The Odd Angry Shot | English Full Movie | Action Comedy War

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[Applause] [Music] to to you happy birthday dear B happy birthday to [Music] [Applause] you here Cut the Cake and make a wish I hope you made a nice wish bill I hope it comes true from gr over that be very come on hurry up lovely who it [Music] is that be really what even on a jet line [Music] out the [Music] back will someone come no are you sure yeah you're going to write yeah bill I'll right you promise [Music] [Applause] yeah and all of us [Applause] to a safe return a safe return get one for me [Music] mate there you are Bill did you hear about the Irish girl who took the pill twice a night to be sure to be sure to be sure to be sure hey harry we'll stir up the indigenous population when we get there ain't remember what the man said Rogers you are the special Air Service you are visitors in South Vietnam oh better it's over there not here what do you mean we're visitors y can just see my mom's face now Mrs Wilson from next door came in for a bit of an n and sprayed up the joint with 7.62 Tracer scare the Christ out of your flying Ducks wouldn't it in 5 minutes in 5 minutes man's Bloody Pogo [Music] going back don't worry she next mate a way to go to war a Harry [Music] [Music] what do you Reon major been here for a week now when we got to get a chance to use this oh you use it soon enough Soldier when you do you'll wish you hadn't but just remember when you do use it shoot the Charlies not the villagers the H we know the difference all you'll know and they blow your stupid head [Music] off the Australian sound in Vietnam [Applause] waron wait honey rain you can set your watch by what you say Harry this rain you can set your watch by this [ __ ] rain you again who are you expecting Steve McQueen no such black what's this [ __ ] you really selled yourself this morning hey cookie do you know why they call Cooks Fitters and Turners why cuz you fit food into pots and turn it into [ __ ] be nice to me cookie or I'll piss in your scrambled [Applause] egg take your hat your head [Music] 21 must be for 18 third time in a row wouldn't be trying to cheat your old mates now would you Ronnie no May mate unnecessary dou buy one and another sit one and another bust me for four bucks where is it there your Ferrari yes one sting sit P 21 me $4 how have B 21 mate six 7's 13 8's 21 yep four 2 sorry sh get the fny little guys B night double rain stop sh at least we can hear ourselves sink now no I'm sitting than Bab H shut up listen what shut up [Music] us Jesus it's a fire give us a hand you bles [Music] quick Jesus go away stop me SM check that fire near the fuel's up here hey there's a out here nothing be for him now for Christ sake only got one pair of legs mate who's that Robert lost his gun walk out of his tent and went off about 2 ft from him a [ __ ] bring a stretcher anyone got a smoke 6 got two dead one wounded three and five to the now must have been shock I was only at his wedding 6 weeks ago [ __ ] get them Med Now over here hey over here over here that's fine D put it out now to help up here sure well how do you know they come on come on come on come on when I'm called the fo in the face and go chest where's the other one over here torch here mate dressing billt need he okay his thighs ripped open though will they get my leg off not unless they're pissed they won't mate give him some water Smokey you get a stretcher and organize the chopper and I'll get him ready for the pad come on Bill we'll get those clothes off you I'll buy you a bit buy me 10 [Music] warning Patrol 24 glad to see you me what happened get lost or something no it was such a lovely day for our hike I bet the leach is having a field what they B you they'll all get pissed won't they shut up 4 days we've been in this sewer haven't seen a bloody thing H something happens before 5:00 I'm taking a bird out to dinner bloody hard to get a camp at that time of the night Doo well bu old boy I think I'll just go home and watch television with a bit of like I might cracket for a war movie oh [ __ ] can I come over only if you promise not to pick your nose in front of the women they don't mind getting their gear off or a bit of perversion but they do draw the line at nose Pig well let's go [Music] you can set your watch by this [ __ ] rain hey fellas the Gunner's having a blue movie show tonight at 10:00 yeah two bucks ahead and all the grug you can drink mind again h what can you set your watch by Harry this [Applause] [ __ ] man man [Applause] help Isaac yo yo [Music] Rogers thanks a lot Snow White Dawson Dawson he th he writes them to himself you know Clark that's me Westfield I thanks mate Roberts he's dead Scott Y Martin stop [Applause] hey M's a bill who do you ow money to here no one from Australia I think I'll reply dear sir I find it necessary to inform you that I am at present indisposed and what's more I don't give a rat's ass about 3 bucks 5050 [Music] radio that's right you're on AFR the Australian sound in Vietnam this is Tony Roberts we with you with the lunchtime program again apologize