Dream Interpretation with John E. Thomas

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well hello how's everybody doing i hope you are doing well hope you're ready for our live broadcast today we're going to be doing some dream interpretation and i am excited about that i i love doing dream interpretation i've actually been working over the last couple days uh really yesterday i spent a lot of time yesterday working on our new dream elements book we are putting together a book that is going to be kind of a dream dictionary but not your normal dream dictionary a lot of dream dictionaries they'll tell you well this element means this this element means this and and you just kind of have this equals this what i'm trying to do with this book is instead of just telling you what to think i want to tell you how to think about dream elements and really train uh those that read this book on how to understand different elements so that when you run into an element that we don't talk about in the book because i mean the book's not going to be every element that's possible it's going to have some of them you'll have the tools that you need to be able to figure out what that element might mean in a different dream when you run into that weird element that just you don't see very often so it's going to be a lot of fun and uh our editor that is working on this when i sent her the manuscript she's been working through this she works with us and on most almost everything that i write actually and she was saying that as she was working on this book her dream life just exploded so it's going to be fun we're it's going to be a couple months before we're ready to put it out but i'm sure you'll be seeing more as we go forward we'll we'll be letting you know how things are going and where we're at on the process as we are moving forward so really excited about that possibility and what that might look like um i also i want to make sure that you know about our dream internships as you guys are coming in a couple people have already started making comments we got people from las vegas athens georgia south africa let us know where you're coming from as you're hopping on to the live stream um if if you have not heard about our dream internships this is something that we have done for very long time actually the last time we did it was when the offices were up in new hampshire when i was living up in new hampshire so this was 2004 2005 uh 2006 we would have dream internships where people could come and spend some time in the office as we had a specific place that was set aside for people to be able to work on their dreams and talk with other dreamers talk through their dreams and be able to get some feedback be mentored in dream interpretation and we're going to be doing that again we're going to be setting aside we've got a week set aside in the beginning of september so we're going to put a link up in the youtube comments so that you'll be able to see it but if you're creating on facebook and you're looking there you can go right to our website streamsministries.com look at the calendar and scroll through till you get to the end of august the beginning of september and you will see two things on there dream internships and dream intensive dream interpretation intensive the the dream internship is going to be an opportunity those that register and this is very limited because we we can't have a bunch of people because we want to make sure that we're able to spend time with each person and and answer questions and help them develop their dream interpretation so it's this is it's gonna be all week long monday through friday uh you'll be able to come in we have places here in the offices where you'll be able to sit we you can be working on your own dreams or we can provide dreams we've got a bunch of people and i'm sure you guys will be sending in dreams uh we always have plenty of dreams that could be interpreted and you'll be able to work on a dream figure out an interpretation and then share it with somebody and get feedback on that interpretation see how you did on it they'll they'll help to point out certain things that that maybe you could have done a little bit better maybe you could have well what about this piece or just say wow that was really amazing i really like how you brought this piece up give you that good feedback that's really going to help take you to the next level in dream interpretation so you'll be here you'll be part of what's going on in the offices our prayer room is going to be open the whole time so you're interpreting dreams and you just want to go spend some time worshiping and lay in the presence of the lord our prayer room is astounding you'll have the opportunity to be able to do that interact with with different ones in the staff i will be i will be here interacting periodically throughout that week and make sure that i spend time with everybody that comes talking through uh different things maybe spending some q a time with everybody and and making sure that you get an opportunity to grow and then we're gonna end that week with a saturday dream interpretation intensive so people that come to the dream internship when you come for that monday through friday you get to stick around for the saturday and there's no registration for that we're going to include you in that but anybody can come we're going to open this up much bigger as as large as our classroom will allow us so around 100 people that we're going to let come for the dream interpretation intensive and that's going to be an all-day dream interpretation extravaganza if you've ever seen the the dream labs that we do where we're interpreting dreams together and then there's feedback we're talking through them we're not going to be doing doing this to film like a dream lab episode so we'll be able to spend a lot more time answering questions we're going to have prophetic activations we're going to be doing dream teams and we're going to have an opportunity for you to be on a dream team work through interpretation and everybody that comes through that will will be getting dreams interpreted so you're going to want to bring dreams with you at least one dream probably more than that depending on how many exercises we're able to do and it'll be a lot