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[Music] [Music] good morning ladies are we ready to do an epic road trip what's up you guys welcome back to this episode of daily driven exotics we're gonna go on a fun little adventure we have an absolutely gorgeous day out not a cloud in the sky in the middle of what month is it oh it's the end of february give it a couple dave's been learning how to fight come on oh i need some gloves on it so you guys we're gonna take the 48 and it is time time to start the wide body liberty walk in combination with vorsteiner and some gt3 actually oem ferrari race parts so this is one you guys are waiting for this is like the throwback the new version tire slayer let's hurry up and get this ski box open put some heat in the engine and hit the road [Music] and i think that's it okay guys we have a 407 kilometer road trip which is about 300 miles 280 miles i don't know an adventure four hours and 37 minutes but first we need gasoline i have less than half a tank need snacks snacks road snacks we need salt and sugar so it's gonna be beef jerky energy drinks i'm gonna be bloated by the time we get there diesel pump diesel pump diesel pump how much is it gonna cost to fill this thing up and he guesses you guys how much do we think the 48's gonna suck back oh we're up into the 50s i had just below half a tank i'm actually surprised it's taken this much fuel up to 40 liters 40 liters oh there it is 63 dollars you guys see what'd you get the basics you got a beef jerky water stay hydrated and a little bit of chemical energy you son of a man we're good you ready to hit the road this is going to be an amazing road trip we do have a bit of a snag will this stay on without us any further pumping these up so we're gonna check them once i've only driven this car once on a very long road trip and every 30 minutes ish we stopped and pumped these up i want to see if we can dare to drive all the way to vancouver without pumping these up once do you think we can do it i mean the wrap has to stay on the paint and the suction stays on the wraps there's like two things at once you can see it's actually pulling the wrap up it is and we got luggage in here this time which i've never driven with a full load so let's see if it'll stay on you guys the last time i attempted something like this in the desert the whole ski box blew off with my luggage and it shot at 100 yards into the desert so let's see stick around we'll find out if it blows off in this literally trip of thousands of miles you and i me in this seat usually the luggage on my lap we got beef jerky we got all the fixings we have a beautiful drive for you guys today you know what highway through hell looks like he's gonna be highway through heaven today blue skies it should be blue skies all the way there but we probably will run into snow but these are serious mountain passes i'm thankful that the car is not lowered anymore i raised it back up so it could be the official winter beater yo is that a law ferrari i can't see get closer dude i think that's a lot ferrari what the [ __ ] the law ferrari be doing in kelowna look at it it is a la ferrari i think it is check that out right down the hill oh i can't see it yet it is it's a yellow la ferrari well that's gangster that is sick it's not a lot ferrari hold on what's in the mirror the mirror too small dude it's kevin's sf90 oh hold on hold on dude he's kevin's sf90 oh it is that thing is so sick oh look at that that's matt august's best friend really yeah he bought that car i think through vancouver through august or something like that dude look at this thing oh this is a treat oh wow on the way out of town the guy's a nut bank dude he'll drive his cars on a nice sunny day like this uh he had an f8 when they first came out and he's also got a nice little ferrari collection going where he just bought a scooteria like my scooteria but red we'll get closer to this thing okay i haven't seen one person before all right we can go an hov lane break the reveal move that truck oh yeah that thing is absolutely crazy oh we'll get some shots of it here you guys look at the front end of that car damn dude we got it in clone of all places there's some people with really big money here how fast is that car it's like a thousand like just shy of it so it's like 990 i think something horsepower so i call it a thousand horsepower it's also all-wheel drive that's hybrid and it's yeah it's a hybrid it's basically a ferrari hyper car wow here it it's so comes chase the hyper car it's fast oh it's going bye-bye bye-bye we gotta leave town oh well that was a treat what a treat fire it up how do you know what it's been a long time since i've been excited car spotting but we're in kelowna we're not in beverly hills guys you don't see that every single day so is that ferrari's most powerful car they have now yes oh wow that was a retreat that was a treat that's pretty rare very rare i think i don't know how many have been delivered yet but i've only seen a few on the internet the coolest part is there are a bunch of people who live here who have hyper cars like tom budd who drove the acid green 918 on our rally he lives here and he had a crazy car collection he had enzos and all that crazy stuff this guy on the bike's ripping dude sketchy beautiful out here hola is definitely a very beautiful city i suggest you come visit sometime 363 kilometers to go guys will the ski box stay on the car i sure hope so for my sake dave's sake because our luggage in it and for anybody who's traveling behind us we couldn't have a more beautiful day it's absolutely gorgeous now as you know dave and i stopped and got red bull water and beef jerky however we made another stop that's not in this video if you want to know what dirty little treat dave and i just had go to daily driven exotics stories channel that's our second channel for all the behind the scenes you'll know what we had and let us know are you a fan