KiDS Leprechaun TRAP!! Adley & Niko make a St Patrick’s Day hidden gold slide box! family DIY craft

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- [Dad] Great job. - I'm the cheerleader for the leprechaun! I'm the cheerleader for the leprechaun! - [Dad] What? - You think Adley's a leprechaun cheerleader? - You're cheering for the leprechaun? You want the leprechaun to win? - Wait, stop! - What? - Get on the train, choo-choo! (horn blowing) - Choo-choo! - [Adley] Sit down! - [Dad] Wah, we got him! - It's a dinosaur leprechaun! - It's a dinosaur leprechaun? - Yeah. - Ooh boy, wahaha, yeeha, wawawawawawa, wah! - Daddy! - What? - Daddy, look at on your back. - Hey, you do that again? Now I got a beautiful glitter beard. - (giggles) Ew. - Oh, I just wanna give you a beard cuddle, mm. - Yuck! (dad smooches) - Guys! - Mom glued herself to stuff! - I have a leprechaun trap! - Wait, you're the leprechaun? - Yeah. (giggles) - Catch her! - But seriously, vlog, I'm the real leprechaun. (mom laughs) - What was that? - Nothing. (giggles) (tense suspicious music) (coins clinking) - I just invented a new leprechaun trap, and we're gonna test it on the kids. Welcome to "A for Adley." Hey Adley, I'm ready to do the video! Come downstairs! - Coming! Ooh, gold. - [Dad] Wah, haha, I got her! (laughing) - [Adley] Dad! Dad. - [Dad] Did it work? - Yep. (laughs) - (laughs) My trap worked! (Adley giggles) Should we try it on Nico and mom? - Yeah! - Yeah, here, help me set it up again. - Okay. - Okay. - Dad, you're not helping! - Okay, we gotta spread it out. - Make sure we don't land on the yellow rope or green rope or black rope. - Yeah, no ropes, we spread it out like this. So what we did is we tied string to all four corners of the blanket, and then that string all ties up onto here, so it can lift up. And then we wrapped that around- - [Adley] Hey, dad! - The staircase, yeah? - I'm ready! - [Dad] You wanna give it a test pull? - Yep! - Okay, three, two, one, test pull! Ooh, I like that. Pull him all the way up here and he's just in there. - [Mom] Adley, no! - (laughs) That'd be cute. - [Adley] Okay, let's just put it back down, dad. - Okay, let's get it set up again. (Adley giggles) All right, we gotta push this down. Will you help me pull the rope this time? - Yeah, I'm gonna pull it by myself, I'm stronger than you. - What? (Adley giggles) Okay, let's arm wrestle. - Okay. (giggles) - On your mark, get set, go. (dad groaning) How are you actually so strong? - Daddy, again, let's do it again. - Are you serious? Okay. Get your elbow down, you have to be on your elbow. - Okay. - Okay. - Dad, go. (dad groaning) - (panting) She's too strong! All right, you're the rope puller, I'll be the setter upper. (Adley giggles) - It's almost leprechaun's day, so we have to make a leprechaun trap so we can catch him. So today, a leprechaun video, we're gonna make a leprechaun trap. But first, we're trapping our family. (Adley and dad laugh) - This is kind of a big leprechaun trap, but it was worth the experiment. I think to trap a real leprechaun, we need like a smaller trap. And Nico can't resist pirates' treasure! - Uh-huh! (giggles) - He's part pirate. - A Nico bear or a Nico pirate. - Is he downstairs or upstairs? - Upstairs. - He's up already, okay. I think we're ready, should we call Nico? - Yup, call him! I have to hold the rope. - Nico, we found some gold, come downstairs! - [Nico] Huh? - [Dad] Hi! - [Adley] Nico! - Oh, I'm too dizzy. - [Dad] You're dizzy? - Yeah. - [Dad] Want some pirate gold? That's pirate gold. - [Adley] Sit down, Nico! - Wah, we got him! (laughs) - We got him! Coming in, don't mind me, coming in! (dad laughs) - Oh, you're getting in too? I got both my fairy kids! (laughs) - What are you doing? - [Nico] Gold! - These kids were hungry for gold! (kids laughing) - Hi! - Gold! - Hi! - Mommy, we found gold! - Hi! (laughing) (coins clinking) - Oh. - Gold! - So we were thinking this for our leprechaun trap, but it's kinda big- - Pirate gold! - And then we'd have to stay up all night, and get ready to pull the rope, so. - Yeah, that'd be kinda hard. - We might need a different leprechaun trap. - My gold, yeah, gold, gold! - Gold! - Are we making leprechaun traps today? - Leprechaun