Driving Around With No Power Steering Fluid | Huge Leak! 2007 Trailblazer 4.2l

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so how's the saying go ask and you shall receive well we have a 07 chevy trailblazer with the the massive power steering fluid leak uh from a video from a couple days ago and the parts are in mostly and the vehicle is back so i'm gonna swing this thing into the shop next and we're gonna pull those power steering lines out of it and uh get those leakers replaced with some new lines that are not rusted out to nothing and we'll get this guy back on the road i'm kind of in a crunch for time because it is supposed to be a five hour job i've got two hours left in the day today hour and a half actually and he needs it back by 10 30 tomorrow morning so i'm gonna come in early tomorrow to finish up with it the reason the guy needs it back is he has to get himself up to the airport in tampa and uh he does not have another car so it looks like uh looks like i'm a little pressed for time on this one but that being said i think i can do it even with a slightly injured wrist so i'm working against the clock and i'm working against a little bit of pain but let's see how this works i bet i can do it what do you guys think let me know down below in comment land and because i'm kind of in a pinch for time i'm going to jump around a little bit but uh i think i can keep uh keep things going smoothly enough where everyone can follow along okay now just in case you missed the tow truck fail video we determined that this vehicle had a very large power steering leak again the reservoir is empty and i found that the two of the power steering cooler lines this one and this one have rusted through underneath this bracket right here so this is uh those lines are what's gonna come out they run from the rack up and over this uh shock mount here down one goes to the cooler and one runs across over to the pump and i think the majority of this is gonna happen from the bottom side so let's get this thing lifted trail blazer up [Applause] okay last time around we never got a really a decent view from the underside to uh just show how large this fluid leak was but it's uh it's coming everywhere from those lines right back in that hole right there you can see where the lines bolt into the power steering rack that's going to be fun to remove those guys and then i guess they're going to come enough to have to come out to the top somehow one of them stops right here and like i said the other one runs across here and then up to the pump there so this should be interesting i think the best place to start is going to be from the beginning which is going to be where they bolt into the power steering rack so i'm going to spray that down with some lube and then probably reach around from the other side with a eight millimeter on a ratchet and see if i can't get that bolt out so i don't think i could have got you guys a better view if if i paid someone for one uh but i can't i can't get a wrench on this that's the that's the tough part looks like i need an extension here and i should be able to reach that fastener all right i think i've got enough extension set up on this ratchet where i can get a hold of that bolt right there i don't know it's gonna be an interesting operation to say the least i can kind of see it of course that bolt is rusted so it's larger than it's supposed to be this rust expands all right my first sphere is alleviated it's starting to turn it's coming out this is good this is definitely an up north car and it's a leaker it's a rusted through leaker cool it's coming out by hand yeah we're getting somewhere all right come on out okay first bolt is removed [Music] see these lines are gonna come out now i need a pry device now although the system is empty it's still probably gonna dump some oil out so i rolled a drain pan underneath of where we're working here come on out you can do it yep very good now these lines are supposed to separate from that little backing plate thing but uh we'll see okay i think that's sort of all i can do right now from down here i guess we need to go back up top and take some more stuff away well no not exactly i believe i can get these lines detached here and maybe i could even get them removed from the pump from down here let's let's try get this little shield thing off so according to the new part uh at the end of this hose there is a fitting that goes to the power steering pump and that it should be a 16 millimeter but again it's it's all rusted to who knows what can't even get a 16 on it and i know i'm spoiled you guys from up north are going yeah we deal with this every day okay maybe if i wiggle it a lot i'll get it in oh let's keep doing that i'm gonna need a longer wrench i thought maybe i would get that out with the stubby but uh that's not gonna happen okay the wrench is on now the next question is can i break it loose yeah i can oh man this might actually go okay so since the 16 barely fits i went ahead and grabbed a stubby 17 because that'll still fit and it's large enough to not get stuck every time i try to remove it or reinstall it this is slow going but it's going yep ah half a turn at a time but it's gonna come out i'm gonna win no not enough to turn it by hand yet for the record this is kind of hurting my wrist is still a little jacked up okay so i got the fitting loose yeah