Geometry Dash's Biggest Cheater Was Finally Caught

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hello you absolute Legends the month is October of 2021 and one of the most exciting events in Geometry Dash history was occurring it was a race a race to beat what would be considered at the time to be the most difficult level in Geometry Dash history several of the world's best players were going head-to-head to be the first to beat the level slaughterhouse being the first person to beat a level in Geometry Dash is one of its highest honors especially when the level is seen as particularly difficult so this would be a historical achievement for the person who eventually was successful and while other players in the past had made decent progress there was one player who by far showed the most promise in late October the players space UK uploaded a video showing him getting through 92 percent of the level just shy of the end this was easily the furthest anyone had ever gotten and showed that getting to the very very end was imminent but after space UK uploaded his 92 video there was one player who noticed that something wasn't quite right so they downloaded the video and studied it in finer detail then on the 23rd of October 2021 the player Colo uploaded his findings to YouTube and his findings were shocking according to Colo space UK's 92 run was hacked his reasoning was at the mouse clicks you could hear over his footage didn't match what was actually happening in the game it was subtle but enough for Colo to accuse space UK of cheating colos vid was sent to the moderators of the demon list which I'll explain later but the response from the moderators was as short as it was definitive the response was just three words you are wrong and so colo's video was ignored and lost to the sands of time and several days after space UK's 92 percent run he would become the first person to beat slaughterhouse this was arguably the greatest achievement in the game's history and would Place space UK as the top-ranked geometry dash player in the world a title that he would hold for well over a year by many accounts space UK was the greatest player ever beating all of the hardest levels and achieving things that only a couple of other people have ever done in the game's history he wasn't just any player he was the player but in April of 2023 something unexpected happened one of the current moderators named Zoe was watching some of space UK's recent achievements and noticed that something wasn't quite right so she studied them in finer detail then on April 26 2023 Zoe uploaded her findings to YouTube and her findings were shocking according to Zoe space UK's recent achievements were hacked her reasoning was that the mouse click she could hear in his footage didn't match what was actually happening in the game it was subtle but enough for Zoe to accuse space UK of cheating and if this is sounding eerily familiar it's because I said these exact same words just over a minute ago Zoe had spotted what Colo had spotted over a year and a half ago but this time the moderators took it seriously and after Zoe's findings were made public space UK was banned from the ranks space UK did respond confessing that his main completions after May 8 2022 were all faked but of course space UK was simply doing what many cheaters do when they are caught which is to confess to some of what they did but not everything because after this new evidence emerged and as it turns out space UK had cheated in every single major completion he had done in the game since 2020 he has faked everything he's done for almost the past three years this is easily one of the most prolific and shocking cheating scandals I've ever seen and there are many questions that need to be answered why did it take a year and a half after being initially exposed by Colo before he was ultimately banned how did he get away with this for so long when in hindsight the answers were so obvious what was the new evidence that confirmed he faked everything and where does the community go from here in this video we will answer all of those questions I really hope you enjoy now Legends look at this bag inside this bag contains the best tasting meal replacement shake I've ever had in my entire life now obviously I'm not huge but I do work out and I've been into fitness for about 20 years and in that entire time I've never found a protein shake that I genuinely enjoyed I'll drink them out of convenience but I've never found one that I actually liked that is until I tried drink control which is a sponsor of this video drink control is a meal replacement shake that has everything you need it has a good amount of protein carbs fiber vitamins minerals probiotics and more drink control is perfect right in the morning if you don't like eating a heavy breakfast which is when I have mine or directly after exercise for the protein and nutrients you need to rebuild but honestly more than anything I drink these because they taste amazing even if you disregard all of the protein and health benefits just having a drink control Shake is a pleasure in of itself so I definitely recommend you give drink control a taste by clicking the link in the description and trying out their bundle Builder where you can pick some flavors and save up to 30 percent off plus if you use my code Carl jobs you'll get an extra 10 off the best tasting shakes you will ever have in your life again just click the link in the description Geometry Dash while looking fancy especially on the hotter levels is an incredibly simple game it's a platforming game where the icon automatically moves from left to right and the idea is to avoid obstacles and reach the end of the level this Simplicity arises from the fact that the game utilizes