull Moose the call traditionally made from birch bark is cone shaped and designed to project the Hunter's cries outward for long distances this proven method is capable of accurately imitating the natural breeding behaviors of both cow and bull moose the cow call is a long drawn-out moan mimicking a lovesick cow it's irresistible to a rutting bull moose on a mission the bull call is a short throaty grunt a territorial challenge that inspires resident Bulls to investigate in search of a cow in heat or a fight for territory and breeding rights the brothers employ a calculated series of both calls in their quest for Saskatchewan's finest Bulls it's sweet back here I love how we can see everything in front of us but our back really to the water so there's nothing going to be charging through the brush right here now we can pull them down off this hill or down on these valleys actually to the Bay be careful good for us I think for now just kind of sitting back here and being as minimally intrusive as we can that's probably the way to go yeah just call from out here see but my first priority in my mind is to eat right now hunger I keep thinking about said fish that you caught yesterday and uh it's gonna be dark soon so there's a lot of work to be done and I say that we fish our way back to Camp well let's do it um the Kiefer Brothers have reached the final hours of their first full day of exploration they're fishing their way back to base camp in hopes of earning a meal okay that didn't take long we just got here on our way back to camp on our way back to base camp here in Casey said hey this is where I caught that one yesterday and please tell me he's an eater no [Music] nothing too small he's just not too big hey what the hell are you doing it's too small what do you mean there's a small trout in here [Music] small too small they're too big they're too small I gotta let the first one go I'm starving right now not a fan right now that's all right I'm gonna catch my next one and I'm gonna throw him in the front of the boat where you can't touch them excellent you gotta start with the first one hike yes the only mother of God pinch well I'm thinking that's all she wrote we just got work back some fish we failed miserably but I think tonight we just go to bed on an empty stomach try to stay warm it's getting chilly huh yeah it's getting cold right now day two and it's already getting cold I can't imagine what it's going to be like a month from now a month from now is going to be a real cold all right so that's it we're going to sign off at the end of another gorgeous day up here in the bush hungry and cold and love and life it's day three and the brothers find themselves welcoming the sunrise from a Saskatchewan Shoreline after a cold night on empty stomachs Chris and Casey continue calling in search of sustenance so much different than Alaska hey going about elevation and look at you can see out over there and yeah you know at least lay eyeballs on one here hopefully they hear us up in there and this is a uh this is a total patience game right there I don't know how much more I have so I think we're on the right track though like give it the morning on a little day like this late morning like it is right now it's just we got a lot of Lake left to explore oh yeah tons I say we had to sell the jet down there start at one end of the lake let's measure how much gas it's going to take to burn willing to burn it today and figure out what it's going to be and then we can just start kind of carving our way down through but let's go see if we can find some fish and some more hot sauce it's time to leave the comfort of staying close to base camp the Kiefer brothers head south while monitoring the fuel it takes to reach their destination so they can better manage fuel consumption during future outings they're working along the bays and cuts on their way to a rocky outcropping they've identified on the map [Music] okay all right so we're getting there anyway oh wow oh yeah let me get up here show you this wait check it out [Music] it's the afternoon of day three and the Kiefer Brothers have found elevation at a rocky outcropping anchoring the south end of the lake they've spent hours calling and glassing with no moose sightings or calls returned a wildfire has ripped through the region clearing the way for blueberries to cover the side Hills the berries won't replace red meat but a sweet snack is something they will never pass up well we are going to head down off the rock here it's actually a really sweet spot up here but looks to me like it's more of a bare spot than anything a lot of rocks up in here and when you got that many rocks and that open burn there's a lot of berries and I think right now the Bears will probably be heavy on the berries so we're just gonna Trucking her down off of here gonna continue to go explore look in some of these different Bays down here to the South fish a little bit maybe catch some dinner but definitely worth it to come down here to the South it wasn't that bad gotta kind of keep an eye on our fuel consumption as we're doing this but I think the idea today was we'd be willing to spend the fuel just to get down here and see what it was like but it's crazy because you go from rock wall like this behind me to straight solid Bush line so that's the plan continue to explore and do some fishing the brothers are searching the depths for northern pike a voracious feeder with a healthy appetite and an impressive set of razor-sharp teeth during the summer months northern pike favor water temperatures in the 50 to 65 degree Fahrenheit range typically found feeding in the sunken weed beds at depths between 8 to 12 feet as fall provokes a drop in water temperature the fish spread out and charge into deeper water making them harder to catch Casey's searching for a band of fish that have made permanent residents on the Rocks instead of heading for the Deep here he's hoping to find the perfect eater-sized fish Pike that stretch out to around 28 inches long Pike this size are easier to fillet and offer enough meat to feed both brothers all right so we're just out here kind of just reflecting two of us are just out here fishing trying to get some food and I mean look at this guy behind me and the North Country right now is just lit up and it is absolutely gorgeous I can't get over it so Casey and I are literally just sitting back we got some fish in the boat we know we're gonna have a good meal tonight we're just enjoying this I mean this is what it's about right here huh it does not get much better than this sky is like the brightest orange glow I think I've ever seen Saskatchewan's living up to its name land of the living Skies it's definitely alive right now sometimes you just gotta float and relax enjoy it take it all in feel like that's a big thing right now is just happened so fast if you don't stop like for us this is kind of our be alive moment right here this is why we do it look at this sky in the background absolutely gorgeous out chilling we know we're good right like such a relief just to know that we got food we're enjoying the North Country we challenged ourselves and we're loving it just get outside and get it done that's what drops always been about for us is challenge accepted and this one I don't know something different about it eh there's definitely something different I don't know if it's because we can move kind of a free will or what but it is so far it has been everything I thought it would be and more so far the North country has not let us down it's early in the trip but what do you say we get back northern pike love it all right let's head back start her up and rock and roll as the sun sets behind the Saskatchewan Timber the Kiefer Brothers work side by side in silence just as they have so many times before it's a moment for quiet celebration of the small victories the North country has afforded them they didn't locate any moose but day three was a success all the same they soaked in the sights and sounds of Saskatchewan they've covered new ground and earned their first Bounty from the cold Waters offering just enough nourishment to keep going they enjoy their first Fireside meal with gratitude and A Renewed sense of respect and appreciation for the land of living Skies as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn to draw the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live Mission dropped with very little to rely on but each other new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges gather the particulars have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impossible and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped I'm amazing foreign [Music] [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and Brew the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrendered to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the Kiefer Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the game rich McKeever Brothers hold tags for a moose and a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee it's mid-september and Autumn and Saskatchewan has abruptly begun to Forfeit to the Wicked Ways of Winter the Kiefer brothers are making strides in their quest to understand the ups and downs of this tract of land but their mission to locate big game has yet to bear fruit the cold Waters of a remote Lake have been their Lifeline allowing access to new hunting grounds and their only source of food while the calories from a Fireside meal are welcome hunting red meat remains front of mind the brothers have spent every waking moment exploring new ground in an effort to shift the odds to their favor each new day is a new opportunity to put miles behind them and big game in front [Music] there we go on Shore ready to rock and roll I'll see ya so yeah I'm just uh basically the plan is I'm gonna head up kind of hug this Hillside and try to get up on top class down in there see what I can see I gotta start finding some moose on sometime so start feeling my stuff get my pack on here get up in there it looks like it should be a lot of Mustang like down in the water in this Bay so we'll see thank you the storm front has passed clearing the way for the Kiefer Brothers to make it to the south end of the lake the brothers have split up a situation they usually try to avoid while Casey explores a promising new area in search of moosine Chris takes the rifle back to the rocky outcropping to gain a valuable vantage point he dons blaze orange to stay within the rules of Saskatchewan Law and carries a Winchester 270 short mag for its long distance accuracy and big game knock down power this tool gives Chris a decided Advantage but leaves Casey with nothing but stick and string to hunt Moose and ward off the bears that are looking for a late Autumn meal of Their Own [Music] that sound for a long ways up here it's one of the things I like about getting elevation like this is when you can actually get up and get out of the get out of that bush find yourself some elevation your calls are just gonna carry that much further you know the hearing ability of a moose is just incredible when you think about it their ears are you know I mean their ears are the size of this moose call right here and then they've got those big battles those big shovels that's what they're designed for they're designed to catch that sound and funnel it down to their ears oh I'm just gonna sit up here this evening we're just gonna keep calling you know I've been trying to look for some sign down in there looking for moose rakes and stuff like that Telltale giveaway signs that there's moose in here and potentially moves in here running but I haven't been able to see anything from a distance and I just don't want to go gang busting in there I'd rather sit back and do some calling so it's a wicked little spot I really like this place we're gonna put some time in here over the next few days there's no doubt meanwhile Chris stays focused on his glassing mission no moose have entered his line of sight but he's hanging on to his confidence in this location well it's about to get dark it's time to get back I gotta pick Casey up a lot of things can go wrong in the dark this is a new Lake and navigation can be an issue um just a lot of risk that you gotta Gotta Wait so I did as much glass than I can this is an amazing area I can see it's definitely the first vantage point that I've seen is bear territory there's berries everywhere so I'll be back in the morning I'll go grab Casey and head back it's cold temperatures dropping it's dropping fast [Music] been up here for a couple hours now the temperature is just plummeted gotta be close to degrees out right now we have those storms moving in and out some sleet and hail snow a little bit of everything earlier and it kind of stabilized and now that temperature Sky opened off and the temperatures just dropping I've been sitting up here calling on and off every 15 minutes 20 minutes somewhere in there for a few hours and I swear I just heard a grown back in here to the right somewhere I mean the silence out here right now it's just deafening there's not a breath of wind I mean nothing but I've heard moose grunts a lot where I heard a grunt right over there seen anything we're getting to the point now where it's late enough we'll be out of shooting light here in no time so I don't want to start calling or do anything right because if that is a bull over there he'll still be in this area in the morning as daylight Fades Casey picks up the welcome sound of a boat engine humming across the glassy Lake he heads back to shore to meet up with his brother to begin a cold boat ride back to base camp where they'll spend yet another night on empty stomachs [Music] oh my God this