for the late start theam and also our break this morning this is due to minor techical dist difficulties down here we' got some really great take a look at this Jesus they don't look good mate I think you got leprosy my feet are okay it's a crutch that's my problem yeah we know you can't leave it alone I wouldn't worry about it everyone else in task force has it what Roger's crunch always thought there's a bit of PFF in the ball hey up yours up there you are told you dead set queen hey is there something that can cure me toies I'm told it helps if you piss on it what's it do stink kills you say yourself worry think I'll go and see Theo he won't do you much good why not he's got it [Laughter] himself anybody got any porn God the man's a b page 34 man the Viet Kong provincial mobile Battalion d445 has been active down in the long green now it appears they're being resupplied from the north along Trails through the M Tow and then down through zwan mock air photo wrei south of zanck shows two likely staging areas here got that and here all right Lieutenant ganka with Patrol 31 confirms this as a small staging camp now in outline your task will be to reinforce him within this extended op Zone and wrecky this larger staging Camp CND D companies from 6 R are 5,000 m to the South now 31 wants the RV at this small Creek Junction no lzs are marked on the map here here are the grid references those Southern lzs are probably very swampy now but if the ones look dodgy closer to your op Zone you better check them out any questions uh yeah you're pretty sure that there's only VC and no NVA down there yeah pretty sure there have been no contacts reported in the past 8 days and before that it was all d445 okay right thanks [Music] mate you're in the the we look nice and obvious Scouting For The Battalion 7 OD bloody Nash W around 5,000 m behind us not that bad mate it's all the better really if we run into a great mob from the opposition at at least we'll have some support safety of numbers you know my ass is safety and numbers these poor bastards don't even hear about war civilians in uniform it's not their fault hey have a got this J it's a beauty mate where'd you get it just pinched it from the eggs Jesus if they get that close I'm giving in [Music] [Music] [Music] the boss okay so what's the situation you see this Creek line here yeah we suspect that there's a staging camp on this rise about 40 or 50 yards north about here VC or NBA VC who cares they all want to kill you why not call it an air strike we don't know it's occupied I want to find out what they've got in there we suspected of weapons and food cash maybe some documents to okay what do you want us to move out move in 15 minutes you leave briefy [Applause] boys for for a medic get Scot C with me and don't shoot me in the ass what's going on Scot's being shot the b in front of us grenade give us the two AT3 mix got us where the [ __ ] is he he's behind you get up here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hurry it up Bill give us a look at you did you get him just wned I think break contact let's go [Music] move move I get go AR [Applause] [Music] anybody else wounded yeah jacko's got a Nick now 64 says ratchet D on the way tell them to hurry it up got the [Music] [Applause] mess [ __ ] out she stop screaming after today's effort I make it home team eight visitors one yeah make you one How it Go fellas could have been better home sweet bloody home you all right manate yeah sure debriefing an hour deef there's noain y are really good y are really good this soap's making my hair fall out I wonder who makes it yeah it's a it's probably a leftover L from bson where yeah hey Isaac do you realize you're probably washing with your grandmother grandmother's in Melbourne driving a big bloody Cadillac and she wouldn't piss on you Harry good I still can't do anything with my Tina neither can I Isaac how can we get rid of our tinia why don't you piss on us seems I've heard that somewhere before that feels better for a little while anyway wonder how Scott is yeah you BL want a beer there's the PIP of [Music] cath smokey smokey here is the piper Catholic 20 cents a Harry now how many times have I bought you a be here Fair G 20 cents [Music] [Music] a half you would if it had air around [Laughter] [Music] it you know I was reading the other day that more people die on the roads at home than get killed in beet now well that's most reassuring Harry How's your bird oh she hasn't written or I've been given the ass oh well that's life Scott died in The Chopper on the way to V to loss of blood [Music] Jesus it's easier [Music] one more statistic [Music] in when it's Scotty [Music] it's killing me feed I got to have a break yeah hold on I'll come with you hey harry what are you doing sketching yeah never knew you could draw that's not bad where'd you learn to do that at school before I joined the army I was a painter as in pictures even had a couple of exhibitions how come you join the Army my wife I left her oh didn't realize sorry so I bill what happened har well I got married with the idea of settling down and looking after the woman