Dave & Cody Trench Through Vicious Piranha Infested Waters | Dual Survival FULL EPISODE

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Brazil over a thousand miles from the coastline lies the world's largest Wetlands the pantanau lurking inside this sprawling floodplain is the largest concentration of wild animals in all of South America the Petro is a vast Wilderness it's bigger than New York State it's 10 times the size of the Everglades and its unexplored territory every year thousands of wildlife enthusiasts off-road into the 60 000 square miles of wetlands the tourists come out of your area they're not familiar with they get screwed up they get lost they get stuck in this case we have two Travelers they bid off more than they can shoot their vehicle is stuck [Music] abandoning a disabled vehicle in a desperate search for rescue is an error that claims lives every year there is no road walking out of this area where there's great Beauty there's also great danger and here we are right in the middle of it lost in the swamp and searching for civilization a scenario two of America's top survival experts Cody lundeen and Dave Canterbury will experience firsthand there's predators in this area all over the place Anaconda piranha Cayman these things are all swimming around this water you never even know they were there until they hit you and then it's too late we are sitting now in the screw Zone thank you [Music] that seems to be getting deeper in that shower okay yeah it does we need to find some place where we can open that ear bag up I agree with you to show what it takes to escape the swamp Dave and Cody have only what a couple of wildlife enthusiasts might have in their day pack a machete that's a good thing that's a real good thing an empty water bottle a magnesium bar to start fires a small sewing kit and the backpack itself it's got some paracord on it right here that's a huge bonus I'm sure we can use this for something to look down the line I want to get out of here before there's a piranha on my privates so we'll actually hit the road military train survival Pro Dave Canterbury spent years in the Florida Wetlands experience that's crucial to surviving the Brazilian pantanal the fact that we're staying soaking wet all the time is a major concern of mine so what we need to do first and foremost is get to dry land we need to get the hell out of here well maybe up in these trees we can find someplace dry naturalist Cody lundeen teaches primitive survival techniques in the Arizona desert and even here in the wild swamps of Brazil he's still not wearing shoes as far as being Barefoot people have been traveling this area with very little clothing on for a hell of a long time and here I am but I don't want to get cut because then I'm bleeding and I'm literally a piece of bait in piranha infested water piranha carnivorous fish that troll in schools in search of the next meal can smell blood up to a mile away working together they've been known to take down mammals over a hundred pounds the hell is that noise no clue looking pretty thick in here it's like walking through someone's small intestine pretty bad oh man I'll tell you what we're not running out of water anytime soon that's for sure so I don't know what do you think daylight three four hours tops yep I mean we need to start probably as much as I hate to say this but hunkering down I've never said that before in knee deep water I don't want to be in water when Night hits so we will look for a safer shelter location before dusk in a swampy area Wetland area like this they need to get high enough off the water so that the Predators can't get me the Cayman comes rolling through here a big anaconda comes rolling through here I want to be up in here I don't want to be down here so I'm looking for bigger trees that we can put poles across to make a raised bed look over here Cody we've got some stuff in here we can jam poles into we've got a pretty wide stance right here where both of us could get off the ground how far do you think that we need to be off of the water well I think we need to be this high off anyway if we Jam something in here we're far enough off the water we don't have to worry about cayman's coming up and smashing us anyway anacondas might be a different story but I like your spot Dave you know it's got a lot of trees that's for sure but well it's the best we've seen we're losing light so you know let's keep it simple just go for a basic framework and see what we have one of the big advantages to a machete is it's bendable it's not stiff so when I take the first angled chop at that tree when I take the second when I go straight in and if I have to I can bend that machete up to pop the chunk yeah so now I want the V out of this tree so with this tool being as sharp as it is I can pretty much just take them off just like that and live it off and it's ready to go we're gonna need a lot of bondage material to lash the shelter together and the trick with this stuff is you split it you can see this area here where it actually has a natural split this allows us to have that pliability that we're looking for to actually tie knots with this stuff we're going to keep it wet soak it up but it has some pretty decent tensile strength it's more than enough than we need to rig something for us to get off of the water this is our pretty and Foundation here David I decided on the triangle because that's