only a single button and the game only registers if the button has been clicked held or released and that's the only control over the icon the player has the icon can be turned into several different Vehicles all showcasing different mechanics but again they are all controlled with a single input for example the cube will jump when the input is pressed and when controlling the ship pressing and holding the button will cause it to fly upwards and releasing the button will cause it to gradually descend players change Vehicles throughout the level by going through portals there are also other types of portals that change various mechanics like flipping gravity making the icon small or creating two simultaneous icons generally levels are designed to align with a musical track so inputs feel like they are played to the music though often the connection between gameplay and music especially on the harder levels is rather loose and players don't rely on music to time button presses the game was released with 21 levels though the original levels aren't where the competitive side of Geometry Dash is utilized as they became far too easy relatively quickly so custom levels became the mechanism that pushed the game forward these custom levels are created by people not affiliated with the original developer similar to how Mario Maker Works as players became better level designers would create more difficult levels and give them the players to verify verification means that the level has been beaten confirming that beating it is actually possible once verified the level can then be submitted to the developer to be given an official rating of difficulty with the highest difficulty rank being demon and this is where the demon list comes in the demon list is a website that ranks the hardest levels the game has to offer but to be on this list the level has to be verified and rated in simple terms to be ranked on the Daemon list a level has to actually have been beaten by somebody the demon list doesn't just rank levels it also ranks players each level is given a score the higher the rank the higher the score and players get points for completing a level or getting through a certain percentage however you can only get a maximum of 50 percent of a level's total score if you haven't gotten to the very end so to get all of the points you really need to bait the level and this is why level completions are so important demon list then tallies the scores of the players and ranks them based on their total score currently the the top ranked player is zoink who has almost 7 000 points well ahead of second place and the reason he is so far ahead is because of the top 75 levels which is called the main list he's completed 74 of them while second place has only completed 43. the list does go beyond 75 but after that the score you get for completing each level drops dramatically so it's the main list completions that really make the biggest difference the top ranked levels on the demon list are hard really really really hard of any game I've ever seen when it comes to requiring pure Precision in the timing of inputs Geometry Dash probably stands at the very top the hardest levels require many frame perfect inputs to avoid death players will need to spend thousands of attempts and sometimes hundreds of hours learning the different patterns required to get through at to this level players are no longer reacting to the obstacles visually but rather trying to memorize different clicking patterns and practicing them over and over again in order to execute them perfectly personally I don't understand how people can be this precise for an entire level you really need to have nerves of Steel even on the easiest levels as soon as I get past halfway I start to get nervous and everything goes to hell but the top players after many attempts can achieve a perfect run that lasts up to a minute and Beyond most top players use a mouse some use a keyboard but either way being able to click with such Precision is a very specific skill to have and it's certainly one that I don't possess now with all of that context put into place let's talk about the biggest Cheeto in Geometry Dash history space UK space UK began playing Geometry Dash surprisingly late starting in around March of 2020 his skills would quickly develop though beating some decently hard levels in the following months but his first Big Break would be when he beat the level was irreta in August of 2020. this was the first time he had completed a level that was ranked on the main demon list at the time it was 20th which was a massive achievement however while this was already completion appears to be legitimate with everything we now know it would be the last time space UK would submit a completion that wasn't cheated for the next three years he would fake and cheat his way to the very top of the world so let's find out exactly just how he did it [Music] space UK's next big completion would be a level called the Golden which he claimed in December of 2020. this was incredibly significant because the golden was ranked number two on the demon list however this run was not legitimate as space UK was using a cheat called no clip which means he would pass through obstacles like spikes without dying according to a later confession space UK claims that he didn't even realize he was using no clip at the time and only found out about 20 minutes later but he still decided to submit it anyway with the mindset of if it's caught I'll just quit but the Run ended up being accepted the reason it was not spotted at the time is because space UK was legitimately good at the level having reached 96 of the way through without cheats and in this particular run there are only two instances where he would have