of fun so these these these things they're set aside specifically for people that have taken some of the dream interpretation classes so to be able to come to the dream internship you have to have at least gone through either the understanding dreams and visions course that we have available on our website you can take it live or if you haven't taken it live already you can take it on our website or you could have gone through the streams academy module last year when we did interpreting dreams and visions which is i believe module five uh module five we go through the process of dream interpretation and the point is this this is we're not going to be laying a foundation on how to interpret dreams this is really for people that are starting to interpret dreams but they want to go to the next step they they've taken the classes they've learned something they're practicing and they're realizing with a little bit of help with a little bit of impartation a little bit of opportunity to get my questions answered i'll be able to get better at dream interpretation we want to raise up an army of dream interpreters because when we do these dream interpretations like this we always have way more dreams than what we're able to get to and it's it's difficult just just my personal way i would love to interpret every single one of them but just the capacity and the time that we have we were not able to do that and do the other things that god has clearly told us to do but if we can begin to multiply and raise up many more interpreters then that many more people will be able to have their dreams interpreted so we're going to have that opportunity one of the things we're talking about we're going to see how this works we may even have an opportunity for those that come to the internship to do a little bit of an outreach to go out on the streets and interpret dreams out on the streets with one of our team members that's been to burning man and some of the other outreaches that we've done for for inter dream interpretation so it'll be a lot of fun and if you're interested make sure that you sign up we already have people um that have signed up for it as we we announced it once a couple weeks ago or three weeks ago and we had people calling before we finished the live asking if they can sign up so if you're planning on coming to the to the internship make sure that you register for it right away because it's gonna go quickly we we haven't even announced it on our email yet i wanted to make sure because with so many people interested in dream interpretation on these videos that this is where we talked about it first but it'll be coming out on our email and you'll start seeing a little bit more about it until we sell out and then we'll we won't be talking about it quite as much but we we're looking forward to being able to sew in and see where that goes well let's let's step into some of these dreams i am we're going to do some dream interpretation and i'm seeing uh sheree or sherry dewitt's you you put in a dream a couple times so you're you're wanting to make sure that i see it and i saw it so we're gonna get to your dream first and this is fun with our the new system that we're using i can actually put the dream up on the screen so that everybody can see it and as other uh comments come in i don't actually lose the dream so that's going to be helpful so sherry you said this i was dressed in a military uniform awaiting the okay to board a military cargo plane to go on a mission my mom was there she passed away january the 13th and she had an illest ileostomy bag ileostomy bag um so it is something that she didn't have in real life now i do not know what that is it sounds to me just the that phrase it sounds like it's some type of a medical thing um probably some some man-made way to to help with the digestive system in some way but i i really don't know what kind of bag that is so i'm just gonna i'm gonna leave it general about something a medical condition um so let's let's take a look at this military uniform military has to do with warfare in this uh your mom's already passed away this is not physical warfare this is not saying that you're going to be being trained you need to go enlist in the armed forces in any way necessarily this is talking about spiritual warfare and you are in a uniform which means you're already prepared you're already ready you you know that there's spiritual warfare going on and you are prepared and you're ready to go and you're actually going you're going to be going out on a mission so something god is going to be sending you a strategy for spiritual warfare with something specific that you're going to be part of accomplishing so military cargo plane usually team goes on the plane to go to the mission but there's nothing in this dream about a team so you don't want to assume the team but leave that open because it might be god will clarify that if that's the case in this particular situation for you but there is a mission you're going to be going you're going to be doing something in spiritual warfare accomplishing something and it's related to what happened to your mother now this you said that this bag is not something that she actually had in waking life so it's not saying that you're you're going to be dealing with the specific thing that happened to her but that kind of situation your mom passed something happened that caused her to pass and god's going to be training you in spiritual warfare and increasing your capacity and there are specific things that he has for you to accomplish in that that's related to what happened to your mom and specifically to physical healing healing issues for physical healing so that is that is fun let's see we have ann creel and you said this i was underground with two people and there was a demon or monster that was trying to make its way to the surface we had to get ahead of the demon and get to the surface before it according to law okay so there's there's something of the enemy that's trying to be released but you're recognizing and and law can mean um the ways of god the the principles of god um i'm trying to discern if this is well how how literal that that peace is and if it's something that's from the lord or if it is if it's something else um sometimes we have