Dream's Cheating Confession: Uncovering The Truth

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hello you absolute legends i thought this entire dream cheating situation was well behind us despite the overwhelming and conclusive evidence proving that he had illegally modified his game dream continued to deny everything and it really did seem like this was going to be the case forever for the most part people had just accepted it and moved on but just when i thought i was out they pulled me back in on the 30th of may arguably the most famous minecraft player on the planet finally confessed to cheating in minecraft well kind of dream did admit that the drop rates of important items had been artificially increased but now claims that it was an accident he simply didn't know that his game was modified and he certainly didn't do it on purpose this excuse was not taken well in the speed running community no one took him seriously and this was just seen as another lie in a long list of lies that had been woven since he was exposed last year his paste bin was so obviously fake that i didn't even intend on making a video about it i already covered the cheating scandal months ago and my conclusion that dream had modified his game in order to gain an unfair advantage hadn't changed but i ended up getting so many comments requesting that i talk about it i decided to quickly whip something up of course even though the video was supposed to be short and straightforward i still decided to research more about the topic just to make sure i understood the technical side of what dream was trying to claim but what was interesting is that it was immediately obvious to me that no one had any idea what they were talking about i saw hundreds of comments from people proclaiming things that just weren't true their arguments for not believing dreams confession were based on a flawed and incorrect understanding of how minecraft works i realized that people weren't objecting to dream's story because of verifiable facts but rather because of their subjective opinion of his character to many people dream is a manipulative liar and everything he says is nothing but another fake story to fool his gullible fan base people surely have legitimate grievances over dreams behavior but one thing is for certain most people are dreadfully misinformed if you want to cast doubt on dream's story that's completely fine but it should be done with an educated mind not an ignorant one when i discovered just how much blatantly false information was being circulated i knew this story was much more complex than it seems i decided to go deep very deep and uncover the true story behind everything dream has been accused of a lot of things but one thing you can never say is that he is shy about answering the tough questions as part of my investigation dream gave me access to everything the developer that dream claimed created the mod that altered the drop rates i know who they are and i've spoken with them the harvard astrophysicist that lies at the center of a thousand conspiracy theories i know who they are how dream found them i've read the emails they sent back and forth i even know how much they were paid i've read chat logs between dream and the moderators immediately following his cheated streams i've interviewed credible witnesses i've had lengthy discussions with minecraft speedrun moderators and so much more your conclusion may not ultimately change and it's not my job to convince you either way but one thing is for sure you do not know the full story and things that you take for granted as being true are blatantly false forget every other video you've seen on this topic i am the one person who knows more than anyone else on the planet in this video we will cover everything and only then can you truly make an informed decision we know and always did know that dreams game was modified the math just doesn't lie but did he do it intentionally or was this entire scandal the result of an innocent mistake i promised that before the end of this video i will give you my own personal conclusion i really hope you enjoy now regardless of whether or not you think dream cheated intentionally there is one thing we can't deny dream is incredibly skilled at what he does and if you want to be skilled at something there is no better place to learn than skillshare skillshare is an online learning community that offers thousands of classes for pretty much anything you can think of in my opinion the most important thing you can learn is how to be more productive so i recommend you take the course productivity masterclass by ali abdal it's a really entertaining and inspiring course and you'll learn a ton of principles that will help you get more out of your day whether you are into animation web development or music skillshare has everything you need to reach the next level and the first 1000 legends who click the link in the description will get a free month trial click the link get a free month it's that simple before we dive into the nitty-gritty and start to correct the mountains of misinformation we first need to establish what dream is actually claiming the may 30 pastebin was extremely long-winded arguably unnecessarily so but the information relevant to this video lay in a few paragraphs halfway through according to dream some time after the entire drama had died down he discovered that he had actually been using a disallowed modification during his live streams ironically despite being the perpetrator he was the last person on the internet to find out dream explains that he and his team had always increased drop rates for their challenge videos as this speeds up the content creation process and that totally makes sense to me even when i make content for videos i will use cheats to skip past sections of the game or just to make things easier in general apparently the developer that dream had hired to create a mod to help with recording transfer to the increased drop rates from the plugins they were using in their challenge videos dream doesn't state it very clearly but he does say that he was unaware that those particular changes had been made after some more technical mumbo jumbo the pace bin states that the increased drop rates were shortly removed thereafter when a better way to achieve the same result was discovered now there is a lot of very important information that dream doesn't include in this story that i will get to later but right now i want to debunk what is likely the biggest objection people seem to have with this story and in my opinion this issue stems from an ignorance of how the technical side of minecraft works the pace bin includes statements like server side and client-side are completely different and as far as i was aware nothing had been done client-side and phrases like server-side plug-in were thrown around 99.99 of people reading this paste bin would have absolutely no idea what that means and in typical human fashion we'll simply ignore it all the typical person really takes away from his explanation is two main points one i regularly increase my drop rates and two i didn't think my drop rates could have been increased on the surface this makes no sense at all if you've already been increasing drop rates it's so obvious that you might have accidentally done it again in your speed runs to faint ignorance seems bizarre and the only reasonable conclusion is that you're lying the commentary community jumped on this point very heavily but even if you did believe that to not notice it over numerous streams and then after being called out not even entertain the possibility that the drop rates were modded when you'd been using a mod that does literally exactly that is not realistic he goes on to say that the cheating aspect stems from a specific mod that him and his boys used to use back in the early days of their minecraft youtube challenge videos which increased the rates of those extremely rare drops that we talked about before if he had mods that gave the same drop rates he would have immediately known what happened once the original report came out what would have happened quote wait my speedrun had the exact same drop rates as the last mods i used question mark oh i made a mistake let me clear it up end quote then once the 1.16 version of minecraft came out i guess dream assumed that the plugin was not updated for 1.16 yet and thought it was disabled during his speed runs even though it wasn't the reason he was unable to check this is because he was looking for mods which is client-side but in reality the alteration came from a plug-in and then by the time he tried to look into the plug-in it was a week after the stream and stuff changed on his computer so it was no longer there because i guess the guy who was working on it ended up removing it or changing it or something like that to to give his argument a fair shake what he's saying is that he didn't think the mod that he had installed affected the speed run so he knew it was installed but he had it installed for his other content because he doesn't just do speed running he's just like a general i'm sorry but if you understand the game as good as he does you understand absolutely i think he's full of but this is just this is what he's saying everything that was said in these clips was wrong and in order to understand why we have to know the difference between a plugin and a mod a plugin is a modification that is installed on a minecraft server if you've watched any of dream's content you'll notice that he never makes content alone his manhunt videos and his challenge videos are always