Backpacking on the Washington Coast - Bad light in a Beautiful Location

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we're on the Olympic Peninsula and we're gonna do something that I've never actually done before which is I'm going to go on a little overnight backpacking trip it's my first time ever backpacking I've I go camping a lot I seldom mi ever actually carrying my camping gear on my back so it's a learning experience I'm sure there will be lots of lessons learned I'm looking forward to it because this particular beach we're going to is a beach that I've wanted to go to for a long time I'm looking forward to it so we'll go see what we can see I'm pretty stoked like this I can light I see I think I lost the ultra Lites competition now I'm working on this bear canister because the raccoons apparently are intense got that nice large large bag I'm using my Shimoda 60 litre it'll be interesting I tried really hard to save weight only take a couple lenses one camera we'll see how it goes [Music] oh that was deep so this is the plight of the landscape photographer it's a beautiful day we've had clouds in the parking lot they've all gone away what are we gonna do now beautiful hike though so we've made it out to the area that we've came to check out and we've lost our clouds isn't that always the way it goes you know we had lots of clouds when we when we parked in the parking lot by the time we got out here the majority of the clouds have dissipated according to clear outside which is an app that I use we're supposed to have some more clouds roll in so hopefully that's the case beautiful hiking weather it's like 70 degrees something like that enough to enough to work up a bit of a sweat but absolutely a gorgeous hike so now that we're out here we're kind of getting the lay of the land figuring out where the sun's gonna be setting kind of just explore in the area that's the nice part about camping in a spot is you're not really rushed for time we're just kind of exploring seeing all the different stuff that we have available to us it's beautiful look at these look at these gorgeous sea stacks it's one of the things that you get on the northern Washington coast that you don't get in other parts of of the Washington coast or other parts of the west coast in general or the trees growing out of the tops of the of the sea stacks I love that so we're gonna go figure out where we're gonna camp and hydrate a little bit and see see what we can figure out for a sunset [Music] so I finally have my campsite set up first time setting up a new tents and a new design is always a good time makes you feel really really smart for those that are interested I went with this particular tent it's a Nemo Hornet two-person tent I got it because it's incredibly light it actually I think the trail weight is under two pounds which is really really light I've also got a an REI little sleeping pad it's also fairly light then I got the very lightest sleeping bag I could find it goes down to thirty thirty degrees it's just kind of an amazon special we'll see how it does it's kind of made out of the same stuff as a light like a down jacket a puffy jacket no this is gonna be my campsite jordan has a completely different set up he's got a hammock set up back here in the trees let's go check it out yeah this is the hammock set up feels like a little fort exactly makes you feel like a little kid it's got an under quilt so it's like a half of a sleeping bag so essentially if you sleep on a sleeping bag in your hammock you actually compress the sleeping bag and it's less warm so by hanging it underneath you it actually warms you up with less weight and you can also open up and let air through it and it kind of cools you off which is really cool this is it hard to get in really pass up into it dude I don't know that I would trust this with my weight oh no it's rated like a thousand pounds and I don't think I don't think you weigh a thousand pounds yeah no not quite not quite not yet no so it's fat fat boy approved hey honest I'm a pretty solid guy myself so I think you'd be just fine and the trick is as you sleep sideways like this okay diagonally and it creates like a like a firm sleeping surface and you kind of have neck support yep exactly you got a little pillow you know and and then depending on how hot or cold you want it you can loosen or tighten the under quilt because as soon as you pull this down you can feel the breeze and this stuff does like doesn't keep you warm at all the parachute material you know so as soon as you pull this up like you magically feel warmer and then you have some kind of bug cover I do have a bug cover which I didn't set up because it's kind of kind of uh constricting so very cocoon like so unless I really need it well yeah give yourself a little a little a little nudge and he gets like rock to sleep that's also too if it's really nice out you can roll up the rein sleeve and just sleep out in the open or if it's too cold or nasty you can lower it and tuck yourself in more so you can really like you know I've slept in downpour and no problems with it at all yeah it's super super fun it's awesome come hang out guys guy know your password I'm just hoping another spider like there's no spiders or creepy crawlies underneath me so we'll find out yeah so that's why I didn't set up back here either it's really nice but two things there's not as a bunch of airflow so I kind of thought it might be a little stuffy and more undergrowth you have more spiders and bugs and potentially ticks okay I think I'm gonna stay on the beach and listen to the ocean yeah so we just filled up our water bottles and the stream I've got this this water filtration made by hydro what is a hydro blue and you can see how nice and brown that is see how it tastes it doesn't taste terrible it doesn't taste like groundwater everything inside of me says don't drink it it's a bad idea of it seems to be working so we're gonna cook dinner with this but a little stream over here oh yeah this is like a slow-mo beer commercial you know so we've had our dinner all seems to have gone well I don't feel sick yet so the filter appears to have worked and we're gonna walk over start spying some compositions sky not looking promising [Music] so clouds have still not moved moved in like we had hoped it's funny the forecasts actually said that we had a chance of rain tonight it's not looking like it I think they just always say that in the Pacific Northwest so we just never got the clouds that we were hoping to get unfortunately and you know what that's okay it gives me a reason to come back to this beautiful beach because there's definitely a lot of potential here many composition possibilities here there's so many really cool sea stacks there's a lot of really interesting rock formations to use as leading lines and I think it's gonna be more photogenic maybe different during a different time of year but definitely during different conditions there is some high wispy clouds up there but I believe that marine layer is going to choke it out but that's the nice part about camping is if something does happen I can just walk right over here and we can nab it so maybe we'll get some conditions in the morning maybe we won't and if we don't I'm totally ok with that because it gives me a reason to come back to this beautiful beach sometimes you don't get perfect conditions you just have to be okay with that it's something I'm working on with myself I don't always have to get some kind of epic stunning image every single time I go out doesn't mean I wasn't a failure it just means I didn't get the conditions I was hoping for so it may have spoke a little bit too soon light has definitely improved we had some high wispy clouds they couldn't really see until the Sun completely set and they did catch color for a little bit it left me scrambling to come back to the area that I shot before with a C stack with the trees growing out of it and I did I don't know if I got a good shot it was so hurried honestly and I was shooting in a strange white balance is kind of hard to judge but I was really trying to time the water as it was lapping over the rock I'm gonna blend the shots that I have of the water kind of lapping over the rock shot that is about fifth of a second I'm gonna combine that with the the lower ISO shots of the background where I did a three shot bracket I'm going to exposure blend it's a very big dynamic range hopefully it comes out I don't know but it's definitely more than I thought we were going to get it's funny how it just kind of clouds come in the last minute catch just that little last little bit of light it's a nice little surprise now we're gonna go back to camp we'll see you guys in the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our clouds rolled in just too many of them now it is the plight of the photographer replied of the landscape photographer especially in the Pacific Northwest they literally went from the clear skies that we had to this heavy cloud cover within minutes after sunset and now there will not be a sunrise we have a super low tide so it means we can go explore and kind of keep ideas for next time when we come because I will be back hopefully we'll get different conditions when I come back but it's never guaranteed sometimes we put way too much pressure on ourselves to come away with good photos every time we go out and the reality is you're just not that's just not gonna happen and you got to be okay with that I'm out adventuring in the Pacific Northwest I got to camp on a beautiful beach which was awesome by the way got coffee in hand all as well so we'll see you guys in the next video hopefully we'll get photos in my next that next video and we'll see you next time take it easy everybody [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 18,032
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: photography, vlog, landscape photography, washington state, coast, seascape, olympic, national park, nick page, in the field
Id: j461IMVx0Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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