is a man with a gun foreign [Music] [Music] yeah if I were you I leave no man alive [Music] that was a cold cold right across there this morning but we are separated again back in response left out dark this morning we pulled away from base camp navigations get a little bit better on this Lake we're starting to learn it I don't want you to find a spot that's safe you just stay in that spot so it's been nice to be able to kind of travel extending our daylight hours or leaving early in the morning so got up bailed out of there it's just cracking daylight here and it's cold temperatures drop down I don't know it's probably got to be in the 20s I'd imagine at this point but yeah Casey is uh moose hunting I'm bear hunting I'm really just glassing I Can See For Miles up here just trying to see if I can put a move on something probably stick to the plan of hunt the morning fish in the afternoon hunt the evening for the next couple of days at least sticking it out really kind of having patience and then as as it uh as the month goes on we'll learn more about this Lake and Explore More while we're fishing and that'll give us more opportunities to hunt it's really all we can do so this morning will be uh hopefully a good morning but it's uh it's cold it's cold it doesn't look cold but I'm gonna tell you right now temperatures dropping the smoke belly rumbling right there belly's rumbling which means after this morning's hunt we're gonna have to go for a good little fish because I'm getting hungry after a Brisk boat ride the Kiefer brothers are once again posted up at their stations on the south end of the lake Chris is glassing from High Ground while Casey is doubling down on the bull grunt he heard at Sunset last night [Music] [Music] [Music] Casey is calling on his Bush Savvy instincts to make use of the natural materials around them constructing a simple and effective firewall that will serve three important purposes the wall will act as a rigid barrier to protect the fire from the bitter Saskatchewan wind it will also contain and reflect the heat produced back toward Casey as the Rocks rise in temperature they will retain heat much longer than a log retains a flame maximizing Casey's efforts and prolonging the buyer's effectiveness [Music] it's been about six hours since I got in there all the time I'll show it yet but a lot of times that's the moves on the on the game of that hurry up and wait deal it's amazing how you can call from one spot and two days later sometimes even three days later will be a moose standing right here I mean they can pinpoint exactly where you go from so this is really the first full morning of calling that we put in just letting the fire kind of dwindle down here I know we're probably slip out of here wait for Chris to pick me up maybe go do some fishing we'll figure it out once he gets here but all in all not bad morning just feels good to get some calls out there let some moose know that we're around you see anything no how about you did you see anything up top I can see a long way I didn't see anything huh all right well hungry hungry Let's Go Fish yeah let's go see if we can find some fish I stay with fish on our way back to camp and catch a little lunch yeah I had some short lunch yeah let's go here [Music] well that didn't take long and just like that we pull over here and the weather changes and we're catching fish for lunch I gotta turn reel this thing in there you go that was cool got uh got into some Northerns here which is nice because we got lunch well Casey picked up a trout [Music] you can always tell a trout by the old head head [Music] all right so we're gonna let that one go let the trout go for now because we got Northerns let me see if we can pick up a couple more well there we go just like that picked up a fish which is good that means we got lunch check this out yeah oh trout a little trout here how many of these a day can you catch right there I mean these trout are unbelievable is red and white in here after a slow cold start to the day the clouds have cleared making room for some much-needed Saskatchewan sunshine the afternoon goal was to catch supper and the lake is provided once again Spirits lift as the brothers head back to base camp well if the lake can keep providing hot I'm good but man I want to get some animals on the ground you know yeah I definitely want to keep hunting it's just so hard unexplored like this what's different than Alaska like if you think about it in Alaska we don't have a choice but to go down river we can't go up River in a raft but here we've got a boat and a motor got a great big lake and a boat and a motor so we can go anywhere we want we can go anywhere and explore although exploring and moose hunting don't really go well that's the thing if you have a Moose tag and a black bear tag and I have a black bear tag so I gotta get mobile you know I mean I'm gonna give that another shot I mean I'm going to go up there I mean it's a beautiful area it's a pinch point it's between two Lakes I mean there's I mean I could see it happening there for sure I don't know I don't really know where else to go you know I haven't spent the time exploring so it's just a matter of figuring that out you win some you lose some Chris and Casey replenish with gratitude thankful that the lake is picking up the slack where their efforts to hunt Moose have fallen short a Fireside supper gives hope for tomorrow and although their decision to split up is something they try to avoid they'll stay the course to increase their chances of success while they continue learning the lay of the land in Saskatchewan moments of sunshine are often short-lived the snow is a reminder of one simple truth if the brothers hope to make it through the upcoming weeks they need to make the most of every moment they get to spend here together as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn to the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live Mission dropped with very little to rely on but each other each new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges together the Kiefer Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped Amazing Grace what street is [Music] lost but now I'm found [Music] is Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrendered to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this this where the Kiefer Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the king game Rich Northern Northern Kiefer Brothers hold tags for a moose and a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] it's late September and the Kiefer brothers are deep into a crash course on how tough survival can become in the Wilds of Northern Saskatchewan they haven't located any big game animals yet but the lake has provided enough tender fillets to keep them going against their best judgment they split up to cover more ground and increase their chances of success do you know why you're near [Music] do you know from where are you [Music] do you know what you came to do [Music] you when you go [Music] okay well I made it uh made it down here to the North End I uh I dropped Casey off right at daylight sun is uh cracking down here it took me a little bit to get across but what an amazing morning fog steam coming off Sun's shining it's an amazing morning to be up north I wanted to come to the North End the lake so I can investigate a little bit I found down here I'm looking for any terrain change I found down here a little bit of a Terrain change looks like this little Bay goes in here so I'm gonna do some investigating I can get some altitude check it there and get some altitude which is really what I want so yeah that's exciting so I'm just going to explore by myself today kind of Run and Gun I don't want to run too much I want gas to be an issue right now so far so good but hopefully Casey can stay with it up there I'm just gonna keep on trying down here see what mind gorgeous morning in North Country [Music] this morning it is dead silent not a stitch of wind these guys were wide open last night and it got cold it was a cold ride down here he's gonna go do some exploration it's tough because one of us has a Moose tag and a bear tag and that Chris only has a bear tag and kind of the way that you hunt moves and bears right now can be totally different so he's jumping at the bit to get out there and try to find a bear whose hunting requires me to give it time to three days in a row in an area calling consistently been in there calling quite a bit hopefully it's just another bull shows up that down there is most country and Bear Country I just need meanwhile on the south end Casey's sensors are heightened by the sound of something big but he's not sure it's the visitor he's been hoping for I've been setting up on the same Rock calling for a couple hours just out of nowhere I can hear some cracking of like branches back in the bush right here next to me that is some really really thick stuff right there I don't think a moose was be able to get through there a bear definitely good we heard some of that distinct cracking I could just hear and then back in there a little ways a squirrel just started going numb definitely didn't like PC is surrounded by brush too thick for a moose to squeeze through a bear or a wolf on the other hand wouldn't hesitate to answer his lovesick calls in search of an easy meal before winter sets in he decides to wait it out and try to pinpoint where the sound is coming from knowing that there could be a bear staring at us right now and we have no idea where he is thank you I really really like the spot but I've been up here now for hours glass and stuff starting to get up to kind of the afternoon sun so I think I'm gonna take the rest of my time before it gets too late navigate my way back through trying to find the best way now that I gotta lay in land I feel like I can do a direct shot down and I really want to investigate where this water system comes in and see if I can find a really good way to get through there with a boat and then if I can't if I can find a way to Portage through and then maybe spend the afternoon fishing trying to get some dinner for tonight pick up Casey bring him back here tomorrow it's worth it it's definitely worth it if he hasn't uh gotten into the Moose yet we need to spend some time here lost gang all over the place can see for a long way a lot of valleys dumping in it's just a phenomenal spot but I'm gonna start headed back this way I think it's gonna worth it to investigate to see if I can't find a quick way to get up here or a quick way to get through as Chris works his way down off the ridge the sound of running water catches his attention he has located a small stream that connects the lake to a new body of water the wheels are turning and he begins to formulate a plan to reach new ground Chris has identified a new body of water that he believes will offer access to better moose hunting reaching the lake requires a challenging Portage the Kiefer brothers would need to remove all their gear from the boat and detach the boat's motor before carrying the gear along the bank of a small Creek that leads to the new Lake the reduced weight would allow the empty boat to be portished up the creek where they would reload the gear and begin exploring new ground this Portage is a lot of work with no guarantee of a payoff [Music] okay well that hike was terrible a lot worse than I thought but I was able to get to the boat and locate where this little stream kicks into that bay that I found it's skinny water there's no doubt we'd have to Portage but I'll tell you I got a couple plans as to how we can do it it's just a matter of whether or not Casey wants to help me do that or not because it's going to require some serious work and no motor so for now I'm going to fish my way back towards Casey see if I can't locate him hopefully he does have a moose down and it's going to be a move point but right now I got a plan if he wants to partake let's see what he wants to do I need to change the scenery I need to definitely look at something different I've been staring at the same stuff in there for days and you can only stare at the same vast emptiness for so long just decided to come out sit by the lake here take it in I don't know maybe see moose walking along the shoreline even a bear walking along the shoreline or something you need to change scenery beautiful Lake man while Casey glasses the shoreline Chris makes his way back to meet up and discuss his new plan but he doesn't make it far before he's reminded that they're only in the game as long as her Transportation allows what the hell is that that's why I have officially figured out how much gas it takes to run to the North and the South right there tank is gone [Music] a simple tank Swap and Chris is up and running again we got another full one it's a reality check as Chris now realizes just how much fuel they're burning as they continue to travel between one end of the lake and the other when the fuel is gone they're dead in the water a new game plan may be the only way to stretch their reserves long enough to find big game and make it out of the Bush safely oh yes you're back in business but I'm down a tank of gas I didn't see anything but I definitely heard something it wasn't a moose no way it's a bear that's the only logical thing I can figure yeah I mean it was just perfectly calm in there all morning oh it's gorgeous oh it was Unreal I could hear that call just I was sitting there and out of nowhere just our stick snap so I kind of looked off the right in that there's like a real thick bush line right up in there yeah and I heard it again and I heard it again and it was like four or five in a row and it that's so thick in there there's no way it was a