When Landscape Photography Takes a Wrong Turn...

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[Music] in this episode we take a wrong turn it's my bum all wet oh yeah your bum's a bit soggy there look at all that motion look at all that shape and texture you need to check yourself oh god we might get cut off on our way out if we don't get moving pretty soon the only thing i like more than bushwhacking adam is uh bushwhacking in the dark it looks like something out of like jurassic park it's kind of ironic that grumpton's having a good nose in there it looks exactly like his band inside where appropriate footwear look at that beautiful i love that you weren't reading your book that i gave you oh yeah i've already finished that which is your favorite bit point forward it's just so confusing i'm a professional guide just follow me so i'm in good hands i should be fine i'm sure it'll be i'm sure it'll be fine what am i witnessing i'm a bit of a sucker for an alley twisty tree what's that bit well it's 6 a.m i've had 15 minutes of sleep and i do have a face like a perplexed ostrich but i'm quite happy because grumpton and amanda and i are back here at cox bay for a sunrise attempt at the same place we were at last night during sunset so we might get an absolutely fantastic shot did you get did you get any sleep last night on our little highway stop i got about three hours of sleep yeah and i have a face like an adam gave on a normal day so we're knackered but the conditions do look really good it's kind of similar to yesterday we've got fog and sunshine the only difference is the sun is coming from the opposite direction kind of behind where we were yesterday i have no idea if that's going to work i've never seen a shot of this location during sunrise light it might be a total bust but you never know until you try [Music] look at this beautiful fog and these pink clouds completely different look to what it was last night but it's still absolutely fantastic so just like yesterday we have to get up to the top of that hill unfortunately we've arrived as the best of the light is happening well i think it's the best it might not be we might get even better but i don't think that these clouds will keep their color for much longer man if that sun pops up and angles down into the beach through the trees and hits that fog we might get some pyrotechnics but what a gorgeous morning look at this [Music] business now usually i'd film lots of b-roll showing us hiking up the hill but seeing as i already did that in the last video i i didn't want to waste your time so let's just skip right to the top so we're back up the top of the hill and it is absolutely magical have a look at this [Music] was it worth getting up at stupid o'clock and slogging up a steep and sketchy hill goss it was as you can hopefully see the background's got some absolutely spectacular fog and mist just rolling in off the ocean and that's beautiful and i am i'm working on that shot right now but if you look just over there i'm really fascinated with how the light is just blasting into that that valley fog and creating all of these beautiful lines and layers with the mountains just behind it so i think what i'll do in a couple of minutes is i'll put the 100 to 400 on and just zoom right in on a detail and try and get some of that dynamic light it could be quite difficult to compose but with light like that it's just spectacular so what i've gone for what i'm really interested in it's just this little vignette there's this little section from that distant arrangement of islands you can just see off in the distance there and aside from the way that the fog's rolling in and the beautiful light that's coming from the side i also just love that because it's morning the water's quite calm and even though that's ocean that's not a lake that's that's the ocean so there's this ever so slight reflection which really adds to the shot so let me show you what i've framed up and i'll explain the shot so what i've got it's kind of like a series of layers well it's completely a series of layers and if you look to each layer individually there's probably 20 or 30 layers but i kind of look at it as a series of three layers so in the foreground here on this bottom quarter horizontal you've got these lovely waves lapping in with that fog and then on the next layer up you've got that line of trees and then beyond that that's when we have the islands right in the center of the frame and then beyond that you have these distant mountains which just kind of fade away to nothing and i absolutely love that that layer element you know living and working on vancouver island i remember the very first time i came here the one thing that struck me was how all of the distant scenery it always looked like a series of layers kind of like a watercolor painting and that always fascinated me and this is a perfect example of all of those layers especially with this fog because it really softens everything and makes it look kind of like a a scene that you could just fly right through i wish i had a drone not that i would be allowed to fly it but oh this is just it's just magical [Music] okay so i'm quite happy with that shot so now i think it's time to go around the other side of the hill where we began yesterday and see what that shot looks like when it's backlit it could be quite spectacular and grumpton went over there about 15 minutes ago and we haven't had a peep since so i suspect he's rinsing it for all it's worth so should we go and when we reached the other side of the summit what a glorious sight to behold if only we'd got up there an hour earlier in preparation for that majestic sunrise oh well we just have to stay another