of what we ate do you eat it i don't know i felt good eating it i feel bad after i eat your conscience you don't have a contest winter tires or chains mandatory let's use winter tires severe winter conditions up here and all 15 minutes later and we already have snow on the side of the road this highway is crazy because right now it's cool you know two minutes will be covered in snowpack and ice it could be yeah it will be you think so you want a bat what do you want to bet what's the wager i bet you're a rolex up here okay i'll take that bet i looked at the highway camps before we left there was no snow i just wanted to hold your hand [Music] oh david we're getting close to the snowpack where's that watch look how much more snow is up there the roads are really dirty and funny enough look at the back look at the shooting off the back of the car there is ice on the road we just hit it in that corner and the car went like this completely kind of like kicked out side to side it was a little bit scary sketchy what's gonna happen if you're driving it's cleaned off something like that okay you can't tell this just looks like dirt on the ground it's sand on top of ice so it just looks like dirt but it's ice i also heard a couple of clunks up top yeah massive potholes on this road that'll destroy my tire and rim there's moose there's deer there's no wildlife velociraptors you don't know that but look at this guys look how fast the beautiful canada is don't go anywhere because something's gonna happen we're gonna lose the ski box this trip no we're not and i'm gonna get a watch damon's watch all scratched up never been cleaned every day do you you were in the shower yeah me too yeah it's waterproof i saw a straight stretch just like this when i was in nevada and i had a ski box on my huracan and i decided to do a top speed run and see if the ski box would stay on and i did it in two directions i filmed it it'll be a link in description if you want to watch that after this video go and check it out it stayed on for two runs but then i pushed it a little hard and at 175 miles per hour the ski box blew off with all of my luggage in it and flew 100 yards into the desert now should we try it with this car again no no no no no no no no no no no the computer's up there okay what did it sound like when it came off how loud was it well here i'll show you i can hear it flopping dude i can hear you in a second it just went and it hit the roof hit the rear window didn't break the window and it looked good it hit my wing split my wing in half yeah did some damage we had the duct tape actually electrician's tape my wing together so i have that wing it's at the hq yeah i ran over on black tape we can give that away we give away stuff on the story's channel every week we do a giveaway so if you want a piece of like some crazy hardcore random car piece tv memorabilia we give it away on that channel yeah boys you have to buy anything there's no entry there's no graphics oh nothing's free yeah just for subscribing like the tail bar we gave away free give the whole car away how gorgeous is that backdrop yeah snow covered mountains we have 298 kilometers to go still up there yeah it's there it's definitely moving when you hit the throttle oh holy [ __ ] nikes doesn't run a lot dude i should probably get my macbook out of there i bought applecare does apple care cover that take a destroyed laptop i think it sucks back to the apple store they're like what happened to it show them the video off into the back oh i know that that's half a rolex now yeah half the road's covered damn the left lane got sketched you would not want to drive in there speed limits 120 kilometers an hour right now you're doing 180 uh we're doing 95. pretty good have a variable speed especially our digital signs will raise the lower rate we also have common zen so there's still on the road you can't do 120 kilometers an hour that i don't want to touch it but we'll pull over and just have a look what if they're loose we don't touch it don't touch it you see like the orange yeah it doesn't get much sketchier than this oh [ __ ] accident yeah someone's messed up well once he got lucky on that one didn't go over or he did go over and pulled them up yeah they do a lot of recoveries up here and a lot of these big 18 wheeler trucks go off too like we were saying don't go fast but it's snowing i think we have our opportunity here to pass these rigs i think it was a hot no because the heart's like a hong kong that's like a hulk hulk i think he was waving at us the dd fan dude pull over here where it's safe let's talk to him and i just got a rolex yeah it's not fully covered that's pumped look at it yeah you can see i can see lines with that [Music] how long uh well right now it's quarter after actually you're better you're watching five minutes fast for some reason because i'm always late so i set it five minutes ahead actually that's a true fact i do i set it five minutes ahead because i'm always late aren't i you are what you guys think is a good look for me that's awful it's a douchey sling you could never have one i know give me my watch back you have my uh stainless one back as payment there's a rig in the left lane attempting to pass everybody and the left lane is all ice and snow that's sketchy like look at the ring it's literally sliding around look how beautiful this is though look at that oh look at that mountain is that mountain helen should i stop here yes i don't want any part of this truck no thanks no thanks no part of that it's ski box inspection time so the deal is we don't touch the suction cups even if they're loose the deal is there's snow we need to do a burnout [Music] oh it's cold here holy [ __ ] it's not that bad how frozen it is cabin life wow it is gorgeous up here this is beautiful i love this let's love it amazing look at this the ferrari with some good tires don't lower it complete beast in the snow god how you doing it is chilly