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oh oh we're back sore eye what is going on my doggies welcome back to another one hi we're out here in the middle of absolutely nowhere we're going on a Solo Survival camping Mission now you guys have requested this video this is a highly highly requested video so for the next couple of days it's just you and me out here in the middle of absolutely nowhere we have limited gear a couple of nights Camping sleeping on a beach we've got one fishing rod I'm going to show you guys what's in my backpack in a little bit but first things first we're going to make our way down to the coast ah tell you what it is not easy navigating your way through this country very very thick shrub what I'm trying to get to we're trying to get down to the coast which is in the direction of the north so I'm just following a compass here we're gonna We want to head Northwest so basically what I want to do is sort of head that way that's going to get us to the ocean but just going to get around these big sticks these big trees and while I'm doing this I'm getting cut to the living hell my legs are getting absolutely sliced up it's a good thing I've got a set of boots on here but once we get down to the coast we'll be we'll be laughing while I'm walking around out here in the bush there's a couple of things that I'm keeping a very keen eye out for number one being snakes you guys can see where we are right now we're extremely remote I'm standing knee deep in Grass this is snake country if we got bitten by a snake out here it'd be all over Red River I'd be cooked I've got something in this backpack here which would actually potentially save my life I'll show you guys that a little bit later the other thing that we're looking for is anything that's going to help me out for the next couple of days and just up behind the camera here something very very bloody valuable this stuff down here have a go at that these little puffy things of goodness is an extremely good way to start a fire and there's no shortage of them very very dry extremely fibrous material that is what we're going to be using to start a fire I'm gonna bag up a heap of this stuff we'll keep punching that way that's Northwest but first things first we're gonna grab a little bit of this look at that I can hear the ocean I can legitimately right now hear waves crashing look at this now look at it we made it look at the water oh look at the color of it that's not looking that good that water is brown chocolate brown but we've made it to the ocean doggies look at this yes I've been walking for bloody ages and we have made it to the ocean look how Baron it is out here I've never been here before there's a bit of a steam to get down here but we've made it look at this sick that water is chocolate brown that's not good another man's trash is another man's treasure there's a little bit of a glass bottle it's perfectly intact actually has the lid on it still which is quite strange but that's the old uh old school swanny day bottle that'll come in handy you can see the spawn there yeah that's not a bad find we'll leave that there I'm just going to keep finding materials like this we'll leave it here we'll come back for that that could come in handy for sure but I just want to run down here check out this ocean look at it pretty buddy Baron Addy look at these we've made it to the coast this is off its head the water is chocolate brown that's not a good thing but that doesn't mean we're not going to get fish the water's definitely not clean look at the coastline there is not a footprint inside it's just you and me out here right now for the next couple of days let's see if we can get this done oh I just I just seen a fish jump not even kidding a tiny fish there look at this this is where we're at well that's pretty bloody exciting I've already seen a fish jump out there quickly run you guys through what we've got in this backpack backpack I've packed extremely light for this next couple of days we don't have much in here number one thing when you're out camping you just you need coffee right that's just that's just a bloody thing so we've got a coffee cup what else we got here we got a bag of fdys coffee don't leave home without it with a little bit of a billy we've got a second GoPro which I'm going to smack on my head down here this is what I was talking about a GMA personal location Beacon if I got bitten by a snake out here I break my leg out here right now we are super remote there's no one for Miles that way and miles and miles that way this thing would potentially save my life shoots a little signal up to a satellite satellite goes off hopefully people come and save me so that there that's a bloody Game Changer we've got a billy and a headlight just to be sure a box of batteries here and uh that's just about it now when we're starting to fire out here obviously I don't have a lighter I didn't bring a lighter with me I want to try something new this here is a bandage now this bandage obviously would come in handy if I got bitten by a snake but that's not what it's for we're gonna try to start a fire with the material of this bandage and I'm going to run you guys through a little bit later I've never personally done it I reckon it's going to work but we're just going to give it a red hot crack so we've got a bandage out here and last but not place last thing we have is this now obviously we don't have a pillow we don't have