I said to myself here's one that's different here's one I can really do the right thing by and after about 10 months of marriage she starts ringing up saying she's working later an old girlfriend's dropped into town or getting in other other blacks was she no I don't think so seems she just didn't want to be with me [ __ ] yeah that's what I thought Bill anyway one Friday night she Rings it was her anniversary and says she's been invited out by some people she works with didn't you ask her if you'd been invited as well yes but she said they weren't my sort of people I wasn't the type that had fit in with them she came home about 3:00 in the morning rotten drunk collapsed on the couch and went to sleep what'd you do then Harry give her a screw I packed the suitcase and stood at the end of the couch I prayed that she'd wake up and say that she was sorry anyway she didn't so after about an hour I kissed her on the forehead told her that I loved her walked out the door joined the army the next day and here I am I'll be bugged yes I was well and truly well and truly we got here don't we look lovely oh pick up a boxer Did you all saviors of mankind and the Free World and much respects to you and your Charming husband your godship what can we do for you oh shooting is in pain as you are all no doubt aware we have had occasion from time to time to use one another's equipment and so my sons I was wondering if any of you have come into contact at all with the prick who's pinched my pack your what my pack where'd you see it last the back of me tent well now bung it may be that we can be of some small service to you but as you know we are businessmen what's the catch I would say it would cost you one dozen cans of the finest ale for we four to get up off our asses and and find your bag you sure you know where it is 90% sure all right it's a deal where is it cans first go bu go man what's [Music] back for [ __ ] sake yeah they're freezing good man now bang come with me now you see that big tree up there yeah well in that tree is a great big bloody orangutang and we are sure that is I'm sure that not only is your pack up there with him but every other piece of equipment we've lost over the past week or so is up there with him too well I'll be bugging now I don't know how we're going to get our gear away from him because I'm bloody sure I'm not going near him and I don't suppose any other bl's going to have a bash at him either fun doing why can't we just shoot him can't the two I see knows about him and says shooting's out of the question why well how and the Jesus what I know I suppose it's something like the bloke that shot the albatross Anyway said no I know this cost me a dozen cans a beer we did our best bung here's half a dozen back make a five four thanks fellas oh by the way uh just in passing who's going to give me a hand to move because Patrol 24 has been broken up and I'm replacing Scott prog to patrol 22 specialist in aren murder and drinking right what's this mess s c smart ass oh be nice cookie or I'll shove your head in it no on second thoughts it looks bad enough already a [Applause] serve hey where F the cook finally poisoned him hey cookie yeah this is not bad it's almost edible geted I should have exactly $2,200 when I get home yeah that's if we don't drink it for you first what are you going to do with your new found wealth when you get home Roy I don't know I might buy a sports car hard to screw in I suppose so yeah well maybe I'll buy a block of land knowing our luck I'll probably put a road right through the middle of it and give you four Bob compensation they can't do that too bloody right they can mate did anybody go a cigarette what do you mean can they take your land even if you've served overseas look don't get any ideas that you're anything special just because a few nogs have fired a few shots in your direction they can do anything they bloody will like to you you can scream your tits off and it won't do you 1 ounce of bloody good oh [ __ ] I don't believe that he's right you know they can do anything I mean they can shoot you if they want there's not a bloody thing you can do about you'd better start to believe that the great majority of the wonderful people back home couldn't give two stuffs whether you lived or died they're sitting on their asses in front of the television right now and I bet my balls they're a damn site more interested in Coronation Street than they are in your bloody welfare maybe I'll buy the mg instead B the salesman takes it down bastards blue there a blue come on [Applause] look little boy and shut up about this you get more than a broken nose Sunny look pal I was ordered to spray this area by Theo I don't care if Rema the bird girl told you to spray it just grab the bloody Contraption and piss off now [Applause] now hey what happened this medic was spraying the tents and someone inside complained and the medic told to piss off so the blood stamped him the rock sit in what do you mean I've Seen It All Before first of all they start to argue with one another you know if few piss offs and get stuffed nobody really takes any notice