🛌 Dream Symbology & Interpretation 🌙 Intuitive Development Series 👁

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hello everyone today so good to see you um i really enjoy these sort of collective gatherings today is a discussion uh on dream interpretation and dream symbology something that over the past couple of years i've started to really open up to intuitively um if you've looked at any of my previous videos on intuitive development one of the things that i've talked about is that's kind of like the first indication of my intuition came through dreams like when i was a kid and i was going to you know school later to college i would know if there was going to be like a pop quiz i would also know if there were friends that needed to talk to me or if there was something going on i would always dream about it first and then i would see it and i just figured oh that's just a hunch or everybody could do that it wasn't until later until i talked to other people like no you shouldn't be kind of not everybody knows that so dreams for me have always been uh really clairvoyant and over the past two years in particular as i've started to delve into it for you guys it's become even more powerful i'm going to put apollo down and we're going to talk about what we're going to discuss today um i have a lot of questions that came through from all ch all the channel members and patreon patrons so thank you so much i'm going to do my best to address all of them if time allows we're not going to do the usual format today today's exciting it's a deviation from what i normally do um i have a few general messages just about for me how dreams work and why i want to talk about it um but then i'm going to get into all of the questions that you guys asked and the little all my chicken scratch on the side there all the the answers that i have if i need to periodically i'll pull some cards to get some additional information and we'll see at the end if there's time for anything maybe i'll do a three card pull but today is really more of a developmental discussion about how can i you know how can you how can i how can we all um learn more from dreams and develop psychically through our dreams it's an easy avenue we don't we don't always have time to meditate but every night we go to sleep and most of us have dreams that we remember so this is uh this is a way to use that skill to open up your third eye okay uh first things first i'd like to welcome everyone uh thanks to maria who's helping moderate today thanks to all the channel members this is really um and just all the long time viewers today's a special thank you for those who have clicked the join button become a member or have supported me on patreon so one of the big perks is that on days like this um i will take questions uh from those supporters um if you ever want to follow me on social media by the way it's at nicholas ashbaugh and the link is on my website um so thanks again to anyone that's helped out also thanks if you like what you're seeing today you can also show a little support by hitting the um the super chat or super super sticker icon it helps me do stuff like this kind of i'm trying to do more bonus videos for you guys and likewise with the applaud button if you're watching it on replay okay let's talk let's get into what's going on and what uh what we're going to talk about today so for me the most important thing to think about a lot of times even when i talk to family members and and fellow intuitive sometimes people want to get too literal with the dreams so for me yes they can be literal but they're usually symbolic and what i scribbled here is that the script is not as important as how it makes you feel or what symbol may come through for you so sometimes i think we all struggle with trying to remember all the details forget about it the most important thing is kind of like imagine that you were taking pictures on your phone and you were thinking what am i going to post to instagram or send to my friend or whatever it's those snap shot moments that you should try to remember so you know if you're this morning one of the things that i saw before i got started was this image of trying new clothes on in a fitting room and i couldn't quite find the right fit i was trying this i was trying that and it actually was a metaphor for today it was not about what was what i was wearing or what i was looking at i was like oh yeah um dreams give us a chance to try on a new idea a new persona a new attitude and it's kind of like this virtual fitting room where we're exploring a different part of our psyche we're looking at things from a different angle we're looking at ourselves a reflection of ourselves so that dream symbol was even informing what we would do today who cares what i was trying on it doesn't matter who cares where i was which store i was at doesn't matter who cares who was there none of that mattered the metaphor mattered that i was trying something on and i couldn't find the right fit so you keep dreaming you keep trying so that's how you could decode a metaphor right there it sometimes you're worrying too much about like the price tag the article of clothing it's you're getting too granular approach streams with curiosity and enthusiasm never fear you should look forward to going to sleep at night you should imagine that it's kind of like a good story that you would read if you had mom dad uncle somebody that used to read stories to you because that's what it is it's your higher self creating the script for you to look at the most important thing that you can do in order to dream clearer and to be able to receive more is to clear your head out try not to watch the news before you go to bed try not to watch some sort of a horror movie you shouldn't do that in general but like try to kind of keep it really energetically clean about half an hour to an hour before you go to bed um you know take care of yourself there should be some sort of self-care ritual that you would do that would clear and open everything up um what i was saying before is again you get this chance to try new things on so once you're in the dream state the more you start to do this the more you practice kind of being aware of your dreams the more you can start to interact with them and trust me on this if you ask anyone or anything that you meet in a dream who are you what's your name what's your purpose intention why you hear something like that they have to answer every time i ask the name is always revealed even if it's not there to help you and if it's there to hurt you or to kind of like wake you up on something it will tell you that there's some sort of weird universal law that i've discovered anyway where you you can ask the identity because it's your domain it's like it's in your it's in your energy it's in your head so you have the right to ask who are you what do you want why are you here and so you are always in control of your dreams in that respect in order to not be the spiritual tumbleweed that i'm talking about here you have to prepare so by the way just four more cards and then we're going to get into your questions um always set an intention and ask for protection two archangels that you can use are michael and gabriel you can use anything that feels right to you any connection to the divine um so whether it's earth magic or whether it's sort of like some other ascended deity or god or whatever you can work with that but ask for protection gabriel and michael are good because gabriel's good for communication michael's good for general protection always start with gratitude then set the intention for what you're trying to receive and then ask them to filter it for you so that you could say i only want to receive messages that are archangelic or higher which would then be like divinely guided intuition something like that will help out otherwise if you just go to sleep maybe you've watched the news you're just busy or whatever you snooze a little bit you go to bed finally you could meet anything you could do anything you have set no expectations for what's going to happen and it's it's the equivalent of um you know back in the day where there was a a dial that you would turn to on a television would just be kind of like spinning the dial it's like you know wheel of fortune roulette or something who knows what's going to happen so don't do that set an intention like tonight i really want to have a good night's rest and i don't want to be disturbed or tonight i want to focus on um receiving insight on how to live a better life you can't always completely program it but you can set the general intention and that will help three more cards and we'll get started um these are important because we're setting the groundwork for like how i'm interpreting dreams um i had a past lifetime in um in egypt i think a lot of us have but i remember looking at hieroglyphs and everything so to me um dream symbols remind me a lot of hieroglyphics and it's a lot like tarot right you got like 78 or so cards depending on the deck each one of those symbols can be interpreted different ways so your particular language is going to be singular i'm going to help you through some of my interpretations of what you're going through then you should further develop it because each of us every psychic that you'll talk to has a different connection and when you look at certain mediums that maybe don't use cards and they just use symbols their guides will come to them and show them things all they've really done is created a visual tarot or a visual hieroglyphic or petroglyph or whatever with the other side um and so that's what the symbols are what it is is it allows um spirit to work with you in a compressed visual um sort of language here or shorthand so if you see something like a snake it's gonna represent power or um maybe sexuality or expression or whatever that's one of the questions and we'll get to it and so rather than them having to verbally say it they're just gonna show you an image so as you start to learn what the images feel like when you see them and how they relate to what happens over the next day or two in your life you're going to see oh yeah snake that's what i have to i have to pay attention to this oh i see this it's going to mean this so you'll kind of learn to internalize it and then it becomes a visual language a compressed visual language that is a shorthand to deliver messages because spirit it takes energy for guides and especially those who have passed to come through so if they can download it in a very succinct visual symbol it's better and um and it also they want you to do some of the work too okay with practice you'll become more fluent remember you're the creator you're connected to the creator and you're the creator as well okay let's get started all right so i'm going to start with the questions that were provided from all the channel members and patrons out there and if we have time i'll see if there's time to take any other ones or if i feel like pulling some cards but today is very much in the flow um so i'm gonna go with the flow and go with the questions that i received i'm gonna start with youtube members first and some of the questions that i got here um okay so i'm just gonna do them chronologically in the order that you guys put the questions on my page uh so one of the first questions i got was about somebody that was looking at a parking garage and elevators and the the question was about the elevators in particular it sounds like they were going up and down um and it seemed like you were kind of lost in the uh garage so for me elevators are really interesting