a blanket we don't have a tent we don't have anything out here we're out here for the next couple of days this I'm going to see if this works this is a thermo accident blanket so this is what you get inside of a first aid kit I want to see if we can survive if you can keep me warm at night I'm just going to wrap myself in this tiny little silver Thermo accident blanket and see if that thing keeps us alive but that's basically all we've got out here for the next couple of days obviously we've got the one and only noodle rod and to back the noodle Rod up we've got a little box of lures to go with it a couple of small baby lures there so let's rip in we're gonna have to build a little shelter start a fire try to find somewhere to sleep this is going to be good fun weather is on point water is as dirty as it gets but I live for these kind of things mate that's all we've got out of here right now doggies let's go and have one hell of a time eh I forgot one of the most important things when you're out in the bush we also have a knife with us so you guys would know this knife it's been around the world with me here it is there is still going strong somehow this knife is still going strong I don't know how she's razor sharp she's ready for a flogging all right that's it let's see if we can survive out here for the next couple of days I'd love to get a couple of little fish on the deck in that chocolate water let's go just like the old Indo days this year is what you call Coastal pig face it is edible that flower is a completely edible these leaves are edible if you boil them in water and if you can get the seeds out of these little seed Pockets here it's like LSD or ecstasy it's meant to make you go absolutely loopy if you eat enough of the seeds of this tree but that flower right there that's an edible flower you can broil these leaves up edible first little bit of bush Tucker it's pretty Barren out here that right there is our first bit of food for the mission doesn't really taste like too much but it's got a little bit of a flavor tastes like lettuce anyway we'll keep moving see if we can find some more treasure what we've got here is a little bit of a stick the reason I want this stick is because of that Ash there obviously someone's out of fire or it's washed up on the beach but that little bit of Ash or charcoal wood that is exactly what we want that's going to help us starting a fire so I've just got the Billy here just gonna scrape off all that goodness into that little Billy we're gonna be either starting a fire with friction or that's what I want to do I want to use that bandage and you use start a fire with friction and what's going to help that friction is a little bit of that charcoal there or that Ash we'll just scrape that into the Billy that's more than enough there a little bit of Billy a little bit in the bottom of the Billy there went handy for sure just gonna spend a little bit of time trying to get a little bit of grub on the deck so we're just going to walk along the coast here casting a little lure into this chocolate brown Water hopefully we can get ourselves starting to cook up around the fire later on but this water is extremely Brown dude it's like a chocolate milkshake look at it look at that if only that was in one piece and still fresh we'd be eating very very good there's a big old crayfish a little lobster look at him still kind of fresh but it's wide to OJ now it would have been lovely too and if we found him fresh I wonder what happened to that thing no mate inside there anymore anyway he's a big dog it would have been a good chewing and I'd go lovely around the fire anyway we'll keep punching on look at the colors in it here's a cheeky little buddy update for you been walking for about probably walking for about two hours now have not had one fish sniff The Lure haven't found any rubbish can found a couple of dope looking shells a couple more crayfish but there's just not a lot of stuff that's going to help us out a little bit of Driftwood little bits of stuff but there's not a lot there are no fish right now and that's starting to worry me I've been fishing for probably two hours ish walking and fishing Coastline hasn't changed too much same looking Coastline but we're just going to keep greasing I think I might start walking back in a little while because there was a nice Cove back up that way but for now we'll just keep walking we'll keep fishing hopefully we'll get something on the deck to start this Mission off but uh right now we're in struggle town foreign we have got no fish on the deck at all I've been fishing for I don't know how many hours walking up and down the coast fishing bloody hard we've got no fish I'm sunburned I feel absolutely flogged out you want to see how sunburned me bloody neck is mate I'm sunburned I'm pretty cooked we walked so far that way we did oh we walked all the way to that little Headland over there fishing the whole way a couple of bait fish but there's just no luck mate so uh I don't know what we're gonna do for grub but I've really got to start thinking about finding a place to sleep and uh getting a fire going I'm guessing this here is going to be the bedroom for the night everything looked basically the same there's not really any difference in any of the any of the landscape around here but the reason that I've chosen this is because this is like probably the biggest hill out of them all so I'm gonna use those sticks there we're