just barely died questions were raised at the time about these instances but there was no way to prove for sure he would have died nowadays however moderators do have the tools to see the exact hitboxes and can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that death would have occurred at least twice into the run but at the time it wasn't as straightforward after space UK's completion was accepted much to his own surprise he decided to go full force and cheat intentionally for the rest of his career throughout 2021 he would complete many of the hardest levels on the demon list including the number one ranked at the time Tartarus his method was to use a hack called zebot zebot allows you among other things to program a macro that would hit the inputs at the correct times essentially it lets you create a task a pre-programmed run space would play the game normally for a few minutes before activating the macro then while the macro was running he would pretend to play still trying to hit the mouse clicks at all the right times the reason it was important to try and recreate the mouse clicks is that the demon list requires two specific things as part of their proof policy one is the roar unedited recording of the gameplay including the entire session however this only includes game sounds and not the sound recorded by the microphone so the second thing they need is a video that includes all of the mouse clicks so they could listen to them and to make sure they were legit space UK similar to almost every other cheetah who has been caught after dominating their game was still a very good player so his clicks seemed legitimate at least when listening to them by ear listening to a novice player trying to fake mouse clicks would give them away instantly but space UK was good enough to fool everyone including the moderators but then the slaughterhouse race happened which I mentioned at the beginning of the video several of the top players were trying to beat the most difficult level yet and space UK was way out in front in October space UK posted a video showing him getting through 92 percent of the level and this is where Colo makes their appearance Colo downloaded the 92 video and really studied the footage in detail he found that many of the mouse clicks did not sync up exactly with what was happening in the game when the mini wave transitions into the big wave The Click comes 5 frames after it is really bad this is really really suspicious in this face spam every click is like two frames later this is really really strange sometimes the clicks would happen on the same frame but other times they would be multiple frames late or even early this doesn't make sense at all now in certain cases it can be understandable for clicks not to match the footage but if that does happen it needs to be consistent for example if there is an audio delay on OBS you might find that every single Mouse click is two frames late but again it has to be consistent space UK's clicks were all over the place and there was just no technical reason to explain this this is called click variance and now we know for a fact that a large click variance is proof that Iran is hacked though at this specific time this wasn't seen necessarily as concrete proof which is why in colo's video title he labeled The Slaughterhouse run as only suspicious instead of outright fake though in the actual video he does make his true thoughts a bit more Claire saying this so what are the conclusions I think these clicks are faked some clicks are right on the frame with the movement some clicks are one or two frames after the movement some clicks are 5 frames after the movement and I found that one click which is one or two frames before the movement it's impossible to have it like this keep in mind that slaughterhouse has frame perfects for higher refresh rates than 60 FPS so it's impossible to play legitimately and get this High delay difference space I believed you and respected you but this is horrible this is terrible please confess take down all your cheated progresses and do it legitimately I also mentioned at the beginning of the video that colo's video was sent to the moderators which rejected the information and there might be a reasonable explanation for this because in the original message that was sent to the moderators there were actually two videos linked both from Colo one was about the click variants which we know now was completely correct but the second video was a wild claim that space UK had been cutting his videos otherwise known as splicing and as you can see there the kick starts before then on the original order so it's shifted and as you can see there is some strange click here so I think it's Scott cola's evidence for this was that the song in space's game footage didn't sync up exactly when played next to the original song however it's common knowledge that the song audio and geometry dash levels desynx all the time due to various reasons and many players use a legal mod that will try to keep the song in sync with the level due to this problem I even downloaded space's video and checked the audio spectrogram and there was absolutely no evidence of splicing or cutting so what you had was two videos one correct and one that was actually blatantly wrong and perhaps the moderator simply rejected both of them for that reason though moderators today will openly say that this kind of response was still unacceptable at the very least this information should have been passed on to the rest of the team all of the moderators I asked said they didn't even know that colo's video existed until after space UK was exposed which meant that whoever responded to this Twitter message simply rejected it on their own accord and didn't tell anyone else in