A Ghost That Sells You Xanax - The Gus & Eddy & Jacksfilms Podcast

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[Music] ideas and I wouldn't ever told you that you kind of sound like Joe Rogan no I've never heard that actually I can kind of hear it yeah actually yet sometimes we're just having a discussion on the podcast and Eddie will go beats the [ __ ] out of me I take some alpha brain and I just beat the absolute [ __ ] out of that's the starting [ __ ] guys welcome back Jack I just keep asking people to introduce themselves cuz I'm terrible at it you want to go for it I'll try yeah hi I'm a jack I have a youtube channel called Jack's films and that's it there you go that's good whoa what's the what's the Twitter called the tour is called jacksFilms Instagram is xx 69 gamer boy no saxophones like I got nothing that's like no I was gonna I was ready to react like it was very crass but then it looks like we didn't like your joke that was a bad joke alright what's up boys how's it going we truly are out here are you going for it again we made it we did make it yeah today we actually did make it did make it yeah we just we just got done shooting a little meme at this point you will have seen the James Cameron sketch it's up there at this point avatar probably will have lost two and game so god I hope so right that'd be nice it just doesn't deserve it I really don't think so so forgettable its I actually the funny thing about your push because if you don't know jack has been making a meme push of and get I mean starting out a meme a very serious thing I was gonna cry Thank You of end game passing avatars the the highest box-office earner of all time I have not you would have it but I haven't seen anyone actually defending avatars number one I have not seen one person on Twitter be like boot guys actually it's like the best movie yeah very few pino a couple ok handful of people spend it saying like well I thought it was pretty pretty good story wise it's like I don't hate I mean nobody nobody hates avatar right yeah at least of all me but it's just it's just one of those like it's been number one for literally a decade yeah it's 2009 it's time to hand over the crown especially because it's such like I conducted an IRL experiment asking random strangers at the Santa Monica Pier if they could name one [ __ ] character from from this movie and very few very very very few people could yeah it was well it was one guy right actually one guy in the video I'll cut out maybe two people who could also name like Jake Sully yeah just another example of media lying oh yeah the power of editing it's crazy though cuz the whole movie like she says Jake Sully so you think I would burn it into your brain exactly I remembered Sully but I wouldn't if you asked me like just on the street with a microphone I wouldn't be able to the pressure what just oh yeah just sore because that's not something you really have the back there like if you gave me two hours I could probably come up with Sully but not not just normal on the street right right like and I'm wait I'm literally like waving cash in your face like yeah it's a lot of pressure yeah but again like because you did if you guys didn't see it it's like you were asking about Avengers characters too and that is instant so again it has to do it especially like I was just mentioning it to Jamie I think when we were you're changing for the sketch was um like endgame is just the absolute most deserving like or at least to make sense to be the highest earner I think ever we're just like Oh obviously 22 films building up to one thing right there you go it's an event film yeah but it's also like a really good story too because avatar was also an event film you could argue you went to you went to see avatar in theaters because of the groundbreaking 3d technology yeah but end game is like narrative lee super richly rewarding man kind of like demands multiple viewings way more than avatar but yeah and that's why it's more deserving like I saw it once I loved it dying to see it again hmm and it was just it was a it was a movie that was filled with these really emotionally satisfying moments like the ends of multiple story arcs over a decade of cinema you know it was just so satisfying for that reason mm-hmm yeah that's just unmatched I feel like half the people that are like if anyone's just gonna die in the hill of like nor don't want it to pass avatar I bet it's just the people that are dug in like dude it's ten years it's been the top one oh yeah don't break the record it's like yeah it's up it's like when I was a kid and didn't pay attention to politics because I was too young but I for some reason wanted George Bush to win his second election I was like I don't know I just I'm like I don't even know how old we were at the time because then it was what was the second election forms 2004 right yeah yeah I would be eight and at the time I just remember being like that's the president though that's the only one I've known as always should be him again it was Clinton for the exact so I remember staying up late in my parents bedroom and they declared Bush the winner and I was like right you don't want to learn a new guys may not your kids too much that's why I always hate when anybody will use like a kid supporting a politician for anything cuz it's like that kid doesn't know what the [ __ ] they're doing they just told them to hold a sign yeah that's it like you remember not actual any political stuff but do you remember those two girls that sang that song for Trump yes what a weird [ __ ] thing that happened what is that dude look it up look it up what was it cold it was like some kind of anthem for him yeah I'm trying to remember like what the hell her in the context was it like for a show or something or like a rally it was definitely I think it was a rally okay and it was just like this weird kind of like North Korean style anthem very like propaganda yeah super creepy it was just so bizarre it's one of those things that like it's kind of hilarious cuz it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen maybe definitely a trip to the uncanny valley is it the official Donald Trump jam that might be is that the three girls singing in the room that Lee unless made a video about no that's not a giant like rally or some [ __ ] it's two little girls yeah that's the one yeah yeah that's it is that copy written can we get copyright claim from that that's okay can we copy strike yes we can claim it cause it was on our podcast that's my threshold that's my maximum cringe intake for the day god damn I wonder what it was like for them like did they want to do it I think like I feel bad for the kids cuz they don't know what they're saying they don't know what they're doing yeah like they don't know like what that actually means yeah they're just excited to perform for under crowd so you can't really blame them that's what kids want to do yeah the weirdest thing to me too is like obviously I mean I would assume that even Trump had nothing to do with that so it's just like some people being like let's just get our daughters involved what the [ __ ] is this yeah Jack what is one of the most uncomfortable things you've ever witnessed or like being a part of just like situations oh god damn okay oh well since we talked about that I forgot yeah that's a really tough question I'm sure okay okay most uncomfortable thing and that I've been oh god one okay one time is a terrible example but one time at VidCon years ago uh-huh I had someone come up to my my now wife and I we were you know still dating at the time but he excuse me he comes up to me I had to us and he starts saying like you know I watch your videos you know you're funny like all things time I appreciate it he starts talking about how I think he was or still was in the army and how much he hated it it just it's something it was very uncomfortable for everyone involved it was like it like why did you have to shift so hard into this topic that no one was prepared to discuss and then again this is a tear I say it's a terrible example because I'm sure I'm missing something big that I probably shut out in my mind cringe wise wise but that's a one that's my go-to because you know cuz Aaron was there too and it's like yeah there's a lot of that stuff and that's not even just like fan interactions but a lot of just meeting random people we're sometimes are like a new person will just decide I'm gonna unload everything here and it's like what are you doing knowing who gave you this pass yeah I remember that happen to me once when I was working still in like food service stuff at the concession stand I worked at and there was like a new teenage girl working there and I think I was like 12 19 or 20 and she just like first day starts talking about how much of a [ __ ] her mom is and like how she's depressed and hates her life and everything and it was just like I feel I feel for you but I'm trying to cook like right pretzel nuggets right now was she working like yes she was an employee got it got it yeah it was weird yeah that was the whole thing just fired around yeah I just said you know what you're right can you get me those fries call your [ __ ] mom to pick you up I think for the most part though uh which how do most fan interactions go when like someone recognizes