going to excavate out a little section I can tuck up against there the wind the wind is coming from the West which is that direction over there so should be out of the wind for the night it'll be a little fire going here it's going to be a dope little Campground but we've got a lot of work to do and uh that sun ain't messing around that's not too much sunlight there so hi we've got to get to work I'm gonna start digging this out ah I'm sweating absolute bullets right now we've got a little bit of a bedroom going on here I've excavated this whole side out it's perfect there's actually no wind here up there it's quite windy down here there's not a bit of wind I found this beautiful piece of coral here that's what I'm using just to like this sand here is super solid so I'm just cutting the sand up with that but it's flicking it out there oh we don't like to go yet Sun ain't messing around that Sun's flying down I spent way too much time fishing and not enough time trying to get us somewhere ready to sleep tonight and we're going to start a fire as well sometimes it's starting to fly I can take absolutely hours so we're gonna move their asses this is how it's looking we've excavated out this whole side of the wall here so now what we'll do is we're going to sleep down here tonight that wind is pretty windy up the top there but down here there's absolutely not a breath of wind foreign ladies and gentlemen welcome home that is as much as I'm going to do on it for now this is our little shelter it's actually looking pretty bloody good it's casting a heap of shade over here which is what the purpose of it is for tomorrow we're not going to melt in the Sun but this is basically the setup we're going to have we can keep adding on and adding on to it tomorrow but this is what we got that right there is home for the night and I just saw a dolphin right there there it is right there I don't know if you guys can see that but there's a dolphin right there it just popped out just then you would have seen that if you've got a good set of eyes nice little dolphin over there but this this is our house as we're going to be spending the next couple of nights it's not too much it's not too flash but look it's gonna do it obviously doesn't have to be a fully blown covered roof because there is no sign of rain inside it is an absolute Bluebird day but uh this is what it's looking like in here there's heaps of room look at the views bruh you just sit back here oh man look at this oh look at easy sleep in here there's plenty of room yeah there's not going to sit up in here it's big enough to do a heap of activities in here it's much it's big enough to sit in sleep in chill out while it's hot in the next couple of days what we're going to do now is we're thinking about getting a fire on the go and that is where that bandage which I showed you guys this morning is going to come into play so we've got to go scavenge around we're gonna go find a certain piece we're gonna go find a certain piece of wood to get this fire underway and um that could be a bit of a mission so we're gonna have to start pushing it again look for a very flat two extremely flat pieces of wood haven't seen any yet we need it to be flat wood oh no this is a flat Driftwood inside so what we're gonna have to do is we've got this log here we'll um have to split this log down the middle with this knife and then try to make two extremely flat surfaces from the internal piece of wood like this this is going to take a little while but this is a sort of like a nice soft really really dry wood so let's see if this works it's going to try to split it down the middle nice come on big rig nearly there there we go all right this is what we're gonna do here we've got two beautiful flat well they're not really flat yet but I need to make these things flat so what I'm going to have to do is get this knife and just slowly chip away at the face of the wood like this it'll happen over time you can see that's getting real flat there we need two big flat surfaces that's what's going to cause the friction to start the fire hopefully if not we'll just go make a bow drill but uh I want to try this I reckon this is going to be quicker than a bow drill let's see how we go anyway this is going to take a while foreign that's pretty bloody good been here for a fair whack we've got heaps of nice Tinder to start a fire down here the stuff that I'm ripping off but if you can see this that's quite flat I've got a little bit more to go but there's about two flat surfaces of wood that we have taken a bloody long time but this is quite soft wood you know I found the best way put it up against your chest push and push against the ground and then just push against this is a really really bloody sharp knife but it won't be at the end of this Mission but slide it down like that look at that it just comes off like sawdust and you get left with that beautiful finish flat nice piece of wood there this is how we're going to start a fire hopefully all right this is what's going on right now with a little fire pit down here we've got that beautiful dryer Tinder which we found this morning up on that track that's loaded up we're gonna pile of small sticks over here that's ready to go on if we get ignition may or may not work never tried it before but what we're doing is got a bandage I'm gonna undo this bandage and we're going to take out about that much of the bandage I'm going to cut that straight down