Dragons Dogma 2 ULTIMATE GUIDE! 10 Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner! | Beginners Guide

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so I've been playing an abnormal amount of Dragon's Dogma 2 and have learned quite a bit about the game while I'm doing extremely well in my playthrough there's a few mistakes that I was making that did to some degree hurt my progress and even slowed my playthrough down as some of these mistakes I were making were actually diminishing the power and the ability to play the game more effectively so in today's video I'm going to be showing you quite a few tips and tricks I wish I knew at the start of playing Dragon Dogma 2 so you don't make these same mistakes these tips and tricks are going to make sure you're not missing out on more simple things that actually ends up bigger than you think so your playthrough is an amazing experience with that out of the way let's Dive Right on in what is up everybody Welcome Back To Forever gaming where you can stay up to date on the latest in gaming this includes news builds and guys just like you see in today's video if you like the content you see here today and want to help the channel out drop me a like to get this video out to other gaming fans but if it wasn't for you change it to a dislike so first off let's talk about vocations core skills and augments this is arguably one of the most important things in the entire game as this is going to give you a ton of power for each individual vocation and if used correctly you can get more power from leveling other vocations so obviously starting off you're going to have access to the fighter the Archer the Mage and the thief each of these with their own unique play style as you progress through the game you're going to find more and more vocations doing various tasks as you level each of these vocations what's going to end up happening is you're going to have access to more skills these skills can be purchased from the vocation Guild and as you continue to level up you're going to get core skills and most importantly augments the most important thing to note about the augments is you get more and more as you level up each individual vocation and they're actually passive that can be transfer between different vocations so for example if I start off as an Archer the Archer has a handful of augments that are pretty valuable like things that give you stamina now let's say I'm done with the Archer and I didn't exactly like it but I do want to try out the thief I can actually take that endurance augment and give it to the thief as a passive ability what this essentially means is as you're progressing through the game if you really want to Max what your characters in your different vocations can do is best to level every single one of them as they give you a ton of extra passives that can be carried over to other vocations of course you don't have to do this if you like a specific play style but if you want a in Max like I like to do definitely should look into the augments moving on let's talk about combat and we're going to have a few combat Focus tips for this one but the first that you need to understand is whenever you're facing off against larger foes you have a various amount of ways that you can actually deal with them and the most powerful of them is toppling them over this of course makes it much easier for you to hit those weak points you can hit weak points at any given time but if they're laying down on the ground or knocked out a little bit it's much easier to pinpoint those weak points one great way to tell if FES are going to topple over is by looking at them visually sometimes they'll be standing on one leg as if they're about to fall over every single class have access to grabbing the opponent and pushing them on the keyboard is just pressing e and then pushing forward and they will topple over over I'm not sure what it is for controller but either way this will actually topple folds over if you're playing classes like the warrior you can actually use your shoulder check to actually topple them over as well I haven't tried any of the other vocations to like knock them over cuz I just typically press e on them but I'm sure there's other ways that you can actually assist in toppling fos over and this is going to be my next tip because this is very powerful to help you kill enemies much more efficiently while we're on the subject of combat let's talk about cutting off Limbs and knocking opponents out if you've ever played a game Monster Hunter then you should be fairly familiar with this mechanic where you can actually cut off Limbs and knock monsters out from hitting them in their weak points and certain spots and just like a monster hunter you can do that in Dragon's Dogma too for example if you're playing a warrior and you're using a great sword then it's very easy for you to slice off limbs that could in theory disable moves and attacks that enemies can do very similar to the mace with the warrior if you hit things in the head say for example a chimera you can actually stagger them and not have one of the heads actively attack you for a duration this is going to be an exceptional way for you to just be able to stop enemies from using attacks to some degree and just like a monster hunter if you do cut off some limbs I've noticed that I was able to gather some of them unfortunately just like a monster hunter you'll never get anything you want but still a great option for you there moving on to something a little more subtle if you're grow to areas that have restrictions on them there's actually a pretty cool way that you can actually blend in and that's wearing disguises as I said a moment ago there are locations on the map where there's a restricted area that you can't necessarily be in and if you're there tooo long and caught by a guard they will attack and thereafter arrest you this extends to other locations in the world I'm not necessarily going to point those locations out because this could be a little bit spoilery but ultimately you can actually use disguises so that you can blend in and not be attack and this is a great way for you to complete those more stealthy focused missions without having an army of enemies chasing after you while we're talking about restricted areas in verw worth let's go over a really cool item that you can get really early in the game that's going to be invaluable to your entire playthrough all the way up into late game but as you go into the verw worth keep area you'll notice that the area is restricted and you can kind of get attacked if you're not wearing a disguise like we previously mentioned in the last tip