Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Boeing 787 Full Tutorial - MSFS 2020 Tutotial

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welcome to my channel and i am back with you once again uh today i am going to cover the boeing 787 which is the default plan for microsoft flight simulator and in this video i will be covering all the aspects of the flight uh starting from flight planning uh starting the plane from cold and dark state uh then taking off and obviously the taxi is there and then uh flying the plane on autopilot descent management and then ils approach and landing so everything will be covered in this video but before we move on there is one important thing which i would like to tell you is this that your flight model in the settings in the general setting should be set for modern if you are flying 787 if these settings are not set to modern uh you will have issues in keeping your plane on the flight path there are two other videos on my channel which you can just go and watch and see if you change it to legacy uh the other option then what issues you will face your plane 787 will follow the flight path but it will just keep on moving left and right so i always set it to bond okay one thing another thing um assistance i have turned off all the assistance all assists uh middle ground true to life yes i keep it at true to life so keep everything on hard because then it will be easy to fly the plane uh most of the times uh when you are set on all assists then the plane will automatically fly and once you will try to control it it will be very much enhanced the controls will be very much enhanced a slight control a slight movement will result in a huge movement so keep it there in true to life and these are the two things which i would like to tell you but still with these settings uh the plane will fly automatically we will see in this tutorial but you have to practice it in order to overcome so let's get to the flight planning part and select the airport today i'm flying from london heathrow and i'm going to frankfurt airport okay so this is the flight plan um let's select uh ifr instrument flying reference we will be use using high altitude airways not the low ones now let's select the departure gate uh i'm selecting the departure gate because if you select a departure gate the plane is there in the cold and dark state but if you select a runway the plane is already up and running the engines are up and everything is said so as we want to set up everything from the beginning that's why i'm starting from gate so select the gate and set as departure and here you go i've already covered the flight planning part in one or two videos before uh they are there on my channel uh but i will just touch the basics um it's very easy for the departure we need a sid which is for the departure and we will be flying out from runway 9 left so you have to find acid the point for departure which corresponds to 9 left there are many points which correspond to nine left but uh they are for different routes but we want to have a sid which follows this route so let's go and find the one which follows this route this is this one i've been actually making the flight plans that's why i know it uh but this is the basic you always try to find the sid uh which correlates uh to the flight path let's check let's select another one nine left okay so if you select this set it will not make any sense because you will be taking off you'll take a right turn you will fly all the way to this point and then come back so this sid is for the flights which are heading towards this side of the world so if you want to go on to this side of the world there are other sids but this is the right one for the nine left a small basic if you are new to the flight planning part otherwise you can skip and do the to the other part which uh covers um starting the plane from the cold and dark state okay now for arrivals i will be using this runway which one i will be using this runway 25c no i'll use this one seven right i have actually in my previous flights i have used 25c uh it has ils but the plane doesn't pick up the eyeless frequency um i will be covering that later in the part so just to be careful uh for this tutorial and not to make any mistake and redo it because you know this thing these videos take a lot of time to make and you cannot afford to have mistakes that's why i will be just careful i'll try to pick up the runway which is tried and tested so the arrival will be on seven right and for seven right we will be uh selecting the star and this is the one and you will see ils r z seven right so here it is selecting the star again i'm telling you uh selecting the star again it's the same logic as we used it for sid you don't want to select a star let's say if i select this star we can select it it's it's it's not the point you can select it but you have to you have to find um the shortest and the nearest point so you can select any of these but you have to find the right one um it's it's all hit and trial is another way to do it and the best way is to basically follow the flight charts uh but but most of the people find it difficult to follow the flight charts there is also a video on my channel which covers that point if you want to just uh uh watch though that video if you just want to go and see that how you make a flight plan with the flight chart uh you will find that video on my channel but right now uh seven right it was just there i just lost it oops where did it go yes so that's it so now the plane will uh fly on this path and the moment the plane will uh come to unoco so this is the point from where the approach towards the runway um will will start and this is the start for the arrival so the plane will come like this follow this path it will just go like this and will will land so that's the basic now let's select the gate because in this fight i would also like to park the plane at the gate after landing