traps! - Gold! - Gold! - Leprechaun traps today! - Leprechauns love gold, I think we need all this gold. - Okay, I'll get the gold. - We gotta set it up, let's go! Choo-choo! (horn blaring) (Nico squeals) - Whoo, whoo, wow, wow! - Wait, stop! - Pause. - Get on the train, choo-choo! - Choo-choo! Okay, everyone in the train? - Choo-choo! - Choo-choo! - Choo-choo! (everyone choo-chooing) - All right, here's our gold. Let's make leprechaun traps! - And here's our gold, and a pot! - Ooh, cat- - Mine! - Whoo, whoo! - Look at all this leprechaun stuff. Ooh, there's gold on this 'cause it's shiny. (Nico shouting) Whoa. - Look what I found. - [Dad] A leprechaun unicorn princess? - No, watch this, watch this. - What? - One, two, three! (shouts) (dad shouts and laughs) - Oh wait, wait, wait. - [Dad] Ooh! - Oh, ooh. - I'm coloring. - Ooh, so- - Let's get into the goods already. - You guys can print these off, we have like a little four friends page. And this is how to make a leprechaun trap. There's like rainbow handles, and leprechauns. I think our printer's kind of dying. (laughs) - Well, it sure is! (Nico shouting) - All right, so how should we get started? - My gold! - Gold, that's a good start. This box, Adley, are thinking this box? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yay gold! - And then, so we gotta figure out how to get him into the box. He's going, we'll put some gold in there, what else? - My gold, gold, gold. - Gold, gold. - Okay, look at this. Are you ready? - [Dad] Where's the leprechaun? - Whoo. - (laughs) We should put Nico's face on that! (mom laughs) - All right, so here's the plan. - Well, no, I wanna tell the plan. - You're gonna tell the plan? - What's the plan, boss? - The plan is that this is our box that we're gonna use, but we've been trying hats, boxes, and drops- - We've tried so many different traps. - Yeah, have we ever caught a unicorn, er, a unicorn, a leprechaun? - We've never caught a unicorn, but I'd love to. - We had one in our house, I don't think we've ever got one. - We've never caught a leprechaun. - We never got a leprechaun- - He always escapes. - So that's why we had a idea of a slide. - A slide. - So then he can't crawl out. - I wanna make a slide. - We're gonna somehow put this slide in here, we'll have to figure it out. And then he can climb up here, we need some stairs or a ladder. - Ooh, okay. - And we'll say, like, free slide, And then he'll slide in to gold! Free slide to gold. - Ooh. - Oh yeah. - Hey, let's practice the slide. Let's pretend this gold is a leprechaun. What do I do? Oh, I wanna go down the free slide. Ooh! Ooh! - Oh yeah. - Oh no, they're stuck in there forever! - Oh, and guess what? We have, last year, I think we did Play-Doh. - And he got stuck in the Play-Doh, and then he ran out, and he saw his footprints. - Yeah. - This year, glue. - Gold glue. - We're definitely catching the leprechaun. - We're gonna catch him, huh? - [Dad] Do you think we'll catch him this year? - Yeah, but what if he runs out before the glue dries? - So we can use glue, and we can shut the top so he can't jump out. - Yeah. - How small is this leprechaun? - I don't know, like, what size are leprechauns? I've only seen them like this big. How big are leprechauns? - Didn't, wait- - No! - Didn't like last year- - It's a dinosaur leprechaun! - It's a dinosaur leprechaun? - Yeah. - How big is it? - T-Rex leprechaun. I seen it before. - You've seen it before? - Yeah. - How big is it? - Three or four years. - Really? All right, well, we might catch- - And that's how we're gonna catch him, down the slide. - We might catch a dinosaur leprechaun. We might catch it a real leprechaun, you never know. - No, no, no, no. - A rainbow! - But we need to make this trap look really good. 