you is it usually pretty cordial or oh it's great no I love it it's it's casual it's informal you know they're very they're always super nice and and and genuine and it's just really cool you know like it doesn't it doesn't happen to me often enough that I would get like tired of it or whatever like you know if I were like an a-list or something like which I'm not it happens just inferring infrequently enough that it's a joy and I love it and they're really cool about it you know they're all thanks for watching you know it's like this mutual thank you kind of thing I love it yeah they get lucky with that [ __ ] I think I think all of us here have a pretty like a little bit older not like just kids and stuff for the most part which there's nothing wrong with that too but you know if you're like a kid's youtuber just a higher possibility of someone just losing their [ __ ] yeah making a scene yeah also it's just I mean I would say for me personally at least there would be like if you make a content for adults and your audience happens to be kids then it's kind of like oh [ __ ] but like if you make kids content it's like oh like a TV show kids TV show star and it's like meaningful but yeah if like if I was making the stuff I'm making now and like eight-year-olds we're coming up if I'd be like ah man kick not my demo yeah yeah pepper spray oh that's our whole thing yeah yeah yeah we almost pepper sprayed a girl here one time yeah we told the story on the podcast we thought she was an intruder she was just lost a little child it sounded like someone was ringing our doorbell and then hiding under there like under the people so we couldn't see them and like my god and giggling like trying to trick us to like come out so we have the pepper spray where the [ __ ] is it there's a little girls here's lost yeah oh that's that's great yeah so again if you're a kid don't come near the apartment there's a chance you know that's your warn him pepper spray fair warning yeah don't go within kickin distance of me ever have you ever had to like being like a fight or flight situation I really haven't yes Lee like just going back like nah I haven't really had any confrontations like that yeah like sir certainly never with a fan ya know that thank God but like no I've never really come to come to blows with anyone you know knock on wood yes yeah what about you guys no I always liked I get in my head all the time like just multiple times a day I'm just always thinking like what if this happened and then I'll get caught for like five minutes like [ __ ] someone's coming at me what if I went through that door and stuff you know I okay it's pretty much ruined my life no sometimes you get in your head like what would I do if this situation is oh yeah it's a fun game to play I hope I don't think I've ever really even had like a serious fight and I've not had like a big altercation like that so I have no baseline yeah I used to play this game this sounds like the most like [ __ ] Midwestern country boy thing ever but I go over to this kid named Seth's house when I was when I was a little boy and we used to go out into his trampoline and get like a bunch of like skittles or sour candy or anything and eat a bunch of them and then take like ten minutes just hocking loogies into a pile in the middle of the trampoline and then get on and try to wrestle the other guy into this pile of play that game - yeah yeah yeah it's the sequel to backyard baseball no that was that was probably peak childhood right there yeah that is that is some straight-up Midwestern [ __ ] oh do you ever do anything dumb as a kid dumb game oh man what do we play we played like ghost ghost in the graveyard you haven't played that yeah that was like a big one we were kids but like dumb games I don't know I'm trying to think like we you were an advanced child god this is their duties sure all good questions but I have to like dive into my childhood yeah which I haven't done usually when we get questions from from Twitter Gus I'll read it out and I'll go I don't have one yet go ahead first cuz yeah I don't do all digging up past stories immediately I'm I'll think of something like 30 minutes from now when we're like way beyond this topic and like several topics after that play robots yeah well let's live in the mother frickin present and I got I got a question for you we've asked other people this - do you have a favorite thing that you've created or like a video on your channel or project you work on or whatever yeah favorite thing I've created I I'm proud of having made a feature-length video back in 2015 called your grammar sucks 100 and I'm proud of that because it's like 60 minutes long and be it had everyone I could think of like youtuber wise based it's like 60 people making appearances cameos it's got like cartoons it's got original songs like I wrote like eight songs for this thing mmm I spent a year honestly filming and editing this thing and it's funny cuz it's got zero replayability you know zero replay value I would never go back and watch it cuz there are parts where it's just too long or just bits go like jokes go on too long a little cringe but I'm happy that I had that I've made it you know I'm proud of having made this hour-long video and I'll never do that again until yeah I 500 comes out but like that's that's what I'm happiest with like that's something I can like take to the bank with me okay I did that that's pretty dope I love I always say crack my video how do you expect 30 seconds perfect do and crack 2 is so [ __ ] good dude adalah crack is so good that would what a shitty answer paling I spent hundreds of minutes on crack like you don't need like that's work smarter not harder yeah crack is a perfect bite-sized sketch that everyone can enjoy it's short and sweet baby shorn sweet just like that why did you look at me you sorry the first time I found it a bit but it's like I'm out constantly are we looking at each other on the podcast I love that people get like 20 minutes in and really Oh Jamie's alright yeah Jamie that's Jamie from the Joe Rogan experience again yeah we have our own Jamie stalked away we rent him between everything that right that's so cool you want to head to some of the Twitter questions let's take some freakin Franco does in here we have those yes we do those are fancy um guys follow us on Twitter look at at Jack's films as mentioned before yeah at Gus buckets and at Eddie Burbank and you can ask us questions and then we'll answer it it's interactive baby yup hell yeah not live it although oh this is a specific one for you this it's the long-running thing at Hammett Luke asks Jack how many fourth graders could you beat up we just hate children here yeah I love it no yeah all of them I could no dad write anything yeah absolutely yeah let me Adam no it's one of those like would you rather I know it's like a reddit AMA popular question I don't know if they still ask it for celebrities but they used to be the meme would you rather fight like one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses one of those are there was a website too or it's like you could calculate how many five-year-olds you could you could beat up like we've calculated like it would it would ask you like you didn't put your weight and your your height and your physical build another thing you can't enter in strategy though I know I think I think I think you could I why Jamie pull that up it's been well it's been years what is that oh it's this it oh this is a bunch of [ __ ] BuzzFeed BuzzFeed no no no here I'll do it here although this is good though okay so we're you're pulling up a BuzzFeed article how many five-year-olds can you realistically take in a fight and it's a quiz so question 1 how would you describe your physique average carved out of stone skinny dad s we're averages yeah I was making this outlets okay so you guys all right so averages - are you willing to do whatever it takes to win yes right here your hold on you're gonna die if I don't I'll say definitely okay questions three have you ever have you ever actually beat up a five-year-old yes you know I refused saying it's no comment we don't need to know yeah that's actually okay for what is your five-year-old yeah what is your five-year-old whooping strategy stand aside option one standstill have them come at you one by one using their own flawed attack strategy against option to swing my arms around like a helicopter helping to knock five girls on the front line yeah option three take things as they come five-year-olds are unpredictable or option for attempt piece [ __ ] all that I'm gonna sleep one our main point and this is not an option is if you're gonna be fighting a lot of ours was fourth graders so five-year-olds even easier right machi it's gonna be in a school gymnasium climb the bleachers and kick down yeah unstoppable that's smart there's another smart and you think oh people are gonna be like oh what if they organize their you know their fire live they're not gonna organize they're gonna run when I see one of their best friends or when they see it get them getting kicked in the face and off the bleachers ain't organising [ __ ] yeah not a chance all right so I'm gonna okay it's either taking things as they come or stand still haven't come okay one by one because that's like your bleachers attack I think