a recent Community announcement the demon list moderators apologized for this and stated that at the time they were getting a lot of incorrect exposural attempts so they were very quick to dismiss them so with colo's video rejected space UK was free to continue to run his macros and pretend to click over the top I assume that even space UK Didn't Know colo's video existed because he himself changed nothing and continued to cheat in the same way which seems really bizarre if he knew a video existed literally saying he cheated and correctly identifying the way he was doing it after space UK verified slaughterhouse being the first to beat it a few days later he solidified his position as the top-ranked geometry dash player in the world slaughterhouse was by far the hardest level ever complete inflated and would be considered the hardest level ever completed for the next year or so now I'm not going to go through every single fake level space UK claimed to beat because it was all of them but to give you an idea about how much of a big deal space UK was I will mention two things each year the community hosts an awards show and one of the awards is best player of the year in 2021 space UK won this award with over 70 percent of the vote and there were over 21 000 voters he also won best player of 2022 and in May of 2022 space did something that only one other person had ever done before he completed all 75 of the main demon list levels the demon list admin tweeted out this achievement saying this is not a feat of luck but of pure skill and determination few others have a message that is definitely not not aged well the first player to ever do this legitimately was a player named n swish back in 2020 and it was recently done again by the current top player zoink in 2023. it's hard to overstate how much of an impact space UK had beating slaughterhouse pushed the game further ahead than perhaps any other level in The Game's history he really was seen as the greatest player of all time but as I have always said and will continue to say being good doesn't make you any less likely to cheat aside from the click variants that Colo had already detected in 2021 there were other red flags that while not proof at the time make total sense in hindsight for example space UK would regularly stream his gameplay and he would do quite well though he would never seem to get an actual completion live his completions were always offline but there was one time where he did come played the level rust live on Twitch though of course the stream was muted however after the completion he unmuted himself and kept repeating the fact that finally he had completed something on stream I'd be something on the Stream finally I'll be something on stream something on stream bro obviously he knew that getting only offline completions was dubious and I guess this was his way of trying to quash any suspicions fast forward to April of 2023 the moderator Zoe ended up studying some of space UK's recent footage and again she picked up on the click variants for example on Space UK's completion of acheron the current number one ranked level his clicks were anywhere from being two frames early to six frames late that's a variance of eight frames and by this stage the moderators knew that click variance was actually a big deal and almost certainly meant that Iran was fake massive click variants was present in basically all of space UK's footage Zoe then released a video exposing space on the 26th of April and just 20 minutes later space confessed to cheating everything since May 2022 honestly it was hard to verify much before that time is a lot of old footage that moderators used back then had been deleted by this point however then a bombshell hit in his messages to the moderators space admitted to using zbot to program his macros and someone in the moderation team called Kappa Mari remembered that the developer of zebot put a watermark on the completion screen which you could use to show that zebot was used The Watermark was at the level complete message was slightly smaller than it should be going from 1004 pixels down to 940. this Watermark was originally inserted to detect hackers but it never actually did catch anyone and by this point in time had all but been forgotten about no one had even looked for this watermark in years but going through space UK's completion The Watermark was present in every single one going all the way back to 2020. [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God come on I just be icon I actually just [ __ ] background I just be icon the first round that actually seems legitimate is was a Retta achieved in August of 2020. after the zebot watermark confirmed that everything was faked space UK would wipe his entire YouTube channel and social media though he would ultimately reinstate his Twitter with a twitlonger apology basically confirming that everything since and including the golden back in 2020 was hacked to this day I don't know why players just don't fully admit to all of their cheating when they are caught because once you've been caught for one thing now every single investigative eyes on you and if you've cheated more it's going to come out what's interesting is that both of the click variants and the zebot watermark were obvious signs of cheating that could have been spotted at any time and yet weren't save for a single person Colo all the way back in 2021 the evidence was literally staring everyone in the face the entire time and yet it took years before he was exposed oh and remember that rust completion he completed live that I mentioned earlier that was using zebot 2 which explains why his stream was muted in a community post the moderators did not hold back and did take total responsibility stating