Drill the Oil Pan Gasket (Multiple Engine Oil Leak) Chevy Express 2500 6.0 Pt 2

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hello there viewers good day to you guys welcome back to the channel we're returning to a part two video on this 2009 GMC Chevrolet Savannah Express band uh it's got the uh V8 53 I believe transmission we've had this thing removed since the end of the last video customer brought it in for some oil leaks and we found that the rear main crankshaft seal is leaking so in this video what we're going to do is finish pulling this thing down we're going to pull the crank seal crank seal and big backing plate out of it then we're going to drop the oil pan reseal the oil pan gasket and the rear M and then once this uh engine is resealed we'll put the transmission back on then we have to go up top into the cabin into the dogghouse and then change the valve cover gaskets so stay tuned this is going to be a very good part two video yeah no time for pleasantries today guys we're getting right into it so I'm going in here got a 13 mm socket on the electric ratchet we're going to get these bolts out of uh this cover and pull the cover and rear man off the back of the block and my apologies by the way this is a 6 L 6 L not a 53 forgot to tell you that we're going to do with the neutral drop disconnecting tactic on these Fasteners here since they're far away and I can't reach them and space is uh rather limited check this out Full Speed Ahead C pop them out just like so see it's like an impact but different ow that would hit me in the face face that was uncomfortable right in the nose right in the schnaz uhoh space running out of space there we go now we're cooking a little bit let's get those uh last two on the back side here aha okay I believe that's all of the perimeter bolts coming out of this unit let's get these two 10 ms these lower lower longer bolts that run through the oil pan out and then we can pop that rear cover off the back of the engine [Music] there there we go those guys out of the way there now you can go up there with a pry bar to ice and pop that cover off of the back of the engine here here you guys get up there yeah I'd say right about there is good so coming up with the pry bar let's get right behind that cover give it some pry action drop my nuts I feel like someone's been in here before and they uh I think they RTV silicone this cover on there's a lot of sealant in place there we go e it's leaking the oil on me got it oh man there's sealant all over the back of the block come on guys yall should know better than that these covers are stupid cheap and so are the gaskets man yeah here let's get out of here come over here let's go to the bench real quick look at this business it's covered in sealant they smeared uh RTV all over this gasket right here that's completely unnecessary I mean it was a bad gasket it was flattened out this gasket is like $122 from the part store it costs less L than the tube of sealant that you bought to reeal a bad gasket that's no wonder the thing was leaking yeah don't do that just buy the whole cover with the gasket and the rear seal in it I think someone drove a new rear seal into it once upon a time look at that yeah just popped right out that's not it's junk don't do that come here let me show you guys come out cover yeah you call Dorman for the win on this you guys look at here I can get it untaped and unstuck in the box there look they gave us a new cover with the rear man with a gasket rubber impregnated seal is already built into it and it does not look like this that's that's horrible this is nice and shiny horrible nice and shiny we want nice and shiny when we're working on our cars people like I said dorant for the win on this one with some instructions yep no sealant required okay now that we've had some progression with the disassembly let's continue by pulling the engent oil pan off of this unit down here it's a series of 10 mm Fasteners here let's go around to the front side next we'll get the the majority of these bolts out from this position right over here on the front of the oil pan here we've got this wiring harness that runs across we need to just unbolt it right up here got one single bolt there might be one on that side too but there should just be a peg I think that's just a little plastic Peg that holds it we'll know in a second it should slide over and then drop down yeah yeah a little plastic Peg on this side here so that's going to give us uh 1 2 3 4 5 six seven more bolts to uh to pull out here another one hiding out further back get that guy you guys can see it for you're uh you're playing you there sorry I'm kicking there she is more on the right moving back take I'm down to three bolts left four four bolts I should probably unbolt this uh oil cooler line right here this guy disconnected oh I got on my leg nasty yeah that's all the oil running out of this line right here dripping out of there it's gross all right couple more on the perimeter and this Pan's coming down down and out yeah I think this is our last one over here on the oil waterfall very good okay I think there's one more over here on the passenger side and once that one's loose this pan should be dropping down freely let's get this last one out here yep coming down there she is got it oil pan is down woo okay so we're not quite finished yet you see the oil pickup tube right here running down the length of the engine she runs uh right back to there there is a there's an issue that happens on these GM engines where the O-ring where this pickup to bolts to the oil pump that O-ring in there will get flattened out and it'll start to suck air and if it sucks air it's not sucking oil and then you lose oil pressure so while we're here and everything's exposed we're going to pull this pickup tube out