the center there probably about that much there so that is a little bit of bandage there what I'm going to do get that Ash or that charcoal which we found this morning which is sitting in the bottom of the Billy I'm going to sprinkle that on top of the bandage here so this is what it looks like now I've got the bandage we've got that black charcoal and all that Ash in the middle there usually if you're going to be just starting to fight like this you would use cotton wool you know those little round cotton wool buds you'd use them but I don't have them we've got to improvise I had a I had a bandage so we're going to try it what we'll do now is we're going to roll this bandage up into like a little hot dog or a sausage roll okay we've got all that spread out we're just going to roll that up now we're just going to roll it up like this nice and tight that is what we're left with a little tube or a cylinder that is going to sit right over this piece of wood like that this second piece of wood here is going to go on top of that there and what you do is your rolls are going to be impossible with two with one hand hold on that right there is a bandage full of charcoal flat piece of wood on the bottom flat piece of wood here basically what we're going to do is we're just going to start friction we're going to rub this against this downward pressure back and forth like all buggery until that friction gets so hot that it starts there's an Amber formed it'll start in the center of this little bandage here and then we're just going to drop it on there it sounds a lot easier than it's going to be but it'll work I'm just gonna have to run this back and forth downward pressure let's go you want to feel how hot that is I've only been doing that for a couple of seconds and that's got a lot of heat in this is going to work for sure that's holding a lot of heat already let's keep going I officially cannot feel my right arm or fingers but we've got smoke I think we've been recording for that camera's been rolling for five minutes and 19 seconds full flat stick just doing this for five minutes and you can smell the smoke oh you cannot I can't see smoke but you can smell it let's have a look oh look at this oh that there we got heat here I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see this holy [ __ ] the whole thing's hot let's see if I can transport this to the fire all right come here hold on where's that gonna let it go we've got an Amber inside this little we've got an ember inside this little bloody thing here come on baby that's not taking light if you guys can see this but we've got an ember inside that little thing there come on come on come on baby come on I'm not gonna stop recording because every time you do one of these videos someone says that's not real so you guys are just gonna have to be patient but we're getting there oh you're joking oh we've got a buddy big big black ball of Embers inside here this thing just will not go up maybe this material's got a bit too much salt on it we've got a bit of a thing going on in here but I'm still sitting here I'm still got this thing smoking but it will not ignite we've had GoPro number one overheat that's why I'm using this GoPro now this is the head GoPro dude we've got a beautiful Ember look at this it just will not take up to fire I don't know what's going on here I'm running out of this this stuff here but it's gonna have to go there's there's a lot of heat inside here right now as if that doesn't go it even makes that sound come on big rig come on come on this is ridiculous bruh look at the smoke that's coming out of this thing right now it just will not want to take a light but we've got we've kind of got fire come on you have no idea how long I've been sitting here blowing this pile of smoke like no matter what I do is it it just will not take a flame it's smoldering like these little bits here see that burnt bit there they're burning away like that that's what the smoke is so I could probably carry this over to the bush go find some more material and probably light it up but this stuff just does not want to ignite look at the smoke man I just can't get a flame like I'm blowing I've been sitting here for 20 minutes blowing on it man yes you're joking all right we've got a flame we've got Flame that was a mission dude yeah we got Flame I have literally been sitting here for about half an hour that is a mission that was a mission well we got there look at that have we got fire one GoPro melting away second GoPro come out in the goods and we've got a fire going that was a mission doggies we got it but yes that fire was an absolute mission to get going just then if you're ever going to try to do that use cotton buds you know the little round cotton buds that they come in like a packet of 100 or whatever cotton buds or cotton balls or whatever they're called very very effective way easy way to start a fire that bandage that was not easy I was downward Force rubbing that for a bloody long time we finally got a tiny Ember inside and what happened was that Amber actually Burns internally from the inside out when you use those cotton balls or cotton buds that actually the whole thing just Embers up where you just had a tiny tiny little baby Ember inside that rolled up bit of bandage but that whole bit of bandage was hot like I've actually burnt my fingertip there crazy anyway we've got we got a fire going it took some bloody work I think I've been sitting