that's the best option for that yeah totally question 5 how many fights have you actually been in too many to count only a few never been in a fight I'm gonna drag or ask you if you [ __ ] all right would you describe yourself as a person that can be quote climbed easily what what your options are absolutely are absolutely not absolutely not because I would just I get some wiggle game going when they're trying to do it get off me kid you just vibrate enough so they can't grip that's that's like tragic like that thing at the Ren very unfair that pole that you're supposed to hold on to yeah that's me what's the thing at the hall I'm going there like this weekend what's the what's the pole Ren Faire fun you did it right you and Jamie both did it so tricky it looks so easy and that's why I'm sure they make boatloads of cash off there right you pay him ten bucks and there's a pole and they say if you can hang for a like 90 seconds you get a hundred dollars and I'm just like - I could totally do that right yeah the thing is the pole is like on a roller so it's like you're hanging on to like a little rolling pin so it's not just you holding your body up it's your whole wrist strength from keeping the paw also yeah you the guy that lasted longer than you - he was much shorter than you guys cuz I didn't do it because I was sweaty and hot and we were at the end of the day and I didn't want to do that but he was much shorter so he could hang and not have to lift any of his body up like not his legs either so you could just hang straight but if you have to hang and you have to hold your legs in the air as well you're wasting more energy yeah so that guy was lucky I'm I'm gonna lose money I'm gonna try it do it I'll report back to you guys let you know how I do when I lose my money you have to be like sixty pounds to win that yeah I believe it so yeah that's what my body's like that thing got it so absolutely not uh male or female I am male do you have any self-defense training yes no well no because this isn't self-defense is all-out war I wish her unter safety though I was in karate when I was four so that's a yes and then I quit because I didn't get I was one stripe away from the next belt and I said I'm not doing another year of this no well question nine if need be would you be willing to use one of the five year olds as an improvised weapon absolutely yeah obviously what age last question what age group do you fall in fifteen twenty to twenty to thirty right yeah okay all right you got 21 is not there's a rookie numbers like that's how many I'm killing on the first yeah do you think I want them to come back and reorganize you're gonna make sure each of them are dead or yeah dude if they if they got the opportunity to come back and fight me they will have learned from my strategy do you think a five girl is gonna get hit so hard that they fall down and be like I'm going back in yeah that's never never they're taking it immediately there's even a flick they're gone they're gone yeah all right that's I think that's a that's a very unflattering number that's kind of insulting yeah one that was BuzzFeed that's BuzzFeed [ __ ] you BuzzFeed you know any time you're wrong I could probably killed three or four you should [Laughter] be so demonetised you're gonna wanna add I'm pretty average asks what foods make the best and worst leftovers okay best leftovers or pizza I eat them cold I don't even heat that [ __ ] up like I have cold slices out the fridge cuz I'm a very busy efficient time efficient boy I ain't got time to microwave [ __ ] I hear ya Jack Fox that's it mine is there's a specific pizza back in my old hometown because my family doesn't live there anymore so I can talk about it Rosario is pizza in Illinois it's it's very good pizza but the thing is when you reheat it if you make it in the oven it becomes like a different type of pizza cuz it's like crispier and better and the cheese melts even different well that's just that's that is just like it generally what happens in an oven Mike you know it's just a better texture yeah so if there's the squares - so you just like throw like eight of them on there whoo and it's like enough to where when you cut it the the bottom like kind of cracks a little bit but not to where it's like hard but like the cheese is still super soft and melty it's so good dude good [ __ ] Domino's Pizza does not reheat well no it's not just don't even bother but the worst one a worst thing as leftovers is sushi just a really efficient general but I'm gonna make it specific and say like sushi rolls mmm anything it just doesn't keep that's honestly the main answer yeah [ __ ] that yeah music at Hunter jm9 1/8 if you could create a musical supergroup comprised of any musicians from any time alive or dead what would it look like and they says bonus points if you if you can come up with one collaboratively alright so I'm just gonna go selfish and go purely off my tastes Dave Matthews because I still under on ik Lee would [ __ ] take a bullet for Dave Matthews but he this is a supergroup though this is like the god tier people okay he's a decent singer he's not the best wait is it only singing or is it a band well it's a full band full band oh yeah four-piece band here alright so Dave Matthews Band whole group yeah start there who's like who's the best guitarist like who is like Eddie Van Halen or Joe Walsh okay alright get them both in [ __ ] and then like who's got pipes we can like sing like a [ __ ] yodel boy yeah I was gonna say Amy Winehouse but how about the yodel boy too and then and then we need like a good scat person just someone who could really do scattered about like you know just Johnson we're done render it we got it yeah that's a take that's some good [ __ ] I don't even know who I put I don't I think pipes wide you gotta do Freddie Mercury up top that's yeah yeah yeah yeah I got about that Freddie I do love my boy Steven so yeah we're saying Freddie Mercury also the yodel boy is there where people have any siblings the old baby so okay so then we'll just say honestly we could take Freddie out and it could just be the yodel boy it's um the Walmart that he was in as well yeah so I'd say probably that oh my god we actually have that already oh my god the supergroup exists [Laughter] I'm just like favorites in what the [ __ ] and hip hip Pierce's Z's that first [ __ ] just choose better name what projects have you wanted to do but haven't quite gotten the chance to something that's been on your to-do list okay well I guess Ivan's I'm working on a little thing based okay I'll say this I don't want to reveal too much but I'll say this I tried a fun little experiment last year called Y I live and it was so I do this show on YouTube called yeah yesterday I asked you and it's a lot of fun but I figured you know people like to play it they treat it like a game so I thought well let's turn it's like a little live game kind of thing and do it on Twitch and I did that and it was a lot of fun but it was also a lot of work and it was a bit too draining to do that on top of you know two three videos on the a week on the main youtube channel i couldn't juggle it so now without revealing too much i'm a little passion project that's close to my heart is trying to figure out the next better iteration of you I live like okay what didn't work how can we improve upon it and let's yeah that's all I'm gonna say hell yeah all right is it some time because the I think there's three weeks this would come out in like four weeks would it be would it be a thing by then or is it still like off the side probably still working on okay just I'll be in a dream utopian world it would be out I don't see it happening in four weeks so too then or tomorrow that's you get a big one you have a whole project you want to do um well one is I don't want to talk about the podcast for like cop or like somebody taking it I guess you can't really take it but I'm still I got it's it's the show we've talked about wanting to do for a while we'll definitely tell you about it right after the podcast but it's like please this one idea though well there was that one time where is that anything weird but VidCon we just like fully because we kind of like don't want to share it out but we just like for some reason just told one of the fine brothers that were at the studio 71 party wait what do you guys it's not even like a the show requires us but like it was really you just like what do you guys like want to do F other than YouTube stuff we just said it and we walked away we were like why don't we just say the whole idea to somebody that's a real that's my constant fear like I tried yeah I gotta be so careful about who I talk [ __ ] about to not and not talking [ __ ] but talking ideas too you never know yeah just like a lazy small-town people tom both the fine brothers are gonna replace us in our show idea it'll be them instead of us okay I don't know that's gonna I think I just wanna do a sketch show I think you should leave your weekly reminder I wanted that yes what I want to make so good yeah that's fine that was fun good [ __ ] Atlee Akins says what's your favorite SNL sketch [ __ ] okay any of the celebrity Jeopardy's are really always make me giggle like none other those are all great also I love it's not even a sketch it's more of a weekend update' bit