Draw Your Character Challenge! | Really Loud House Behind the Scenes | Nickelodeon

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hey loud crowd my name is Cather Bradley hey guys it's Ain Bradley hi I'm Mia Allan my name is Ella Allan today I'm going to be drawing my version of animated Lan so let's get into it so I think I'm going to use this as her head cuz she does have a decent Siz head so we have like a little outline of the head okay ooh perfect I'm going to start like drawing the head I don't have like very Cooperative hands my head is so big okay I like the idea of having like a perfect circle so I'm going to take this base that I literally just found a second ago and I'm just going to trace it Lucy has a very round head and we got to match that kind of decently according to character you know what I mean yes you do so right now I'm doing her um eyes and eyebrows I'm trying to make her look like me mixed with Lan in a way give her her brace did just see that her eyes are actually kind of challenging because cuz they're like ovals kind of so I'm going sketch something like that and then obviously got to add the eyelashes so I'm now just erasing what I did before and I'm going to draw the head for the second time let's try to do this somewhat even all right okay I think that's a little bit better next thing we're going to do is we're going to add the bangs I'm going to add a little texture to them cuz just a little like fluff but also kind of straighten them out so I just I sharpened this uh Black Pencil it's it's a charcoal pencil but it'll work for the hair Lan is a very kind of fashionable girl in a way like whenever I'm wearing actually one of her outfits right now oh my God this is going so poorly okay it's fine just give her some eyelashes and hope it fixes it and maybe a little Rose Rosy Cheeks oh my God why does she look like this go inside like right there I think it looks pretty good so far okay well we're also going to want to blend with this tool I think I think this is the right tool this gives it a nice little look all right now I'm going to go into the um kind of like body so I'm drawing the neck right now shoulders down all right so down at the pant leg the pant leg a little bit big and then side over her hair just literally lays flat kind of like a bob cut kind of thing if you know what I mean I'm going to go here here here here here here go up here go around her head okay wait wait wait okay I think the face like the base of the face is good it's just like the face shape that's throwing it for me I'm going to give her her ponytail and see if she looks prettier with her ponytail okay here we go this is her ponytail just like that yes yes yes yes going to do her little side part I think that looks pretty good and then you're going to do your eyelash just two little lines okay I'm going down okay that's not that bad all right that's that's kind of what I'm doing I'm drawing the next arm kind of okay that arm is definitely longer than the others for the nose pretty basic nose like nothing too shabby okay so next thing we're going to do no smile no teeth no nothing just just like dra like literally just like a straight line okay yeah this is going to work this is what I imagine Len's Hair to be if we could accomplish this IRL it's kind of really hard to do hair though in in the hair trailer it takes so long but you know I I think it turns out really good and we have an amazing team of pair of people I'm going to start off by the smile which her smile like goes and then she obviously has her missing teeth there and at the bottom I think we can go in with some teeth she can really make a statement that her teeth are missing I think that looks pretty good for her face so far I'm going to add like a little cheeks though I feel like the face is going to be the hardest so I'm going to do that last I'm going to do the pigtails now and bangs Okay I'm I'm going to just kind of like I'm going with it I'm just going to like draw in I don't have time to color the whole thing in but let's just keep going okay next pigtail all right done with the pigtails now it's time for the hair okay so next thing we're going to do is we're just going to draw like two lines off our neck NE down oh I need to make her hair longer now okay so she has a nice V right here that cuts where her dress Cuts but she has her stripes on her shirt going up like that okay so we're going to go in with her little torso right now um her arms are not going to be very detailed they're just gonna be oh my God why does she hello is she okay you're going to swoosh up cuz she has like this little swoosh then we're going to start her hair right here bring it down and you're just going to want to shade in do some circles now I'm going to try to do a hat okay how do you do a hat what is that it looks like a duck on her head these arms are not the same like size at all which it's okay CU it's just what is g to happen because we're going to go with the no we're not going to go with the flow we're going to redo the flow real quick now we're just going to draw her skirt and actually if you didn't know this in the show even though you think that um yellow skirt I have is a skirt it's actually