dreams that are there there's some part of our own understanding that that gets drawn up so not every dream that we have is a dream from god some are dreams from god some are dreams from ourselves things that we're thinking things that we're expecting maybe ways that we see things and sometimes they're there to reveal to us what we're thinking because we don't realize what we're thinking or what we believe and then sometimes it's just our soul is so strong that it's actually speaking and generating those dreams and then there's the the dreams from the enemy and that that thought because i'm looking at the you know a law of being able to get to the surface before the demon there's nothing in scripture that says that that's a law so you can't look at that and say well this is the way that it is but is it is there something that god is communicating within that and that's the that's the question that i'm trying to figure out and it feels like there is there's something that god's communicating in this and again um you're recognizing something that's under the surface that the enemy wants to bring and cause it and you're realizing that it is essential that it's important that it's right for you to bring things to the surface before the enemy has an opportunity to bring them to the surface something that's underground is something that's hidden or not seen so there's something hidden or not seen that the enemy wants to bring to the surface but you have something to bring out into the light to bring to the surface before the enemy does and it's important because it has to do with the ways of god it's it's going to defeat the plan of the enemy if you're able to do that so that is that is fun okay let's see mary mary you said a drone came into my bedroom window through the window i picked it up and took it to my husband who noticed some details and informed the sender it was at our home so drone is is some kind of a remote control um you know being able to fly through um something that that belongs to somebody else that somebody else is controlling but it's not them but it gives them access gives them gives them sight they can uh most drones not all drones but drones oh you're able to actually whether or not it's recording but it's how you're able to know where you're going and be able to see that type of a thing so um there's some type of of remote viewing that's going on and and basically it's saying that that people are are accessing some private areas of your life you're recognizing it you're seeing it and between you and your husband you're you're bringing that to the surface and holding the boundaries hey this is yours this isn't ours um you need to take this back this is this is not uh it's not something that is belonging in our home and so it has to do with boundaries it has to do with recognizing other people trying to access private things um without permission like there's been something that was left open that allowed them to do that so it's not a malicious thing but it's something that does need to be dealt with and communicated and your husband having um that role as the husband is going to be able to handle that situation when it happens okay let's look at this elinga elinda you said i was in an apartment of some people that i knew and i was filling up some smaller lamps with oil the oil in my container never ran out when i got done the man said that i could keep the lamps so this reminds me of the story out of scripture where the the woman is in need and elisha tells her hey go grab some grab your oil that you have borrow as many vessels as you can fill up all the vessels there was a supernatural multiplication now oil usually represents the holy spirit or anointing the the word to anoint in the hebrew is to be smeared with oil or to be touched by oil it's it's somebody that's been anointed with oil and so the idea of an anointing is a metaphor anointing with oil as a metaphor for the anointing of the holy spirit so god has released something now why a lamp a lamp produces light illumination which reveals things that's revelation so this in this situation this is this is a metaphor for the prophetic gifting so you have been given an anointing to awaken prophetic giftings in others and because of that there is prophetic gifting there's revelation that you're going to be given that you're going to be able to keep so as you pour out what god has given you into others and and it affects them you're also going to be yourself receiving revelation and have an inheritance of revelation and so i don't know if that man is the lord specifically but it's someone that represents the lord so that is a really good uh dream rachel rachel here's your dream i'm holding my twin sister's newborn she doesn't actually have a baby in waking life that suddenly went limp and slipped out of my arms i picked him back up and he suddenly woke up and sneezed in my face three times so a newborn of your sister but in waking life she doesn't actually have a child hmm well here's here's a fun thing about that children babies in dreams often talk about something that somebody is bringing into the world it could be a task it could be a vision it could be a business it could be a ministry it could be a child but it's usually it's something that that that person is responsible to cultivate to nurture to bring it into a place and so there's something that your sister has been called to do that you're helping her with but it doesn't have the strength and so because it it didn't have the strength that was expected it went limp the muscles weren't holding it in in its normal form so it just went lim and and it's actually been lost in some ways but you've been able to pick it up and see it and and that thing about sneezing in the face three times there there's another picture in this where um i believe it was elisha when the the the widows not the widow's son but the woman's son the woman that created the upper room for him um for a life hazy when they would stop by and then he prophesies that she's going to have a son she has a son and then later when he's older that son passes away and he comes and he resurrects the son if i remember correctly the son sneezes when he's resurrected i know i know that there's a resurrection story in scripture where