symbols in dreams i've talked about this before that you wouldn't like it's a weird connection but it can be parents or family sometimes because our mom and dad basically kind of are like the spiritual elevator that we use to get into this planet um they they give us the genetic material that we need and we literally come through one of them to exist here so specifically it can be your mother an elevator can be your mom um because that's the metaphor that i i've i've been able to kind of pull together but it's also about making a decision it can be like a two of swords moment where you don't know where to go and if you're lost in the garage and you don't know where the elevator is going this is really just about planning and figuring it out you can always get out there's always the stairs there's always other ways you could always get in a car and just go out but it's really about a choice and when i i read this i thought it's two of swords it could also be parental something with the mom something about indecision coming from the mom so that's my connection to it but that's because i've identified the elevator as those things so you may identify it separately but that's some things that i would see with an elevator i got a bunch of questions about flying and astral projection [Music] and what i would say first of all flying is a fantastic thing uh this one came from paris um the other one came from someone anne but with this this next question about flying to me it's astral projection so if you've ever felt like you are flying you are basically it's your higher self kind of leaving your body well you're already out of your body so it could be you kind of connecting with the higher self or looking up using your psychic vision and seeing things a little bit you're literally projecting out there in space so it feels good it's free because you are experiencing flight um it's the other thing about this so flying is good i would say keep flying look around what are you supposed to be looking at what do you what's around you so don't just kind of get lost in the feeling of flying um look around and see what's in the distance look at where you're at look at yourself and see how others perceive you there was also question and this is really common so i definitely want to deal with this about feel about being naked in a dream um so nudity much like in ter like tarot cards it can mean a couple of things so in tarot it's actually divinity if you look at old roman and greek statues you're going to see like aphrodite and she'll be nude or you'll see hermes or mercury he'll be naked it's not just salacious it's actually because most of the gods are they're divine vessels they have nothing to hide and when we look at like you know pictures of adam and eve same sort of thing uh there's no shame there's no it's all divine it's all integration so in tarot we'll see like the world card the lovers the star uh sometimes temperance there's a lot of different cards that will show nudity but the particularly when it comes to the world it's because you've you've kind of resolved everything right sometimes it's it's um half half naked half clothed but that's nudity can just be i've done the work that i need to do and i'm not hiding anything um it can also be insecurity and a feeling of being seen when you don't want to be seen like oh my gosh that person truly sees me or i feel like they're revealing something about me so it can be insecurity exposure but it can also be like the star you've actually gotten to this point where you have nothing to hide and you're showing your true self so it really depends on the context if you felt good then it's the integration if you felt insecure or if you felt nervous uh like if you're at work or school and you're naked and you're worried that people are gonna laugh at you it's about them seeing you and judging you for who you truly are and it's scary for all of us to be seen that way so that's nudity in dreams and flying is getting a different perspective it's freedom it's astral projection um so that was a good question paris um the next one was and multiverse had a similar question about flying so there you go from lynn there was a question about also flying and floating above houses and trees same thing it's freedom too maybe there's a point in your life where you're just ready to get out of a relationship or move to a new place or you know quit a job and so sometimes we get those dreams of flying because we need to be free okay so jacqueline had a good question asking about what does it mean if someone's missing in a dream but they should be there um so you're noticing their absence maybe you know you're depending on someone or you're going to work your boss isn't there or whatever so i think this is an accountability thing on some levels are they mia in real life are they not showing up also maybe they're not the point so if we give too much time and energy to someone in our life it's almost as if they start to um they become like an energy sink right so this is reminding you that there might be room for you to step in there's they're not part of the equation so an absence is actually a message as well so diminished importance it could be a six of swords moment where they're pulling back becoming more distant all of those things is what i would say with this so if someone isn't there then look at them in real life and see if they're showing up the way that they should okay it could just be you you're supposed to focus on yourself a little bit more okay how do you focus on lucid dreaming this question is from lori uh practice for sure um and recording your dreams when you wake up not like you can use a like a recorder or use your telephone to sort of just dictate into but in order to lucid dream you're gonna have to get used to getting up and writing it or tapping it into your phone or dictating it because you have to get used to committing it to memory and then start to remember that dreaming is a process and you could set some sort of a an intention before you go to bed that you're going to not wait like just say i want to stay in the dream a little bit more you could ask your guides for help on that you could also use a symbol something it's kind of like what happened in inception where you know that something you could do something impossible to see if you were in a dream nothing dangerous just something weird like you could levitate something right and if you could levitate a rock then you know you're dreaming and then you can start to take advantage of it if i'm holding up a stone right now and it's not moving i'm not dreaming so you can try something like that to test the walls of dreaming and then that's your symbol hey i can have fun with this a little bit i can explore without fear because i'm creating it i'm the writer i'm the actor okay and yeah practice practice will help with that setting an intention like i said before you go to bed writing dreams down um and then starting to another thing for those of you that aren't dreaming i'm kind of jumping ahead but you can practice daydreaming so kind of just really getting into a deep meditative state maybe listening to you know a gong meditation or something like that kind of getting right on the edge of going to sleep but not quite and then at that point um turn off the you know or maybe just have it like a you know 10 or 15 minute sound that you're going to listen to and then let it stop don't have it repeat and at that point i want you to focus on reaching out a little bit imagining but it's kind of like oh i could kind of fall asleep and i'm not going to fall asleep play with that time because you will be able to explore lucid dreaming a little bit more and you can daydream and possibly even slip into dream state if if you want to but now you're really in control of it then and you've really emptied out your mind as well so for those of you that can't dream daydream or do something else to clear out the space a little bit again okay let's go to the next question here and edwina was asking about what is happening when people come through in a different role in your dream like if a close friend is one of your kids or something like that it could be a past life flashback so soul mates whether it's you know your furry friend here apollo or someone that you've you know you love in your life you've probably had a connection with them before and uh dreams reveal hidden truths so what could be coming through for you is that you were like you know siblings or parent and child before and what you would want to evaluate now is are you stepping into that again do you feel like you're you're stepping into the role of parent do you feel like they always need to be told what to do are you kind of leading them in this relationship can there be more sort of cooperative energy and that's what it is it's probably past life it could also just be showing codependencies or opportunities to step up opportunities for growth okay um let's move along to the next question this one came from monica and he said you had a dream that included your daughter you had to keep returning to a place to retrieve something you've forgotten um so it feels like you're kind of stuck in a loop there and um you were you were riding bikes okay so retrieving something this could just be a chance to kind of like a second chance coming through in your life a lot of times we have have trouble moving on because we feel like there's something that we have to do if you're afraid that you forgot something i think the other thing to look at is just overall fulfillment in your life is there something missing because to me it's more about the missing piece than what you forgot so do a little bit of meditation on i mean your daughter is interesting but i feel like it has more to do with you is there something in your past that you haven't accomplished and vicariously as you look at your daughter grow up is there something you wish you were doing because i kind of see you going back to your younger self and thinking you know i see her doing this why haven't i done this or what can i do or what what can i still sort of explore so feed the inner child is what i see with that one okay um let's see burmese jade you said you constantly dream about houses in the past this is actually quite common um you said you haven't you've been dreaming on and off for 30 years and then there's some stuff there that you want to deal with and we'll talk about that in a second but let me let me latch on to the old house piece because i know many many people myself included that will dream of our key childhood home may not be your first as the one you lived at the longest or maybe if you lived in an apartment for a long time long after you've gone you still will have dreams there because you imprint energetically on a space so there's a little part of you that's energetically there the same way that places can be haunted or can carry with them a light energy or a heavy energy so what you could do is look at that old space and kind of bless it release it and see if there's anything there nostalgically that you were drawn to look at all it is is that you were you imprinted on the space so um you could just focus on a release ceremony or kind of meditation where you let it go and you close the door and you throw the key inside and say goodbye that's really all it is is a connection to the old space because you lived there so long nothing to really worry about there you were worried that maybe it was haunted or there was something there if there was something heavy in that energy it's probably about the experience in that