Dreams & Visions: The Language of Heaven - Wednesday, May 12, 2021

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[Music] happy wednesday everyone come on let's get ready to praise our king together come on get yourself some praise and room and let's go here we are open arms every heart overcome by your love and freedom here we stand hands to the king [Music] every day giving thanks bringing our everything to the one deserving you are amazing come on sing his singers together [Music] let all creations [Music] [Music] you are amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on make yourself some praise and room [Music] on high oh your glory fills the sky forever we live to sing your praise oh glorious one you reign forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we glorify you god we magnify you god we sing the name of jesus we praise the name of jesus yes father we thank you for the privilege of your presence and we know we have access by your precious blood and we thank you our god what can wash away my sin is [Music] i know nothing but your royal blood what can heal the heart of stone [Music] one can resurrect these bones says will never lose [Music] somebody go ahead and rejoice in the lord oh thank you for your beloved [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you gotta sing it out rip it come on [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] is [Music] so glad to know we thank you for your precious blood now by this will overcome now by this we'll reach out hope now my sin and shame are gone only by your royal [Music] somebody who's faithful type in i'm grateful for the blood somebody in this room shout i'm grateful for the blood thank you our king lord we thank you our conquering king almighty god we stand in the victory you've already [Music] won [Music] i'm trying so hard to see it it took so long to believe it that you choose someone like me to carry your victory [Music] perfection could never learn no no you give when we don't deserve it you take the broken things and raise them to glory [Music] you are my champion yes giant small when you stand on the field everybody [Music] in [Music] now i can't find a lazy yeah you're teaching me how to receive it yes so let all those this is listen let off quit working for what god has already given you [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] i already got the victory because of you [Music] is you've already conquered it all you've already won the victory yes thank you lord thank you lord yes when i lift my voice and shout every world comes crashing now i have the authorized jesus has given me and when i open up my mouth me red start breaking out i have the authority yes jesus has given me come on you say it at this time recognize who you are because of who you are [Music] so forget to open your mouth and declare the decree of the lord jesus jesus has given the atmosphere jesus has given me oh thank you lord thank you we declare right where you are miracles the peace of the lord the provision of the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] you are my champion [Music] what's his track record y'all [Applause] [Music] [Music] i yes seated thank you lord you are my champions [Music] mountains are still being moved [Music] i will believe it now i can see that wonders anybody watching online still believe wonders are still what you do yes [Music] to the king silvia slain here's my part i will believe it [Applause] i choose to believe it i choose to believe it after all these years i choose to still believe it hey i choose [Music] [Applause] [Music] steal what you do so tonight we could be doing anything but we're here plugged in ready to receive from god and we are here for you say this coming my god i feel something rising [Music] we are [Applause] one more [Music] [Music] we need to move [Music] we need go ahead and let heaven know with your response right now you're expecting a move of god in your car in your living room in a hospital room the few of us joined in this tabernacle right now set it off with your praise and let god know you're hungry for a move of god [Music] oh i feel faith rhymes [Applause] [Music] i said are you ready to put some word on it he is an audience participation preacher so get those fingers to type and i'm ready for a move i'm expecting a move i'm expecting a move and help me welcome our pastor dr rod parsley we welcome you sir [Music] all right all right i gotta i gotta ask i had to come over here to miss yolanda i gotta i gotta figure out what you fed the man today because whatever it was just keep it coming spiritual spinach spiritual spinach she said yeah cause i haven't had nothing to eat yet you have anything to eat maybe that's what's good you've been fasting yes sir amen this is too hot and too thin thank you hallelujah hallelujah to see you all do you guys like miss human contact like i do sure i mean like i'm ready for like real church come on sir and some of these folks still laying back i don't know why you know i just don't know why it might be i hate to say it but it might be an excuse see right god said forsake not the assembly of yourselves together yes sir now you you can't assemble a bicycle if you don't have the parts in the same place that's right come on now i understand that god can use media i mean i've been doing television media all kinds of media we figured out today i have now written somewhere around 230 books so a lot of media you know i've done i've done over 16 000 original television programs so in every nation of the world seven days a week for nearly forty years well so i believe in that sure but look god gave us the look and i'm gonna say a thing so y'all better be listening i said god gave us the local assembly right right the local church some folks call it a gathering some folks call it a service some folks the old regular baptist called it meeting because they lived so far in the hills the old regular baptists that they could only come together once a month but they called that meeting not to you non-hillbillies that's meeting but they called it meeting once a month meeting and they'd have church all day long but we cannot ever get away from the assembly the local church now i'm slowing way down so all you listen to me now listen very carefully is the representation in the earth of the universal body of christ so the universal body of christ is unseen but god never leaves us with just the unseen he gives us the scene marriage between