the person being resurrected sneezes when they get resurrected i'm pretty sure that's the story it's been uh it's been a little bit since i've read it so but there is a story of that clearly in scripture so there's something that's being given life that's being resurrected so something that didn't have the strength to be able to be maintained um god's gonna use you to help to resurrect that for your sister it's not yours it's your sisters but you're going to be a part of bringing it back to life bringing it back to now and seeing it have the potential to fulfill what it was intended to fulfill so that is that's that's fun that's fun let's see here um is that kendall in i'm not sure if that's kindling or sindelin depending on if that c is is hard or soft i dreamt that i was looking at the sky and saw a baby attached to an umbilical cord in the sky so again baby is something that is being brought into the world that's being birthed but this is a little bit different this is not i saw my baby it's just a baby and so whose baby is it it's in the sky so this is something spiritual god is birthing something in the spirit and and heaven itself is giving it the nutrients that it needs to to come into that place of life when a baby is still attached to the umbilical cord it is not ready to to have its own strength it is absolutely reliant it's not fully developed yet absolutely reliant on its mother and so there's something you're seeing something that god is going to be bringing forth something spiritual that is going to be bringing forth it's not quite quite time yet heaven is still nurturing this and bringing it to bear now why would you see that it's so that you would pray this is one of those dreams that is an invitation for you to begin to pray and as you pray i have a feeling that god is going to start to explain to you a little bit more about what that baby is because this could be anything it seems to be some kind of a move of the spirit something that's coming from heaven that heaven is developed heaven is cultivating and heaven is nurturing and and it's completely reliant on god's presence on heaven on the sky for it to be able to have the nutrients in the life that it has it has no life on its own but it's the life of god that's in it and you're being shown this so that you'll pray and it'll have its full intention that heaven gave it all right jessica i had a recurring dream that i'm going to fly out to south carolina or florida in the last stream my pastor boarded but there was no room for me i'm packed ready and have several blue beautiful clothes so this is a dream that you've had a couple different times and you're going to be flying to south carolina or florida it's without there being a clear one or the other i don't know that you can make too much about what those mean if it was only one or only the other you'd try to try to figure out well what does south carolina mean or what does florida mean but because it's just general it seems like and you you know obviously you're going to have to correct me but this is some place that you're not living now so it's either south or it's east because those are in the southeast um basically south carolina it's moving towards the southeast it's considered the southeast or the south so there there's something about the south the southeast that that's um you know maybe is that a warmer than where you live is that a vacation area uh for you but it is it's specifically about some type of a ministry thing which is why your pastor is involved so there's something that you're going to be going to there there's there's an invitation for you to go somewhere so flying so you're going somewhere this is a spiritual journey it's why your pastor is involved and you're you're not ready for where you're going to go um well let me clarify you're ready but it says that there is no room so in the last one um your pastor boards but there's no room for you but you're packed and ready so there's a destiny that's on your life and you are prepared you're ready for it but the timing is not quite right the room that you're going to fit in is not been prepared there's not room for you yet you are ready you are prepared so don't lose heart but begin to pray and ask god to show you where there is room for what he's called you to do because this destiny it's it's something he's already got you ready for it and and for him to continually be speaking on it there's something there's a response that's from you this stream doesn't say what that response would be but if he's giving it to you and a recurring and this is coming up again and again there's something that he's inviting and he will make it clear if you begin to ask so now you know there's destiny and you're ready there's just not room now father what is it that i need to do to step into what you have prepared me for what do i need to see what do i need to respond to what action do i need to take and that's the response that that you can do in this season charity charity robinson i dreamt that god said my mother's death is not to harm me but to propel me my mom passed away on april the 30th and i'm devastated charity this is god trying to help you to work through the the grief that you're feeling it's it's difficult and it's hard you've lost somebody that you loved but but god did not do this to you it's not because you did something wrong this is not a punishment this is something that god is going to use to take you somewhere that you need to go to propel you forward it it's not something it says in romans chapter 8 that god causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose it doesn't say that he makes all things happen but once it happens he causes it to work together for your good and so this as hard as it is and as difficult as it is as you work through this grief and you open up your heart to the lord don't let your heart get bitter because he did not do this to harm you he's going to use this to propel you forward into your destiny so so take heart because god is for you he is not against you and and he he is not judging you in this situation so don't allow those negative thoughts to have a place because they are lies this is the truth the truth is god is is going to use this to propel you forward in the calling and the destiny