done with a group of friends in order for multiple people to play together in the same world they all need to connect to the same server generally a plugin does not require any software or files to be installed on your computer all you need to do is connect to the server and you'll be running by the server's rules a mod is a different type of modification that can either be installed on the server or on your computer it can be placed in your minecraft folder and will affect your game directly this is called client side and when dream makes the distinction between client side and server side it's actually very important so let's talk about drop rates and how they are managed if you aren't connected to a server and are just playing a single player game everything is obviously managed client-side including drop rates but when you connect to a server drop rates are then managed server side this means that if i want to change the drop rate of blaze rods on a multiplayer server simply placing a mod in my minecraft folder won't do anything a client-side mod will not and cannot affect drop rates when connected to a server and likewise if you aren't connected to a server you're not going to be affected by any plugins you may have been using given that dream always records videos on a multiplayer server he has not nor could he ever use a client-side mod to change his drop rates it's just not physically or technically possible speed runs on the other hand are never performed on a multiplayer server therefore there is no possible way that any of the plugins that dream has ever used could ever affect any of his speed runs it's just not how the game works it couldn't even happen by accident by looking at the world folder and f3 screen for dreams 1.16 speed run streams we know that he was using the fabric mod loader so the mod that he used to increase drop rates was a fabric mod also notice that on his speed run the f3 screen stays integrated server this confirms that he wasn't connected to any external servers at the time when we look at dream's manhunts and challenge videos the information on the f3 screen confirms that he connects to one of two different servers paper or trinity the important thing to note about these servers is that the fabric mod loader isn't compatible this means that the fabric mod that was used in his speed runs to increase drop rates could not have been the same mod that he was using in his other videos we can be fairly certain that the mechanism that increased drop rates in dreams videos is different to what happened in his speed runs and there is no reason to ever assume that the plugins he used for content creation had anything to do with what happened on his streams something else must have happened something unpredictable and this is where we come to the developer this is also a mod that he personally hired someone to make for him but he claims to not understand how it was affecting his game and it was an accident that he used it in his run that's not remotely believable one thing i found fascinating when watching all of the commentary videos covering dreams confession and reading all of the reddit and youtube comments is that i didn't find a single person that ever asked who is the developer as someone who cares deeply about actually investigating topics this seemed to be the most important question of all and it was literally the first thing i asked dream when he said he was willing to answer questions but no one else was even willing to consider the possibility that this person even existed it's amazing what happens when you genuinely ask questions and after some convincing i was able to speak with the developer directly they were clear however that they wished to remain anonymous due to the backlash they may receive for indirectly causing all of this drama the fact that it's coming from me instead of directly from them should ultimately make it less credible but it's up to you if you think that i am a trustworthy source through our conversation i was able to establish the following important details first of all the developer is a credible source and if they were a random person that nobody had ever heard of i'd be less inclined to believe them but this is certainly not the case they confirmed that they had increased the rates of various items and made it clear that dream never instructed them to do so this makes sense as dream couldn't even use a fabric mod for this purpose the developer advised that they increased the rate because their job was to create a mod that improved content creation and not just for dream but his entire team the assumption was that they also produced content in single player which would need a mod to increase rates however it was quickly realized that they always use multiplayer servers therefore that part of the mod was removed but of course not before dream accidentally used it in his streams increased rates wasn't even the main point of the mod it has many purposes including faster loading and graphical enhancements though at this stage it was still only in development the question now becomes why wouldn't the developer tell dream about the changes they had made well there are several reasons for this the most critical comes down to fear as dream never instructed them to increase the rates this makes it an error on their part and one that ended up causing a ton of drama they knew they had made a mistake and feared losing their job so the fact that these specific changes had been made was kept from dream until much later this isn't a ridiculous idea as everyone can relate to doing something wrong and then failing to tell anyone that it was actually them that did it other factors made the situation even muddier the report from the minecraft moderators came out two months after the streams making it impossible to check what mods he had been using but even still dream was always adamantly claiming that not only were no unauthorized mods used but even the math was wrong many people from dreams camp simply took him at his word it wasn't until months later after even dreams hired astrophysicists acknowledged the game was modified and it was just impossible to ignore the truth that dream accepted what had happened and when he finally acknowledged that his game was modified and spoke to the developer again the developer admitted what they had done that being said attempts were made shortly after the original investigation into dream's luck had commenced to locate any mods that could have caused the increased luck but by that stage the modding question had already been deleted dream and the developer went through all of his minecraft files but couldn't locate any cores for the changed drop rates mind you at this point the developer was still withholding the fact that they had made those changes in the first place with a credible third party confirming what dream was claiming i knew that the chances of him lying were greatly decreased if dream did cheat by accident all of his behaviors would need to be re-examined through that lens to see if it makes sense i decided to go all the way back to the beginning to check everything again when i originally covered the cheating scandal months ago the debate was still centered around whether or not dream's game was modified and with no other explanation cheating was the only conclusion but now we have a new explanation and if we are to judge the situation as fairly as possible we should forget our previous assumptions and investigate everything with a clean slate and speedrunners play these games for thousands of hours when your luck is one in 7.5 trillion and you're an experienced speed runner how can you claim to not notice that something's wrong i'm sorry but if you understand the game as good as he does you understand absolutely i think he's full of but this is just this is what he's saying is that like it's so if he has this mod installed to make these rare items drop way more common it's so obvious when you're playing and it's working or not yeah come on dude yeah so obvious well he's just getting lucky that's what he said in the at the end i got so lucky despite ethan the expert claiming so confidently that dreams modified game was obvious the timeline of events confirmed that it was anything but dream had a cumulative audience of hundreds of thousands of people including many of the best minecraft speedrunners and moderators but during his stream no one noticed any foul play or cheating in fact for the entire week after his new personal best no one said anything honestly it was probably sheer luck that someone ended up being crazy enough to study his streams and collate the data and it wasn't until seven days later that the speedrunner minecravenger posted his findings it's only through mathematics that the absurdity of what happened becomes clear a few weeks ago the youtuber small ant released a video called so how much easier are minecraft speed runs if you cheat where he increased the drop rates to match dreams this isn't an attack on small ants or anything it was a really fun and entertaining video but it's definitely misleading with modern day strategies using bastions to farm gold players can barter up to 100 times in a span of 2 minutes at this rate the discrepancy becomes immediately apparent when dream was speedrunning players would only trade a handful of times if they were lucky in 24 hours he traded less than 300 times averaging one trade every 6 minutes nowadays a player could match that total in one or two hours the entire strategy of bartering for pearls was still in its infancy version 1.16 had only recently