moose yeah I mean if it was he was walking with his head cranked yeah I mean it was just it had to have been a bear there was a squirrel back in there that just started going crazy so well I don't know I thought it was a bear I mean that's the only thing I can think of well I have explored the entire North Country I mean I have been all over the place I found I hiked up I got pretty aggressive with it I got way back in there yeah I kept going and I gotta finally I got way up on top I can see there's a bay I Could See For Miles and it was just like it was gorgeous it looks like the water system connects into this Lake yeah but it's Rocky and if anything when you have to Portage through there but I don't know if it's even doable so like you gotta like get the boat through there yeah because you gotta you wouldn't want a moose hunt back in there without having access to a boat to get it out because it's so far back that if you shot something you know you'd want to have a boat gnarly it's not far it's probably 80 to 100 yards but it's 80 to 100 yards of I don't know so I want I wanted to grab you go look at it it's midday we can burn the afternoon and see if we can't get through there because if we can I think it's amazing country up there but I mean I just want to go look at it oh let's go then all right let's go the area Chris has identified at the North End has a creek that connects to a smaller Chain of Lakes the shallow water would require the key for brothers to Portage their gear in order to get the boat through it's a process that will burn a lot of time and energy and the brothers are running short on both [Music] Kiefer Brothers have returned to the far north end of the lake where Chris has discovered a potential opportunity to explore new moose hunting ground a difficult Portage stands in the way of the brothers and thousands of untouched Acres foreign [Music] Rock I mean look at that right there yeah how you plan on getting a boat through there because I was thinking we take the motor off take the motor off and we lift it and then we'll try to truck the motor through that no bro just row into here leave the motor over there [Music] I don't know we're stealthy there's there's no way we're going to drag an aluminum boat through there I mean that would be tough with a raft I mean you'd be full on float Dragon Alaska style right there with a raft yeah let alone an aluminum boat that weighs three times four or five times what a raft does you could probably wait her up and move some Boulders we can then if we get get under it what all we gotta do is get it up a little bit thank you I mean I I have to think that there is better area somewhere or as good area of an area somewhere that doesn't require waitering up moving boulders breaking our backs to potentially put a hole in our boat to be stuck on this side I'm just worried about the Moose Country if you're not seeing anything down there this was an option that's why I wanted to show it to you you're gonna like it we don't want to do it it's fine I just wanted to show it to you because it's an option I mean if we get to the point where we need to get more country that's more country and the only way to get to it is to get that moat through here take me back there I'll keep hunting down there and that'll be that not what I'm looking to get into right now I'll just keep hunting the South tension builds as the brothers are at odds about Chris's plan to Portage Casey doesn't agree and feels the extra work isn't worth it with no guarantee of the plan paying off I mean I can't even get through the damn Bush let alone through the boulders they need to stay level-headed and continue to work together to stay safe and sane in the Saskatchewan bush [Music] huh that didn't work out exactly I had planned or did it I don't know I mean come on I'm gonna go through that I mean it's not that bad a couple of boulders carry a boat one boat carry the boat you want to get through a moose hunt you got to carry the boat you want to move that don't carry the boat fine it's not my tag I don't care I'm just trying to open up some more ground I'm just going to keep doing my thing there's not much to say aside from that's not happening I mean not a chance in hell is that happening I'm gonna sit right here I'm gonna wait for him to quit around back in there and then we're going to go south and I'm going to keep on that's all there is to it they decide to head back to the South to hunt the afternoon on familiar ground Casey walks this path each day to hunt the sign of fresh bear scat on his Trail confirms the Rumblings he had heard earlier I left here couldn't have been more than six hours seven hours ago probably not even that and that was not here when I left so it's evidence that that was definitely a bear in that bush this morning there's no doubt about it I mean it's still look at that it's so soft just packed full of berries that's what these bears are feeding on this time of year he's in a bear's territory an uneasy feeling as he's been hunting alone with no firearms [Music] the brothers have weighed their options and their new game plan will be crucial to their success whether they stay patient where they're at or Forge A New Path to the north they must decide together and move forward as brothers [Music] as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn to the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live missions dropped with very little to rely on but each other brings with it a new Arena and new challenges together the Kiefer Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped Amazing Grace [Music] [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrender to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears and wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the key for brother will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the game Kiefer Brothers hold tags for a moose in a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee I was raised in the pole man's town the blood of my father pain in this [Music] the sides of a name that's true we've been living in a funeral python we build thousands foreign [Music] fall is fading in Northern Saskatchewan and the Kiefer brothers are over halfway through a challenging live to hunt hunt to live Mission they're struggling to locate big game and a lack of red meat has depleted energy levels and dampened spirits to save precious fuel reserves the brothers have decided to pack up base camp and head South toward more promising hunting grounds [Music] it's a new day it dropped it's moving day moving days are always exciting got up this morning got everything broken down got the tent torn up and now we are pulling away from what has been an awesome camp they're setting off to find new ground speaking of new ground I gotta watch for rocks going through here that camp treated us very very well and served a purpose for us to explore but it's time to move Camp down to where we're seeing the most signed down to where the animals are at least that we can tell from now so I love that camp though it was fun having a base camp and being able to explore really was earn less fuel yeah but now now that we know everything's down that way and all of our sign is that direction instead of coming from the middle and just keep going down there we're just gonna move down there because this right here I burned I burned a tank exploring it's precious when we're out here it is precious half the time we're going about this speed just to conserve on gas and find fish but now that we've got Camp packed up ready to rock and roll it's energizing hopefully we can get down there and find some animals [Music] AC of broken camp and set course for the South their plan is to hunt their way down stopping at key points along the way to scout for Prime moose habitat shelter insecurity are front of mind so the brothers keep their eyes peeled for a new base camp to call home for the coming days [Music] this right here is where that cow had to have been calling from just back in this ball yeah this muskeg is what makes the most sense directionally you know what I mean this is an awesome spot right here yeah the wind's blowing this way right now in the gap on top of this like just a little bit of Ridge on this burn it's but there's a cow in here hopefully it should be a ball around there's a hole around I don't want to go traveling in there I want to just hang back we gotta work our way in deeper and deeper every day we will but I'd rather start out here on the edge this weather turned fast yeah storm brewing we just got to keep an eye on eye on it not to worry about Camp right now send anything up I'd rather figure it out from there we can find a spot to sleep especially if she was in here that's odd let's get moving let's get up there the Kiefer brothers are headed south in search of new hunting grounds and attractive land suitable is set a new base camp they've been hunting separately for days so the thought of coming together to accomplish a common goal is a welcome Prospect long for the ride right now but the good thing is the boat isn't far if I need to run and grab the rifle pull up I can drop back and see if we can't pull it further the Kiefer brothers are practicing a bit of Brotherly teamwork to get the job done Chris is hanging back to call while Casey Waits out front ready to take a shot Chris is raking and breaking branches to imitate the sound of a bull thrashing his antlers through the thick brush the racket inspires a territorial response by breeding Bulls in the area bringing them toward Chris to investigate meanwhile Casey remains undetected by a distracted Bull with hopes to intercept his Target within bow range foreign [Music] foreign we can get in here we'll get in there earlier tomorrow but if we can come like morning and evening and then use late morning afternoon to kind of keep looking around a little bit yes we get in here for sure you want to go check your keep moving and see if we can find the spot for camp out all right let's go let's see what we can find the brothers must make the most of every moment if there's any hope of extracting with a punched Moose tag together they've decided their best bet is to spend the mornings and evenings hunting as a team while reserving midday for exploration and scouting for a new base camp coming up in up in it just trying to find maybe like a little makeshift kind of Camp spot it's actually opening up quite nice up in here every time we come up in like this we find these game trails there's game Trails all over like right out on the Lake's edge with pretty much found one every place that we've stopped so far so you know it leads you to think that eventually maybe at least see something like walking on the edge of the Mainland but so far nothing but we're coming up I want to get in here take a look around kind of see what it looks like to see if we can potentially find a spot to put a quick makeshift Camp just somewhere that if we're out and about and the weather does come in we have somewhere to head to for quick and kind of in a hurry you know what's that got a big Hillside right here a little protector from wind we can do it we're gonna Spike here this will be the plan we got a little a Bibby tent two-person guy we're going beard to beard in here right here this will work out great it's flat there's lots of wood around nice thing about it is it's kind of a safety situation right now with all these storms rolling in we can get this set up we can get back to hunting right away which is exciting I like this spot if you like the spot yeah I'm good looks as good as any let's get her set out now get back in that bed too much time I can't help but think this morning's weather break was a little bit of almost like yeah it's breaking I like it we're going from the shortfall to Winter that temperature has dropped tremendously yeah and with that moves are going to be on the move so we're going to get this set up then we're gonna get back out there boys brings a sense of security and relief although Spike Camp doesn't offer the same level of comfort as a big tent the brothers can breathe a bit easier knowing they'll at least be protected from the elements one less thing to take their focus off of the afternoon hunt all right we got it up and running the shelter's good it's been beard tested in case he's in there right now we're going to be going beer to beer tonight but it's going to be exciting because our first order of business shelter is done we don't have to worry about it we can spend time all the way to dark honey what do you think in there good man she's golden yeah give me a little snug up in here for two of us but they'll do exactly what we need her to do in a hurry that's for sure perfect hey it's up we can spend more time on all right okay that's it let's go hunting back to the Grind [Music] a full grown moose can cover ground quickly and quietly despite their massive stature the brothers are on high alert after hearing what they believe to be a moose in the distance but the Moose are on high alert too one wrong move can end the hunt in a hurry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just like him first thing I heard sound like it Grump and I kind of was like at that 30 seconds later it sounds like anchors I mean I love them my heart got raisin I knocked there oh yeah I went 16200 speaker standing up they are they'll stand right there right there just all tight for a little bit here thank you [Music] it's cold it's real gold that's uh just cracking daylight here we got the sun coming up over the ridge wanted to get in there early it's a little windy today too so it's going to be a little bit tougher to hear these moves the temperatures in the teens I'd have to