let's see if we have any gate available let's uh pocket gate b28 set as arrival let's see oops the everything is disappeared from it let's select the star again you know seven seven right seven right now ls7 right z that's it so the plane will come from this point we'll take if we follow this path and we'll land over here yes and this is the gate okay so everything is looking good so far for the flight plan part now boeing 787 dreamliner it's already selected uh the flight conditions i have set it to live players it's interesting to watch other players flying so it will be good to watch them during this video live traffic is on and the weather in time is actual so this is good let's have a look at the nav log so this is the nav log and till gilom we will climb to 40 700 flight level 407 and after galon the descent will start at 41 000 and now this is the complete flight plan okay as for the speed and the altitudes so between gilo and lno you will start the descent till this point you will fly at 226 300 feet then you will further descend then on these points df636 640 and other points altitude will be at 8000 and over here we will go to 4000 and from here we will catch the glide slope and land so these are the basics of the flight planning let's now move on to the main part the cockpit part and let's start the plane from the cold and dark state and let's see if i'm able to do that okay so here we are at london heathrow it's 1205 in the noon and maximum altitude is 41 000. so here you and range is 6430 nautical miles ready to fly so here we are in the cockpit okay it's because the batteries are off the plane is in the golden dark state that's why everything is off the radio communication is off okay let's go out so this is the boeing 787 i've really wanted to fly this plane but uh due to some issues as i told you before in the video that because of um the flight model settings uh the navigation was was uh having issues so now it's corrected thanks to one of the users who just came in and told me how to do it how to fix this issue so we are in the cockpit right now and i will open the checklist and the best part in microsoft flight simulator is this that there is an option of checklist so you can just go and follow the checklist and you can just start the plane from the cold and dark state now one thing that i've tried to do is this uh that if you don't know where the battery switch is if you click this icon it will tell you that here is the battery search uh i have remembered them and that's the best part you can follow the checklist but i refrain yeah from using this option just to get acquainted with the uh with the plane and the controls and everything so i will switch the camera pilot and i will try to do it without using this option so first of all turn on the batteries the moment you turn on the batteries the radio communication is available and you can contact the ground services so here's the ground services let's tune into ground services and see what kind of options we have we have request fuel supply so let's request for fuel supply 787 could you please send a fuel truck 787 so the fuel truck is there let's go for the power supply because right now engines are not up and running that's why the plane doesn't have the power it's just running on batteries right now so we need external power for air conditioning another let's see where's the ground unit so this is the external power ground unit let's see when it gets connected to the to the plane the best part about the microsoft flight simulator is ground services they're very easy to use you can use them and it's very interesting it gives a nice realism to the flight simulation so now the external power is there okay so let's uh jump in back to the plane and follow the checklist where is the checklist external power on a philip sorry let's check this item item tick external power so this is available so it means external power is available so turn it on and you can hear i think the air conditioning another system is just getting started they are now up and running take the item now we will call for baggage service x-ray 787 could you please send the baggage so here's the jet fuel beautiful very nice this is the tug for the push pack we will not be using it right now so these were the basics of starting the plane and calling in for the ground service uh just would like to tell you something that we call in for the ground services before uh switching the power to the apu we start the apu after the jet way connection is disconnected okay so we will we will wait for the ground services to complete you can see the luggage is being loaded into the plane this is the catering truck and this is external power the moment we will turn on the apu selector apu power which is the auxiliary power unit which is uh in the plane then we will call off the external power at the ground they should be the flaps should be fully retracted engines should be shut down and apu should not be in the running position the plane only relies on the external power for the air conditioning and other power needs so luggage is i think done just only one thing missing in the flight simulator is the fuel truck we don't see the fuel truck when we call for the fuel services catering is also done let's uh jump into the plane once again and let's uh call off these services we don't need the fuel supply just end the fuel supply x-ray 787 i am done with fuel services let's end the baggage service mowing alpha sierra x-ray 787 i am done with the baggage service let's end the catering service okay so now you will see that every truck has just moved back and the cargo bay is closed great now it's uh time to call off the jet way heathrow ground mowing alpha sierra x-ray 787 could you please disconnect the jet way from the aircraft and you can see the jet weight now now let's get back to the checklist and go to the apu selector this is the apu selector start and then it will turn on to on