been released so people weren't as experienced as they are now the truth of the matter is that dream's extreme luck wasn't as obvious as you'd think and it really did require mathematical analysis to uncover the truth suggesting that dream or anyone else should have known while he was playing just isn't realistic what happened immediately after dreams that i knew personal best was very interesting as well i'm sure you've all heard the story about dream refusing to provide his mod folder to the moderators and claiming he had deleted it we have stream for his mods folder specifically so we could check for any modification but he was unable to provide any evidence since he says he deletes the contents of his mods folder pretty regularly while that statement may be technically true this ends up being a lie by omission i don't think it was intentional or malicious but it grossly misrepresents what happened immediately after achieving his new record dream spoke with a moderator and said this what do you need i can send you any folders you want and i won't touch anything so you can see the modified dates from these messages it was clear that he was willing to provide everything but all that was requested was his world folder which he did provide so if he cheated and offered literally everything they wanted what would have happened if they requested the mod folder would he have said he deleted it so he couldn't provide it that wouldn't make any sense if he did cheat and wanted to hide it the only reasonable choice would be to delete the mod he used and send them the mod folder without it inside he would never offer everything unless he had a plan for when they did request everything but this begs the question if he did have a plan that involved sending them a fake folder why would he ditch that plan and come up with a story about deleting it after a lot of thought i realized that no one who was actually looking to cheat would say they deleted the folder instead they would just send a fake one it's much easier simpler avoids conspiracy theories and unnecessary drama what's crazier is that he didn't even need to mention he deleted the folder at all when the moderator asked him if he could provide the mods folder dream responded saying it would be pointless because he changes it all the time which is actually incorrect because if he had not deleted anything and sent them the entire mod folder it definitely would have contained the mod that increased the drop rates but in any case after his response the moderator advised that simply a list of mods that were used at the time would suffice at this point it wasn't even a requirement to provide the folder dream responded saying he didn't know because he deleted the folder in frustration it's a small detail but i think it's important to clarify details that have been falsely represented dream did not say he deleted the folder in order to avoid sending it as it was already clear he didn't need to the only reason he said he deleted it was because he couldn't remember what was in it again i bring you back to my previous question if dream did intentionally cheat and i want to stress that's always a strong possibility it would be much simpler to provide a fake list of mods saying i don't know doesn't make sense and it just looks really bad if you honestly think about it a cheater would just give a fake answer especially someone like dream who everyone is claiming lies about everything anyway why would he be honest about this dream offering everything and then later giving detrimental answers to questions doesn't seem to fit the profile of a cheater looking to lie their way out of a situation people saw the deletion of his mod folder as proof that he was intentionally hiding something but if dream's story is true it's just as adequately explained by frustration his rage quit was fairly public and there are tweets from the day before the moderators even asked for his mod folder confirming that he had made it clear he was quitting speedrunning can you honestly say that you've never personally deleted a game out of frustration or destroyed something out of anger or at least seen it done by someone else this is extremely typical behavior and if dream was under the impression he didn't cheat getting accused publicly by hundreds of people would be extremely upsetting if anything it would be very odd if there weren't a strong reaction i will definitely address dream's overall behavior especially that on social media but that will be later in the video for now i want to keep moving along and correcting a lot of the misinformation that has been circulated which brings us to the biggest source of conspiracy theories dreams harvard astrophysicist [Music] he hired a professor from harvard to prove it oh diddy can you tell me what professor that was uh it's a it's a rhetorical question i know you can't because he didn't say who it was that's why it's like an actual useless claim at least the guy who debunked it puts his actual name on it he's a verified particle physicist who debunked most of the bad claims in it you can't make a response like that that hinges on the qualifications of your harvard phd statistical astrophysicist grad and not give info on who did it that's not how that works i could i could have said that oh boy where do we even begin on the 21st of december dream released a report by a quote unquote expert in response to the report that minecraft moderators released 10 days earlier the point of the report was to provide a second opinion on the probability of dream achieving the drop rates he did the conclusion of the report gave a probability of 1 in 100 million but as i stated in my previous video this is extremely misleading and doesn't relate to the 1 in 7.5 trillion figure given by the moderators but this didn't stop dream from using that discrepancy and proclaiming how wrong the moderators were in his response video shortly after release dreams expert analysis was ripped to shreds by both reddit and the minecraft moderators i'm not going to cover the math but to put it bluntly the general consensus was that the work was subpar the combination of this supposed expert being anonymous and the fact that they seemed to be defending dream and the seemingly poor quality of work amounted to a perfect storm that led to countless conspiracy theories most of them centered around the infamous company photo excitation the report states this article was written by an expert from the online science consulting company photo excitation as with all photo excitation activities the exact identity of the author will not be revealed a reasonable conclusion that one can draw from this is that dream commissioned photo excitation directly to produce this report naturally the first question that arises is how did he find them the report gives a website and the sleuths on reddit quickly went to work on their investigation the conclusion it's all a big scam the company isn't even a statistical analysis company even worse the website was still under construction if this isn't bulletproof evidence of a conspiracy i don't know what is interestingly dream denied even using the company or knowing anything about the website but this was just another lie at least according to reddit i mean it says the company name right there in the report not many people know this but back when i was younger i used to be quite the hacker and as it turns out i still have my skills don't tell dream but i managed to gain access to his emails and they are wild i'm sure you're only interested in the ones that relate to this astrophysicist though so let me tell you what really happened wanting to clear his name and knowing nothing about math dream decided to hire an expert so he went onto a website not unlike collab tree websites like this are literally designed for this exact purpose after filtering for scientists with an expertise in probability and statistics dream eventually landed on two suitable candidates he then used their profile to find out where they were currently stationed and went directly to the institution's website to contact them through there which is why when the astrophysicist responded to dream's initial email they were surprised it was even known they were a freelancer dream briefly explained the situation and the expert agreed to help after some more discussion the experts provided a dream with a few terms one of them being that dream posed the results no matter the outcome they also requested that payment be made through their consulting company photo excitation and that their real name was not to be used which is the reason that i will also not provide their personal name the important thing is that dream didn't use the company or find the expert through its website it was just something that the expert requested and i have to be honest this isn't suspicious at all in fact it's standard almost every person that both earns a decent amount of money and gets paid for services will set up a company and receive payments through it instead of receiving them directly the primary reason is because company tax rates are a lot lower than individual tax rates even i have a company it's called kyle jobs gaming proprietary limited and all of my payments go to the company i then draw a wage which i can increase or decrease depending on my needs but if you search for a website belonging to carl jobs to gaming you won't find one let alone one that is still under construction i guess that makes me a scam too everyone was quick to assume the expert wasn't really an expert or that they were bribed because the paper was very