Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw A Stranger Based On Voice (Christine) • Draw-Off Voice

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hey i'm kevin hi i'm carly hey i'm butch and today we're going to be drawing a stranger based only on their voice and self-description [Music] you guys knew that's what we were doing right no i was told there were donuts that's all i heard well why not let's do this i'm ready okay let's rock and roll let's do it so let's introduce our stranger for today stranger go ahead introduce yourself say hello hi everyone my name is christine oh hi christine nice to meet you nice to meet you too hi christine where are you joining us from so i'm from san francisco but right now i'm in l.a local l.a have you ever met any of us before absolutely not well that narrows it down so here's how it works christine can't see our screens we can't see each other's screens so the only way we know what to draw is by what christine tells us and if you're drawing along at home be sure to post and tag us on instagram and twitter at drawoffshow christine just so we don't embarrass ourselves could you please tell us your pronouns and your ethnicity sure she her and korean korean okay how long uh would you say your hair is where do you sit say medium long medium long okay christine do you wear anything in your hair normally do you wear like uh i don't know like decorations or anything like that no it's usually just down um but sometimes i will add some accessories got it all right so i think that's enough to get us started thank you christine um in the meantime christine tell us your story are you born and raised in l.a i was born and raised in orange county um but i've been in the bay area for 14 years so i am more san francisco than la for sure i'm just here because i go kind of back and forth what's your profession my profession is that i'm a circus performer why wait hold on hold on really cool okay now this is cool okay let me ask you this when you say performer are you an acro are you in acrobatics um yes i do trapeze i do aerial i do contortion i do as you call it acrobatics yes that changes that change my whole drawing okay wow okay i was just gonna draw a bus but now are we drawing full figures i guess so upside down right oh no okay so tell us more about being a circus performer what circus do you perform with so i perform with a bunch um it's not like uh i guess a lot of people think of circus as being like cirque du soleil and that's the only circus but there's actually a ton of circuses i'm more of like an independent contractor where i run a circus group and then i work for at least 40 different agencies and troops wow so crazy the circus business this is like so fascinating to me i have no idea what to draw now well me neither so i'm trying to there's so much range this is yeah okay give us your uh give us your types of performance again flying trapeze is probably my first circus love ariel is probably what i'm best at and what i like to perform the most now but i also do compression and hand balancing hand balancing i'm going with a a trapeze pose but a trapeze bow is based on literally no research ever this is the first time i've drawn somebody on trapeze you are saying the exact same thing i'm thinking i'm doing the exact same thing i went trapeze never drawn anybody out of trapeze before i don't wow so what i guess kind of led you to where you are now or like what were you doing before this 14 years ago i was working in corporate america and i was taking circus classes for fun on the side and after a couple years of training and i went on vacation with a bunch of trapeze friends and i was there for about a week performing and training and the the head of the the circus program pulled me aside and was like one like we want to hire you like come join our live group and i actually laughed at him because i'm like no no i'm so serious like i work in an office like my life is set and um i got back to new york at the time i remember opening up my inbox and at the top of my inbox was a contract from the circus wow quit my job i put in my two week notice and i'm so glad i did it i love what i do i love what i do every single day i'm so grateful that's amazing how are we doing on our drawings friends i am i'm getting there i'm just i know this doesn't look anything like her so we don't even know what she looks like that's what i'm saying all right so christine how would you describe your costume like how how does that translate over kind of into your own personal life at all i love that you asked um about the costume and singular so oh right sorry costumes so as a performer we have so many different shows and looks like i think i have over 150 costumes whoa do you have like a favorite at all it's a circus birthday costume and it's a white leotard that's covered in sequin and rhinestones and it's beautiful and it's like a full like covers all the way up to the neck up to the fingers but yeah that's probably my most meaningful costume i had that exact same outfit on last night it was the weirdest thing so what ice cream flavor would you say most matches your skin tone probably somewhere between a caramel and a snickerdoodle oh okay okay that's also my favorite ice cream to eat so i don't know if i'm mixing that up tonight do you just want some ice cream is that is that what we're getting at here okay making me hungry what do you want to do like 10 years from now would you still be doing circus stuff or what what is your big plan what's your life goal for me charity and non-profit is a huge part of my life like i volunteer once a week no matter what doing something so i would love to one day have some kind of social circus or something for either kids with disabilities or families with low socioeconomic statuses and helping them have opportunities to do all that so wow that is my dream that is like my life coolest person ever i want to be christine when i grow up all right pens down based on her voice what what choices did you make she sounds very perky very upbeat so that's what i went with i went with a lot of energy and she said she was from san fran but now she lives in l.a i was just like oh okay like i i don't know she had a very like la vibe to her all right well let's uh send them to each other wow okay oh look at that so jealous you guys oh i like carly's that's really cool carly oh thank you carly the pose is amazing i love how dynamic your poses are i feel like you guys really pushed the trapeze angle i kind of coughed out with like a balancing kind of situation no that's quick thinking young lady very quick thinking let's hear from christine all right i'll start with butches this one is super colorful and fun and the body language is so me i'm always very excited so i think he got the energy spot on kevin's is cracking me up because it's got like the synchronized swimming looking head piece is super cute very cute a lot of the photos i do so um the the body position and and what i do is actually pretty spot on and she pointed my toes which i appreciate yes all right moment of truth christine you're going to turn on your camera in a second but if you're playing along at home be sure to pause here and finish your drawing so that way you don't see what christine looks like before you're done whenever you're ready turn your camera on all right i'll count down three two one oh my god look at you oh my gosh wow i want to change my drawing now okay glitter glitter oh this is perfect you did have something in your hair i knew it all right christine thank you so much for being our guest today for a better look at these drawings your drawings and to find out how you could possibly be our next stranger be sure to hit us up on instagram and twitter at draw show christine can you give us a little acrobatics to play us out sure he's gonna do a little handstand [Music] oh my god wow [Applause] the reason why i think my uh my voice is different is that i have kind of like a lower more raspy voice uh and i sound like normal millennial i probably sound caucasian because i'm bored and raised in orange county
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 230,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, animator vs cartoonist, buzzfeed draw off, draw off, drawing from memory, animator draws from memory, cartoonist draws from memory, artists draw from memory, drawing challenge, cartoonist, animator, artist challenge, artists draw a stranger based off voice, cartoonists draw a stranger based off voice, artists draw a stranger, cartoonists draw a stranger, drawing without looking, blindfold drawing challenge, PL-DrawOff, PL-DrawOff-S4
Id: VeaPir6w1sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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