then come stage two when all this camaraderie and SB [ __ ] just goes then comes stage three where they start to fight with one another and the morale goes now once the morale goes the sick parades start to get longer and the casualties start to mount up and all we want to do is get home a bloody job over and done with so we don't take any more risks cuz there's no reason to [Music] [Music] what do you think Christ knows what's in there could be a pontifical high [Music] mess for [Music] [Music] [Music] looks deserted de coming from the battalion's right behind us so our ass is safe do you want to take a look you filthy dirty sex C thing you take the corner of the temple nearest US you and I'll take the farthest [Applause] [Music] Corner okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bager roll nothing at all no just a few statues of budha now listen it's no use hanging around here contact D company and get them to check the place out for concealed caches and tunnel entrances four this is Smoothie 22 are they uh there are no enemy in vicinity please make a search for hidden caches any t any other signs of enemy activity out jeez I love a b fore spee spee spee fore [Music] B bang [Music] move medic with [Music] me this one's no worry hey T let's go [Music] come on come on will you take the AK-47 then [Applause] [Music] what would it be like if the nogs had air support thank the sweet Jesus they [Music] haven't I have you visual 500 M turn north over throw smoke over smoke thr I see blue over blue is correct over blue correct down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] serving so well the coming up in possibly the last game serving to aranes first service and the wrong service Court hey leave rers poster we on it yeah you [Applause] me Twist on your it's noty f [Music] hey look at that what air condition these bastards have got air condition well I'll be bugging gee must be a rough War down here oh I can just hear the news flash now Arm Forces Radio vanga today six post office workers at the Australian Logistics base at vanga died here in the early hours of this morning when the air conditioning unit failed two more were reported to be in a critical condition upon hearing that the ice for the beer hadn't [Laughter] [Music] arrived where do we change our money where do we change our money sir do beg my pardon where do we change our money sir that's better you BS think you can come down here and take over the place just because you've done a bit of time in the scrub will you bloody well can't what's more you'll behave like soldiers while you're here you understand no bloody picnic down here you know yes sir what do you you BLS from special a service sir ah you BL think your Superman bloody 10 oh get [ __ ] what I said get [ __ ] you great beer hot and bagg of [ __ ] right you're all on a charge well you'd better make it murder because I'm going to knock your [ __ ] head right off I'm a senior NC don't forget tough luck right hold it you lot get out yes sir now what's all this about Sir major got a bit of a disagreement you uh want to proceed with it no let's forget it right well in that case you can tell me where we get our money changed well Harry me boy where do you propose we change our money now Bugg it if I know all right you lot yes sir you change your money at the post office follow the road down past the PX and try to stay out of trouble you are bloody lucky this time thank you sir [Music] hey Harry Harry they got they got these pancakes see these [Music] fat yeah baby the that the should be here hey hey look up there man girl you better come on down here and get some of this long green baby I look at this GRE I want to change money hey piss off SL Pi hey look you got change you got your screen oh yeah how much you got 10 baby I give you three to one you change now no no no he don't know no better here yall kids $10 3 to one man you can get better than that the PX newspaper the [ __ ] hey come back here check that stop that kid oh excuse me I got come back here grab that kid grab him hey here want this prick CH what mother changed our money and gave us a roll of newspaper let's see all this come there is hey split your 50/50 for all he's got 5050 it's the alley come on man come okay sunny now we're going to teach you all about the evil robing poor soldiers I wonder if he's got his sisters me have [Applause] a he's loaded Jesus that's CHR 51 52 not work hey spit now I've got a better idea why don't we get ourselves a room in the best hotel with the best TOS in the join and have a party what do you say God where's [Applause] America you P now 1,000 piece short time nothing but to you clean what's not what it's from what does matter you like me yeah you're very big bet you say that to all the heroes I like you come we lie down no we stand you mad [Applause] probably hey what you doing making a present present who for Padre Padre why see last time he came around he asked uh Harry and me why we never came to church and suit mouth Harry instead of saying we just weren't interested said we were spending our time making something for the chapel see the