within this area you're going to have a mission that tells you to go into the tower and do some stuff in there there's actually multiple missions this doesn't necessarily need to be specific to this mission to do it but nonetheless you're going to get a disguise somewhere in there and you can use this to wander around and walk around which is very important if you go into the main console chamber and you head over to the back you'll see it here visually on screen there's an area that leads you to the very tip top of the keep this is a huge Overlook that has multiple chests as you lead up there but most importantly at the very top there are going to be three chest one with a very special item inside this item is called the dragon's gaze and what this does is it gives you the ability to locate WG Stones all over the area this is one of the most powerful items in the entire game because this much have wak Stone shards and not miss out on any of them of course there's always going to be a limited amount of wake Stone shards but at the very least you'll not miss them since you can actually see them all over the map again this one is a little more closer to spoilery of gameplay but this is a invaluable one that you should pick up early game since you're going to be in burnworth anyway to do the msq moving on while you're actively going to be looking for those weight chars and picking up items you will probably have noticed through your play through that weight is a massive problem in the game and it's something absolutely want to solve for and one of the easiest way to do this is look for these golden beetles all over the map these are much easier to spot at night but night is significantly more dangerous but nonetheless these gold beetles when you consume them will actually give you some increased weight which can be pretty valuable to help keep your weight down this is more of a simple one I'm sure most of you may have figured out but again you may not have so hopefully this helps you out while we're on the subject of picking things up let's talk about picking up Allies and foes so if you've ever faced off against a powerful opponent and you've not necessarily leveled up or you're just not as powerful as the opponent you're facing off against you'll notice from time to time your allies will go down and they'll be in pretty dangerous situation one really cool trick that you can do is using the same e key on mouse and keyboard to pick up Allies and reposition them this is going to be a great way for you to resurrect allies because repositioning is going to be really important so that you don't just get stomped when you're trying to resurrect certain allies this actually extends to enemies as well is going to require you to actually like hit them and push them to the side a little bit like you'll see a stagger animation on them but you can actually pick up foes and throw them as well this is a awesome way if you don't necessarily care about looting their body and you just want to get an instant kill you can pick up a goblin something humanoid size maybe a little bit bigger I'm not sure how this skills I'm not sure if it's based on your strength or the size of the opponent but either way you can just pick opponents up and just fling them off the side of the Hill for an instant kill just be smart on how you use your pick up because believe it or not you can actually throw your allies to objectives thr them to safety many other things like that that are very subtle that you may have missed that you can actually use to give yourself some massive advantage in combat situations now while we're on the subject of allies let's talk about the pawn system a little bit so as you know you're able to create One Main Pawn that's going to be usable through the entire game and can be change that will depending on what you want to do with them this Pawn is mandatory to stay alive because if it isn't you can't actually go to the rift ston to get other pawns from other players now one thing to note about the pawns from other players is a few things first off the pawns from other players actually come with stats that you actually should be able to look at before purchasing them some of these stats are really important some can like show you resources around the map some are better at Gathering some are more likely to use skills depending on their personality type things like that so before you buy a pawn from the rift it's important to check their stats because if you're looking to find Aura you may want to specifically look for for that because there are pawns that can for example show you how to find Ora if that's what you're looking for piggy backing off of that tip my next tip is also their past experiences pawns from other worlds can actually show you exactly what they learned in previous experiences with their master so for example you go to a Zone you never been but you had a pawn that had a master that went to that zone They in theory could show you exactly what was there hidden things Treasure Chest things like that this actually extends to enemies as well your pawns can actually tell you how to face off against certain enemies if you never faced them before simply by pressing the go command you can get them to either go and go to the location of the set thing that they're talking about and this actually extends the quest too they'll actually give you a direction how to get to the quest so if you're a little bit lost they'll navigate you through and there you have it those are my tips and tricks I wish I knew before starting Dragon's Dogma 2 I tried to give you information and tips that were not so spoilery besides the one and not so obvious So in theory you should make your playr through with that in mind if the video did help you out consider leaving me a like because that helps me out tremendously or possibly subscribe to Fever gaming if you like content just like this cuz we'll be keeping you up to date on some future updates for Dragon's Dogma 2 and just like that my name is the Saga this is ferv gaming and I thank you so much for [Music] watching
Channel: Fervor Gaming
Views: 31,722
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2 wish i knew, dragons dogma 2 wish i knew sooner, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocations guide, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 review, dragons dogma 2 guide, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragon's dogma 2 figher vocation guide, dragon's dogma 2 vocations guide, dragons dogma 2 best weapon, dd2, tips
Id: tga8LL1AuGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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