night and try again but maybe i could find a shot in all of this morning fog i'm absolutely fascinated by the way that this fog is backlit so the fog is just interwoven between all of these trees and then of course the sun is rising and it's backlighting that fog ah it's just unbelievable so i mean really i can't really show you what i'm working with because i'm shooting handheld because there's so many shots there's so many little vignettes so i've just got my image stabilization on i've got my auto focus on i've got it in a single shot mode and i'm shooting at fairly fast shutter speeds because i'm shooting directly into the sun it's really really bright so i'm just picking out little sections and i just hit my back button focus and i just get the shot and there's just so many of them you know you think you've found them all and then you find another one it's just unbelievable so are we going to come back here tomorrow morning i think i think we should we've got to have we i think it looks like something out of like jurassic park hunting for a story within a story inside a forest of fog while perched atop this unique vantage point was such a joy and after a few warm-up shots i finally found the shot i've been looking for [Music] do what a fantastic morning we'd had so far but stomachs were grumbling and the need for coffee was becoming urgent right so i think i think we're done now because the light's really harsh the sun's got to that point where it's it's not that pleasing so we'll pack up and head back for what breakfast than an old man nap you think oh for sure yeah so we'll maybe try and find a new new parking spot because uh last night was a bit loud bit of traffic and then uh while away the hours have a nap and then find a spot for uh the sunset yeah i've got this secret spot what are you willing to trade for it my company i think grumpton has overvalued that particular commodity so we enjoyed one last view over the bay and made our way back down the hill to find a new campsite where his royal sourness found a new grump mobile so we've come down a a logging road to just have a nap in the vehicles and we found this abandoned caravan oh dodge caravan and grumpton it's my bum all wet oh yeah your bum's a bit soggy there oh i hope it's water there was a bike abandoned behind the uh yeah but notice where they're from oh albertans oh they could be in trouble when does they expire february 21 but this is this is kind of what you see on vancouver island is you see abandoned things always accompanied by lucky beer empty cans of lucky beer it's always lucky lager always it's never anything else it's always lucky lager we might not get much sleep here oh it smells a bit moldy in there look what we got in here oh it smells like i don't know what it smells like oh nice it was a new there's a mattress for you oh look incense oh incense sure brought me flute you see it's kind of ironic that grumpton's having a good nosey in there and it looks exactly like his band inside it does it well yours has got a bit less mold mine doesn't smell that flavor though look how look how old it is just stinks though that's probably giving us spas we i'm probably yeah i've pre just knocked off 10 10 years off my life yeah hold your breath a pair of nike airs there oh pre-molded [Music] no they probably weren't even from alberta just bought the band and came on a west western road trip through the rockies and then out to vancouver island and then probably just dumpster yeah like a one-way road trip yeah probably picked it up for a thousand bucks or something kind of like we did with the murder box in the f4 road trip but we didn't dump it we gave it away we gave it away which was kind of the same thing yeah but we could have well it would have been neat to just blow it up that would ring yeah i wanted to just blow it off that's what was in las vegas get one of those quick machine guns just just build it full of explosives and watch it go wasn't that we were thinking about doing that we could have done that but it was really expensive yeah and it was a bit irresponsible yeah it wasn't my idea so we've decided to come to a spot that i've driven past for years and i've never excuse me we've decided to come to the shorepine bog trail and this is a spot i've just driven past ever since i've been on the island i've never never seen it never stopped off and come for a walk but i'm already interested now because the sign says boardwalks can be slippery wear appropriate footwear so i'm i'm prepared so it's pretty cool actually this i've i've always wondered what it was like and it's it just kind of looks like to me it looks like south west australia you know it does not look like what i would imagine you'd see in the pacific northwest so i'm basically just looking for interesting characters in all these trees see if i can spot something that stands out it's cool eh it's got lots of interesting characters do you feel like you're gonna see a what an ostrich i feel like an ostrich would like to just that is what ostriches do that's quite an accurate ostrich impersonation let's see a bit more please [Music] what am i witnessing well as it turns out i was witnessing the lesser spotted shite stretch which is extremely rare in these parts oh look at look at this camera move now that is high quality well that's it we've done we've done a full loop you know not bad i think in the right conditions i think we could get something but i don't think we're allowed to leave the boardwalk so that kind of limits your creativity but let's see let's read the sign see what it says we can and can't do you gotta follow the rules aren't you oh he's gotta follow the rules so after some shenanigans it was time to