apu generator switches uh these are the ones so let's turn on the apu generator so during the checklist if you don't remember where the where the right button is you can use this option which i've used right now for you for your ease okay now turn on the fuel pumps here the fuel pumps so the fuel pumps are on and the beacon this is the beacon light now start the engine before starting the engine now i will also call off the external power because now the plane is on ap x-ray 787 i am done with power so this is the apu exhaust in the plane if you ever wondered what this exhaust is for because the engines over here they have their own exhaust so now the plane is on the apu unit and which is the auxiliary power unit and you cannot see the apu bleed okay anyhow so everything is now good now we will go for the clearance before starting the engines go to the clearance uh request ifr mowing alpha clearance x-ray 787 ready to copy ifr clearance to frankfurt boeing alpha sierra x-ray 787 is cleared to frankfurt airport has filed take off runway nighter or left climb and 13 000 feet so i've set the altitude in the autopilot and the moment we are we are about to depart uh we will tune into 118.475 now just uh acknowledge the ifr clearance xray 787 clear to frankfurt airport as filed take off runway neither left climb and maintain thirteen thousand feet departure on one one eight decimal four seven five squawk five one zero four eight seven read back correct contact ground on one okay so now ground services and requests to push back after the clearance the push back option pops up now let's open this map uh as we will be flying from here the plane will turn left so the moment push back will start we will request the pushback to turn left so that we are aligned with the taxiway this is the these are the taxiways and this is the runway oops i forgot to release the parking brakes don't forget to do that so the parking brakes are now off and the plane is not moving now uh request push back steer to the left x-ray 787 requesting pushback tuck to steer the aircraft to the left alpha sierra x-ray 787 your request has been transmitted to the operator so the moment a plane is like facing towards the taxiways we will ask okay i think let's get back to the checklist uh start the engines trust levers should be in the idle position here it is check turn on the engine why the pushback oh my god we are it it should it should uh it should just stop anyhow there was i heard the the video com saying the to stop so the engine one is now running this was funny i don't i have the time to do it all over again but this is how it is okay uh right engine fuel control switch let's turn this switch on as well for the engine and the second engine will be up and running so i think we are done with this everything is done left engine start i cast so let's look at the screen you can see the engines are now up and running and we will wait for the engine one to stabilize as well turn on the lights this is the nav light this is the logo light and this is the wing light okay turn on left run return lights so and turn on left landing lights so everything is moving looking good i guess okay the best part about 787 is this that you can just look at the runway you don't need this map uh this is also here uh you can look at the map for the taxi uh we will just move forward otherwise we would have been heading this way if the pushback just ended at the right time uh anyhow let's see if the engine is stabilized so the engines are now up and running they are stable we have to turn the apu off because we don't need apu right now so this is apo off lights are on and everything is looking good so far let's go for the taxi clearance go to go back to clearance request xcir ground going alpha sierra x-ray 787 with india ready to taxi i've actually turned off this option manage radio comes short of runway delta charlie alpha bravo one tree so before the takeoff we will contact this frequency 118.505 acknowledge the xclearance acknowledge it short runway niner left by attacks away delta bravo charlie alpha lima five seven alpha one tree alpha bravo one tree boeing seven eight seven okay just bring down the heads up display what about display this was bad okay now during the taxi the speed should not be more than 20 knots so we will try to keep the speed at a reasonable rate because then it will be very difficult to control the plane the plane will not turn uh i will use this taxiway for the taxi and move towards runway 9 left during the taxi just follow the yellow lines so it's easy and for my practice what i've actually learned over a period of time is this that if you keep this yellow line in the middle then you are texting in the right way okay so everything is looking good so far the graphics are still uh uh jerk jerky the the there is a there's a jitter in the graphics i don't know uh maybe over a period of time this will just um your time i'm using rtx 2080 nvidia so graphic card is good now i've got uh 32 gb of ram but still you know get these little bit of jitters in in the graphics and hopefully in the future this thing will get rectified we will climb to 13 000 feet once we are up the ground let's set the speed for the autopilot to 240 knots because below 10 000 feet you cannot go more than 250 knots 250 time to lower the flaps and the flaps should be set to 15 degrees that's down by three notches so the flaps give you an additional lift they also provide drag so very helpful in the landing and takeoff procedure so the flaps are down okay so now time to slow down take a left turn we will just hold short of this yellow line over here tuned into 118.505 as mentioned by the radio before so now we will request for takeoff clearance heathrow tower boeing alpha sierra x-ray 787 at runway united are left ready for takeoff ifr to frankfurt alpha sierra x-ray 787 cleared for takeoff runway acknowledge cleared for takeoff runway neither left boeing alpha sierra