a man and a woman is the earthly visible representation of the invisible union of jesus christ and his bride the church so we always have something to look at to understand what we can't see right the local church is where we get married the church is where we get baptized it's still way too healthy when i'm holding it out here is way too loud so we'll get we'll get it worked out i had a few technical difficulties tonight but how many of you know that's just like in a regular service when some of the others don't show up you just adapt some of your preachers need to learn that be instant in season and out of season let me give you the prp translation of that when you feel like it and everything's going great or when everything is just a cluster mess and you don't feel like it it's that praise that truly gets the attention of heaven amen hallelujah hallelujah so it's important and i want you to begin to pray about it now i know i'm talking to the whole wide world i'm not just talking to columbus the columbus metroplex there in northern indiana i'm not just talking to folks that can get to russian harvest church or world harvest church elkhart or columbus campus or any of the other no but there are those of you that can and it's time you did all right amen if you can go to a ball game and the grocery store if you can go shopping and to work you can get to church and we want you to get to church it's important to you to be together with like-minded men and women of common faith it will build you up god made us that way he made us to need each other the hand cannot say to the foot i have no need of thee so we can't have the hand showing up and the foot laying on the sofa right come home right right we got to come together we have to assemble bone to bone flesh to flesh send you to sin you to become one body and god multiplies our anointing by our agreement so that's just a little friendly admonition it's time to get back in the house of god it's past time amen amen so i'm going over here to this other camera and we're going to have ourselves a time tonight i want you to type in there where you're from give me your name let me know that you're with me tonight i'm an audience participation preacher and i'm here to tell you tonight that god's coming tonight to take off you everything the devil put on put back on you everything the devil took off i am live tonight i want you to share that with everybody shout everybody everybody share they all quit on me didn't they i said everybody everybody share share all right and comment so i don't stop preaching because when you stop commenting i stop preaching all right are you ready sam sam's my friendly cameraman cameraman sam i'm headed over here to camera number one i've been staring at that little red light for night on 40 years nigh on that means nearly now if you've noticed we've got a new set tonight so we want to thank all of our our team that puts all that together because we're going to talk tonight about a brand new subject i gave you a little bit of a taste of it last week from a dominion camp meeting service but tonight we're going to get busy with it right up in here totally live and we're joined by stephen already in india claudette in jamaica pauline in canada namby in the philippines and we've got michelle and guyana we got sochi in uganda we've got john and jennifer in canada do we okay they're going to do it to me we got we got china with us we got the united kingdom with us we've got south africa with us we've got austria with us we've got bangladesh with us we've got australia with us and we just we've got the congo and this is just wednesday night from columbus ohio but it is called world harvest church so we got folks from denmark and kenya from malawi i've been to malawi from south korea i've been to south korea from puerto rico i've never been there looks like you'd invite me actually i've been invited a lot just never been able to go never been to turkey i have been to france and we are certainly in pakistan and i have been to ghana so we are delighted to have all of you is anybody from america watching tonight oh okay we got dabrina in illinois and carla in south dakota that's one of the greatest pheasant areas in the entire united states looks like you'd invite me to come and visit all those pheasants and some of those mule deer you got out there in south dakota we got maggie in canada the home of the biggest whitetail deer in the world we got damon from texas east texas they got those little tiny deer look about like a goat but you get down in south texas and that's where they grow bold bull winkles out there like that we got levitta in tennessee carnell in wisconsin joseph in arizona corey in pennsylvania where they need to get that oil flowing out of again so the eastern seaboard is not without gas tonight and we don't have to buy it from russia when we got it under the ground in pennsylvania i hate to make so much sense to you all right i can't read anymore because we have to get busy later i'm going to tell you how you can get the four message series there's a ghost in the house does anybody have a ghost living at your house is your house haunted by a ghost it better be better be the holy ghost and i want to give you all four messages some of the greatest messages i ever preached and the reason i want to share this with you tonight is we're in pentecost i didn't say plenty crossed i said pentecost some of you all look like you spent the night upside down in a post hole got baptized in vinegar amen one of the dear saints said praise the lord i've been in the way for 50 years and i said yeah you've been in the way for 50 years because you're not moving in the things of god this is pentecost [Music] this is pentecost right we are in pentecost season and that's what i want to share with you tonight there's a ghost in the house i'll tell you how you can get it later and i'm also going to share with you release rejoice receive celebrating the feast of pentecost hallelujah i don't have any idea why that's on the screen but we need some help back there tonight we got two or three people out what i'm trying to get to is the great pentecost meeting that we've got coming up in just a few days somebody shout hallelujah in fact i decided not to just have pentecost sunday no we're going to have pentecost friday night pentecost saturday night all live and pentecost sunday morning that all begins pentecost weekend friday may 21st everybody shout may 21st put it