♦War Classic♦ 'SUICIDE BATTALION' (1958) Mike Connors & John Ashley

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[Music] this is war in the Pacific American armed forces are reeling under the blows of a savage and cunning enemy father is a pile of rubble and uncounted death one by one our island strongholds fall to the power crazed Japanese these are the faces of war this is war [Music] what price must we pay for one jungle island how many lives must cost for one small piece of land or one building Colonel Craig's command post on the island of value [Music] this building was only a heap of mortar and wood but to these men it was to become a living thing a powerful enemy that would destroy and kill before it would surrender its grim secret the United States Army engineer Corps will always remember with pride these men of the suicide battalion alright let's plant one here I'd take it around the bend sir start digging here Donovan just a suggestion major the danger latrine it's a landmine machine and I'm about taking ten major my feet are killing me you know this retreat is hard work the human body could only stand so much remember that the next time you're at mama Lily's in Bonita I gotta get back to the Nicci jojo's expected me I want to give her a lesson number four and fraternize now mama Lily catches you Tooting her nice and she decapitate you and that can hurt listen how about that breather major my feet are killing me I take ten you may not get another chance like after the sniper action Japs may have cut in behind us defeat the other way the winds blowing right at me Novello his secret weapon his feet use him riding awareness of war first battles the toughest kid a couple of times I thought I was gonna get sick had a buddy at Verdun used to heave every time a barrage starts that's he were in World War one think I dropped my own man a few lines good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well what are we waiting for major I'd like to take the boy back okay [Music] I'd add small lull in the fighting so I thought I'd drop you a note I just got the building up from the jab swamped us had us outnumbered 20 to one but didn't even have a chance to destroy our equipment or the building's dad I saw men died today for the first time maybe one of my bullets killed someone kind of hope not tell him I think his folks would like to have that Colonel Craig I can't send it through I guess this boy didn't know much about censorship get ready to know very much about anything alarming I want that headquarters building destroyed get ready for another assault at 1400 we can't take it with a striking force we have we've learned that that building has cost us too many lives already am I being reprimanded by one of my subordinates major no sir but an open assault is hopeless I want that command post demolished at any cost then get me reinforcements sir somewhere Corregidor slit and those boys are pretty well occupied you know get your men ready major we can't take it by force I'll make your objections a matter of record I don't like this any more than you do give me a handful of demolition men and we'd have a better chance than 500 infantry you think you get behind the enemy lines a few days we could all have is pretty well bottled up by then one thing yes they'll relax then we can move in you'll have to ask for volunteers I can't order men out on a mission like that it's suicide men aren't food sir I realize our position is pretty grim anyway with your cooperation and certain inducements I'm sure I can get them doucement what are they 72 hour passing banette three months advance pay in their pockets that's pretty irregular isn't it take about three days to put the plan in operation anyway if it works we'll save a lot of lives bring me the tale plan as soon as possible I'll get busy it'll help you forget lieutenant all to talk to the men well I do the paperwork I'll do that how long do you think we can hold out colonel evacuation of all non-essential American personnel from the port of Bini she began yesterday does that answer your question very graphically soon two messages sir one from captain Blair he's withdrawn to defense position it's ordered anything about casualties very heavy and there's one from Captain Henry and Bernie Chi quite a thon thony Chi go on lieutenant two newspaper correspondent Swain and Mason of national press service request permission to cover action at the front how can you imagine anyone wanting to come out here we need obituaries writers not correspondents it's tough enough for us without exposing non-combatants permission refused wait a minute give him another message tell on these islands the death trap they'd better get off it if they can [Music] [Music] you know I could get knocked up with all that shooting going on so chill never forgive me if I got killed you know I bet you think I did it just to get out of marrying her marry Cho Cho oh this kid is sick Etta Medical no pills gonna cure this fever pops only matrimony one of those might have my name on so what you can't read what's the only Harry dying again oh he's always broken for a guy who's lived through how many wars Harry for knocking out the three years I was married passion some old soldiers home that's not for me like hey even where they are yeah it's gotta eat too just how to talk to the tunnel bleedin da looking for