but I love Stephane I love the Stephane bit yes great I'll watch compilations of that all day long and laugh every single time even though I've seen them all a million times I will still laugh at the okay okay New York New York's hottest club is so good yeah it's just nice to see also how much fun they're having with it every time that's such a clever idea for a recurring bit yeah what about you guys like I I was like born and raised on SNL I watched that religiously so I have like is this close affiliation to you know Tina Fey Will Ferrell Jimmy Fallon and all those Horatio Sanz and all those guys Cheri Oteri all those guys what about what about you guys Tracy Morgan all those guys and the one that like class that when I was like first watching was like Andy and Bill hey short a Liam I love them all but just to like have a more interesting answer it might not be my favorite of all time but it's one that's truly like lost and you can't find it I know the guys name I don't mike is it Mike something I don't know he was a new he was a one season cast member I believe the season that Kyle and back joined on yeah and he did he did this bit on Weekend Update where he was like doing like - what's it what's the song name from dirty dancing time of your life yeah so he's doing the dirty dancing like dancing bits right but when like and he's pretending that the woman is there dancing with him and when the big moment comes for her to jump in his arms he actually drops her and then the rest of the song is him getting rid of the body wall - it's [ __ ] amazing there's an existing version of it on stage like it's some kind of event thing but there's no crowd laughter like on SNL yeah it [ __ ] killed but I think because this song they didn't have the rights to it's not hosting anywhere so it's such a good it's like [ __ ] like still to the song him like like wiping off the sweat like chopping her up putting her in the car starting the car crying ah it's so [ __ ] funny is it Jon rudnitsky I don't know his name cuz it's like I would know by seeing him look like his face yes that is him and he's also in some new like movie that's out so he's like doing something good still but yeah that bit is like it so if you guys I will I'm not gonna remember the link in the description that's why I always forget yeah but like it so what is his name Jon rudnitsky if you search that and Dirty Dancing there's a shitty year version of it up but it's still funny enough to watch all right I'm gonna have to give that a look yes that's a great bit and nobody knows about it cuz it was never under simmer I love the deep cuts that's great yeah I don't got it was so [ __ ] good - I remember just like crying laughing while watching it and then the next day being like I want to show everyone where is it nothing yeah yeah I really like wolfram modern stuff just kind of more like internet shitty stuff I really like the beers sketch yes you're just so good all those cut for time bits with like the 90s sitcom like those are so I was about to say that like that whole genre they cut Kyle stuff way too much - so what a waste it's it's shitty because at this point just saying like men you give Colin BEC more airtime is like almost a meme in itself cuz it's been saying for so long but they're so [ __ ] good yeah give him the time of day I still one thing that hopefully I'll remember to link is drew gooden SNL video recently is so [ __ ] good he just did a video called it was is it called is SNL even good or funny no yeah that I think that's the title and he just does a full examination of like oh that's not new SNL like is it more political now he actually makes like spreadsheets and everything and talks about it it's really nice because it was the first time I was like oh somebody in a video is well even it doesn't really count because it's also a friend but like what I feel about SNL is now content and that was good because it was like oh good drew feels exactly the same way about it than I do or that I do yeah but yeah it was a good video I like the beers one I like another really fun one is I like when Seth MacFarlane was host hosting there were two of my favorites of all time from his hosting one and it was when he played Ryan Lochte on Weekend Update and he was like the dumbest [ __ ] guy in the world so during lock these whole scandal stuff during the Olympics no it was one it was just like I think Ryan locked his first year and everyone's like this is the stupidest person in this like is it all his interviews went viral for that read that was him like I think it was Ryan Lochte reviewing movies and stuff I give this to swim but then also that same one it's when Seth is the instructor for like a do-it-yourself puppeteering class and Bill hader's that oh my god that has one of my favorite physical bits ever and it's when he takes a drag of the cigarette and then the puppet smokes it out God there's also one that's like it's just another one of people having fun a little dicey now because it's a Louie sketch yeah but do you remember that one where was like a class going to a museum to see actors reenact what it was like the people in the Great Depression and they're like they're immigrants and Louie was supposed to do this like I think Russian accent oh yeah it's so bad that everyone in the sketch is dying because his like Russian accent is something like well guys we're going and everyone's just [ __ ] losing it it was so funny it's like my wife is just say yeah like we just have to blame the greasy Italians I remember the hardest I laughed and an individual joke because it just caught me out of nowhere was I think I already told you this it was they they did it a couple times it was some couples advice like talk show parity thing that they were doing then the running joke was always that like this woman dr. Linda who is this super helpful like the star of the show that would that would get audience questions and help them out it was always that she was sick so she couldn't show up so they had to use this guy name like Frank or like Dewey or something and it was just fred armisen in a bald cap and he was like hey i don't [ __ ] the whole way he like he didn't have time to answer these intimate like questions you told me the first time and I didn't remember every memory now he went into the crowd with questions right they would ask it was like one of the first times they did that and he kept alluding to the fact that dr. Linda was out with severe food poisoning so she couldn't show up but like people were asking him questions like oh how do i how do i reconnect with my husband he's just really sure with him I don't [ __ ] know yeah yeah and then one of the people goes this isn't really fair I want dr. Linda back and he goes like what do you want dr. Linda up here peeing out a but he's underrated Fred yeah it's so fun to see especially yeah like you're talking about the group that came through when we like we're kind of growing up so many of those guys have so much success still yeah oh my god like Jason Sudeikis Bill Hader Fred Armisen Tina Kristen stew well yeah even like you know Fort Fort a and hater now starred in their own successful TV shows absolutely Aries earring and then India oh yeah right right yeah as to Vegas had his own show that he starred in he's been in probably all of those yeah he's started and been in various movies I think he's more successful in that I'd say yeah yeah he's in all the comedies you know what I think is weird it's with Sudeikis and Krasinski is like they always have these interview questions where people are like your wife is so much hotter than you like what's up with that awful yeah it's [ __ ] awful if they don't say it directly but they're kind of like how did you go about getting your wife to date you it's like did you get that yeah yeah and it's like Krasinski was jim from the office yeah and then also looks the way he does and he went Sudeikis is like a good-looking dude right absolutely yeah it's just weird worse like how the [ __ ] let me I don't mean to be rude but how the [ __ ] did your ugly ass get a good way it's so [ __ ] condescending yeah also a terrible question yeah it seems like part of the press tours that they always have to do is like your wife is amazing and they're like yeah and you're a second [ __ ] I don't know here's someone trying to be a little a little snarky and will give a good answer Oh at please bond line said why do you make people submit questions using a hashtag in an effort to get on to trending rather than having your them replied to your tweet asking for questions I submitted using the hashtag so you have to read my question on the show we're not trying to trend what I you if we have like hundreds of people replying to the tweet it [ __ ] our mentions for like two days oh yeah I use the mentions to see someone saying like Gus I found your video over here like look at this art I drew of you and [ __ ] or like a podcast edit or something yeah I don't want to just see podcast questions I don't give a [ __ ] up yeah yeah did you think that the hashtag was to trend how many people do you think watch this show you presumptuous piece of [ __ ] so thanks for watching my patreon for that yeah we love you though better underscore Seth says how many days do you wear the same pair of pants before it becomes a problem