poorly written and it was written anonymously but let me offer you a different perspective the original moderator report on dreams cheating was created by a team of expert minecraft speedrunners over a span of two months not only were they some of the most knowledgeable people on the planet in regards to minecraft but they were also experts in statistics their final report was extremely well done and was the culmination of hundreds and hundreds of total hours spent investigating the situation let's compare that to the report drafted by dreams astrophysicist it was created by one person who knows nothing about minecraft nothing about speedrunning over a span of several days there was never any chance he would even come close to matching the original report shocking that it was available included dream certainly did directly influence the report in his favor the expert gave a final increased probability of 1 in 100 million and one of the reasons was a more accurate estimate of the number of potential investigated random aspects in the section relating to these random events the report states the mst report proposes that there are about 10 areas where random numbers affect the outcome at a level comparable to ender pearls and blaze rods dream in coordination with other speedrunners has identified a list of nearly 40 cases where random numbers affect the outcome comparably to blaze rods if i use the 37 types of random events identified and are allowed to choose any two to combine that leads to a p hacking correction of 1 000 instead of the 90 used in the mst report 37 now that number sounds familiar so i decided to come up with a list myself of all the possible targets that a cheater would try and cheat in speedrunning that have similar importance to blaze rods i was able to come up with a detailed list of 37 different rng targets that i believed were very comparable to blaze rods basically dream was coming up with his own numbers and feeding them directly to his expert who would use them unquestionably despite what the abstract claimed this was not an independent report and it was obvious the fact that dream helped isn't even a bad thing in principle the real problem is the fact that it was advertised as independent with no input from dream which was just a lie the anonymity of the author the simple mathematical errors and the clear bias were all huge red flags and it was reasonable for people to ask questions and cast doubt but i don't think it was a scam or a conspiracy i think it was just a rushed report by a person who has no idea what they are talking about several weeks later the expert would draft a follow-up apologizing for some of the more egregious errors and essentially confirming that the evidence still heavily supported the conclusion that dream cheated [Music] dream's apology begs us all to move on from the drama and the reality is that we have it's been six months so why is he in his bathtub at 4 00 am bringing it up again it's because earlier in the day moderators rejected yet another run of his for cheating his 1.15 world record speed run gotta say it's some really interesting timing for him to suddenly become apologetic about the situation on the 29th of may the day before dream released his paceman confession his speedrun performed on the 1.15 version of minecraft was deleted from the rankings by the speed run moderators the reason provided was that the run has some questionable aspects and was performed by a known cheater dreams 1.15 run was performed on the 11th of june 2020. it was a time of 22 minutes and 3 seconds and when achieved was the fastest anyone had beaten minecraft ever making it a new world record if you scroll down the ranks in the 1.9 to 1.15 category you'll notice that almost every player uses the 1.14 version nowadays we see some 1.15 runs sprinkled in thanks to relatively new strategies but certainly up until recently this category was exclusively run on the 1.14 version this is because 1.14 revamped the villager trading system and gave players a more efficient way of gathering ender pearls so instead of hunting for endermen as players had done since the dawn of time the entire strategy switched to villager trading when 1.15 was released they fixed some bugs in relation to the trading system which effectively nerfed it so players ended up sticking with 1.14 dream however decided to do something novel in normal circumstances hunting enderman for pearls is slower but there is one tool that might even the playing field maybe even provide an advantage and that is the enchantment called looting if you kill an enemy with a weapon that has the looting enchantment the amount of loot that drops will increase depending on the level of the enchantment for example if you use a sword with looting 3 which is the maximum level it will increase the potential amount of drops by 3 so an enderman which can only drop one pearl under normal conditions will now have a chance to drop up to 4. looting is also amazing when killing blazers as you can get 6 or more blaze rods in a single cycle the problem with looting is that attaining an enchanted book is rare the only reasonable way to get one is to find it in a desert temple the odds of finding a level 2 or higher looting book in each temple is only 1.7 percent or 1 in 58 so not only do you need to find a seed that has a desert temple near spawn but it needs to contain an enchanted book of looting in other words you need to be very dare i say it lucky but this isn't the type of luck that could be manipulated the contents of chess is decided based on the seed so you wouldn't be able to just increase the odds and honestly the luck needed isn't that unbelievable on any given day you'd expect to find a book at least several times it's definitely a weird choice of strategy though and to this day no one has been able to match dream's time using the same one what is certainly the most suspicious part of dream's 1.15 run is the way he finds the stronghold in order to locate it you need to throw eyes a vendor which will always point in the direction to the nearest stronghold throwing a single eye will tell you the direction but it won't tell you how far so in order to know the distance runners will throw one eye move to the side and then throw another this allows them to use triangulation to calculate how far away the stronghold is dream doesn't really do this he throws one eye after leaving the nether in order to know which direction to travel then after running a large distance and getting into the stronghold ring he throws one more after traveling some distance he digs down and essentially guesses where the stronghold might be he does end up missing but after hearing some water and digging into a cave he stumbles into the stronghold very close to the portal room the entire sequence is a bit crazy and is not something that we see in top level play today but does that mean the run is fake not really the run seems a lot more suspicious at first glance and when i first viewed it back in january dreams triangulation immediately stood out to me but when i spoke with experts and heard dreams reasoning it started to become a lot more plausible especially given that triangulation strategies back then were extremely primitive so even though it's incredibly yolo by today's standards it was much less so back then the same applies for this strategy of farming enchanted books it seems crazy at first but those who have spent time actually playing that style say it's not that bad despite claims on youtube and reddit there is no evidence to suggest the run was faked and the moderators certainly did not remove the run because dream cheated even the moderators themselves were asking people to stop saying that they had proof his 1.15 run was cheated the run was removed simply because he cheated in his 1.16 run and the moderators finally did something that should have been done half a year ago people are also claiming that his new confession is a reaction to his 1.15 run being removed and that it's simply damage control the truth is that dream had already been telling people about what happened over a month ago he just wasn't making it public back in april dream conducted an interview with youtube legend and co-founder of smosh anthony padilla camera dream told anthony the entire story about the developer updating his mod without his knowledge and that he accidentally used it in his speed run i spoke with anthony directly and confirmed that it was true anthony certainly wasn't the only person that he told either and dream's story in his pace bin wasn't just made up in reaction to his 1.15 run being removed as he had already been telling people months earlier now should dream have confessed earlier yes and i think we've covered most of the technical details so it's finally time to look at dream's behavior [Music] weirdly though i think dream is even more of an than i thought he was before the amount of quotes out of context to present a narrative that just isn't supported by the original context unsourced quotes anonymous quotes that are not made anonymous for completely no reason doing things that seem to only have the goal to make him look good presenting other things only in a way to make the other mods look bad this video is terrible the question so on my mind is does dream know what he's doing sometimes people just present things in the way that seems natural to them it just ends up being super favorable i'm not certainly cheating anymore but i'm still pretty certain he's a complete if he is innocent prior to this video he made an amazing job at presenting himself as