x-ray 787. release the parking brakes and it's time to take off everything is looking good so far speed is set flaps are down by three notches all lights are on landing gears obviously down the best part okay and that's it let's turn off this radio com once we take off then we'll just turn it on i just simply started to hate this lag in the graphics hopefully this thing is is resolved soon now once we align with the runway i will give full throttle to the plane full throttle the plane takes off itself there is i think some also uh the issue with the physics and microsoft light simulator it automatically takes off you don't pull back on the stick okay time to raise the gears as positive rate okay as you can see in the display below that let's reduce the throttle and time to turn left let's uh engage the autopilot track the flaps i'm going to acknowledge that and turn on the autopilot select this and nav option vertical speed is set to 3 000 no sorry 3500 for the co-pilot and we will manage the flight x-ray is at two thousand eight hundred feet okay some basics about the autopilot um the once um we took off we turn on the autopilot sorry my flight directors are off turn on the flight directors autopilot should be turned on from here and then you press this and nav option this is basically the longitudinal navigation it should be there let me just uh okay so now this is the flight path uh which the plane will be following towards frankfurt uh this is the altitude to which we will be climbing right now and this is the vertical speed vertical speed is basically uh the rate of climb for the plane it is right now set to 3500 feet per minute as we are below 10 000 feet that's why the speed is being set to 250 we should be flying below not more than 250. so everything is looking good so far uh the moment we will cross 10 000 feet mark then i will increase the speed to 320. you can also use the v-nav option in which the plane also follows the speed and altitude as per the flight pan given in the fms of the plane here it is if you press this option legs you will see the complete flight plan go to the previous page okay now this is good so this is the altitude at every waypoint we should be at four thousand nine fifty five eight five zero eight three five zero now by this point we should be at four forty one thousand feet flight level four one zero and the speed 310 knots the plane automatically uh manages the speed and the altitude as well the climb and this option the el nav option helps the plane to follow the flight path so this is for the navigation and this is for the speed and altitude management and descent management in this flight i will not be using the v9 option initially i used it for this flight and before the frankfurt airport there are two major turns and the plane tried to take those turns at 320 knots due to which we missed the flight path by a lot by a very wide margin because speed should be less if you are trying to take a very sharp turn at a high speed the radius of the turn increases and you can just uh just like yes okay so you can just go very far away uh from your flight path so that's why for this fight i will be managing okay as now we are above 10 000 feet i will set the speed 320 knots and uh [Music] once you acknowledge and set the speed altitude hold selector press this button so now this plane you can see over here 19 000 feet now the plane will further climb to 19 000 feet the speed is now stabilizing at 320 knots when all these three options are green it means that a plane is flying on the autopilot the speed is controlled the ldam option is controlled and the altitude is set basic thing this is the flight plan so everything is looking good so far you can see this waypoint lno so if you recall while making the flight plan i told you that between these two points gilom and eleno we will start the descent and we will be following the altitudes which are given over here so it will be easy for us to manage our descent so autopilot is activated plane is let's select the vertical speed altitude i've seen one thing i'm not really sure if it happens in the real plane or not or maybe that's a glitch in the microsoft flight simulator you can see that i had already set the vertical speed to 3500 the plane should be climbing at 3500 but it was not so i just uh changed the heading i just changed the vertical speed and the plane again is now climbing at 3500 at the rate of 3500 so i'm not really sure if this actually happens in the rear planes or not or maybe now this is the glitch but uh check if your plane is not climbing at the rate which is given over here in the vertical speed then just simply adjust the speed um of the verticals [Music] but i'm just observing one thing that hardly any player is listening to i think speed bird five to seven is i think before nineteen thousand feet now at different the barometric pressure has to be adjusted in order to follow [Music] the right altitude so i will set the barometric pressure it's right now it's set to this option 30.09 so this is the knob from where you can just adjust the barometric pressure 30.09 you can see the altimeter is getting adjusted the tower tells you what should be the barometric pressure set in climb and maintain flight level 270 boeing 787. okay first of all let's select the altitude it's just like aiming you know it's like why this option is oh it comes and it goes okay 30.09 so now the ultimate reset we have actually set the barometric pressure in the plane so that our altimeter is adjusted according to the parameter pressure uh so that's why we have set it to 30.09 as mentioned by uh the tower set the vertical speed to 3500 we will further climb altitude now the plane will climb to 27 000 feet everything is looking good so far let's turn off the lights uh let's enough turn off left landing knight but we need these beacon lights and the nav lights and the logo lights so not an issue they've turned off the lights now the