real quick and reing its connection to the oil pump ensuring years of trouble-free operation so we got a 13 mm nut here let's go ahead and pull that guy off drop our 13 we'll set you down right there next to the next to the pan we also have to take a drill to the oil pan and drill the gasket off of set oil pan we'll do that in a minute soon as I get this guy disconnected from the oil pump I'm hoping maybe I'll find that this o-ring in here is in good shape and someone's already uh done this but you never know we're going to get some spillage here to get prepared oh another 13 I missed one thought there was just a single there we go and the survey says look at that flattened out o-ring see it you look past it you can see it's like super duper flat yeah definitely needed to be changed that was going to start leaking anytime so all we've got to do just pop that guy off of there I've already ordered a new one they come in a multi pack now come here you yeah that's supposed to be rounded on the sides but she's flat so while we wait for an O-ring to show up let's grab the pan and we can start drilling out the uh the rivets that hold the gasket onto the pan you see right there there's a rivet and I think another one right here on that side yeah at least two pop rivets that hold this guy on so once we get those drilled out we can get this gasket off the pan then we'll take the pan to the parts washer get it nice and shiny inside and out and then that will be prepped and ready to go back together real simple gravity that was oil pan gravity double oil pan gravity we got an oil pan on top of an oil pan that one's out let me pull that filter off here and we're ready to rock and roll come on filter there we go to the parts washer with us [Music] [Music] check it out got a new o-ring there's our old unit nice and flat and the new one not flat so we'll take this new guy slide it back over the tube put some oil on it for lubrication this tube is ready to go back onto the engine and while I was waiting for this to arrive I went ahead and did the clean up of all the gasket surfaces inside and on the back side of the engine so let's get Back Down Below get this thing into its home and begin the reassembly process all right pickup tube coming in new o-ring on the over there let's maneuver this thing into its position here we'll Bolter back in it's in the pump up front there's a 13 mil pinch lock nut these bolt right to the connecting rod or the uh the crankshaft main bearing caps that's the the studded main bolt that holds the crank into the block and speaking of bolts here's the other one up front two bolts the tube to the oil pan get that guy threaded up electric ratchet click all right so that's hooked up to the pump super duper all right now I'm going to go fetch the pan set the gas on it get the sealant in the correct sealant locations and we'll get that pan back up into position you guys wait right back here okay I've got the pan in my lap the gasket is on it and the bolts are in the gasket give you guys a peek here so there's a pan gasket bolts are all pushed through into the rubber I have sealant here here here and here to meet up with the covers here here here and here to provide extra ceiling between the two metal surfaces so now I'm going to raise this whole pan assembly back up slide it into position without uh smearing my sealant bear with me here got to do this just right ever so carefully like get in there okay okay we got some contact made ooh heavy I know you guys can't see be with me I don't want to don't want to drop this thing here okay oh I even dropped my microphone my mackerel phone okay so I just need to go around and start threading all these bolts in come here get up in there [Music] you let's get all the threads started and then we'll start to uh apply torque action flipping H maybe my fingers are just the better tool there we go that one's in that one's in let's get these little guys out back get y all started uh-oh drop one fell out that one went back here in this rear corner there another one in front of it okay pretty good so far let's start to run all these guys down and get them tight for reals out side a little bit cple more over here I got that one got that one okay let's move around to the front and get the remainders yes put that harness back slide the pin in and then we slide it over there one bolt to hold the harness to the pan that's going to go right in there somewhere right here nice okay we have returned back to the rear of the engine I've already cleaned off the surface of the block of all that sealant and we're coming up with the rear cover and the rear main seal sorry if my hands are in the way guys but uh space is a premium down here and I got to get this just right slide that unit right over and in [Music] there and she's in I think I think we're good looks good smells good it must be good it it must be good so first I'm going to put the long bolts in through the oil pan down here in the back the last two that we took out put those up through the hole get them started in the cover then we'll get the remaining bolts that are on the back side of the cover up towards the top there yes I could have put that cover on first but I also could have done it just the way that I did which is why well it which is what I did none of these are getting torque until they're all threaded in then I'll tighten those long bullets at the bottom first to draw this cover down onto the oil pan to seal the area between the pan and the cover then I'll go back and tighten down the rest of these against the block does that make sense hope so close quarters combat for sure about that guy yep I think that's all of them threaded in so now I'm going to draw that unit down onto the oil pan we'll see some sealant squish out when I tighten these up watch it