point in time so if you feel like there is a skeleton in the closet or something then you need to just deal with it there's something from that time period that's calling you back something that you experienced in that house the sooner you you kind of deal with that that childhood trauma the the sooner the house will go away um it's not the house that necessarily that's haunted it's sort of your memory or your energy with it and that's what i'm picking up on for that so houses just usually represent an imprint and there's maybe something about that time period that we're revisiting in our head and resolving in the present so we go back in time to kind of ground ourselves okay next question here came uh from katherine and you said you rarely remember your dreams even though you set the intention before you go to sleep what can you do differently so that you can remember them more um i got an idea for this one too uh one thing that you can do here is in addition to meditating if you have a partner or a friend and you want to try this you could have someone try to wake you up and ask you what you were dreaming because we go into rem sleep you know your eyes are moving really fast and you could have someone at a certain point wake you up you could also set an alarm and immediately upon getting up to sort of like write it down because if you're waking up and you kind of forget it like because it's been too long and you just fall out of that state and you're just relaxed then you're not going to remember that so you could try to come right out of the dream state and have someone talk to you but daydreaming is also super um uh helpful with this so that's why i'm meditating to the point of almost going to sleep and then playing with that area i think that would work for you too try to do things like exercise meditate and get caffeine out of your diet and just really be in a nice peaceful state before you go to bed and if you're not dreaming then you may connect with spirit in a different way and it's okay not everybody has really strong dreams but i do think it is something that you can exercise and get better at i write down a ton of information like i've been gathering stuff for aries and a little bit for today but what i'll do is i'll tap it in my phone it's hard to see but like i basically i'll put i have a whole bunch of stuff that's um queued up i have like several paragraphs so i wake up and i will write something down very short it'll be something like let me see i'll read a little something here um oh like okay so one of them was um drain and plumbing issues which i thought had to do actually with how clear your thinking was or kind of like getting some movement happening in your house so i didn't focus on like what was happening around it i just sort of wrote down plumbing and it's more about the flow of energy of the flow of resources so i just get a feeling when i see something and i wake up and i'm like what is that and i write down the first thing uh someone asked about like sigmund freud and some other people i don't over analyze a dream symbol i look at it and i get the first thing just like you would with tarot i actually think reading tarot can help you with dream interpretation because you're going to learn all the stuff that you know a symbol can mean and then you're going to look at it and feel how it is today so if we were to pull a card for instance to see what you could do for your dream clarity um we've got the king of wands don't overthink just kind of move with it see what the symbol is um that comes through and this is the card of overthinking for me it's a very cognitive card so um just kind of be easy he's a casual king here so just allow things to flow and don't overthink it okay all right so let's look at the next question here uh let's see okay we're going to andre you said what techniques do you recommend for having more vivid and or more memorable dreams do you believe in befriending the inner dreamer you know what one thing that you can do andre is uh this is a great stone for uh sleeping it's labradite and uh this is really good for helping you get both grounded because i did a little short video about this but it also helps you go further out there so you can put something like this um under your pillow by your bed stand or you know under the the mattress a little bit so you're not sleeping on this hard stone but if you sleep with something like this it can help you a little bit um because it's protecting and elevating the energy and allowing you to go out there the other thing that you can do for the vivid portion of it is again i i've kind of talked about some of these things where i think that you want to really empty the mental space out um so meditate listen to some music really clear it out and get into a peaceful state your dr where you sleep it should also be sort of cozy and dreamy so have some soft lighting in there clean out the bedroom so that there's no clutter have a really beautiful colored bed spread and you want to pay attention to the color of the bed spread too i know that's sort of weird but something like blues and greens are really nice for dreaming and purples they're that's a protective color it's also like associated with um you know third eye and the crown chakras so purples um blues and greens heart throat and third eye or and basically looking at the um the different colors the chakras you can do that i would avoid red i would um black is okay but i i would say it's not as good for the sort of peaceful dreaming it's a good protective symbol i mean i have it on today but um but i would say for dreaming i would prefer blues greens and purples on the in the bed bedroom yellow it's a strong color it's a strong powerful color same thing with orange it's okay for communication but when it comes to dream state look at what your bedroom looks like look at what the paint looks like on the wall and then using stones is really helpful and and then setting the intentions like i said earlier working with uh with gabriel in particular because to me that's like the psychic archangel if you want to work with one so all of those things should help you out a little bit and playing around with if you're psychic or psychically attuned right before you go to bed or right when you wake up you're still half in so you can work a little bit with that energy if you wake up you can probably go back to sleep and then play around a little bit with it so always kind of push the walls of dreaming a little bit and see if you can stay in it and and work with it but hopefully that helps you for you i thought of labraday so hopefully that helps all right karen you had a question here um let's see okay what does that mean when you dream that time is passing very quickly you said that like every year was almost like a minute but it felt like it wasn't passing quickly at all for you you know what i feel like this is actually what it's like when you're not alive um so like when you're on the other side when you're in spirit i should say when you're not corporal um time is much different and when you're way into the ethers and when you're out there kind of like as an archangel i feel like it's cons it's like it it you could go past present future it's kind of like this this big soupy thing so here on this planet we kind of have a watch and we we've made it into this very sort of measured form but like when you travel the speed of light it it time passes differently when you're not in this dimension it travels differently i think you were just connecting with um either another dimension or past recollection that time is a construct but the other piece of it is you should you could change the pacing of your goals so something could happen faster than you think because you were the one that felt like it wasn't moving but things were moving around you so take a more active role in your life if i were to kind of like pull it out another level okay so um i think that that's one piece is just uh you have the capacity to move past the illusion of time and you've lived in in dimensions and times and spaces where this linear time wasn't what it was that's all um so it shouldn't be something that's scary it should be something that helps you think oh i have the ability like clay to move through the energy of time a little bit more all right let's move on to the next question hopefully that answers your question um let's see how do you know if you're taking talking to a past uh someone who's dead or someone that you're dreaming up um so basically this is a question of if i see someone or something in my dream is it my imagination or am i communicating with that energy so i think almost everything that we uh that we receive in a dream can actually have some value to us there is such there are garbage streams where you're just working through the daily stuff and i'm gonna save it because someone had a question about that but if you are having a dream and you're talking to your deceased mother or father or aunt or uncle or cat or whatever um because i've had a dream with a cat that's passed away so all of these things are real on some levels so you're connecting with that person but uh what i would say for you is it's how you feel and it's how vivid the imagery is so there are dreams that i have had where it is so ridiculously clear i can remember every detail i wake up happy or sad or sweating because you know you're running or something you felt it you felt the energy it was either real or it had happened before so the vivid energy that you receive can can tell you like no this is real i know it um so that's one how how how visceral it was um the other thing is sometimes you feel a sense on your body or if you start to become really attuned to energy um i've felt with an archangel before sometimes they'll caress your cheek a little bit or you'll feel like a feather on your cheek um it's kind of like they're like what a mom would do to a little little baby they just gently caress you to say hey i'm here don't be afraid um the energy with angels is usually very gentle and loving and warm it kind of washes over you like this like this worn blanket and it just feels really safe really calm really warm they won't force you to do anything um and it's euphoric like you may even sometimes i'll take a deep breath when i'm in the presence of something that's extremely elevated so whether it's an ascended master an angel or hire when you connect with something super high it can take your breath away so you'll know you'll know if it's something like that if it's a dead relative um how did you feel when you saw them what what what message did they give you when you woke up and um keep keep sort of track of that but i would say if you're dreaming about someone that's passed it probably is that the only other thing that it could be is if there was an insecurity that you have with somebody and it's kind of coming back in your dreams you're hearing something that they said you're running away from them what this could just be is then a residual energy of something that's unresolved and you could actually be calling to them or pulling that sort of it's like a residual haunting it it's not that person may have even crossed over but you're holding on to a little energetic thread so if it's fear or uncertainty you could probably clear it if you're having a conversation you probably are pay attention to your body it will give you the signals on how much to um to pay attention to that okay so um we'll talk more about um that in a second i see more questions about houses again houses to me it's about the imprint that you have if there's