plane is at twenty thousand going for twenty seven thousand and one hundred feet so everything is good so far these are the uh radio communication panels you can communicate the eyelash frequency is also given here the rate of climb is 2 900 because uh that's good nothing to worry about in this flight we will be climbing up to maximum 4100 feet if you select yes you can see flight level 410 now we're at 26 400 feet uh going for twenty seven thousand i think darwin will further ask us to increase the altitude i think we should be at 35 000 feet let's see yes so we are at around 47 000 feet we will wait and maintain flight level three seven zero three seven zero so we will now go to three seven zero climb and maintain flight level adjust the vertical speed and now the plane will further climb to three thousand thirty seven thousand feet flight level three seven zero okay the moment we are um we have crossed the thirty thousand feet mark we will change the speed from from is to mach this is a standard procedure and we will not be using now the barometric pressure we will given by the tower we will switch it to standard so these two things which we will adjust if you don't switch it to standard and if you leave at 330.09 the tower will tell you that altitude is not correct so you have to correct that going to one two six decimal four seven let's uh switch the speed to mark and uh set the parameter pressure you can see now the ultimate seven is at flight level two nine that the basic of switching the speed from um is to mark if you can see that right now the speed limit is 360 you can go to up to 360. we are flying at 320 nautical miles uh sorry 320 knot knots not nautical max this is what i was thinking what i'm saying okay so we should not be going more than 360. uh now as the plane uh crosses the 30 000 um feet mark this uh level will will go down if you set your speed to is you will be over speeding so if you have set your speed to mark this speed will also keep on decreasing now you can see as soon as the plane as uh the plane is through different altitudes the given speed is reducing because we have set it to 0.793 mark so the speed should be 6.7939 it should be reducing and you can see the speed limit is also reducing it's coming to 340 maybe we should be flying at 280 so if i change this speed to is this marker will will go here up to 320. so this is the the major reason behind changing your speed to mark you just keep an eye speed should be reducing no it's not let's see now we are going to flight level 370. okay now here is an issue so let's uh reduce the vertical speed and let's keep it at uh 2200 the speed should not increase now once i've adjusted it now it's let's keep it at 300. now you can see so uh the plane is climbing and the speed limit is reducing and with this option uh with the mark option you can see the speed is getting adjusted so now this marker will will keep on adjusting itself with the with the limit but if you set it to is this uh marker will will set at 200 and roughly i think it's at 296 or 297 knots you will be over speeding so now we have the clearance to go to four one zero contain flight level four zero boeing 787 vertical speed let's set it to 2000 feet per minute we are at roughly at least now 37 000 feet now you can see the speed is getting adjusted with the speed limit so this is the major science behind adjusting the speed to mark the speed limit is reducing and this marker will will move below with this speed limit you see now they are in correlation with each other after gilom this waypoint somewhere here in the middle we will start the top of this end we will start to descend this is the top of descent um uh over here in this version the top of descent is not coming it's i think the boeing it's a very small green circle which tells you when to start the descent all the information is there in the fms maybe it's it's an error an issue but somehow we know that after girom we will start a descent and later we will check that to which altitude we will descend we will check it from this option in the route by looking at different waypoints so everything is looking good so far my speed is you can see that it's adjusted as set by the autopilot 800 feet to go now the plane will level off at 41 000 feet not cloudy sunny today very little clouds you can see the weather from here if you click this option you can see the weather you see so here are the clouds and you can switch to traffic as well nothing is not terrain where we don't want to see the terrain because you just want to see the weather so if you click this option in the navigation display you will see the clouds okay now um we have crossed the the waypoint eleno and i was waiting if the tower asks me to descend or not uh but so far i haven't heard any communication from the video uh i'm maintaining flight level four thousand one hundred four one zero four flight level four one zero forty one thousand feet and uh so far there is no communication so i'm just waiting for the tower to let me know otherwise we will take the matter into our own hands so i'm just waiting for the tower to give me the cadence to descend the heads-up display it doesn't really work good in the morning but in the night yes it's of very good use you can just read everything of the heads-up display so this is the brightness brightness for the heads-up display i think it's it's not working now in this version okay 118 decimal 75 for boeing 787 playing in the center boeing alpha sierra x-ray 787 flight level four one zero x-ray seven eight seven center continue to land as planned so the driver has not asked you to descend that's why we will wait uh so what i was telling you is this that this control actually adjusts the brightness of the heads-up display but i think it's not working now okay so now the tower has asked us to which is 33 000 feet so here you go three three zero set it to three thousand there you go now the plane will start to