Mist and Seascapes - I needed this

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm on the maiden voyage of my new pickup she's pretty isn't she it's a Chevy Colorado zr2 which is the off-road version of the Colorado really excited about it I'm excited about the places I can get with it and the Tahoe was getting very high miles and as much as I Drive it's it's really important for me to have reliable vehicle hopefully the zr2 will be back [Music] so you guys already know that I love backlit moss but the only thing that can make you know a backlit forest scene with a bunch of moss better is mist so in a scene like this I'm always trying to find a subject that is going to be kind of the I don't know the main character in a shot so I have this one particular tree trunk that is catching that the light of light rays are pointing directly at that tree trunk which helps the shot a lot because you don't want those rays to just be pointing into a random place in your scene plus we have these really nice ferns at the base of the tree that are also catching light this is just beautiful I also like that the Rays are pointing up into the top right corner of the shot I always find that when you have really strong diagonal lines in a shot it's nice if they can be leading into one of the corners so for this shot I don't really care about having tons of depth of field so I'm just going with a nice sharp aperture which is f11 I'm focusing on this tree trunk I'm also gonna do a three shot exposure bracket I doubt that I'm gonna need that honestly but you know I'm here I might as well take them if I need them I have them that's amazing with these light rays can do to a shot and the reason we have these light rays is because it's it's a high surf day we're not very far from the Oregon coast in fact we're probably not even a mile from the actual shoreline and because of all of the you know big waves there's lots of mist getting thrown up into the air and those mist particulates make their ways up make their way up these valleys and now it gets backlit because we actually don't have a single cloud in the sky but what we do have is a bunch of mist being kicked up from the sea spray so I'm just kind of following these valleys up just alongside the road looking for beautiful trees that happen to be catching a little bit of light and also catching a little bit of this misty I love this [Music] [Music] [Music] so there's a couple of challenging parts of shooting these kind of scenes first of all it changes really fast so all of our of our mist is blown away so we don't really have that sense of atmosphere anymore and the light is moving as the light moves compositions you found a second ago no longer work which means we got to move so I'm gonna go down a little further down the road to another trail that I know of let's go check it out [Music] [Music] so earlier I drove down to the area that I was really hoping would have the same atmospheric mist I had none had a zero atmosphere which made the light really harsh and not that great so we drove back into this the same area as where we shot earlier today and right as I got out of the car we had some beautiful beautiful light rays streaming through the trees although I'm not sure that I got the greatest composition in the world it was it's just kind of a random uniform stand of trees and uniform trees can be okay if they're uniform enough I don't know that this was uniform enough but when I do have these kind of just a stand of trees just a standard forest looking scene I try to shoot with a compositional theme in mind you've probably heard me say that before in other videos what I mean by that is I try to have like a set of rules in mind to kind of try to make order of the chaos so in this case I was using a frame within a frame so I was using a couple of the tree trunks as a frame on either side of the photo to try to you know restrict the eye and to make force the eye to go deeper into the shot I don't know if it worked I'm much more excited about those shots we got earlier but it's how it goes now the atmosphere is 100% gone doesn't always last a long time but it was pretty well it lasted the unfortunate thing is we don't have a cloud in the sky we haven't all day and you know the whole reason I come to the Oregon coast is hoping for that you know beautiful seascape with a big dramatic sky and man I haven't got one of those in a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we've come down to one of my favorite beaches and hopes that we're gonna have at least some cloud cover rolling I think that the marine layer that's out over the ocean typically I think lately it has been kind of breaking apart and coming in over shore in the mornings in the evening so I'm hopeful that even though we had totally blue skies all day today I'm hopeful that we'll have a few straggler clouds roll in right at the end of the day hopefully so if you look at the beach behind me there's tons of sea foam just all over the beach it's because not only did we have a big surf day but we also have what's called a king tide which may basically means that it's as a huge swing from high tide low tide so high tide was it like nine feet plus nine feet and low tide is almost at negative two feet which is this massive swing all of this who was underwater this morning even though currently the water is all the way out on the other side of those rocks right now tide is going now low tide is about an hour and a half after sunset so it's going to continue to go out makes it a little bit less sketchy to be down here on a big surf day there's just nasty foam all over the beach nasty stuff [Music] [Music] so those of you guys that watch my channel probably recognize this behind me there's a couple videos back where I brought Sean Bagshaw and Gavin Hardcastle and those guys to this very spot we had a very flat light even though the waves were nice today we've got nice big waves a low tide and some direct light that's exactly what I'm hoping for so yeah hopefully will knock on wood the sky is looking very promising right now definitely had a lot of low clouds moved in but there's some high scattered clouds up above as well you guys don't already know this high clouds catch the color catch light and low clouds tend to block it and so a lot of times when you're on the coast you need high clouds in order to get any color at all because we have something called the marine so the marine layer is essentially just a big cloud bank a big fog bank that hangs out out over the ocean and it snuffs out that last little bit of light most often the only way you ever get color on the coast is if the marine layer is way out to sea or you have nice high clouds to catch that those last those last rays of light so needless to say I'm incredibly excited I've been after this shot for quite a long while so many different elements have to come in line up for this shot that happen first of all super dangerous place to shoot any time that you're going out and you're climbing up on top of rock formations out in the ocean you've got to make sure the tides going out for one but you have to watch out for rogue waves because they are a real thing if I was to get swept off this rock on that direction I'm dead there's no way I could get back so I always have to keep one eye on the ocean make sure that I don't get knocked off this big rock but in addition to that it's really hard to get these kind of seas at a low enough tide and to get good light it's super super rare so I'm really excited about that so I'm going with a vertical composition here because first of all I love the way that we have the conical shapes in the background but we've also got kind of triangle of seafoam coming in and kind of completing this triangle triangle shape but also by shooting vertical I'm able to get more of that sky that I'm really optimistic about so I've been doing a combination of fast shutter speeds and slow shutter speeds with the intention of blending them together later on right now I just have a circular polarizer on which slows down my shutter speed enough to get down to 0.4 seconds a lot of times I go with a faster shutter speed than that but I find that the further the water is away from the camera the slower you need to go with your shutter speed to still have that sense of movement in the shot because the water is further away it's going a shorter distance across your frame if we were to get close to that water a faster shutter speed would have the same sense of movement because the water is close it's moving further across the frame so I'm going to 0.4 seconds for my slow shutter speed f-16 and ISO 50 and that's giving me the shutter speed of that think is looking pretty good but to play it safe I'm gonna do a couple a little bit faster and I'm waiting for the water to cascade over these rocks in the foreground [Music] as this guy just gets better and better I've switched over to a wider composition that way I can include as much of this beautiful sky as I can this doesn't happen all the time on the Oregon coast so it makes it more special when it finally does beautiful been an incredible evening I've continued they just keep shooting and I've been adjusting my composition based on where the life is looking good for a while we had some really awesome color in this textured cloud over here so I was kind of trying to do a composition utilizing some of that with this kind of swooping rock in the foreground but now we're kind of in that twilight light that happens after a sunset and it still looks really good because we get this nice gradient it goes from the warm orange color up into the blue clouds with them there's some lower clouds or catching some of that those warm tones it still looks good it's this good day and I needed one of these too because it's been a long time so if I've got good light it seems like and I'm such a light snob or condition snob that it's hard for me to get excited about a photo unless it's got some decent light decent conditions in it so I needed this really excited about the photography we got today it's nice so I think on that note let's just end it here end it on a high note thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like us subscribe hit that notification bell if you like my content we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 39,416
Rating: 4.9875355 out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, nick page, travel
Id: H2wa62t1xnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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