'Cause he's not gonna come if it looks like this. - Okay, maybe the whole thing could sit on gold to get his attention, right here, like the slide part. - Ooh, yeah? - So we could put that right there, and then the slide part will be over here. - Dad, I got an idea, I got an idea. - Ooh, that rainbow. - Yeah, look, look, look! - Let's put the rainbow on top of the slide. - Ooh, that's a good idea. - Oh, that's a way good idea. Do you want me to start making stairs? - We need some stairs to climb up this. - I'm gonna build the stairs. You guys start building the slide. - Okay, Nico, can I have the pipe, please? - Can I have that green sticky? Can I have that green and long sticky thing? - This green sticky? - Uh-huh. - Yes, ma'am. - There you go, you can have that one. - Do we have scissors over here? - We do have scissors, here's this. - Scissors, thank you. Ooh, good job, Nico, that's gonna be so cool. - Yeah. - You're smart. - I need scissors. - I need scissors. - Scissors! - Scissors! - Scissors! - Hold your horses! - Scissors! - Hold your leprechaun horses. Scissors? - I'm all taken for it- - Actually, I don't need them anymore. - These girls! (mom laughing) They both want scissors, then neither of them want scissors! - Look! (dad sighs) That Looks like a good gold slide. So we'll put this one down- - That does look good. - And then that gold part will stick out. - Ooh, I like that, I like it, I like it, I like it. - Scissors! - Do you need help pulling this off? - Yeah. Scissors! - Are you sure? - Yes. - A hundred percent sure? - Yes. - I need like a heavy confirmation. - I need scissors. - Are we sure we want the scissors? - (laughs) Here you go. - Yeah. - Dad, are you working on the ladder? - Ladder is coming right along. - Nice. - Nico's working on the slide, he's drawing cool leprechaun pictures. So they'll wanna like- - Nice. - Ooh, I wanna look at those pictures. Whoa, and then they fall in. - [Mom] And Adley, what are you working on? - That's a good idea, Nico. - Yeah. - I'm working on like a big like slidey hill. - I'm gonna get Nico some crayons and markers to color with. - I need scissors! I need scissors! I need scissors! - You got a pipe cleaner attached to it? - I need scissors! - Delivery for Nico there! You got your colors! - There we go. - Oh, and I got you some dinosaur stickers, if we wanna make green pieces for the leprechaun. - I need some, I need some. - You need some dinosaur stickers? - Mm. - I'll help for that. - Got one more. - [Dad] Do you wanna use the green ones 'cause leprechauns- - [Mom] Is that what he's going to fall in? - Yeah. - Ooh. - Our trap. - [Nico] Daddy, this is a stegosaurus? - Yeah, where do you wanna put it? - Right here. - Oh, that's a good spot. - Do you like it? - Yeah. - What if we glue some gold on the sides? - Ooh, to get his attention, so he's all excited? - Yeah. - My gold, my gold! - What if he just takes the gold off the side, and never goes in the middle? - Hey, wait, we need to do the gold on the inside then. - Or we could do the gold on the outside, but we have to glue it really strong. - I like it, I'm gonna put it on! Enough, Adley. Enough. - Okay, Nico's right, that's enough- - I have it? I have it. I have it. - You need some glue? - And a big green picture right there. Uh-huh. Ah, my shirt. - Ooh, good job, Nico. Now, do you wanna put it on the top right here? Ooh, good job, Nico! - Yeah. - Almost done with the ladder? - Yep, I'm getting way close. What are you gonna draw on there? - I'm gonna draw some red gold, yeah. - [Dad] Is that like pirate's gold? - Yeah. - You're gonna do a stamp? - Yeah. - That's a good idea. - Stamper. - Where you gonna do the stamper? - Um, on top. - On the top? Go for it. Ooh, good job, those look way good. Our ladder is ready. Doo, doo, doo! Leprechaun ladder. You can climb up, Nico. Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot! I'm on Nico's head, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - You're not on my. - Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, I'm on Adley's head, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Should we put these fuzzballs right here and glue them? - Yeah. - That way you could- - Can I have a fuzzball? - Gold fuzzball? - Two. - Two? Do you want some fuzzballs? - Two. - Oh boy, we're gonna do lots of fuzzballs. This is going to be crazy! - And some right here, and then two right here. - [Dad] Perfect! Here's the fuzzballs. - Dis is my fuzzball. - Okay, oh, there's two more fuzzballs! - Mine, mine, mine, mine. - Where do you put them? - Uh-oh! - (smooches) It's okay. - Wipe it off. - Ooh, mom, that is looking good! - Doesn't that look good? - Hey dad, look, there's fuzzballs. - We probably need to glue