think they should be on their feet we'll see how it's uh so much you can do with moose hunting when somewhere on the island or something 's off the same spots that you've been calling from and continue to call so we've done the past that's what we're going to do on this trip hopefully persistence pays off [Music] foreign [Music] the brothers have stumbled Upon A Hidden Creek winding through promising Moose Country they have nothing to lose so they follow the Babbling path hoping for a change in Luck instead of stationary calling the brothers will cover ground on foot with hopes of finding moose sign in the timber [Music] just looking for some signs any type of sign up in here in case he's got the bones I have uh I put the uh put the gun away for right now because I want to be with Casey when he shoots it moves if we need to we can go back to camp we left the gun behind a call and tag team with him on this moose big thing for us right now it's harder to find these Bears anyway at this point I mean we'd have to be so lucky to find one especially in the schools to hibernation all right what I'm just gonna keep walking this little trail that goes through here this little King Trail be fine as the temperature drops the frustration Rises winter is tightening its grip on Northern Saskatchewan and the warmth of the late bottom Sun may be gone for good food is scarce and hunting is hard but the brothers have found themselves in this situation before pressing on is the only option thank you stop another unsuccessful hunt trying to do everything we can we're hiking miles putting time in just not working starting to get a little discouraging right now I'm kind of brutal actually I don't know we'll see I really wanted to get something on the ground what's that Spruce chicken thanks [Music] wow we got some Spruce growls right here in front of us flew up out of the brush but I'm trying to find them in the trees I can see them perfectly right here he's just long necking them right now if he doesn't show them he's gonna fly [Music] he has Tail's sticking out right there he just shot and missed him I looked away for two seconds and he missed him at least I think so bird flu heard the arrow hit the Rocks up there make the branch is that what it was cut the branch and flew right right in front of him I was trying to take his head off might be down in there the good news is they're here around something with a heartbeat that would have been nice to have yeah tonight thick one too a lot of meat there was a lot in the twin look like a rotisserie oh I'm down an arrow once again Saskatchewan has proven itself a force to be reckoned with a land full of challenges where the skies are alive and mother nature works on her own time clock soon Autumn will forfeit completely to the woes of winter a change that weighs heavy on the hungry bodies and minds of Chris and Casey every day the brothers burn more calories than they can possibly replace with a few fish in a handful of berries but they must burn them to earn them and their goal of hunting to live helps to keep their minds off the hunger pains they'll stay the course until they've given Saskatchewan all they have to give as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live missions dropped with very little to rely on but each other this new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges gather the Big Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped I'm Amazing Grace what sweets [Music] [Music] please [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living Skies landlocked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrender to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the kefir Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the Kiefer Brothers hold tags for a moose and a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] early morning winter [Music] sky is great I ain't got no directions [Music] I'm on my way [Music] cause I've been roaming around existing I've been thinking about will I be gan yesterday oh man that was a miserable night so cold last night the temperatures took a major major dive it's just one of those things my nose feels like it's going to fall off body was all right but face cold I can hear Casey out there Building A Fire which is key because I want to get out of this rapper and get warm we got a lot to do today we've got a lot a lot right now to do just trying to stay focused another day here we go October is approaching in Northern Saskatchewan and the Kiefer brothers are just over one week away from extraction the coming winner has brought with it extreme drops in temperature and a dampening of the brothers spirits big game is bedding down and the fish have halted their feeding habits luck needs to turn to Chris and Casey's favor if they have any hope to finish what they started gold gold fire going oh yeah I had to do something oh man it's been a lot of nights out here that's probably the coldest night oh it was something there I've ever had foreign it's been days since the brothers earned their last meal and the cold temperatures are forcing their bodies to work overtime to stay warm fishing is slow but Chris and Casey refuse to give up without a fight all right we're out here looking searching for fish right now we decided to take the morning focus on trying to get some food in our stomachs and our bellies and try to keep fishing yes food baby food there it is food oh that is gonna be delicious that's you out here fishing can't find anything can't catch anything finally nice job brother nice job we got a fish oh man that just like free life into you a little bit huh good Northern yeah perfect oh that is a big win big win to start the day let's keep fishing well I'm still doing surgery repair my finger ads [Music] thank you [Music] another perfect eater that's it buddy we each get a fish today how nice is that gonna be perfect [Music] that means two lunch fish ing boat [Music] launches in the boat there's no need to rush this let's just conserve eat what we need to we got more in the in the boat it's just make it last it was hard enough catching these fish it's going to allow us to hunt longer too I'm good with that I'm good with that speaking of hunt snow's coming in huh oh it's coming I mean the weather is like Winters here it shifted just like that yep at some point we gotta figure out are we actually going to stay spiked out are we going to set up camp are we going to I mean I don't want to take too much time and screw around right now I kind of want to fish and eat this fish and get right back out there I'm good with that I'll feel ten times better once I get something in my stomach so I feel like this is a big reward right here and whenever we get done with it we can go back out and hunt [Music] here sure sure right after we eat this we can basically hustle back over and what do you think and go back to that same spot we've been calling just because I mean all the things we've ever done with moose hunting has been call and call we've had five days and we'll show up we've had three days and move show up so try our best bet huh so I keep coming back to I just don't want to stray too far from there because we've been calling from there this whole time I know it sucks that moose hunting is kind of a two-man game well let's switch to the rifle let's carry the gun with us that way if we see him there or moose Ops are odds right now as much as we want to kill them with a bow I mean I I'm all for it by the same time we're running out of days it'd be great to get something on the ground we'd kind of commit to that this is unbelievable I can tell you what this what this is not moose goat it's definitely not goat oh not gold I would rather eat literally this stick right here than touch coat again [Music] it's a good piece once again winter is rearing its ugly head in Northern Saskatchewan the clock is ticking so the brothers decide to stay the course they're moving out to moose hunt as the snow Moves In not snowing son was actually trying to burn through back to a white out decided to slip back up in just because of this wind get up on the high side of this big muskeg bottom big fog sit here and at least glass it's nice to get elevation elevation can be so key let me crawled up in here settled on this rock Edge waiting it out I did make the switch to the rifle I had to just put the lay of the land right here and the way things could happen I could see a moose out there in that bog at 150 200 yards not be able to do anything about it that would just be brutal committed I made the switch tastes good for red meats even better one thing we got to keep an eye on here is this weather just changing so fast it's just in and out in and out keep an eye on it we'll ride out this evening on the edge of this Ridge Glass the storm is gaining intensity visibility is diminishing it's apparent that winter is here to stay this volatile weather pattern has pushed Bears into hibernation leaving moose hunting as Chris and Casey's number one option the brothers have nothing but the spike tent for shelter with no wood stove to offer Comfort or dry out their gear as September days grow shorter nights grow colder and longer Mother Nature is doing her damnedest found us into submission right now just no Squall after snow squall you should probably think about getting out here pretty quick just because visibility has dropped to basically 300 yards and once we get out on that Lake I'm not going to be able to see anything Mother Nature rings are Pell again well we made it Billy from the fish weather has totally changed now I mean unbelievable desert rolling in and we've lost all visibility to the lake and even for hunting it's making it pretty difficult out here a spot that we found we got a lot of altitude good except Mother Nature the kick in our ass right now she's dumping snow on us that has changed over it's gonna be a long night in a tent this might be the very last night in spikeout it's time to build the big boy back up and get a fire going and the only reason I say this is we're going to be out of time and the time make me across this Lake would be dangerous though we just really got to keep an eye on it [Music] dropped is presented by Winchester the American Legend PSE evolve or get left behind after a long cold night the brothers awakened to a beautiful morning a break in the snow has made way for a glimmer of sunlight a ray of hope that warms their Spirits cow moose calls echo through an otherwise silent snow-covered Forest a welcome sound to start the day and has proven unfruitful but Chris in case you're determined to make the most of the midday lull they go to work setting up the big tent ensuring they'll have a place to thaw out for the coming days they have committed to these hunting grounds and the security of a proper base camp will increase their chances of success well [Music] Mother Nature seems to be seriously setting in you want to take the time to get this baby up and take this one down put the big tent up yeah I think first things first is let's get this one down yeah get it out of the way and then you want to set the big one right here in this yeah I like the location of our tent I mean we're dialed in as far as getting back and forth across the Island by I don't want to spend another night and freezing cold when we have a tent with a stove right there let's get the big boy up and it'll make for a little better night's sleep we get a warm belly and a good night's sleep with heat it's a good give us a little bit of the motivation I think we're gonna need right now fire that stove up any minute well I can tell you this right now if last night's any indication Old Man Winter's here today let's just hope that it's not permanent [Music] really [Music] Sparkle fire Tin Pan morning [Music] foreign [Music] thank you tell me a story in my friend a simple shelter offers a certain level of comfort and protection from the unforgiving Saskatchewan weather the brothers have been tested by every element the North country has to offer the cold the snow the wind the uncertainty of hunting to live never knowing for sure where their next meal is coming from and the loneliness of weeks away from their families but a warm fire and a promise of a new day keeps them going in their travels the brothers have learned that as long as the fire is alive so are they give me fog of Fire as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live missions dropped with very little to rely on but each other new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges gather the Big Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped I'm Amazing Race [Music] [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrender to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the Kiefer Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of Kiefer Brothers hold tags for a moose in a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] where do I call home where do these bones belong [Music] Anywhere I Lay My Hands [Music] now I sing my song another cold morning has arrived in Northern Saskatchewan and the Kiefer brothers are just one week away from extraction a fresh skiff of snow blankets the unforgiving landscape while the clock keeps ticking on one of the toughest tests the brothers have ever faced they're heading out in search of moose with hopes of finishing what they started Lord I Don't Wanna Die if you're not coming along coming along come along the feet what's that warming up your feet yeah oh they're going I don't know what else we can do man it's just a patience game at this point I mean we got to just keep we got to just keep hitting our spots just hit our spots there's no other method to Moose on other you know what I mean hit and call make