the most guilty person on the planet on the 22nd of december dream released a response video to the report released by the minecraft moderators the video definitely served its purpose and caused many of dreams fans and even neutral parties to start doubting the claims made by the moderators the video cast a shadow over the math presented and the argument hinged on the report released by dream's astrophysicist it also attacked the moderators and implied they were unprofessional and didn't know what they were doing unfortunately the response video was also filled with lies and it wouldn't be fair for me to address misinformation spread by dreams detractors without also tackling the oceans of misinformation that he himself was responsible for whether or not dream is generally truthful with what he says makes a big difference in whether or not we should take him at his word so we will go through most of the main points and determine what was true and what wasn't [Music] probability probability is the measurement of how likely something is to happen recently one of my speedruns that i did on twitch has been analyzed by the speedrun.com volunteer mod team and deemed as improbable to a degree that is nearly impossible we are 15 seconds into the video and there is already a massive lie the investigation by the minecraft moderation team was not about one of his speed runs it was about a period covering 24 hours over a span of an entire week saying that he was doubted due to luck in a 20-minute speed run is incredibly disingenuous and totally deflects from the actual problem three i did not delete any evidence and i was doing everything i was asked to buy the mods and i actually have one of the mods on later to come and confirm that dream certainly did delete evidence and saying that he didn't is another lie it's true that when he initially set a new record he offered everything to the moderators but when people started to realize how unlikely his luck was he deleted his speedrunning mods folder it doesn't matter if the deletion of evidence was intentional or not evidence was deleted and saying that it wasn't is wrong and four not all of my 1.16 live streams were used for the data only the six luckiest ones were i had five other streams before those streams i did on 1.16 but they had below average luck and were not included in their analysis i had the expert include these streams in a much smaller separate analysis which concluded that with these 11 streams included the data shows quote no statistically significant evidence that dream was modifying the probabilities this is really misleading for multiple reasons dream's lucky streams took place over 6 days between the 4th and 9th of october the 5 streams that dream decided to include took place between the 1st and 10th of july that is a full three months earlier however you wouldn't think that based on the way he casually stated that they were before his six luckiest streams dream's argument would be akin to an olympic athlete testing positive for steroids and then trying to use the fact that they tested negative in the previous olympics as some kind of defense whether intentional or not dream mischaracterizes everything in the worst possible way the six streams weren't chosen because they were the luckiest they were chosen because they were the only reasonable streams to include they were his six most recent and the only other streams to consider were months earlier it's important to highlight just how disingenuous he was in this video because it ultimately ended up hurting his credibility severely in the long run a professor with a phd that graduated from harvard that's actually a practicing astrophysicist that is an expert in statistics and astro statistics after reaching out to this expert he insisted that if he was going to do this analysis then i must agree to release his findings regardless of if they made me look good or they made me look bad knowing that i'm innocent i agreed this is real dreams harvard astrophysicist does exist first of all the math was off by at least 7.4998 trillion and the original number was 7.5 trillion and like i mentioned earlier this is a huge number so it's also a huge number to be off by this is another mischaracterization of what dreams report was stating though it's likely unintentional the math performed by the moderators wasn't wrong the reason the experts report gave such a higher probability is because they used different data that was spoon fed to them by dream himself like increasing the amount of potential random targets to investigate and adding the five streams from months earlier the expert also increased the sample size of potential live streams one could investigate to find comparable luck but they did so with no expertise or knowledge of how many minecraft speedrunning streams there were and made inferences based on the current minecraft leaderboards essentially the argument wasn't really about math more than it was about what data should be included in the calculations the problem is that the data was either provided by dream himself or guessed by the expert with no expertise in minecraft speedrunning the video then spends a large amount of time explaining some mathematical concepts that don't really relate to the issue at hand and i don't want to spend so much time going over the math so we'll skip most of it obviously all of the math that dream tries to use to debunk the original report is either wrong or misleading and we already know that the game was modified so it's a futile argument but i still give dream the benefit of the doubt that this wasn't malicious and it just came down to a fundamental ignorance of math another thing that the mods got wrong were a few of the bias corrections the mods claim that they biased everything in my favor and that the number they came up with was the lowest possible probability in my favor one thing that they mentioned in their investigation is that they came up with the number 10 for the number of potential targets for a cheater to change they also said that this was a generous exaggeration as they could only think of a few this confused me so i asked them for a list when i asked for the list of the 10 that they were referring to they were unable to provide one and they inferred that it was arbitrarily chosen the moderators did provide a list and the list was even shown in the screenshot dream provided the list comprised of pearls rods obsidian eye breaks and dragon perches the figure of 10 was used in order to bias more in dream's favor in case there was something they missed it seems really strange to me for dream to say he wasn't provided a list and at the same time show a screenshot of the list he was provided and i honestly don't know what to make of it another example of this is that they claimed that the formula they used would find the lowest possible odds in my favor but the expert tested their formula on their own example of coin flips and found that their lower bound or what they claimed to be the lowest possible odds in my favor were actually twice as high as the actual odds of a coin flip street meaning the formula they used was extremely flat against me this was actually a mistake by the expert which they later apologized for in geosquare's video he says this we have stream for his mods folder specifically so we could check for any modification but he was unable to provide any evidence since he says he deletes the contents of his mods folder pretty regularly that obviously makes me seem very suspicious except for the fact that i didn't ever say that i provided the mods with every file they ever asked for and i never said that i regularly delete the contents of my mod folder actually the verification team was disorganized and never even asked me anything involving my mod folder until 10 days after the investigation started while what dream said here was generally true and i think the misinformation provided by geosquare needed to be addressed and corrected this section still contains a couple of verifiable lies he states that he provided the mod team with every file they ever asked for which again is not true as he did not provide the mods folder when they asked he states that the mod team was disorganized and didn't ask for the mod folder until 10 days after the investigation but this also isn't true minecravenger posted his findings on the 16th of october within 24 hours the investigation began and dream was contacted for his mod folder on the 18th the very next day but now that that's out of the way in the video they used the logs that i mentioned before to show that i had fabric api loaded but they didn't mention that it showed that nothing else was loaded they also alluded to the fact that i'm suspicious because i used fabric a mod loader but fabric is used by more than half of all of the top runners on the leaderboard and actually i would have much preferred using optifine where you can't use mods and i did until they banned optifine from speedruns and told people to use fabric instead so i switched to fabric because i had to and then i was called suspicious because of it addressing the second point first geosquare did say that using the fabric mod loader made things more suspicious however i couldn't find any reason or explanation as to why that would be dream was correct in saying that most people use the fabric mod loader when i learned minecraft speedrunning one of the very first things they told me to do was install fabric and place multiple mods into my minecraft mods folder this is standard practice the reference to fabric api is a different story though