Two Hour Inspection | DECLINED everything! almost

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hello youtube good day to you i was uh correcting my assumptions i i may be in cargo work van purgatory during the month of october this thing is here with a laundry list of goodies that they want to have uh inspected and looked at this device is a 2005 gmc 3500 gigantic cube fan and customer states it has a power steering leak it pulls when braking it's got some lights out and they would like the front headlights exchanged with uh hids or something that uh has some higher output so as per normal operating protocol we're gonna go out for a test drive and uh verify some of these concerns specifically the the pull while braking unfortunately for me this uh this van has a little bit more altitude than what my building can can accommodate so i believe i'll be working on this thing outside in the parking lot oh okay i've uh i got a lot of suspension rattle that felt pretty sketchy to tell you the truth it was it was kind of all over the place okey-dokes looks like traffic's kinda clear behind us so let's uh taffy tap those breaks and see if this thing goes left or right and yeah yeah oh yeah it's interesting yep as soon as i touch the pedal look at that bam left i believe it's got flippity floppity suspension let's see what kind of noises we get pulling back into the parking lot this should be good and not too terrible okay first things first there's something about a power steering leak it's a little low i can see the fluid slight leak at the booster and let's go down below and see what's going on down there can't see much up here oh look a clue oh there it is uh i thought that's transmission fluid it's very red in color but definitely can yeah that's got to be power steering that's just a power steering cooler okay i found that leak next concern was a ac performance and it looks like there is no ac performance we are we're making 80 degrees at the center vent let's do a quick peek on what we can see on the ac system and we already got a winner right there you guys see all the green dye on that uh low side cycling switch okay that's gonna get replaced check the valves real quick and see if they're leaking [Music] a little bit i do see some die there but that's uh that's kind of inconsequential i replace the valves every time i service ac anyway okay let's check this front end up and uh take a look at the suspension parts down there so i was about to start jacking this up to check this front end stuff and look at what i found here the sway bar bushing is non-existent that's definitely cause for some some rattly rattle and the same thing's going on on the other side there's no bushing left okay i seem to be struggling to uh get my nuts off okay time for some foot pounds of torque oh that's on there click reverse click [Music] yes it's always the last one that gets stuck there it is now before you guys go full safety police on me i have two jack stands and three floor jacks holding up this fan so i'm good it's safe i can go under there if i want okay so we're down here under the left front wheel well first things first i want to check out these ball joints i'll check the steering parts after that i'll see if i have a caliper issue what i'm looking for is something that's going to cause that uh brake pull that we saw and felt and i'm betting these uh ball joints and control arms are junk oh and i just lost my money that one's good [Music] but those bushings in there are not so good look at that guy that's all dry rotted and falling apart and looks about the same on this one let's illuminate that for a better view yeah they are they are a bit crusty okay and let's see what else do i see that i see all right let's check the uh tie rods the inners and the outers just a real quick yeah a little bit of play nothing terrible i don't think that's actually the cause of the of the steering wheel jerk when braking something else okay we're moving around to the passenger side i went ahead and took the weight off this control arm and moved the jack over to the the cross member between the frame rails and the idea is i want to unload the uh lower control arm so i can try to pry it around and see if i have any motion this upper ball joint is in similar condition as the other side same thing with these these bushings those are in similar condition and i do get some motion out of these things if we insert pry bar here got a little bit of play there we go there's some but the one i'm really focused on here is this lower lower control arm bushings yeah watch this and see if i can get in there at the proper angle don't watch the pry bar watch the control arm it's actually quite a bit of play for what's going on here and i can see right here the tip of the pry bar where that bushing is starting to tear and we've got a similar condition on this rear bushing and again it's dry routed and torn on that uh inside part of it i also did find there's a decent a bit of play in uh this outer tie rod and the pitman arm and idler arms which are way buried up in here those have a decent amount of play too all of this stuff from here is original these these control arms are original these lowers are original uh the steering linkage may not be no it's not there's some blue right there but a lot of this stuff is original components and i know i need to get into it deeply and get all of this stuff disassembled because i've got to get these lower control