descend the plane should descend please to fight level 330 eurowing 7586 you are 20 000 feet above your assigned altitude descend and maintain 1 0 000 feet following 787 traffic is 11 o'clock 4 miles at flight level 390 generic report okay now the descent has started i think we should first set the altitude and then the vertical speed for the descent now the descent has started actually i'm still getting acquainted with the controls you know this is the main and from here we'll follow the procedures for the landing for the ils now you can just uh click this option legs and you can see that younoko we should be at 26 300 previous page it will show us the previous options okay we cannot go backwards but we can go forward in the flight plan nothing to worry about everything is looking good so far i'm just having a nice cup of tea right now the afternoon weekend it's uh three at my side three o'clock in the afternoon nice hot summer afternoon i will be heading to the gym after this video obviously after editing it it takes a lot of time and we'll be leveling off at uh 33 000 feet flight level 330 there you go level 270 boeing 787 let's reduce the speed because uh this is the speed limit marker we should not be crossing the speed 0 descent is again started now we will be descending to flight level two seven zero twenty seven thousand feet speed is under control so everything is looking good so far here's the frankfurt three one zero okay climb and maintain flight level three one zero expect ils zulu runway seven right approach via anoko transition cleared to anoko boeing 787. what we can do the tower just ask us to climb up to 310 flight levels let's see if the plane climbs it should start to climb descend and maintain one zero i had to press this button vertical speed once in order to climb and maintain we're very near the runway i hope uh we're in a good position to descend and then land if one more time the tower messes up with my flight plan i'm going to cancel the video calm i'll try it myself i think we can we will be able to decide altitude descend and maintain 1 three zero 000 zero seven move down to four one eight descent and maintain four thousand three hundred feet descend and maintain thousand three hundred feet climb and maintain one zero x-ray 787 requesting vector to next waypoint turning and following heading 105 boeing 787 here's the airport the frankfurt airport let's go out so we will just go like this and turn and then just go for the approach okay yes this is runway seven right where we will be landing and parking the plane over here somewhere here the gate is here tower is not asking us to descend amazing descend and maintain one zero thousand feet left until four one eight let's reduce the speed i'll keep it at 270 knots because as i told you before in the beginning that this turned if you were taking this train at a high speed uh you will miss the flight path we just uh passing over the airport you can see over here in the co-pilot's navigation display if you press this button nd you get the full screen let's get the full screen should we start the descent df621 we are heading towards df621 where we should be six two one where is df621 300 let's wait for the tower to give us the altitude to descend otherwise i will take the matters in my own hand by the way everything is looking good so far during the approach um i've seen this thing that in microsoft light simulator the tower really tests your patience it really tests your flying skills df6 to 1. i'll just wait for this waypoint otherwise i will start the descent okay let's turn this thing off and this end 26 000. here we go 26 26 261 so everything is looking good so far we have started at this end further towards the runway there was no communication from the from the tower to descent that's why i've taken the matters into my own hand tower is totally quiet i've turned on the ai right now managing radio comms is not controlled by air you can see that we have we have missed this waypoint because the speed was very high hmm if i apply the spoilers let's apply the spoiler speed brakes to reduce the speed you can see the spoilers are up now these are the spoilers they help the plane to reduce the speed okay so now the speed is reducing the transition let's reduce the speed to 350. okay to this point we should be at 26 300 and further is flight level here this is 8 thousand feet so let's uh foreign actually with the mouse wheel the zoom is there and plus the controls are there so that's why if you miss it slightly df611 304 nautical miles uh so it's 304 degrees and 4.8 nautical miles away the speed is increasing so let's say just uh vertical speed is such a way that the speed doesn't increase now we are descending to 8000 feet i'm adjusting the vertical speed in such a way and that we do not cross fine finally we have the radio communication acknowledge a thousand feet instructions 787 let's turn it to ai so the finally tower has acknowledged us it has seen us in trouble 63 df636 250 degrees 17.2 nautical miles away um let's increase the speed now i'll just increase the speed i'll just keep it here we'll go into it just altitude to 30.09 we are we are now turn on um turned off the standard option and we have moved into the parametric pressure so that we have proper altitude on the flight directory let's keep it here still we have room to descend so nothing to worry about one more thing um move on to here the radio communication part press this option nav and you can see the ils frequency 110.95 course is 70. so let's enter the course of the runway over here and there are two basically knobs one is for the bank and another one is for the heading set the heading to 70. this option will come in handy once we are trying to align ourselves with the runway so move it to 70. here you go 19500 before these turns i will reduce the speed further before these two turns to 220 roughly and then i will also lower the flaps as now we are near the runway