where the trees were that had the best options for us to do this which is very very typical in any sort of emergency scenario you adapt with what you have on the ground let me just do the old patented butt test 210 pounds of Love on that look at that that's poetry after addressing potential attacks From Below next is defending against the pantanal's disease carrying mosquitoes these termite Mounds will smolder and smoke and the smoke will keep the bugs away may not come off that easy Cody termites nests are full of small Chambers got it yeah when burned The Limited flow of oxygen allows the nest to smoke for hours creating a natural mosquito deterrent we're trying to ward off the bugs the best way we can the next thing I need to worry about is fire right now I just want the dried hyacles it's good and dry it says brown color this is the kind of stuff Cody needs right now the chance of getting fire in The Damp environment is increased with a modern tool thank God for magnesium magnesium shavings can be ignited by striking a piece of flint against its steel frame lighting even moist Tinder Dave and I would not be looking at this fire situation in this environment if it wasn't for that modern way to make fire we're in the environment where everything's pretty much wet magnesium Burns at 5400 degrees Fahrenheit it's in most camping stores all over the United States pretty powerful tool to keep your ass alive is the best natural defense against predators but sleeping in the Brazilian swamp is a mental game few can handle or three to four feet off of water that's full of caves full of piranhas full of anacondas all things that hunt at night I've seen many times on alligator Farms alligators and crocodiles come in six or seven feet out of the water to get a chicken that was held out over their heads it's probably going to take somebody staying awake all night and just listening the slightest rustle underneath like that [Music] flooded areas cannot support civilization to find it the first step is making it to dry land well man I'll tell you what if I could find a tree that's high enough to get a vantage point maybe I can look off the distance and see if I can see some dry land just landed on the climbing a tree unless you got a better suggestion no I wouldn't neither one of us would recommend climbing a tree if you don't have to but what are our options here you have to weigh the risk versus the reward it's a risk of mechanical injury but if I could get above the canopy and see something of dry land we know what direction to travel foreign just moved by me even though dry land is in sight the battle to stay out of the dark Waters isn't over there it is oh look at the teeth on that thing the way out to have something that floats to escape the swamp Cody has a plan I've done a lot of stuff using fire hollowing stuff out but Dave's not solo to take on a task that burns thousands of calories is foolhardy and it's deadly going oh in Brazil's Uncharted pantanal swamp getting to dry land is the best strategy to find civilization but climbing high for a vantage point is a measured risk it was this tree he's gonna break this tree's gonna break this thing's dead this thing's a death trap right here buddy I don't know if it's because they're growing this wet area all the time but the tops of these trees seem to be dead right now there can be water around us in all four directions and one might be only a mild to dry land the other three might be 10 miles now we've got to take a guess so directional Cody East is staying in Brazil West is going toward Bolivia so I think we obviously need to Head East what do you think I think so yeah there's East our known direction of the morning sun following the sun works best when it's low to the Horizon for Midday travel a compass is the only sure-fire way to tell Direction but it's a tool Dave and Cody don't have 100 silk scarf will put an electromagnetic charge in the needle that will make it Point North South so I've been rubbing this for a couple minutes but I'm just going to try to tie a string around you need one of a couple different things to magnetize that needle you can magnetize it electrically by using the positive and negative ends of a battery you can magnetize it using a magnet or you can take a silk scarf and you can rub the needle in one direction to give it a static electric charge very similar to what you'd have if you walk Barefoot on a piece of carpet and touch something and got shocked once north south is determined the sewing needle can be used to Aid in Direction after the sun is too high or under the cloud cover I'm just going to try to free-float it in the air and see if it works so we would hope that this thing's going to hang at a 90 degree angle to the sun pretty much that's pretty damn close that is pretty close it's a ballpark but I'm not putting all my eggs in there I always put all Megs in one basket with something like this no matter what yeah but for General north south east west direction of travel I don't think it's too bad off we just need a general direction okay I think this will give it to us okay we have to rely on general direction of travel hopefully we're going to find dry land walking through the wetlands out here is utterly exhausting a lot of the dangers are unseen and what that does to the psychology of somewhere in a stress situation it plays hell with it came and making noise man is that is