some of the best demolition men we got naturally I thought of you boy yeah relax volunteer mission my dogs are just killing me I'm read the book and I can't quit or I find out who killed the butler of course there are some compensations not bribes mind you there's a 72-hour passing Vannucci three months paid a blow on that sinful town what's the catch boys it's a rough job the odds are about a thousand to one I'm used to them cut out our cancers are no better sitting here we're outgunned out man and outhouse I remember once in the Argonne want some of this I'll take mine you might even get to see your girl Tommy I got no right to deny her the pleasure of seeing me again I I'm with you lieutenant shirts not gonna make any score with help me as soon as I find someone handy with a machine gun Marty we have Tiffany chief right away I just checked with the colonel get my briefing in Mama Lily's here we come okay okay you know this whole bits a one-way street anyways right I wouldn't think I wouldn't like you guys to think you've been pressured into this Oh Colonel my task you know I got a touch we just had a snow job no pressure you down my head for rocks volunteer like that brother volunteered to get married there's this girl's father standing over them with a 38 that's for me lads it'll be a rare treat to lead the gay old life again yeah well you talk a good name anyway got some left and some to spare you pull your left flank back to this point the enemy will follow you in words will be creating a corner for you and your man along the coast after a few days they'll stop patrolling that stretch then we can come back and pick up our supplies still leaves you four miles from your objective for a very tough model if only two of us can get through we can still blow that building to the Imperial Palace in Tokyo well you want to cash your supplies one here and one here to cashes the widely separated points it's a good gamble services lieutenant halt sir come in I have the mat sir they're getting ready to leave now come from my breathing made you a conical fill you in I thought I was to be in command sir I didn't tell you that [Music] major mcCormick wasn't even mentioned when he asked me to recruit the men didn't occur to me to mention him he was busy working out the tails lieutenant halt I'd like to drop out sir it's alright with me we're not playing tiddlywinks gentlemen or are we no sir I'm ready he's the best explosive man we have he'll do his job well colonel well you should have quite a flinging beneath you anyway I'm sure the men will good luck man thanks hey Pappy Oh buddy now what are you gonna do in Burnage nothing but women there you know well first Unga why you let knows bottle-fed pup I got my training in the casbah once you survive that you old a lifetime degree yeah this will be our rendezvous point in case we get separated we'll meet here uh-huh they're not too happy about doing this job with me are you no I'm not still check out if you want to I'll do what's expected of them that's all I'm asking long as you don't let your personal feelings interfere with the job ahead of us I don't care how you feel about me I like myself clear way I'm concise as always amazing good our lives may depend on that the odds against us for a thousand-to-one majors at 10,000 the same one that we get at the back miss pillar officer you said it [Music] [Applause] see you men later yes sir 72 hours later sir three days and all this beautiful stuff wait to start sharing my fortunate mama oh hey look who's talking buddy let's go check into cleaned up no vanity calling OnStar one Vannucci calling Lone Star 1 report your position over great radio that you are on your way in but I didn't expect you two later yeah my men were in a hurry they really had those jeeps flying huh welcome to go stop yeah when are you leaving a couple of days I've been organizing guerrilla resistance any luck say yeah I wonder if you can spare a man for a pretty thankless job okay what is it I want someone to stick with my men I've got to know where they are at all times consider it done he'll roll and regulation them to death but he'll stick with them Thanks he memorizes pentagon directors like they were poetry oh by the way yeah telling they say the order came from Craig himself make it convincing leave it to me well I see mama Lilly is still in business cheers durable she's teaching our waitresses Japanese yeah I'll see you in a minute but all non-essential Americans had been evacuated or he and the woman photographer landed here this morning the plane was hit with that guy couldn't turn back disordered before we could get them away the airstrip was park result no strip no planes coming my boy get them out of here I know transportation for everything that could float took off yesterday all I have left is a fishing junk for myself and a few men now the best I can do is take them with me when I go I want to not happen eg before that I try but it's pretty hopeless pretty rough up there yeah funny get pretty rough right here in no time at all oh maybe we'll get some help here the Navy there's always that thing maybe isn't there sikorsky green the Novello don't tell me I mean picked up before I started my leave special duty I've been assigned to serve as your escort listen I don't want no chaperones when I'm romancing chocho now I'm telling you little man