it's leaking everywhere come on all right i got the drain pan rolled down over here and uh i'll just let this drain out the rest of the way there we go okay moving over to the next obstacle i've got the racket for the hose or some kind of a mount for the hose right here and i believe that's bolted to the frame from the top and it feels like a 10 mil so let's uh let's get that out next and we're just gonna run right down the line one piece at a time it's a tight squeeze in there so i've got i've got my three inch drive uh super short sockets with a quarter inch sized ratchet that is chambered in 3 8 drive i think that's gonna be right to to reach that bolt that's up there it might not be but uh oh i think i got it i got a bite on it yeah i don't think power tools are gonna help me on this one and i gotta go left-handed i can't really work my right hand right now come on [Music] foreign uh-huh i've almost got it out there he goes that's it oh and these things are a real jewel watch how this thing has to come apart this thing wraps and then folds around everybody and it's secured with these two little tabs i've got to bend these tabs back out in order to open up the clamp to remove the line not fun [Music] [Music] come on you [Music] there we go and i'll just hold that back so it doesn't get lost and we'll move up to the next one the next one appears to be unreachable from here uh and from the fender well side can't really feel a nut so we're gonna have to let this down and see if i can get to it from the top side okay so this is the next clamp that i've got to get out and it looks like the bowl is right here somewhere again very tough tight spot and i i think i've got it with this little ratchet here sort of you see how the it's underneath of that fender piece the more i unscrew this the closer it's gonna come up to the fender oh my light died so that's okay i have auxiliary lights backups for my backups [Music] okay that's working it's coming out but i've got the same problem on this next bracket over here i can't seem to find where it's bolting in i i've i'm looking but i don't see it or well i'm feeling for it rather [Music] almost again this would be a great time to use my right hand but i i just don't have that kind of mobility [Music] please come out there it is and the next one i think i think it's right here flip the wrench on it find out uh that's not gonna work i'm gonna try that one from the very very top side maybe with an extension yep there it is straight down from here i can see it all right we're going down let's see if i can reach sure can there it is you know after getting a view of the top side i realized i'm ahead of myself because i need to get all of these wires and whatnot out of the way so i'm going to go ahead and pull the battery connections and start disassembling these wiring harnesses to get these things out of here because i'm this all this has to be removed to to get these uh these hoses and uh tables and stuff out yeah i'm i'm big time ahead of myself on this job oops oh well now i've got myself a tray to put fasteners in and i might as well pull this battery out [Music] [Applause] just to give myself more space [Music] oh of course [Music] [Applause] that's the hold down the battery tray is coming out next it's held in with three 13 mils very rusted ones and the third one is down over here what that's a very very rusted one okay let's try that [Applause] [Music] fail let's try again with a different length extension [Music] not gonna work it's so close and yet so far away and so tight i wonder who couldn't get it loose it's toy like a tiger that hurts this is gonna break off i'm i'm nervous yeah that's gonna break off it's not i'm threading it's just twisting okay looks like this battery box is gonna stay so i'll move on to the fuse box [Music] come out please disconnect there we go all right let's get this bundle detached right here come out please and let's see here's another loom connector i can get this one disconnected maybe probably not yeah there it is okay that one's loose this one's loose uh let's see that doesn't go in there let's get this one loose now please please my arm hurts i don't wanna okay now it looks like this fuse box is just held in with a series of 13 millimeter bolts i'm uh i'm hoping those come out with relative ease because i need this unit to swing up and over that way i can get those power steering lines out once i get all those disconnected because it's rusty [Applause] [Music] the power okay and i see two more 13s on this side of this fuse box so let's get those guys next and they are not rusted in um okay we're sort of getting somewhere however there's also wire looms on this side of this fuse box so uh i think i'm ahead of myself again i'm gonna go ahead and take this fuse box apart and disconnect the looms from it internally [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay come on up you can do it this thing's clipped together there's two halves and i got to get all the clips off to separate those two halves i think i got them all with the exception of one there it is get that one unclipped feel free to come apart don't make a liar out of me that one re-clipped itself i love it when that happens there here it comes okay it's starting to separate now i've got just a couple more and we're free to split this in half okay oh ow come out i'm out maybe i don't