sure we could hike two miles back in there but what the hell are we doing for ourselves I mean we have definitely proven in the past that it can be done smarter that's for sure no doubt I'm just glad the weather broke right now I wanted to see some blue sky to see just a hair of sunshine maybe that's what we needed that front to get out of here I don't know I'm just the anticipation of a grunt right now is like like I'm just waiting to hear it well it's so funny because every time I build a fire in Busan I think back to like seven years ago on the idea of having a fire in the middle of a hunt was like what like that was insane mainly foreign I mean that first time hearing that that deep and sitting in Camp that Adrenaline Rush that hits you and that's a surge that's where I'm at right now it's like that surge I'm just patience is there but it's like come on like where are they they've got to be here somewhere you know but there's only so many spots they can be you know so you think about it I mean we went 18 days between maniac and that first grunt without seeing anything blew through 16 miles of white water and we pop out at prayer point and then the blink of an eye everything changes everything changed like it all started with one grub [Music] it's midday in the Wilds of Saskatchewan in the late Autumn sunshine has managed to wash away most of the snow that fell overnight the slight warming is a welcome change of pace but tensions and tempers around Camp are reaching a fevered pitch deer check yeah I'm just going through I figure if we're going to be back here getting warm we might as well have something warm to drink what do you think the plan is for this afternoon I got it nice and warm in there but what do you want to do well we got plenty of daylight so I'll just let's make this quick let's get warm and then I want to go back into where we've been back into that bog right there I want to get in there and see if we can get after him we've been calling in there for days so I mean we might as well get back in there and just I don't know what else to do no I know I'm just at I mean I'm just at a point where patience is running thin and I'd rather divide and conquer and see if we can't find something in some animals I mean just at that point yeah but if we divide and conquer I mean I get it you have a bear tag I know you want to hunt bears but it's not like you're not hunting I mean you're still hunting but you're just with me I mean moose hunting is a two-man game so and aside from running all over hell's creation and freaking burning another tank of fuel well it's not like I mean I burned a tank of fuel on purpose I burned a tank of fuel trying to find a hunting spot I get it I mean I'm looking and hunting that's I mean that's why I have fuel I mean we burned it and I know we're burning more but it's like I'm just I don't know I'm just at a point right now where with this weather change I mean I'm gonna have before too long bears are going to be in hibernation listen I completely understand it I get it I don't know what else to do you know how this game is played it's a freaking I mean I don't know if what we're doing is right it's what we've done on every trip that we've ever done is have patience call and call from the same spot remain consistent if we can do that if you can give me one more day to do that then I don't then go do whatever you want burn as much fuel as you feel like burning well I don't know that burning fuel as much as it is hunting I understand I'm with you and I'm hunting but at the same time I mean listen all right we're getting to the point right now it's cold it's as or the patience is wearing thin I'm just at that point I'm at a point right now where something's got to give something's got to happen I'll give you one more day we'll work together we'll see if we can go back there we didn't try there this morning who knows what's going to happen but at the same time once that's done I want to talk about a plan to divide and conquer or Explore More parts of this Lake it's fun that's where I'm at with it it's fun give me one more day after that I don't give fine I'll give you one day the recent shift to colder weather patterns has inspired a drastic change in the habits of Chris and Casey's potential food sources the fish have halted their feeding and Resident Bears have begun their transition to hibernation mode completely disappearing from the key for brothers hunting grounds food options are scarce and meals are few and far between but the brothers are still expending the same amount of energy in their efforts searching for food this leaves them in a dangerous caloric deficit weakening their bodies and dampening their Spirits As Time wears on The elusive moose is becoming their only viable option for food [Music] well I mean I just got to go blow some steam just just time happens you got two brothers out here for this long temperatures drop in cold weather everything starts to get to me starting to feel the pressure we're getting down on days weather's moving in weather's beating the hell out of us to be honest it's probably the coldest drop that I've ever had from start to finish and uh it wears on you I can always tell it wears on us when we start getting on each other's case more and more as is the case right now I mean I want to go bear hunting it's what I want to do and uh I get it I mean I get where he wants to go with it but I want to go bear hunting and uh the older brother and me doesn't want to give in the smart person I mean realizes that he's probably right you know he's a hard-headed son of a [ __ ] which is what makes him good at what he does but at the same time I mean you can't have a motor that doesn't stop 24 7. the guy's got a motor that just never shuts off which is awesome but it gets us into trouble at times we have this argument it happens you get frustrated out here and things happen no doubt about it but then it's like for some reason I don't know Mom knows and I'll tell you why because I'm getting ready to leave the tent I'm blowing out of here to do it and I get a text on the inreach I haven't heard from my mom and let her know that we're alive when we landed and that's it but I get this thing on the inreach this is what it says you gotta see this says right here hey guys I'm not sure if you'll even get this but I'm thinking of you both today is the day to hunt and succeed there is a Big Moose waiting for you knock him down and have a feast of joy love love love you Mom what are we talking about here my mom from hundreds and thousands of miles away laughs she knows I don't have a better plan aside from continue to call from the spots that we've been calling go to the most likely areas and give it your best shot if I had another plan we'd be doing it if we could split up every day and go hunt and just do our own thing and come back and meet up together we'd be doing it I'd be fine with that but we don't have that luxury we're limited on fuel we're limited on where we can go we just we got to stay together we got to keep working together sometimes getting that message across is not nearly as easy as it sounds I'm going to follow mom's intuition on this and I'm going to let him do what he's going to do and I'm going to Cave but I'm going to tell you this right now if it doesn't work out tonight I'm gonna do what I want to do and that is go bear hunt Mom I hope you're right with the help of a surprise message from Mom Chris has decided to put his disagreements with Casey aside motherly love strengthens the bonds between brothers and today it's just what he needed to refocus in Saskatchewan a hunter's luck can change as quickly as the weather the brothers have spotted a bull on Shore in the same area they've been calling for the past five days it's time to execute the plan okay Casey and I just saw a bull we were driving me and calling here are coming back to hunt there's a bull stand there we're gonna try and put a spot in stock on him right now I'm gonna try I'm gonna get up in here and we're gonna get on top and see if we can't get around him we finally got a ball it's action go time baby [Music] right there that's why I'm thinking if I get to that point in the bottom okay that way if he's coming because if he comes around there we risk him catching him around if he does come off he does come up like he should the stock Begins by putting distance between Chris and Casey Casey gains ground Chris hangs back to call with hopes to lure the Moose into Casey's shot range [Music] thank you foreign coming in here we were able to get by him get back in here behind them got the lake to that side that Chris down in the bottom calling I'm gonna set up on this little Rocky Point right here [Music] thank you I got the ball back in here behind us but he's on the other side of this knob down in there I can't see him [Music] blood and adrenaline is pumping so hard right now after this long in the bush and finally we see him who's coming back you gotta love it oh man Hearts pumping he's not a giant doesn't matter I don't care if he's a spike horn and this is a meatball this is gonna feed our family this is amazing this is why I do it maybe this is our be alive right here [Music] and we're positioned perfectly our wind is good he can't walk by Casey on the right unless he cuts all along the bank of the lake where we just came from we could get screwed but in any moment he could just pop up right on top of him patience is beginning to pay off for the Kiefer Brothers after five days of hunting hard a bull moose has finally answered their calls Casey is moving into position while Chris calls from a distance to keep the Bull's attention off of his brother foreign [Music] thank you drilled him yes yes baby yes down I see it persistence pays off as abruptly as it began the hunt for Saskatchewan's finest is over the brothers work through the challenges of hunting to live in the North Country they butted heads and exchanged words when passion took over but they never lost sight of the mission and came together like true Brothers when it mattered most that is a long time coming right there on this trip oh man he died six steps from where we called for three days right there is where we were standing days like and it's been how many days so many sitting there calling and here we come back and as we're coming in there's a bull we make it happen just like that let's move something for you it's a hurry up and wait it's it's maddening at times oh it feels so good like the relief is just unbelievable I gotta sit for a minute be alive Baby Be Alive oh we're just picking our way through here trying to get up to this bull he wasn't more than 70 yards when I shot him we got uh walking through this burn I was shocked there he is right there right there oh yes I was shocked he actually came through this burn there he is dude oh it's so good to see him on the ground man oh I'm not kidding you I was panicking heart attack city I love it it has a long time coming right there laying right down there yep let's get up there persistence pays off man let's see it highs and lows just got to keep after it keep on them day number five in here yep something like that going down heads up yeah broken knee on the way but that's all right did you make it you made it this way I've just I'm flustered I'm excited about it I get excited I get really excited that's the best part it's the story you dropped highs and lows there he is Buddy right there beautiful animal here he is what a beautiful animal right there he is gonna do wonders in our freezer I cannot tell you I can't even begin to tell you the ups and downs that you go through out here for an extended period of time hey what do you think I don't know it's like the adrenaline rush is wearing off right now and you realize like I mean we set out to challenge ourselves every year we try to do this and we go up and we go all the way to the bottom and then something like this this unbelievably majestic animal like this comes out and all the reward and we're able to take home and provide for our families I love it and that right there is all that matters we do this as family we get to go home and provide for our families [Music] as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey kieber are drawn to the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live missions dropped with very little to rely on but each other each new season brings with it a new Arena and new challenges together the Kiefer Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped I'm Amazing Grace what street is lost [Music] but now I'm proud to our Amazing Grace [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrendered to the thick boreal forests of the north where black bears wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the Kiefer Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote weight they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the game others hold tags for a moose and a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] [Music] led up like a million bucks they never sleep the tides have turned in Northern Saskatchewan and the Kiefer brothers are riding high on the thrill of the kill they've worked so hard for a North Country patriarch has fallen after over three weeks of grinding it out together it's time to reap the rewards as they begin the task of keeping quartering and packing the Moose back to Camp with confidence that they now have the fuel they need to make it out alive that is such a big oh he's giant man well I think we probably take him in quarters like we normally do yeah we're just he's laying like perfect yeah he's oh it's perfect I think we start we'll go up the back come around that on that side right there up this leg and we can start