here for over an hour but it's not easy doing it like this but look we got it done talking about an hour we've got about an hour's sunlight left it was about an hour in that over there and what I have noticed if you guys can see that there that out there is a little patch of wreath so what we'll do now is load this fire up we'll stock this fire up so it doesn't go out because I'm never doing that again and then uh we're gonna go see if we can put some grub on the Fly tonight let's get the fishing rod we'll go for a big steam that way I've eaten nothing all day and a little bit of a fish on the fire wouldn't go bad eh all right let's go fishing so where's all the food at lots of Little Rock pools and little crabs like this I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see that crap it's very well camouflaged but that right there's a crab little seaweed crab it's too small to eat haven't seen any oysters there's not many shells yet but we'll just keep looking got a lot of reef this Reef goes right out there all the way out the end all the way down here so we've got a fair bit to cover hopefully we can get a bit of grub off this oh there's a crab [Music] say cucumber and eat him up they're no good put that rock back well there is not much food out here I squash that buddy see cucumber all right man yo you're good there's not much food out here right I've been walking around for a whack now haven't seen one oyster one edible shell the whole entire Reef is covered in this like muddy it's not like a healthy nice colorful wreath it's sort of but I keep moving that there would be an insane feed that's a big old clam hey buddy wouldn't want to get your bloody fingers stuck in there I that's a clam that's a beautiful well here he goes finally figured out we're here they're good eating but you're not allowed to eat them they're a little it's illegal to eat these but that's massive that's the size of my fist he's a big dog it'd be plenty of food in there that's the first edible thing I've seen since I've been walking around and that sun is getting pretty low now it's just nothing out here it's all this muddy no good tell you what I wouldn't bloody mind stumbling across a big rock covered in oysters right now but um I don't like our chances I've been walking around this Reef for a fair work and I have not found one edible bit of food everything here is is just either dead open shells or um it's just nothing here it's like a slimy layer of mud over the whole Reef doesn't look good eh we're not looking good right now haven't got a fish on the deck today doesn't look like we're going to be eating any crabs or clams or oysters or anything like that oh sun right now is setting over the ocean look at that bruh that's so sick how good is that oh that's what it's all about my doggies the only problem is we don't have any food and I've eaten nothing all day that's not good I'm Gonna Keep Looking until that sun goes down but uh my chances are getting extremely slim right now once that sun goes down and we're kind of done that's magic but look at it dude yeah doggy look at that that's what it's all about hey excuse me mate look at this Turtle dude how you going bud that's so rad you look over me shoulder there you've got the most craziest colors in the sky look over there just watch the most bang and sunset and you look down here and there's a bloody Turtle hey buddy look how dark that is man Turtle just chilling in the shallow Rock pools the only problem that we have there's no food still this is what it all looks like it's just this slimy muddy buddy it's not good eye all right see you later be good it's like we're going hungry look at this thing dude oh you want to see our bedroom for the night it is off its head oh hey 7 35 at night right now fire is pumping our bedroom's ready to rock and roll we've got oh what is that dude oh my God look at this that look at this bloody thing that bug scared the absolute [ __ ] out of me 7 35 in the arvo we've got no food on the deck sucks man I was really hoping we'd be able to cook a fish over the fire but I've put in so many hours walking around out there I've only just got back about 40 minutes ago we're walking around at the in the dark with that torch trying to find food could not find anything edible there's a lot of small crabs and stuff but there's nothing really edible so um whenever we're going hungry first night out here no food but one thing that I'm extremely stoked about is there is no mosquitoes there's no sand flies there's nothing except for those big busted ass bugs that I just showed you then there's nothing out here I've not got one Sandfly bite which is very very rare for this area usually I'd be getting lit up by sandflies right now but I haven't had one bite touch wood hopefully it doesn't happen um this is me for the rest of the night I'm gonna sit around the fire just chill out and uh probably curl up in that little electric blanket in a minute or I'll show you is it it's actually sick look at our bedroom check this out this is home for the night look at this this is not on this is that blanket that I was telling you about that come out of that first aid kit super fine but um it's meant to keep you warm never used one before pretty big I can easily sleep on that side and then that side there is going to wrap over me so we should be pretty right it'll be interesting to see how it goes it's very very thin but you can see that it would keep your body