the fabric mod loader is a minecraft client that you install separately and use to boot up minecraft it reads your minecraft mods folder in order to load the mods inside fabric api is something else it's a mod that you place directly into your mods folder and it enables some of the other mods to load properly generally it's used simply to enable other mods to work dream states that the log showed no other mods loaded but realistically there is no reason for fabric api to be in the mods folder to begin with unless another mod was loaded dream himself even acknowledged this in a conversation with one of the moderators he wasn't sure if he had used fabric api but after finding out that he did he realized that he had probably been using both both being fabric api and the mod he uses for recording which requires fabric api to load this is because he drags both of them together in and out of his mod folder at the same time so it's interesting that dream's recording mod required fabric api and that he admitted in private that he probably was using his recording mod but in the response video he adamantly claims that no other mods were used he doesn't even mention the mod that was the sole reason for using fabric api in the first place in his paste bin dream mentions that he was 99 sure he didn't have the mod on but that's a different story than what his earlier messages suggest the official owners and admins of speedrun.com which run the leaderboard made a statement that the video was quote lacking in the level of objectivity we hope to see around communications by the game moderation team to the community for some reason dream fails the need to take a valid point and warp it into something that is deceitful this claim confused everyone because no one could find the statement made by the speedrun.com owners and admins the truth is that they never made a statement what a dream is referring to is a private dm that he received from one of these speedrun.com admins explaining the result of their investigation into whether or not the moderator's video was harassment or broke speedrun.com terms the quote about lacking objectivity was specifically directed at one section of the video which was hypothesizing about why dream may have cheated if you've seen the video it's the section where they quoted one of my videos i agree that this section didn't need to be in the video but i don't think it was particularly egregious either nonetheless the speedrun.com admin did pass on feedback to the moderators letting them know to remain more objective with their presentations in the future so it wasn't a statement from the owners and admins it was a direct message from a single admin and it wasn't about the entire video it was just about a particular section first of all the speedrun.com minecraft bedrock edition team which is a similar team to the one who worked on this but for bedrock edition completely banned me from ever submitting an official run well before this happened without giving a single reason why other than that they don't like me and i have never even played minecraft bedrock edition or done a single speedrun on that game but i'm still banned and i have yet to be told why of all of the lies in the response video this is probably the worst and it's definitely the most disappointing for me dream claims that he was banned before everything happened but he was actually banned immediately following the java minecraft moderator's report was released on the same day in fact he claims that they didn't provide a single reason other than they didn't like him but not only did they give a reason it's explicitly stated in their community guidelines that anyone caught cheating in any version of minecraft will be banned when they added a dream to the banned players topic the moderator made a post stating that cheating in java doesn't make you popular with the bedrock crowd with that being said as with every other case dream has some merit to what he is saying he was banned by the bedrock moderators months earlier but it was only from the discord server and while there is plenty of evidence confirming that the bedrock moderators didn't like dream and his fans it has nothing to do with his ban from the speedrun.com leaderboards normally i would chalk this conflation up to confusion but dream was told why he was banned almost a week before the video was released the bedrock team has nothing at all to do with the java team so there really wasn't any point in including them given their history of beef it leads me to believe this might have been an intentional attack on the bedrock team it's impossible to absolutely confirm intent and i'm not suggesting it's certainly the case but that's definitely the way it looks one of the mods who asked me not to name them frequently said things that led to me having doubts about the investigation quote everyone was still discussing whether the decision was right 10 minutes before the video was published and also quote they were just yelling at each other to finish faster that same mod told me after the results released quote for the record i don't believe at all that you cheated and also quote i'm probably going to be quitting the mod team because of this this was a particularly controversial section of the video because the quotes from the moderator were again anonymous so no one could verify if they were real the moderation team tried their best to confirm that someone actually had said those things but they couldn't do it this left many of them doubting the quotes entirely however i can say that i verified the screenshots and they really did happen however as is the case with everything else there is a bit more to the story the moderator certainly made those statements to dream but before dream released his video that same moderator implored that dream did not release them as they were made in frustration and probably weren't true so again on one hand dream was being fed doubt about the investigation and that's a legitimate concern but to provide those quotes without giving the full context is extremely misleading i have an amazing community and an amazing group of fans and i don't need to officially speed run i i do it because i like it and it's fun i get less viewers on my record videos than i do on my normal videos and i get less views on my speedrun twitch streams than my normal twitch streams i also didn't even upload a single one of the speedruns that were investigated onto any of my channels not even highlights or anything so again to me i care much more about my character than a leaderboard or any kind of benefit i could get from speedrunning i've seen a lot of people try to claim that dream speedruns were somehow integral to his image or that getting a world record would boost the value of his brand this really isn't the case and what dream is saying here is true ultimately speedrunning would cost him money even if he did get a new world record one of the biggest realizations that i've made in the past couple of years is that content creation is far more profitable than speedrunning so much so that i've basically stopped seriously speedrunning entirely and from what i see most content creators tend to either stop or wind down their speed runs significantly this may not be true for everyone but i can say with a reasonably high level of certainty that for the vast majority of people when you start making a lot of money on youtube being the best speedrunner in the world becomes far less important and when you are making as much money as dream i would confidently make the assumption that he could really care less about being the best speedrunner one of the last things that i want to mention is a quote from one of the minecraft developers quote just going off of chances is quite dumb also quote a lot of speedrunning minecraft is rng or at least speedrunning until you get good rng then he went on to say quote they really should consider a better process like you can force speedrunners to stream with some anti-cheat mod or something again dream provides quotes from anonymous sources which just fueled speculation about their legitimacy but i have read through the conversation and can confirm that it really did happen what stood out to me when reading a lot of the private conversations is just how much doubt a dream was fed by various sources the conversation with the mojang developer was especially interesting as they gave dream multiple reasons to not trust the moderator's report they did say that just going off of chances was dumb and that speedrunning was about trying until you get good rng but they also threw out some incorrect concepts for example they used the gambler's fallacy stating that because some of the drops weren't checked that might affect the odds they also talked about success bias and stated the only reason people are saying it's only you is because we only checked you why i find this conversation so fascinating is because i can see these concepts being seeded into dream's mind which he would then go on to use in various ways over a month before the moderator's report was released dream wrote a document called my perspective which was in response to the initial accusations here we can see those same phalluses expanded on and used in his defense most of the defense's dream used to combat the impossible probability of what happened didn't even come from him he had multiple people in his ear feeding him various ideas for me the biggest takeaway from dream's response video is how he misrepresents reality to his favor dream will take something that is true and twisted around in an attempt