Survivorman | Rocky Mountains | Season 1 | Episode 6 | Les Stroud

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this time on Survivor man I'm heading deep into the Rocky Mountains I've hired Matt Callahan an experienced mountain pilot to fly me well into the range where I have to spend the next seven days alone [Music] the flight in will give me a chance to have an aerial look at some of the terrain that I'll be up against towering 7,000 feet above sea level the mountain summits are exposed to high winds driving rain and snow the summit of a mountain is one of the most extreme environments on earth [Music] nearly every mountaintop has a crevice filled glacier on it I have to survive here for the next seven days without a tent or sleeping bag without matches or food and I have to film everything myself I'm being dropped on the mountain completely alone and for one week the mountain will test me home sweet off on the top of the mountain and whatever happens [Music] [Music] this time on Survivor man I'm heading deep into the Rocky Mountains this vast range is more than three hundred thousand square miles of barren mountaintops cold glacial rivers and steep valleys the mountains test not only your skill level but your will to live up here the combination of the cold and the altitude SAP your energy and can lull you into what's called a fatal sleep up here there's a saying stop thinking and you'll stop trying stop trying and you'll die somehow the word overwhelming just doesn't do it they are if they're getting there one last glimpse with a lone man on the mouth man I am not getting paid enough for this I have to survive here for the next week but without any form of shelter the first thing I need to do is get off this windswept summit as far as I can tell I've got cliff cliff glacier and just more cliff but the only route I can see is down this way just beneath the snow there I can see green I can see trees and greenery and one thing's for sure the only path I have to safety right now is down at this altitude that thin air makes hauling more than 60 pounds of video camera gear a tough job I know that spending a week on the top would be foolish I'm heading down a night up here would be brutal slow down let this sweat dry deadliest thing of all in a survival situation is to get all sweaty when you are in cold weather the top of a mountain is about as inhospitable a place as you can get besides being completely exposed there is little to nothing in the way of food another reason why I have to get moving there is crystal-clear water everywhere so at least dehydration is not a problem and even see them easy getting down then I got to go back up again oh boy this could be tricky I have to survive alone for seven days the first thing I need to do is get off the summit and down to the valley bottom I've looked all around and I can't find any other way to get to that patch of green we have to cross this glacier heading out onto a glacier alone any time in the year is foolhardy going out now right after some fresh fallen snow I have to cross about a mile of this crevasse filled glacier and the new snow can cover and hide most of the dangerous areas crossing this glacier alone is precarious I'd feel a lot safer if I was roped up to a partner [Applause] it's by far when I Spooky's things I've ever done that's where I came from that's where I'm going oh man it comes to rain again there's a few things I'd like to tell you about what these glaciers I'm gonna freaked out at the amount of crevasses in my way so I just want to get off of this thing these glaciers move about 50 meters a year their movement opens up huge cracks these crevasses can be five stories deep if I fall into one I'll never be found Oh sometimes I wonder what I get myself into and sunshine - Wow pretty spectacular away in the distance what's between me and them I'm really not quite sure I'm still many miles from the treeline and it's not all downhill it's a constant up and down and over rocks and ridges I can't take the time to go through what little gear I have I need to find shelter before dark the rain is relentless and the Sun is going down quick [Music] well this may not look very comfortable that's because it isn't I have not been able to make it down off of these rocks and into the tree line yet a night is coming in and I don't want to get caught this big rock here at least I'm out of the wind and if it rains I'm even out of the rain this is it this is where I've got to do my first night oh oh yeah this is gonna be fun so tonight survival means sleeping under a rock while the rain comes down [Music] it's been blowing and raining for hours I didn't sleep much last night but when I did I'd wake up really quick with that chill running right down my spine it's just right on the edge of hypothermia I squeezed all the muscles in my body and relaxed them squeeze them all and relax them gets the blood flowing through my body try to keep the chill out that's a little too close type of thermia for my liking [Music] I don't have a tent I don't have a sleeping bag no matches no food just a pack full of heavy camera gear the rain the wind and six days to go yeah mountain blueberries I think it's been about 48 hours now since I've eaten I'm getting hungry this rain is miserable freezing out here I'm hunkered down under the rock trying to keep away from it but I got a move I got to get off the top of this mountain get into the metals know what it's like just imagine turning your garden hose on pull on top of you