that very calling and destiny that you are so passionate about and you are asking him for he's going to use this to propel you forward so let's see here monsieur i'm not sure if there's the the two syllables or one syllable but we'll go with that okay i'm in a classroom with some friends and a handsome guy with dark curly hair comes to be and confesses his love he gives me a cinnamon bark and asked me to be his girlfriend then he ends me a box of love letters okay so the the context is you're in a classroom with friends so there's something for something for you to learn um what what's here's a key is the cinnamon bark and the the cinnamon bark is is key because if you look in the song of songs um the the picture of cinnamon or cassia which is a relative of cinnamon very similar to cinnamon uh is used uh multiple times in that to talk about the lord and there is an invitation for you to realize that there's this whole box of love letters that have already been written you don't realize how much he has been pursuing you and all the things that he already thinks about you but god is bringing you into a place of understanding and of learning that he loves that he loves you you you may love him but he loves you and he's pursuing you and he wants that place of intimacy with you and he's going to reveal to you how much that that means to him the love letters have already been written but you're going to start to see them and recognize them and experience them so that is that is really fun that is an encouragement valerie valerie bowman my sister and i ride a motorcycle to grandma's we hide money at grandma's a guy tries to kill her for the money he has a scorpion tail and so do i he tried to paralyze me but it didn't work i tie him up without using my tail well i'm i'm hesitating on this one a little bit because of the scorpion tale uh there's not a place that i well there's there's not a place in scripture ever where scorpions are a positive thing so i'm trying to figure out what that what that's talking about but let's look at the overall context and then we'll get to that point you know one that this is about a spiritual inheritance that is in your family line it's your sister and you and it's your grandmother and so money has to do with inheritance has to do with favor so there's something that that you have now you're you're riding a motorcycle but it seems that you said a motorcycle not motorcycles so it's not you're each riding your own motorcycle but you're both riding a motorcycle to your grandmother so this is something that is it's individual it's specific it's not a it's not a big thing where where a lot of people are coming along um there's some independence that's there but there's a spiritual inheritance that's in your family and the enemy is trying to steal that inheritance and you ha you have the potential to respond in like manner using wrong ways of fighting in the enemy's strategies the enemies sting but you don't do it instead you actually respond in the right way you don't use your tail but you bind up the enemy and stop him tie him up bind up the enemy and stop him from this attack against the spiritual inheritance so this stream just to summarize and clarify a little bit the spiritual inheritance that you and your sister are starting to recognize and starting to value you're seeing how the enemy has come against your family generationally trying to steal this inheritance and you're fighting back and even though there's there was the potential for you to respond incorrectly respond in the enemy's ways you did not but you responded rightly and you've bound the enemy and that is a really good thing because that attack is stopping on your family because you responded rightly and you've been able to bind the enemy so be encouraged with that martha martha um let's see what's the meaning of being carried with no shoes on or someone carrying you on their back so not having shoes on um it could be about comfort but being carried and not having shoes on shoes usually talk about being equipped to walk out what you have and so you you don't have you you don't necessarily have the equipment that you need to do what you need to do to get you where you're going but someone is going to carry you is going to help you to get there and it feels like this is actually an encouragement from the lord you don't feel equipped for what you know that you're supposed to do but it's not about you being equipped it's about you um relying on leaning on the lord's strength and he's going to take you to where you need to go it's not about your ability it's about his ability that's going to get you there okay um chiamaka i fell on the floor without anything or anyone pushing me and i hit my head so loudly on the floor it sounded so loud i thought i broke my head but i didn't i got up but two of my side teeth were removed okay so there was something that happened in your life that created a fall and you thought that it was totally damaging but it actually wasn't a terminal issue it wasn't as big of an issue as what you thought but what it did do is it's left you with less understanding than what you had teeth often talk about understanding our our capacity to understand and to be able to comprehend and so this situation this fall that happened in your life that affected the way that you think it didn't actually damage you it just it just affected your ability to understand and so this is there there's an encouragement that is there for you um in that it wasn't as bad as what it may uh may have felt like or seemed like or what you thought that it was you you thought it was like oh no this is huge this is over like you know i mean you you crack your head and that's a major issue i mean it's it's still it's you know dealing with your understanding but it's not that major of an issue is what it seems like it should have been so there was protection that was there for you ina inna anna anna um let's see this this is what you wrote hi john i was in a train the train was moving slowly now i was seeing from the window i saw a castle and big red and white roses the roses were very big the dream was so vivid and very colorful okay well trains have multiple cars that are moving in the same direction so they usually talk about some type of a