Colonel Craig's had to see that you do not fall into the hands of a scrupulous native but you do not become involved in altercations with the populace all right Sonny he can help us down the street I shouldn't have listened to my mother I should have gone Air Corps Oh soldier boy tell your soldier boy come let's go home [Music] [Music] [Music] - no such a beautiful name come wish me to the Kasbah I would love you even if you had half of that love Lily how are you sweetheart here's for the dream sander I have one for you you're the image of a man I was engaged to in Savannah give me out of that cornpone and hominy grits routine last time I saw you you told me from Sweden but I live stateside didn't I nine years I know you wrote me for 11 bucks you crumb bum when'd you ever have 11 bucks for example that's all you won't have to Mickey Finn me think of my own ethics knock on it you can lose me [Music] well I don't want to forget yeah I've been waiting for you I'm Peter Wayne national press service captain Henry tells me you're in command here that's right we came out here on a specific assignment to cover the action on this island I can show you the necessary authorization I'm sure you have it but it's out of the question will your obligations to our readers they have a right to know what's going on write your Congressman mr. Wayne I'm sorry you'll be held to look out for this I'm sure [Music] well hello [Music] [Music] that's young major mcCormick he looks familiar P did you talk to him about getting through to the fighting line I couldn't even get through to him you haven't got what it takes to subdue majors B obviously man all battle stations major mcCormick I'm Elizabeth Ann Mason national press service and I've heard of you you take pictures glimpses of the war is seen by a woman I see you haven't read the latest Pentagon bulletin this is be kind to correspondence week the old majors aren't on their mailing list now if you'll excuse me by the way miss Mason don't try and leave any chi or I'll have you thrown in a guardhouse [Music] this helps little you're wasting your time and assets on a major Bludd is ice water and as emotions I catalog when the store gonna deep freeze for the duration he's fighting machine a soldier soldier there's no time for weakness and I hate his guts you have had a drink or two haven't you well catch up with me this does hitting me what's he done to you nothing nothing would be superior strong and vulnerable you know I think you envy him you're too smart for me get out of my level I don't think my spinster aunt would approve I don't mind paying for tea but don't make me drink it watch it will ya you almost knocked me out of my chair are you you still wait for ChaCha I love her can't you understand that you never been in love huh 390 times you'd be 91 maybe Papa Lily know but your choice yeah your place called New York yeah it's another Brooklyn Bridge 1g I tell me when I come there give me big present Big Talk oh yeah well don't tell me I'll bet it was Macy's how'd you know well see I knew it couldn't begin those because that's mine now you go get Papa Lilly and bring him up here and I'm gonna give you give away a few drinks away you're very articulate and prayed last a woman who understands me I'm afraid I'm a little high you needed some air [Music] we'll grab a hunk come on man how's it going all right so far I've arranged an escape from the room with some gorillas you are an optimist they'll pick you up on the coast road and put you aboard a junk and I'm not counting on it I guess I'll go back over to the hotel you see the boys are having no dull moments by the way you don't anything about miss Mason break it up the wait till I leave all right now where's Jojo are you parley good enough now where'd you take her Seattle maybe San Francisco maybe Portland Hoboken San Diego you've been maybe hotel yeah yeah break a leg will ya thank you look I'm not kidding Joe Joe nice girl me nice boy look I only beat my mother up on her birthday and I never use more than two loaded dice in any crap game Joe Joe get married next week married no she can't do that to me oh no dude Papa do men bring good present take Cho Cho look I wanna marry this girl bring her good presents cheap island man like Jeep oh okay Jeep cow yeah goats goats chickens geese $100 for marriage broker you're the marriage broker you lousy robber all right all right a hundred bucks but make it snappy you don't get present I see Cho Cho daddy everything be Seattle ah let's see how I can hardly wait I need help with something turning to me for help on your wedding night which one you marrying here's to you and to all their bin before you now you all be happy it's Jojo I just gotta marry her little damn boy look I gotta get a dowry or something together will you help me that I will you a little rascal hey mama drinks on me set up around at the bar for Bill here and the girl [Music] I'm going out to talk to him my being out right I'm a working girl chat I came out here to cover a story [Music] enjoying your stay here miss Mason standing there in the darkness I almost mistook you for a human being next time you'll know better what can I do for you either get me off this island or let me do my work you'll leave with Captain Henry and you can't go to the fighting line you're a gallon of chung's whiskey or a guided tour to Lovers Lane will