working this way right and then we can maneuver them how we want to do it from there on the back side and we can finish out his backhands later but if we do it in quarters we should be able to take care of them fairly quickly it's a big animal though a lot of work you want to cut them up up the back first yeah get them right down the center if we can okay and then once we get that I'll bring that down here and then we can tie this cut from the leg up to it all right all right let's do this on the high end a mature Northern Saskatchewan Bull Moose can weigh up to 1500 pounds on the hoof a mousse of this size can yield up to 500 pounds of usable meat but it takes a lot of work break it down properly first an incision is made along the animal's spine a sharp blade is used to completely remove all Hayden hair from the meat next they begin to break the mousse into smaller parts that they can physically carry both hindquarters are removed as well as the head front quarters back straps and tenderloins individual portions are packed in game bags before the Heavy Haul Begins the brothers must pack out every single edible and usable piece of the animal it's written in Saskatchewan Law in a true Sportsman's Creed [Music] thank you foreign the real work has begun in Northern Saskatchewan as the Kiefer Brothers continue to break down the full moose they were dreaming about just hours ago for the first time in weeks a hot red meat meal is on the horizon all right now we got them this far yep we just want to take off this front shoulder work that back strap that way yeah we got to get this cut to go underneath let's get as much weight off them before we go we can even get this strap out I can peel that side back a little bit and get this strap out probably get the other strap out from where he's laying right now too yeah before we flip him over I'll take on this front shoulder right here I just want to keep working on this spot right here I'll take this cut right here down further that way we can tie into it in these moments silence says More Than Words ever could each brother understands their own role in the preservation of this animal they've been in this situation countless times before their instincts kick in as they work together in harmony with a complete understanding and appreciation of what Saskatchewan has offered them [Music] we are working on our moose here that Casey got and just going through the meat right now and back straps are unbelievable how big is that strap look at that meat I mean look at all that I'm not even halfway down and I still got over halfway to go and it tastes very good well speaking of tastes very good how about we uh how would I get us a little fire going here so that we can uh maybe have some of that backstrap right here yeah it doesn't get any better than groceries straight out of the back of that moose right there that's about as best as you can get right there yep so get the fire going all right I'll get a fire going I'm gonna have some moose just enjoy this moment keep going keep working on them but it's going to taste good although the brothers are grateful for the fish and berries that have kept them alive the thought of a fire cooked mousse steak is something they can't ignore it's time to reap the rewards Casey cuts the steak while Chris readies the fire for the feast oh yeah this is gonna be good moose meat on the fire that is a Sweet Sweet Sound right man these are going to be delicious sizzling meat on the Fire I'm just glad it's not fish there's nothing wrong with fish but listen it's time for some red meat no this is going to be so good well I got this jetboil rocking and rolling for a little coffee it's also going to be very good that is a good way to kind of wrap this up with this guy a little coffee and a moose steak never hurt anybody it's gonna be delicious oh it's been a long time coming isn't it it's unbelievable man we were in like a complete state of like one of the lowest I've had in a long time on drugs just misery it's day after day it's like Groundhog Day get up do the same exact thing try the same exact thing all while second guessing yourself but knowing what you're doing is what you should be doing you know I mean that's tough but it all comes together [Music] coffee [Music] I've got a mug you can fill up right here [Music] excellent [Music] nicely done all right I think these are getting close oh we're well into cutting this guy up still got a long way to go but we're well into it oh yeah but I'm gonna have a lot better outlook on life right now with a nice warm moose steak nice thing is there's a lot more where this came from about the honors sure you shot him yeah I'm not gonna deny that and plus if you kill over then go ahead you go down oh mate so good never gets old man bare-handing meat off the fire that is a tasty little Delight right there a little better than goat so much better than gold no man it's been an amazing trip we still got a ton of work to do but it's just nice to sit back and just reflect for a hot second I mean unbelievable so I was thinking rather than build up cash like we traditionally do probably do like a meatball doing Meatball and hang them especially with the amount of bears there bears bears what about hunting for how long I see a bear amid one sneaky little Boo-Boo come in there and I never did see you never did see him he snuck up on me but I never did see him although this does allow us to basically divide and conquer which is nice like you know if you're going to work on meat taking care of that I can actually I'm just gonna try and find Run and Gun a bear I mean I can cruise around and track some spots and see what I can come up with but we still got a lot of work to do to get this guy out so first things first let's eat pack him out Lincoln's side in the morning [Music] fueled by a fire roasted protein Rich red meat the kefir Brothers continue the task at hand they must finish quartering the loose before packing it back to camp [Music] that's the last of the meats yep that's the last of it all right so here's what I'm thinking we can take these game bags I'll take one fill it with the good stuff tenders and tenders and back straps separate it all the neck meat can go into another tag bag I can load this pack with all that all the meat strap that in be good to go we can throw the rib cages in there if we want then we'll put tag bags over the hindquarters and the front shoulders and then we can just shoulder them and huff them out yeah I think I got more of those bags right here all right I just want to make sure we have four good bags yeah we got plenty for the hind quarters and then if you have a smaller one these are all the same size okay so give me one of those so it should be four for Heinz and then one for tenders and straps yeah and then one for all the neck meat [Music] we're good all right is a back strap buddy right there that is a back strap that wheat and what's that din-din a little tenderloin [Music] these tenderloins are the size of a whitetail's back strap all right when I get this up will you open this bag it will as soon as I get this last backstrap in here all right okay because this is already bloody all right I got burger meat stew meat and shoulder and all the excess extras and then this is going to be perfect all right I'm going to lift this open I'm going to throw it in there heavy on the bottom yep okay good perfect put that one in perfect okay it's not a long walk down there but we got a lot yep so we got to get through a lot yeah I'll just take our time we're still on it with game bags loaded the heavy lifting begins a hindquarter on a bull moose can weigh upwards of 150 pounds between the brothers and the boat lies nearly impassable Terrain actually pretty solid One Foot In Front of the other Chris and Casey press on powered by the very animal whose weight they're shouldering it's a lot of good meat in the North Country nothing comes easy it's not a long walk down there but we got a lot so we got to get through a lot yeah I'll just take our time we're still on it every aspect of a do-it-yourself moose hunt can turn into a battle but the kefir Brothers calculated decision to hunt near the water paid off leading a relatively short pack from butcher to boat a weight is lifted knowing they no longer have to worry about where their next meal comes from a lot of good meat all right I will take down what I can now come back for the rest all right we're rolling starting to pack out process right now it's really not that bad of a walk it's just all the all the Deadfall and all the slash you gotta fall over and climb over which has been the most troubling but that's all right we'll make it happen sooner than later we'll get through this stuff oh okay I think we can manage through here okay coming to the end of the first pack out here trying to get this stuff to the boat and that has been a little bit difficult but oh this pack makes it easy wheat all right first load's down here already I'm gonna go back up and get more it's not that bad probably a couple hundred yards up up through there really couldn't have asked for an easy or better pack out and I think the adrenaline's still going from what just happened so it's just so much fun man I love this first it's a low then it's a high like you've never had before anybody that's never experienced this you don't know what you're missing back to the Grind okay let's see here I'm gonna throw this in the boat ah okay let's see if I can do this okay successfully made it on the first pack out now we're just gonna keep doing it I got a bunch left try to simplify it take all the excess meat all the stew meat all that kind of stuff and take it first in the packs and then we can carry those hindquarters if we do it right we can carry those hindquarters on our backs and the front shoulders and then come back for the last the hide and the antlers first but I don't know it's really not that bad of a hike we've moved a bunch of sticks and stuff out of the way to keep going but it's good stuff taking a load down to the boat here we go this is uh actually not too terrible one of the better facts that we've ever had to do it's not too far doesn't make the Moose any lighter but in the grand scheme of things I'd pack this moves as far as I had to to get him out whoa that's the hard part about packing is the Moose weighs just so much that it takes your balance it kind of throws your balance out of whack especially when you just have them on one shoulder like this not in a pack shoulder on shoulder okay into the boat trip number one a lot more to go a few things in life offer a better feeling than the fruits of a good day's work the kefir Brothers arrived on a hunt to live Mission and because of today's success because of their patience and perseverance they live to hunt another day Saskatchewan is forever changing forever challenging but one constant is that Chris and Casey will have each other's back no matter what is thrown their way all this free freedom [Music] what are you gonna do with all this free [Music] these days are yours your hands are free where you gonna go Who you gonna be it's your time it's your parade what you gonna do what you gonna see there was a time you were in Chains now just yourself remains look in my eyes there's no need to explain you'll never wear all those chains again extraction is still days away there's more work to be done more hunts to embark on but for now the brothers reflect on the very reason they get dropped each fall the blood and the sweat the challenge and the reward the struggle the compromise the teamwork the Ebbs and the flows the opportunity to not only survive but to be alive as Autumn gives way to Winter Brothers Chris and Casey keeper are drawn to the wild places on a live to hunt hunt to live Mission dropped with very little to rely on but each other brings with it a new Arena and new challenges together the Kiefer Brothers have faced angry Predators extreme hunger impassable terrain and volatile shifting weather patterns they've explored hundreds of miles of desolate mountain ranges unsettled Tundras Raging Rivers and unpredictable Perils of territories where few are willing to go all for the love of the hunt to test themselves to test each other not to prove anything to anyone but to feed the fire inside this is dropped [Music] [Music] was lost [Music] Northern Saskatchewan the land of living skies land locked and sparsely populated this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal the grasslands of Southern and Central Saskatchewan surrender to the thick boreal forests of the north where blackbirds wolves and moose Patrol towering thickets of spruce and pine this is where the kefir Brothers will carve out a living for the next 30 days with a change in Arena comes a change in the rules the brothers have access to thousands of Acres of Canadian wilderness by way of a remote wait they've been afforded at motorized fishing boat just big enough to transport their gear and a limited supply of fuel reserves for the duration of their Journey this boat will be their Lifeline allowing them to search for the lake trout northern pike and walleye that soar through the depths beneath them while providing the opportunity to Scout and hunt the vast expanses of the game-riched northern tokifer Brothers hold tags for a moose in a black bear but a tag is far from a guarantee [Music] winter is bearing down on Northern Saskatchewan and the land of living Skies is finally showing some mercy to Brothers Chris and Casey Kiefer they welcome a beautiful morning with full bellies and positive energy extraction day is just over the horizon but the brothers have work left to do proper care of the meat is imperative to ensure their families are fed