that the noise that they make hidden stuff it's freaking us out just as much as the physical force it takes to burst through this Wetland area hey come here man look at this we got a river out here man that look like dry land over there to you looks drier than here heavy duty trees out there man chill no something just moved by me [Music] Cody and I've got to cross this River but I know there's Cayman in this water so the safest thing for us to do in a two-man cross is to get something that will float for us both to hang on to and the problem with crossing water like this is the more noise you make going across there the more chance you have attracting Predators like Cayman foreign and that way at least we got something to hang on to and we're staying together yeah I don't know what's going to happen further back give me the front up here okay man this place is full of predators that eat meat one thing you do not want to do in this environment is be pray you don't want to Splash around you don't want to make noise you want coordinated rhythmic stuff and putting out that Vibe rhythm of just everything is normal don't eat me stabilizing out okay okay it is dry land oh man holy crap anyone in this situation who found themselves in way steep water who had to spend a night in predator-infested stuff and found this dry land you almost want to break down and cry it's like finding water in the desert it's a hugely emotional experience holy cow your feet are wet you think damn sure well you could save all this hassle Dave if you just went barefoot it's not every guy's cup of tea I understand nope dry land and a river are both navigable choices to finding civilization why don't we just poke up around here and Recon all right man you want to go that one I'll go this way okay 10 minutes or so all right man we're on a new piece of real estate here called dry land and I want to explore that a little bit to see if we want to stay figure out a game plan to get out of here or push on your survival situation you have to set priorities and goals and our goal was to find dry land we found it problem is I'm starting to figure out real quick from this Recon this is an island that's surrounded by water the last thing we're going to do is get back in water or go swimming again so we're gonna have to dry out and decide what's next on the priority list and I have a kind of a hairbrained idea I have a heavy background in primitive technology in studying indigenous peoples and how they made stuff work and the number one way the guateau people got around in the Sweatland via boat they were floating that's how they did it the guato were an indigenous nomadic tribe in the wetlands of South America they spent their lives traveling these swamps and canoes created by using fire I've never made a Dugout canoe using fire but I've made lots of stuff with fire hot dirty work now the proud of that is fire will do a lot of the work that's the beauty about using fire as a tool to burn out a concavity coals can carve out the center of a tree trunk but the process takes days expending energy on a project that could sink what we don't have is a real intimate working knowledge of what the gwato did to pull this off but I think Common Sense will go a long way and at least roughing something out that's going to flow so that we're not total Cayman bait someone have talked today and see what he says all right man we're surrounded by water here know that come here I want you to check something out what I'm thinking about is a guateau people here obviously used a lot of Dugout canoes so I'm looking at this log and I'm seeing a hell of a lot of work up front but if it works I'm seeing a ticket to ride cruising through this wetlands in style I mean we're talking a couple days worth of work here it's going to be a lot of work Dave so that's a couple days with the calories that we haven't had that we need to find to take on a task that burns thousands and thousands of calories without anything to eat it's foolhardy and it's deadly I've done a lot of stuff using fire hollowing stuff out and I don't want my ass half submerged in Cayman piranha soup in the Brazilian pantanal the presence of a river changes survival priority following it Downstream is the best strategy for reaching civilization but the predator-infested Waters of the swamp require a boat I'm not disagreeing with you that we need something to float in you know and I don't think a regular raft is going to keep us away from the Caymans and all the other that's in this water but I mean we're talking a couple days worth of work here I like the idea of the canoe I love canoes I think they're great I've got one in my backyard the problem I've got is in this situation you have to have caloric intake in the form of food there's a lot of prep work in this but fire will be doing a lot of the work right it was done for thousands of years by the people that lived here they did it for thousands of years with hundreds of thousands of calories in their hand when they were doing it we don't have that if we can't find the food to do this it's probably a no-go but then what it's like you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't this is a super high-risk project it's going to be loads of work up front which should get easier and the payoff if it works will be massive if it fails we're screwed I guess we'll just take it for granted we're going to find something