see it come down very good so I may now go back up and tighten up the remaining remaining bolts here on this cover with the correct size socket ow come here couple more I'm getting noodle arm reaching up there that's it nice and tight she's sealed up yep that electric ratchet got perfect torque on these uh on these bolts here that's great good that was good yep yep Sweat Just dripped out of my glove and onto my my mouth that's nasty that was nasty and it was my own sweat imagine that being someone else's sweat that'd be horrible okay so rear covers on oil pans on let's get the flywheel back in we're going to slide it in we're going to be in the same orientation same camera view so bear with me okay flywheel SL flex plate just make sure there's no dirt or whatever sticking on back for the crank here nice and clean send this guy up okay so I think we're ready to put this transmission back uh against the engine here and get her bolted back in so she didn't come very far so so it shouldn't be too much of a bear to get that thing lined back up and back on the pegs just kind of Roll It Forward some here give it a tug oh and I'm already smashing wires between the between the units here hang on get that stuff out of the way on this side okay I need to lower this side down some I went and stuck one of the bolts in on the uh driver's side just to start to uh get everything in position here and we're pretty lined up I think let me let's get a bolt into it try to draw this thing in with this bolt right here bear with me give this Transit quick tug okay I got a thread caught right there that's [Applause] in contact very good okay so now the trans is uh pulled up to the back of the engine we're still spinning free so there's no interference at the flywheel here flywheel / torque converter let me go go around to the other side make sure that side's looking uh looking pretty good want to check these wires make sure they're not pinched in between transmission and the bell housing and they are not or the transmission in the block rather and they're not that's good okay let me get these guys drawn down a little bit so we're fully flush that one's in okay transmission has been remated to the engine beautiful let's get one of the other studded bolts in on the side here all the way up there ratchet coming in nice okay that's all free and clear that's free and clear okay uh what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and take the straps off of this jack the jack stand here now we're going to let the Jack out and I'm going to let the truck down so we can go back inside to inspect the top of the bell housing and make sure that there's nothing interfering uh with the bell housing to block fit like another wire or a bracket or something like that and if that's the case or not the case we'll raise it back up finish bolting it in then we'll get uh the rest of the connections done starter back in uh torque converter Bolts Etc all that good stuff so let's uh let me get this strap thing out of here and lower the Jack and get it out of the way I'm tired of running into it with my rolly chair here coming down slowly there she is my wood fell out Okay I uh it's hot so I'm a little winded I just raised this thing back up I was up top top of the bell housing I got the uh the remaining two transmission bolts installed and torqued down that one's the final one that needs to be torqued which is now clicked next up I need to get the torque converter bolts in and then uh we'll get the drive shaft and the crossmember and all that stuff in there and position here it's hot did you bring me water good cuz I'm I'm dying it's it's freaking hot it's hot in there too I was inside there's no air flow in this van it's look at this watch it's just dripping dripping down the uh everywhere I'm drippy drippy hot yeah it's not for the same no this job's not even for me anymore I'm too old for this crap okay so what what I need to do is turn this flywheel here let's start getting torque converter bolts exposed is that ratchet or torque converter bolt holes exposed rather and we're going to get these guys spun into position and tighten down I've got to rotate the unit around get each Bolt in the hole first and then once they're all threaded in we'll go around for a second pass and tightening then might keep dropping that ratchet maybe I should stop letting it hang off of the crankshaft that would be probably a ideal I would say there's a bolt again there's six on this uh on this transmission not four not five but six okay so it's not going to work not even close there that worked torque okay one going to go around second time second spin around use the ratchet to spin the bolt down fully the electron ratchet then we'll use the uh the non-electron ratchet here to actually apply torque to the Fastener and watch how this is going to work when I go to rotate this the engine's going to want to turn but the ratchet's going to come up and meet the block not that ratchet the other one meet the block and it won't be able to turn and go up so I can apply some torque so about there spin it down it's getting predictable at this point isn't it I mean was that three sure okay a couple more here doodle arm I'm getting noodly googly click this truck's going to work out it's highly physically demanding I think this is our last one isn't it smells like it yep we just go around to the next bolt just triple double quadruple for the seventh time check make sure that one's in there tight we're good to get the starter back up into its position there yep tight tight is Right beautiful so now let's back it up some take that starter motor right there and get that thing bolted into its home like so right here everything's looking good from my vantage point bolt fell out click okay starter's in I guess now we'll fit the lower