change my mind I see why your men love you as they do you're a commissioned robot officer a bloodless facsimile of a man [Music] there was a woman who knew different sorry nature [Music] I have a job to do very unpleasant job bleep five men on a mission that may cost in their lives whatever happens does is inevitable but I won't take the responsibility for your life I knew the risk when I took the assignment good night miss Mason your lover must be frothing at the mouth by now [Music] [Music] these don't smell worse than a herd of camels holding a convention what are you doing whoa you leave now here in your diary be gone by morning so Daria no wet work no wedding no honey Milano say no more [Applause] [Music] they're loaded they'll sleep lightly [Music] [Music] stuff smells worse the ghosts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what was that Tommy snoring go back to sleep he's having a nightmare he's dreaming he's locked in a bar and there's nothing to drink with milk [Music] [Music] Oh 5:30 time to get to work yes sir when'd you last check with Blair and the others a half hour ago everything's quiet almost too quiet won't be for long think you can dig up some coffee yes sir Trini Tokita whatever your kids are teaching it didn't get me so diminutive alarm in the company tada stop say Corre Corre coup [Music] man [Music] [Music] I was unnecessarily rude last night I'm sorry I was less than tactful myself Oh major will you join me in a cup of coffee no thanks I'm having breakfast with Captain Henry you still smell goatee got them in your back pocket I got him parked on the road downwind out of town lieutenant Hall thought you might want to go along with us make good pictures he says what will Tommy's going Courtin he's taking JoJo's dowry to her father only animals go courting this hour that's Tommy I'll get my things and be right with you if something comes of it you can be the bride's make my favorite roll [Music] yeah please promise you're a whole mess of them oh there's not much we can do about it is there lieutenant [Music] I wasn't just a practice flight I learned all units to expect a full-scale attack yes sir [Music] waitwait [Music] [Music] [Music] too bad we can't have some about men up there running their tails out of the sky just that word from captain Blair cable companies dug in are they under attack it's raining steel it means the nips polyMet well gives the major he's Carter anyway [Music] I can't find any trace of my men looked everyplace my dad's with him you'll bring him back in one piece any news they're under attack but holding relax cradle hold them off I [Music] must warn you that the transferring of military vehicles is expressly forbidden section z6 article eight nine six seven two one - beat that Sonny or I'll take you off problem 25 base for miscellany expense you throat-cutting thief here thank you when do I get to see my girl [Music] she's looking him over like he's tomorrow's menu I'm cautioning you that unless the necessary documents have been procured through proper channels any marriage is invalid ain't get too big look this ain't a marriage we're just setting up the deal nevertheless section 12 article 564 mm woman the Articles of War clearly state that work I'll get her for you [Music] beautiful everybody come back later we talk and leave all the beautiful beach here nothing doing we're not leaving until the legal and bindin understanding has been reached I need a book of some kind anything at all all I have is a dictionary dictionary according to the law set forth in this book and approved by the Supreme Court of Madagascar I now proceed to draw up a verbal agreement in the Articles governing contractual agreements while on active service listen your Philadelphia mouthpiece beam it up now a minute the Provost general I am now according to the law throwing up an agreement between the parties of the first and second part man those second parts by repeating after me the words I say you will be given mutual and binding consent to matrimony as soon as a chaplain can be shanghaied gospel we hands in hands I now say after me a dr. Graf e-docs aggress noun from the Greek a doctors Inglorious plus graphi I do and you heard dr. Graf II how both of you say hi hi I drop see exa klorel dou phenol thing [Music] Hydrox it hi look my leave will be over before I can say that as long as you're willing that's the main thing now before I pronounce this engagement he pluribus unum is there anyone who wishes to object [Music] let him repeat after me antidisestablishmentarianism as is the American custom you may now kiss your Intendant give that listen we're engaged no don't kiss till marriage come back three days later with Chaplin for three days younger members fastened played for three days then you come back listen I don't have that much time Jojo not be lonesome he keep her company all the time listen I can't do it oh wait a minute it's time to fight no time to use your head first thing to do is to make a temporary retreat make them think relieving the air [Music] right it's a sitting duck up there where is everybody no hotels like a to even Chung left packed a suitcase in left Chandler well that's something to worry about what do you mean well those natives out there all killed in alarm system I need my men in the hotel no and Beth must be with it where am I supposed to do now