for months to come I got a green one here these other ones are all dry rotted or burned already yep they want to cut it off that's what you're thinking [ __ ] right here okay I'll uh hold this and I'll let's measure it out yeah we got to leave some tag end on it there you go right about there yeah just leave you got enough room on that side yeah I got enough tag in okay so I can just cut it right here yep all right we can set it down all right I got it marked so yeah basically what I'm thinking is cut that off we'll get this up cross brace Square lash it Square lash it hang the meat right here Square lash it and then just hang the meat yep okay with a full belly and loaded down game bags the brothers must now go to work to cool and preserve the meat for future consumption okay so now it's got to be high enough they're big those are big hindquarters yeah I mean if we're like right in there yep head High they'll be up high enough off the ground okay and then that's where you want to take the Paracord yep just Square lash it right here on both sides yep and then we can hang the quarters in here Perfect all right they begin the process by constructing a meat pool the meat pole is a simple structure that allows the brothers to separate and hang the meat in a cool location by building the pole away from sunlight the meat is able to dry out and cool down thanks to Nature's air conditioning the cool Saskatchewan Breeze is the quickest way to drop the meat's temperature to prevent spoilage safety from predators is still front of mind so the brothers operate within a survival triangle by storing their meat a safe distance away from both their shelter and their means of protection Chris in case you are able to ensure that they're not drawing hungry predators to the front door of base camp as an extra precaution they clean their gear and make sure no moose blood remains on their clothes removing the smell of fresh blood acts as another layer of protection from Hungry predators that will love nothing more than to capitalize on their fresh kill [Music] the late September sun is beeping down on the kefir Brothers as they work together to hang their fresh kill on a makeshift meat pool extraction day is coming so they take every opportunity to soak it all in in the past the Kiefer Brothers utilize meat caches to prevent spoilage they traveled by way of raft Down River from one location to the next this season's base camp alleviates the need for caches as the stationary meat pool keeps the meat cool and cared for until extraction still good yep good and let him go nice perfect okay all right I'm number two that's good that's the heaviest of the heavy let's get I'm gonna get this bag off okay um I can get the rest of the meat right now I'll bring it up I'll bring all the loose meat up and the two front shoulders yeah it's fun and then we can just get it all set up that's fun [Music] you want to uh debone these here or you want to wait no I don't want to debone them here I mean it's going to lighten it up but it's not like we have them on our backs yeah you know what I mean yeah so and I don't just the more you debone the more it gets exposed to bacteria I'm good with that all right well what else do we got to do um we got everything but neck meat I'll get the neck meat out and then I'm gonna Cape the head out and do all that I mean basically it's going to be a camp day for me anyway I'm going hunting go bear hunting I mean why not go bear hunt all right if you got everything set in Camp and you're dialed and you got to keep the head out I'm gonna hit the water and see if I can't find a bear last ditch effort yep all right that works for me I got a long day here okay [Music] well I've got a little bit of a relaxing day at Camp here today basically got the meat cash up rocking and rolling and all I've got left right now is I got to get this mousse taped off the head so I'll take my time pick away at it Chris took off went to go bear hunting so hopefully he runs into a bear out there somewhere I'm not gonna lie it's kind of nice to have a little bit of a relaxing day here like I said take my time piece by piece and get this stuff done [Music] um foreign [Music] this is always probably the most relaxing part of every drops for me it's kind of like the culmination of all of our experiences together everything that we put into the hunt and it all comes full circle right here you get the animal you get to take them off the head and just to sit back on this hunt and kind of just reflect on everything it took to get this bowl I mean this is the only bull that we've seen all trip it's the only animal with a heartbeat aside from birds and fish that we've seen all trip and we put our time in and we hunt it hard and we have got a pile of meat to show for it and that's something that you know I just I thank my lucky stars for as we were able to pull it out at the end of the journey and were able to go home to our families and enjoy this guy for a long time because at the end of the day that's why we do this that's the ultimate reason but for me taking an animal off the head it's like it's the culmination of the trip I guess the beginning of the end if you will with a meat hanging to cool and dry the pressure around Camp is relieved Casey takes his time to reflect as he continues caving but with a tag burning a hole in his pocket Chris puts the pedal down in search of bear [Music] thank you well I'm not giving up just yet decided to come back out here and put some last minute effort in try and get bear hunt first place I'm gonna start is where we uh skinned and caved and quartered that moose it's the most obvious spot so I'm out in the bay just kind of glassing in there all I can see right now is Birds a bunch of big Ravens potentially an eagle or so but I'm gonna have to get a little bit closer and investigate because I want to see if there is a bear sign or they're scattered or there's something there and I'm going to get there and sit in Tighter and see if I can't get a bear but it's going to require me to get in there and do some investigating by myself so Chris knows the resident bearers are preparing to fatten up for a long hibernation he and Casey served up at Feast while quartering the Moose so the carcass is his first stop in the Quest for a North Country Bruiser he approaches with caution not knowing what he'll find lurking in the down timber right there right there I got the heart racing a little bit it's a giant golden eagle that flew up from there different color than everything else giant though got me going a little bit check him out all right I just came over looking for sign up here there's there's a sign that I gotta kind of set up in here there isn't but I keep moving keep coming back and checking [Music] so far I don't see any sign for Bears or snowing there's no scattered tracks it's all better plus this would be just torn to shreds if there's a bear in here picking at everything everything just a lot of Ravens and birds it's all right I'll check it as many times as I can Get Lucky just gotta keep moving [Music] Saskatchewan gives nothing up easy not her comfort and certainly not her game the Kiefer Brothers have spent weeks in the wild without a single bear sighting but one fruitless hunt doesn't dampen their accomplishments or their Spirits extraction is imminent today is my favorite day and my most dreaded day of my entire year it's extraction day another dropped in the books another month of September gone spent in some of the most remote country in the world challenging ourselves basically pitting ourselves against Mother Nature for a month it's something to sit back and think about when you challenge yourself like this and you're outside in the elements in Mother Nature living off the land and just the adventure that it provides you this trip was everything dropped is supposed to be it was fun as hell at times the fishing at times was incredible the fishing at times sucked the hunting the hunting was hard probably some of the hardest hunting that I've had over the past seven seasons that I've been doing this but that's dropped I mean dropped is the story of us coming out here going into the unknown willingly going into the unknown and just trying to have the best damn time that we can have then I can look through at all the seasons and all the adventures all the years that we've been out here I look back at helicopter rides I look back at moose encounters up close and personal I look back and I think about the whitewater rafting I think about the adventures and I did it all with my brother I've done it all with my brother I've been able to experience those on camera and tell everyone our story and that's what it's about it's about challenging yourself I never thought I could do this seven years ago I never thought that I could set out to live off the land for a month at a time but when you do it's amazing a lot of people go out into the back country and spend 10 days to two weeks I'm here to tell you a month is a long time a month is a long time away from your family it's a long time to stare at the same human every single day even though he's my brother I mean 30 days we don't talk to anybody that's a long time it's a long time to go without a shower it's a long time to go without a lot of things I've spent a lot of time away from my family I spent a lot of time out here in solitude I spent a lot of time away and I don't know what the future holds I know this I'm going to keep pushing I'm going to keep challenging myself and if there's one thing I can do it would be to encourage you to do the same do something today that you never thought you could do but it's extraction day and I always say that extraction day is the most Bittersweet day of this whole trip because it's the day that I get to get out of here I get to go back and have a shower I get to FaceTime my kids and my wife I get to talk to them on a regular basis but it's also the day that I have to leave here and the reality of that is that every single drop that I've done there's a small piece of me that stays behind there's a small piece of me that stays in this place and we'll exist here forever [Music] extraction is always a Bittersweet moment for the brothers they're one day closer to reuniting with their loved ones but the Comforts of life outside of the Bush come at a cost no more sunrises over the lake No More Boots crunching on the frosty morning ground no more lake trout Shore lunches while wolves howl in the distance silence says all the brothers need to hear as they pack their gear in anticipation of the distant hum of the plane that will take them home jump on that train somewhere my heart's being fast [Music] the trains on track it comes and goes against the wind the whistle blows alive get lost and found [Music] traveling food [Music] well there it is right there we can hear the plane in the distance that is a good day right there it's bittersweet always is always a good always a good day but always the worst day of the trip as well it's an amazing trip the bush country of Northern Saskatchewan threw everything at us struggled in the beginning but we ended up pulling it off in the end persistence paid off and that is a good sign right there what do you think story of dropped man here he comes the plane is coming he's in the distance he sees us he's trying to figure out how to get in here right now which is the exciting part okay [Music] yes dropped going home Chase and Moon as quickly as it began the brothers time in Saskatchewan is over the plane drones as it circles overhead a reminder of the highs and lows of living to hunt and hunting to live moments of beauty were punctuated by moments of fear trial turn to Triumph the only constant in this journey is change Saskatchewan calls the shots she tells you if you're welcome she tells you if you belong here when the brothers overcame when they reached extraction on their own timing on their own terms Saskatchewan spoke loud and clear this is where they belong these are the moments that define dropped it's not a tale of survival it's a never-ending quest to be alive [Music] welcome boys oh wow we've got the big headphones what are we doing with these uh we're gonna double this as a podcast this time I love it check check is this thing on can you hear me I got you I got you adjust it make sure it's not too uh beard heavy it's a little more comfortable than we used to with anything when it comes to drop absolutely I like that like I'm in a helicopter all right all right let's get this started a decade ago the idea of dropped was born the kefir brothers were embarking on a journey that would not only win Awards but Pioneer a new era of outdoor television production with a conclusion of the seventh season executive producer Jason Brown sits down with the Kiefer Brothers for a behind-the-scenes look at the evolution of dropped well Seven Seasons it uh it doesn't seem like 10 years ago we came up with the idea of dropped and it wasn't dropped at the time it was whatever we the working title was but over the years it's evolved into something that has created memories for us memories hopefully for the audience and and I believe that we changed a few things along the way oh no doubt I mean dropped was an idea literally over a bottle of whiskey went from 10 days in Alaska to no food to what it is today and I think we've challenged ourselves each season with like completely different challenges well and every season's been different the premise may stay somewhat the same a 30 days middle of nowhere what you got on your back but every trip is completely different yeah yeah you know I'm gonna blame the 30-day thing on you yes it was me you thought of that but you know at the time it was a it was a time in outdoor