this on right here. - Yeah, I'm loving those fuzzballs. Those fuzzballs are good. I'm loving them. - And there's no way out. - All right, we should probably make like a spot to get his attention that we put this on. So we can put this whole thing on here like this. And should we color this a little bit? - Color this? - Yeah. - Hi dad, bye dad. - Hi Adley, bye Adley. Do we like this right here? - Yeah. - [Dad] Great job. - I'm the cheerleader for the leprechaun! I'm the cheerleader for the leprechaun! - What? - You think Adley's a leprechaun cheeleader? - You're cheering for the leprechaun? You want the leprechaun to win? (Adley laughs) We gotta catch the leprechaun! You should be our family cheerleader. - Go leprechaun! - What, no, I wanna catch the leprechaun! You do kinda look like a leprechaun cheerleader with this dress though. (Adley giggles) - Gall. - He said gall. - Yee! - [Adley] I think that I am the leprechaun. - Wait, you're the leprechaun? - Daddy. - Catch her, ahh! (Adley giggles) - I'm not the leprechaun. - I know, you're my daughter. - But seriously, vlog, I'm the real leprechaun. (mom laughs) - What was that? - Nothing. (giggles) - So you're half girl, half leprechaun? - Dad, I think your ladder needs to be a little bit longer unless we put like some sort of trampoline at the bottom. - (gasps) A trampoline at, are you wiping glitter in my beard? (mom laughs) My beard has become the wiping place for glitter. - You do have a glitter beard. - I look beautiful, ah, there's a leprechaun cheerleader behind me, ahh! Ah, there's another one! Oh! (Adley giggling) Oh, I guess this is a leprechaun tunnel back here. - Look at this. - Okay, gluing this down. - That looks good. This ladder's not really working. - Actually. - We might need to go trampoline route. - Otay, I need, I'm building it. - You're gonna build it? - Yeah. - Okay, you keep building that ladder. I'm gonna look for a trampoline. So then they can climb the ladder or use the trampoline to jump off, whichever they prefer. - Can I have these scissors? - What are you doing over there? - I don't know. - I just found the perfect trampoline! Okay, look. We could use our little zip top containers. So these are like for leftovers, but if they don't have leftovers in them, they zip up top right here. Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy. It's a leprechaun trampoline. - I want you to be a lepricorn. - Okay, doo doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo. Oh look, a ladder. Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, whoa, I'm in the slide, whoa, I'm trapped! - [Mom] Oh yeah. - Good job, Nico. Oh, I just wanna give you a beard cuddle, mm. - Yuck! (dad smooches) - Seriously, can I have the glue? - Guys, check this out. - The glue? - The slide. - Okay. - [Adley] I need glue, I need glue! - Look, Nico, rah! YOu're like a little leprechaun! - Ah! - Ah! - There's so much glue on here. - I wonder who that's from. (laughs) - [Adley] Mom! - [Mom] Adley! - No, mom. - Mom, Adley, mom! - Mom! - We have a ladder, but it doesn't really. So we might need, this is where we'll put the leprechaun trampoline right here. And then he'll run up the big, ooh, boy, wahaha, zip top, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wah! - He yelled zip top! (dad laughs) - Can we use this normally- - I need tape, can I have some of those? Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - After this, I think I might wanna play leprechauns. - How do you play leprechauns? - Someone is the leprechaun, and it's like hide and seek. Seek, but someone's the leprechaun, and if they find you, you go in leprechaun jail, and the other teammate has to save you, but be really sneaky like a ninja. - Ninja leprechauns? (Adley mmhmms) - Wow, I'll remember that. - So we have dinosaur leprechauns, ninja leprechauns, leprechaun cheerleaders. Hey guys, look, our ladder is officially attached to our trampoline. Boingy, boingy, boing, boingy. - Whoa! - Heyo! - Heyo! - Hi! - Moving the slide. - Move it, move it. - What color are the favorite leprechauns, because our favorite color, just gold or? - Their favorite color is green, and they really like rainbows. But their very favorite thing is gold. - [Mom] They love their