that's a great question honestly I don't know if I should I don't know if I hold my reputation my answer no whoa it's got dark yeah I got really dark in here dude that's Gotham Eddie after dark it's the pants question hey I've never watched more [ __ ] it got really really dark yeah oh my god it'll be stylized I'll dive in myself on the line cuz I would like to think preemptively that I will probably have the highest number from all three of us I think you will definitely have my don't be higher than you think though it depends if I'm just going day to day most of the time I'm wearing usually like shorts and stuff but if I got a nice pair of jeans I think the median amount of times before I wash it is maybe eight to twelve probably a little too high and my no I'd say I match exactly when I wouldn't go twelve yeah if I pass a week I'm like okay but I also don't wear the jeans every day but what I do sometimes too is if it's like emergency mode and I'm like maybe I'm on we're numbered eight or nine or ten and I'm like [ __ ] I got to go be somewhere in 20 minutes I can't wash my jeans my only pair of jeans I'll just I'll spray it down a little Febreze I will put an ice cube in the dryer I'll put in some drier sheets give it a hot 20 minutes great trick Oh a hot 20 minutes I've washed these jeans and years just hot twenties every week baby I need what about you Jay I'm a week guy okay guy yeah I think I'm in the same range as you boys like and before before I had a wife it was way higher than that there are some times that I feel like yeah in high school where I would just be like oh no yeah we're just like oh I just never thought about it some about denim though it's just like you don't think about it being gross unless you like to spill something on it it's a stank free material yeah until it ain't yeah what's up check Facebook Jamie Santa mediums and [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this a news article ABC distressed denim college student where same jeans for 15 months Wow I would not recommend anyone ever do that he let them write an article about him yeah why are you proud yeah he's smiling holding his jeans yeah he's very proud be this this fella is okay I have 15 Wow I have an opinion question for you guys just for what you think happened do you think those jeans are really hard or really soft oh that's a very it could go either way right bet they're soft cuz you know like you take a fresh pair of pants out of the like a wash and dry cycle and you're like oh these are tighter in they're firmer right but he's gotta have stains on that thing oh and they guys 15 months not have stains on that he's I like that he's still like a growing adult too so you know there's some bodily fluids in those jeans - did it say he's a college student Canadian college student Josh Lee is he in a dorm because his roommate like what if no what if you were with your roommate and you guys like went to go eat dinner and your roommate like spilled ranch on his jeans and then the next day you saw him wearing the jeans unwashed it's just like oh my god Jamie sends me a quote from the student or is this from the scientists that were like testing it or something we they test it that's like why yeah I figured go down that path the quote is there did not appear to be differences in the bacterial carriage depending on whether the genes had been worn for fifteen months or only 13 days McQueen's findings read no shed interest wait did he have any hot 20s did it yeah what was the hot 20 count on that Jamie look up the hot twenties control control yeah I realize my neighbors [ __ ] yeah that was me not saying you you yelled Jimmy I I started it I'm sorry have him on I didn't mean to hurt you baby we should ever our neighbors on one of our neighbors has tried to sell us a xanax a few times oh well not us you yeah me yeah we said no thank you haven't heard from since actually haven't seen him since that's not even a joke he still lives there but I was never there though what if he was a ghost Frick dude [ __ ] Twilight Zone episode a ghost that sells use an ex we got the episode title that he's been dead for 20 years um what about t-shirts though like I'm a single-use t-shirt guy oh yeah yeah you got to watch that [ __ ] daily yeah my most neglectful I can't do I can't redo a t-shirt I just thanked him no no no no that's easy next next time even if I've been outside sometimes a multiple like two t-shirts a day yeah totally if I sweat even a little bit and I have something to do that day there's not a chance somewhere in that your aunt you can't risk it yeah it sucks when you want to wear that shirt that day and then you got too sweaty yeah VidCon was like that or it's all VidCon is just a stank fest you know we kind of so sweaty yeah it really is I'm so excited though for this year this year's gonna be real fun Oh boys you have no idea yeah I don't know not at all you guys talk about VidCon I need to empty my balls right quick one thing I was gonna mention earlier when we were talking about fan interaction stuff that I hate about VidCon even though I really like VidCon a lot this is not on VidCon it's it's like as a program at some of the people that go you know when there are those people mainly they're younger where you can tell they just only kind of know who you are but they still want to get like a picture or a signature on something the toilet yeah there's even there was one kid I don't know if you saw him last year who was going around with a t-shirt and if he saw you had like a creator or a yellow badge she'd just be like hey can you sign this oh I love it that's like oh you know and yes that's actually kind of smart yeah it's weird with that the creator badge because anybody can buy it so he's not really getting any good it's basically a sign yeah creaming me me you know so that's a little like yeah but I do like it though so okay how many how many big guns have you but I've been doing this will be the second place second for you okay gotcha gotcha I asked because this will list upcoming one will be my ninth and I got to see it grow as you know into this thing so it used to be it took up a ballroom in a hotel and now it literally takes up to capacity a whole [ __ ] convention center yeah which is just absurd and it's always fascinating I do feel like I'll say this some of the charm is gone it used to be like I'll still go to VidCon every year but it used to be this real lacs almost like intimate kind of party vibe where you saw the people it was like a family reunion I got to see people that I never would have otherwise once a year and we'd hang out in like someone's like hotel room you know like hang out and like go to like a party or whatever right or sometimes the hotel room would be the party yeah and now it's like everyone's got you know bracelets on like oh you go to the the [ __ ] studio71 power or whatever yeah do you own of this again but how'd you get in that like wait what's that one and it's just it's all it's a bit more political and some of that hotel room vibe is just totally but gone by the wayside yeah there's I mean that's the only VidCon we know and that's what we kind of hated about the last year which again yeah isn't really the program it's the industry stuff around it yeah the parties just pissed me off cuz it's just yeah it's the kind of like oh we're all friends and we want to go to this oh we have to know somebody to go to this thing and it's not even know somebody who's like another youtuber is like you got to know this industry guy who's walking around with passes and everything ya know Brian yeah definitely it's always Brian Brian yeah I don't know it's it's uh also I would say I would I wish VidCon was there's no possible way cuz everyone has a YouTube channel now but like you're there and you're like oh this isn't a lot about youtubers anymore there's also a lot of Instagram people here who don't write post it's a lot it's very on fluency now tick tock wave this year to it but the thing is that's what there's still that remaining stuff of only what we know is now it's off to the side where it's like oh kind of like everybody who's mean like comedy and science and YouTube community stuff being like oh we'll still at least find each other in the same corner at like this party you know it's still but but do you cuz it's just so big yeah bigger and like they won't they don't even allow creators feature creators on the show floor except for like a very short given like time window Ealing two hours to explore the actual Convention Center wait really yeah if you have the gold badge yeah oh yeah just if you have your badge they will not let you in the Convention Center until it's like one night where it's like 7:00 to 9:00 and you follow me this already what's up did you tell me this already yeah no that's sort of saying the big problem is gonna be with us this year cuz half of our friends don't have the patch I have a plus one for Gus's but the thing is they they seem to be pretty like I don't know if the because it looked like the plus one is the same exact badge for the yellow stuff yeah but Dave boy in a band did manage to walk the floor a bit still so I think you can escape a little bit okay especially if they kind of don't know who you all gotta be sneaky sneaky yeah like there's no way like doh bricks gonna be