television where parody was everywhere and we wanted to separate drop from the rest and we figured 30 days who's going to commit that to this day there hasn't been a series based around that no and I also think you know 30 days is one thing in the wild but I think it's uh telling the whole story everything that happens you know the Arc of what it is I think it was big game changer for us is there's nothing we don't show and sometimes it's pretty brutal yeah and let's be honest hunting is not always success I mean the success for us is in the story of what it's like to be out there as brothers for 30 days giving it our best shot and that always doesn't work out I mean we've gone entire Seasons where we haven't taken an animal um but that's the reality of the story and I'm not scared to show that because I don't want people thinking that it happens every single time you go in the field because the reality of that is it doesn't you're way more unsuccessful than you are successful yeah yeah you know and that leads me to the Hunts right I mean there's been some big moments over the course of the seven years in seven seasons have dropped and in in what are some of your most memorable out of out of the seven oh man so for me it's easy it starts with that very first animal that very first harvest because up until that point in time it was just an idea that we had we knew we could be successful at it but you still have that little moment of doubt in the back of your head we pre-sold the show we had a lot of partners that were lined up ready to rock and roll um and Maniac was special for me because it was my son's first birthday my first son I cried like a baby on the mount I sit here thinking about him and that was the most special moment for me oh I I have to agree that it has to go back we've had some amazing ones we've had bear charges all that great stuff but I think the Moose um in season one we had gone a long time without food at that point in Fair Point I mean that was the first moose ever saw in the wild and is giant 65-inch beautiful moves so that was an amazing moment for me the because we needed it at that point but I gotta agree with Casey Maniac was the one that solidified it and that was one of the first times I've ever been brought to tears on a mountain and I don't know if it was just the emotion and knowing that it was Ryder's birthday everything that went into that it made it real at that very moment foreign we started oh it's just drilled him dude that was awesome oh that's one for the ages great for the books yeah that is how you hunt mountain caribou in Alaska not to mention today is my son's first birthday [Music] pretty sweet [Music] that's for Rider I think probably some of the most hotly contested debates is where is Camp yes absolutely right can't spend pretty much everywhere sleeping is a huge part of living when you're out there you need your sleep after you put in the long day so yeah what is some of the most memorable sleeping Arrangements we've had oh man I gotta tell you first of all sleep is a luxury you don't really sleep you rest you know one eye open at all times I think haven't done this for as long as we have seven seasons and then also being guys prior to this um Casey and I have really come up with unique ways to sleep anywhere and everywhere we can and catching cat naps across the day whether we're walking across the Yukon or we're sleeping and making our own shelters I mean the tents are nice but at the same time they're pretty dangerous in some places too well yeah because a tent you're inside you can't see what's going on I mean we always come back to something we call the first night bear oh yeah which is anytime we change camp that first night that you settle down to try to go to sleep you hear these noises and you're not familiar with the sounds you get the Rushing Water or the rocks or sticks in the river or whatever it might be so there's always a first nightmare that's just about a guarantee and nine times out of ten it's not a bear but then there's the time where it actually is a bear oh yeah hey case do you hear that right outside the tent it's right here you hear it it's right hey close yes [Music] hey you got your gun I gotta find my gun I can't find anything in there right here listen hey bear hey bear oh no he's on this side right there he's coming around your side he's right here hey hey bear hey bear right there [Music] hey bear I'm sweating right now my heart oh my God it is cold in here that I'm sweating so close [Music] oh that's not how I wanted to wake up so there's a lot of serious moments when you're out there trying to survive obviously but we have our share of fun out there too there's been moments that live in infamy in story that we'll never forget oh never we try to have as much fun as possible the thing about dropped is it's really hard to laugh when you're starving yeah I mean in all honesty that's the hardest part about it is like a lot of times we're fighting for every inch out there so it's really hard to laugh and be funny but there are moments 100 um you know the time Chris hooked me in the face for instance he's done it way more than once he hooks me in the face all the time but uh stuff like the wrestling masks I mean you know just those morale boosters those things that we try to inject into the show that are like okay guys we're out here having fun I know it's tough I know it's hard but we're trying to have fun with it yeah and we got to throw it out to our buddy Jeff Schuster yeah he gave those to me and we I secretly slid them deep into your packs yeah and we needed them oh we're deep deep snow that day needed it bad we were buried in snow I think September 3rd the snow came in and it didn't leave to like the 9th or 10th we were weathered in feet of snow we were in it was just brutal so yeah we needed them and then anytime you work in stuff like horses oh I mean naturally you're gonna get some outtakes to this day is probably one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed in my life with Jason trying to get on a horse and I know that horses are not his favorite but I got to tell you something I watched him try to get on that horse and luckily one of the guys at the time was running camera got some behind the scenes of that and we had struggled with his horse most of the time anyway and try to film off of a horse is very difficult oh yeah and I could just remember him trying to get up there and the cameraman just gets worked you [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] cameraman gets worked oh I gotta go find my horse so food obviously plays a huge role since we don't bring any so you could say that yeah we could say that yeah so I mean talk about some of the crazy things that out there you guys have eaten oh man we've tried it all Yukon caviar comes to mind you know the eggs right out of the belly of a fish and the stuff that we've tried to eat of vegetables dandelions and Edibles and that gets a little bit dangerous but there's just that one there's the one that will always always stand out in my mind yep the goat oh God that looks so good here I'll let you do the honors really it's your goat okay and a little tough a little chewy tasteless taste wise I'm having better every now and then I'm getting a hint of gold no lighter wow oh my Lord tastes like iron it's got to go for it we're gonna split up well I saw those rabbits up top jigged up fly rod let me see if you can get some wow it's not good see if we can oh a little going I'll go fishing okay that piece was going that's an aftertaste like I've never had before okay wow oh there you go keep it in I'm gonna get my fishing here ready see oh that is the worst thing I've ever had to eat in my life obviously your brothers oh yeah obviously obviously obviously uh I've beared witness to several scraps over the years being business partners and also friends but when you're locked 30 days and remotely and big decisions are really need to be made every single day you guys don't always see eye to eye no we don't and that's something that uh I think that's actually a strength that we have is the fact that we don't see eye to eye when we're out there because we both have two totally unique hunting Styles we both think totally different about how we approach the hunt or the trip or moving camp or whatever it might be but that's a good thing that's not always a bad thing because if everybody's on the same page who's going to see the left hook coming you know what I mean I think that's kind of how we look at it I will say this if anybody runs hot it's him so the guy runs real hot yes I am running very hot I've been known to run hot before I think I probably I don't know if I I don't know who starts our argument you do okay so I I start our arguments and I usually finish him and the best and what I mean by that is I walk away in a very angry mad I'm just pissed off upset upset about everything and what makes me even more mad is that Casey is so calm and in certain situations he doesn't engage with my arguments no and that that makes me even more mad that he doesn't he's like I'm getting mad now thinking about him not engaging in my arguments I'll tell you settle it in the bush I guess just let them calm down walk away and the streets the industries walk away walk away I can't I can't walk away I don't know what to do I'm wearing a situation right now and I'm not happy with that [Applause] I don't I've never felt this way right here where I have no idea what's around the next corner I have no idea what to do it's I mean it's not like he's not loose here there's moose all over this place it's just trying to find a campsite where you can hear and see and listen and actually make something happen instead of next to a class five we wrapped it that's when we came here [Applause] [Music] thank you there's two big days in every season of dropped obviously the day we get dropped the day you guys get dropped is huge it sets everything up for you yeah but the day you start looking forward to almost immediately the minute you think about your kids or your family your wife is the extraction day getting to that point is successful because at that point we know that the story has been built everything's behind us in in we're hopefully safely to that point and extracted that is a big day extraction day is a huge day for me extraction day is flat out the most Bittersweet day of the whole trip though no doubt um you know yes you're looking forward to getting home to you know your family uh just normal routine a shower food when you want it how you want it all these different things like you're going back to the life of luxury so that's awesome but at the same time like for me I'm built to be out there I'm born to be out there that's what I do that's what I love that's my passion in life so it's a hard day you know and I've always said since the very first dropped that a little piece of me stays behind in every single place that we've ever been and I think that Rings true because I have memories for a lifetime not only in my head but memories that are captured on video and shared with other people of a lifetime of my life out there so extraction day is a really tough day as much as it is kind of a celebratory day I don't know it's extremely Bittersweet for me I mean one one of the things that's weird as you come off of that month of just living out there waiting in the mud and you hit cement and it's weird and the smells that you get I I know you they're the same way I mean those things all come back to you and it's just incredible but I know we've had some amazing extractions uh throughout all of the seasons and something about here in that plane it's the excitement of what's about to happen but it is the sadness of leaving what we just did but there's also a sense of accomplishment on on that day because whatever the challenge was for That season or for that trip that means we did it and whether or not we killed an animal that's not what dropped is about so that wasn't necessarily the goal but what we made it 30 days in that challenge and for me that's all that matters is we had an adventure together as brothers and we proved that we could do it and so we move on to the next one and I think extraction day is probably the hardest day of the Year let alone that month [Music] big moments are made possible by the little things the little things are the stepping stones that Define life's journey like the sunrise melting last night's skiff of snow clearing the way for just one more day on the hunt like the fire roasted fish fillet that provided just enough energy to charge toward extraction the little things make the big moments that much sweeter knowing what it took to earn that mouthful of red meat remembering what you endured when you're finally able to hug your wife and kids again from the anticipation of the draw to the Bittersweet moment of extraction these are the lessons learned to know where you belong and to not take a single moment for granted this has been and always will be true meaning [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now remember [Music] [Music]
Channel: FD Adventure
Views: 489,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Survival, survival show, survival documentary, full documentary, dropped, dropped full season, dropped all episodes, survival challenge, dropped season 7, kanada survival challenge, kanada documentary, canada documentary, canada survival challenge, canada survival, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan survival, Saskatchewan documentary
Id: 3-5ewIQ-V0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 15sec (11775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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