to make it even more beneficial to his cause he will turn a single admins message into a statement from the owners and admins a single moderator messaging him becomes multiple moderators messaging him providing what the moderators initially asked for becomes providing everything the moderators ever asked for being banned from the bedrock discord server months earlier becomes being banned from the bedrock leaderboard months earlier while dream does have a habit of taking creative licence with the truth i've never caught him out in a complete lie he will definitely bend the truth a lot but there is always some substance to what he says this ends up hurting him severely and destroys his trustworthiness i don't think he ever needed to disingenuously expand on any of the facts from all of my research i've seen legitimate concerns that needed to be addressed but the way dream addressed them was very harmful and showed a clear disregard for not only the accuracy of what he was saying but the effects that they will have on the people around him dream's habit of bending the truth wasn't just isolated to his response video it was also highlighted on his twitter feed i covered a couple of tweets in my previous video so i won't spend too much time on this but his tweets are definitely important and ultimately affect how trustworthy his statements end up being on october 17th dream becomes aware of the discussion surrounding his pearl trades and gives his first public reaction obviously i can analyze this tweet and point out its flaws like the fact that it doesn't matter if it was a world record or if it was streamed but honestly i can't really fault dream for his response i've personally been accused of cheating in the past and i certainly did not react in a mature way either it's extremely infuriating and upsetting dream is in an incredibly difficult situation here and i think what people fail to realize is that learning how to manage the responsibility of having a large fan base takes time dreams tweets are pretty typical for people who are both young and frustrated if you read the tweets youtube comments and reddit comments of other people attacking dream they are generally far far worse the only difference is that dream has influence over a large audience so he needs to be more careful with what he says a lot of people want me to blast dream over his immature tweets but what i care most about is whether or not growth occurs and he learns from his mistakes gaining millions of subscribers doesn't magically make you a mature person and i personally don't expect it to dreams initial tweets in response to the accusations and moderator report were extremely dangerous and harmful however all i've seen from dreams since then is him apologizing and taking responsibility for them if you track dream's behavior over his twitter feed you will see a clear trend of less aggression and more introspection he continuously apologizes for his previous actions and as far as i can tell makes plenty of effort to restrain his fan base from attacking others that being said what didn't seem to shift at all between his initial reactions and his response video was his willingness to stretch the truth therefore i find that behavior still relevant to this video in a tweet from november the 28th dream states my 13th place run that i did almost two months ago on live stream has been under investigation for almost two months due to the fact that i got too lucky on pearl trades the math has already essentially been debunked based on sample bias and other factors so let's break down this tweet and it will highlight the main issue that i see with the way dream communicates he states it was a 13th place run which is true at the time of the tweet but it was a fifth place time when achieved he highlights that it was two months ago as if that's important but i don't really see how it is many of the speed runs that are uncovered for cheating were exposed years later he points out it was streamed however this is not a defense against cheating as multiple prominent speedrunners have been caught cheating purely due to the fact that they were streaming he puts under investigation in quotes to diminish the effort the moderators were putting in confirming the math he describes the issue as getting too lucky which disingenuously characterizes the situation and he claims that the math has been debunked which was obviously not true my problem with the way dream communicated is his inaccuracy he misrepresents things to make them seem more trivial and he brings up issues that aren't relevant but unlike other people i don't hate dream for it or see it as something that speaks to his character as i said in my previous video people have the right to defend themselves you can't attack people for trying to clear their name you can't blame people for trying to paint the best picture of themselves you can't hold it against people if they don't bend over and accept every charge that is laid against them the reason for this is because you won't always know if someone is actually guilty or innocent and if you attack people for merely defending themselves you are going to eventually attack innocent people even if a conclusion seems obvious i still live by this principle and never expect someone to confess i'm definitely not suggesting that if you're guilty you shouldn't confess though i'm just saying that as a third party you shouldn't force people to if a defendant has a history of being inaccurate with how they describe things it makes it almost impossible to take what they say seriously dream's new story could contain all of the same kind of inconsistencies that are littered throughout his response video and tweets this needs to be considered when deciding whether or not to believe him now [Music] you cheated in minecraft right uh you know not a big deal not a big deal at all the problem was the investigations the all these different people the huge fan base is defending you you know it's not some little thing like these people that out at you like the moderators and stuff and the other youtubers that investigated this they experienced death threats from your fans they experienced harassment on levels many have yet to experience i know i i've i've experienced hate mobs before i know what that's like and sometimes it can be absolute hell but then you found out months ago that you did cheat right according to your story and you didn't say anything you were quiet for months and then you were like oh it's eating at me i i i gotta i gotta come clean on everything so then you write the post and it's blah blah blah blah blah blah and you're explaining every little d no one cares all right when you up like this you got to take a l and you keep like showing a little bit of l and then you cover it up but i'm a good person and bubba but no the internet wants to see you suffer for this they want to see you take a out they want to punish you for your crimes and i know i said that as a joke but like seriously they want to see you punished for this dumb and then we can move on before i give you my final thoughts and to let you know where i currently stand i want you to know that whatever you decide to believe is completely fine whether you think dream intentionally cheated or not is justifiable and the only fact that we know for sure is that his game was modified how it was done and why it was done is something that i ultimately couldn't 100 verify dreams developer backs up his story but i couldn't find any concrete evidence to back up the timeline of events the mod that was used apparently no longer exists and the developer doesn't keep track of version history which is suspicious but not conclusive i asked for the direct messages or any proof of the conversations dream and the developer had both went checking dream's files and when the developer came clean but nothing could be provided i couldn't find anything that directly contradicts dream's story but there wasn't anything that directly confirms it either if this new story is made up dream did a fantastic job at making sure all of the pieces fit nicely the methodology i used in coming to my own conclusion was a combination of examining the evidence and comparing the two different scenarios to see which is more likely i want to start with the hypothesis that dream intentionally cheated because i don't think people truly grasp the full scope of what that implies if dream did cheat on purpose it means that for the entire 24 hours of streams he was faking his reactions dude that would have been world record that could have been world record i had insane luck it means that he knew the math was correct but still paid thousands of dollars to hire an astrophysicist who ultimately said he probably cheated anyway it means that he did interviews and flawlessly lied in a way that was undetectable and indistinguishable from his normal style of conversation and was so proficient that he managed to even change the opinion of dark viper au just by how genuine and easily he answered questions it means that he reached out to the speedrun.com admin team and the mojang developer asking for help even though he knew he modded his game it means that he reached out to people like keemstar asking for help who ultimately got him in touch with me in order to objectively investigate the situation knowing full well that we'd only conclude he was guilty it means he spent who knows how many hours researching and writing a 10-page report about probabilities even though he knew the probabilities were correct it means that he has bribed or coerced at least one other