due to this frequency 110.95 the ils frequency you can see the ils guides have also appeared on the the fd the flight display so these two diamonds should be in the middle the horizontal and the vertical one and maintain one zero thousand feet so these two diamonds will provide us the guide that we are heading right straight to the runway in the proper direction we are vertically and horizontally aligned with the runway okay so so everything is good so far landings are tricky in microsoft flight simulator the moment you try to land your plane it just bounces back like a tennis ball hopefully today i am able to do a good landing thousand feet i was saying in just like my few videos back that you know microsoft flight simulator is really starting to test my simulation skills though i was very bad at landings but not that bad that my plane starts bouncing on the runway like a tennis ball let's see if it happens today or not let's reduce the speed let's keep it at 220. you can see the speed is not reducing so we will adjust the vertical speed so that the plane starts to reduce the speed as you can see i've reduced the vertical speed the rate of descent has reduced the speed has started to reduce so this is how you can control your speed and if required further you can apply the bricks you can use spoilers can i lower the flaps okay the flaps provide drag and lift so if you want to reduce the speed um speed of the plane air brakes yes this is an option but you cannot use it all the time and just like just for a momentarily if you want to control your speed the way i did it right now and then for the proper procedures for the proper landing your flaps should be there the flaps provide the drag which helps in reducing and controlling the speed of the plane and they also provide additional lift at the lower speeds so the flaps are down and the speed is controlled and you can see the plane is now turning in a proper way following all the fly all the the waypoints if i further reduce the vertical speed over here to i keep it to minus 2000 which means increasing the rate of descent the speed will not increase now because we have our flaps flaps are providing drag which is helping the plane to reduce the speed and we have some great x-ray 787 is out of 11 400 feet for a thousand feet okay so we are now going to contact the approach zero seven three zero decimal zero seven good where is the airport can we see it or to be seen okay so we are now at 8 000 feet let's further reduce the speed let's keep it at 180 because i want flaps i want to reduce the speed and the flaps are at 18. switch to map zoom in and here's the runway seven right so df df652651 so these are the waypoints that we have to cross the plane is leveling off at uh 8 000. we should be roughly at uh 4000 feet to catch the glideslope 4000 so let's further this end set the altitude to 4000 so that we can catch the glide slope 4 000 there you go i don't know why this thing is happening it should just take the input one one time anyhow you have to press it twice if this diamond is is over here it means we are coming very high we are at a higher altitude and if this diamond is over here it means we are at a lower altitude so as soon as we start to approach towards 4 000 let's uh further increase the descend and you can see the diamond moving up which means we have properly aligned ourselves with the runway this is the you can see the diamond is moving up it means that we are going to catch the glide slope for the ils at the right point so this diamond should be here heading i've done that before thank you very much for telling me descend and maintain 4 000 feet boeing 787. okay so it's a time to go for the heading selector yeah we will not be using lav anymore we will use the heading selector the runway is [Music] 7 0 so let's synchronize to current heading heading selector on so now the plane will be aligning itself uh with with this heading and will not be following the nav option anymore so we have to turn on the heading because the heading of the roadway is seven zero now the diamond has moved up it means we are below the glide slope and as soon as we are near the runway this time will will move up if the diameter is above this line it's not an issue not a big issue the big issue is over here let's further reduce the speed let's keep it at 150 because we will be landing at 140. oops let's keep it at 150 initially okay let's hit the app button because now the diamond is in the middle lower the gears as soon as we have uh hit the app button while uh this diamond was in the middle the plane is now following the ils and will align itself with runway and will start the descent automatically okay let's further reduce the speed at this point i will do one thing uh we'll just uh go here and i'll go to assists and i'll turn all turn on all the assists okay why i'm doing the assessing i am not using assist for the landing because obviously we're using the ils and the approach we know where we are going i'm using this for the taxi after the landing because on the runways you need airport charts to to really see where you're going and in this simulator the assist help you in finding the gateway you have to park your plane so only for this option i'm using this but as soon as i've turned on the assist you can see that we are landing assist will correct the throttle and the pitch to help you land easily it also manages the flaps and alpha sierra x-ray seven eight seven inbound ils zulu runway seven right approach follow guidelines and land on designated rundown so even if you want to practice landing you can use this option speed is reducing going to one two one decimal six five times i want further flaps because the speed is not reducing yes let's hit on the brakes i need brakes because the speed should be at one forty seven eight seven cleared to land runway seven right win clear to land runway seven right boeing 787 i think the assists have messed up the whole