in your phone are you listening to me put it in your phone may 21st 7 o'clock not here in the tabernacle not in any of our locations but live from here to the fourth one corners of the world we're going to celebrate pentecost i'll be preaching on pentecost may 21st at 7 o'clock that service will be online only and then on saturday night show somebody because you're going to want to shout saturday night there he is already up there on that big screen now that young man and myself and i can't call him that young anymore because he's really not that much younger than me but i will give it to him he is younger than me and he sat right here on a grand piano leading 120 boys choir leading an orchestra and band that had 12 horn players we had three percussionists and two kid drummers and uh we used to make some music and some ministry up in here that is none other than the incomparable bishop clint brown and he i was going to do all three of these services and then i decided nope i need another carrier of the fire a firebrand of god to come in here and preach on saturday night so saturday night live to the whole wide world bishop clint brown will join me we're going to be together again oral roberts said that he never in his lifetime or ministry saw two individuals more perfectly join music and ministry there wasn't a service that we didn't flow together in the prophetic he would sit the front row of the choir was right over there he would sit there and his wife and his sister and while i was preaching they would write songs about what i was preaching and break into the service while i was preaching and sing those songs we i've never seen it was just like pastor fiance like he was a left leg and i was a right leg and we just followed the holy ghost from every minute never did do a service outline never did say we're going to do these songs never said we're going to do the offering here or we're going to do something there and the power of god moved in in an incredible way and i know i'm talking a long time about it but it's in my heart you need to tell everybody you know may 21 may 22nd seven o'clock live on every platform and bishop clint brown will be with me on saturday night and then i'll be preaching on pentecost sunday we're celebrating pentecost on sunday may 23rd at 10 o'clock how many of you going to be here no i was talking to you we've still got a few of our valor christian college students [Applause] [Music] graduations coming up just in a few days it's finals week around here and all these that are going to graduate with their associate's degree are signing right back up because for the first time in 31 years a vision has come to pass and we will be offering fully accredited bachelor's degrees this year this coming fall and we got a free internship everybody say free i didn't say three i said free f-r-e-e and you know what aston blair who is the the student pastor at valor christian college always says the students love it when it's free f-r-e-e free free999 so free 999 summer internship we want you to be a part of it you will earn college credit fully accredited free room and board the entire time you're here professional development sessions i get a hangout with you we're having songwriting sessions with charity gale and i don't know i don't even have all that list but look for it all you need to do is go to valorcollege.edu valorcollege.edu and find out how you can be a part of the whole thing ramiro in hollywood carmen in new york kim and georgia and becky in west virginia why becky you could just drive on up here from west virginia desiree from new mexico and debbie from virginia you can come on over from virginia too we love you now i want to remind you something brand new to our online audience we operate the only 24 hour a day prayer center with anointed ordained ministers of the gospel ready to pray with you 24 hours a day seven days a week so that number will be coming up on your screen it's four 844-382-1245 jot it down put it in the notes or the speed dial of your smartphone are you ready to get started on dreams and visions dreams and visions we're gonna talk tonight you can be seated those of you that are here goodness gracious hallelujah shout dreams and visions now the message tonight is going to deal with the language of heaven dreams and visions are the language of heaven we are the generation destined for experiential revelation and manifestation of the glory of god so what everybody talks about the glory what is the glory of god on my instagram and all the social media which sometimes when i comment i'll say glow glo dash r-a-y glow-ray glory it's not just glory but the glory of god is the manifested tangibility of god if it is tangible you can feel it i wouldn't give you 15 cents worth of nothing for a god that i didn't feel when pastor chris hits that vein up here and the holy ghost comes wrapping down the harness of god out of heaven like fresh rain i feel god i know his presence austin calls it presents but it's really presence we're going to talk about the language of heaven would you like to be you know if we went to some of these nations that i just read off hello pastor brian and miss natalie bolt you power houses of god we love you thank you for joining us great city harvest network pastors if you're a part of city harvest network let us know while i'm teaching you tonight now i'm going to do my best to teach you because this is so exciting to me that i i just want to explode with it the language of heaven if you went to one of these we call them foreign nations but they're really neighbor nations let's say you went to sweden i've gone there many many many times and let's say you went there and everybody was speaking in swedish they have a language that you don't understand and the way a whole lot of people live i come to the full realization in revelation that they don't understand the language of heaven wow do you understand that heaven has its own language i'm going to talk to you about it tonight how many of you would like to learn it all right let's start in job the oldest book in your bible some folks say let's start at the beginning in genesis no that's just the one they placed first the oldest book in your bible written the second millennium before christ is the book of job job chapter 33 verses 14 through 18 for god who speaks once who's speaking who's speaking god you want to learn the language of heaven god speaks from heaven to earth today we are that generation that