gold. - How will he get trapped if we set the gold- - It's coming, it's coming right now! - What? - It's coming right now. - He's just tricking, what? - Hey dad. - What? - What happens if we set the trap right now, like set the glue right now, and then the leprechaun doesn't get stuck, and turn him in, the glue's already dry? - We don't put the glue in until St. Patrick's Day eve, like the night before St. Patrick's day, that's when we know the leprechaun's coming. - No, no, no, no talking! The leprechaun looks big! - That's the plan. That's the plan right there. Sound good? - Guys, so, he's gonna get out right here. We need to tape this down. - Ooh, that's true, let's put some of that. Do we have some tape? Stretch this. - Okay. - Stretch. - Maybe the close is broken. (dad groans) - Where did that rainbow go? - We need this one here. - We need a rainbow or something. - We definitely need rainbows, leprechauns love rainbows. - I need this. - You need that? - Yeah. - What do you need it for? - It's dis. - Okay, put it on and I'll tape it. - Otay, tape. - Tape right there. - Tape it, yeah. - Oh, so they can climb up that tube, that's a good addition, Nico. So they can climb up the ladder, or they can climb up this rope to get in. - Ooh, that's a good idea. - Yeah, he can climb up and be, doot, doot, doot, doot, here, should tie this over here- - Ahh! - [Dad] So they can climb over here? - [Nico] No, no, no! - Guys! - What? Hah, mom glued herself to stuff! - I'm a leprechaun trap! (dad grunting) (everyone laughs) - Your mom's silly! - Okay, we've got a rainbow. We've got a slide. - Why isn't there a sign? - We need a sign! He's not gonna know what to do. Adley, do you wanna write the sign? - Oh, what kinda sign are we thinking of? - You write the sign, I can't write words. - I need glue. I need glue. - Free gold. - You need glue? - Yeah. - Why? - It's dis. - You're gonna glue it in my beard? - Yeah. - Are you sure about this? - I'm sure about this. - Okay, lemme see. - Climb up the ladder and slide- - Climb slide for free gold, how about that? - Yeah? - Yeah. Take it to the slide. - [Mom] Nico? Are you gluing that to dad's face? - I don't know about this idea, Nico. No, not in my ear! - No, dad. - What? - Stop it. - Stop it? You stop it. - No, you stop it. - You stop it. - No, no, no. - How much are you? (Nico laughs) - What? - I need. - The dinosaur's inside? He's gonna eat the leprechaun. - No, it's not. - He's not? Okay. - Okay. - That's a good idea, silly! What are you girls working on? - We're working on a sign to get the leprechaun to go down the slide. - Ooh. I like that. - That big slide. - You're cutting it in a good shape. - Okay, what should I say? - Leprechaun, we want to catch you. - No, we don't wanna tell him we wanna catch him! What should we say? We gotta be sneaky. 'Cause he doesn't wanna be caught. - [Dad] We gotta trick him. - We gotta trick him. - Leprechaun, we have some gold inside this green, gold boogie, go up the rope, go down. If you climb up the gold, if you go in the gold slide, then you'll get a, then there'll be gold at the very end. - [Nico] Dad! - In there, where the rainbows shout. - Daddy! - I like that, that's a good one. - Daddy! - Guys, do you have a small green marker? - I think I have a dinosaur on my neck. Nico! - Nico! (Nico giggles) - You get the dinosaur out of here. - Okay, I would like that small green marker over there. - That small green marker right over there. Okay. - Okay. - Let's do another one. - I need a green. - Oh, what are you gonna do with this, color? - No. - What are you gonna do with it? - I'm doing. - No, not me! No coloring dads. - No. - No! - No talking. - No talking? (Nico laughing) Ooh. - [Nico] Did not work. - Okay, should we push it out more? Boop, there you go. - Hi leprechaun, we have free gold. Just down the fun slide. - Oh yeah, wait, and what was it at the end of your riddle, like, and just stay until the rainbows come? - Stay there until the rainbows shout. - Stay there till the rainbows shout, I like that. - Stay there. - Ooh, Nico, do we need a green dinosaur? - A pterodactyl. - A pterodactyl? (Adley giggles) - I'm almost finished. - Good job, you gotta clean up your- (Adley groaning) An orange worm! Dah, worm