standing outside spread-eagle just see how long you can stand there with that kind of cold water coming down on you that's what it's like here right now [Music] [Music] it's an old wolf then there's wolf scat all along the bottom of this so the wolves will come in here and end up when they need to I might even consider staying in a crack like this but it doesn't look very comfortable so I keep gone [Music] I'm soaked right through there is just no shelter out here these are very wet slippery and steep rock faces breaking an ankle here could be a death sentence yet getting shots like these means climbing them twice this may look like a pretty cool shelter and for one night it'd be alright you know but you got to think of all things like earth tremors and fact is all around me are falling pieces of rock down there for a reason these things break off all the time you bring in something here like a fire the hot and cold can break pieces off so maybe a one-night quickie shelter that's fine but this rock is really cold on my body and I would want to be in here for a long time you think I'm kidding about news rocks like this guy here until it's come off pretty recently you know I even heard of a story where the guy was out on a day hike and a rockslide trapped him by his arm he had to break his arm with a rock and sever it with his own penknife [Music] it's well into day two and all I've had to eat is a few berries but after a long day of traveling the first touch of forest greenery brings me a renewed sense of spirit I'm slowly descending into more hospitable terrain like a paradise I'm hoping that tonight I'll be able to build a shelter and stay dry [Music] [Music] all of these Meadows that I'm walking through right now are just riddled with animal trails like the one down there left by woodland caribou up here they called a mountain caribou moose and of course grizzly bear all of this Moss was easy to pull up from the ground I could use that for the bedding try and keep myself up off the ground I'm in a bit of a gully and normally that would be a no-no in terms of a shelter but I'm sort of up on this Knoll here and that actually keeps me out of the wind a bit more I shoved in as much of the moss as I could all along this outer side here and then I started gathering boughs and sticking the boughs in it's a pretty sort of standard kind of Bush shelter here and it's I've got to make it now because that over there is one me and thunder and lightning storm and this is its rumblin this is the last place I want to be on the top of a mountain during a lightning storm the rocks and the pebbles will actually stick to your boots with all the magnetics in the air and electricity add to that tonight now I'm in subalpine territory home of the grizzly bear home of the Cougar les is gonna be pretty ragged I mean he's he's lugging I don't know how many pounds of camera gear when you're doing that you're burning up twice three times the energy that you normally would have he should be conserving fat and what he's doing is actually burning calories check my supply sooner we've got one of these emergency blankets they say that kind of like our yeah roast a baked potato we'll see just how warm it keeps me on the top of a mountain in the fall huh how's my view looks like that storm staying over there I that's a long hard day and a wet one I guess my biggest concern now is Cougars hunt at night the black bears and the grizzly bears will be out sniffing around these blankets are supposed to work great if you can get them next to your skin but the last thing I want to do is get naked in the wind and rain on the top of a mountain it's day three of my week-long challenge to survive in the Rocky Mountains no food no matches no tent this was miserable absolutely miserable night you know I've been three days now on this mountaintop and it has rained drizzled or missed it almost non-stop I've got to get down to some lower elevations and affect my survival he's up here I'm not surviving at all I'm just enduring even while I search for food a constant challenge is keeping my cameras running in this non-stop rain camera problems often get the better of me testing testing let's try it again with the better sound now okay sorry for the swearing can you tell the rains getting the better of me yeah huckleberries mmm and lots of them check out the little bounty I got here on paintbrush just eat the little colored flower parts rain or no rain I got to get off the top of this mountain I'm just getting soaked constantly that's my only way down my only hope is it's not so bad down in the valley I'll see you on the bottom making my way off the mountain I'm heading down into the shelter of the forest but the crew whose job it will be to pick me up at the end of the week will have a tough time tracking me in this vast wilderness it'll be easy for them to lose sight of me Suns coming out a bit that's a surprise and I got a stick with that waterfall find my way down anyways to go up and around some bad spot Oh [Applause] every little step I take could be one where I snap an ankle I have to be so diligent it watching where I'm walking so tell you one thing they never ever find me I was trapped here do this as I don't want to see a bear crap okay that's bear droppings okay so it doesn't look like much to you trust me it's about 20 feet [Music] [Music] back to the waterfall I figure the best route down is to follow a mountain stream it should lead me to a river just up from the river there this big huge massive spruce