head to the beach and see if we could find something special for sunset we just had to find the trail i think this is the trail to my secret beach you ready i got the crawl bit of bushwhacking involved [Music] oh god it's not very often that there's a distinct advantage to being a short ass but this is one of those rare occasions is it sasquatch oh no it's something far more terrifying now if academy awards still had any value whatsoever adam deserves to win one after a gob full of spiders and a few scratches we finally reached the secret beach so absolutely love this place i discovered this about maybe 12 or 13 years ago and i've only been back a few times since and every single time i come here there's never a soul i'm almost always the only person on the beach or whoever came with me and i just love what you've got here you've got these beautiful little peninsulas and islands and sea stacks and then in the background you can see the mountains and if you get clouds you get these beautiful clouds but it's kind of a nice bit of mist there in those mountains and i really like all of this foreground lichen i'm thinking that this is lichen it's really cool because you've got over there you've got like an orange one here it's really bright green and then it turns into this white which i don't if it's the same thing that's just dyed and it's lost its green pigment and there's also like an orangey color there so maybe it's all the same like and it's just different phases of decay or maybe it's some kind of seaweed if you know what it is post a comment and let me know i won't pretend to be knowledgeable about exactly what that is but what it is to me as an artist is a lovely splash of color texture and patterns which i might be able to weave into my composition but if not just this backdrop is lots to work with [Music] so if i could have my ideal composition it would have a glassy reflection but i'd also have that little bit of water just cascading down this little look at that beautiful i love that but obviously when you get bigger waves coming in the water is just pouring off of these rocks and you get that lovely waterfall effect but then you lose your reflection so like i said it's pick your poison work with what you've got what do you think it's lovely yeah you like it it's lovely so uh you said you you'd read me book out for chasing awesomeness with gavin not quite accurate but yeah chasey noor with gavin hardcastle that's the one yeah yeah funnily enough i've got a copy with me you know so you know just for convenience what should you do you know whatever you know whenever you're ready no rush sorry do it later right well i'm gonna go and have a sandwich now and uh wait for the light to get better and then then i'll start taking shots for reals what time is it it's time we read a page from chasing off with that castle oh look i'll just check yeah it's definitely time we read a book so i've come back to this idea where i have this this wave that comes in and creates this very gentle loping waterfall here in the foreground and it's pretty good right now there's still no clouds but it's still quite beautiful and you probably can't see it on this camera but way up there on that very very big tree there there's a huge eagle's nest and then there's an eagle sat right on that branch right underneath the nest just keeping a watch making sure i'm not up to any funny business i promise i'm not just taking pictures so that should end up in my shop which is kind of cool but yeah i don't think i don't think we're gonna get anything in the way of clouds so we'll stick around and wait for the light to fade so that everything's very soft and then once the sun's gone down and we get that lovely color gradient then maybe i'll get a shot but for now i'm just experimenting with different shutter speeds to see which kind of motion i like best in this uh foreground here so let me show you what i've framed up so if you look at this composition actually i'll just darken it down so you can see the trees on the island so that is a sea stack and that is an island so i've got those landing on those two columns left and right and then the entire bottom half of the frame is all about this motion oh look at that let me get that shot and what i'm trying is different shutter speeds for this foreground shot so what i did i'll just brighten this up when the water recedes a little bit you'll just see this little bit of seaweed here there you see that bit of seaweed so i focused on that bit of seaweed and let's start with let's say an aperture of f11 and what i'm doing is i'm trying different shutter speeds let's try a quarter of a second look at all that motion with all that shape and texture and then i'll play it back and i look at the water and you can see it's totally overexposed so i'm gonna have to play with that a little bit so let's go for we'll stop down and force things to be a little bit darker but i'll keep that quarter of a second shutter speed so i'm just waiting for that wave to come in and then get sucked back out and that's when the that's when all those beautiful shapes and texture happen here we go look at that beautiful so i'll just check those back oh that's interesting i like that so a quarter of a second looks pretty good but i also want to try 1 6 of a second so let's try that and i'll just make it a little bit brighter and go down to let's say f13 what i'm doing here is i'm shooting with no two second timer which i usually do but because i don't want to mess around and lose the moment i'm just accepting that in the foreground there might be a little bit of shutter shock and a bit of blur but i'm really not worried about it because it's already a blurred texture it's