not it is shorts that is built to look like a skirt because the costume department is epic Lola would not be Lola without her crown another loop and then one big loop and then we're going to like make a loop inside a loop col this in ooh I actually think that looks pretty good I'm going to do the clip there clip there and then I'm going to do a pocket guys it looks like someone's face is on my overalls okay drawing the line across guys it actually looks like a person look the nose the eyes the the mouth okay next the sleeves on the arms are are very important draw them up so squiggly lines going to be here here here here dress me here the faces I think where it all went wrong to be honest because that's a little concerning so we're just going to restart it really quick and then I think I'm going to be done because actually this outfit's kind of really good I always have to remind myself to put on a pearl necklace small big small big okay I think that looks pretty decent that's my frog um then we're going to do buttons on the side of my overalls and then I'm going to add like kind of the like texture of the overalls and so I'm just going to go like this just draw like squiggles on the overalls so her dress kind of like definitely like comes out and just like swoops and then her legs down here knee high socks very important I'm I'm I'm getting there I'm getting there everyone a look at her oh oh that's so good that's what I do in the show I always talking like this so that's perfect okay one decent size and then ends it off with that big big bold yes oh yes yes yes LOL la loud and then we're also going to give her her sash which we're going to color in a decent amount oh that's probably the best thing on the whole drawing the shoes which no one looks at so now I'm going to do the fingers oh my gosh that looks like a lot of fingers on drawings that looks like it's SP of fingers shoes she likes to wear platforms that's not a shoe alen what is that oh okay I think I know what I did I didn't draw it out to the side well and that's kind of normally what I like to do okay now we're going to start her ponytail the ponytail is the essential part of Lan loud it looks really good oh my God she's so cute okay wait let me just give her a little bit more gorgeous now we just got to draw her hands real fast bring this down here and then she has gloves so we're going to leave it like right there we're going to do the eyes all right eyeballs and then you do the lashes okay lashes lashes okay now we need to draw her hands actually I was had an idea to like kind of do it where like her bat hangs normally but that's going to be on the other arm cuz I just decided that just now cuz chaotically Mr coconuts is my favorite thing I work with on set um he has his little Sombrero hat so that's the best I can do for that and then I'm going to add his hair okay let's just pretend I know what I was doing with that hair Okay so we're going to draw like this light little cuz her ears kind of big then you're going to just blend out lightly oh we're almost done you guys almost done okay I'm just going to draw the teeth on um we're going to do a big blackout part um on her teeth look at that guys look at that that is a masterpiece that's the only thing I feel good about hand here sleeve here and try to draw things let's go clear as I can fers we love you teeth teeth eye eye you know what I'm just going to like attach my hand to this so so I don't have to draw my hand okay all right there we go and that's his shoes take this lightly blend I think I did an incredible job what else oh I'm missing a nose I'm missing a nose and then I have to do ears all right I need to do the sleeve like that's going to annoy me forever if I don't like fill in her one sleeve and the other sleeve is not done it's going to be a whole thing I'm going to put her standing on little platform and then like this is her oh my gosh okay and T my terrifying Masterpiece she has the cat she has the bang she has the missing teeth of course work of art let me just tell you that everything is on point like the ear with her like curl the teeth oh chef's kiss let me tell you that just act like this is all colored in and I'm sorry I'm still drawing guys but I forgot the other sleeve I'm not nearly as good as the animators but I think she's pretty cute what do you guys think definitely I would say I look this looks exactly like me um it looks exactly like Lana you know it is absolutely perfect and I hope you guys enjoyed I'll probably finish this later bye guys I actually really love how this turned out so I'm going to go find a place to put this up in the house see you guys later
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 283,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, bts, behind the scenes, really loud house, loud house, the really loud house, draw challenge, draw your character, draw yourself challenge, drawing challenge, really loud house behind the scenes, lola loud, lana loud, lucy loud, luan loud, ytao_lh, nickelodeon shows intro, the really loud house lori, the really loud house luna
Id: zTA4P5xkJAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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