credible person to lie on his behalf and to lie to me of all people it means that he also lied to his close friends and incredibly popular personalities behind closed doors for seemingly no reason it means that even though he is guilty he still gave me access to his emails his messages and spent hours upon hours answering questions knowing full well that if i still thought he was intentionally cheating i would have no hesitation in saying it it means that instead of simply letting the issue go he decided to create another elaborate fake story that is both so intricate and yet so sturdy i can only applaud it it means that despite knowing the minecraft moderators were right he still attacked them on twitter causing his fans to harass them this person would need to be so psychopathic so manipulative so insane that i've never seen it before people have compared a dream to billy mitchell but there are key differences billy mitchell is weird and has always appeared weird dream on the other hand appears normal billy mitchell never conducts interviews and only speaks with sycophants when was the last time you saw billy mitchell in a debate dream will speak or debate with anyone no matter how hostile everything mitchell says is scripted and he repeats the same stories and lines over and over again dream speaks naturally and spontaneously but probably the most important difference is that billy mitchell never changes his story never backpedals never apologizes and attacks everyone who disagrees dream is the opposite he did remove his response video he backpedaled his story he took responsibility and eventually apologized you might think it's just damage control but in my opinion someone that is crazy enough to do everything that i just said a minute ago would never back down dream does not fit the profile of someone so stupidly evil that he would cheat and then go to the lengths he did to hide it especially when his career doesn't even depend on it which again is the difference between dream and a con man like billy mitchell i know that many people dislike dream but the truth is that his actions are far more easily and logically explained if he really didn't think he cheated reaching out to people hiring an expert showing signs of frustration and anger all flow naturally from someone who perceives he is innocent trying to defend himself i'd be less inclined to believe dream's story if not for third party testimony and access to his message history confirming he was willing to provide everything after his record in my subjective analysis of his private emails and messages he didn't come across as someone who was scheming or lying it's not proof of anything but it's just the impression i got other very experienced minecraft players have testified how easy it would be to unknowingly use mods when you always use different ones in my investigation i reached out to ant venom one of the most experienced minecrafters on the planet and he had this to say thank you carl as someone who's been a part of the minecraft community for well over 10 years and as someone for the longest time who also only ever used one instance of minecraft it would have been very easy for me to lose track of what mods i was using at any given time especially when i was cycling mods in and out of my mods folder all of the time dream is someone who bought minecraft before july of 2013 which is right around the time when the launcher was implemented that allowed for you to have multiple instances of minecraft dream has claimed to only ever use the vanilla launcher so he wouldn't have been using a launcher that allowed for multiple installations of minecraft prior to that time so it stands to reason that he would have been used to it and if dream was cycling mods in and out of his mods folder all of the time for various projects i can personally see how he would have lost track of his mods and in that regard i do honestly believe him and mind you ant venom is not a dream stan and like me also made a video calling out dream for cheating back in december with all of that said does that mean i believe dream's story no at least not entirely and this is why i focused so much on his response video based on his past behavior of bending the truth i couldn't in good conscience believe everything at face value but as i also said earlier i've never caught him saying something that was completely fabricated either therefore in conjunction with all of the evidence i've seen i believe the essence of what dream was claiming in his pace bin was probably true in my opinion it is definitely more likely that he really didn't know his drop rates and barter rates were modified as for the more specific technical details of how it all happened that's where things become a lot more messy ultimately though the most important question for me will always be was it intentional and i do believe that it probably wasn't however dream is still 100 responsible for what happened at best he was negligent stubborn deceptive and belligerent it is a speedrunner's responsibility to ensure that no unapproved mods are used dream has criticized the behavior of the minecraft moderators multiple times but you can't put someone else in a very uncomfortable position and then complain about how they responded to it it's my opinion that given the terrible circumstance they were put in the moderation team did a fantastic job and should be commended not criticized dream is solely responsible for thousands of his fans going after anyone who dared suggest that he cheated intentional or not dream is the cause of everything that transpired but as crazy as this sounds and i know a lot of people will hate me for saying this dream isn't a terrible person it's just that his flaws become so magnified due to the size of his audience if you watched many of the videos from the commentary community that covered the situation they did the exact same thing but arguably worse in their quest to hate on dream they became liars and manipulators themselves even if they didn't realize it they study a situation for 30 minutes and then proceed to act like they're an expert even though they get half of the things they say wrong i want to show you the perfect example of what i'm talking about on june 1st a video was uploaded titled why dream cheated his speedrun on purpose and just listen to what the video says but that wasn't the end three months later dream would break another speedrun world record this time for version 1.15 he beat the game in 22 minutes the video hit 25 million views and everyone loved it except for the speedrunning committee remember that one group of people i talked about well as it turns out they didn't like dream speedrun why along with many other people they thought it was suspicious because his odds of getting certain drops were literally impossible and by impossible i mean 1 in 7.5 trillion the creator of the video didn't even know what speedrun caused the entire issue or when it was and yet they used this wrong information as the basis for a video that will get hundreds of thousands of views dream has to deal with this misinformation on a daily basis and if i'm entirely truthful i'm almost at the point where i'd even commend him on how he responds to it as a content creator myself i've been exposed to far less and i know how it affects you i've lost the plot and attacked people over a mere youtube comment let alone having hundreds of videos with millions of views sharing verifiably false information it's not just influences either if you read youtube and reddit comments it's even worse in one breath people will complain that dream is a liar and then in the next spout made up assumptions that couldn't be further from the truth it seems like everyone is lying everywhere and i sincerely hope people begin to realize it sooner rather than later does that mean that people shouldn't make videos or talk about these situations no people can still talk about whatever they like but you as a viewer should never take it seriously and never ever assume that the person you are watching has any idea what they are talking about unless of course that person is me fortunately in the case of dream it does seem like he genuinely wants to learn from his mistakes and become a better person after his pace spin he wrote a much more sincere apology to the speedrunning community which he didn't really publicize so i will link it in the description on one hand i do hope people stop it with the needless hate and toxicity but of course i also hope that dream can remain sincere and prove that he can see the lessons taught by his errors in a perfect world the relationship between the speed running community and dream will eventually be renewed i trust that with time and reflection both parties will allow that to happen a big thank you to dream the minecraft moderators and everyone else that i interviewed this video took a lot of effort and research so please do me a favor by subscribing as always thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you are having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video you
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 2,952,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream cheating speedrun, confession, dream cheating speedrun response, dream, dream cheating, minecraft speedrun, minecraft, dream cheated, speedrun cheater, dream confession, dream minecraft, speedrun cheat, fake speedrun
Id: G3Yzk-3SZfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 44sec (4544 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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