system the speed is not getting less than 7170 i'll turn off the autopilot i'll disengage everything i'll take the matters into my own hand i'll turn off the auto throttle everything should be off now it's manual the speed is reducing as you can see let's switch the cam to landing mode so that i can see where i'm going gears are down everything is looking good order to reduce the speed during landing just uh pitch up the nose and the speed will be controlled very fast i was coming in very fast it will just bounce back and the disaster strikes happens every time no matter no matter how careful you are no matter what you do somehow the overspeed thing is to slow down the aircraft okay i'm pressing down the joystick button five amazing amazing amazing anyhow [Laughter] flaps set to ground configuration okay this one plane and this one flight you shouldn't be in okay now you can see the moment we have landed uh the the uh the assist has started to show us the light which will lead us towards the gate though you can see it over here as well but it's very difficult to figure it out where to go whether to turn left or right and where the actual gate is so that's why we will follow this guide so that's why we have turned on the assist so that we know where the gate is zero five uh is there any checklist for the landing yes the checklist is only for the takeoff not for the landing but we know the flaps are back have i don't know why this plane is parked over here maybe somebody just forgot oh waiting for the take-off frankfurt ground boeing alpha sierra x-ray seven eight seven taxi to the gate alpha sierra x-ray seven eight seven taxi to gate bravo two eight november boeing 787. i'm just waiting for this plane to move if if it doesn't move then we have to take matters into our own hands we have been taking matters into our own hands especially at the time of landing why is it waiting for the clearance we can pass through this plane the best part about on-screen guidance taxi yes that's what i'm doing it doesn't make a difference okay the plane disappeared itself lots of traffic at frankfurt airport right now so that's how you take c to the gate always turn on the assist after landing and this will follow you to the gate it will be easy for you to maneuver the plane through the runways and the taxi bays i've exceeded the 20 knot speed plane was taking off from there when i left the runway okay so where is the gate i think there is a race going on should i stop should i let him go at the boeing 787 going to the gate further for the parking because of these taxiway navigation is because of these assists the taxing is like the fun part in microsoft flight similar i really enjoy doing that it was no fun in explaining 11 because you had to consult the airport charts and plus for the default planes you couldn't even see anything on the and the display over here so it was very difficult to figure it out where to go after landing and but these assist lines really help you in finding the gate so it's very easy it's it's more fun this plane is sparking at the gate i think this is our gate okay let's move how it is it's a steep left hand i hope i'm able to turn this is the gate we have to be yes you can see these blue markings so this is my gate patience is a virtue the for the pushback is there we have the jet way connection available and this gate i think we'll also have an external power van think the moment we i'm just at the gate it will all turn green so that's the advantage of using the assists oh my god this was not really good we should have stand from here i don't know why anyhow it the plane should have been like this okay so once uh parked what i'll do i will turn off the engines right engine fuel control to cut off no not to start okay and other engine off because now we have landed oops continue okay so it's normal the engines are off and everything is good so far now turn on the batteries are already on no we don't we don't need apu we need the external power so can i call for the external power um let's check frankfurt eti's clearance remain in pattern depart straight out depart north depart about about could you please send a fuel truck yes the engines could you please send a ground power unit x-ray 787 could you please send the baggage falling alpha sierra x-ray 787 package is on the way jetway connection let's see frankfurt mowing alpha sierra x-ray seventeen oh it worked wow as long as we have the jet for connection we don't have to worry about uh so that's it everybody thank you very much for staying with me it was really fun uh flying from heathrow to frankfurt and uh i really enjoyed doing this flight today and i'm still in the learning phase um uh learning quite a few tricks and this is it so far what i've learned with the boeing 787 obviously in the coming few days i will be doing more flights with 787 and i'll try to make more videos for you if i learn something new i will uh share a video with you if you have any question do comment in the comment section if you want to comment on the video or do if you have any further information which you think you can share with me which can help me make better videos you're most welcome to comment on the section and please don't forget to subscribe to my channel thank you very much for staying with me
Channel: Atif Ahmad
Views: 37,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fligh Plan, X Plane 11 Flight Plan, Airbus A320, Airbus A320 Neo, A320 Neo, Flight Plan, MSFS, MSFS 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, MSFS Flight Plan, MSFS 2020 Tutorial, MSFS 2020 Flight Plan, A320 Neo Startup, Starting Airbus A320 Neo, Starting A320, Starting A320 Neo, Plane Startup, Startup Checklist, MCDU, Programing the MCDU, Pushback, Taxi, Take Off, TakeOff, Autopilot, ILS, ILS Approach, Landing, Boeing 787, MSFS 2020 Boeing 787
Id: d40322oPHLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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