must learn the language of heaven which is very often expressed in spiritual dreams and visions but since we're spiritually dead because we're led by our head instead of our spirit we're out of calling distance we don't have the interpretation we don't even realize that angelic hosts have to fight through principalities and powers and every now and then an angel will break through every bit of that with a message from heaven for you but you miss it they say things dr canfield they say things now he would say don't call me doctor but because he doesn't you know he didn't go to a university somewhere and they called him doctor well i'm the spiritual authority the apostolic voice in this house and i can tell you that that man has earned 10 phds and just because he doesn't have some piece of paper hanging on the wall saying that i know he's a doctor of the word of god and i'll call him doctor if i want to he's a whole lot more doctor than a whole lot of folks that stick one after their name because they went to some class somewhere and listened to some guy teaching because he was teaching because he couldn't do it that man has sat under this anointing and help me build the kingdom of god around the world for how many years 38 years don't tell me he's not a doctor hallelujah man i want this church full again with everybody coming to church and the saints of god shouting the glory [Applause] we are that generation destined to experience shout that word experience the manifestation of god's presence now i must preface everything else i'm going to say regarding dreams and visions that there will be people that here that hear a portion of what i'm going to teach you over the next three weeks but they will only hear a portion they will hear the experiential part and in their flesh and in their soul they will begin to try to operate in spiritual dreams and visions they will become a blight don't let that be you because you cannot just have the glory you have to have government i'm not talking about washington d.c i'm talking about the prince of glory jesus christ of nazareth who the great prophet isaiah prophesied the government shall be upon his shoulders i'm talking about kingdom government so you i'm going to just flip you out you are supposed to be operating in spiritual dreams and visions yes you say me but if you attempt to operate in that glory in that revelation in that demonstration without having the basis of government you are a tinkling brass and a sounding symbol so let's not be that all right so what's the language of heaven dreams and visions typing the language of heaven dreams and visions here we are job 33 14-18 for god speaks once yes twice what he's dealing with here is the double enunciation principle of the kingdom of god he did not just say saul he said saul saul he did not just say simon he said simon simon the sweet psalmist of israel did not just say lord he said my lord and my god whenever there is a double enunciation you know that god is saying to you i refuse not to get your attention so you feel like god never speaks to you the fact of the matter is god never stops speaking to you now whether you hear it or not that's an entirely different thing you ever get your cell phone out of calling distance too far from a cell tower well you can't use it can you so the only people that receive the privilege of the language of heaven being interpreted into their lives in the form of dreams and visions are people that get very very very close to god and thereby very far far far far away from being in a car somewhere with their boyfriend from surfing the web 24 hours a day from spending three four five six seven eight hours a day with a cell phone in your hand there are no dreams and visions in there boy i'm teaching you man this is a i can tell right now this is going to be a master class in hearing the revelation the voice of god the presence of god in your life and i'm here to tell you to tonight you can have all of it you want and they sit and look at me [Applause] if i told them you can go to greater's ice cream and have all the ice cream you want they'd all be clapping and shouting because we have belly gods not spirit gods we have soul gods not spirit gods who you're not shouting now we must have gotten into a little government i better jump over here and get back in the glory amen there's a divorce in the church the millennials who all want the experience it's all about the experience nothing wrong with the experience nothing wrong with the glory but there's also everything right with the government god says do it my way and i'll bless you [Music] so if you avoid a blessing maybe you're doing it like elvis presley maybe you're doing it your way you don't even know who elvis presley is look it up on google and if google can't find it try his girlfriend siri i'm going to get through this first verse you ready what does god do are you talking chn pastor josh spiley we love you in waynesville ohio god bless your heart who speaks just once twice yet man does not perceive it can you imagine that do you know while you lay on your bed last night god had messages to download to you did you get them you know sometimes or maybe not for you but sometimes i'll wake up dr burkholter i'll wake up and i'll be quoting a scripture when they would put me to sleep when i had vocal cord cancer virtually every time when they woke me up i was quoting scripture why because i pray before i close my eyes and i don't close my eyes because i just turned my cell phone off no wonder you can't sleep you get into depression comparing yourself to everybody else before you go to sleep or you get on there and tell lies for two hours before you go to sleep you know got 42 filters everybody knows you don't look like that honest to goodness sometimes i pull people up i'm like look at that i've never seen that person amen i said amen when you get ready to go to bed i want you to position yourself for the language of heaven thank you god i'm going to lay down on this bed and i'm going to go to sleep and while i sleep i surrender my spirit to you i surrender my soul to you may the thoughts and the meditation of my heart while i sleep be pleasing to you don't let any evil thought penetrate my mind or my spirit or any evil thing come near me while i sleep [Music] do you know why god hates drunkenness he hates it okay you don't know he hates for you to be in a drugged stupor not because he has something against the drug he knows that the