able to talk or that of course like some people if it's like oh I don't really know you but you have a yellow badge here's that million spot you know absolutely but then the second people start to take pictures with you they go oh no that's there I was super pissed last year because last year you know I've been at VidCon for years and I never had a of my own I never had like a March booth and last year was the very first and so far only year where I had a a Merton did I say booth merch or merch but I don't even know but I had like a booth with like my merch and I never had that before is it the crowd made booth or was it her own specific like it was both was by crowd way but it was just for me okay and I never had anything like that before ever and I wanted to see that and I couldn't until like this you know little two-hour window oh yeah I just want to see cause like people are tweeting pictures and looks amazing I had to wait till like the specified time slot to see it but you know I got to see it it was great what I was maybe thinking and this probably won't work but don't rat me out guys is maybe buying a creator badge and putting it on my other wrist so maybe when I'm walking I could be like I'm a purple guy is smart and then walk in may be because also realistically oh I see we're not gonna get swarmed at video and we got will get you minds we might I doubt it though I [ __ ] doubt I mean people will come up to us but we're not gonna be like screaming middle schoolers and it's yeah you know what you're right okay there that won't you're not gonna get Logan palled yeah yeah I don't think our presence will be problematic because even last year it was it was we it's a demographic thing to like even last year like we were able to like talk to people but still walk it's definitely way bigger than last year Gus has a way bigger base than I do but it's like yeah I think we'd be fine but yeah you never know I think I think you what like yeah it's a demo thing abso-fuckin'-lutely you're not gonna cause riots and [ __ ] yeah we're not gonna cause riots it's just and but they have security has been a lot more strict yeah used to be in these I this is like my I've been like back in the day I want to hear those I want to hear oh yeah five six years ago I could hold at VidCon a an informal unofficial meet-and-greet and like you know not with like the booth and the signing and everything I just be like you know I'm gonna be in the lobby of the Convention Center for an hour if you want to come say hi and then people would come and it would be informal you know I just you know take pictures we duel you know I feel like a vlog thing or whatever the [ __ ] it was easy breezy you can't do that anymore they will usher you away like if you try it's like if you tweet out if either of you guys tweet out like yo just meet me by the the freakin food court or whatever they VidCon will shut that [ __ ] down just because for security reasons which I totally get but again it's just a bygone era that's just gone yeah well do you have any ideas like if you could make changes to VidCon at all do you have any thoughts I thought Tana Khan had a lot of great ideas wasn't hot enough outside yeah nah it's it's tough to say cuz I criticize it and I don't really have any constructive feedback on ideas to make it better it's just I miss the things that I missed can't really ever be retain I'm like vine dying too it's like that's it's the industry has changed because of industries change vidcon's change it's like the things that I want I want like those intimate you know hotel room parties it's like well technically you can still do that it's just that no one really does that anymore it's because the the atmosphere is changed I don't know what I would I wish there was a bit more flexibility on creators going on the show floor cuz you know like that cuz that I feel like that could be I don't know I feel like we're a little too strict on that but maybe we're not maybe we do need that security but I don't know what about what do you guys think so you've been there last year and that was our only year yeah yeah so what what would you change um shoot the badge thing should I mention that do we talk yeah yeah yeah initially I'm I think that it's weird to talk about it because it you don't want to come across as like a douchey way but I think that there should be at least one more tear of like a subscriber badge thing to because right like last year you know we it there as far as I know there are just the three colors you get the purple badge anybody can buy the purple badge you get the gold badge if you're invited and was like the industry badge is like green or something yeah there's also the fan badge thread oh really yeah like is for people that like go because the creator badge is the purple badge yeah so it's anybody can still buy the creator badge and be like hey I'm a creator but then there are the attendees who have a different people who bought a ticket exactly and like we had it was not a problem for us last year we had a little situation where we saw it maybe it could have been different but we've heard other people say the similar things were like since there is no like subscriber threshold to get a purple badge it's like there have been situations where like maybe you have a really confident you know person that comes up that is a fan and and it'll just be like hey and don't like acknowledge it they're a fan but then they like sidle into your group and the whole time you're thinking like [ __ ] is this like a youtuber that I should know yeah and that people try to follow you back to your hotel and stuff like that too so like if they were just a way to have like separation you know like another tier maybe it's like you have 50,000 subscribers or something but but again like I even I hesitate saying that because I don't want to seem like elitist at all you know it's a safety thing no because if anybody can buy a creator bed Jack you were to say something sorry yeah no no I'm just gonna say like the follow back to the Hotei weren't you at like the okay so for the last couple of years they put featured creators officer in in a specific hotel like I don't even want to say the name cuz I think I have like things like don't tell people where you stay but they for the past couple of years like they because it used to be that they would just put up all the creators with like the same hotels that like you know fans another are staying in like you know right by the convention center but now um they they put up the creators in this hotel that's like a shuttle ride or like a bus ride away from the Convention Center and to keep you away from fans so you're saying you had a problem we did we weren't future okay we weren't at a we're at an air B&B okay okay I'm sorry further out yeah so it's like the radius kind of for us is like it's hard to follow us but um that's not a challenge um but yeah it was just like we so we didn't have an like a security out it was just like that one that's why want that threshold that subscriber through yeah I mean yeah just again us without knowing the exact logistics just off the top of my head I would assume even for the security would be easier just as ass can be like oh that guy's that color like I kind of maybe need to less pay attention to that individual as like somebody that's gonna try to like get in and follow people around and gin I don't know cuz it's like I get that anybody at VidCon like when we're out walking around it's like yeah [ __ ] come up and say hi so of course yeah right now but like if we're trying to yeah if you come say hi to us at VidCon it's like we want to have a meaningful interaction with you there's no timer set but if you're trying to like follow us around for hours like we just we can't do that yeah yeah we can't do that and comic curse do you think it's weird this year yeah - because so it's like of our like kind of VidCon group it's Danny and drew nerd City Nikki jakey me and Gus I'm not forgetting anybody yeah it's fun will be with us - no I was just saying the group of YouTube like from last year oh yeah even just like for returning but yeah then my brother Tony who's editing this what's up Tony but then spin as well your brother who is a great youtuber we it's like Danny and drew are invited Gus is invited I have Gus's plus-one but like me and Jake and Sven were all not invited so it's this kind of weird thing of like how did this year yeah it's this weird like kind of like how do you navigate if you all don't have the same badge cuz if we want to hang out on the floor together of course but then yeah I don't know what to do it's weird I get that there's probably a system to of like other maybe like shittier creators that will try really bro give my friends in here you know they're right yeah they're totally looks like you can't tell security measures like but I'm not a risk you don't I mean the plus one gets you in all the same [ __ ] oh yeah I have the plus we've got it they do not so like Jake's van and Tony do not have the plus I'm surprised like especially Jake yeah Thank You jakey like doesn't like are you kidding you're slowing up he's yeah I mean at this point it's it's just kind of political with a lot of people at Short you're either kind of like grandfathered in or you [ __ ] blew up or honestly in my