a door that you're opening in the house or things like that it can also be about a new opportunity um opening up something new or opening up the skeletons in the closet too okay let me go on to the next question uh which was this it said what do you think of freud's book uh on an interpretation of dreams you know i admittedly haven't read that particular book i will say the first thing that came to me was not to overthink it so i think sometimes when it comes to like philosophy um versus intuition and psychic phenomenon what i try to do is i look at it and i feel it and i get the first instinct that comes to me when i'm interpreting and i think sometimes with freud there was a lot of levels of just even kind of the cursory knowledge that i have of freud like sometimes i feel like he was putting way too much into certain things and was trying to sexualize a lot of things and i don't necessarily see or feel that so i think don't overthink it is what i would say but i'm curious and maybe i'll check the book out and have comments on it later but that was what i that's what my guides told me was just not to overthink it um and then you said okay um you said in your dreams you constantly find yourself like you're having a dream when you're asleep and trying to control what happens next in your dream so it's like a dream within a dream almost um so with this the same thing i feel like there's too much uh control it's kind of like the chariot energy that's coming in here so if you just release control and see what the dream shows you whether you're dreaming or dreaming in a dream in a dream that none of that matters to me that's sort of the sort of like sub context that you're you're just kind of getting lost in the weeds so pay more attention to what shows up on the screen um is what i would say with that all right laura asked me a question uh how do you know the difference between a regular dream and a premonition which i kind of answered i would say a quote-unquote regular dream could just be like i need to to buy something at the store tomorrow and you you're you remember to do that or you know you wanted to wake up at a certain time and you have the alarm kind of going off in your head and you wake up at exactly the right time sometimes we can just be dealing with garbage from the day so what you should try to do is like make a list before you go to bed of things that you need to do tomorrow um imagine maybe that you're hanging things on a like if you when you go out of work for instance if you're not working from home you can imagine that you're hanging your problems on on the front door of the office or the trees outside i took a walk last night for an hour and a half it was just something i felt like doing i hadn't done it in a while and i just walk through the neighborhoods and and i just i even touch the trees sometimes too so i ground the energy a little bit and i let it go and then i usually have clearer dreams if i have a chance to just do something to get myself out of the work mode so do something to clear your head because you're you're holding on to stuff if you're for those of you that are somebody asked this question and i'll get into it in a second but whoever asked the question about why do i kind of keep going through the stuff from the the day it's because you probably are working all day long maybe like a 10 hour job you eat dinner you walk the dog or something and then you go to sleep you're not having any time to decompress so more decompression time will help more time to do nothing so that you can get that stuff out of your head and not just sort of like zoning out watching netflix you need to do what i did take take a walk breathe and just let it out talk to a psychologist if you're dealing with a lot of issues if you're dreaming what you had just did that day it's because you aren't having enough time to reset between the end of your day and the beginning of your rest okay so you're having to do more work in your dreams because you're stressed out so hopefully that helps theresa had a question here about remembering more details you said sometimes i remember vivid colors smells and taste yet other times i have dreams and i can remember very little um think about it as like cliff's notes or spark notes or whatever those sort of cheats are for for big books we're not supposed to remember the whole thing this is the one time when you don't have to read the grapes of wrath right you just have to understand the key plot points and um not the full narrative it's not a telenovela you don't need to know every little piece of this so uh if all you remembered was a taste a visual something like that perfect one thing that you can do to remember more details is first of all record what you can remember and then take a deep breath close your eyes and go back into that space and then just look around a little bit and think like what was i doing right before okay wait and then i was doing this and so sometimes i have to walk myself around a little bit in the dream and then i can remember other things so write down what you can remember and then imagine that you can kind of explore the space a little bit and start to see what else you can see okay um hopefully that helps kimber has a question here um about a recurring dream of moving into a new home and being worried about the windows and doors making sure that they're locked let me see the end of this was cut off so i'm going to go back to what else you wrote there so let's see first of all if you have any dreams about security or things not being safe i would say one of the things that you want to look at is how secure how safe you feel about people in your life um things going on so it could just be a little bit of nudge to amp up your security so here it is um you said being worried about the windows and doors are locked against the man that's trying to come in okay so yeah i feel like this is just really your feelings of security safety um boundaries it can also be boundaries and limits with others so just making sure that you are setting clear boundaries saying yes and no and not letting people kind of get into your energy space if you don't want them in there so if you're if you're tired just say no etc um but for me that is just sort of about working on personal security boundaries and uh and then you can literally look around a little bit make sure your house is all right but i think we all have those fears sometimes so when it's if if it's a particular individual in your life and they're making you feel this or you see this happen after you connect with them there's something to investigate there a little bit but i wouldn't worry too much about it okay i think it's just about um also maybe taking that leap of faith because a window to me is a portal so it might just be about protecting something that you're not ready for others to see or being afraid of what might be on the other side right so hopefully that helps okay um let's move on to the next one by the way i see a lot of chat and a lot of engagement today so i'm happy for it uh save any questions that you have for me until the end because i'm not gonna be able to see them right now i'm moving through the pre um all the questions that i got previously so i just wanted to speak up with that okay so the next one was spiders um this came from mary mary this is a good question i actually i knew i talked about it this month so i looked it up before i i came on and you can go to my capricorn reading this month even if you're not capricorn and i talk a lot about spiders i wrote down a few things that i talked about during that reading but to me they show that we are the creators of the weavers of our own fate right so um one of the cool things about the the spider is it's about manifesting and attracting so again capricorn i go into great detail about this so listen to the uh the may 2021 capricorn in case you look at this much later um and that'll help you and then the other thing is i i used a cord cutting um visual with this particular spider too because when you think of spiders they clear out their web so i see them as capable of attracting and releasing things and of course they can also be a trickster god or or symbol so you want to make sure that someone in your life isn't trying to pull you into something so mostly i see them as a power symbol and a creation or a manifestation symbol but if it's associated with someone else it can also be a tricky sort of thing where they're trying to show up in a way that isn't authentic okay so hopefully that helps mary don't be afraid of them and even in real life they're not going to kill you they're usually here to they'll get rid of insects and other things so um you know we don't want to kind of like hold a black widow but you know small little little house spider isn't going gonna cause any harm so usually they're a good symbol and a lucky symbol um at that okay sarah had a question about uh let's see here i'm looking i read an article years ago that claimed when you were dreaming and you suddenly find yourself in your childhood home common theme here um that it's a representation of uh yourself as i said earlier i think it can be just an imprint of your your old sort of childhood memory and you were just there a lot but it could also be like one thing that i saw is it could be parts of your mind um because we could kind of imagine that there's this sort of house that is our our headspace right and as you open up different doors or look in different things it's the stuff that we're holding on to it's in our energy or it's in our headspace but it is very very very common as we see with the repetitive questions about dreaming of a childhood house it's just because you spent formative years there and you're probably going through something right now that mirrors a moment in the past that's my experience anyway okay now uh multiverse had a lot of questions i can't go through all of them i'm gonna hit the first piece which was about elephants um i think elephants are a good luck symbol um they are ganesha basically lord ganesh it's a chance to remove obstacles they're very intelligent they can be playful um they're lucky uh and to me i never see an elephant as a bad sign trunk up or down it doesn't matter so much but you said the trunk was pointed up that's good um that's showing that you're really looking towards the positive side to me it's even like a playful or engaging pose for the elephant as well it could be telling you to sniff things out look at things a little bit because that's their nose too so it's sort of saying like really get a good sense for what what's going on around you so um feel out the situation elephants are a great symbol there's nothing negative with the elephant okay so if you see that i think that's really really positive and uh you might want to work with lord ganesha really great energy for getting past something that seems impossible ganesha comes through and helps us push through okay toya had a question about snakes everybody's favorite um animal i actually feel like snakes are fantastic um because if you study kundalini yoga it actually can be the sort of coiling of the energy from the base of the spine to the top and it can show an awakening so it can be psychic awakening that's one thing that a snake can show it's power it's cunning um it is flexibility can get in and out of any situation it can also be passion it's it's associated with the sexual chakras so it can be expression and passion and just like the spider it can be tricky of course um because we say someone acts like a snake or whatever so they're using the