purpose of those things is to get you out of control of your triune being and when you do you open yourself up to every single demon spirit that wants to invade your life and then you don't understand why you do what you do it happened while you were sleeping i'm going to get through this verse if you're enjoying this i wish you'd let me know i had you online would let me know jacob in kentucky those prayer lines are there some of you know that you've opened yourself up you're depressed and you don't know why happened in your sleep it happened by your routine before you went to sleep parents parents in this hour of such trouble put their children in bed at night with some kind of device what what spirits do you think are coming through that and filling your child's room and then when they get 14 you think they've lost their mind they lost it a long time ago that's the reason christian parents outwardly train their children but not spiritually they train them to obey with the rule of law and just as soon as they leave your house they'll go buckwild why you didn't train them how to make right decisions you made every decision for them you won't do this you will do that don't you do that [Music] boy i'm in a vein don't you dare send your child to bed with some kind of device send them to bed with you kneeling beside their bed laying your hands on them declaring and decreeing the blessing the voice of heaven spiritual dreams and visions [Music] oh this is good isn't it i got all of this out of for god speaks once yes twice yet man does not perceive it verse 15 in a dream wait a minute god speaks once no twice how verse 15 in a dream you don't dream when you're awake god wants to speak to you in a dream second in a vision what of the night now there you see the differentiation between dreams and visions a dream can be a vision but then it is called a night vision if it's not called a night vision then it it is a vision that is entirely different from anything having to do with your sleep that's where you're standing here as i was when i was in my 20s and the back wall of that 1200 seat auditorium that we were filling up five times a week disappeared i'm looking at it and there is in three dimensions an entire scene unfolding while i'm standing on the platform maybe we should find that video and i'll share it with you you actually actually see it happen you remember it don't you elder here's what happens when you have a vision in on it completely unalterably changes who you are forever forever a vision a dream of the night when when deep sleep falls upon men in slumber on their beds let's listen to what happens next verse come on then he opens the ears of men how open have your ears been for the last year while you slept god said i'm going to come very close to you when you sleep of course he can't get through the tv that you left on and the images of facebook that are all in your crazy head before you go to bed or the argument in your family there's so much stuff for him to push through to get to you it's no wonder you don't hear god think of this want to hurry but i can't god wants to come down and talk in your ears while you're asleep you want it don't you we'll come get it come and get it touch i saw his faith reaching out to me i saw it hallelujah shall i want it too somebody online type in there i want it to god then opens the ears of men watched it and seals their instruction he didn't say you even knew anything about it i asked god once i said why is it people ask me how did you do this when did god tell you that how did you know that i have no idea and i have often said my life has not had lightning bolts and thundering audible voices but here's what has happened in my life my life walking in the will of god was produced by a series of what i thought were insignificant events that simply led me to where i was in other words i didn't seek and find the will of god i got up in it i went forth that day and walked in it and i wasn't running around with women i was in my early 20s doing national broadcasts and people would say to me on the air well don't you have you know a problem with young women i said no it's the older ones no i didn't i never had that problem i told some preacher friends of mine i must be the god-awful ugliest thing that women have ever looked at because i've never had them chase me i've never had them i was in hotel rooms over 200 nights a year i never did have one knock on my door some preachers can't go three meetings without having women lined up in the hallway you know why because they watch the filthy filth on the tv before they go to sleep when you walk in a hotel room you better sanctify it what when you go visit at the hospital you better sanctify it or every crazy demon in there will try to get on you [Music] i never did have a problem with alcohol or drugs you know where you get that by what goes in your eye gate and ear gate and then the enemy comes during the night and seals it in you i'm talking about dreams and visions then you young ladies go back and you get in your bed and you cry and moan and groan and i can't believe i let him do that well he believe it live holy young people god how powerful is this god seals his instruction that he speaks into your ears while you are in deep sleep so then you get up and you walk in the will of god you just walk in i think all my life god has moved things out of my way just moved i've walked in things i've been in places and honest of goodness i say i am a hillbilly boy from eastern kentucky how in the world has this happened to me and god reminds me didn't have anything to do with you had to do with what i spoke into you and sealed in you while you were in deep sleep how are you going to sleep different tonight hey he opens the ears of men and he seals their instruction that he might turn aside man from that man's purpose that's called the i want i have a right everybody's doing it out of you it takes all that out of you men wanting to be with other men go to bed tonight and say god purify every thought cast out and cast down every evil thing that by my own choices i have allowed into my life god wants to turn you aside from your purpose from your purpose the i wills how dare they talk to me like that i thought you were dead i know when you're dead all i gotta do is poke you a little bit got a lip stuck out so far it looks like a teacup to turn you aside from your purpose you know what that leaves his purpose and to conceal pride that green-eyed