I’m deleting this entire conversation! Honda making clicking noises

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[Music] hello everybody and good day to you welcome back and if this is your first time here just welcome i'm glad you're here i know that i'm glad to be here what we have here is a 2013 honda odyssey and the customer states that they hear a clicking noise while turning and driving from the front suspension area so we are about to go drive and turn this miniature van to see if we cannot duplicate said clicking noise oh i just heard one right front area heard a clicky click i don't think we're gonna have to go far i'm hearing abnormal noises right away okay i don't hear anything in a straight line so far so good there's some noises okay let's try it on a left let's try a right turn nothing much on a right turn let's do a there's a little bit let's do a left turn oh yeah okay oh that's crazy i think we've heard enough let's go lift this up in the air and uh take a visual inspection opportunity from the nether regions and see what's going on down there okay let's lift our people mover [Music] oh nice it's got high performance drilled and slotted rotors it's pretty cool actually dang they went all out did the drilled and slotted on the rears too alrighty so the preliminary visual inspection of the nether regions uh does show that this particular axle boot has been flinging a little bit of grease um it's not as severe as i would have liked to have seen i do suspect that one or both of these axles is making that clicking sound that they complained about uh however i don't really have a good visual indicator that's going to confirm such things therefore at this point i am going to rely on some experience having heard this type of sound before and understanding that this sound is usually caused by worn joints and the cv axles i'm going to recommend that we replace at least this one cv axle and then rechecking it or just uh going with both the majority of these suspension components down here look pretty good i don't see any torn bushings likewise on this rear bushing and the same thing on these other lowers there's really nothing else that could be causing this particular noise therefore axle replacement is going to be my recommendation to solve this complaint and although it's not much i do have an indicator with all with all this grease here that there is an issue with at least this particular axle that being said i'm gonna go write this up and present to my service folks what i found here and we're gonna relay that recommendation to the van owner and we will see what they want to do about this situation here okay honda coming down we are going to replace the front axles both of them left and right sides okay so the way this is gonna work i have to pull this big axle nut off and the shaft will slide through the bearing and out but it won't be able to do that because there is a steering knuckle in the way so what i need to do is remove either the strut bolts tie rod and or the lower ball joint to gain the necessary clearance to allow the space for the shaft to come out and then i can remove the shaft from the transmission and then reverse procedure to install the new one i think what i'm going to try to do is just pull the two strut bolts out first and that may give me enough space to get this axle shaft out of the knuckle but we will see all right let's see if this is going to work loud noises good can't reach that one with a socket there is a caliper in the way i'll try it from this side [Music] all right oh no you don't flashlight stay do not fall oh i'm screwing up screwing up pretty bad i don't have enough space to accommodate for this flashlight gravity for this abs wire thank you yeah i'm not off to a good start so far almost breaking wires [Music] that's stuck not to worry i will make it unstuck maybe that's very stuck come out please she is all right i can just hang out over there let's uh try again without dropping the flashlight all right that looks pretty good i think i'll have enough to get the axle out let's get this axle nut off before it becomes a problem nice now i believe there's enough space to sneak this guy out of here oh it's close it's very close i don't want to stretch this brake line i have to be careful of that nope that's not going to work i'm going to have to pull the tie rod off i thought i could get away with it and i was wrong no worries though no harm no foul [Music] perfect i'm putting this nut back on to protect the threads because i will extract this tie rod end with a linear impact driver just like that anything harder than that you run the risk of damaging the threads but in this particular case that method worked out now i have the space yeah barely oh come on there it is that will work okay time to go up and then we'll uh unbolt the axle and pull it out from the trans now if i can focus your attention back downhill there is a flange that bolts the intermediate section of this axle to the back of the engine block and that flange is attached with this bolt right here and that bolt down there and i need to remove those bolts in order for the flange to release from the bracket in order for the axle to come out from the transmission and since that stuff's far away i will achieve that by employing the use of a long rod with a wobbly bit on the end click next oh yeah [Music] all right i need to move this light because this is a guaranteed going to get dropped if i don't so i think i'll hang it from something over here figure it out tape maybe maybe right there good okay a little bit of pry bar action you should see this thing released without too much bus if i can get behind it yep it's free there it comes all right that's one okay so i have a new axle here it appears to be of the correct dimensions but there's a slight discrepancy regarding that uh bearing plate right there so we're gonna give that a closer examination okay let's fire up the metoo toyo calipers to see if these are the correct dimensions it does look pretty different here what we'll see all right we're looking at 2.676 inches a very similar yeah 2.76 inches 676. pardon me and i believe that the bolt separation is the same i'm not going to be precise i'm just going to get a general guesstimation yeah those are good i believe this will this fits in it's the right unit let's line all this stuff up that's even okay this is the correct component it's gonna go in