cunning and getting in and out of situations so you can kind of see like a snake energy maybe in the seven of swords or the five swords or something like that where there's uh trickster energy but mostly a snake is positive and it really depends on the context okay and i think that's one of the key things so um so we'll look at that i see some questions coming through i can't answer all of these now if i have a chance i'll i'll i'll scroll up later but like i said try to save some of those until the end um because i don't know how much time will happen i'm trying to get through as many of these as i can um all right so the next one i answered the question that marisha you also had the same question as toyah about snakes if they're moving around part of this is maybe getting you to move trying to make you sort of be more flexible find a way to move into the energy of change because that's also what i see them as an agent of change okay andrea had a question about angels this is really interesting um one of them was uh it was interesting because you said this angel wanted to come like kind of like inhabit your body or come into your body i think take pause on that one um the other thing you said that you were kind of feeling tears or you started crying when you woke up so let's go with the latter and then i'll talk about how much you want to let energy in or out of your sort of body because that's a whole different question it's not even really dream interpretation it's just sort of like psychic protection but as far as like what angels can make you feel you absolutely could weep if you um connect with an archangel because they are it's basically unconditional love but it also will bring up things that we need to deal with so back when i had like my saturn return i remember and during my psychic awakening um this has been a while but when i had that um one of the angels that came through it was kind of like it it went through almost like a pipe cleaner and just cleared everything out it didn't really it didn't touch me it was kind of like working almost like reiki above me but i felt this energy move through me it had to clean out some old um karma and it's old energy um and so i i did that sort of deep breath and then you do feel like crying you feel like laughing you feel like this euphoric sort of energy you don't know what to do with it so i would say having an extreme reaction positive usually to an archangel is normal weeping is normal too it's just overwhelming so your body processes it however it can so if you have an extreme hopefully positive energy with it good now if you are very afraid if you feel terrified if there's something icky about it that's not an that's not an archangel that's something lower so pay attention to that um fear of the unknown can sometimes block us from a positive feeling because like one time i connected with the ascended master uh jesus i'm not overly religious i was just happened to be in a um walking by a church i went in and meditated and i looked up at the avatar and uh and i just connected with it and at first it i kind of felt almost like what's happening it and when i released and surrendered a little bit to the energy it was really wonderful so sometimes when we feel something very high frequency um coming in and especially so that ascended master came in through my throat and i was afraid it almost felt like what's going on here and then it just melted and opened but it was removing a block he was removing a block that i had and it took a few days for that block to melt later years later i tried reconnecting with that ascended master and it was beautiful so fear can block us now if something's trying to get in your body no you don't have to do that you shouldn't do that if you don't want to do that um that's i i don't do that so um even channels don't have to let something come through them completely you could just sort of have the the energy work through your like your throat chakra like i was talking about so don't do it if you don't want to do it that's what i would say it's all about limits though you could just say find another way to do what you need to do that that doesn't work for me why do you want to do that ask some questions okay um i'll pull one card on that one i'm curious but i would say mostly you should listen to your intuition when it comes to that um yeah this is about surrender we have the full card so for this one it's just about surrendering to a higher power and um as long as you set the intention to only connect with the highest energy something like that shouldn't bother you okay um the next question came from just a bunch of initials so i'm not going to say the name um you said that uh let's see here oh it's about not dreaming okay um and i guess you recently connected with uh some relatives or you felt like they wanted to come through you said your your dad your grandmother and some other relatives okay so if you you don't need to dream to connect to spirit so some of you may just be moving into a different modality so if you're not dreaming there could either be a fear of dreaming you could be trying to dream too much and you're actually kind of pushing away your natural ability to do so so just focus on other ways sometimes i pull a card like you just saw you could use a pendulum you could meditate there's so many different ways to connect a spirit just move move into some other ones and when you stop focusing on dreaming so much these folks will come through in your dreams i'm in the meantime you could develop some other skills use tarot cards that's a great way um to kind of connect and you can ask questions that way always you see all the candles behind me i like to remind people sometimes here so i have two four six seven seven candles today um uh because there's two wicks in that one i always say prayers before i begin and i call in ascended masters and set protection so you should do the same thing before you work with cards or any sort of meditation all right let's see here i think we can get through this if i talk a little faster on some of it so the next thing here yeah we're on the last page for youtube and then i'll move on to patreon and then i'll see if we have time for anyone here um you said what is it this is from i think it's cass here he said what if your dreams tend to be lucid and you saw something about being like more than one body at the same time which is a little confusing but you said looking at yourself from the outside but you're in the person that you're looking at okay so this is astral projection as well it's something that i have actually talked to a family member that they were able to do when they were a kid so if sometimes you can do it when you're awake you can you can see what's going on you kind of push your consciousness up and see around you you can also do it when you're asleep um you can almost completely leave your body sometimes and and but you're having dual consciousness here because um i do believe like we're multi-dimensional i in my book that i wrote some of the angelic entities have that multi-dimensional energy where they can be many places at once even as humans we can do that so what you're just basically seeing is physical metaphysical or spiritual existence and you were you were experiencing them in tandem so it's kind of like a near-death experience right so when someone is on an operating table and uh they go out of body and they see the operation happening and then they look around the room and they try to talk to someone no one can see them that's the higher self but you had this unique thing where you were both dreaming and seeing so good for you keep working on it you've got some great intuitive skills all right uh jeannie hart you said um you dreamed of a friend who was fathering a child and it's like an accidental pregnancy and you said that normally meant new beginnings and apparently it was when your friend called you up there was something new going on in their life which is fantastic babies do symbolize like an ace ace of pentacles usually um so your question was it was a first time for you um how can you do more of it all right so you have the capacity i would say all of the things we've been talking about today pick a a different mode rather than just streaming i think that if you could focus on meditation tarot reiki something different runes i don't care but if you start to develop the skills elsewhere yoga yoga is perfect too any or all of these things combined with um just being open in your dreams you're going to get more of it but you have to start to develop the skills outside of dreaming too that was just sort of like the universe saying hey here you go i've had dreams when someone has handed me a resume before uh handed me around to me and i reached out and i said what's going on with the job search and they said oh my god like i need to use you as a reference i said i figured it yes you can use me as a reference so things like that can happen where you'll get a literal symbol like that or it can be symbolic of like birthing something um i think someone might have asked about it if i miss it or if i'm going to come up to it apologies but i also had a question about like what it could mean to have a dream of a miscarriage even if you're not pregnant that just means that there's going to be a pause delay or a stop to something i've had that too actually you can have it as a guy you can imagine that you're you're delivering a baby um so it just means that if it's miscarried or if it's not if there's nothing there then what it means is that you might have to find another way to accomplish what you're trying to do that the person that you thought would be the connection they're gonna fall through it doesn't mean that it won't come through just means you're gonna have to do a little more work so it's like it's like an ace reversed right potential's still there but the timing's off that's really what that would that would symbolize okay recurring dreams about the same subject matter excellent question um is it a sign from the universe or a media bombardment no i think it's a sign from the universe it really depends on what it is so in my life sometimes before i move i will have dreams of moving incessantly for months until i listen to the universe and move because it's sort of saying it's time it's time have you moved yet what's going on with the move it can just be the universe pushing you it can be you seeing your own um sort of what would i say sort of obsessive or compulsive energy around a certain person place or thing as well so if you're constantly dreaming of a person in your dreams all the time it's saying let's let's ease up on that a little bit or a moment in time or the same thing like maybe you're showing up naked at work and it keeps happening and it keeps happening so that's about working on the fear of being seen judged or revealed somehow at work so once you erase the fear then that dream goes away it's just it's like a residual haunting it's there until it's resolved so that's usually what the recurring energy is so i would say that's that's the main piece okay you could also be breaking karma there could be something that comes through in the universe is saying this moment in time is your chance to break the cycle like the devil card reversed um you get to unshackle that okay but you have to act uh the main thing that will stop the repetition is to approach the fear make an action and let it go yvonne had a question about you said um i had maybe this is the one here i had a dream of someone giving me a beautiful baby and i took it um so okay this one is about