already a blurred shape and that's kind of cool i like that 1 6 of a second so what i'm going to do is try different apertures different shutter speeds longer as well and get different shapes in that foreground and then when that's all done and i've got as many exposures as i want what i'll do is i'll just focus on the background because remember i focused on that seaweed i'll focus on the trees and i'll get the correct exposure value and i'll just take that shot with a two second timer just for the background so i've got a perfectly sharp background and i'll just over expose that as well just so that i've got some shadow detail so those two frames are all that i need for the background and then all the other stuff is for this foreground and i'll just mask that in in photoshop and it's kind of like a 50 50 50 action in the foreground and then that lovely backdrop that you can see in the background very easy to put together hmm there's nothing more boring than an empty blue sky so i changed it [Music] just for fun i thought i'd try photoshop's sky replacement tool and it actually does a fairly realistic job when you pick a suitable sky so what do you think is this cheating or is this okay now that i've come to the other side of the beach i think i'm facing south west and you might just be able to see but there's a few puffy clouds just creeping their way in to this lovely scene here so what i really like about this again is this island that you can see in the background those puffy clouds are just about to come in and hopefully give me some colour and then this lovely foreground here because i've got these really interesting shaped rocks and then the waves are crashing up against these lower rocks and creating some lovely textures so i'm looking out into the ocean and it looks a lot calmer than it was earlier so i'm going to risk getting a little bit closer i'm still going to be quite you know i think safe away from the edge of the water just get a little bit closer to enlarge this white water that pours over these rocks but still retain that lovely backdrop that's the plan let's see if i can get it to work so i've been playing around with these shutter speeds on this water that you can see creeping in the foreground here and i've determined that the one that i like the most is about a quarter of a second it's just enough that you can really see a lot of texture and motion but it's just enough of a blur to make it not just a static frozen bubbly white water shot and i think what i'll do is capture as many of those as i possibly can just to get different positions and hopefully get even some single little water droplets blasting through the air and then once i've got a good selection of those then i'll take some really long exposures where it's all just a big white mush and maybe blend it all together but let me show you this composition and i'll explain what i'm doing what i'll do is i'll just brighten things up a little bit so you can see what's going on in the foreground there so as you can see the wave is just coming in gently and it just kind of bubbles over these rocks and then just gets sucked back out so that's the foreground but the background as you can see is this lovely little island and if i go down a little bit darker still you can just maybe see a few little pink clouds just coalescing in the sky there so i'm hoping that they do a little bit more than what they're doing right now because if they do light up what i really love is when you get that color in the sky reflected in the water and in the in the waves and the reflections on the rocks that's what i'm hoping for so we'll see so that is the plan the idea is island puffy clouds and then in the foreground this action and this drama with these waves i might just refine this composition a little bit but for now i'm quite happy with it well it turned out okay but the clouds just didn't really deliver the goods so i guess i'll just have to keep this one in my back pocket for another time when the forecast looks a little bit more interesting those pink puffy clouds pretty much just evaporated i was getting really excited they showed up and then it just disappeared and i think the tide is coming in quite a lot quite quickly and we might get cut off on our way out if we don't get moving pretty soon so i think what we'll do is go and get grumpton let's go and find him and then we'll head back because we don't want to spend the night here do we do we it's not very comfortable no there's some sparky rocks and human pieces there is uh there is a human turd over there yeah so should we go and find grumpton then yeah i think he's over there ah there he is hey adam what what what do you think about the tide you know that bit that we jumped across oh yeah yeah that was scary do you think you think it'd be all right ah it is coming in yeah all right all right i'll just finish this shot then yeah we have to get going i think yeah yeah you're probably right there gavin listen can i get a discount on your book now ah well that's a bit stingy really yeah should we move on oh all right then right back to the camper and then uh maybe a nice campfire at our new camp spot where i'm hoping that uncle grumpy will give us a a reading of chasing all with gavin hardcastle maybe you know i mean i did show my secret beach so i should here all right let's hike back through the forest and hope that we haven't got cut off by the tide as luck would have it we were fine and just in time to enjoy some lovely pastel colors on the beach before heading back to our depressing campsite so it's night two at the random highway pull out campsite and what you're having for dinner tonight gets another curry it's it gets uh what is it