that's cold we're not going to touch it that one's solid this side's solid we still have halfway to go it backed off a little bit you can tell if that was backed off this one look at this that one's back though that one's back that one's not bad spear you oh there we go if i stab it this is no more weapons that's such a bad thing turn into the hulk there you go yeah bro okay well bill for this let's go look out the back it's sketchy looking backwards for the cars doing that yeah that was sketchy that was good that was actually legit sketchy we saw a big truck and a rig right behind it come behind us all right this is like the worst spot on this highway right now this is the summit no no i will shut up then the worst spot is about i'd say 10 kilometers away oh the smasher the smash we'll see you guys at the smasher oh ice yeah this is sketch and you can see right now everyone's doing like half the limit oh yeah i'm doing 48. there's a big truck coming behind me look at that ice right there you feel that oh man people like david where's the passenger days like today i'm happy to be the passenger just documented for you guys it is sketchy look at this the car is shimmering so much like literally the counter starting like he's freaking fishtailing right now look at this it's no joke this is a hazardous drive we're laughing right now oh no no no no no no no no trucks that if they go sideways you do not want to be anywhere near them all right we're doing the passport such stressful this is a nice day you can be on this in a complete white out so this is the smasher right now we're going down we call the smasher because we're going downhill and ice is up and then at the bottom and people all run into each other and smash each other this is a very dangerous place we got the smasher snowshed you can see where the avalanches have come down here you'll see this one really good see all the snow built up at the bottom there there you go see where it all came down oh jesus christ and we have arrived what a freaking r and look it's still on beautiful welcome back to sr auto group you guys that was quite an adventure well the 488 made it through pulled its way as the winter beater and well now what wide body wide body are we wide bodying this baby who's excited for the tire slayer recreation from my 458 to the 488 leave a comment once i build this car we're gonna do some amazing adventures with it we're gonna go and recreate some of the best moments i'd ever had in my 458 in the time that i had it so maybe a little impromptu trip back to monterey dare we should we build this and take it back to the place that my four met its demise right just to prove that we can make it happen hey what's up guys how's it going oh it's going great wow look at all these gorgeous cars oh [ __ ] why are you hiding over normally you're in the glass box why are you over here i just enjoying the beautiful supercar lounge over here you know how was your flight it was 35 minutes in and out oh man i missed that how's your five hour drive ah almost died no way actually in all seriousness the snow wasn't that bad yeah we had black ice in one spot oh my god that's serious really it was i was actually scared we didn't film that part we were driving we hit black like we were driving and it got wet where all the road had basically mounted and we thought we were in the clear we came down the hill we went around this corner sun dipped behind one of the mountain peaks as we came around the corner the whole corner was in the shade and it was one sheet of ice wow and the car just went like this and i was steering like trying to turn a little car wasn't going anywhere and it just slid just over the center media and there was nobody likely in the lane luckily yeah dude so scary that's why we don't drive the dangers of it's time to turn this back into the og tire slayer oh is that what's going on it is we finally it's time yeah all the liberty walk parts all the more steiner parts gt3 parts are all sitting at fast track auto body so you guys stay tuned if you want to watch this build now that we know anthony and dave even can get their hands dirty i'll hold the camera what do you say we build this car huh let's do it like we'll do the best that we can to take it apart dismantle it take it over the fast track and maybe we'll get our hands a little dirty maybe they'll let us get in there and actually with some reciprocating yeah like actually film a build what i want to do is i want to make sure that when the car's been built it's still worth something when you cut the body on this if you screwed that up yeah it's a ferrari so you want to do it right because when i watch them do my 458 it's quite intricate that's it you guys smash the subscribe button join the dd fam if you guys want any of the merch i'm wearing i'm sorry the hoodies are sold out but there are hats and the jet tags are still available we have a handful of the camo ysob hoodie dave was wearing earlier in the episode for that one shop dvd for all the dd stuff that's it thanks for watching this episode i'm excited to see this build go down this is really a big moment for me to see this car come back one to one one of one one to one one of one one to one and when we're done guess what we'll do what we do always do with our cars we'll sell it and one lucky subscriber whoever wants it will be able to carry on the legacy thanks you guys i'll see you in the next episode we're out of here peace let's hit the road we still haven't it's another like two hours did you do you drink the water in there how you feeling right now [Music] i told them i'm gonna turn into the hulk between the water no hold on here we go look at that truck oh that's scary
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 565,603
Rating: 4.9203444 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: fAmr5wQk9aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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