to eat and I'll go see what I can find it's not a pleasant thing you know but I'm with you let me go see what I can find just like the gwato people made canoes with fire they also hunted a dangerous predator with only a bow harana there's a lot of small Minnows swimming around here like this if there's minnows in here there's bigger fish feeding on those minnows so I'm gonna make a bug to hunt piranha I'm just going to cut a hardwood and just make a stick bow out of it right now I'm just trying to chop a little bit of girth out of this thing so I basically am forming a limb in the bow I don't want to take any of the bark off the back of it because that bark will help the ability and keep it from breaking the native guanto people strung their bows by weaving Vines but for Dave 500 pound test parachute cord is a tool he can find endless uses for in the wild paracord makes a great improvised bow string and there's about a five foot piece of paracord on this pack so now I have to string this bow and to do that I'm going to put it between my legs and I'm actually going to take a loop around this bow to create leverage and I'm going to pull the bow down toward me like this and I want to wrap that off a couple times and let it stretch because this paracord is going to stretch and I'm going to stretch the bow all I want to do is get it used to flexing then I can tighten the string down more freaking bow the way out of this Wetlands to have something that floats it's a lot of work up front but if I put myself into a gwato mindset I think it will get easier a thinking person would say screw your Dugout canoe just make a raft dude and Huck finnet down the river well that thinking person isn't in Cayman piranha infested Anaconda territory I don't want my ass dangling in water going down a stream where I'm on the menu you can see even with this machete I've got a pretty serious divot here already I've been chopping for about 30 seconds to a minute and I already have a large section of this removed it's a lot of work it's a huge commitment of calories but it's it's doable and you can see from this that it's actually making progress fairly quickly the most tedious part of this is the initial start and fire later on we'll do the majority of the work after that I'm gonna see if I can find an arrow shaft okay here's a stand the bamboo right here and this is pretty much what I'm looking for for Arrow material I want to find something pretty small in diameter maybe a little bit bigger than a pencil once the bamboo is cleared it's split four ways and sharpened to create a four-pronged fishing gig I need a stick and slide it in between the first two and then I'm going to break another stick and slide it down between the other two and tie that split in place what I have when I'm done with that is basically a four tine gig point with four spear points on it that's an arrow that I can shoot at fish [Music] most of the machete work is done I have a lot of experience using fire as a tool to hollow out concavities I'm simply adding coals from the fire into the holes and the fire will now do most of the work it doesn't require a lot of physical labor on my part but I think probably the way I look speaks for itself it's a lot work shady areas around the bank right here are the exact areas that fish will be laying in you know thinking they're safe all right where'd you go buddy [Music] there it is it's perfect damn it nest crap working on this canoe forces us to gather food because it's going to take a lot of caloric intake to make sure that we can get this canoe done a high energy food source like piranha is key to any survival Mission a single fish can contain over 30 grams of protein an immediate injection of energy there's one over here in the shade there it is there you go all right this is what I'm talking about now we got some fish we got some meat ready to go now Cody's canoe idea is looking a little better to me but I gotta see if there's any more in here that's two teeth on that thing that's why these things are so fierce with a long day of hollowing out the canoe ahead Cody addresses the next survival priority disinfecting water water disinfects over time via heat so I don't need to boil this water boiling it could destroy the plastic bottle but pasteurization is possible and just as effective we should be able to have this water reach temperature to destroy all harmful waterborne pathogens while still having the container to drink on it for at least a time or two or three slowly heating water to 160 degrees for about 40 minutes will make it safe to drink it's work okay but it's also work puking your guts out crap in your pants Hey Brother look at you a couple piranha there look at the teeth pull that lip back man they're nasty guys look at that then damn they're nasty I've never seen anything like that not a fire to fire him up man sweet so I'm gonna drop my pack and I'm gonna go cut a few poles for the shelter because we got to get on that too sounds good all right if you look real close at these fish that's what you're dealing with this thing is just made to rip chunks of meat off I'm glad I'm ripping chunks of meat off of it piranha are not the pentanyl's only deadly predators Jaguars hunt this area after dark staying overnight requires a shelter that will protect against a surprise attack what I need to do now is start building the basic structure of this debris Hut it's