arms out of here i think this is the bulk of these problems on this van is the bushings on these lowers uh when you hit the brakes and the the load changes to a side load these things are shifting around and that's causing that steering wheel to move left and right it's i don't believe it's actually a brake caliper issue however it does have a fair amount of brake pad wear so it's actually coming up on brake job time as it is so i think the recommendation is going to be is to uh to rebuild this front end with new components um i know that there's some play in these outer tie rods there's a lot of play in that idler arm and that pitman arm i'm missing bushings here i've got torn up and dry rotted bushings here and likewise on the lower so it's time to to really pull this thing down and uh and do a do a fresh front-end rebuild on it because that's really uh that's really where this uh this van is at mechanically regarding the suspension at this point i'll check back in later when i hear word and uh we will go from there well guys yeah you can't win them all it's been a few hours since uh since i was here at this band last i was building estimates and waiting for everybody to uh decide if they wanted to fix this or not and the survey says we're just going to do a couple little knick-knacky things we're not going to handle any of the suspension stuff down below and i guess they're just going to live with the pulling and driving off the road and steering wheel braking issue inclined to service anything else on this vehicle so i'm going to change this cycling switch i'm going to change that low side connector because i hear it leaking right now and we're gonna do that turn signal bulb and they're gonna take these lenses out and put some reflector lenses in with some hid bulbs so they can see better at nighttime and i think that's gonna be about it for this fan it's quite unfortunate but i don't own the thing and i don't make the call on it that's what we're that's the way it's gonna be so what i'm gonna do is uh since i am gonna change that schrader valve down there i'm gonna go ahead and recover whatever's left in the system right here and while that's doing that i'm gonna throw the tires back on this and by the time i'm done with that the system should be empty and then i can pull these valves out and swap them out with some new ones um i'm not going to do the high side valve because that one actually costs some money and they don't want to pay for that either okay okay ac machine's still going i'm also going to replace this uh this power steering cooler because that was kind of a their immediate problem was this drippy drip uh one issue that we have though is this particular cooler is not available i was able to get a what dorman says is a suitable cooler i understand it doesn't have the fins but it will bolt on and it will provide some cooling area for the power steering fluid so this is as good as it gets right now so this thing is uh going on in place of this one because you can't have fluid cooling if you don't have any fluid this one bolts on from up top i'll have to figure out some way to arrange the fasteners or run a new bolt through it or something like that but i am going to put this uh metal line on it's supposed to be a cooler and i'm still waiting for this ac machine to finish recovering we've got the tires on and after that we can move on to those uh super high quality ultra high output headlights that way they can see where they're going in the dark okay i can't get any power tools in there so i'm just gonna have to do this manually with a ratchet and a socket the old school way even then it's still a very very tight squeeze yeah the socket wants to i'm so yeah the saga wants to twist and kind of come off at this angle like that did i hit you guys in the face sorry i almost hit me in the face too unfortunately i've got some shade on this side of the truck but i'm running out of time it's late afternoon and as soon as the sun comes around this is going to be most uncomfortable is it coming off or just twisting i don't know i'll just keep doing this something happens maybe if i change the angle of a dangle i can get a better bite on this i'll try switching hands and sides i can't get any speed i've got no the lithium crystals oh i'm getting to the point where the nut is starting to reach all the rust on that stud and it's getting bound up it's not cool oh slow and steady steady as she goes i don't want to round off this nut did you just call me uh no i didn't you mean like on your phone oh he's losing his mind poor peter ah we're going now laying on the dirt pillow no pillow you got one what i can't i don't even know what you guys talking about back in the day oh yeah oh wait you got the picture does he have the pictures oh i got to see the pictures hang on man guys i'll be right back i'm back i just had to go check out some pictures but they they couldn't find them so i give up big old waste of time anyway um i've got one more of these uh fasteners to remove and this assembly should fall down and then i'll cut the lines and uh see what i can do about fitting that new one in and this is cumbersome and annoying and slow i don't like to i don't like to work this slow i like to go fast i'm afraid this bracket's gonna break off oh lost my socket it came off there it is it's this goofy 180 degree angle i got to work with here come on oh it's starting on the slip now that's not good i need to change angles