case like my manager really helped behind the scenes be like can we get Gus a past there's no way I would have been invited without mmm it is very political you're exactly yeah exactly right well I'm happy to be going you know to but I'm fully aware just like yeah that's why I'm going yeah find the scenes I had help with that yet it must be hard to decide like I don't I don't know how I don't know how they decide like who you know makes the list and who doesn't mm-hmm I don't know what criteria they look at if it's purely a numbers game or what happens dance yeah it's weird too cuz I mean I wouldn't want that task cuz there's so many different communities on YouTube you're gonna get hurt yeah and it's like there are so many thats one thing too is is I didn't really feel for any of us like even even Jake like we should have been invited because you really think about the amount of people that have a following and it's like insane so like I don't really know how it works but yeah it's just it's all weird it's I don't know how to feel about it it's just yeah the only thing for us is I want to make sure people listening aren't like we deserve to have these passes we just want to make sure our whole friend group can hang out it's like this weird thing this year yeah we want we want the boys hanging out and I want to I want to like shadow like talk talk about those fans that like follow you for hours that'll be me with with you guys yeah yeah yeah if you like if you drop hints asked me to leave I will not pick up on them yeah we'll just ignore that is that oh is that my time okay you can keep seeing me now man it's so weird that we had only there's three of us in there with my car only has two seats and no room for somebody else anyways what are we doing tonight guys plan Wow so weird I think I was maybe just gonna go back and pass out for the night just me and Gus uh-huh just me and Gus uh-huh so Jack what's your plan for the night have you seen this a new show on Netflix I got to show you guys come on let me just let me just show you guys real quick in the room info in the yeah and the hotel room yeah yeah yeah sorry no I think we were just gonna go like pass out probably we're pretty pretty I know but you'd really like it though it's super good you could just tell us the name of it we can watch it I can't remember I have to like see the menu and everything you can turn your phone probably you can probably pull it up now I've a Windows Phone let me just like let me just like hang with you guys for a few more hours hours where again we're going to bed now so if we'd be asleep in the room it's like a really good Netflix the thing is that's kind of a little bit what it's like you know it's like I I think I almost envy people who in those instances can like be rude but I would it would kill me to even have that memory in my head you like me and assembly absolutely and the thing is it's rough I I'm sure again I hope that I never get to the point where I have to be like you need to go away right now but as fully justified as I believe that that is like still like if somebody catches that on tape or some [ __ ] like there will be some people that will without canceled party Wow be grateful for those people yeah I'm grateful but it's still yes even just having that memory I just be like drifting off to sleep one today and be like right yeah yeah all the awful things you didn't you play what did you do pepper spray them yeah that's a callback maybe we take out a little knife and open some freaking wait you gotta tell us a if we scream male so get ready man I would pee and I left in the bathroom what am I supposed to do with this I don't know Jamie's got them all my god uh lmao your friend who always does a night pretty much hoof people do the vibration is gonna I'll make a video on it yeah well oh me okay we have a put P o box it's in the description hopefully I changed it by now it's don't you can send Gus packages I don't have my own p o-- box please label it Gus and Eddie if it's a Gus and Eddie package because we mentioned that before and then we stopped doing it and then we open Gus opens some packages that were addressed to him and they were for both of us I promise you every package that comes back home with a single name on it I open it immediately cuz opening mail is fun and then it doesn't go on the park and yeah so if you want it on here Gus and Eddie that's it from Jeremy do people are just [ __ ] putting 10 tons of tape on all these packages from the bottom shout out to Jeremy yeah thanks Jeremy for wrapping that package up like crazy real tight whoa no I'm not getting my hopes up its DVDs what no way shut up okay we gotta buy one okay well here let's hey everybody should get like three and then we'll share them differently I wanted the full surprise okay so funny okay hand them over without looking at them you just don't look okay but I saw this one already cuz they've been out just iContact it's obviously Curious George but keep that uh is that supposed to be - Jack no Jack's right there did you go blind or am I am i giving these to you Eddie I guess so okay it's like 3x okay I'll take okay okay cool all right everybody look at once and then we'll share alright okay okay alright three two one luck yes whoo I got the best one I win holy [ __ ] Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy weight is his full name there yeah I blacked out the rest of them oh [ __ ] thanks Jeremy this is the [ __ ] best package we've ever gotten this is the best one okay let's just go and order Jack let's see what you got yeah I don't care about the other it's a Tony Hawk's Underground Dog one [ __ ] dogs so good there's like the heyday of the Tony Hawk games yeah it never got better than this absolutely who else you got the Incredibles the game dude I played that game there's a [ __ ] ton of cool cheat codes you can make like big heads and laser vision and a bunch of [ __ ] oh bigoted dude from one big head to another you know and then you got the x-men legends that's badass but I don't know of that game at all no and I got a x-men game too even just the Tony Hawk game alone yeah dude honestly I got more here we got x-men next to mention we got Quidditch World Cup balls that's our that was also for the Wii I believe ru LARPers PC boys Oh got Sonic Riders okay yeah dude there's my end bonus games wait you ready for mine though you're gonna skip my will so we got the Curious George game hold on here's the big one but we already own it but it's still awesome these scented supers way that's good for this Froggers adventures the rescue ooh and when ice age to the meltdown great movie but a better game yes I don't know what the mechanics are Harry Potter a prisoner of azkaban oh that was always the best movie Azkaban Oh superstar baseball Mario Jeremy is a God dude wait there's more so Mario Golf postal tour yo this is genuinely like the better than any Christmas I've ever had what the [ __ ] is going on dude Jeremy you're an absolute God we should make sure the games are in the okay Jeremy Jeremy is the number one boy right now damn wait how many are they okay ten and then is there any more in there got a bonus game of unfabulous for Game Boy advances that show is from Nickelodeon I don't remember this all right but so that's 14 games and Top Gun holy [ __ ] there's just a bunch of cool [ __ ] here this is the craziest [ __ ] package and popper stuff Jeremy for president I'll say it right wait does that spring off when that that's probably for audio I put it on Tom Cruise's face yeah you know what I love is an updated review of this still a dazzling Jack what's your where top 3 GameCube titles right now Jack okay never had a Gamecube so I went I went right from the n64 to the the Wii I did have a ps2 though so that's how I know about thug I like I played this [ __ ] till like the you know the DVD rubbed off but that was GameCube IDs too but like I don't know melee I guess just because I I'm a Smash Brothers mother I never played double dash mark our Double Down either it was 64 or died for me but yeah dudes what about what about you guys can I to pee I was a ps2 kid now yeah I'm cute kid double - baby double - sunshine and honestly I have to go yeah right oh my god this is [ __ ] insane this is like a sixth grade wet dream for ya oh god I oh my god Jeremy K oh there's notes in each game case oh my god lime is that yep Oh doing this wait he's he said if you're reading this I'm dead even he met us at the Irvine show it's awesome oh dude he's like the number one best [ __ ] person ever this [ __ ] I'd be any cooler this one is for guests I love you this game just reminds me of you now enjoy Oh cuz the boys getting the million point oh yeah I remember this guy he was he was wearing my yikes merch when he came to the show and I was just like oh [ __ ] that's [ __ ] awesome that's really neat dude I remember you Jeremy thank you so much Jeremy put his at in here and I'm definitely gonna share it it's at je r KO r h o n e and there's an end at the end or it or in our it's an end okay and an end so there you go hopefully tony put that on screen oh cool it's it's a snowman me oh that's freaking rad oh my god yeah Jeremy out of respect for you [ __ ] the other package I'm not even opening it dude I honestly we gotta make that the honorary packet that's the