denomination some type of a corporation some type of a maybe a move of god there there's multiple ministries that are all moving in the same direction so there's something that you are a part of there's something that that that you're part of that's taking you to where you're going and that place is the understanding the kingdom so the group that you're a part of this movement that you've been a part of is taking you to a deeper understanding of the kingdom so castle castles can be negative they can talk about strongholds but this is not a negative castle so castle is also the place where the king lives and so it can represent the kingdom so this castle is representing the kingdom of god and then the big red and white roses would would confirm that he's the rose of sharon this is the the purity the white the holiness of jesus the red the blood of jesus but it's a rose because it's about the fragrance of the lord the the beauty of the lord that's being revealed and as you go deeper into understanding the things of the kingdom you're going to have a greater and greater revelation of the beauty of the lord through his sacrifice and the fragrance that he has released in your life and in that environment and this is it's it's very it was very vivid and very colorful just because of the the level of revelation it feels like this is even more than maybe a promise about something that was to come it feels like it was almost more of an encounter where you were in this place seeing the landscape of the spirit that you're moving into in this in this movement so i'm not sure what this movement is but um you probably will recognize it as you're you're in it so it's getting you somewhere so rui is asking uh about dreams with snakes what do dreams with snakes this is one of the most popular this is in our top 20 dreams if you've read our top 20 dreams book or listen to the cds where john paul talks about the top 20 dreams um this the snakes are one of those that happen a lot and think about a snake so a snake is a very long tail now use a play on words instead of t-a-i-l-t-a-l-e it's a long tail it's a lie it's a deception and this is confirmed throughout scripture because from the very beginning the enemy shows up as a snake in the garden he's the great serpent he's the father of lies and this connection with deception in serpents is throughout scripture and so serpents snakes represent some kind of a lie some kind of a deception that is there then you want to take a look at the environment was it your snake that means you're the one that owns the lie that you have the lie is the lie attacking you that means that it's harming you or it's affecting you is it in your environment that means it maybe hasn't necessarily affected you yet but you're recognizing that it's there is it threatening someone else then they're the one that is being threatened by this lie by this deception so all of those dynamics will help you to dial in what to do with it but snakes have to do with lies in some kind of format so for those of you that have joined us since we started i want to make sure that you heard about we're going to put this up in our comments again on our youtube channel about the dream internship that we have coming up in the beginning of september if you want to grow in dream interpretation this is going to be an astounding opportunity this is for people that have been doing some dream interpretation you already you know the basics you've taken the understanding dreams and visions course that john paul wrote that we're still teaching or you've taken the streams academy module 5 last year when we did on interpreting dreams and visions and you want to get better at interpreting dreams this is going to be an opportunity for you to practice dream interpretation and get feedback on those dreams you get to interpret the dream and then somebody's going to sit down and talk through that dream with you and help you get better at dream interpretation communicating that dream interpretation and in the midst of the environment here in our ministry center so being able to spend time in our prayer room being able to spend time with the staff and just what god is releasing in this building god's done some beautiful things here and people are constantly commenting about the level of peace and the level of revelation that's in this building that's available and you get to come into that environment and be a part of it and so i want to make sure that you know about it invite you to be a part of it maybe that's not what you're looking for and you want to grow in in prophetic ministry this weekend we have and this is actually a virtual option so you don't have to be here in person the dream internship you actually be here in person but uh we have streams academy module three on understanding prophetic ministry that starts this friday and saturday we're going to do our teaching weekend we're going to go in depth into the functions of the prophetic understanding practical tips on how to give prophetic words but also practical tips on how to receive prophetic words how to respond to those and understanding some of those dynamics and then what we're going to do is three weeks later we're going to come back together the first weekend of june so you can do this virtually we'll send you a link when you register and you'll be able to see it all virtually or you can come in person completely up to you when we come back together we're gonna have mark dupont with us and if you haven't heard of mark dupont he is a father in the prophetic movement he's been around for a couple decades with some beautiful history of god using him to speak significant things that were going to happen before they happened and having some astounding miracles that have happened he he's got a number of testimonies medically documented testimonies of miracles and things that god has done through his ministry he's just he's one of those dads that is a really safe person to learn from to grow from that really gets the holiness of god and the father's heart and the love of the father and and holds those two together in in a beautiful way of releasing prophetic ministries so he's going to be with us for our mentoring time that's coming up that's part of module 3 and we invite you to register for