some of my legs and lower side are out in the sunlight and it's starting to get a little warm okay that's not wanting to come out it's just starting to slip because of this goofy angle i need to i need to improvise my strategy here try something different i'll be right back okay i return again i'm gonna try this with a deeper socket and i'm thinking maybe the head of the ratchet will rest against something and it won't want to angle sideways maybe it's either going to work or it's not probably not slow and steady and slippy not working very well that's the that was the slip that almost made me punch the fins on the cooler not cool pun intended okay that's not really going to work either switching right different angles again i'm just kind of rolling around in the parking lot and seeing what works what doesn't becoming angry i'm running out of shade that's uh exponentially making this situation far worse it's almost there oh the ac machine's done it's a bonus come on you i've got like 10 more minutes of shade left and i don't want to hear it down in combat land about when sunlight some of you guys don't know florida sun i don't care if it is october like it's cool at the beach it's not cool when i'm at work all right it's almost out i got last bolt that i left in need the short socket for that one i think we're sorry see at a weird angle so now you can't get it to come out at all thanks for playing try again okay i guess what i should do now is cut these rubber hoses off and stick it on the new ones or stick the new one on those hoses let's throw some clamps on i got the shmu on me please cut overhead petroleum leak this this is a very pleasant job you know after going this far i'm kind of glad i don't have to change uh those front end parts because i did this this uh this is that kind of job that makes you want to quit your job and for 15 bucks an hour i might just go and uh flip some burgers somewhere because why would i want to do this granted they pay me more than 15 but still oh no i'm breaking the thing no it's making a mess be right back the metal is breaking off in the hose before i can get the clamps to come off so i'm gonna have to come up with a creative solution to solve that problem stupid thing and my gopro has power steering fluid on it i sure hope it's gonna survive i'm just gonna cut this thing off all the way off oh we're sorry this hose is embedded with metal you can't be cut through so [Applause] should have been an astronaut okay let's trim up this hose that i hacked off then we can try to put the new cooler on [Applause] i said try because nothing is absolute [Applause] i think knock on wood i think this is gonna work yeah [Applause] okay success success is upon me ah relief there's a cloud that's cool this cloud blown over okay i've got the worst case of noodle arm in my left bicep [Music] we're not the bicep what's the one on the side it's the side of the arm it's got the noodley action so i'm laying on my right side i'm holding my left arm up and elevated either way that muscles noodly doesn't feel good [Applause] everything is hyper lubricated it's so lubed up nothing works i know a socket i'm too far invested i can't give up now it's the sunk cost fallacy [Music] there click [Music] you guys think i should give up the click somebody yelled at me and comment land because it's played out and that you get it and uh and i should stop and just go back to using a torque wrench i don't think i'm going to because i like saying click that's how i remind myself that i torque down the fastener but if if you guys hate it i'll just keep it to myself while i screwed up now it's not going to go under there or supposed to now it is okay so in order for proper hose clearance um i'm not going to be able to reuse those holes i don't think i may have to make new ones that doesn't really fit that well now that the hoses are on yeah i'll just make new ones with self-tapping screws that'll be easy all right yeah i'm back with some custom hardware see the issue is is these hoses over here hitting the steering gear and i don't really have any clearance to move this around anymore and i can't really slide that back far enough because it changes the angle there's a slight bend here so what i'm going to do is just run some self-tapping hardware through this and uh bolt it to this uh radiator support thing and have no fear um i can feel around on the other side and there is no radiator in this immediate vicinity so drilling these holes will be acceptable so i can get a fight on that as well it's working yes okay and one more on this side which i would like to do that right right here okay stop it gravity [Applause] the anger monkeys are swimming in my head very quickly like anger sharks [Music] oh it went through really sweet it's installed oh that really sucked not the most favorite thing i've ever done but it's done let's go back up top and deal with the rest of this ac work and i can get this thing out of here and then i can get out of here first things first let's lose this uh this valve get this old one out there's gonna be two valves in this accumulator one for the service port and then one is gonna be for that um cycling switch i probably don't need to change the one in the cycling switch because the o-ring on it will seal it but since i'm there i'm going to change it because i'm just weird like that that way if there's ever a problem somebody else can't go oh the other guy didn't do this look at that because