best package I think I've ever opened in my life well like 13 GameCube games that's amazing yeah holy [ __ ] I don't even I'm like speechless because of Jeremy I climax twice during opening them twice I did it for every game we announces Mike there were micro climaxes I was good cuz need I remind you that in thug you can literally design your own tricks you can make your own [ __ ] skateboard tricks there's a whole editor to make that's I forgot about that I like playing the little firefight where you could shoot fireballs out of yeah oh my god Oh back when Tony Hawk was good age sister do you play games anymore of these days yeah we're playing uh we're playing cuphead that's a good a co-op game it's home playing on the switch we played on the Xbox at the expo just one thing is I played on the PC for a bit one thing that Jake and I can't do this the whole time one thing that Jake and I are gonna do is cuz like switch games default like GameCube controllers work with most of the games so we're gonna play cuphead on GameCube controller oh oh yeah we've been enjoying it yeah we actually yeah it's like incredibly frustrating until you know you you you work together and you winning right yeah yeah it's so fun in that game it's very rewarding yeah extremely rewarding that's what keeps us like coming back so we played that oh and then on the PlayStation Aaron will boot up Grand Theft Auto 5 and all she does is just kill as many cops as she can yeah and I just the entire time I just feel like yeah like [ __ ] it's awful I love our boys and blue though let me just what is this is this a fun meter did you set us to max hell yeah turn it up and rip off its [ __ ] dial it's from AP physics I guess his ap physics class oh that's cute Jimmy's a smart boy yeah okay wow I'm classes man stay in school there you go thank you so much Jeremy holy [ __ ] Chico College Jack yeah I went to American University in DC oh dude I got a friend going there right now shut up yeah sorry dude I'm sorry that's really good I've loved DC like DC is such a fun town at just Paul around it's clean the metro takes you [ __ ] everywhere yeah it's super nice and the campus was fun too but like yeah I went to college I majored in film minored in music theory so that I could one day score my own films you know but then YouTube happened and you know everything went to [ __ ] but but yeah yeah yeah when did when did you to pop off for you I will Rio okay so it when in a pot well then you have to define popping off but like I had my first viral video happened in 2009 like 2008 or I struggles there too like I made a MacBook Air parody and that took off and in those two thousand eight and then 2009 was the snuggy parody I made caught that what the [ __ ] blanket and that really took off so those that's kind of when like the channel didn't know like channels didn't really explode back then like that's when my videos at least popped off a little bit and then I thought I guess I got something here I'll keep making goofy parodies of [ __ ] mmm damn dude it's at college baby do it was college it was like the boredom of you know like my friends are going out I'll [ __ ] still you know make a video yeah and you know that's what that's where my time when mmm absolutely that's it's weird like you said with like channels blowing up is now because the algorithm if you have one big video the algorithm just goes every other videos gonna be big now it's so weird yeah where it's like so different yeah before it was like what was it like for you then was was there like a watching subscribers grow when one would yes I was much more like now I don't come well first thought my subs don't grow at all but back in the day like I would refresh the subs because you know I had a like a couple thousand like I have 4600 I have 4600 3 yeah you know yeah and that's how I would update and the views to the views a little bit too there's that continuous continual refreshing but yeah back then there really was no like algorithm or at least not it was all different I'm trying to figure out like I never had when I was in college I never had an upload schedule because you know you're bouncing your workload within classes and [ __ ] I would upload when I felt like it so I never worried about things like the algorithm I don't think anyone [ __ ] did back then yeah well that's not sure I think people gamed the system even back then but me I was just like uploading when I could and I was just always trying to figure out like how to make the next video bigger and better than the last one mm-hmm but different game now yeah it's so weird now yeah how the [ __ ] I saw weird kissing people's ass in front of other people too but like arguably you're one of the most long-term like just successful staples of YouTube like do you do you ever think about that do you know do you think why that's the case or what I don't know I I will thank you first of all saying that I guess hey you're welcome go ahead um I guess like the only reason I'm not completely irrelevant is you have to change with the times you got it like you can't do the same [ __ ] you were doing in 2006 into 2019 you just can't and you have to and it's not like it's not really like I'm making conscious decisions to stay with the times it's it's this constant battle of me throwing [ __ ] at the wall to see what sticks that's all I've been doing so I can't really take too much credit for like yeah evolve man I change with the times it's like now I just tried different like I I do now a little bit like I know I just said I don't do what I did in 2006 but even back then I was still trying new [ __ ] and to a degree I still do that like I have staples I have series and stuff but every now and then I'll try something real weird and see if it works if there's any response or I'll just it's like a little ear worm I have to get this idea out or else I'll die and that's what happens so god what was the question again I just remembered saying you're welcome if you consciously had any idea why you've seen such a long-term success I'd try it I just I am so against it and I'm shocked I've been I've been rooting against you for ten years no yeah I think that's a really good answer for and I don't think people would expect for evolving you every idea that you throw out there to work I mean that's what kind of evolving is I was testing it out yeah yeah that's I didn't have it as you said yeah that's and I had nothing else to say that's the story of my life dude I always end everything that's like and that's it like that's my whole I showed my hands in my pockets go and that song but ya know it's a good question because YouTube's been around for really long and it has gone through so many phases and changes in the last 14 years well sorry go ahead go I was gonna say what do you have a least favorite phase of like a time during you too uh I think the rise of prank channels the the other when when prank channels were King and it was just shitty people doing shitty things for attention and that one that was when I was like I don't want to be associated with youtubers if that's what it takes to be a youtuber yeah successful youtuber abso-fucking-lutely not and then thankfully I do I mean like yeah every now and then like a prank will I know something happened relatively recently but like I feel like that's largely dead like the unity of your is largely dead as it should be it should be dead and buried because there are very few prank channels that aren't malicious yeah it's weird cuz at the time that was the only media coverage of YouTube stuff was always just what these people were doing and it makes us all look bad yeah it's like that's not me man like it doesn't matter kind of like with Jake and Logan Paul they were I think I lost brand deals because some brands were like oh he's a youtuber oh like Jake Paul or oh like Logan Paul the suicide guy it's like ya know that's how I [ __ ] do but it doesn't matter to the Aryans but yeah I think even honestly it's weird after we've passed this Jake and Logan thing I think that's starting to settle now where people are like oh everyone who's like in the news about YouTube isn't a youtuber but I think that'll definitely change just as like I mean every year that goes by younger people that are getting older are aware of what YouTube actually is yeah and this sounds really dark but people that don't are dying and so it's just like yeah it's better better yeah yeah I just wish all of the old people would die dude hard agree on that one can we get that on a t-shirt please Jack what is your opinion on on the elderly well my grandma's watching right now hi grandma I hope I hope she doesn't die there you go Hardegree as well like other tweets that you afters like I can't believe you didn't hold your opinion to Jack's grandma spineless my opinion on elderly what a great general question no I'll answer know what time where are we at right now Jamie did I [ __ ] ask you yes [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 203,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksfilms, Eddy Burback, Gus Johnson, The, Gus, And, Eddy, Podcast, Ghost, That, Sells, You, Jack
Id: 5TcpuQ6w8hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 51sec (4671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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