monster that makes you make an excuse about breathing stop it stop did you hear me god wants to conceal pride from you verse 18 and he keeps back his mind will and emotions from hell while you're asleep everybody's sitting there act like oh you've heard this a million times you never heard this in your life i didn't get this while somebody's sermon series or the internet keeps back his soul from the pit so if your mind's in the pit this isn't happening if your emotions are in the pit this isn't happening if you have no joy this isn't happening and i'm telling you god's formula for absolute overwhelming success in walking every day in his perfect world and his life from perishing by the sword when this happens god moves accidents out of your way because just for some reason you'll decide to go to a different grocery store than the one you normally go to like you'll just do it you won't even think about it and what you didn't know is that god sealed that in you to keep you away from that accident yes i love you so much precious girl her spirit is in tune children see visions all the time they see visions all the time because they haven't learned as grown-ups that they shouldn't ignore that god talks to infants all the time all the time they see visions they dream dreams now depending on what's in your house will affect i'm not telling you people say to me well can i do this can i you do anything you want to anything you want to you are a free moral grown adult do whatever you want but what i'm trying to teach you to do is how to keep your soul out of the pit what i'm trying to keep you from is accidents what i'm trying to keep you from is torment and depression and disease and failure and envy and meanness and anger and wrath and all the works of hell somebody wants to get it i'm now to my second text are you ready in the last days are you using that prayer line right now because i believe some of you need some agreement with what's been going on in your house with your children with your spouse in your career on your job you need somebody to agree with you and god's gonna start taking care of that tonight and you won't want to stay up till two o'clock in the morning you'll be jumping in bed and trying to go to sleep as fast as you can in the last days shall we shall we in them in the last days you better be praying for the peace of jerusalem this nation has lost its moral compass when we are comparing hamas with israel [Music] we've lost our moral compass that book said i will bless those that bless israel i will curse those that curse israel pray for the peace of jerusalem in the last days we're sure enough living in them we got we got we got people lining up to get gas we got airports shutting down because nobody can get jet fuel four months ago we were 100 energy independent now we're buying more oil from russia than at any other time what's wrong with us we've lost our moral compass in the last days it shall be says god now everybody get ready to shout i will pour out my spirit on all flesh shout now your sons and your daughters if you're a son shout now if you're a daughter shout now shall prophesy move in the spirit i feel the holy ghost move in the spirit see in the spirit hear in the spirit act in the spirit shout in the spirit pray in the spirit walk in the spirit run in the spirit [Music] pentecost weekend your young men shall see visions it means women too thank you ladies your young men shall see visions lay your hands on your belly right now wherever you are and say it is god's will for me to see visions i will live properly positioned to see visions now thank him for it thank you are you thanking him for it online pastor nora akumi we love you in wilmington north carolina we love chrissy and pennsylvania and dawn and indiana and mark in tennessee and gail in nebraska blessed be god now wait because i'm not finished because the verse is not finished and your old man has nothing to do with age young men has nothing to do with age old men has nothing to do with age has to do with spiritual maturity as i said i've known christians that have been in church their entire life come in here and sit in these pews and say i have never in my life i have been changed more in the last 30 days than in the last 30 years of going to church spiritual maturity i've seen people sit in a church like this for 30 years and be just as immature as the day they walked in because they always think that the ministry is talking to somebody else couldn't be them because they're eating up with pride old spiritually mature men and women will dream dreams lay your hands on your belly and say heavenly father in the glorious name of the lord jesus i thank you that it is your will and your purpose for me to dream dreams i position myself to dream spiritual dreams and hear the voice of heaven now give god glory every one of you every single solitary one of you and everybody you share this with karen in mississippi of louis and alabama and jacqueline and georgia and brian and me all right i'm going to give you one more verse one more verse he said tongue-in-cheek psalm 212 verse 2. when god showed me this i like to lost it in my study fury and i had to go outside and walk around psalm 127 verse 2 tells us that god gives his bill to his beloved in his sleep look at me what you've always heard is god gives his beloved sleep that's not what it says it says god gives to his beloved in his sleep yeah just go ahead and chew on that god gives to his beloved in his sleep in other words you're supposed to have something more from god when you get up in the morning than when what you had when you went to bed jesus got up in the dark resurrections happen in the dark you dream in the dark go to bed god gives you better write that down you better type it right now so you see it in front of you online god gives to his beloved in his sleep the passion translation said god provides for his devoted lovers while they sleep the message translation renders it he gives blessing blessings to his beloved even in his sleep do you ever see that pastor feel it's amazing in and he gives to us in our sleep do you know why i'm going to give you pentecost as an illustration you shall never forget everybody wants the preacher to line them up and bop them on the head and they want to go out in the power lots of times it's just a courtesy draw when mother parsley would come toward the bible college students she just had to look in their direction and every one of them