an ace it's an opportunity babies are like the sun card or an ace card um it could be a new relationship new love new opportunity it's it's only positive the way i would see this um but the baby would need nurturing it would need attention it would need time so a new responsibility could be coming through and knocking on the door for you right so um pretty positive overall the question for you would be do you want that now are you ready for that because like i said there are responsibilities associated with things like that so if you're ready for it i think it's good and if you're not then wait for the timing to be right okay let me move on to the patron questions and then i will see if i have any other time to see if there's some other things that we can talk about today all right so stephanie had a question for me and you said um this was the one how do i get away from the mundane everyday dreams and go into the higher place streams basically stop worrying about fixing the copier at work or you know going to the grocery store or talking to your mom or whatever and going into something like i want a past life flashback or i want to understand what to manifest i hear what you're saying um and then you said you'd like to take your dreams to the next level connecting with ancestors guides new souls to experience new things okay the number one thing that i think happens here stephanie i don't know your life but i would say one of the things is probably just not enough decompression time i'm gonna pull another card for this one too but i think just for generally speaking uh you need to have um sort of like a place where you can let things go even taking the walk like i did the other night walk for half an hour an hour for a while and then just feel like every step you take you're letting go of stuff connect with nature smell the flowers if you watch my instagram account i always post pictures of flowers and walks with apollo and last night i did one of a fountain it was just as the sun was setting it was beautiful so i try to get out of the mundane and look at something beautiful around me and that helps me open up a little bit too yeah i have four of wands here too which tells me you do a lot of support work for others like you're you're there for people a lot card was reversed so i feel like this is just a chance for you to hold some space for yourself as well um so if you do that i feel like things will start to improve there okay um as i also was talking to andre earlier having a cozy space working with crystals can help a lot too uh you can work with different different colored crystals this one i like because it's a combination of protection and also kind of like being able to reach out there so labradorite you can also let's see you could be working i don't have any purple amethyst right there behind me so amethyst is perfect as well um and um anything like that will kind of help you start to move out there and that's a protection sort of symbol selenite is good too you can have um i have a bunch of these globes in my house because they're they're perfect for kind of helping clear the space and with dreams especially they can get rid of stuff that also they're kind of beautiful too to have so selenite is great um uh i just forgot it amethyst is great and labradorite is great um those three would be helpful for you to be able to connect a little bit more right stephanie let's go on to the next one so let's see this was uh again not really a name so i'm not going to say it so any general advice on how for people that don't dream very often i try to write down the dream on rarication but they're very few and far between again i'm encouraging everyone to play around a little bit with daydreaming and meditating and trying to maybe stay in that state just before you fall asleep so try and take a nap on like a saturday or something if you don't work and um before you fall asleep see what you can do with that space and mold it a little bit and say okay this i'm ready now to receive let's explore a little bit set the set the intention set the protection and have fun and if you're not try other modalities try other things like cards or runes or things like that dreams are not the only way but when you stop focusing so much when you clear your head allow yourself to rest you should be able to pick up on it but there are some people it's just like being tone deaf there's only so much you can kind of connect to a circuit certain frequencies so if it's not working all the time don't don't focus on it but then when you receive something really connect with that and um and know that it's a blessing shelley you have a question here about you said occasionally for years i've had this recurring dream of being in an empty house not my house but very familiar um and you said it's it's probably like nighttime because you can't see anything but the open windows and it sort of feels like here i am i'm home again i see it as a blank canvas and it could be a future place calling to you um houses have energies they have the ability to kind of beckon us as well with all the windows being open it feels like there's a lot of opportunities in the future for you that are kind of opening up as well so it could be calling you to move to move on um to open up to someone or something else to me the windows are what i pay more attention to because you're in that familiar space but there's nothing there so there if we really abstracted this you could even see that there might be something in your life that's kind of empty and you're you're being beckoned to go through the windows maybe not the space isn't what's important right okay um next question here is from desiree and you said um how can i purposely connect with my spirit guides and dreams if i don't have a regular practice of lucid dreaming um would dreaming be more clear and sure way of receiving guidance and you've tried to connect to them with tara but you feel you feel resistance so um the first thing that my guides told me is that you're they're you know they're all your guides are always with you like your ascended masters are always there so you can just if you don't feel the connection with tarot the resistance that you feel could be the block but it could also be them not wanting to work with that so have you tried sketching have you tried automatic writing like i do putting everything down on note cards it's quite effective actually it takes a little bit more work but today i was doing just more things that i wanted to talk about but when i do this i often am able to delve a little bit deeper into an idea so try something like that writing sketching it down and just visualizing so all of those things will help and then the other thing for you is again setting that intention before you go to bed you know i had a guide that i recently met and um it was the dragon one and she gave me her card which was a very clear indication if you want to connect with me again just call me um so you could do the same metaphor if you you can imagine that you're sort of psychically giving them your card and say here's how you can contact me i'm going to be i'm free tonight at you know 11 o'clock when i go to bed or whatever so set it out there and tell them set an appointment with spirit that's something that i've talked about before and you probably should have a practice so try to go to bed at a certain time or set aside like fridays and saturdays as your days to connect with spirit and do some um some meditations or some rituals that kind of pull that in if you don't show up for spirit why do you want it to show up for you it's a two-way relationship right you've got to be there for it too um so that would be my advice there maybe not popular advice but i think it's important um spirit will meet you halfway but it's not gonna do all the work um okay aaron has a question here you said um i think this is about recollection as well um you seem to remember every single nightly dream but not so much over the past three decades um and i guess you wanted me to look at one in particular about a snake um so much about snakes today uh so you said you're trying to help and prevent someone from being witness bitten by a venomous snake and you're really focused on the jaw and you were worried about i guess being poisoned or bitten um you were bitten in the process so okay for me venom is power and really what you're describing to me is the strength card just a different symbol so instead of a lion or a tiger or whatever or an alligator it's it can be any animal why not a snake it's the same thing it's a very that when a snake kind of clenches its jaw it's really fast and it's really strong so what you're trying to do is it's a it's a tug of war it's a it's the strength card so there may be someone in your life where you're trying to make them see or say or understand something from a point of view and it's dangerous to do that that's why the venom is there it's actually a more powerful symbol than the than the lion uh so when i see that i would say don't try to if someone doesn't want your protection or they don't want your insight let it go right because you might get caught in those those jaws are in that venom so to me it's about taking your power back waiting for people to come to you protecting yourself and its power dynamics that's the snake for me expression like i said earlier it doesn't have to just be sexual it can be your um your solar plexus um so it could just sort of be like how your your power dynamics are and then also because you're talking about the the mouth it can also just be about your throat chakra so focus on power and communication and then power dynamics that's what the snake is telling me so you're not going to die from the venomous bite the venomous fight was symbolizing maybe not trying to get involved in an argument with someone that that power struggle might be toxic we'll look at the toxicity of it but it's not so much the snake and there's nothing really to be afraid of it's it's abstracted on some other um area of your life carol has a question here about look this is a really good one and it's so annoying i've had this happen so i think this will benefit a lot of people he said what could it mean to still be dreaming about um someone that i split up from more than a decade ago i have the dreams we are either back together or still together it's not something that you desire i don't blame you um it's a contract release you can do that i have an old video on my youtube channel you can search it but what you could do is in waking time imagine yourself in a circle of light call in protection from your guides see the other person in spirit outside of that circle and release the contract with them with love you could say i um with love and with light i release you from my mind body and spirit i release any connections any debts any promises any anger that the two of us hold between one another and in doing so we're free you can also if you can lucidly talk to the person if not you can just do it awake and psychically say if you love me move on like go go away i had to say that to uh someone who passed in a dream because they were coming through again and again and again and i finally looked at them and i said if you love me go away it was very direct it wasn't mean and if you've watched the matrix it was like the end of the first movie where he jets up into the sky the person listened so it works so you could be holding on um they could be holding on do a contract release and then try not to be angry at them when you see them try to try to practice indifference spiritual indifference