feathers that connected to the handle what's it for well you wait until you feeling Randy and then you turn the hand off and the feathers to the rest so there you have it you see one fully operational wanking device hard R for the use of we're going to present it to him next time he comes around that I got to see yeah thanks [Music] man you BL feel like a game what's in the box you pet spider pet what spider C him from a Yan on the laundry run give us a look okay oh stand back she's not what you call Friendly oh Jesus what's he eat me spiders down yeah this one does what's his name I've called it glus monre it's a girl how glad the I detect the unmistakable Tang of ye oldie tiger D you can sniff out a can of Boo from 6 miles away it's just one of my many talents why not there you go glad do limit okay yeah 20 cents minimum bit isn't the spider plane you going to deal whose cars we using my cars what are you talking about the mark pack oh there hello what's this the a of spiders be off it's not formal take 20 cents minimum be you doing home yeah come in bring your gun Bearer with you and try not to scratch the piano artillery sit down thanks would you like a be oh sure 20 cents you thank you well what can we do for you oh have you just come down to see what life's like at the sewer end of the task force nope we just heard that you got or one of your guys has got a pet spider me what well we got this here pet scorpion back at our place and uh oh we figure our scorpion can beat the [ __ ] out your spider so so we want to arrange a match your spider against our scorpion 50 bucks on the outcome huh how about it what about side bits jointly controlled 50/50 on all un caim bits fair enough fair enough and as far as Refreshments go we got about uh 30 dozen cans of Budweiser lined up we figured cen's our Co and2 I going to be inside gone for a couple of days next week we'd have a combined sports day and barbecue huh with the spider scorpion match is the main event what about the other pigs are they going to S on to I'm the only one left you're an officer Lieutenant Clifford [ __ ] it's no [ __ ] well it's on the level all right okay fellas see you and your guys about 2:00 next Wednesday afterno hey don't you forget to bring your spider oh we'll be there and our spider will chew the ass right off your scorion and all bets off if one tries to root the other deal maning Bill the Padre's here come on get up wake up the Padre's here what's wrong we're going to make the presentation to the Padre where is he Harry's bringing him over now a I've been sweating alcohol for the last 6 hours Jesus hold on come on if you don't stop laughing I'll kill you yeah right you don't look at all well this be the same Freedom Fighter we saw last night drinking half a bottle of rum while standing on his head in this very tent that's what happened you were the life of the party Super Trooper even let GL mon creef sit on your arm me spider oh Jes do that oh why don't you take a look at yourself what a problem sure was how'd that happen well you and buang had a slight disagreement last night about what I don't know one minute we're all sitting around playing cards next minute you two are beating the [ __ ] out of each other can't remember a thing oh never mind mate about to smack in the eye between friends eh did I win no manate okay fellas hard R is here right come on on behalf of ourselves and other members of the unit present um we would like to offer you this small token of our esteem which comes with our um profound gratitude for all the wonderful things you've done to make our stay in this country just a little more um enjoyable audre [Applause] boys this is one of the nicest moments of my life it's not easy being a padr trying to bring God's word to angry groups of men whose sole business is fighting Wars but I would like you to understand that it's at moments like these that an outsider and even though I've been in this man's Army for over 15 years at times I still feel an outsider feel as though he has a place alongside you I feel almost I would just like to say that this is the most well constructed wanking machine I've ever seen thanks fellas have to go fellas God bless you [Applause] can be F spider who can be F spider fer spider oh come on going be five the spider come on look can be five the spider I'll here I let you in here you drank and be gone I'll have you wh get that fool away from the Bing [Applause] Pavilion thank you [Applause] sing spider w sing spider [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right all right gentlemen release your insects come on [Applause] this is a f not a [Applause] fact come on come on get off that [Applause] backr unfair [Applause] unfair oh [Applause] I'll be being har what are you doing PJ it's me b hey you're learning right [Applause] hey need help me this cat's trying to kiss me well kiss him back what you say kiss him back right [Applause] it's just like the Grand Final yeah impossible to get a drink you all right mate yeah good you bastard look this [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] young girl s there by Gary pcket in the