even need to take that green thing out could be wrong ah i don't okay i am reinstalling this green thing there okay that's half of the fuse box out of the way and the other half again is coming out of the way no stay i don't want you here i'm just tucking these wires and connectors out of the way so they stay over there and where does this last one go into a loom i'm not gonna get that one disconnected i'll have to live with that one see here's a wire that's in the way this goes to the brake fluid sensor pull that out of there [Applause] [Music] okay i think i've now generated enough space here to consider pulling all these wires out or hoses out all right now that i've got enough of that stuff out of the way i can attempt to reach the bolt that uh is in fact the mount under this for for this rubber pad that holds these lines to the shock tower so i should mention right about now that i am not enjoying this job it is quite annoying and difficult-ish and uh i'm just i'm just really not having a good time but uh complaining about it's not gonna change anything so i'm just trying to get through it as best i can this is the kind of job that makes people throw a hissy fit and drag their feet and get lazy thinking that if they just procrastinate long enough the job will go away and it'll still be sitting there waiting for you and as much as i would love to reject this work right here it is what it is and it's uh i guess that's what we sign up for i've kind of just got to inch this out i i want to switch hands so bad but i i don't want to hurt hurt my wrist anymore i know i keep complaining about that but everything i'm doing just feels more cumbersome than it should be because i have to do this with my less dominant hand okay this is crap there [Music] that was going to take all day with that little ratchet wrench screw that noise what oh you broke it let's see if we can identify where the leak was yeah not really must have been right here i think i think we were poking at it in the last video so anyway i think i got these free ish i seem to yank them out all right i think we're in a position to try to start pulling these these lines out maybe possibly everybody's kind of loose and i think they're gonna start to come free it's a really tight squeeze but uh they're coming out a little bit of yanking bending should do it problem's going to be getting the new ones back in those are always a little tougher because they don't manipulate very well okay starting to come up sure wish this battery box was out of the way all right now i think you can see what i'm doing okay that's one and the long ones here she comes come on out there we go not long ago that was attached to the power steering pump okay so off camera i took my two new components and assembled them as best i could uh these this side right here is where the power steering rack is up and over the shock tower this is where the leak was and this one goes down to the cooler this one runs across the front cross members and up to the power steering pump so i'm going to uh sneak this back into its position to the best of my ability starting with this longer end first and uh and working my way back until they're all put back together so let's let's see how this goes it's either gonna go okay or it's not okay so i got you guys hooked up to an ac line and you're kind of looking at everything at the same angle than i am camera's kind of in the way so i might run into you guys a couple times with my my arm or my head or this power steering line itself but if i do sorry about that but i'm trying to get this thing in position which uh it's kind of going to be a bit of a chore i'm just going to move it a little bit at a time until i meet resistance and then i'll see what's in the way i'll go back and move whatever's in the way next until eventually oh no let's try again so i've got the one hose in now i got to work on that second one and this is where things are starting to already turn into a challenge i think i need to turn these this way i believe that's how they came out get this under the battery box and i'll just keep feeding it down lost your view sorry so so far so good i'm not having a meltdown over how this is going yet it's not going that great i'll tell you that i'm already a little stuck now push through literally push through okay let's see what's what we're binding up on here no one knows i can't see signing up on an ac compressor okay it's it's almost in in position here guys i i might be doing better than i thought i was gonna do and i also may have just spoken too soon uh-huh let me pull this coolant hose up some okay that second line is now caught up on a ac compressor let me shove that around and move it maybe i can generate another inch of space come on get out of there you're in the wrong spot we're getting somewhere the thing is mostly in-ish let's go around to this side maybe maybe our angle of the dangle is wrong because this isn't down and it's in its position yet let's see what's uh let's see where this line goes next but if i can line these up and push this side down it'll all start to fall into place and i think i'm betting right yeah yeah these run here oh man it's uh it's going together no way i did not expect this level of good fortune here but i'll take it i will take it all right so i think we got the hard part out of the way let's uh let's put this rubber mount