temperature in it's kind of pretty cold as soon as that sun goes down it um definitely gets pretty chilly out here but we'll see how we go this should stop a little bit of condensation through the night wrap myself up and that will be all good to go I'm gonna sit around the fire for another hour or two and then I'm going to call it a night so uh I'll see you guys whenever I am crawling into this little bedroom and uh hi we're going hungry season C is say when our bloody crawl into bed look at this oh get out of me face that's not good all right we're in bed time just about to go nine o'clock let's see if this little thing keeps me warm it's not that cold out here it's definitely a little bit chilly I just stoked up the fire we've got a big flame over there let's see if this little silver blanket will keep us warm during the night I'm just it's just enough covered me where I'm not laying on the sand so I don't have that moisture coming through and obviously I've got it on top of me as well so I'm just going to lay on me back gives me backpack as a pillow and uh I guess I'll uh film anything if anything weird happens during the night but I'm pretty [ __ ] mate I'm gonna call it a night and I'll see you guys tomorrow morning tomorrow morning coffee first thing and then we've got to go find a bit of food look at this this is pretty dope if I oh I'll see you in the morning doggies [Music] a little bloody morning to you 6 A.M right now it is six o'clock in the morning a really really bad sleep oh my back's so sorted oh that sunrise we've got the hell of Sunrise happening right now uh that was horrible dude oh look at this this is pretty beautiful I probably look like a smash crab because I feel like one but um so it happens when you sleep in the dirt never go with that for a while to wake up all right you know the Drew let's get a fly going the fire went out a long time ago it's still going to be hot inside there but yeah it's too hot all right let's go we got fire the sand underneath here is so hot it's very easy to restart fire a little bit of a fire going on oh it's so warm all right we're not so far going here tell you what that broken ankle of mine if you guys like an OG follower you would know that I've got a broken foot it is so sore right now the amount of K's we did yesterday walking up and down the coast trying to find fish my foot is that sore it takes a couple of minutes to walk around in the morning to bloody loosen it up you'll probably Notice Me limping on the video oh it's pretty bloody sore right now but today is even today's even a bigger day as soon as we have a coffee we're gonna punch out we're gonna see if we can find food today um I was hungry as buggery right now I could legitimately eat the ass out of a low-flying duck I'm that hungry so um as soon as we neck this coffee I'm just gonna head that way yesterday we went we went that way we went West today we're gonna head in that easterly direction and we're gonna go see if we can pick up some food up that side we're gonna do long walks so uh I'm gonna make a coffee and we'll hit the road the thought water is done it's time for that coffee I've been stinging for this coffee eye what we've got here is with a little bit of the fdys drip filtered coffee if you guys want to get this bang the link in the description you'll be able to get your hands on a bag of this it's limited edition it's my own signature blend of coffee and I'm telling you right now if you're a coffee lover you will love this extremely dark roast strong just like I like it best out here in the bush if you don't if you don't know they come in these convenient little bags like this so basically what you do is you just rip the Wings off off like that rip the top of the coffee bag and inside you've got one serving of very dark roasted coffee sit it over the side of your cup like that two little bits of bark here just to grab this little Billy because it's going to be bloody hot there a bit of Billy full of boiling water I'm just going to pour it into that little Satchel there boom we've got a hell of a coffee look at that fire coffee hell of a sunrise it's not a breath of wind right now all right after this coffee we've got to go gather a little bit of food hopefully today we can get some food around the fire boom we're on the move coffee's been had I've stoked up the fire back at Camp there so when we get back there's always going to be no fire but the ground is going to be extremely hot it'll be easy to start a fire like we did this morning today's Mission we're going to try to steam up around that Headland up there around the next Headland and try to find some fish to Chuck on the fire because legitimately I could hit the ass out of a low-flying duck I'm that Bloody hungry right now I honestly had no food yesterday had nothing for breakfast except for two coffees sat around canned for a little while this morning that sun is well and truly up now we're steaming that way look at the conditions bruh it is absolutely beautiful out here right now I'm just going to keep a very keen eye out for a little Bait fish jumping try the noodle Rod Adam but uh today's Mission Food we've got to find some sort of Tucker I don't want to just be eating leaves and bloody flowers off that goat's foot I want to be eating some good good grubs so we're just going to walk that way try to find ourselves a bit of food have I go with this feels like I need a Bloody camel we're in the middle of a