Union Gap I think it's appropriate we play the most played record here on [Music] AFR 3 months to go three months to go where 3 months before you go home all you've got to do is keep yourself alive for the next 3 months and home you go anyone wants a mile any for me yep one for you too Harry thanks not a bad average A's that you wouldn't credit it in 9 months one letter she's finally written yeah she reckons we should break it off you moved into a flat with a girlfriend girlfriend my ass [Music] [ __ ] what's the M bro course I was the trouble look uh about an an hour ago we got a signal that his mother and girlfriend were killed in a road accident early yesterday morning oh Christ I've been keeping an eye on him but uh look make sure he doesn't do anything stupid eh do you want us to pack his Gear Well he says he doesn't want to go home he wants to stay here look after him eh sir thanks Bill sir you okay mate no I'm okay Bang's not what's up I'll tell you later give us a hand of Tak him back the [Music] tent right come on [Music] don't don't inside now you're going get up she thinks you're going to shoot her inside inside what's her trouble that came out shooting there were three of them where are the other two further up the hill the battalions got them prisoners why the performance then what you think it's her son Let's Go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] range practice you got to be kidding black doesn't get enough bangs in his ears as it is just another excuse to make a man clean his rifle Jesus bang I told you the worst bloody shot in the unit great [ __ ] that not what I've heard watch this my and another [Music] drink for my friend what Mark prick did that don't know must have been a Ricochet yeah and I suppose it was a ricocheted that too eh [ __ ] if I know mate don't you [ __ ] mate me Soldier you're on a charge and what charge would that be wful destruction of army property oh that and that goes for you three smart bastards too what unit are you from I re okay let's have your names gray green brown and Y go what gray green brown what's so funny pal uh something I read yesterday C okay laughing boy you can take notice now that I'm going to throw the book at you for yes go what's your name H H how do you spell that o a k o v okay right I piss off who's AG over is that a real BL yeah who is he Deputy commander of the task force and who says crime doesn't pay [Laughter] [Music] eh G off's on the way what do you reckon I'll hope it all sh will kill him before they get him to the table no way I'll be surprised if he does might get his Jaws broken [Music] too there'll be no more tap dancing for you mate [Music] that bad what happened on what's G oh PE smash jaw and cheekbone [Applause] El trust2 this is 22 are you receiving me over Albatross 1 two this is 22 stay later ready [Music] [Music] [Music] giving his all in this last Dam byen then why and bother bother to do what wash these bloody things what well for St the only reason you wash them is to get rid of the stink and 10 minutes after you put them back on they smell just as rotten sure it's not you if it's me then you've caught whatever it is too you smell like a [ __ ] ass in the heat wave Charming there's not much we can do about it though wonder if we'll still stink when we get out of here probably [Applause] reckon we're doing any good by being here not much why not because when we get home we'll be an embarrassment to our great nation the only bastards who want to know about us are the silly buggers in this man's Army let's face it we got no one else you mean the whole attitude have changed about the war yeah and the fact that we won't win it we may have held the fort for a while but the commos will eventually get hold of this place it just stands to reason what about the people back home well I suppose it'll be just like it's been after every other W well how's that well a few bods will come up and Patch you on the back and tell you what a great bloke you were that'll last about a week and then nobody want to hear about it you really think they'll treat us like that five will get you 10 oh they'll make a big deal out of it probably even make it an election issue and you can bet that within 5 years every one of us wearing a uniform from the chief of the general staff downwards will have been sold out by some bloody sticky fingered politician what are we doing here then you're a soldier the same as every other silly prick in this tossed up [ __ ] up never come down land that's why you're here because there's no one else and everyone's got to be somewhere and you're here so get used to it [Applause] hey just thought your bles might like to know the wary back home are refusing to all our supply ships that's nice of them isn't it yeah well I suppose they reckon they're doing the right thing well after all is a democracy what is Australia yes if you got enough money it is what's money got to do with it what's money got okay stupid just take a look around the or better still the task force how many silver spoon types do use her here none that I know of even the officers are pretty poor right