everything will be all right you stick around with us kill life Mary Jane 1,200 yards fire [Music] hey company cover sector three big company cover the left flank [Music] come infinichi captain we're a company captain Blair hey company come in Blair sir that opens the road to beneath she tell Beckman to move in no answer there either call Henry's minnici and telling to alert McCormack up a breakthrough tell him to get going yes sir come infinichi Kenichi over [Music] no answer sir well what do you say just can I have any chief amici over it then he went dead [Music] [Music] still no sign of my men I better get started alone what's happening afraid they're broken true mr. Winn what are you gonna do with me probably take you with us service already start burning the records said I think I'll try her again this time with a little more persuasion go on Captain stop we got that escape setup yeah Oh Yankee Nippon II come soon for the last time where are my men [Music] any Americans I'll go Khurana biopsy Rivero [Music] [Music] gosu boy boy is it ChaCha's house how far is it no not bad by Jeep one felon and Michi I take you my place - Juji do something where for pete's sake just hold on do something it's coming to me it's coming to me you look worried Chet I am the shelling stopped yeah I noticed it could mean it's Oliver's Craig I wonder I got it what is it we'll get him out to the Jeep you go around to the side of the house and get her I'm wasting away let's go take him below Joe Joe daddy maybe we better arbitrate this start arbitrating [Music] we finally make what do you say to that yeah Oh baby you said get in we're leaving what what sir I just got engaged I can't leave fellow get in why you're old skinflint this jeeps got a special motor in it runs on coconut juice she does you promise good bowel repairs and happy alright men the party's over wind business as of now let's go leaves over I still got money left they got no place to spend it the Japs have just taken Bonnie Qi what about me major just doing some friendly natives around you'll have to contact them it's the best I could suggest she might run into some of the unfriendly ones she'd have a fighting chance with us major we could hide her somewhere we're fighting a war not dancing a cotillion now let's get going I'm not leaving without her I could shoot you for that kind of insubordination of tenants maybe [Music] [Music] all right looks like you get to that front line after all let's go [Music] get the let out we've got to get to the TNT the Japs haven't beaten us to it I'm sorry it worked out like this I'll keep out of your way will you after the job is finished make your way back to this point get in deeps and start driving gorillas will pick you up and take you to the coast okay let's go hey our soldier I hope you know how to use it [Music] [Music] all right take the play things out even a rookie knows better than that lieutenant did you think you were in a bar lighting a cigarette the guy can cut your jugular vein with a word let's see cuts his jumper vein everything here Donovan yes sir turning this tin cure for a hangover yeah this will keep you warm gather round then all right we're working three teams of two men each Donovan you go with me lieutenant you go with Sikorsky that leaves green and Novello for the third team you haven't told us the objective of this mission just what are we dying about and that headquarter building we put up for Colonel Craig we build a basement bomb shelter it also served another purpose some of our top intelligence records were kept there including the names of some of the guerrillas on this and other islands the manner in which they were to get their supplies and the delivery points we didn't get a chance to destroy those records for all we know they're still there they might have found them maybe we still have to find out one you're right as you go down the basement steps you'll find some cement blocks the middle one in a third row can be removed behind that you'll find the records if they're there man this is a screwy walk yeah whoo I see about handing in my resignation all right we'll leave it all to hundred that's nearly six hours you men better get some sleep we'll take six one-hour watches I'll take a first night close your private quarters miss Mason and I do mean private I want you to lay off I mean that [Music] Laozi sensor yeah human get out of and I'll take over real pleasant I hear hard to think that a couple of miles down that hill oh you better get some rest major we give you a pretty rough time of it don't we well more than I've got coming to me I've been soldiered most of my life served under a lot of men you're up there for the best thank you Dad oven I heard you come out here I wanted to talk to you all I'll be out here in a minute ready to battle me fear favors you don't fool me with that caustic tongue of yours anymore I just want to tell you that you are no way responsible for what's happened to me it's my own fault completely and it doesn't make it any easier you always have to take those men out there maybe to die here you are a reminder of all the things men want to live for yeah even me make me want to go on living now that is too late you know what I thought when I saw you come back to the hotel last night all those leaves sticking on your clothes looked at you and I said to myself there was a