tree and it's very dry right here now it was raining for a good week solid before I stepped foot on the mountain and it's been raining ever since I have been on the mountain and look at this it's bone-dry it's not gonna be comfortable at all but this is a good as good as place as any to hold up for the night anyway it's night number three tell you it's a heck of a climb down from the top of a mountain five or six thousand feet and I think it's gonna rain again actually it is starting to rain again but it's just pretty cool one little spot under this tree and it's just so dry so I'm just gonna cuddle beside the tree tonight and see what I get tomorrow it must be at least 10 degrees warmer down here than it was up on the top of the mountain what I've got to do now is just come up with a quickie shelter get through tonight this is gonna be better though more chance for gathering food more chance for maybe hunting food now that I've made it to the bottom of the valley and the rain is breaking I can finally go through my gear look at that glorious sunshine I'm beginning to doubt its existence the circumstances that put me on the top of the mountain basically simulate heli hiking gone wrong I figured since it's centered around heli hiking this kind of survival I can at least have a few items that I might be able to make use of for survival something indicative of being up there on the mountain ice axe makes perfect sense for crossing the glaciers walking stick just an old ski pole crampons with a couple carabiners on them and just the remnants of an old pack you know just who knows what I can make use of for that stuff a lot of people when they're heading hiking have a camera or a video camera some sorts with them so in this case yeah that's what I've got tripod and a video camera lastly just a little cassette tape that would go into with the video camera of course and then lastly always with me is my multi-tool and this time my harmonica [Music] that's my happy song because the sunset oh one last thing my emergency blanket let's just see what I can do with this guy [Music] keeping myself up off the cold damp sand is vital to keeping the chills away [Music] I have to admit it my main reason for building here was for ease of filming we'll see if being so close to the water's edge is a mistake or not [Music] the tape little button rock the rock in couple of times [Music] work I should have known this was a real possibility there was certainly lots of bear signs up on the mountaintop but it's more likely that right now this time of year they're down low they're down in these in these valleys these tracks aren't all that old considering the rain we've had you can see it it's a small bear possibly grizzly because the claws are poked up at the top here and hopefully it's just a small black bear wandering around on its own hopefully it's not a little one with a momma close by one of the biggest problems I've had going through this forest all because of this fella right here it's called Devil's club and it is just covered with thorns stuff gets into your skin and it just hurts very much after a day full of sunshine I just had a huge downpour of rain half hour just came teeming down anyway shelter worked great so I'm gonna crawl inside darks coming in and try and get a night's rest home sweet home so we'll see how I do tonight feels okay though you know feels a little bit protective natural bears but from the wind and rain it's just nice not to be freezing although I try to sleep while thinking about grizzly bears I'll be waking up to a different problem [Music] oh man it's been raining non-stop I can't believe it but I'm drying here that's the good thing what I just discovered the river has come up that puts my shelter only about six feet from the water's edge now this is not a good thing in this brief moment without any rain they could point out to you that's the waters come up another 8 inches so I don't know I might be in for some trouble here but it's coming up pretty fast you got to think way up high in the mountains the glacier is melting the rains hitting it and everything all those Peaks are all funneling down into this one Valley this water just keeps coming up fast there's nothing I can really do except wait it out to see how high the water might get I've had enough of sitting and watching the flood come in I gotta get some food in my stomach he's a highbush cranberries cook normally wouldn't eat these this time of year they're better after a frost then they do get a little bit sweeter right now they're pretty bitter tasting I'm actually not all that good with mushrooms and knowing which one is which let's see the thing is with mushrooms if you're wrong you're dead there's many of them like deadly deadly poisonous this is called shaggy mane I hope do not do this at home kids you don't know do not even touch it I hope that was a shaggy mane or I'm in big trouble take a look at this that's on the river across from where I'm camped that's clear-cut logging that means there must be a road that leads to that if it wasn't for a swollen river I could probably find that road and walk out of here there's no real way across to the old logging stand so while the Sun comes out maybe I can try for a fire to find some dry old man spirit this stuff pretty damp I feel super driver let's see the ice axe is great for getting to some dry wood right over top of me they wouldn't have seen me in another life that's had a fire going I've traveled so far from the mountain peak I'm pretty