module 3. be a part of this you're going to learn a lot from this time it goes deeper than your average prophetic training if you've taken some classes on the prophetic before this will be really good because it'll take you deeper than where you've gone before and being able to have that interaction and ask questions and have your questions answered whether you're doing it virtually or whether you're doing it in person it's going to be really really beneficial for you so would love for you to join us let's do just one or two more dreams and then we're gonna we're gonna end up our time today let's see so dr sharon is asking how do i register so we put the links to both of those in the comments on our youtube channel so take a look at our youtube channel in the comments it'll have a link to the dream internship as well as a link to streams academy the dream internship if you go to streamsministries.com and just go to our calendar of events you can go through and you'll see everything listed out and this is the first weekend of september the first week of september so it ends i think it's like the last couple days of august the first few days of september um you'll have that link it's right there on our calendar easy to find for streams academy just go to streamstraining.com and we have all the modules that are listed out there so module 3 is there but you can also register for modules module 4 where we talk about types of revelation we get into the seer realm and some of the the the more fun visionaries translations transportations module 5 where we're doing dream interpretation module 6 where we talk about healthy prophetic ministry and and what emotionally healthy prophetic looks like in a prophetic lifestyle so that will be fun all right so here's a quick question it looks like on a dream element washing hands what does washing hands represent um washing hands has to do with repentance we get this out of the psalms who may ascend the hill of the lord but he was clean hands and a pure heart this idea of our hands not being stained with evil when we repent when we come to the lord and ask him to forgive us our hands get washed clean and and we can operate and do all that we're doing without the sin of the things that we've done affecting or defiling the activity of our hands so this is a this is a clear picture throughout scripture of that place of repentance so washing hands has to do with repenting of the the activity of our hands that was unclean so that it becomes clean again that is a great question god healed okay so let's see let's look at this dream and we're going to finish up with this one this is an airplane heist celebrities on plane a man with a bomb gets out of the elevator onto the plane robber called me by name and used a credit card machine in my social security number to try to rob me the cops came okay so celebrities this is something that's going to be public something it's going to be seen um you know celebrities a lot of people know a lot of people see and you know a bomb onto the plane i mean there's some type of a terrorism this is about fear using fear to try to control to try to destroy and it the robber calls you by name so this is something that the enemy's doing because he's a thief and a robber the enemy only comes to steal to kill and destroy jesus calls him a thief and a robber in john chapter 10 and then he uses a credit card machine in your social security number to try to rob you so someone that is trying to tap into your identity um to tap into your identity and your credit is you know the idea of credit is kind of your reputation um that that is is being put on so bringing that all together um the enemy has tried to do something very publicly to bring fear to you and to ruin your reputation but the lord is letting you know that the cops are going to come that the law is going to come and deal with this issue um that that has happened so that is uh i mean it's for you to pray if you have not seen that already i have a feeling you've already seen that um that this is not this is not something that's in the future i think it's letting you know what has happened helping you to recognize that it was the enemy that it was the enemy trying to sow fear but that the cops came that that justice is going to come justice is coming and so now is the time to pray for justice um take a look on our youtube channel search for the teaching that john paul jackson did on keys to receiving god's justice we've got a couple different times on our video there's we have a resource but on right on our youtube channel we've got a couple free times uh free resources where he's talked about that issue and that's really gonna help you so guys thanks so much for joining me uh next week we're going to be getting together and i'm going i'm trying to work on getting a friend to join me we'll see how that works we're going to continue our series on prophetic culture and developing that taking a look at what that looks like and friday i i think i i can't remember if we decided to do this live or we're going to record this and put it out later but i i have a friend of mine that i helped to to mentor 20 some years ago when we first came into the kingdom her husband were were some of don and i's best friend or us was my best friend for a number of years we we hung out together we prayed together we ministered together we cried together um and he passed away a few years ago but she's gonna be coming and visiting us and uh we're gonna have a conversation and just share some of the stories of how god has been speaking to her and she's got a really cool testimony so we're we're gonna we're gonna share that it'll either be live on friday or we'll be recording it and putting it out later but either way you're not going to want to miss that because um yeah god's done some really beautiful things in her life guys have an astounding day make sure that you register for the dream internship or for streams academy whichever one you're going to be coming to look for see then have a great day we will talk to you later bless you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 3,314
Rating: 4.9055119 out of 5
Id: mKf0bwLMSQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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