allowing space to slip through our systems this whole time is a major [ __ ] up there is no ignoring that regardless of the circumstances that allowed him to get by easier than other hackers that the list routinely bans we really messed up ultimately in my opinion this came down to a matter of trust trusting 2 very much that a player would never cheat thus they weren't astringent when it came to proof detection players just assumed that space UK was legit and that was that they didn't make all the checks they should have but what I find even more fascinating is that the community was shocked that this happened obviously if you're a fan of my channel you've heard this story many times before whether it's Riolu in trackmania shmui in Guitar Hero or mine crevenger in Minecraft the world's best players often get caught faking everything so it's not really a shock at all that this happened again what communities need to do is start learning from their mistakes that other communities have made or at least be aware of them don't wait until it happens to you in short beforehand that it never does and for those wondering if suspicious click variance is common amongst other top players I can tell you that the moderation team have since checked a ton of other players and not a single one of them show the same signs nor has the zebot watermark being found anywhere else this really does appear to be a unique case not something that spread wide throughout the ranks and while I'm not allowed to go into specific detail the methods of cheat detection have already vastly improved since space UK was exposed so if you were thinking of trying a similar method I would be really really shocked if it wasn't immediately spotted the last thing I wanted to touch on is the subtle theft that cheating includes I look back at my greatest gaming achievement which was beating the first level of GoldenEye in 52 seconds beating the old record of 53 seconds which had lasted for 15 years this ended up being a really big deal there were even news articles written about it plastered all over the internet but all of those accolades and the attention I got pale in comparison to the price side that I feel within myself but going after such a difficult challenge putting in the time and the effort and research and doing something that no one else had ever done before it really means a lot to me and it always will and no one can ever take that away from me someone has already matched my record and I'm sure that many more will in the future but when I achieved it first it was special in a way that can't be replicated when space UK cheated his way into beating slaughterhouse for the first time he stole that unique specialness from the person who would have actually beat it first legitimately which in this case was a player named doggy doggy can look back now and say that he was the first to beat it for real but the moment is long gone and it can't be recreated the attention the accolades The Pride that doggy would have felt at the time is long gone it was robbed from him forever ever and this is something that I think a lot of people don't truly grasp because space UK is still uploading his Geometry Dash runs to YouTube and if you read the comments it seems like no one even cares that he literally cheated and lied to everyone for three years personally I don't understand how people could still act so positively towards him especially so soon in my opinion if you disgrace yourself and disrespect and hurt a community this badly you should probably just leave and not come back for a pretty long time the impact from these types of cheating scandals can never be fully comprehended because they touch so many people to finish this video I'll leave you with the words of doggy the real first person to beat one of the hardest levels in Geometry Dash history slaughterhouse and I'll also leave a couple of videos in the description from players who fully give credit to the other people that space UK robbed of their own special I've always been a bit regretful of myself for not verifying slaughterhouse initially because I hold the level of deer to me at least more than any other Geometry Dash level this level's like my it's like my little brother all right I'm missing out on being in grades in the story of slaughterhouse is always disappointed me and cut to today it turns out I verified slaughterhouse without even knowing it definitely an interesting way to gain the title I thought I had long lost the opportunity to ever have it's also crazy to look back at how much we were all manipulated into praising this absolute fraud as the Pinnacle of GD skill lying to the community and his friends through multiple years is something I have no idea how he woke up every day and did I'm really disappointed though that space ended up being someone completely different than what I thought it seemed like a chill guy like a nice dude but it doesn't seem like that anymore obviously so I was pretty bummed out about the whole thing I'm sure this will have a huge impact on the community forever I don't think we'll ever look at Players the same way especially the ones who provide the bare minimum evidence but yeah I just wanted to leave you guys with a few comments from me on this situation for anyone out there that thinks they can take shortcuts for success and praise just know it'll catch up with you eventually thank you so much for watching you Legends a big thanks to the people listed on screen for helping me learn about Geometry Dash and what happened I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 2,727,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nJTTDjxzcaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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