all right big shaft let's get you lined up yep care must be taken with the tran seal to not uh jam it with the shaft because if it tears it will leak and then i have to do this all over again and that would be bad all right that feels lined up trying to rotate it to make sure the splines are aligned in the trans and they are and that little bit of a shove sent it home it is it is now in position my holes are a little offset right here we'll just straighten those out like so good and the install is the reverse procedure of the removal kind of gravity there it is it's on the control arm got you nice click click we're good all right let's bring this down to a comfortable working height for me and uh finish the reassembly [Music] lose the nut why it is fire all my flashlights are fired it's like magnetism ceases to exist when i rely on it oh well i didn't break the rake i was testing its durability and then i placed it in the woods so it could be with its family exactly i can't believe that i didn't remember that dude it's happy gilmore man how could you forget yes but it's burnt into your your memories did you know that when you remember something you don't actually remember the event you remember the last time that you remembered it yes no no no your brain doesn't remember the event it remembers the last time that you remembered the event that's how memory becomes distorted over time and is ultimately unreliable if you meditate you remember everything [Music] science we're talking about science yeah like that one time at band camp i played the saxophone i wouldn't know about i bandcamp play many instruments but i didn't play me i'm deleting this entire conversation it's a family channel i know good job is that right i should stop putting it there and figure out something else but cars are made of plastic now they're non-magnetic so i don't know what to do bungee cord it you're right i am uh bringing a magnet to a plastic fight thank you captain obvious peter all right so i'm i'm just watching the flashlight so if it falls i can reach out and grab it oh i see it oh i see you flashlight you're not gonna fall today look at this thing it's mocking me wash it stay now let's play where's that 17 millimeter socket that i had oh it's on my other gun this one i found it it was already on the gun excellent smithers due to the fact that reusing cotter pins damages my soul i'm going to install a new one because now it looks good and see abs wire sensor device you're going back in it's not lined up there it is [Music] not the right socket i am slipping today click oh no you don't flashlight [Music] now i got pizza doing it dude i'm gonna get everyone here doing that i want like five guys going [Music] i kind of want to go you can do that jeopardy is good hey erlan go go right on i love my job most days i know once you start you can't stop it's highly addictive i believe this is the appropriate time to use a torque limiting stick oh yeah next up 242 foot pounds of torque need to be applied here however my wrench only goes up to 225 so we're gonna do it at 225 plus a little extra this is designed to lock the rotor in place so i can hang off of the wrench here we go a little extra there we go torque is achieved and as a safety feature i will bend part of this axle nut down into this notch to prevent this uh axle nut from possibly walking off it won't but we do this to lock it in like so you can see right there okeydokes i'm going to move on over to the driver's side and remove and replace that axle as well seeing is how we just watched in axle removal and installation i'm going to do that side in warp speed slash light speed super fast motion that way we don't get bored and click away because that would be bad so if you guys are ready i'm ready click [Music] there's our notch happy tap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay almost done here let's throw this wheel on i've already done the other side and we will take this back out to the parking lot do some high-speed donut burnouts and see if that noise is gone okey dokes let's let this down i will hit these wheels with a torque wrench real quick and then we will go out on the road honda coming down all right let's ride and see what happens starting the engines i said engines it's it has only one engine it didn't start either oh man i let go of the key so fast it snapped back to the off position that's what i did silly technician breaking people's stuff so i hope you guys enjoyed the uh super fast motion light speed action that we did in this video uh i've tried that a couple times with mixed results um let me know what you think about cutting out the repetition and monotony down in comment land below that being said let's go confirm our fix there are more cars in the parking lot than there were when we first started i hope there's space for some for some loopty loops over here i think there is well so far so good i don't hear any abnormal noises let's do that hard left oh yeah nothing this is great fixed it all right let's circle back around saki style and do a hard right just to make sure that there's no noise that's presenting itself in the other direction and we can call this one good i heard some tire screechy yep we're all set here guys this is a confirmed fix axle's worthy problem the problem is now solved well folks thanks for watching this video i certainly do appreciate it it is my sincerest hopes that you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please take a nano second out of your day to reach down and tap you tap that thumbs up button don't hit it and don't smash it doing such things could possibly break your phone tablet computer or any device that you're viewing on and that would be bad but a simple tappy tap will suffice what that tappy tap does is lets me and youtube know that i'm doing a good job and if youtube believes that i'm doing a good job it is far more likely to recommend my content to other potential viewers and that's good for me that's especially good for them that being said again thank you guys for watching and before i go i have to remind myself to not forget to remind you guys to not forget to have a great day so everybody have a great day see you guys later honda powering down [Music] see you later little black honda
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 434,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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