high-class college-bred camp follow her even though I knew I was wrong I wanted to believe it and as I was thinking it you like I love you [Music] do you see why you shouldn't be here back please [Music] okay the order hi [Music] [Music] at Oh 3:45 start back for the Jeep's you should be there by Oh 500 walk carefully keep your gun ready none of us are there by Oh 5:30 get into and start driving dad what I said out there I meant it so did I talk about it tomorrow keep thinking that you too sure did look cozy blowing like high school kid at the first problem what happened to us I don't know easier you handle that stuff I need firecrackers man I'm carrying enough TNT to blow up mama Lily's black-market ration coupons [Music] I'll forget that lieutenant don't using my court-martial and this [Music] had enough only for now I feel good now major how to get it out of my system the hell with that court-martial over here men all right it's old 157 it's three minutes before we start say when you get to New York you look up a fella by the name of Tony Bracken for me you telling you knew Molly Molly the couch is what they used to call me now you tell him I was polishing off just like I was getting paid piece work for it you know he's gonna get a kick out of that you'll tell him yourself someday you kiddin besides who needs it it stinks well you're gonna wait for me at the Jeeps I'll be there I'll wait for you are these hams with the last stack climax you know I got a hunch we're all gonna make it back all right check your watches so 201 all right Donovan and I'll take it from the north lieutenant and Sikorsky we'll take it from the west we and a fella take it from the east get as close to the house as you can should make it there by Oh 3:45 those of us would get through at Oh 350 each team strikes remember to do the job right we've got to use explosives and fire any questions and don't engage the enemy unless you have to if you do you can't expect any help one of the teams has got to get through all right Novello Greene take it from the east down the hill and it's a course to the west goodbye Beth's let's go down [Music] [Music] we could clean them out major they're not soldiering and taking a moonlight walk that's a break they think they got nothing to worry about it they'll get a lot heavier before it gets lighter I'll have my feet hurt you should have left him home [Music] and it's coming from the oh yeah sure landed on Tommy and Marty let's go to the shoulder watch flesh one I didn't even get to make a fight out of it man that hurts you ain't croaking yet got yourself a puncture that's all I have to get some help get you back to the shack you can make it with that Dame photographer wait here I'll be right back I'll wait on you [Music] come on let's move and get it over with jet Wally turn it they'll have to wait a few more minutes what will what are you doing here a patrol jumped us Tommy said I need some help to get him back to the shack I can't do it Japs will be on that hill like locusts I'll just be sacrificing anybody I said back to help him let him lay up there bleed to death I've got to baby on the way back Lou I'm gonna go back there myself you're staying with us Green I said going back you're moving out kid you murdered that kid up there cut it off Marni 347 in position by now that's I'll be starting back for the Jeeps [Music] [Music] alright you got my name look like they're learning I don't know more than they send out looking for us - fewer men will be around the house give me a chance to clear out then we'll move it now the fun starts okay Green you cover us as soon as you can't join up with hall I hope you make it so no Pelican buggy the rest of your life okay kid let's move [Music] [Music] that's all he must be in trouble get over there and give him a hand get two dozen up Marty [Music] ready old-timer what are we waiting for us honey meet mommy they got him on TV mad as hell if he knew he was convinced he'd make it they got no Bella - it's getting the best more world in it take the window I'll take the door [Music] all right it's just my hand is down there Donovan try and see it you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a bit there I thought I'd fool that man at the pearly gates could your belly ache and you got at least two more words to go we'll be out of here in one minute [Music] get the flamethrower I set a trail of gunpowder never mind about me always the hero aren't you never mind about me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Donovan's [Music] any second now major now to get the Jeep come on [Music] No [Music] are you alone oh I brought him back for you take me to him [ __ ] he's all yours [Music] [Music] at this point I'm supposed to say bless you children and may all your troubles be little and the platitudes nauseate me so we'll give it a real switch man I hated your guts the first day I met you I still do outside of that good luck to both of you [Music] lieutenant what do you want thanks come on Joe [Music] that can be your fix for girls [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Rob W
Views: 1,226,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drive-in, b-movies, AIP
Id: xiyIH6DKyX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 19sec (4759 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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