like cord would because they knew she was coming carrying that anointing hallelujah hallelujah the bible says that you should be able to give every man an answer concerning your faith why do you do that why wouldn't somebody lay his hands you all shout when it happens some churches have made a doctrine out of it they can't have church they don't think the spirit of god's moved unless they've got 42 people laying in the floor again nothing wrong with that at all i've had them where i laid hands on 8 000 people in one night we lined them up in rows all the way around this building of miles of them and i laid hands on every one of them and i don't know that a single one of them was standing but we have government so my question is why do you shout about what you don't even know why it happened all your friends think you're crazy and they say well you you know he you know he knocks you guys down in the floor how many of you ever heard that yeah and we don't know what to say pastor we don't know what to say because nobody ever taught us why does that happen because the anointing i'm telling you why now because the anointing is holy ghost possession okay what does that mean that means god is a spirit you are supposed to be a spirit first mind will and emotion second and body third but when everybody says to you how are you feeling today the first thing you tell them about your body because you're upside down you pay more attention to your body than anything else that's why a girl walks by and you act like you know a german shepherd in heat because you have no control you have no self-control you have no mind control you have no will you've surrendered your will to your base or instincts i'm teaching you how to live live by your spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh you with me so we lay hands on people and they fall out under the power now if it's ever truly happened to you there are many in fact some of the strongest visions i've had were while i was truly out in the spirit truly out sometimes god will put you in that position without anybody ever touching you how many of you can help me repeat something that i say very very often i'll start it with two words the apex of all christian endeavor must become to place the jewel of a soul in the crown of our savior so that the lamb of god slain may receive the reward of his suffering i mean that's what this is all about all summed up [Music] why do we need a youth group the apex why do we need pews or theater seeds the apex why do we need a pa system the apex why do we do this the apex of all christian endeavor must become to place the jewel of a soul in the crown of our savior i didn't make that up i didn't read it i didn't write it i was sitting at my desk in my outer office all by myself everybody was gone i don't know why because there were five people that worked right outside that door but they weren't there and then there's another door to my left when i'm at my desk that leads into a hallway that leads into our executive conference room and i'm just sitting there going through mail the next thing i knew i was in that hallway through that door in that hallway underneath a chair against the wall i didn't walk there god had something he wanted to put in my ear so he picked me up like a rag and threw me down that hallway underneath the table and when i woke up with tears running down my face i kept saying over and over the apex of all christian endeavor must become to place the jewel of the soul in the crown of our savior that the lamb of god slain may receive the reward of his suffering over and over and over and over and so i stumbled back to my desk and i wrote it down so don't you dare repeat that as though it was common that was the language of heaven i'm not like modern preachers that sit around and think up little mental quips to put on their instagram the gospel cannot be reduced to an instagram post or a tweet or a facebook post or a tip top just seeing how many of you use it picked me up just pick me up why why do we go out in the spirit why because god is a spirit and he wants to communicate directly in the anointing to our spirit so he turns our mind off and turns our body off ha just like when you're asleep hey [Applause] for those who don't understand i'm subject to burst of enthusiasm hallelujah that's what the old folk used to call a quickening or something deep on the inside of you gets touched and it's just it's a quickening it's just like you just have the presence of god all over you like i have him all over me right now just talking about this i can't wait to go home and go to bed and i'm not going to listen to everything wrong in the world before i do i want to sing that worship song that pastor chris and cameron wrote abba i belong to you lord jesus i worship you holy spirit you are welcome in this body in this mind in my will in my emotions in my thinking in my thoughts in my spirit you are welcome and i'm gonna turn over now and go to sleep cast all my cares over on you lay my head down and wait for you to give to me while i'm in deep sleep some of you are going to sleep right now wake up i'm not hypnotizing you hallelujah just pray in the holy spirit right now he gives blessing to his beloved even in his sleep oh hallelujah no more tormenting dreams no more fearful dreams no more waking up in the night trembling but waking up in the night speaking the words of god declaring the direction of god having heard the voice of god whispered into your ears god visit us we pray teach us to position ourselves to receive the language of heaven dreams and visions we resist and rebuke every other spirit but the holy spirit may every thought and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight oh god we open ourselves to you in the deepest places that we will open to no other none but you king of glory we love you hallelujah hallelujah just lift your hands right there where you are we have to learn to receive a word from god we receive it lord we rebuke doubt we come against unbelief we receive everything you have for us laden us with the voice of heaven in jesus name amen amen amen well give me some of those clapping hands online give me give me some of those hands lifted up online give me some of those prayer hands online give me some shouts online everybody everybody everybody give glory to god praise god praise god well miss joanna who helps me with all the typing and so forth she said well you've got enough for the next six