with this person you are so not an issue you're so in i i just don't even i don't even notice you anymore you could just kind of keep pretending like they're almost like a ghost at some point and you would be able to six of swords or four of swords them out if you will distance them or kind of like ease them out of your energy okay i think it'll get better for you but i think that's what it is focusing on that a little bit all right danielle has a question here you said recently a shaman was in your dream he looked like the white eagle and the keepers of the light deck it's a cool kyle grey deck i believe yeah um he was just there i can't remember if he talked or not how can i connect with him again all right since he came through with that sort of eagle-like energy why not set a meeting place for him in and do a a awaking meditation set a space where you imagine that you're going to meet up in the trees right this giant eagles nest and you could sit in it like an oversized one that could fit two or three humans and just sit there and say i'm ready and imagine that before you go to sleep that you set that space you're the creator here but since this person has sort of like bird-like qualities go halfway a tree's halfway between the earth and the heavens so you could just sit up there and say i'm ready to receive the messages now meet me here set an appointment with that um energy with that shaman with that deity okay um i think that's the main message there from that and then c has a question you said you have repeated dreams of your old job which you really hated and you felt not so safe there you were attacked by someone at work and they keep coming through so this is also very common and there's probably still some anger bitterness or resentment toward the person towards the office um the experience overall so the main thing to do is to to go through that and release the anger the um the issues that you might be having with those people in your life uh and you've got to deal with it in the waking hours so maybe you have to talk to a psychologist maybe you need to confront someone from that place if there was something that was done that was illegal or wrong maybe there has to be some legal action taken it's about you pulling the reins back and saying no more and this is you know like really kind of getting in control of that um but the thing that i just talked about with the um the person that like hasn't seen their partner for 10 years it works too so just really say to that person i release you and i don't really i don't feel anything anymore like move on it's kind of sad if you don't like kind of get into that energy where you don't feel anything about it because if you can get neutral um or indifferent whatever feels better like whatever if you can really feel that sort of sense of whatever then you're going to be free and that energy will move on too but you're holding on a little bit is what i would say there um so and then there was someone about like waking up for a test i think we all have these even if you're you know 40 70 100 sometimes you feel like you're gonna wake up and you're not ready for that test i would say um there's probably something that you need to prepare for take some action or you're worried about being caught unaware um it could also just be insecurity of your own abilities so just focus on feeling good about yourself and and being prepared i think those are the key things that come through for that okay um last page and then we have a little bit of extra time here you said this is from jamie um i have a lot of silly dreams none of them seem very deep how can you tell the difference between nonsensical or one that has a deeper meaning um empathy as i said before how how far you are really feeling something it really will tell you that um i think everything has a kernel of truth but you want to get to the popcorn not just one little kernel so i would say um don't focus on the minutia that's one thing even those nonsensical ones are you sure there's not something in that that is worth looking at so yeah i had a dream about being in the fitting room but but today we were talking about dreams and i i was able to relate it to what it was going to be about today which is being able to try on new things try different things out in our dreams we have the ability to let go of our filters we're shown the things that are our worst fears we are shown our desires and we can't escape from the desires and then other things come through too to trigger us so maybe there's something in the mundane stuff that actually is worth exploring um so clear your mind a little bit and really think about the stuff see is there something there that i you know even coffee like if you were just making coffee look at the cup maybe you can look at some tea you know the coffee reading the tea leaves or the coffee grains you can do something with that i i think there might be something there that you could still see but if there's a lot of silly stuff quote unquote then you just need to focus on meditating more that's all okay um maryam had a question here about okay you were the one that asked about pregnancy or miscarriage um and even if you're past the age of having babies or two too young or too old or incapable um so to me babies are opportunities because it's something that you're going to take care of and you're going to birth you don't just birth a child you can decide to go to school you can decide to improve your health you could decide to launch your business or to sell a product if you have a miscarriage like i said the timing could be off symbolically or the channel that you're using could be wrong and it's not the right one to birth it in so just abstract it a birth though is showing something new coming in and just sense how you feel about it are you feeling unprepared are you feeling excited and loving um that's kind of probably the energy of the opportunity that will come through that's all it really is it freaks you out but it's not i remember one dream that i had when i dreamed that i had miscarried a baby again it shouldn't be so weird for men or women to have this because we've been every gender in every lifetime so let's get over that sort of thing so if you if you dream that you have a baby male or female or non-binary um and you're just sort of birthing something then it's sort of like oh like i in my dream i was proud of what i had birth but nobody else was so it wasn't so much as a miscarriage as it was a rejected birth like people thought it was ugly but i thought it was beautiful so what spirit told me was hold true to your vision because you see something they can't but the timing isn't right so i had to wait two or three years to birth it again and it was successful the second time around so i saw the love and i saw the light no one else could i was like i don't know why people don't think this is a beautiful baby it's beautiful it's mine so sometimes there's that it could also be um to kind of like be more discerning or to accept criticism which was something that i worked on as well so sometimes that's what the miscarriage is as well is just to kind of look at it from a different angle okay leslie has a question here about the role of non-reality-based relationships i think you're talking about fan uh fantasies here you said lovers children babies so if you have um if you see yourself in a different role or if you see something that's not in your life it's just a projection it's just an experience and if you are doing something you wouldn't normally do with someone that you normally wouldn't do it with whatever that is then it's just you exploring what if this happened that's all it's projections it's like role-playing basically in dreams so i think it's very normal and the last one here that i have i hope hopefully i answered every once i tried to um repeated dreams of feeling lost and unable to get home losing your purse losing your keys etc i have a family member that has this stream all the time a lot of times this is a directional thing it can be about life path it can be a fear of ambiguity like what's around the corner and not being able to control all of these things um if you have capricorn in your in your charts that can pop up sometimes because you want to kind of analyze things um a capricorn moon especially can have something like that but any sign is capable of wanting to kind of go into it too much even libra um so i would say yeah if you're if you're very analytical um sometimes these are just trying if you're trying to make sense of everything and life doesn't always make perfect sense when we're going through it later sometimes so i would say just being able to flow with it a little bit will help so there you go those were that was a lot that we kind of worked through and if i were to kind of like pick some themes of how this works i think you're picking up on it that it's never black and white a baby is not a baby you know the eagle was just saying maybe reach higher for a goal too that that that guy that came through could just be telling you that the spider is telling you you're creating your own future i love animals in dreams because they really show the capacity to um like other aspects of our personality so when we see something it embodies energies that we don't so it's reminding us to find that within so hopefully that helps uh let me know if uh there's so many i'm just scanning through chat i know a lot of you gave super chats and i don't always have times to kind of answer these so i'm just going to scan through them and see if there was a question here i talked about the secretive doors or are sort of like portals in a house it's really an opportunity to try something different so for those of you that were asking about that if you're noticing colors christina asked a question about colors in a dream i would say you're probably picking up on their auric field and we have the capacity to shift our aura from day to day minute to minute based on what we're feeling so you know you may have a naturally green aura if you're a healer but if something upsets you it could go to like orange or yellow so if you're seeing that you might be picking up on someone's feelings about you warm oranges are not necessarily bad it's power i'm wearing orange today so orange is a good color and golden yellows golden is good too i mean those are that's just showing me the ability to have like power and expression and control so um i see them as empowered colors right it's not accidental that you see like a lot of royalty and gold and everything like that so okay let me just scan and see if there are any other super chat questions here i don't normally take them but i'm just looking here today um if you've seen someone that someone is seeing the spirit that's upstairs like an old woman there may be an imprint there of somebody that lived there once so you could smudge the space you could try and talk to her and see what comes through and see how that makes you feel um sometimes you're just seeing again it could be an old relative it could be someone that lived there before i think you just want to kind of engage with the spirit a bit um if you feel safe otherwise just to smudge and clear and kind of claim the space a lot of times we can co-exist with a haunting and it's not the end of the world sometimes there are friendly ghosts that just want to have their space so give them their space and and it's not the end of the world i have some relatives that live in haunted houses um i don't i don't want to do that myself but but if you can coexist with the spirits then there's nothing wrong