The Really Loud House Cast REACTS To Cartoon Scenes! | Behind The Scenes | Nickelodeon

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- I'm Lexi Janicek. - It's Annaka Fourneret. I'm Aubin Bradley. My name is Ella Allen. And I'm Mia Allen. And today, I'm going to be watching some of the cartoon, and reacting to it. Oh, video games. Wow. <i> Yah!</i> What happened? This is- Look at his face. I love his face. So he takes the milk out of the fridge, and then Lynn challenges him to a milk chugging contest. Oh, classy. Nice, Lynn. Okay. Gotta love 'er. <i> Which shade of black do you think is better</i> <i> for the reading, Eternal Sadness or Vacant Tomb?</i> <i> I don't know. Eternal tomb.</i> [laughing] Okay, so this particular scene is actually from one of my favorite episodes. I also really like how she's like "This one or this one?", and they look the exact same. Thing is she combines both of the names to say, "Eternal Tomb". It's just really funny. Okay, let's just be honest. That's not how my side of the room looks. <i> Liver and onions, Monday. </i> <i> Squid with sauerkraut, Tuesday. Lima bean-</i> I love how she just used a blow dryer into a bucket, and it didn't go anywhere near the bucket at all. It went all over your face. <i> All this glitter, and now I look like you.</i> <i> You do look like me, which you know, bonus for you.</i> [laughing] That is like; out of the whole show, that is like my favorite line of all time. Gray that does our character voices, I think it's so interesting that she actually plays both parts, and then she has to do like a whole different character. She also plays Lily, and, like I'm like, that's so cool to me because she has two different characters and she plays them incredibly. Poo poo. [laughing] Oh, my God. Poo poo. Oh. [laughing] Okay, continue. Epic, epic Lisa moment. <i> You wouldn't understand.</i> <i> Ah!</i> Lisa's gonna get injured, man. Okay. What's gonna happen to Leni? Oh, and smacked into the wall. <i> Whoo hoo! I win! You went down hard!</i> <i> I thought I was going up.</i> Oh, my gosh, Leni's nose gets stuck in the side of the wall. Next clip. <i> This is Grandma Harriet. And this is Abraham Lincoln.</i> Okay, this makes me really mad because I have a baby cousin, and sometimes he spills things I'm like, "Oh, no", and I kind of feel bad for Lucy because Lily's getting all of her messy hands all over her poetry posters. She probably doesn't feel anything. She probably doesn't care, but I do, looking at this. -<i> Trick or treat. - Oh.</i> I love the Halloween episode. I think it is so funny. I'm actually really excited because how Mia and I are just like this in real life. We literally have so many Halloween costumes lined up, so we would come back and forth to the same house. We all look the same here. So, I'm sure we've done that before. <i> Are you thinking what I am thinking?</i> It's Todd. I really like that Todd is like Lisa's best friend and helps her with everything. He's a great guy, He's really sincere. <i> You built a time machine out of Vanzilla in seven minutes?</i> In- In seven minutes? In seven minutes she built a whole time machine, y'all. Next clip is coming. There we go. Okay, so we're on track field. <i> Go!</i> Oh, gosh. The tears coming from her eyes when she's running. I feel that during the mile. <i> Forget this. There's no way we-</i> Oh, and the guys give up. Losers. Arm wrestling. Nice. I'm actually really good at that. I've beaten Wolfie like three times, and he won't admit to the fact that I'm stronger than him. Only on my left arm, though. And I'm right handed, which makes no sense. Yes. Yes, Lucy. Flip the hair. <i> It's totes great to see you.</i> <i> Um, who are you?</i> I'm Lucy. You don't normally see Lucy like without, um, like her normal like colors. I feel like she probably shouldn't be trying to like change who she is to, like, impress somebody. Even though it was really entertaining. I like Lucy just the way she is. <i> Can I get a price check on the-</i> Okay, so I've actually seen this episode before. - This is my favorite episode. - This is our favorite episode, because we actually watched this right before we found out we booked the job. Okay, the funny part about this is that's kind of us in real life. Ella has got things like from the trash before. Let's just say that's not just me. I have not been the only person that when your ice cream falls on the ground that you just pick up the stuff, that is not on the dirt. - Let's just- - I totally have. Like, I'm not gonna waste my SpongeBob Popsicle when it's completely good. <i> I have a wedding to attend.</i> She broke the garage. The damages. How much money is that? <i> Another scientific success without a hiccup.</i> <i> No one here hiccups green juice out of their nose.</i> [gasping] Everyone came. They snuck themselves there. <i> This is good. Can I have another?</i> Oh, my God, she's met her match. Someone can eat the burger. <i> Wait, what?</i> <i> You know, like go to my roller dirty games...</i> Cute. She's asking to be friends. To hang out. <i> Deal.</i> Sweet. <i> Lynn-</i> See, Lynn can be nice. She is nice. She's just aggressive. It's kind of sweet. I mean, I don't think she means it in a, like in a romantic way, but like you know, gets lonely sometimes. People get overly excited. She's kind of like a puppy. How like puppies lick you, or like jump on you. They don't mean to hurt you. Lynn. in that sense, is kind of like a puppy, and I think that she just wants to make a real friend. Now to harvest the necessary energy. AH! I need you to take my pulse. I'm working on a breathing technique that lowers my heart rate to the point of barely being alive. Nope. That's just like... very funny. Okay, when I played Lucy, I kind of- I kind of like to calm myself down a little bit. She is a very calm person, and I feel like before I go in there, I'm just like... [deep breath] Okay, enter Lucy mode, and then I go in and I'm ready to work. Okay, let's keep watching. <i> No peeking yet.</i> I do believe that we each have something of each other's characters in ourselves. Cause, like I do like wearing dresses, like at home and she does. I- I will say she likes wearing overalls and like, she likes frogs, too. Don't judge. Don't judge. [chuckles] Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you had an absolute blast watching me watch my favorite Lucy moments. Catch me as Lynn Loud Jr live action edition on The Really Loud House, streaming on Paramount Plus and airing on Nickelodeon. I'll see you later. Bye.
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 693,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, loud house, loud house cast reacts, loud house cartoon, loud house animation, the really loud house, the really loud house cast, lincoln loud, lisa loud, lynn loud, ytao_lh, behind the scenes, nickelodeon loud house, really loud house, the loud house, nickelodeon show, new family movie, lola loud, lana loud, luan loud, luna loud
Id: v9fH2WyyDW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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