some kind of indian food yes with rice another curry it's very good yeah yeah so good that i have to get up in the middle of night because i'm dying of thirst because it's so salty and that's your curry [Music] yeah no comment are you sure it's not last night's curry for the after effects of curry yeah i mean it looks a bit more solid though didn't it oh yeah but it's a bit more hearty about that with your curry and anything tastes good like nectar i don't think that this van passes the worksafe bc guidelines let's just uh show the people this we've got the uh we've got the open flame right next to the fire what's the ventilation where you should show them the that guy's car oh let's do that so our neighbor's got a really cool cool rig in his in his fan which is this chimney which is something that adam and i talked about getting on hours while on his um look at that you've got this this chimney here for i'm guessing for burning wood is it fiberglass must be oh that's plastic well that's just going to melt isn't it no it has to be fiberglass have a nice cozy open flame fire in in your van i did have that idea i thought it looked really i thought it'd be really good i think it would look brilliant but it was time to hit the hay for a few minutes of terrible sleep so that we could try again for another sunrise well it's 4 30 a.m i've had five hours of sleep and i do have a face like an undercooked freya bentos pie but i'm actually quite happy because we're off up to cox bay overlook once again this is our third trip up there and the forecast said it was going to be foggy this morning and it is it's very foggy everywhere so i think i think the conditions might be perfect did you get any sleep last night a little bit yeah how how many hours about two maybe oh i got more than you that's quite novel i was watching netflix because we got internet watching family guy you weren't reading your book that i gave you oh yeah i've already finished that yeah which is which is your favorite bit point forward so we've immediately hit the trail while in the dark on the way to the beach and then back up the hill and not looking forward to that rooty climb in the darkness really questionable but that's what you got to do in it at least it's not too too long yeah but i'm in this fog i don't know if you can tell how foggy it is when i do this but it is it is dense fog so would you walk down this trail on your own at night uh i've done more stupid things i've done worse so than the firewood yeah a bit creepy it is a bit creepy especially in the fog in the dark these twisted trees the only thing i like more than bushwhacking adam is uh bushwhacking in the dark is this it no that's not it oh god this is we did the exact same thing yesterday we got lost on the trail it's just so confusing well this is where we came in i think we missed a turn i think this is it here yeah oh we came in here oh yeah because that's that stupid branch that we climbed under my knees aren't fit for the limbo well we just spent 20 minutes going around in a circle got completely lost and now we've ended up back where we started on the trail and we got up an hour earlier today thinking oh let's get up there a bit earlier so we can get that light that we kind of were late for yesterday and i think we just burned up half of our spare time just trying to get on the trail but i think this is it now i think what do you think i'm a professional guide just follow me so i'm in good hands i should be fine i'll let you go first then just in case there's any bears you know they like the taste of uncle grumpy what are you trying to insinuate well we're almost we're almost back at the top again and it is foggsville it's cloudsville it's not at all what we were hoping for but i mean there's a chance it'll clear up i really hope it does because neither one of us really was up for this hike this morning we both could have stayed in bed what do you think you think he's going to lift doesn't look too promising but i mean that's the thing about the the coastline here on the west coast is it can change really quick and it could be spectacular could be absolutely fantastic so we'll keep trudging on it yeah we're almost there just this really sketchy bit now and so we continued the climb with heavy backpacks and unrealistic expectations it seemed that after all my years of asking for fog well it finally showed up one giant thick gloomy blanket of fog so that's our wonderful viewpoint from yesterday and the day before that spectacular view just completely wiped out by fog and cloud anything can happen it could clear i'm not going to winch too much i've hiked all the way up here i'm sure it'll be fine i'm sure it'll be i'm sure it'll be fine i'm sure it'll clear up and we'll we'll get some nice light so now we're on the other side of the hill looking back towards where the sun is rising somewhere but it ain't here i mean look at this just it's more than fog we're basically in a cloud aren't we all right this ain't just fog but we shall wait we shall we shall be patient and optimistic so we decided to do the only thing we could do talk crap while waiting you know what my favorite feature is about any camera bag what one thing that it absolutely has to have it has to be able to fit a copy of chasing all with gavin and afghanistan yeah it's just perfect really it's as if shimoda designed their bag around the book you know which i mean let's hope that the next one is the same is this what you're called chasing or we are chasing all right now aren't we we're chasing or and failing quite badly oh that is that is upsetting we got up extra early we got up extra early and hiked up here in the dark there's a link in the description below and