weeks i said well i do not i barely have enough for tonight and out of six pages i got through less than one third of the first page so we've got a lot to go through and learn and begin to operate in see this is what you call hands on because everybody tonight is going to think about this before you go to bed blessed be god blessed be god oh how your home's gonna feel monkey why do we speak in tongues because it's the control of our spirit over our body and our mind every time you do it your mind says you're crazy oh hallelujah i feel like i'm in the middle of dominion camp meeting i do spirit of god is so strong oh father father father every person every person do you know that god will heal your body in sleep do you know that god will deliver you in your sleep and you'll wake up never wanting to vape again in fact the very side of it just turned your stomach and you won't even know why it's because god ministered to hallelujah god is real he's real praise god now then he's going to minister bread for the eating and seed for the sowing to you tonight another translation says he brings increase to his those who love him in their sleep god to give you a witty idea a creative idea god gave me one idea one idea and it produced over 125 million dollars oh just sit there just sit there i'm no different than you the same heaven that i'm tapped into you can be too god wants you to hallelujah but you have to begin with government to get into glory and government says bring all your tithe into the storehouse so if you're not a 10 biblical tither nothing i've said tonight pertains to you is that right there theologian not none of it pertains to you why because you're walking in disobedience to the known law of god if you're not giving offerings same thing i didn't write it god wrote it and it didn't take him a tax code that would be stacked in this build building way past that ceiling to understand it well this person only pays this amount but that person if they do this and they have a boat then they pay that amount but another person they can get a loophole and they can do this and they that's not the way god did it it's what we ought to do in america have a flat tax god said you make a hundred dollars 10 belongs in the kingdom make a thousand dollars hundred belongs in the kingdom you make ten thousand a thousand belongs in the kingdom if you make a dollar a dime belongs in the kingdom it's just that simple and then god said when you obey i'll talk to you in the night you'll hear the language of heaven dreams and visions will come into your life now if you're not living close to god be careful because lying spirits will come in and give you lying dreams and visions that's why you have to live a consecrated life you have to live a holy life you can't allow anything to be in your life that's contrary to the seed of god's word in you amen so i've got some wonderful things for you as i shared with you at the beginning those of you that are watching tonight all over the world we want everybody to be sure and participate and for your gift tonight of any of any size i'm going to send you this wonderful book because we're going into pentecost season when the fire of god falls it's called rejoice receive release rejoice receive now this deals specifically with the biblical feast of pentecost there's not so much in this one from the book of acts this is about the feast of pentecost and you want to get it but this one is holy ghost from top to bottom listen to these messages it's called there's a ghost in the house it's a two message series the first message is perfecting praise the second message is a holy ghost upgrade how many of you'd like a holy ghost upgrade i know you would i know you would so i want to get that to you and you'll be blessed by it you'll get both of them for your gift of 40 or more so please hear the lord in fact we're in pentecost it's time to sow a dollar for every day between passover and pentecost penta means 50 50 days between passover and pentecost why don't you put a 50 seed in each hand tonight as they were spoken to do in during the feast of pentecost and come before god not him to hand it and celebrating the power that he's released into your life amen so right there on your screens all the information you need 1-800-755-2839 all the other information is there you can also give by text or you could mail your gift to me or you could just text to give that's the easiest way that's the way just about 45 now of all our giving comes by text it's so secure and you get an instant receipt for your giving it just makes everything so simple so you can do that after i say goodbye to you i'm going to come back and tell you how you can sew that way so make sure you make yourself available to it well i've gone about 13 minutes over tonight i hope you'll forgive me and i hope you'll tell everybody you know this is a series unlike anything you've ever heard regarding dreams and visions spiritual dreams and visions and let's double the number of folks that are with us next week all right so do that for me this week we love you i'll see you sunday morning at 10 a.m live either right here in columbus or at our campuses or in our great city harvest network churches across the country and around the world or right there live on every platform we love you god bless you and i'll see you sunday morning [Music] sowing into the mighty kingdom of god has never been easier or more secure than with smart giving any smartphone will work to use your smart giving open your text messaging app and send a text to the number 45777 in the message of your text type the amount of your gift space w h c if it's your first time using smart giving you'll receive a secure link to set up your account select your home campus and enter your giving method and where you would like your giving receipt sent if you're already registered the process is the same just send a text message to type 4577 amount of your gift space whc and you'll receive your receipt immediately now if you'd prefer you can also sow online at w whc dot life or by phone or by mail just call the number on your screen or send your gift to the address that's displayed [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Rod Parsley
Views: 2,708
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Id: Oisi1bW2Qi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 42sec (7002 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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