you never know when you're gonna end up being the other guy like the other guy that just dropped the tool and it didn't hit the ground oh cool let's see if i can see it yeah fat chance uh things gone very gone it's gotta be oh wait i see you i think oh no i can't reach my fingertips touching it and it's brass i think too so i can't use a magnet yeah hey it's on the ground now okay let's try this again without dropping my tool and i'm suffering old man fatigue it's like 3 40 i'm ready for a nap okay there's the other valve let me go fetch two of those and we can get back to work okay got one new one let's not drop it anywhere does it move does it move yeah okay yeah you can drop it there and just back it into that parking space got it okay look another van for me on a tow truck i knew it it's van october because i'm the band man all right oh look i didn't even notice look at the one i took off it broke in half on the way out never saw that before good and of course i need to fetch this o-ring and replace this that's not going to stay there it is got the new one it's green so you know it's good go there we go and a new cycling switch beautiful yeah we'll give that a quick click that's good all right let's pull this down into a vacuum and uh while that's happening i'll pop these headlights out to replace them with the ultra high efficiency super bright excellent nighttime vision headlamp assemblies please go on oh this is how i hurt my wrist trying to use it as a pry bar in weird spots i bet that's what happened okay skip vacuum 10 minutes of that i sure have these headlights done yes all righty now these guys i think they come out with just a couple phillips screws for to be precise if memory serves krusty last one come on i don't want to drop these they're probably uh unobtainium and not replaceable yeah i see this uh this chrome metal bezel thing here hold these lamps in position [Music] there we go and the new ones are no thrill units either they're still made of glass sealed beams same plug same style you just stick it in there and screw it in i'm curious to see if they're any brighter not that i could tell because it's raw daylight outside all right i've uh gone ahead and got the other side done over here already let's turn these on and see how bright they are i'm betting not very sure oh this is cool my boy went to start this and this is what it does i don't even know how it's possible but it's happening maybe it's steam engine powered i fixed it see i touched it and it stopped doing that i got the i got the master master uh we threw a jumper box on there let's see if it starts now nope oh it's doing it again alarm okay round two let's turn off all the loads here no hey just go grab a new battery and throw it in they're gonna get it anyway here i'll hold the clamps on you you try to start it oh there we go try it again i touched it goodbye van i don't have to work on hello van i need to finish working out i better turn these headlights off before i wreck this battery all right charlie you ready it's the most exciting part of this failure of a video here comes oh i spilt it everywhere i suck today terrible oh well there we go and we'll put the lid back on so it doesn't volcano out when i start it i actually spilled that on purpose so i'd have a uh like a solvent to clean this off with leaves a nice sheen and protects against corrosion see and we're good all righty ac machines done let's stockings the engine oh that pump screaming and ac is on full blast i hope that thing's gonna work probably not [Music] let's get this out of here okay third time's a charm and spilled it everywhere oh no absolutely terrible ray you are you're the worst at your job today ever i think i owe you guys an apology on this one i spent a lot of time looking at stuff and not a lot of time fixing anything and i just ended up kind of dead in the water and frankly it's embarrassing um i'll do better next time i i hope and i'll try to maybe i'll change my coffee and try a different flavor and see what happens then anyway all jokes aside i was really hoping to to you know to get a lot of work done in this and i am kind of disappointed that uh we had to just pull the low-hanging fruit uh regarding this van uh especially since i found some kind of serious safety issues in there i mean you hit the brakes and the thing wants to drive off into the other on into the other lane uh that's kind of a no-good as far as i'm concerned uh anyway but at least they'll be able to see at night uh while they're wrecking into stuff knock on wood um but anyway guys uh all that being said i'm pretty tired it's the end of the day and i'm ready to skedaddle and get on out of here so at this point i'd just like to thank you guys for for watching this video i i know it was tough going and uh those of you who are who are here this long i appreciate you guys being here for sure um as always per my normal protocol i would like to simply ask you that if you like this video to let me know about it by tapping tapping that thumbs up button if you didn't like this video you can let me know about that and comment laying down below again thank you guys for watching and of course i have to remind you to not forget to have a great day see you guys later
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 906,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SskZX0COac0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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