fight! (swords clinking) Worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm! - [Nico] Worm fight! - Worm fight! - I need some tape! - Worm chop! - He chopped me, here's your dinosaur. - [Mom] We're almost done! (dad yipping) - Hello! - There's dinosaurs on his face! There you go. - I'm a seal. - A walrus. Arr, arr, arr, arr. - All right, guys. We need to figure out a place to put that sign. - Arr, arr! - Arr, arr. - Arr, arr! - [Nico] Dad! - Not on Adley! - Daddy! - Arr, arr, bark! - Daddy! - All right, where are we gonna put this sign? - Arr, arr, oh! He stole my teeth! - Daddy! - What? - Daddy, look at on your back! - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. - What? Hey! You put a dinosaur on my hat? - Put it in the front over here. - You stinker! - Which why is he coming from? - 'Cause the, we'll probably set it up so this is the front. So, maybe on that side. - Where do you want your sign? - Ow, ow. - Right there? - Ow, ow, ow! - All right, urf, there you go. - Ow, ow, ow! - [Dad] Urf, there's the sign! - Daddy. - Oh, you need another dinosaur? (Adley barking) - Yeah. - All right, are we looking close? - Dad, I think your trampoline thing came undone. - It did, all right, this rope is gonna come to over here. (Adley barking) And then walk in. - Guys, the front of the box is not very decorated. Should we decorate it? - The back of the box is really decorated. - The back of the box is great. - Daddy! - What? - Put it on your back! - What? - On your back. Look at on your back! - On the back? Hey, you do that again? (Nico giggles) Nico keeps tricking me! Hey, everyone's wiping all their gold on me, I'm gonna be a gold dad for the rest of the day! - Daddy! Look on the back! - What? - Look on your head! Look on the head. - My head? You quit doing that, you're such a stinker, you're always tricking me! - [Adley] (giggles) Watch out! - All right, watch out, coming through. - Watch out, coming through, watch out. - All right, this thing is done, you wanna see it? - What, you taped it to the ground. - It was an accident. (groans) - Daddy, I need help. - I'll help you. (dad groans) - All right, we're looking good. So, here is our leprechaun trap from all sides. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah! All right, so that's the final piece. Whoa, where are we putting it? - Right there! - Right there? (Adley mmhmms) Is that a good spot? (Adley mmhmms) Okay, perfect! - Let's test it! - Let's go test it! - Oh, look at me, just a little leprechaun. Oh, and look, it's a sign, there's gold here! - [Dad] Ooh, there's gold! Oh, boingy, boingy, boingy! - No, they can't bounce, let's take the ropes! - [Dad] Are you an old lady leprechaun? - Dad. - Hello Rita, is that you? Are you Rita, the leprechaun? - I'm just, I'm gonna slide down the slide whoa, it's pretty high! - Wah, in the room! - I think it's gonna work. - Oh, you wanna try it? Okay, pretend to be a leprechaun. (Nico giggles and groans) Ah, trapped! - Your arm! - Yes, and we'll catch the leprechaun! (laughs) - This is the year, this is the year, we're gonna catch the leprechaun! - This is the year we're catching him! - That's so, I'm checking for it! - Bye! She's gonna, Nico's grabbing, they're grabbing it, no! (kids giggling) - [Adley] Thanks for watching, bye! (dad mimicking explosion) - All right, St. Patrick's Day morning, on the vlog, We're catching this leprechaun. - I want chocolate milk! Dad, I want chocolate milk! - I want choc milk! - Chocolate milk, thanks for watching, bye! - (shrieks) Leave it open, door!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 7,425,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, hidden, presents, hide n seek, leprechaun trap, leprechaun, box fort, family, st patricks day, saint patricks day, saint patrick, fun, gold, treasure, box fort mansion, mansion, family fun, familyfun, box fort maze, gold leprechaun slime!! 🍀⭐, how to make, we cuaght the easter bunny, hide and seek, hide, easter eggs, hidden easter eggs!! (stuck in the fan), st pattys day, gold trap, kids leprechaun trap, hidden gold, slide trap, sticky trap, we caught a leprechaun
Id: YNeKQhPIpt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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