Dream Refusing To Die For 13 Minutes Straight (10,000 IQ)

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fight us time oh my god where is he he's so done i just want to see him die come on oh he's on the edge of a lava pool oh my god get him what what are you doing oh my god what how just build a boot [Music] oh my god serious fancy bouncy bounce guys guys literally he's here he's here oh my god come on come on don't get drunk wait for us wait for us i know hurry i literally he's already built the portal what stop he said how are you oinking today sir it doesn't mean anything yes it does oh my god get out of here walking around oh hello good sir oh come on come here oh no no no no [Music] skeleton come on dream hello with it george he's killing me no i'm walking walking back you're back you're walking no no kill him get him [Music] oh don't spam it don't spam it i forget there's no way he made fire resistance he made heart resistance no way we beat you come here come here oh my skin you were like stuck where'd you go i left here oh he's down there oh my god he just destroyed that map he just completely i'm nervous i'm nervous should be come on come on come on [Music] what what no no no no what was that i'm just gonna kill one more blaze and then i i think i will have enough to come back to the portal and make my way downtown oh get in yes yes yes no get in get in he's how did he survive oh my god go go go go go oh my goodness mlg get him where'd he go he went this way i have gone over the scenarios in my head and there are 6.96969 billion outcomes and only one of them do i win [Music] okay doctor strange like the odds are in our favor then [Music] you just come in it was taking a time drew i am really off there's no helping it you will die what what what what george [Music] no yes what what just happened yes oh my god what was that that worked yes no way not over it's not over literally you're dead george bye bye george team one yes all right bye dream all right bye dream where am i how you still alive where am i oh i mean where are you you're in the middle of how are you still alive ooh ooh dream did you land on the cobble i don't know what you should come through or not because it kills me [Music] [Music] oh my god i'm so close to him come here come here come here he's such a little nimble acrobat oh you see him he's going up the mountain oh you guys are right behind him stay on him oh my gosh what oh he has nowhere to go nowhere to run you are done dream [Music] oh he's going down where is he going oh what did you see him i didn't say it's too oh my god oh my god that was so close where is he oh he's looking like he's under he's like he's an underwater cave he's going to see that map is he oh no there's not where is he he might drown how's he oh there's a cave here oh we blocked it in is it i got him you don't you literally die oh yes yes yes this is it this is bad i've got it wait what no no what what yes what happened what happened no what how did you die you could be nearby wait you guys smell that i hear you he's like right here he's in the ceiling what oh he's there can we can we cover that up oh watch out watch out watch out careful come here oh [Music] the iron oh he's there oh my god oh what come here dream kill him oh oh my goodness minus mine go go go wait hold on bad bad bad so much we need to go back to it we don't want to take our iron we do not want him okay go back go back that's true let's go oh wait there's uh there's oh my goodness no i'm getting cinnamon there's diamonds in this this minecart oh my gosh oh okay literally had you okay you're gonna have to stop and eat at some point oh dream how do you have that it's your vote this is your vote from earlier are you flipping kidding me no how far away am i what are the calls oh my goodness don't don't stop now do not go up in that thing i'm taking the chances quick no no no please please drink drink die [Music] come on the garments just get the diamonds oh mine is iron oh should we chase him or get the diamond chase him okay wait where'd he go oh he's going he's going back down he's at the diamonds stop him no no diamonds what ah do you have a pick i have my pick ah one how many diamonds did he get i found you bob okay wait wait wait don't let him get the rest of the diamonds let's get the numbers get the diamonds get the diamonds hold on what there's the iron over here make [Music] ah [Music] oh my god oh my god no yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] he's right there where i see him oh i see him i see him go go i swear to god oh my god oh my god oh my god he did not just do it how did he do that what where am i please yes yes oh my god you're such an idiot no it's not going to hit you it's going to hit me no way how are you going to get it past me there's no way you're screwed your room you're screwed it's over [Music] what are you doing get back yes [Applause] wait what george he survived no way what don't you idiot you were go ahead come on over take your chances do you have a bow [Music] oh my goodness did you just jump off i saw that dang it you son of a gun you better ride
Channel: PurpleMatter
Views: 7,383,105
Rating: 4.8889065 out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream 1000 iq plays, dream best moments, dream iq plays, dream best plays, dream high iq plays, dream clutch moments, dream big brain, dream funny moments, dream being genius, dream minecraft, minecraft
Id: Py8GfRf3bzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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