bell housing in the position the inspection cover so to speak what' you say buddy oh yeah anytime of course okay covers in start getting the bolts fed into it six of them in total we can see like three from here so I'll do the ones you can't see from over here one's on the other side nice okay transmission lines the dipstick tube is already in the lines are fairly unaffected here they just been sitting around the whole time I put the clips back into the fittings so all I've got to do is just snap those lines back in ow that one's in in the rear one you guys can't see it but it is snapped in little rubber guys are in position there let's snap this uh O2 sensor wire back onto the transmission line right here that's good so this uh section is now fully reassembled woohoo so all right I think we're in the home stretch here we've got to get a crossmember and a drive shaft in next uh I've already attached the uh exhaust hanger bracket back to the tail shaft over here so it'll be easier that uh hangers not in the way or cross M's not in the way but now I'm about to put it back in the way so everything's buttoned up back here we're looking good that's uh let us proceed with the rest of the components okay the member of cross lift it up shove it in it's stupid heavy cuz it's a piece of Steel okay I've got the nut that goes up to that transmission mount I get that nut in we're good it can't go anywhere I mean can still move but it can't really like go anywhere you know get those fuel lines back on while I'm standing here that's good now get this thing bolted back in with it uh side bolts here on our member of cross Jack this thing up some I've got the the poe Jack back out lift it up and then we can get these bolts lined up see if we got it yeah sure sure order sh SAU wor sh sauce one up top woohoo all right three on this side let me Mosey on over here to the other side going to take my transmission jack back CU I don't need it in the middle I need it over here on the side Jack that member back up okay bolt hole is lined up or I thought it was lined [Music] up let see it is almost lined up a little bit higher yep that one threaded in that top one you see the frame Flex inwards heavy yeah woo okay cross members in let's get the center bolt and then the drive Shack and that nut should be easy let's go up there and light it [Music] up beautiful reassembly nearly complete beginning shaft insertion now L that up wiggle her in there bottom it out ah came out get in there there we go back there we go and then sitting on my straps chair here around hey Dave ask to do a o rear differential food Exchange here5 right hand won the race I did throw a dab of grease on these uh joint caps by the way like I said in the earlier video there we go all right okay quick recap everything's bolted in I just put in about six quarts of transmission fluid just put in about 7 quarts of 530 Royal Purple that's what the customer brought they brought their own oil um let's go ahead and hop in no I got to put the transmission shift lever back on remember I rotated the drive shaft well I have the shift lever disconnected so I need to put that back on cuz it's in neutral yet the lever inside is in par I'll show you guys what I'm talking about give me a second here raise this thing back on up here over at the rly chair I need a 10 mm and a 15 mm wrench down on the driver's side SC down here see how I took the shift lever off what I need to do is put this thing back where I found it so I need to shift it back into park by moving that shaft right there that should be parked take the nut off that's not parked that's uh something else here we go slide that guy on get the nut 15 wrench now the deal is when this tightens up it's going to want to turn the shaft and the only thing keep keep that shaft from being able to turn is going to be that shift lever so I grabbed that guy with the thumb that way the the cable doesn't take all that stress you tighten it up so now that's back in position let's get it back out from under here we'll let her down again and then uh we can go ahead and start the engine and check for lower leaks uh like I said I still got to do the valve covers on that one but that's not happening today I can tell you that right now it's too hot to be in there coming down okay so oil is in it trans fluid is in it uh everything's bolted on it's in park again let's go on inside fire this thing up beginning first engine restarting sequence now all right see this running it's alive it's got oil pressure sounds nice and super quiet too anything leaking h no way it's not leaking I just fixed it why would it leak after I fixed it that's just silliness yep oil pressure is good voltage is good I'm good you're good we're all good the engine's good powering down woohoo all right boys and girls and children of all ages uh I do not believe I I have anything more to offer you on this particular video I believe this is a good stopping point where we are uh the only thing left on this van to do is going to be an axle service out back swimming pool fingers and uh and these valve covers up here and that'll about conclude the extent of the repairs and this visit for this uh 2009 Chevrolet van so guys having said all that as always I'd like to thank each and every one of you for watching this video let me know what you think about this video in the comment section down below do not forget to engage that like And subscribe button we down there and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a fantastic day see you guys later in a video end of oil leak repair end of transmission
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 76,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qvU7SjgNnvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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