with that okay so let me see i think that's everything that i wanted to talk about but i'm going to pull a couple cards here um we have enough time that i'm going to do one quick spread uh for the for the general here general collective i'm going to use the light sears deck here and i'm going to ask are there some ways that you can get a little bit more in tune with your dreams and are there any messages that i need to deliver to everyone here right now so we'll just do one quick celtic cross since you're all here and we'll see if there's anything that i can add into that [Music] i'm looking at the express sort of way of what you can what you can do to be more open okay good and anything that you need to do to open up here a bit all right so i talked a little bit earlier we had like the king of wands card this page of wands is cool because they're kind of throwing out the intention what what it is that they want like a baton like a major ad or something like a baton thrower i like this um so when you're working with dream energy or trying to kind of reach out a little bit what you want to do is set the intention and kind of release it like this pages here's what i want here's what i'm trying to do let's let's do this but the other part is you have to communicate and i think setting up an experience with uh or like an appointment with spirit on a on a regular basis is going to be really important so make sure that you are at least once a week um doing something where you set some time even if it's just like you decide on a friday night to take a bath and meditate in the bath that works too um close the door tell everyone to leave you alone for like 20 minutes or something just so that you can connect a little bit with spirit light a candle and and you can also make that a kind of ritual you could put lavender in the in the water or something like that to kind of release some of the stuff from work do something like that if you don't have the luxury of time before you go to bed or when you first wake up you can get up ahead of people a little bit and decide like before i do these readings i need to get up a couple hours early to prepare mentally i can't just like roll out of bed and click go live and hope for the best there's preparation that's involved with kind of connecting to spirit and so just put some preparation towards what you're trying to do uh don't hold on to wanting something too much with the four of pentacles sometimes protecting yourself too much or or wanting to get something too badly will thwart the natural sort of fluid energy of dreams so you gently sort of set this intention you throw it out and if the person wants to call you back or if the energy wants to connect with you it will um we dream a lot we have a lot of nights you know you've got 365 chances every year to connect with spirit if you don't do it tonight don't beat yourself up maybe you just needed the rest too so just to be open to not hold back to not be afraid to explore because this is a card of pulling in so i'd say don't pull the energy in too much um let it be whatever you're trying to feel like in that moment if you feel love fear anxiety go into that and understand like why it's coming through it's coming through to open you up it's helping you sort of see something that you normally wouldn't dreams are just mirrors into our um into our reality right into our self ace of wands this is the this is the question about like the philosophers and their their their thoughts on dreams whether it's freud or someone else don't overthink you really want to focus on the third eye what's coming through um i would say for you the first thing that you associate with the symbol would be the most valuable for you i saw this i felt that or this comes through and then something like this happens in my life don't go too deep it's good to do a little research on it just like cards you need to learn the value before you can go past it or like the alphabet you've got to put all the letters together learn the letters first then put the words and then you start to create things with it but i think on on a soul level you know what to do it takes time takes time to develop thank you seven of pentacles it doesn't happen overnight it's a beautiful illustration showing that the work happens within before you see it um above ground so you're gonna do the work here you're gonna do the work here you're gonna do the work in your body first and then you're going to start to see the changes happen then you'll start to see things happen in your life so focusing on improving your health mental and physical focusing on improving your finances working conditions all that stuff get all your all your pieces of your life together because until that's together it's going to be hard to develop psychically right the only time that this is not necessarily the case is if you need protection and then your spider senses come through and you're sort of like ah i need to okay this this person is trying to do this and i better take care of this so sometimes your body will or your mind will go into a protective mode but generally speaking the more you can be grounded and prepared the better open heart open mind playful energy um and a sort of ritualistic energy too here because the queen of cups almost reminds me of the high priestess here so going at the dream energy as if it was something really really valuable really really sacred which by the way it is um six of cups this is one of the cool things once you start to do this you can connect with people from the past whether it's your inner child or it could be a relative or pet or someone in your life that maybe you've lost this is the best part of developing that skill is seeing familiar energies some of you are just too busy you've got the eight of wands i get it we all have to work hard we have a lot that's going on if you do too much if you work too much um again it really depends on your makeup you'll either dream much more or much less or the dreams will be kind of chaotic so try to balance yourself out and you're gonna have more normalized sleeping and dreaming patterns finally the more you kind of get on well not finally it's this is this is how you can get to the final card um we have the star here which is showing that the closer you are to your true self um the more easily spiritual energy is going to flow through you so if you're stuck in a marriage a job or something in your life where it doesn't feel authentic you're being blocked probably spiritually too because you're not allowing yourself to shine the way you need to so getting on the path going after your hopes um approaching your fears without fear just kind of thinking like how can i deal with this i'll deal with this all that's going to help and then again if we just kind of connect the seven of pentacles to the wheel of fortune easy does it and growth is there it's something that you can um you can absolutely connect to in the long run so hopefully that helps those are the high level messages here nothing fearful nothing scary i think that um hopefully all of that helped did i answer everyone's um high-level questions hopefully i hope i did um if there's any i'll give you one last chance or if there's anything that i didn't cover as far as like repetitive dreams flying in dreams being naked in dreams lucid dreaming how to develop it i think we kind of covered everything that we need to so if we did then i'm going to wrap this up today and say thank you so much if you like videos like this please share them this is a little bit out of the norm for my general sort of um kind of like schedule here i do occasionally the occasionally we'll go into intuitive development videos in the past they haven't been super popular but if you like this uh when it's on replay it's hit the like button um comment on it share it with someone help it kind of get some traction and if i see enough uh movement here then we'll do more of these but i need to see that this is something that you enjoy for me to do more in the future um someone asked about connecting to their higher selves i would say that to to connect with your higher self meditation is the key thing uh really just focusing on making sure that you listen because it's not always going to come through with um you know sort of like this visual or this audio cue i want you to kind of just feel it out i think it comes with clear sentence you're just going to get this feeling of what's right and wrong so you're always connected to you but you have to sort of like more often make sure that your higher self is there and is listening and you're you're willing and ready to kind of let that come through um so there we go all right i'm going to wrap it up for today because i feel like we've covered everything that we needed to and i feel like it was a really great session i want to thank maria for helping moderate i know we had a lot of questions maybe that i didn't get a chance to answer so if you would like me to do more of these in the future maybe in another six months or something i can do another one on dreams um become a channel member or become a patron this is what i'm trying to do to reward folks that have been supporting me for a long time so if you like what you see here there's a join button underneath the video you can become a channel member and i occasionally allow q a access like this i can't always do it in the live feed but i can do it when um when i kind of post something ahead of time thank you to everyone that did give a super sticker or super chat today you really helped me be able to do more videos like this so thank you and it also helps pay for all the supplies so every little bit helps um if you'd like to learn more about when i do sort of bonus videos i'm going to do another one about apollo soon i have to finish the editing um you can join me on social media on most social media my handle is at nicholas ashbal there's a couple like um where is it here like twitter that's a little bit different you can just go to my website for that but pretty much everywhere it's nicholas well it's my first initial last name for twitter and asphalt um and finally if you would like to give back or help out i would say in a really easy way that doesn't require anything you can just hit like and subscribe this is so helpful in uh helping this channel be discovered and you guys have been great about that lately so if you haven't previously subscribed hit the subscribe button if you've already done it thank you if you haven't opted into notifications before you can do that this is a one-time thing only for those things for the video thumbs up if you haven't done so as well and if you want to check out my book it's behind me there it's called the luminous ones it's on my website you can check it out there it's mostly for sci-fi and fantasy fanatics but uh you can read the description and see if it's something you would like thank you so much everyone wishing you much love and light i hope that you have a great day ahead and i will be back on sunday to kick off the next month's readings i'll be doing ares and sometime in the next few days i'll be doing a video with apollo i have to finish that up so anyway thank you so much much love and light i'll see you guys soon bye-bye sweet dreams
Channel: Nicholas Ashbaugh
Views: 20,194
Rating: 4.970962 out of 5
Keywords: Psychic, Medium, Horoscope, Tarot Reading, Intuitive, Astrologer, Metaphysics, Meditation, Dream Interpretatin, Dreams, Dream Symbology, oneiromancy
Id: 4hbfpWGBIlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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