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like and subscribe right now before dream and george break up here he is serious oh it's so easy to keep an eye on him because he no yes [Music] come here guys come to the end come in wait we're getting stuff we're getting stuff together help [Music] hurry where are you i'm grabbing tools just hold him up come here oh dang it he's at the end of the thing look for the oh my gosh oh hello dream oh my gosh [Music] oh my goodness i think i'm gonna be able to kill him oh he's got bread okay come on oh dream oh okay that that was not good will that hurt no come here stop guys guys get over here where are you i'm trying we're getting stuff in the village he's oh my goodness i'm so low hurry hurry he has bread i can't kill him he's got a bread oh my god no we're [Music] okay that should be good oh hello give me some blocks give me some blocks watch out oh he's telling me something broke the shield careful just safe uh safe bridge if we just keep blocking the shield there's like nothing you can do right yeah okay so just block sit bridge safely um bad watch him he's coming he's coming careful careful [Music] oh my gosh if you guys come over here i'm just gonna knock you off i hope you're ready stand up here's the plan all we have to do you build i'll watch okay take these take this i'm watching um i'm blocking i'll tell you if he's coming over and we just have to go really close to him with our shields and then he can't knock us off and then we're just gonna create him out he's trying to come to you keep blocking [Music] if i turn the place blocks it's to hit me just be careful we don't need this box we can we can just use the shield we he can't hit us we don't need placebox anymore we don't need to even build safely we just get really close dude come here get over here now we're coming i'm so oh my gosh oh my goodness that was so close tap nap i'm way behind you oh my god i got so scared slow down slow down if you need to because he he got george's stuck go back just muffin him how have i not even gotten like any armor or anything i can't get rid of you just lock on him i'm really close to him he's going uh towards the room portal just go straight okay i'm on my way to that portal yes funny enough my compass points directly to us he's getting a chance he's getting interested i don't know what was in here oh he's terry wait remember guys guys where are you we're on our way hurry okay he's getting uh gold the gold that was above the thingy oh oh oh oh yeah get blocks okay you can see him crafting something he doesn't he doesn't have a he doesn't have a bucket does he so he's crafting something yeah mlg water he doesn't have a bucket he can't mlg water we block him off in this little thing and he's just done are you watching him yeah i can see him right now he can't now i found i can't [Music] yeah we're trying to get blocks guys he's got like full armor now it's fine how much oh my goodness guys we only have like 15 minutes left in a hurry hurry up and uh block the outside um i actually food i need food uh i have a little bit of bread do you need some how do we only have a little bit of bread where did all the bread go because i gave it a bunch of stuff and died 30 times ah this is not good he's going up further he's fine why is he going keep walking guys we have 15 minutes this is perfect he can't get down i think this should be good so just make it high enough so we can't like tower out really quick the clock is ticking tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick thank you mr uh dream clock okay perfect um i'm making a bet all right guys get the tools oh you want i'm gonna put it in this little cave so that he can't jump to it or you can't like jump on what is he doing up there is he just waiting for the time for now yeah what things could he do he could uh you can do the the boat strategy the better the best strategy he can live so just uh i mean okay okay george is getting stoned right now oh no i was gonna say should we put water down for us but he'll just jump down okay you have any dirt i mean yeah dirt i do not oh i have a little bit yeah okay i think we're good are you ready to tower here take that i'm gonna mine some more he is obsidian what what could you do with obsidian uh i have no idea okay give me something what is he doing oh my gosh he's burning his tower he's literally gonna burn his house are you kidding me it's not gonna burn all the way down yeah you shouldn't be able to hear snap nap take this where are you over here i'm getting dirt here this is i got a nice seat warmer here it's nice and toasty it feels real nice yeah i bet it does build a um a bridge up there like a uh a roundabout thingy okay so that we can go up quicker give me all your blocks talk tick tock go go go go this isn't man i don't have to rehearse i can just sit here go go oh my goodness this is going to be close we need to hurry get out look what i got oh my gosh careful if they tp two endermen they can't hit us they can't hit us i mean how useful is this though i dream i sap them use the bed right yeah again oh i'm making you a student no no i'm coming here [Music] wait what just get out yeah go go go go go go go go take this stuff again let's go repeatedly get him give me the brother whoa here we go go go everything [Music] oh i don't know this is going to be very close [Music] this is perfect [Music] outside the box in case he jumps i got one george i'm chucking it down take it and make food with it wait what are you doing do not place it do not place it i'm right here oh no i'm standing here i know i landed on here i'm just gonna head back um i'm just up down here my what do i do guys hurry hurry oh my gosh oh my god i'm a creeper oh no how how did he know i'm going up i'm going yes ah dang it [Music] we're rushing we need to be calm just be calm be calm oh there's another oh wait that's weird oh this is done this is completely done wait is he going up higher how wait did he who gave him baby what you're just gonna hide in the tippy top of the tower oh i'm going up to him look at me way out match [Music] still are you almost on him come on he's going back up that trip he's looking down he's done oh my goodness guys 30 seconds 30 seconds right all right is four five you
Channel: Dream's Dad
Views: 761,717
Rating: 4.9269924 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream minecraft, dream 200 iq, dream 200 iq plays, dream speedrun minecraft, dream minecraft speedrun, dream minecraft manhunt, dream face reveal, dream minecraft hunter, dream minecraft monday, dream minecraft but, dreamxd, dreamxd unboxing, dream exposed, dream response, dream minecraft but the, minecraft funny moments, minecraft 1.16, minecraft nether update, minecraft glitches, minecraft update, dream best moments, badboyhalo, manhunt, hunters, georgenotfound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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