desert right now look at this we're actually in a desert I've been walking for so long time right now is 10 44 in the morning so we've been walking for about two hours maybe a little bit more than two hours been fishing the entire way have not got a fish on the deck then I've just come across this psycho looking desert so I thought I'd run up here and have a quick look It's pretty dope out here look at it in the middle of nowhere man it's a fully blown desert what I want to do I want to keep walking that way and just keep fishing the water's extremely dirty it's very very muddy it's kind of windy today that wind's coming from the East as well so it's not great but look at this a little bit of a change of environment for us how good now we're talking my kind of language we've been from the coast to the desert to now we found this little Inlet of a creek here and this I guarantee you this is where we're going to get food what I've done is I've changed that lure out to a tiny little minnow there we've got an incoming tide water's rushing down the creek there what we're going to do is we're going to flick this minnow until the until the sun sets we're going to get a fish in this Creek little menu I'm going to put it to work let's go look at this we've got heaps and heaps of Creek to explore it's an incoming tide fish should be getting pushed up the creek right now let's put this minute out of work frothing dude look at this this looks way better the water's a lot cleaner than the ocean is actually which is quite surprising oh let's stop if and lose we gotta get some food on the deck man time right now one o'clock come on gotta get some form of food man come on big rig that's fish we got fish on doggies that's fish first fish what is this oh it's a tiny trevally look at him that's first fish bra that is first fish of the trip right there oh look at this listen to him grunting that right there my dog is a little baby trevally you're joking first fish look at this little thing look at that that right there is a baby travel we've been here for no more than I don't know probably fishing for five to ten minutes that's the first fish of the trip it is a baby trevally if you get enough of these things they're actually pretty good eating fresh around the fire so this is the first fish we've caught and I'm Gonna Keep it because the way we're going we're not getting bugger all that is a little fish but it's gonna be a good feed it didn't even put up a fight but literally just brought him straight up you can hear him grunting this is what those fish do they make like a grunting sound listen to him here's our beautiful little one I'm gonna neck him and Chuck him in the backpack I can't take any chances we still got one more night out here and um so far we've got no food I'm starving that thing right there is making me drool let's see if we can get a couple more look at this trevally this little trevally just smashed that lure up right at my feet that is a proper proper baby that is Tiny I'm gonna let that one go it's way too small that there is the fish that we're going for but if we can get them 10 times bigger he is Tiny look at him in the size of my hand we're gonna let this one go boom he's gone come on we need a big dog man we've got fish on again it's not big but it's a fish yes what's that it's another trevally that took a long time between fish but that's another trevally the same size as that other one I'm gonna have to keep him the way we're going right now there's not many fish out here he is a beautiful little one he'll be good eating has another one in the bag I'd never keep a fish of this size but we'll legit have no food out here second day not eating he's in the bag currently steaming back to Camp right now we don't have a lot of sunlight left I've been fishing my little heart out the entire day and um we got two fish for dinner doggies it is unbelievable I'm starving second day no food wait I'm gonna say a massive massive shout out to the Mad Dog that just ripped up in a four-wheel drive I'm out here in the middle of bloody nowhere you can see his tracks here this bloke and a forbi just come stinging it past me and he goes Field Day jumps out of his car he goes what are you doing I'm camping up here on the beach there and then he reckons bloody oh you want a beer and I was like bruh I would do anything for a cold beer jumps in his fridge doesn't have any bloody cold beers in there does he but he was an absolute bloody legend we took some photos out of hell yarn So to that bloke you're a bloody legend mate hopefully he didn't go sabotage my shelter he said everyone was wanted to go check out the shelter so that's all the way down there he's um probably there right now anyway we're steaming back to the shelter we've got about three and a half three three or three and a half hours a lot sunlight left so uh I am bloody starving as soon as we rock up back there we're cooking the feed bloody hungry all right next time I see you guys we'll be sitting around a fire at camp cooking these fish up I'm starving wow look at this I'm not bloody hungry oh you're joking well look look [Laughter] sorry no beers left mate enjoy this at Sunset it's bloody wine there's a battle buddy there's about a glass of wine left in this box that must have been from the Mad Dog who was ripping past before yeah doggy oh man Field Day fam oh you guys are absolutely bloody Legends that's so good there's about a glass of wine in there