sure that the crew has no idea where I am there's two days of survival left and a fire will make a big difference first things first though pulling dry tinder out of a soaking wet forest stage one stage two we're gonna the damp stuff remember all this wood around me is soaking wet but it can get to the inside of cedar good and dry still my possibility of having a flood seems to be past now the water has receded that's good well like I said you might very well be the hiker that gets lost with a video camera or camera and sometimes you got to do what you got to do huh okay now I'm getting closer to the meat of the issue ah there we go about like that I have no matches but the camera lens will do the trick listen folks I may have a very small window of opportunity here the Sun is breaking through a little bit stronger now over there on the pebbles behind me the part that was actually flooded a little while ago is the only place where I've got some sort of hot Sun right now and look what I found okay this was one of the pieces inside the camera and in messing around with it break this open here okay and this is just a little bit of dry paper okay so I don't know if it's used for insulation or something I have no idea not electrician okay here's the tinder bundle all the cedar that I gathered build man's beard has the paper inside if I get this I'm gonna run back I've got my pile shavings ready to go to catch flame don't you have to go above the water to start a fire probably silly okay where to put my lens there's the lens well this isn't funny yeah this is now funny okay let's see Hut darn thing sitting right there hey yeah yeah make this happen if you can raz well it might be too bright for you to see but there's a little spot I can make there okay why are you there so you can see what I'm doing ah forget it alright clouds are back out it's just not strong enough look at all that beautiful Sun out there I'm trapped in behind these trees and I've lost my son over on the pebbles as well and in the stream then that clearing where I was a couple hundred yards out there that of course it's getting hit by the Sun so I'm gonna give it another shot it's worth a try one last thing cameras set up now on that so when I come running back I'll run over and push the on and any luck he'll see me back here in a bit with some flame in my hand big patch of blue come on baby you got to be getting hot down hope the cameras right pump there's enough tape in that camera can't move I've seen the most folks I've seen all right okay the first fire and the first real warmth I've had in five days Oh oh man it rained last night but not as much as before mostly this morning early clouds look different today I hear a helicopter I've been hauling huge pieces of wood to keep the fire going in this rain and it's been six days with only a few barriers and a mushroom to eat I need something more substantial from the leftover parts of a pack I can make a tool for hunting [Music] [Music] camera this is it there is grouse around here now let's go see if it works seems to work not too bad making a slingshot is one thing but finding something to hunt with it is another I can use the Moose trails to push through the forest and look for grouse you know trail or no trail I've still gotta make mark my way to make sure that I don't get lost as I go through that's the only way I'm gonna remember breaking some branches over sorry about all the raindrops on the lens all the time pretty much impossible keep wipe on the lens and keep it dry this feels more like moose territory and it does grouser ptarmigan [Applause] lots of fresh moose tracks here catching moose is a little unrealistic for me though that's pretty much the area I came down from this is spectacular here this is getting too lucky for my liking you can walk them deeper into a swamp here yeah here yeah I'm just in a big fog circle around and get out of this mess before it gets deeper on me all I really accomplished with this hunting Trek was to get more muddy wet and exhausted [Music] that ought to keep the Bears away stop raining it's morning the final morning and of course it's raining I don't know if the helicopters gonna be able to find me down here or not but I'm gonna be ready with a bit of a signal fire if he is if not I'm not sure what I'll do I might see if I can make my way out to one of those logging roads I don't know I'm not gonna stay here fire still don't know that's all that matters right now helicopters flying around trying to spot me bit of a mad rush I'm counting on the crew and figured it out that I would have made my way down to the river whether or not they can spot my fire is another story wet spruce boughs on a hot fire will give me the most amount of smaller [Music] I've been dressed for seven days I've eaten nothing more than a few berries and a couple of mushrooms if there was ever a time when I looked forward to dry warm clothes and a hot plate of food it's now Mountain survival has turned out to be one of my greatest challenges [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 1,083,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV, Stroud', 'Les, Outdoor Survival, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Series, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman - Season 1 - Episode 6 - Mountian, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson, survivorman full episodes
Id: w80b8Kv_qss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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