fairly simple fairly quick I'm turning all these palm fronds so the channels are up on the leaves that'll Channel any water if it does rain right off the shelter don't need a pile of debris on the shelter about three or four inches thick if predators are going to come into this camp like Jaguars I want them to come facing me where I can see them coming this gives us a frontal attack Advantage we can put a fire out here to keep them at Bay check it out they're both done Bouncer look at that that's a lot of meat on a fish of this size [Music] I come with her own built-in toothpicks I'm just going to sit on my ass here and eat all right I'll be right back today [Music] we got some fish so we got the calorie game pretty well whipped and uh water got fire and we got sheltered we're working on our transportation we'll know real quick if that boat's gonna pay off or not the more I think I know about my craft and primitive technology the more inept I feel you know it's just it's a humbling thing to take on a project like that that big yeah it's tough you know this canoe is a big commitment and to say that I'm happy about it right now would be a lie but we've made a decision together as a team to work on this canoe and I hope that sucker works man [Music] dual survivals art of self-reliance problem with fishing with a bow is refraction of light off the water refraction is the bending of light that occurs when it enters water creating an optical illusion the fish is actually in a different spot than you think he is when you're looking at it and you have to compensate for that with your aim so you have to aim lower than you think you're going to shoot the fish or you'll miss them you'll see over top of them there you go Brazil's planting out waterways are a super highway for finding civilization but in one of the most dangerous swamps on the planet traveling down this River requires one thing a vessel that keeps the entire body out of the Dangerous Waters this is a hardwood log right here buddy Dave and Cody have spent two days doing as the natives did for centuries building a fire burned canoe Dave and I agreed up front that we were doing the work together I'm gonna burn he's gonna do some shopping we're kind of working on this thing from the inside out and from the outside in to get the shade that we want we can burn this log out all day long and make a great big punch bowl out of it but it's going to roll over in the water you've got to make this thing look like a boat for it to act like a boat anybody's ever tried to stand up on a floating log knows all it does is roll in circles it's not going to matter where it's got a hole burn into the middle of it or not it has to have a bow and a Stern cut into it [Music] rev carved the front like a shovel nose down at an angle this way we'll have to keep the side straight like they are and then I'll have to start working on the back and do virtually the same thing just a little shallower angle here in the pants and all it's still hot I'm still wet with sweat as you can see this log still smolder on the inside so it's still very very hot right here we're dehydrating constantly intense physical activity can suck liters of hydration from the body each day you know I'm only going to get so much time out of that to disinfect water and I want to be able to try to develop some sort of container to hold water when that plastic bottle fails the curry Palm here I want to try to get that seed pod because I can use that as a container and that is one hell of a seed pod a single okori pod contains thousands of seeds for new palm trees I'm giving birth the watertight shell protects them from predators until they're ready to germinate it's very rare to have an indigenous waterproof container right off the bat [Music] you know right now what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to find some food what I'm looking for is to see if there's any peccary in this area there are fairly large Pig it would be a lot bigger meal for Cody and I than these small piranhas that we're catching now huh right now this is what I did not want to find this is the Jaguar track and Jaguars are dangerous animals they're known man-eaters they're definitely at the top of the food chain in this area of the panthenol you can see that track engulfs my hand completely that is a 300 pound man-eating freaking monster the size of a tiger this track being here means that I need to look at Camp security a whole lot heavier now I got to set up some kind of a tripwire that will have a triggering system because I saw a fresh track out there that I don't like and in this situation you would want something to warn you that that Predator was coming into your camp this is what the natives call Chicken guts it's one of the strongest binds in the panthenol I want to make a paddle flapper basically a noise making device that will flap up against something just like you used to put cards in your bicycle Spokes and hit the forks I don't want to cross that's what I want Dave's improvised tripwire requires Vines strong enough to hold under tension and a simple noise maker this might be what I'm looking for nobody's going to sleep real soundly in a situation like this anyway so you just need something that's going to make enough noise to wake you up when the line is tripped the vine uncoils rattling the Palm leaves I would have done it right there just about but for it to work the