ANGRY Technician! | Customer Really Chapped My a$$ with this one!

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oh man i'm really annoyed now like i'm having a hard time containing it you guys remember the video about this crown vic you know the one where i spent all that time pulling this gauge cluster out and verifying that it's got uh failed stepper motors in the cluster and they need to be replaced or the unit needs to be rebuilt well uh we were going to give it back to him because um that window's not going out that's cool we're going gonna give it back to him because we were gonna have to order those parts off of ebay and try to use uh used parts and i was gonna go ahead and back it out um after i sat here with the engine running and uh you know coming up to temperature to verify the gauge issue and getting everything nice and heat soaked as i'm pulling it out i get stopped and the guy says oh by the way can you fix the ac that's not working on it because i think that's what the noise is i'm not paying for diagnosis but um i want you to put a compressor in it so now i have to put it back on the lift lift the thing back up pull the compressor out and change it with a compressor that he is going to bring over to us and of course he's getting no warranty i'm just i'm very very very perturbed at this guy right now and i don't even know him because you know this dude's like the the person that shows up in a restaurant and goes hey by the way the last six times i was here the food was terrible and the service was awful so make sure you get that right this time and i'm just going then why are you here if you don't want to be here please don't be here because you're his his negativity has affected me like on the inside like as a person inside i'm feeling pain because of how the process has just been completely turned upside down and oh yeah okay woosah that's my angry rant for the day so i'm going to put this car back on the lift i'm going to lift it back up and i'm going to give him his compressor like uh like what he wants and i will use his part and i'm gonna take it out and i'm gonna put it in and have a nice day sir see you later because i have i have no other option at this point i have exercised so much due diligence with this uh antique of a ride that i i no longer have any reserve capacity left uh to go that extra mile so the guy's getting what he asked for and that's about it and you know what i say i love my job so much i do it twice crown vic going back up yeah forgive me for flying off the handle there you see the the proper order of operations here would have been to address the parts that are heat soaked in the engine bay before i heat soak them and we have uh decided not to do such things let's see we got we got no pressure in there okay that's a good sign that means less work for me to do let's pull these back off and uh get this compressing unit out of the car as quickly as possible hey let's get this uh this belt out of here and we can get back to business i'm trying to get myself back to a normal state of mind here gravity yep i'm getting okay the belts off flip this up all the way the compressor is on the passenger side bottom of the engine okay coming in from down below there's a there's our compressor let's yank this thing out and uh get it replaced with whatever he brings me uh maybe a new one maybe a junkyard one uh i kind of don't care right now so it's uh yeah whatever the guy brings that's what he's gonna get okay first things first the sway bar is gonna come down because that's gonna be in the way loud noises and the other two bolts are over now on this side [Music] [Applause] this is hot too everything's hot there got the sway bars down i got a great place to mount the camera to this bracket [Music] all right there's another bracket here with some lines on it let me yank that off by tightening it i'm all discombobulated gravity okay and there's a connector for a crankshaft sensor let's lose that wire is out of the way now i can unbolt this compressing unit and drop it down okay it appears to me that these fasteners are of the 13 millimeter flavor and that assumption is accurate wow there's another one up there what is there only three weight savings oh cool it's coming out by way of my fingers yep not that one let's try again with the tool [Music] come here i don't know if this one's gonna come out it's really hot in there and it burns [Music] my uh my anger seems to have slowed the pain of my wrist that's interesting perhaps i'm in fight or flight mode and i don't feel like going anywhere hey that ball came out wow okay now for more hot part all right they gotta oh there goes that bolt another one came out now the hose is still attached to this because i couldn't get that out from up top oh that's warm i need bigger doors i guess i'm not immortal after all i was able to feel heat come out anyway as i was saying i couldn't get to the bolts for the lines up top so i'm just going to kind of pull this down and then try to get them while i after i generate some space here if i can do that which i don't think i can i might have to just reach up and around giggity i don't always giggity but when i do it's worth it all right i can't reach that either the uh the top of the manifold here um it feels like a 10 so i'm going to try to get it from right through here so ray how are you going to reach that bolt from down underneath of it with this guy i think i could be wrong i've been wrong before but i'm going to try it see this little scratching crow's foot thing will reach up and through and then i can put a ratchet through that 3 8 drive and then operate it as a lever let me really spice things up i've got a 3 8 drive quarter inch drive sized ratchet from sniff on this is actually an older tool a very very older tool and it's i've been asked about it before it's part number still let's see fcf it's great for this weird type of applications like this one wow that's tighter than it should be not anymore [Music] so i'm effectively using a ratchet at 90 degrees [Music] okay let's finish off this bolt and get this thing removed from the manifold i took a five minute break because it was a little warm up here it's still a little warm up here but it's not as uh unbearable okay i think i can get it by hand now let's see yeah maybe almost oh it's still warm my right hand's still a little sore so i'm trying not to use that one [Music] i don't know what i did to it i just i woke up the other day and it was had a little bit of pain and the range of motion was restricted i think i sprained it or something but i didn't feel it in the moment so i'm really not sure okay i think this is gonna come out down the other side of these lines yeah here she bombs oh it's hot hot hot hot hot