thing back on and start bolting these lines down to where they all go and then we'll get them connected fill the system and do a leap recheck there's our mount oh there's still wires in my way it's like they spring back to go back into the way okay now we're getting somewhere and way down yonder there's another bracket you can get that one bolted in next that's one of the ones that goes onto the frame if it'll thread in there kick okay let's start throwing this fuse box back together and get all these harnesses back in their position now that should include the battery tray that i never got to remove [Music] wires everywhere [Applause] okay that's the chassis ground i don't want to forget that one let's do that next that's a coping mechanism [Music] [Music] all right wiring harnesses he goes there that's my brake level sending switch that goes on the master sorry if my noggin gets in the way i have to be able to see it'd be nice to [Music] these see are running through this uh fuse box and threading into those connectors with very large connectors [Music] speaking of large connectors can't forget that one so [Music] i believe that goes like so phone doesn't stop ringing [Music] good got the battery hold down and it's nut [Music] cleric [Music] we're almost done up here let's get the battery connected and then we'll go down below and get the lines connected all right hmm okay with the exception of this battery cover we are done up top moving on up okay we're in the uh driver's side inner fender well and first of the two hoses is going on and that one's secure let's run the big long hose over and up to the power steering i need to pump the holes up here big channel locks to the rescue with some bendy bendy action yep got these tabs back here foreign i forgot this little grommet right here so i had to bend these guys back and open this thing back up but now that i have that grommet in place put it back like 30 minutes flashlight drop the flashlights all day every day no no no no no get back in there oh there we go that's a better fit i like it all right let's get the uh male into this hose up in position oh by the way there's a new o-ring on it that goes up to the pump but i'm first going to run this around and bolt it down i'm a little off center here got to do that one by hand there's no room for any power tools in there oh no worries i'll get it no space for tools no one in your home can't even get ratchet up there all right now we're in business lost it wow come on we're getting there gotta keep changing hands due to some muscle fatigue this repetitive stuff will wear you out quick oh i didn't mention it's uh it's the next day it's about 9 10 right now and the guys gotta leave to go to the airport in 50 minutes so i got to be done in about 30. i stayed late last night to make some progress but i'm still pressed for time okay let's move over a little bit that one's installed we've just got to get the the fitting end connected to the bottom of the power steering pump you can't really see okay i'm i'm reaching up with the left hand and i'm moving the hose around with the right just to try to find a low friction spot on the threads and i uh i think i got it threaded in i've gotten five or six turns out of it so far and i believe we're good okay let's get a stubby wrench and apply some torque get the phone okay we got the stubby wrench going back in and i apologize you can't see the actual fastener i can barely see it with one eye click it's on okay now for the fun part we gotta get the ones that go into the power steering rack themselves all right we're going in for the kill but i've also got an added challenge of getting these old seals out of the power steering rack that might be difficult they appear to be rusted in there pretty good and i don't really have a suitable tool i'm just gonna try the screwdriver method i suppose i'll escalate from there if i have to ah got one cool and the new seals are already on the line all right reaching up with the left hand and trying to align these lines um okay this is feeling a little awkward now they're not really lined up with each other they were when i put them in but they seemed to come apart since then so i'll have to get them reattached to each other and then line them up with the holes in the rack all this is one-handed in overhead of course and i'm also working with one eye because i can't see with both there's just not enough space clock's ticking okay i have the lines together now nope i did now i don't it came off again lines are back together now and i i just gotta get keep them together and then line them up with the holes in the rack come on baby get in there go on in i'm getting close close isn't going to cut it it's got to be right on and it's not i'm trying to reach it from inside the wheel well now oh no you don't [Music] damn came off let's uh start over try again okay i think they're lined up now i'm gonna try to get the bolts into them into the yeah yeah i'm gonna try to get the bolt into that plate that secures everything if i can get that thread started i can start applying some pressure to the plate and then align those lines as pressure gets applied plus i've also managed to achieve a bit of security because now the lines can't come out pick up the phone ah i dropped my socket i see it i can't get it all right guys let's bring you around to this side got a kind