vine needs to hold extreme tension you can't get something set up like an early warning system to give you some kind of Camp security that you can rely on then you've got to stay awake all night [Music] time in the dangerous wild is always working against survival with each passing day an Escape Route becomes more urgent what I'm doing now is the final burnout is to light a fire literally in each concavity that's been created with Embers for the last several hours and give it a final burn it's a rush to actually flip this canoe and see all of the stuff that fire can accomplish it's really kind of it blows your heart open [Music] oh man your time spent on that boat is going to be greatly appreciated tomorrow you know there's no saying it's going to float just because it's a hollow log and we put some sides in the bottom Stern on it I think it'll float I'm nervous about the G whiz you know does it float upside down I'm more worried about it how much water it takes on right you know than I am at flipping over do we have it thin enough that it's not going to with our weight take on enough water to straight sink tomorrow is either a celebration or or become fish bait one of the two his worst fears of giving up isn't in Dave's game plan I'm getting this canoe to float come hell or high water or I'm going to die in a summer the most important survival strategy is a carefully planned escape and in the Brazilian Wetlands following a river is the best route to civilization but spending days constructing a canoe is a gamble that could literally sink the mission what do you think man I just want to keep checking some of these sides to see if I went too deep I think it's pretty good man I think we gotta put it in the water [Music] I guess that's the ultimate test there's a hell of a lot of work in something like this and right now it's a hope and a prayer because we don't know if the damn thing's gonna float so we busted our asses it's been done for thousands of years just like this all we can do now is drag it down to the water and see how it works out how heavy this sucker is do 300 pounds properly function the canoe will have to remain buoyant while carrying the weight of two 200 pound men the total piranha power here oh real easy because I don't want that front end to scoop keep going I'm pushing down a little bit on this kind of float as it goes man oh pull backs a little bit okay just anchor that on the shore foreign got it yep oh oh that sucks Can You Feel the boat is it still there I'm standing at it [Music] well not everything works the first time Plan B what makes a great set of underwater stairs it's not not a total loss ready yeah I fell with the boat the bottom line is I made a giant decoration that couldn't even take my weight and instantly sank when I got into it but the bigger disappointment is if I let it take my attitude down because that kills people in a survival situation you let your attitude get out of control and you already are dead the worst thing that could happen right now is for Cody or I to start pointing the finger and saying I told you so you have to work as a team I got another plan if we flipped over all the air pockets in here and we just right on top of them if we take bundles of this wood that grows right here along the bank and put them on each side with Outriggers tied and lash to the bottom of the boat and make like a catamaran out of it I think that's that's the only option short of of having a ceremonial Viking funeral pirate burning it and throwing it out there all right well let's just get on that then so we get the hell out of here okay enough last five of these poles together make a float better like a catamaran so I just need to lash this in a few different places and make sure it'll stay together I'm getting this canoe to float come hell or high water or I'm going to die in it okay round two round two you got it stable yeah man ready I'll give us a push yeah man seems like it's gonna cut it yeah we are we're all right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in any emergency situation you're going to have failures it'll let your attitude go down because of little bumps in the road I refuse to do that you know because that's what takes you down long term not just in a survival situation but life in general [Music] yeah what is that let's keep power here let's get down there a minute look up here in front of us man I see it looks like a ranch up here it's good to me we're going there huh I would say something another one down yeah all right man let's get over there okay all right anything would be a whole lot better this damn raft I know that [Music] in the military you're taught you never give up until you just can't go on period we made it that's what counts situation like this that's the most important thing never never give up [Music]
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 852,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, dual survival discovery australia, discovery australia full episode, dual survival, dual survival full episode, dual survival season 1, dual survival dave and cody full episodes, dual survival shelter, dual survival hunting, dual survival cody, dual survival best moments, Cody lundin dual survival, dual survival season 1 episode 10, brazil river, piranhas
Id: K9JAFS41fQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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