and you won't see too many either it's the poor man the [ __ ] shoveler with the ass out of his pants and two Bob in his pocket that makes Australia every time trouble starts there he is standing like a fool at the recruiting office with his hand out for a rifle while the rich boys are at home hanging on waiting for a commission or their fathers to get them into a safe job and while you're stuck overseas with some poor bastards from the other side who are just as scared as you are shooting at you the rich boys are at home probably down having a bit of a slum and a chop at your bird sorry I didn't mean what oh forget it next time you BLS you're going to wait might as well nothing else to do you might have something there we want to see Lance corporal Rogers bed 14 thanks s thanks a lot thanks 2 four where three 10 12 there he is 14 good good day mate how are you how you looking great there you go hey good day hey oh we bought you a couple little little presents just sticking on here yeah he W need these he's being fed vodka through the nose yeah with tomato juice got a buy Mary up the [Laughter] nose about D make him laugh what it it's a George uh is it b a l l must have these balls are still there we'll have a look we'll have a look come on come on you skip it have a look out I can see one still one yep by [Applause] F you'll have to go now thanks oh that was a bit quick wasn't it yeah we don't want him tiring do we sorry all right fair enough see you mate see is he he's pretty good considering they'll make him as good as new again good as new eh what's a foot or two between mates 24 in Jesus come and have a look at this done fill [Music] someone's had their ass kicked 50 minutes talk Commander guard is 5 minutes hold back L 500 round move it come on your got a move what up the m ofer a [ __ ] that means that wa so move here we go again Hy for to over by the time we get there I don't feel like playing this bloody game at all today come on you Fearless sons of Anzac there's a whole big war out there just waiting for you what would you like buang on me boy oh it doesn't be a turkey sandwich settle for a red bar and drink in the river oh I'll make it to 5.56 and two white f for Christ sake will you get on with it don't interrupt me while I'm doing my shopping pleasure do come again thank you my man put that on the Slate send the Bild to Ho M what you like B plain ticket [Applause] High Jesus this is very bloody hairy a man can get his ass blown off very easily look like enough [Music] [ __ ] for close sake Harry get back to got an RPD you heard what the B said out here word he [Music] said one for bang finish him off now let him burn clar come on two one move what m yeah one sir yeah Sunrise sir we're we're ordered back trucks on the way okay acknowledge hey one more [Applause] Sir W Sunrise congratulations on taking the bridge my compliments to sunr for me we're moving back now smovie 22 to sunr compliments from 21s withdrawing there Bridge want to go Harry makes you wonder doesn't it a whole morning's work but [Music] nothing who cares anyway who am I to ever say if it's right or if it's wrong it's easier to go along knowing what I do today is long you fellas awake yeah yeah you're going home what you're going home who you just me no both of you doors and the dog now sir can you be ready soon as you like sir right there's a flight to S gone in 50 minutes be on it on handing your weapons as soon as possible thank you SK I don't believe it I don't believe good or bad you know it can't last it can't last there's no p through there Jesus who cares when I get home I'll nit your one or Shades of Gray some we win and some we lose but you know hey cookie yeah get [ __ ] same to you mate look after yourself cookie you too Harry take care good on you Cookie hope your baits eventually catch someone mate they will low it's all moving on look around and soon it is gone it is gone somewhere in the past good or bad you know it can last it can last [Music] [Laughter] [Music] who cares anyway and who am I to ever say if it's right or if it's wrong it's easier to go along knowing what I do today is thank you sir in yesterday two [Music] yes just back from Vietnam all right oh there we are sir thanks you sir hasn't changed a bit Has It Seems Like Only Yesterday what this joint so here we are so here we are terrific [Music] terrific now who cares anyway busy living for today everything is here and now Everyone Gets By somehow tomorrow is Drifting by each day and lost in y day [Music]
Channel: Eternal Screen Moments
Views: 206,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movies, movies, free movies, retro movies, action movies, horror movies, western movies, super movies, best movies, new best movies, top movies, new top movies, full movie, watch movie, full free movies, free youtube movies, FullFreeMovies, ActionMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, The Odd Angry Shot, Action, Comedy, War, Tom Jeffrey, Graham Kennedy, John Hargreaves, John Jarratt
Id: 3DXWmOsoYp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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