Dramatic Seascapes // Landscape Photography in bad light

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[Music] so [Music] mmm [Music] so this morning we were greeted with overcast skies again and rather than heading down to the beach for a sunset or sunrise that was not going to happen i decided to just go explore some roads and i actually found a little road that i had never been on before and i found this beautiful trail while up that road areas like this are a big challenge to photograph because just because it looks beautiful and you see all the beauty with your eyes it's really hard to compose it especially when we don't have light to kind of aid us so i'm just walking around trying to find a subject of some kind there's a i have a few ideas i don't know if they'll translate into good photos though [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i think what drew me to this image is kind of the same thing that draws me to most forest scenes it's just kind of where the light was falling the best you know even though it's overcast the the light from above is not going to fall evenly throughout the forest there's kind of an opening back there and it's shining light on this one particular tree that's covered in moss and it's an interesting shape it just it just caught my eye and part of why it caught my eye is the fact that it's framed so nicely by the dark trees on the sides so for this shot i'm using a circular polarizer which is going to take the glare off of all of those ferns and the leaves and it's going to just give the shot better saturation i'm making sure to expose to the right a little bit without blowing out my highlights i know i'm going to darken down the shot later on in post but i want to have nice clean shadows so i'm exposing to the right and i'm going to do a two-shot focus stack just to make sure that these ferns that are a little bit closer to camera are going to be nice and sharp so the final result is going to look like this [Music] [Music] um so [Music] so [Music] i've said this a bunch of times but i think what i love so much about seascape photography is the fact that you can camp out on a composition shoot it over and over and over and over and over and every frame is different because the water movement is different so i'm really trying to get the water movement and the light to line up which is a big challenge because about the time that i get light that i like the composition that i set up is no longer working i'm either not getting the wave that i need or the tide has moved out in that amount of time to where the water is no longer reaching where i needed to reach so it's a it's a challenge but that's what i like about it we have this really interesting uh sea arch sea cave over here and i'm trying to use utilize that as a background and then kind of sneak up on some interesting water movement to use as my foreground maybe it's where the water is flowing around a rock or between a couple rocks and i'm trying to use that water movement to lead you back into the shot we're not getting much of a sky tonight it's just kind of how it goes when you get the low fog so i'm trying to really you know make make the photo more about the foreground and to make the experience more about the experience of being out here and doing it and not being stuck at home because i've been stuck at home for months i'm just excited to be out here [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Laughter] hahaha
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 23,711
Rating: 4.9775853 out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, nick page, travel
Id: 1hxBSJ8Bzmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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