of a better view over here so i've got both of those lines lined up i just need to start tightening down this plate here and that will guide them into the holes on the rack simultaneously i have to pry on it a little bit to maintain alignment so it doesn't go in sideways very sketchy [Music] yeah see that she's going oh [Music] it's going as long as it doesn't leak we're gonna be in great shape here okay i just took a look at it from the other side and the view you guys just had it's looking pretty good from that angle and right now those seals are being pressed into the holes on the power steering rack and i need to change ratchets okay got the longer flex head ratchet [Music] looking good that plate's almost flush let me check again from the bottom and it's closed [Music] okay see that other line in the back moving that's uh it's finally getting pressed into its position it's almost home and as soon as that plate is flush we're good it's got another half of a millimeter or so to go and it is coming up on torque it's getting pretty tight [Music] [Music] okay i got it it feels good it's tight i don't want to go any further let's fill it with fluid and uh check for leaks okay time to bring this thing down oh by the way i did i already put this little uh skid plate panel thing back on that we took off at the beginning coming down shouldn't do a high altitude refill without spilling [Music] ah score i'm gonna say it not a drop but we'll see when i stop the stream here [Music] oh that was skills right there guys absolute skills i'm not one to float my boat but that right there it's awesome time for starting the engine it lives and it slurped up all the fluid let's refill some more now the real question is can i do the same thing with the fan blowing no way it's not going to happen but i'm going to try it and down below we're not leaking that's cool let's try to purge the air out of the out of the power steering system we'll just go lock to lock two or three times ah i gotta be cool today my wrist does feel better but i know if i uh if i bend it and try to put a load on it it'll it'll re-injure i'm just trying to keep it as straight as possible you know i fear the uh the jokes in the comments section over that over the wrist injury because i've come to learn that you guys are just as sick as i am okay let's check level see what we got all right a little bit of air in there still but it's fairly foolish i'm gonna throw the cap on and let this thing down all right real quick clock reset 932 and we're gonna go out and drive this around real quick just to make sure the steering feels good and we're gonna get this thing back to this dude ahead of schedule he is going to make it to the airport on time uh for the record i will issue my complaints now um this this job really kind of sucked i uh dealing with rust displeases me i know you guys up north are probably rolling on the floor laughing at me right now because this was nothing compared to some of the stuff you guys see and i would agree to that but i live in florida and i'm spoiled and i don't have to deal with rust the same way you guys do okay the steering is feeling good i've gone through a couple loaded turns by loaded i mean the wheels are on the ground now and it's actually operating the wheels uh with power steering rather than what i was doing in the shop with the wheels up and off the ground with no load so all that being said there's no uh dead spots in it or holes or noises anything like that we've already done a leak check and i have seen no leaks however i am going to swing this back around to the shop bust out the garden hose and try to rinse off all of that residual fluid that was spilled everywhere and i know it's serving a purpose now because it's stopping the rust on the frame but i don't want to have any more drips that could be mistaken as a leak that could cause a false comeback because that kind of thing happens so anyway i'm gonna head back and finish this up and uh get it returned to the owner because like i said he's gotta make it to the airport i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video the only thing i will ask of you is that you happy tap that thumbs up button that's what lets the algorithm know that this content was enjoyable and it will use that data to help send my content to other potential viewers so again if you did like this video please tap that thumbs up button if you did not like this video let me know about that in the comment section down below all that being said once again i'd like to thank everyone here for watching and as always i have to remind all of you to not forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later poppins the hood round two and let's make it shiny over here was the bulk of all the spillage i'm just gonna hose this area down pretty heavily and then i'll de-dust the rest of it kink in my hose and a little bit down under you gross and of course one fluid recheck real quick and it level is nearly perfect i don't know if you guys can see but it's right on point we're good to go here there see you later trailblazer
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 440,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bd69yRtsw3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 10sec (3850 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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