hot hot pot pot to the bench with you and there you will stay until my new one shows up and i can compare the two units oh yeah this was definitely making the noise listen to that that's not good it's not supposed to make that noise all right got my new compressor hopefully it's the right one opening the box i missed terrible what do we have in here all right looks right smells right um the plugs are right the clutch is right must be right now seeing as how this compressor has zero oil in it i'm uh i'm just gonna go with whatever oil charge is inside because what's going to be inside of this unit is going to be system capacity and uh i do not think that that system has any in it at all so we're going to roll with this this is going in right now okay the new one's going in the same way the old one came out right through here and of course i've got to get that hose attached first otherwise i won't be able to do it so i will uh i'll start the stud bolt because this uh this manifold has a little slot in it where it can slip over that bolt for proper alignment i think i've got enough bolt left to uh get it over yes it's it went on it's in place and now i got to do is tighten it up a little bit again i'll use my little scratching crow's foot thing and we'll just work it till it's uh till it's down and then i'll stick a ratchet on there for some leverage and apply some torque okay we're almost there it's nearly bottomed out it's getting tight good and i'm going back in with my little stubby ratchet just to bring that up to a final torque that i find to be acceptable yep that's it and of course i've got to get the interference bolts in their hole before i set this compressor into its final position there it goes and one more and i'll thread this one into the block first because that's the easiest one to manipulate that's going to locate the part and then i can get the other ones threaded in heavy oh okay okay muscle fatigue the struggle is real okay taking a break dude that one's not in enough to get the tool in the heck are you guys listening to and one more up top i can't reach i'll just use the manual wrench for that one quack a guy music okay a couple more click and another next on my to-do list will be this wiring harness with the connector wire right there let's get this bracket secured okay two little mounts and one crankshaft position sensor connector which goes up here oh i failed there goes under this line right here if i can get it to line up right please go i'm already aggravated enough over this car come on got it pull the belt over where it's supposed to be and we're nearly done down here click that doesn't go there this one goes [Music] okay let's back up it's sway bar time and then we can let this thing down and and put it into a vacuum install the charge and see if it's going to work oops let's correct this in balance okay sway bar whoa there goes the light go there okay one more nut and oh one more nut and then two more on this side and uh gravity i found it get up there wrong way okay crown vic coming down again oh the horrors now due to my sheer high level of technician rage right now i really don't feel i should do this but i i am going to go ahead and change these uh these surface valves anyway this one's in here pretty tight but i will get it i'm out does not look too bad well this one doesn't guess we'll never know because it's gone now oh that's tight reverse play this one's junk yeah look at that uh look at that seal right there it's terrible okay one new valve is that an adjustable adjustable wrench yes it is i call them my angry pliers because when i have to get them out adjustable or did they just change up the mechanic no no you just uh yeah they just changed the mechanism yeah oh that's talking crazy you hook them up to whatever using that pinky switch you know what i mean yeah now those those are terrible yeah when you get this on a fastener and it's tightened down the harder you push the harder it squeezes you see see how i did that i took a question from petey and turned it into a shameless amazon sales pitch because these are awesome and no that was not scripted okay vacuum begin okay while this thing is vacuuming i'll take this opportunity to install the belt [Applause] good and as soon as that vacuum is done we're going to be installing 1.13 kilograms of refrigerant or 40 ounces okay vacuum's done it seems to be holding let's go ahead and uh install a charge and see if this thing works and once we determine if it works i'm out of here because it's in the day i'm going home and we're at 40 ounces begin charging now hurry up there and we are halfway there almost complete okay let's uh catch a thermal meter for the center vents all right close the door so you don't have to hear that nonsense out there let's see if this thing is going to power up and work or not stop things the engine and whoa i'm looking at the gauge that thing just went to the moon not cool that's uh that's a little high right there 350 and 40. all right it's been a couple minutes and uh high side pressure came down to just under 250. that's that's okay i feel i feel better about that now let's hop back in and see what kind of temperatures we got okay we're we're down to 50 degrees that's uh that's better than 90. so i i think we've made some progress here on this car okay seeing as how i've got to change the oil on this thing and do a couple other little knick-knacky jobs tomorrow i'm gonna go ahead and call this one good and close this video out i am here past my scheduled and allotted amount of time and i'm late for dinner and i'm ready to go so all that being said as always i'd like to thank everybody here for watching my video and the only thing i would ask of you in return is that you uh tappy tap that thumbs up button that is what lets youtube know that i'm doing a good job and then youtube can send my content to other potential viewers and that's good for me good for you and good for everybody else too however if you did not like this video or anything i did in this video please feel free to let me know about that down in the comment section below also since i did in fact do a shameless impromptu sales pitch uh regarding my angry pliers made by bako i will leave an amazon link in the description down below where you can get a set of those for yourself that being said all that's left is to thank everybody here for watching so thank you for watching and i have to not forget to remind you to not forget to have a great day see you guys later and i'm taking my thermal meter back so i don't lose it again now let me out ready to go
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 1,372,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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