doggies oh that's the best thing ever look at this look at a little bit of wine out bush in our little Camp down here it's probably gonna get me pissed I haven't eaten food for two days that's so good there's about a glass all right mate if you're watching this video little things like this it blows my mind I really bloody do appreciate that you're an absolute Legend and I will enjoy this at Sunset we're not too far off having that Sunset now but if you're watching brother thank you so much your Legend bus that's so sick all right we've got two baby little GTS in the backpack here that's all the fish we got I fished my heart out today be bloody broken foot is absolutely killing me right now so I'm not gonna do any more walking just gonna pull up you for the oven we've only got a couple hours of Sun we're gonna kick this fire in the ass again and uh let's cook up a couple of fish and now have a little glass of wine on Sunset all right let's get a fire going this is too good to be true bro awesome so we got a beautiful little fire here what I'm doing I'm just gonna put a little bit of a clean Edge on two of these sticks that's how we're going to be cooking these fish not doing anything fancy right now I'm not bloody hungry we've got heaps of sunlight left we're laughing I'm gonna clean up these sticks oh come to the kitchen this is the kitchen right now two sticks sharp ends on them the stick goes right through from the fish's mouth right to the back of the fish's tail going through both fish like that this is putting out heaps of heat that's not gonna take too long to cook two beautiful little trevally we're gonna have one banging Sunset we've got a little bit of red wine down here how good this isn't going to take too long there's a lot of heat there you want to keep these sticks here away from the Heat or they burn and they fall in so this is the perfect height see that smoke passing the fish these are going to be delicious little treats eh it's not a lot of food but I tell you what it's better than nothing been grinding just turned the fish they're golden they're delicious but they're going to be so good look at this man very very very happy right now it's all about this down here first thing I've eaten in two days you want to lose weight let's come out here come fishing with me and get nothing oh look at that perfect ah the fish are done they're cooling down on top of our little shelter pumped up the fire I'm about to pour myself a glass of wine what the hell dude this doesn't happen every day again mate thank you so much this is going to be very well enjoyed here we go doggies definitely smells like wine let's hope it is wine here we go ready oh foreign oh my you're a bloody legend look at that it's just about one coffee cup full of wine boom little glass of wine a little fire thing and sunset about a takedown a couple of fish cooling down up there doggies one beautifully cooked trevally right there this is our little Coral plate here's our second one beautifully cooked pull them straight off the stick lay them on there this this is our little plate we're gonna have a feast first things first I wanna cheese you guys for the love for all the support you guys are showing me over the last couple of years his videos obviously are not possible without you so this is for you guys and for the guy who gave me this wine you're a Lord Brother here we go cheers doggies I appreciate each and every one of you oh man incredible oh that's so good dude red wine in the bush when you don't expect it here we go we're going to dig into this fish look at this look at that white juicy white meat right there oh it's still bloody hot oh man that is delicious simple and delicious wow oh that's the first thing I've eaten in two days look how white that meat is right there a couple of bones in these small fish but this is all we could get I fished hard it's better than nothing oh dude it's so good this is what's happening Danny one fish has been destroyed there's not much mate left on that little thing like even ate the bloody cheeks out of this fish head got one fish left a little bit of wine left beautiful fire sitting next to a shelter which we're going to be calling home for the night again tonight watching a banging Sunset but at this point I am gonna love his and I'm gonna leave his because to be honest I'm just gonna be doing the same thing again tonight I'm gonna call it curl up in there sleep there tomorrow morning I'm gonna get up super early and bust on out of here I've got about that much water left in my water bottle and um that was an extremely enjoyable little camping Mission I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did I'll see you in the next video on the next adventure if you guys want to get your merch make sure you go hit the link in the description or just punch in that coffee is also down in the link in the description all right my doggies thank you so much for watching love each and every one of us remember Life Is For Living get out there enjoy this it's good for the heart it's good for the soul it's good for everything right all right I'll see you next week oh ah oh my God that wine is out of control that's so good top it off with a little bit of fish this is the definition of living
Channel: Field Days
Views: 1,260,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vNgXPirjQyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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