this is what we got this is what we got for all of our efforts yeah if you could just if you can just hold it like as if you love it yeah i know that's that's better look how it shimmers that little foil stamping there shimmers in the light you know when you get to a location and the light is just crap what are you gonna do you know you're gonna you're gonna kill time right an hour or two you know and what better to do than just kind of leaf through the pages of chasing off having hardcast no you didn't notice anything i like that one as well but that one remember that i was going to say the text is so book you don't even need reading glasses well i mean i i made the text so big specifically for you because i knew you'd struggle oh remember that eh oh i do what a day that was i was just there i've got a video coming out today yeah you've got a very similar shot shot to that one similar conditionals yeah what's that well you know i'll i'll let you have that one because i i i copied that portrait shot of yours years ago so far it's fair in it you know that is i got so lucky that day those conditions don't get any better than that does it usually it's sunny and blue skies i don't want that i want that's what i wanted you don't often go somewhere and get exactly what you want on the very first attempt that was my very first try there there's a link in the description below oh my god do you want to put it in your in your bag no just carry it down look at it's like a glove going on look at that eh thanks shimoda for designing your bag around mine so if you buy a book you get a free camera bag it's not it's not that expensive [Music] well while we're waiting for anything to change for the sun to come up and for those light rays to happen which i don't think are going to happen might as well have a bit of fun with some telephoto vignettes just zooming into little interesting tree shapes and seeing what i can get with the nice fog in the background i mean i'm always complaining about never having fog now i've got fog so the trouble is a spot like this the trees are just so densely packed it's absolute chaos so trying to find anything that's remotely separate or stand out it's kind of tricky but i have found this cool little twisty tree with a nice little spider's web on it let me show you this shot so you can probably just see this the shape of this kind of elbow and this tree here and you probably can't see on the back of the camera here but to brighten it up just down here right at the center of the frame there's a lovely spider's web just hanging off of that branch and i'm shooting wide open at f 4.5 which gives me a nice little bit of background blur but obviously the fog is what makes the shot so it's not a killer shot but it's not bad for filler [Music] yeah i mean you know we've got time to kill so did you you need to check yourself seeing us all we've got is fog i'm gonna go and try and look for some interesting trees to place in this gorgeous fog it's not what we came here for but that's what we've got so i'm gonna try and work with that so i'm gonna go back to the classic viewpoint because there are a few more clearings there so you've got more chance of finding a tree that you can separate and then hopefully i can get some nice layers of fog in the background it's a plan c it'll do for now but then if i'll keep an eye on what's going on where the sun is rising and then if we see anything happen we'll just dash back here and i think it'll lift at some point yeah it might be it might be long after we've got to go though but rather than give up i just had to keep on trying and it didn't take long for something to finally catch my eye so i found this really cool looking dead tree i'm pretty sure it's dead and i just love how twisty and gnarly is i'm a bit of a sucker for an alley twisty tree what's that bit but with all of this fog it creates these beautiful layers in the background so you can just see everything fading off into this lovely gray it's quite quite magical so i'm going to work this composition a little bit i'm basically just shooting hand held and i might not even bother to get the tripod because i do like a little bit of a background blur so i'm shooting wide open i just go handheld but we'll see i'll work it a little bit more and then if i do get the tripod out and focus stack it and do all that business then i'll i'll talk you through the composition but just have a look at this [Music] in the end i didn't bother with the tripod or focus stacking sometimes it's just nice to enjoy the freedom of handheld photography and while the light wasn't really everything that we'd hoped for it was still worth hiking back up that hill once again well at least that's what i thought until we climbed back down the hill and reached the car park so we just got back from the hike uh after parking in this car park just before 6 a.m so i've got to pay a 200 fine for parking here half an hour before the you know it's officially open and hiking up the hill and hiking back down adam's van didn't have a ticket but i did so the difference is you've got a camper they just assume that you're sleeping in there yeah but this looks like a homeless person's fan so so they took pity on you well look at me yeah drawing off you
Channel: fototripper
Views: 56,006
Rating: 4.9711366 out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, tofino, fototripper, vancouver island, telephoto, zoom, panorama, pano, tripod, camera, book, adam gibbs, sunset, uncle grumpy, fog, scary, creepy, hiking, hike, abandoned, road trip, f4roadtrip, camper, campervan, camping
Id: nKIfbFPCtF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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